Learning Portfolio Unit 2 Life Style

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Learning portfolio unit 2 life style (due11/28) Jarod Lee

 Lifestyles and Change

Learning goals
1. Understand the concept of change
2. Polish the research skills
3. Able to present ideas fluently and accurately
4. Relate the historical events to the relevant quotes
We got the picture Nylon Chen, who is a liberty and democracy fighter in Taiwan. The
back ground took the place where he first founded Freedom Era Weekly, a magazine
criticize political issue then, which was illegal at that time. The change brought about
by this is enormous, not only motivated Taiwanese then to join sport, but also
brought a hope for fighting for their own true liberty. It gives me an enlightenment of
the change may not be a kind of actual action, it can be a mental change.
 Growth Mindset
learning goals
1. Be able to understand a speech on growth mindset
2. Be able to address the ideas on change and growth mindset in the target language
3. Be able to understand the implications of “change” from a psychological
word bank (that idk):
cope with 應付 informative 信息量大 catastrophic 災難性的 be gripped in 被夾住
tyranny 暴政 confront 面對 obsessed with 被...迷住 perseverance 毅力 hardy 耐寒
resilient 有彈性的
the course is mainly talking about the power of “yet”. “yet” brings the motivation to
children who struggle or encounter in a challenge, the word told kids that everyone
has the chance to solve the problem and improve themselves, the positive vibes also
let children have the growth mindset to keep going toward the aim. What ever the
difficulty is, the children with growth mindset encourage them to start running their
brain even they already realize the question is already ahead of what they known,
and that is a ability all students should have, to try.

the word bank from vocabulary workshop

ingenious 機靈的 compress 壓縮 libeled 誹謗 immense 巨大 gainful 有益

denounce 譴責 oaf 愚蠢 inept 無能 dispatch 派遣 besieged 圍困 Famished 飢餓
forsake 放棄 misgivings 有疑 apparel 服飾 doused 灌溉 expressly 明確的
instantaneous 瞬間 repast 餐 irked 厭煩 receded 退後
 Understanding English A & B Assessment

English A: a wide range of literary, non-literary texts and media. Emphasize on nature of
language and how it influenced by identity and culture

------HL internal assessment: 20% in oral / external assessment: paper 2h15min (25)

------SL internal assessment: 30% in oral / external assessment paper 1h15min (35)

English B: design for students with previous experience. to develop the ability of
communicating by study language, themes and texts

------HL internal assessment: The student is shown two extracts of up to

approximately 300 words each, one from each of the two literary works
studied during the course (20 min to prepare)/ external
assessment:400~650 words. Listening comprehension (1 hour) Reading
comprehension (1 hour)

------SL internal assessment: (15 min to prepare)/ external assessment:

250~400words. Listening comprehension (45 minutes) (25 marks)
Reading comprehension (1 hour) (40 marks)

Although I almost certain I will go to Canada study in future, but I am still confuse
whether the course will be too hard for me. Maybe I would do more consult
before choosing the course.

 Early Invention

1. Polish communicative skills

2. Be able to generate more ideas about “invention”

3. Get used to the English spoken in different accents.

4. Relate the ideas of invention to the changemaker

Word bank:

harness 馬具 vomit 嘔吐 maize 玉米 famine 飢荒 swallows 吞嚥 be determined to 下定

決心 diagrams 圖 pump 打氣/水 irrigation 灌溉 defense 防守 scrap 廢料 tractor fan 拖拉
機風扇 shock absorber 減震器 dynamo circuit 發電機 breaker 斷路器 queues 列隊
Before we watch the TED talk video, we define the word “invention” as a brand-new
Innovational object that brings convenience to human, we thought that a successful
invention may help human be more efficient. However, what made William’s
invention successful by the situation he was in, and all the difficulties he
encountered define this is an “invention” even though William is not the first human
to create a windmill. To change status que is another key element of a good

 Sense Verb

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