Unit 1. More Practice. Grammar Vocabulary.

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1 Circle the word or phrase which doesn’t belong in each group of four.
1 lighten things up | share | post | upload
2 inform | misunderstand | interrupt | comment
3 get the message across | talk something over | express your feelings | manage

2 Each phrase in bold contains an error. Write each phrase the correct way.
1 Louis and I continue in touch by e-mail. .....................................................................................
2 It’s not easy to be without a smartphone in this year and age. .....................................................................................
3 She prefers to discuss important things face-with-face. .....................................................................................
4 Please go to the point and tell me what you want. .....................................................................................

5 Many people now get all the last news from the web. .....................................................................................

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Use the suffixes -ed, -ing, -ful or -less.
1 James was not ................................................ about the idea. (thrill)
2 This ................................................ translation app will really help when you’re travelling. (use)
3 Don’t worry. The procedure is ................................................ . (pain)
4 I’m really sorry. That was a ................................................ thing to say. (thought)
5 Paula has always been ................................................ of spiders. (terrify)
6 It was such an ................................................ moment when I forgot her name. (embarrass)

4 Complete the sentences with a word below and a noun suffix (-ion, -ment, -ness or -ity).
happy | improve | person | lonely | disappoint | communicate

1 I like her friendly and outgoing ................................................ .

2 People often suffer from ................................................ at first when moving to a new city.
3 The new computer system is a big ................................................ on the last one.
4 Writing and speaking are important ................................................ skills.
5 Losing the match was a huge ................................................ .
6 She smiled with ................................................ .


5 Choose the best continuation to show that you understand the meaning of the words in bold.
1 Text messaging has really spread in recent years.
a It’s now possible to write longer messages.
b Even my grandmother uses it.
2 I didn’t notice what she was wearing.
a But I did see her dancing with Ben.
b She was the only person in jeans.
3 He really lightened things up.
a From now on, we’ll have less homework.
b He began the meeting by telling a joke.
4 Please don’t interrupt me.
a I can do this on my own.
b Let me finish my sentence.
5 Let’s talk it over.
a There’s nothing to discuss.
b Hopefully, we’ll find a solution.
6 She tried to get the message across.
a She repeated everything twice.
b She answered a few questions.
7 Your punctuation needs to improve.
a It’s hard to hear you.
b It’s hard to understand your messages.

6 Complete the sentences in a logical way. Pay attention to the words in bold.
1 It’s a challenge for many teens to ..................................................................................................................................................................... .
2 I don’t always manage to ...................................................................................................................................................................... on time.
3 I recently posted ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .
4 I misunderstood the instructions, so ............................................................................................................................................................. .
5 In my opinion, social media sites can help people ........................................................................................................................... .


1 Complete the sentences with the words below.
yesterday | yet | already | until | by the time | after | never

1 I’ve ................................................ been to the US, but I’m starting to plan my first visit.
2 ................................................ I finished my walk, it had got dark.
3 Has everyone ................................................ given their presentations?
4 She removed the photo from the site ................................................ her friend had complained.
5 Justin hasn’t got a Snapchat account ................................................ .
6 ................................................ last month’s exhibition, few people had ever seen those paintings.
7 Sue ran faster ................................................ than she’d ever run before.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple, Past Perfect
Simple or Past Simple.
1 ................................................ you ever ................................................ an art class before last summer? (take)
2 I’m so excited about going bungee-jumping. I .................................................................... to try it for years! (want)
3 I’m ready. I .................................................................... work over an hour ago. (finish)
4 She .................................................................... any photos since last week. (not post)
5 He .................................................................... several songs before this one became famous. (record)
6 Dad ................................................ already ................................................ the salad by the time I got home. (make)
7 I hadn’t thought about it until you .................................................................... (mention) it.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect
not know | eat | play | wait | work | not find

1 ................................................ you ever ................................................ Mexican food?

2 Martin’s getting worried. He still .................................................................... a job.
3 How long ................................................ you ................................................ that game? I think it’s time to stop.
4 My brother .................................................................... Cynthia for long.
5 What took you so long? We .................................................................... here since noon.
6 I’m worried about her. She .................................................................... too hard lately.


4 Complete the pairs of sentences with the correct form of the verb provided. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Present
Perfect Continuous.
1 paint
They .................................................................... the school for the past two weeks.
Mike .................................................................... his house several times.
2 not study
I .................................................................... all day. I only started an hour ago.
I .................................................................... calculus yet. I will study it next year.
3 share
................................................ they ................................................ any of their holiday photos yet?
So far, they .................................................................... only three of them.
4 manage
I ................................................ never ................................................ to learn how to skateboard.
He got three hours’ sleep last night. I don’t know how he .................................................................... to stay awake today.
5 not do
There’s no food in the house. She .................................................................... the shopping for days.
I’m so bored. I .................................................................... anything since I got up this morning.

5 Write a sentence to follow each first sentence. Use the words provided and the Present Perfect Simple or Present
Perfect Continuous.
1 Her flight is delayed. (not take off / yet)
She ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .
2 I’ve just checked my phone. (call / three times / so far)
My mum ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .
3 This is the best party ever! (dance / since / I / get here)
I ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .
4 I am a bit nervous. (never meet / face-to-face)
Meredith and I .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .
5 Many roads are closed now. (not stop / snow / for / four days)
It .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .

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