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Name: Khoirunnida Yasmin

Student ID: 21311338/ Management IP

Subject: Resume Chapter 2&3 Islamic Business Ethics

Islamic concept

What is Islam? Islam is the application of the 5 pillars of Islam, namely the creed,
prayer, fasting, zakat, and hajj. In the religious sense, Islam means submission to the will of
God and obedience to His law. In Islam, everything we do in the world is regulated. Just as
eating, drinking, and traveling are regulated in Islam, trade, buying and selling, and business
also have rules.

In Islam there is primary sources and secondary sources.

Primary sources include:

1. Al- Qur’an
2. As-Sunnah (include hadist)

Secondary sources include:

1. Ijma’ (the agreement of scholars around the world)

2. Qiyas (analogy, namely equating or likening what is happening now with something
that happened at the time of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam)

A. Amal

Islam attaches utmost importance to every kind productive work. In Islam,

Amal/charity is a representation of faith and is highly recommended to do. Islam’s
attitudes towards work, on the other hand, should be evident from the following
passages of the Qur’an. Even the faith of every Muslim is different in level and can
decrease and increase depending on his deeds. It increases with obedience to Allah
ta'ala and decreases with disobedience to Him, where this obedience and disobedience
is also a charity. Whoever work righteousness benefits his own soul; whoever works
evil, it against his own soul; nor is thy Lord ever Unjust (in the least) to his servants.
As those who believe and work righteousness, verily, we shall not suffer to perish the
reward of any who do a (single) righteous deed. If any do deeds of righteousness, be
they male or female and have faith, they will enter heaven, and not the least injustice
will be done to them.

1. Amal as duty
The Qur’an elevated ‘amal to the level of religious duty by mentioning it
consistently, in more than 50 verses, in conjunction with iman (faith).it is
because of such emphasis on ‘amal that islam is the ideology of practice as
much as it is the practice of the ideology.
2. Frequent reminders of ‘amal
The Qur’an has mentioned ‘amal, in one context or another, so frequently that
almost every page of the Qur’an contains reference to it. It is also evident from
the fact that there are 360 verses in the Qur’an that speak of ‘amal.
3. Condemnation of laziness and idleness
Islam enjoins upon a muslim to keep working and struggling and forbids
laziness and idleness.
4. Consideration for the worker
A productive work (amal) is given such importance that a special concession
in ritual worship has been granted in lieu of it. The Qur’an further declares
that Allah has made the day as a means for seeking subsistence.
5. ‘Amal as the sole department of man’s status
Work is the sole criterion beside faith by which the real worth of a person is to
be evaluated for the purpose of reward and compensation.

The Qur’an is replete with very frequent and direct exhortations to work. All sort
of incentives is provided to persuade man to get involved in productive activities.
There are:

1. Promise of reward
2. Encouragement for acquiring skills and technology
3. Positive view of working for a living
4. Respect for work and the worker

B. Tijarah
The importance of business is evident not only from the express statements but
also from the attitude and the special consideration accorded to it by the Qur’an as we
shall see below. There are:
1. Frequent use of business terminology
The Qur’an has made an extensive use of business terminology. Commercial
terms, belonging to twenty different stems, occur in the Qur’an about 370 times.
2. Permission augmented by legislation
The researchers in the Qur’an have acknowledge that the practical legislation of
Qur’an often concerns transactions. In other words, permission is duly augmented
by legislation, which provides ample proof for the importance given to business
activity by the Qur’an.
3. Business during pilgrimage
The Qur’an expressly permits business even during the Pilgrimage underlines the
importance the Qur’an attached to business activities.
4. Condemnation of unfair dealings
Unfair dealings are attacked more fiercely than perhaps any other form sin.
5. Attribution of fairness and justice to Allah
The importance of justice in weights and measures proceed from Allah and that
his own dealings with man are the standard of justice.

The Qur’an is replete with a variety of exhortations to the vacation of trade, as

may be seen from the following discussion.

1. Business an interesting vacation

Business is projected by the Qur’an as a lucrative and pleasant vocation.
2. Means of transportation
There is a tremendous admiration in the Qur’an of the means of transport as well
as of those things that help the travelers.
3. Fairness and honesty
The Qur’an often speaks of honesty and justice in trade. It has nothing but praise
for just and honest business activity which is evident from the frequent
exhortations to fairness in bargaining.

The Quran not only allows and encourages all kinds of productive work, but also
imposes it on Muslims as an obligation. The Quran considers business to be legal,
good, and beneficial to both individuals and society. Fair trade and honest business
are strongly praised, recommended, and urged by the Quran.

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