Math Essay 1

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Math Essay

When I was in third grade, I found math fascinating. I even solve my assignments right
away and ask my classmates if I ever need help. Suddenly, this all changed, and it became
difficult for me, especially when I turned fourth grade. I couldn’t keep up with mathematics
anymore. Maybe because I became an athlete, I wasn’t able to handle studying and training
anymore. This might be because training was new to me, and I didn’t have such good time
management. Honestly, I was still doing my best to understand my lessons, but I felt great
disappointment from my teachers, and from then on, I didn't like math anymore. Fortunately, I
managed to deal with this. I asked my parents for assistance as I searched for my cousins who
were proficient in math. I also browsed the internet for videos and sought assistance from my
math-proficient friends. I completed my elementary school math with a good grade thanks to all
of this assistance. It was a big change for me when I started high school. I tried hard to
understand my teachers, but their teaching pace is too fast. I don't blame them for teaching
because my few classmates can catch up. I lost interest in studying math after that. At the time,
I believed that math was just another subject and that I could do well in other areas. However, I
now realize that math is necessary, so I'm doing my best to learn it from the ground up.

When the pandemic hit and online classes became the norm, I found myself struggling
even more with math. Learning through a screen was a difficult adjustment, and I missed the
feeling of being in a physical classroom. I felt like I was missing out on something important, and
I didn't have the same motivation to learn. It was hard to keep up with the pace of the class and
to ask questions when I needed help. But despite these challenges, I tried my best to stay
engaged and seek help when I needed it. I spoke with my classmates and teachers for advice
during virtual office hours. As an additional learning tool, I looked for websites like YouTube
tutorials and Khan Academy. Overall, my experiences with online classes were difficult, but they
also taught me the importance of adaptability and resilience. It wasn't exactly like being in a
physical classroom, but I realized that I had to adapt to this new way of learning if I wanted to
succeed in math. I am grateful to be back in a physical classroom, and I hope to take the
lessons I learned from online learning with me as I continue to study math.
Now that we are back to face-to-face classes, it excites me. Knowing that I will be able to
learn in a study hall again, having classmates around me, hearing them talk about their scores,
and me just in the corner, not wanting to share my test results, might seem funny, but it’s true.
Even though math is challenging, now that I'm interested in it, I'm willing to practice it over and
over. I hope that I get to learn and adjust well during this class, and I hope that I will have that
enthusiasm that I once had back in grade school.

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