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3 Test B* Class: Total: /50

Vocabulary 2 Complete the sentences with the

words below.
1 Choose the correct words to complete
the sentences. bald dark hair fair hair heavy
1 Clara’s hair grows past her neck and very 1 My cousin, Alice, is blond. She’s got
far down her back. She’s got really short / green eyes and ____________.
long hair.
2 Our neighbour, Mr Geddes, wears a hat
2 Michael’s got very long legs! He can because he hasn’t got any hair. He’s
reach the top of the board in the ____________.
classroom. He’s very tall / heavy.
3 I didn’t do any exercise last year, and I ate
3 My dad is growing hair on his face, but not lots of spaghetti, pizza, and crisps. I was
above his mouth. It’s a really nice very ____________.
moustache / beard.
4 Everyone in my family’s got black hair or
4 Jenny’s eyes are the same colour as the brown hair. We all have ____________.
sky. She’s got beautiful green / blue
1 point for each correct answer. Total 4 points / 4 
5 I can read road signs from really far away.
3 Match the descriptions to the genres.
I’ve got excellent eyes, so I don’t wear
1 These films have monsters and ____
glasses / short hair.
6 You go swimming every day, and you eat
other things that make you
lots of salads. That’s why you’re short /
feel scared.
2 These films are really funny and ____
1 point for each correct answer. Total 6 points / 6 

make us laugh.
3 These films are about two people ____

who love each other.

4 These films imagine strange places ____

and characters that aren’t real.

a comedy
b fantasy
c horror
d romance

1 point for each correct answer. Total 4 points / 4 

together Level 2 Unit 3 Test B* 1 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2019

3 Test B*

4 Read the texts. Then put the film Grammar

genres into the correct categories.
5 Choose the correct comparative
Gastón adjectives to complete the sentences.
1 Mendoza is big, but the city of Buenos
My brother and I like noisy films! We like to
Aires is enormous! The city of Buenos
watch stories about countries that don’t
Aires is _________ than Mendoza.
agree and then fight each other. Films
a largest b larger
about space and the future are also cool.
2 We’re all _________ than we were
I like the strange characters, machines,
and robots. But exciting films are our
a happyer b happier
favourite. The main character is often a big
hero, and there are always fast cars! 3 It’s terrible! The singing in this musical is
_________ than my singing.
a worse b worser
I really like films that have lots of singing in 4 That film was a lot _________ than we
them, and sometimes dancing, too! They expected.
make me feel happy. The films I like best a longger b longer
are old ones. For example, films that show
5 Your pizza is _________ than my burger.
America over 100 years ago where we see
a deliciouser b more delicious
good people and bad people, and everyone
6 The songs in the new musical are
has horses and guns! But best of all, I like
_________ than in the old one.
very old stories where the characters wear
a slowest b slower
the type of clothes that people wore in the
7 The second actor is _________ than the
first one.
a nicer b nice
action film costume drama musical
8 It’s raining a lot today! Today is
science fiction film war film western
_________ than yesterday.
a wetter b weter
Gastón Paula
9 It’s disgusting. This café is _________
than all the other cafés.
a dirtyer b dirtier
10 His problem is _________ than your
a more difficult b difficulter
1 point for each correct answer. Total 6 points / 6 
1 point for each correct answer. Total 10 points / 10 

together Level 2 Unit 3 Test B* 2 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2019

3 Test B*

6 Choose the correct superlative forms 8 Complete the sentences with less and
to complete the sentences. the adjectives below.
1 The young actress is the bravest / braver busy comfortable exciting
character in the film.
healthy important
2 This is the quickly / quickest way to get
to the cinema. 1 A biscuit is ____________ than an apple.

3 My dad is the heaviest / heavyest person 2 You aren’t ____________ than they are!
in our family. 3 We finished our class tests, and now
4 Superheroes can fix the seriouser / we’re ____________ than we were last
most serious problems! week.
5 In the test, I always answer the easyest / 4 It’s ____________ than the last film.
easiest questions first. 5 Armchairs are ____________ than sofas.
6 It’s a good film, but it isn’t the best /
1 point for each correct answer. Total 5 points / 5 
bestest one in the festival.
7 We all got new shoes, but mine were the
Total 50 points   / 50 
expensivest / most expensive.
8 Alex is the slimmest / slimest person in
our class.
9 We watched the stranger / strangest film
last night!
10 They help each other with everything,
even the most small / smallest

1 point for each correct answer. Total 10 points / 10 

7 Reorder the words to make

1 war film / as / it / as / isn’t / the / sad
2 popular / the / she’s / main character / as /
3 as / first film / funny / as / the / isn’t / it
4 book / I think / as / it’s / good / the / as
5 the / as / aren’t / they / as / other actors /

1 point for each correct answer. Total 5 points / 5 

together Level 2 Unit 3 Test B* 3 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2019

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