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Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig


Section: BSECE CEIT-29-102A
Direction: Instruction: Instruction: Define the word 'LEADER' using acrostics. Provide a word for each
corresponding letter and explain its significance.

L– LEADING, leading is very important in management to motivate everyone to

achieve the common goal. Leading focuses on managing people rather than the tasks so
they can come up with ideas and work cooperatively and build trust with each and

E– EMPOWERING, Leaders empower others and go out of their way to help

them achieve their full potential, thus benefiting the success of a business as a whole. The
best leaders drive their team forward with passion, enthusiasm, inspiration, and motivation.
They invest time in their team to determine their strengths, needs, and priorities. By making
their team feel valued, leaders also learn how to motivate their staff.

A– ACCOUNTABILITY, when leaders take personal accountability, they are

willing to answer for the outcomes of their choices, their behaviors, and their actions in all
situations in which they are involved. Accountable leaders do not blame others when things
goes not what they've planned.

D– DYNAMIC, A Dynamic Leader is someone who serves organizational mission,

vision and values instead of personal power needs. A Dynamic Leader is someone who
knows when to lead, when to manage and when to stand down. A Dynamic Leader is
Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig

someone who measures his and other's leadership abilities by their ability to empower

E– EXCELLENCE, Leadership Excellence means being on the road towards

what is better, more successful. This requires the leader to be committed to development
and improvement and be aware of them. He/she needs to know what should be changed
and how the change is to be implemented and need to be going ahead on the road.

R– RESPONSIBLE, being a responsible leader, it means that you

make a plan, that you prioritize, and that you set goals that will get you where
you want to go. Being a good leader means that you will be responsible. You
can demonstrate self-control, choose your behavior and responses, and what
you think about the consequences of your actions.

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