Practical Research 2 - Causes of Depression

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Background of the Study

The study about depression was conceived of

increasing incidence of Depression or Mental health
challenges observed among the teenagers on the Campus
of STI College Naga. Prevention against Depression is
rare in the Philippines but is urgent because of the
rising rates of Suicide Incidence. Depression has
emerged important Public Health concern in recent
years. Being an important Social Institution, the
school must be able to create a social environment like
Peers Club in order to foster better Mental well-being
and quality of life among all Students of STI College
Naga. With a high proportion of teenagers between 14-17
years old that are affected by depression, it is
important to ensure that they are provided with proper
care and treatment. This research sought to examine the
relationship between Teen Involvement, Mental Health,
and quality of life among the Students on our Campus.
In accordance with “World Health Organization” or
(2020 WHO) Depression is a common illness Worldwide
with more than 264 million people affected or suffering
from a disorder called depression. A group with the
greatest risk of depression particularly Teenage
Students is part of secondary schools.
In the World, one in six individuals aged 10-19
years old have experienced depression, and 16 percent
of the Global burden of disease and injury in
individuals is also aged 10-19 years old. And among
Teens or Adolescents, depression is the most
significant cause of disability and illness (2020 WHO)
and suicide is now the third leading cause of death.
Around 20 percent of all Adolescents suffer from
depression until they reach adulthood at any given
moment, about 10 to 15 percent have this kind of
The causes of depression have risen all over the
world in recent years, frequently arising in Schools,
Childhood abuse, substance use, and Domestic Violence
as well. One of the ever-increasing cases of teenage
depression in our country. We are one of the poorest
countries and it is impossible for the entire World to
find out how to suppress it and even get the adequate
care required to fight it.
Our research on Adolescent depression aims to focus
on the causes of depression in teenagers, one of which
is the rise in the number of young people who commit
this action called suicide. Our Research aims to figure
out what triggers depression in Young People aged 14 to
17 years old.
The School is where the Students learn, discover,
and explore new things. Schools are made for teaching,
educating, and learning. But school is also one of the
reasons why Teens or Students are having Mental issues
such as anxiety, stress, and depression. It might be
because of academic pressure, failure, bullies, tasks,
assignments, and maybe how the teachers discipline
their Students. They get depressed because of these
reasons especially if they are having other problems
such as financial and family problems, etc. This study
will help us to have better knowledge and enlighten us
about depression and how depression will affect people
physically, mentally, and emotionally. And also, this
is to build awareness for suicidal Teenagers. Based on
a study, shows that one reason for suicide cases is
depression. Depression is not a joke, especially when
it gets worse. The school must build a community or a
program wherein the focus is on the Student's Mental
health to help ease or lessen their burdens and
especially to guide and support them.

Statement of the Problem

The primary purpose of this study is to find out

what is the causes of depression among all Senior High
School students on STI College Naga. Specifically, this
study is intended to answer the following questions:
 How does depression affect all students of STI
College Naga?
 What are the causes of this kind of depression?
 What are the significant effects of depression?
Significance of the Study

This study will merit and may be beneficial to the

To All Senior High School Students of STI College Naga,
this study will help the students to prevent depression
and have a deeper understanding of this topic.
To the Teachers. This study will help the Teachers to
know what is the main causes of depression in their
Students and make a proper response.
To the school/campus of STI College Naga. This study
will help the school to know what is the main causes of
depression in all the students and make a policy to
prevent it.
To the Parents. This study will help the Parents to
know if their child is depressed and have a deeper
understanding of their child's situation.

Scope and Delimitations

The general intent of this study is to determine

the causes of depression in every student in public
secondary school. This study can help Students perceive
the emotion and feelings of someone who suffers from
depression and be aware of who encounters and
experiences this certain Mental Health Problem.
This study is limited only to the research on
finding out the roots of depression among all Senior
High School Students of STI College Naga.
Definition of Terms:
The following terms are essential to the study:
Depression: A clinical mood disorder is associated with
low mood or loss of interest in activities a Person
once enjoyed and other symptoms that prevent a Person
from leading a normal life.
Severe Depression: In major depression, the most
prominent symptom is a severe and persistent low mood,
profound sadness, or a sense of despair. The mood can
sometimes appear as irritability. Or the Person
suffering from major depression may not be able to
enjoy activities that are usually enjoyable. Major
depression is more than just a passing blue mood, a
"Bad day" or temporary sadness. The symptoms of major
depression are defined as lasting at least two weeks
but usually, they go on much longer — Months or even
Mental health: Is a state of well-being in which the
individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope
with the normal stresses of life and can work
productively and fruitfully. Illness. Is defined as the
ill health the person identifies themselves with, often
based on self-reported Mental or Physical symptoms. In
some minor or temporary problems, but in other cases
self-reported illness might include cases, this may
mean only severe health problems or acute suffering.
Disease: Is a disorder of structure or function in a
Human, Animal, or Plant, especially one that produces
specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific
location and is not simply a direct result of physical
Disability: Is a physical, mental, cognitive, or
developmental condition that impairs, interferes with,
or limits a person's ability to engage in certain tasks
or actions or participate in typical daily activities
and interactions
Response: This is a reaction to experience or some
other type of stimulus. A response can come in many
forms, including an answer to a question, an emotional
reaction, or a reply.
Antidepressants: Drugs used to treat depression.
Antidepressants are not addictive. They do not make you
"high," have a tranquilizing effect or produce cravings
for more.
Emotion: A conscious mental reaction subjectively
experienced as a strong feeling usually directed toward
a specific object and typically accompanied by
physiological and behavioral changes in the body.
Teachers: The role of teachers is to inspire, motivate,
encourage and educate students.
Students: Students play a crucial and active role in
education. Developing excellent communication skills,
being friendly and polite.
Parents: A Parent is a Mother or Father. Your Mom and
your Dad are your parents, who take care of you the
most, and who helped you with your problems as a
Teenagers: A teenager is someone who is between 13 and
19 years old. Teen living is the process in which Young
people, known as teenagers, learn to cope with life as
they transition from Adolescence into Adulthood. During
these years, Teenagers develop Mentally, Physically,
and emotionally as they grow into Independent and self-
reliant adults.
Adolescent: Adolescents are any person between ages 10
and 19. This Age range falls within WHO's or World
Health Organization’s definition of Young People, which
refers to Individuals between the ages of 10 and 24
years Old.

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