Table Tennis Assessment

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Table Tennis Assessment (due 12/28 11:55pm)

Criterion D: Reflecting and Improving Performance

body movement: My stand body too straight in all of the game, this made the time
for me to react shrink, I should have sat my butt down a lot more to get myself ready
to receive the ball. That also prove I relied on my hands too much, I almost used my
arm to find the ball every single time, rather than moving my feet, banding my knees
and waist, this bad habit cause me increase the instability of each counterattack, and
the range where I can strike back shrink. Moreover, I used to face my body right to
get as many forehand swings as I could, also, to practice more back hand and
determined to use forehand and backhand by instinct is something I need to get
Ball service: Generally speaking, I think I did good service, especially the backspin
service and sidespin service which I had practiced for a long time, but I found out I
should swing the racket a bit closer to my body and spin my waist more to give more
force on the service. For topspin, it didn’t bring much effect in my point of view, one
reason is that I didn’t sure whether I can hit it without landing in the danger zone.
About my service strategy, I remember clearly that I found out Annie is good at
forehand and catching topspin, so I quickly change my plan to serve quick backspin to
her left side, forcing her to return the ball in an uncomfortable movement, and it
work out.
Ball return: This is the part where I should have done better. I returned a lot of ball in
topspin that should be return in backspin, and I know that. I was too anxious to end
the game and that lead me loss a few points by that. Also, there were some rounds
that I should return in backhand with backspin, but I was too slow to react, I decided
to lean backward and pull it back with a strong topspin though I do get the ball back,
but it reminds me to develop my ability of backhand backspin swing.
Overall, although I won all of the games I played, I really reflect some skills I
need to improve in future, topspin service, backspin with backhand, basic body
movement. With the basic technique I am able to gain more force on every strike. To
rewatch my own game is really a fresh thing to me, and it do help me on my self-
evaluation and adjusting my table tennis skills.

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