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Water Pollution


Human activity accounts for large parts of pollution around the Water i
natural s a
world. Water Pollution effects the world you and I live in. resource

How does water pollution occur?

Lots of pollution comes from human activity. Human activity
accounts comes from sewage, pesticides, fertilzers, chemicals
from factories, and trash from littering.

Fourty percent of lakes and rivers

POLLUTION IN OUR WATER in the United States are not safe
to swim or fish.


Sewage- sewage is flushed into streams and Save water- take shorter showers, ask your
rivers around the world. This can produce
parents to avoid watering the lawn, don't
harmful bacteria that can make humans and
leave the faucet running when brushing
animals sick.
Farm animal- Large herds, like pigs and cows,
your teeth.
can get into the water supply through runoff Don't use weed killer- try to avoid
(rain or large storms that move water) herbicides, pull the weeds out yourself.
Pesticides and herbicides- Pesticides are used to Clean as much off your plate in the trash
kill bugs. These chemicals can enter the water can, avoid putting grease in the drain.
through runoff. Trash- do not liter, especially when you are
Factories- Factors require lots of water to in areas of water like beaches, lakes or
process chemicals, like washing things away or rivers.
keeping engines cool. The used waste is
sometimes dumped into water and oceans.
Water Pollution

Human activity is a large part of pollution today.

Describe pollution and how you may be contributing
to it?
Describe the actions taking place.
How do they effect the environment ?




Teacher’s Guide

Objective: The learner will investigate characteristics that describe water pollution and
how they affect organisms in the environment.
Water Pollution, What to Know handout
Start by asking the students what types of pollution they are aware of. Have them
discuss their thoughts on pollution as well as examples in the classroom that can lead to
pollution. For example, examine the room for a bottled water. Explain to the students how
plastic can end up in the ocean.
Have students form detailed description of the pollution from each image.Students
should reflect on the types of pollution human activity contributes to.

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