MODULE 4 Metabolism of Cabohydrate Fats and Proteins Biochem 2nd Sem 2020 2021 1

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Republic of the Philippines


(formerly Naval State University)
ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED


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Republic of the Philippines
(formerly Naval State University)
ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED


Purpose of the Module

This module will serve as guide for students to explain how the body utilizes
carbohydrate, fats, and protein. This will also help the student create a diagram of the
metabolic process undergone by carbohydrate, fats and protein in the body.



The module contains sets of activities which will help students understand, how the
body utilizes and metabolizes carbohydrates, fats and proteins.


In this module, the students will be given sets of activities which they will perform and
analyze and later apply the concepts they have learned in their lives.


Students are expected to perform the activities, and write accurate results on the
metabolism and utilization of carbohydrates, fats, and protein in the body.


Submission of answers to the questions in activities, analysis, evaluation, and

application either online (email, messenger, Moodle, LMS) or offline (hard copy) on a
designated date.

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(formerly Naval State University)
ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED


I. Instructions: choose the correct answer from the options given. Write
the letter of your answer.

1. Which of the following are products of the Kreb’s Cycle?

a. Acetyl CoA and NADH
b. Acetyl CoA and Co2
c. Co2 and H20
d. Co2 and FADH2

2. Which of the following is an electron carrier that shuttles electrons between various
protein complexes in the electron transport chain?
a. FMN
c. Cyt c
d. Cyta3

3. Lactate fermentation can occur in:

a. Humans, animals, microorganism
b. Humans, animals but not in microorganism
c. Microorganisms, but not in humans and animals
d. Microorganisms, humans but not in animals

4. As part of the Cori Cycle, which will occur in liver cells.

a. Glucose is converted to pyruvate
b. Glucose is converted to lactate
c. Lactate is converted to pyruvate
d. Pyruvate is converted to lactate

5. In what organ will gluconeogenesis occur?

a. Liver
b. Adrenals
c. Pancreas
d. Small intestines

6. Amino acid metabolism differs from glucose and fatty acid metabolism because:
a. Amino acid cannot be used for energy production
b. There is no storage from for amino acids
c. Amino acids cannot be converted to acetyl CoA
d. All metabolic intermediates contain nitrogen

7. Amino acids in the amino acid pool are utilized by the body except:
a. Synthesis of proteins
b. Synthesis of non-essential amino acids
c. Synthesis of non-protein nitrogen containing substance
d. Synthesis of essential amino acids

8. Pyridoxal phosphate is needed in:

a. Urea cycle
b. Formation of hemoglobin
c. Transamination

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(formerly Naval State University)
ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

d. Deamination
9. The intermediate needed in Kreb’s cycle produced in the urea cycle is:
a. Ornithine
b. Fumarate
c. Oxaloacetate
d. Citrulline

10. What substance is always present as a reactant in oxidative deamination of amino

a. Ammonium ion
b. Water
d. Keto acid

11. In the oxidation of fatty acids, the molecule that carries activated fatty acid into the
inner mitochondrial membrane is:
a. CoA
b. Carnitine
c. Acetyl CoA
d. Citrate

12. A substance which serves as intermediate for both Kreb’s cycle and lipogenesis.
a. Acetoacetate
b. Oxaloacetate
c. Isopentyl pyrophosphate
d. Citrate

13. A ketone body is produced when the following condition occurs

a. When there is more acetyl CoA
b. Prolonged fasting and starvation
c. When there is balance between carbohydrate and lipid metabolism
d. When acetyl CoA is processed in Kreb’s cycle

14. Lipogenesis can occur in the body:

a. Particularly in the muscles
b. When dietary intake exceeds energy requirement
c. Presence of FAD and NAD
d. Presence of CoA

15. In cholesterol biosynthesis

a. The last stage is conversion of acetyl Co-A to mevalonate
b. The second stage is conversion of squalene to lanosterol
c. Cholesterol is eventually converted to steroid hormones
d. The third stage is conversion of mevalonate to squalene

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Republic of the Philippines
(formerly Naval State University)
ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED


Key Terms

GLYCOLYSIS- breakdown of glucose into two molecules of pyruvate

GLYCOGENOSIS- formation of glycogen from glucose molecules in the presence of

the hormone insulin

GLYCOGENOLYSIS- breakdown of glycogen into glucose in the presence of the

hormone glucagon

CORI CYCLE – pathway where glucose in converted to lactate in the muscles, then
lactate is reconverted to glucose in the liver, and glucose is returned back to the

GLUCONEOGENESIS – synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate materials.

PENTOSE- PHOSPHATE PATHWAY- metabolic pathway where glucose is used to

produce NADPH, ribose – 5 phosphate and other sugar phosphates

BETA OXIDATION OF FATTY ACIDS – degradation of fatty acids by removal of two

carbon atoms at a time to acetyl CoA and production of NADH and FADH2.

LIPOLYSIS- hydrolysis of triglycerides to glycerol and three molecules of fatty acids

LIPOGENESIS – metabolic pathway where fatty acids are synthesized from acetyl

KETONE BODY- produced from an excess of acetyl CoA due to tricycle glycerol-
carbohydrate metabolic imbalance

OXIDATIVE DEAMINATION- the removal of ammonium ion, and formation of α keto


UREA CYCLE – series of biochemical reactions where urea is produced ammonium

ions and carbon dioxide.

TRANSMMATION- reaction which involves the interchange of amino groups of an

alpha-amino acids with the keto group of alpha keto acids

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Republic of the Philippines
(formerly Naval State University)
ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED



From the process of digestion, what are the end products formed when you eat foods rich in:
1. Carbohydrates -
2. Fats -
3. Protein -

How does our body absorb these end products of digestion?

Most digested food molecules, as well as water and minerals, are absorbed by the small
intestine and passed on to other areas of the body for storage or chemical transformation.
Absorbable elements are helped to penetrate the intestinal lining and into the bloodstream
by specialized cells.

Learning Objective:
The Learners will be able to:
1. Explain how the body utilizes carbohydrate, fats and proteins
2. Diagram the steps of the metabolic processes undergone by carbohydrate

Instructions: Using the websites and references given, answer the following

A. Carbohydrate Metabolism
1. Write a word equation of the ten steps of glycolysis.
Make a summary of the reaction
2. Compare and contrast lactic acid from alcoholic fermentation.

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(formerly Naval State University)
ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

3. Write a clarifying statement to summarize Kreb’s cycle
a. What are its reactants? Its products?

b. What are the election acceptors needed?

c. What carboxylic acids are needed in the cycle?

d. List the enzymes needed for the different reactions and identify the type of

4. What is electron transport chain?

a. What are the reactants? Products?

b. List down the protein complexes found in the chain

c. List down the election carriers and electron acceptors needed for election

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(formerly Naval State University)
ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED


5. Illustrate and give a short description

a. Cori cycle

b. Pentose phosphate shunt

B. Fat metabolism
1. Describe the steps involved in the conversion of glycerol to dihydroxyacetone
phosphate. What will happen to this product in the body?
2. Briefly describe the following steps in P- oxidation of a Saturated fatty acid

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(formerly Naval State University)
ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

3. What is the role of the following enzymes in B oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids?
4. Make a diagram of the steps of the formation of cholesterol in the body

1. What are the two products produced during oxidative deamination of amino acids?
Amino groups are removed from amino acids during oxidative deamination, resulting
in the creation of matching keto acids and ammonia.

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(formerly Naval State University)
ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED


2. What are the 4 ways where the body utilizes the amino acids stored in the amino
acid pool?

3. Illustrate the four-step urea cycle where carbamoyl phosphate is converted to urea

4. What is transamination? What products are formed from this process?

Instructions: Answer comprehensively the following open-ended questions.

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Republic of the Philippines
(formerly Naval State University)
ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

1. Explain how ATP stores and release energy? What is its role in the body?
2. Describe the inter relationship of glycolysis, Kreb’s Cycle and electron
transport chain.
3. Fatty acids are concentrated source of energy, why can our brain cells
cannot use them as source of energy?
4. What product of oxidative deamination is poisonous to the body? How do
our body eliminate this poisonous product?

5. What are the effects of the following on cellular metabolism?

a. Pantothenic Acid - CoA

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(formerly Naval State University)
ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

b. Riboflavin (B2) – FAD
6. What metabolic waste products are produced from the metabolism of
carbohydrate, fats, and protein? How are they eliminated from the

body? Abstraction

Metabolism is the sum total of all biochemical processes occurring in living

organisms. Metabolic reactions are classified into catabolism and anabolism.
Catabolism is an energy chemical reaction which breaks down large molecules into
smaller ones. An example is the process of digestion. Carbohydrate is converted to
glucose, fats to fatty acids and glycerol, and proteins to amino acids. Anabolism
converts simple molecules into complex ones and requires energy. The synthesis of
amino acids to protein, glucose to glycogen, and fatty acids and glycerol to
glycerides are the examples.

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Republic of the Philippines
(formerly Naval State University)
ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

A metabolic pathway is a series of consecutive pathway of biochemical reactions
used to convert a starting material into a product. The pathway could be linear where
the series of reaction generates a product or cyclic where the series of reaction
regenerates the first reactant. Electron transport chain is a linear pathway which
generates ATP and H2O at the end of the reactions. Kreb’s cycle is a cyclic pathway
where the first reactant oxaloacetate is regenerated in the last reaction.

There are three important intermediate compounds needed for metabolic reactions.
These are intermediate for:
a. Storage of energy – ATP ADP ATP
b. Transfer of elections FAD FADH2
c. Transfer of acetyl groups – H-S-CoA acetyl CoA

These intermediates undergo reversible reactions which are facilitated by enzymes.

Carbohydrates are hydrolyzed into glucose. Glucose is oxidized in a process called
cellular respiration to produce carbon dioxide, water, and ATP. Fats are hydrolyzed
to fatty acids and glycerol and can be synthesized back to fats. Fatty acids undergo
ß oxidation to produce Co2, water, ATP and Ketone bodies and glycerol is converted
to glucose by gluconeogenesis. Fatty acids also serve as starting material for the
synthesis of cholesterol. Proteins are broken down into amino acids which can be
synthesized into structural and regulatory proteins. Structural proteins become
components of our body like muscles, skin, etc. regulatory proteins are the enzymes
and hormones in our body. The rest of the amino acids undergo oxidative
deamination to produce α keto acids and ammonium ions, the α keto acids exist as
glucogenic acid and keto genic acids which can be converted to glucose and serve
as source of energy. The ammonium ions serve as the starting material in the urea
cycle to produce urea. It can also produce purines which eventually is converted to
uric acids

Instructions: answer the question

1. Long distance runners train to raise their anaerobic threshold. Anaerobic threshold
is the point where certain muscles do not have enough oxygen to perform aerobic
respiration and begin anaerobic respiration. Why do you think it is important for
competitive runners to raise their anaerobic threshold?

2. Lydia is a strict vegetarian. She only eats food from plant sources. What is
the implication of this in her protein metabolism and health status.

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ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED


3. John underwent gallbladder removal. How should he modify his diet to

remain healthy?

Short answer essay

1. Identify the major sources of energy in living organisms

2. Summarize the products of the following reactions:

a. Glycolysis
b. Kreb’s cycle
c. Electron transport chain
d. ß oxidation of saturated fatty acids

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(formerly Naval State University)
ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED


e. urea cycle
f. Oxidative deamination of amino acids
g. Lipolysis

3. Describe the uses of the following substances in the body:

a. Glucose
b. Fatty acids and glycerol
c. Amino acids
4. Why are the hormones insulin, glucagon, and epinephrine important
in metabolic reaction?

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(formerly Naval State University)
ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED


Carbohydrate metabolism starts with its breakdown to a single sugar called glucose.
Glucose is oxidized by oxygen to produce Co2, water, and ATP which occur in three phases,
glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle and electron transport chain. Excess glucose is converted to fats and
stored in the liver and muscles for future use. If more glucose is present, it is converted to
fats and stored in the adipose tissue as storage energy.

Fats are first emulsified by bile before it is digested to fatty acids and glycerol. They
are transported in the form of chylomicrons by the lymph before it go into blood circulation.
The blood transport the chylomicrons to the liver where it is again hydrolyzed back to fatty
acids and glycerol. Fatty acids undergo ß oxidation to yield energy, carbon, dioxide, and
ketone bodies. The rest will be used up for cholesterol synthesis. Glycerol is converted to
glucose through gluconeogenesis.

Proteins are broken down into amino acids, the amino acids are synthesized into
structural proteins for growth, replacement and repair of tissues, and regulatory proteins like
enzymes and hormones. The rest of the amino acids will undergo oxidative deamination to
produce α keto acids and ammonia, urea, and uric acid as waste products. The rest are
converted into nitrogenous compounds needed in the metabolic pathway and synthesis of
DNA and RNA. The α keto acids are either converted into glucogenic and ketogenic acids to
serve as source of energy in the form of fats

Suggested Readings:

Journal of Biochemistry


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(formerly Naval State University)
ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

Instructions: choose the correct answer from the options given. Write the
letter of your answer.

1. Which of the following are products of the Kreb’s Cycle?

e. Acetyl CoA and NADH
f. Acetyl CoA and Co2
g. Co2 and H20
h. Co2 and FADH2

2. Which of the following is an electron carrier that shuttles electrons between various
protein complexes in the electron transport chain?
e. FMN
g. Cyt c
h. Cyta3

3. Lactate fermentation can occur in:

e. Humans, animals, microorganism
f. Humans, animals but not in microorganism
g. Microorganisms, but not in humans and animals
h. Microorganisms, humans but not in animals

4. As part of the Cori Cycle, which will occur in liver cells.

e. Glucose is converted to pyruvate
f. Glucose is converted to lactate
g. Lactate is converted to pyruvate
h. Pyruvate is converted to lactate

5. In what organ will gluconeogenesis occur?

e. Liver
f. Adrenals
g. Pancreas
h. Small intestines

6. Amino acid metabolism differs from glucose and fatty acid metabolism because:
e. Amino acid cannot be used for energy production
f. There is no storage from for amino acids
g. Amino acids cannot be converted to acetyl CoA
h. All metabolic intermediates contain nitrogen

7. Amino acids in the amino acid pool are utilized by the body except:
e. Synthesis of proteins
f. Synthesis of non-essential amino acids
g. Synthesis of non-protein nitrogen containing substance
h. Synthesis of essential amino acids

8. Pyridoxal phosphate is needed in:

e. Urea cycle
f. Formation of hemoglobin
g. Transamination
h. Deamination
9. The intermediate needed in Kreb’s cycle produced in the urea cycle is:
e. Ornithine
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(formerly Naval State University)
ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

f. Fumarate
g. Oxaloacetate
h. Citrulline

10. What substance is always present as a reactant in oxidative deamination of amino

e. Ammonium ion
f. Water
h. Keto acid

11. In the oxidation of fatty acids, the molecule that carries activated fatty acid into the
inner mitochondrial membrane is:
e. CoA
f. Carnitine
g. Acetyl CoA
h. Citrate

12. A substance which serves as intermediate for both Kreb’s cycle and lipogenesis.
e. Acetoacetate
f. Oxaloacetate
g. Isopentyl pyrophosphate
h. Citrate

13. A ketone body is produced when the following condition occurs

e. When there is more acetyl CoA
f. Prolonged fasting and starvation
g. When there is balance between carbohydrate and lipid metabolism
h. When acetyl CoA is processed in Kreb’s cycle

14. Lipogenesis can occur in the body:

e. Particularly in the muscles
f. When dietary intake exceeds energy requirement
g. Presence of FAD and NAD
h. Presence of CoA

15. In cholesterol biosynthesis

e. The last stage is conversion of acetyl Co-A to mevalonate
f. The second stage is conversion of squalene to lanosterol
g. Cholesterol is eventually converted to steroid hormones
h. The third stage is conversion of mevalonate to squalene

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(formerly Naval State University)
ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED



Bettelheim, F. (2007). Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry.,

Singapore: Thomson Learning Asia
Delvin, T. (2006). Biochemistry with Clinical Correlation. 5th edition. New York: Wiley
and Sons Inc.
Denniston, Katherine, (2016). General, Organic and Biochemistry New York:
Mc Graw-Hill Companies Inc.
Ganice, G.S. (2016). General, Organic and Biochemistry 3rd edition: Mc Graw-Hill
Companies Inc.
Martin, D., Mayes P, and Rodwell, B. (1981) Harper’s Review of Biochemistry. Las
altos, California: Lange Medical Publications
Murray, R. (2000) Harper’s Biochemistry. New Jersey: Appleton and Lange
Smith, J. (2016). General, Organic and Biochemistry 3rd edition: Mc Graw-Hill
Companies Inc.
Stoker, S. (2016). Biochemistry 2nd Edition Taguig City, Philippines: ESP Printers Inc.
Wiley, John and Stoker, Stephen H. (2004). General Organic and Biological
Chemistry, 3rd Edition: Boston. Houghton Mifflin Company

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