Islamic Business Ethics Resume Chapter 9

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Name: Khoirunnida Yasmin

Student ID: 21311338/ Management IP

Subject: Islamic Business Ethics chapter 9

Ethics of Job Discrimination

In language, discrimination is defined as a way of distinguishing one object from

another. My sentence discriminates against you. But it is not enough to be lacking in
language to avoid misunderstandings to learn something. Discrimination may be intentional
or unintentional and may be inflicted by individuals or organized. The Civil Rights Act of
196 made discrimination illegal. Nonetheless, comparing the economic wealth of women and
minorities to that of men and whites suggests that women and minorities still face
discrimination. For example, a comparably educated woman earns less her than a man, and a
minority earns less her than a comparably white worker. The poverty rate of her, female-
headed households significantly exceed the poverty rate of her, male-headed households.
Salaries for predominantly female positions are significantly lower than salaries for
predominantly male positions. Several studies have shown that these income disparities
cannot be explained by educational attainment, career choice, preferences, work history,
educational attainment, or absenteeism.

Three Fundamental Causes of Discrimination According to this document, there are

three fundamental factors that cause discrimination.

1. An example is a professor giving good grades to beautiful students. This includes

discrimination as we don't judge based on his existing performance.
2. Decisions are made based on preconceptions of ethnicity, race, and gender. An
example is a real case that happened when a pensioner's mother refused to accept
her Papuan student on the premise that Papuans like to get drunk. Even if reality
were to be true, it cannot be generalized that all Papuans like to get drunk.
3. Decisions to avoid harming personal interests. It is common among politicians.
An example of this is someone who appointed a manager from their own party
because they felt they needed to give back to their party for being a successful
Discrimination in View of the 3 Basic Principles of Ethics:

As has been studied in the previous chapter that there are three basic principles of
ethics, namely:

1. The Utilitarianism Argument

Utilitarians have argued that discrimination leads to inefficient use of human
talent. The rights-based argument against discrimination finds that discrimination
violates the right to be treated as an equal and no lesser person. The Justice-Based
Ethics of Occupational Discrimination argument argues that discrimination results
in an unfair sharing of benefits and burdens and unfairly differentiates people by
irrelevant characteristics.
2. A legal argument stating that every individual has two rights: positive (a person
has the right to his own rights) and negative (that is, a person has a right not to be
3. Justice There are several categories in this argument, including retributive justice
and compensatory justice.

In relation to the three basic principles above, we find that this discrimination violates
all three. According to the principle of utilitarianism, discriminating against companies
means that, for companies, they have wasted an opportunity to attract the best minds by not
judging them on merit. Another disadvantage is that may be the best person to refuse due to
the early races of competitors. Rights also fundamentally violate the affirmative rights of
discriminated against. An example is the case of a Papuan, where she is also entitled to her
pension like people from Java, Sunda and others. Discriminatory behavior also violates
ethical principles. This is a distribution of benefits and burdens in which is not evenly
distributed. Everyone has the same right to the benefits and burdens of her according to their
ability. People from Papua, Sunda, Kalimantan, Java etc don't matter.

There are several discriminatory practices that commonly occur around us, including:

1. Promotion Practices
Discriminatory practices in promotion are very common in companies, especially
those that still have old principles such as seniority. They are reluctant to elevate their
new employees and choose to prioritize older employees first (seniority ranking). In
fact, new employees may be more competent than old employees.
2. Working Conditions
This is where employees receive different wages for the same work.
3. Dismissing someone because of their hobbies or gender
4. Recruitment practices
Methods of recruiting "men/women only" by soliciting referrals from specific people.
5. Screening practice
New recruits It is a form of discrimination that takes place in job interviews and
psychological tests. Usually based on likes and dislikes.

Strategies to Prevent Discrimination

1. Negative policy This means decisions are made without knowledge or blindness such
as gender, race, or ethnicity that can lead to biased decisions.
2. Positive policy Also known as “Affirmative Action,” this policy equalizes or
prioritizes those who belong to minorities or who have often been discriminated
against in the past.

Criticism that against positive policy is that affirmative action does not resolve
discrimination. But the difference is the new model or style. In other words, it is the
opposite of reverse discrimination or discrimination.

The argument that proofs that positive policy is a good way:

1. This is not reverse discrimination, but a means to achieve the social goal of a
heterogeneous and pluralistic society.
2. This is not discrimination, but a form of compensatory justice. Those who were
minorities and were discriminated against in the past have been hurt by discrimination
or suffered another loss, so this policy compensates for the loss they felt before. This
increases her rank and heals her pain.
3. This is not discrimination against whites or the majority but favouring minorities. they
are two different things. This preferential treatment violates the principle of equality
itself, as it involves factors that are irrelevant to career decisions (race and gender).
Special treatment makes them look inferior because special treatment is required to
compete with whites.
Discrimination in Islam Point of View

The point is, these secularists are confused in defining what is ethical right and wrong,
what is right and wrong. However, this situation can lead to the fact that the legislative body
has personal interests behind the creation of these laws, so as Muslims, Allah Tala has set as
a guideline for our lives. We must thank Him because send Qoran and Hadith for our
generation, so we’re not lost when making laws.

Allowed if needed. For example, when choosing a leader, Allah Tala commands us to
choose the religious leader Islam. As Muslims, we are obligated to give priority to the
commandments of Allah Tala, even if this violates SARA (Tribal, Religious, Racial, and
Intergroup). Because the meaning of a Muslim himself is one who surrenders to his God, one
who obeys his commands and abstains from his prohibitions. As with marriage, finding a
partner of the same religion is essential.

In QS. Ar-Rum: 22, Allah ta’ala said” And among the signs of His power is the
creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and the colors of
your skin. Indeed, in that there are signs for people who know.” From this verse we can see
that differences in race and skin color are natural. And all believers are brothers. Apostle's
Companions came from different groups, including his Bilal Ibn Rabah radhiyallahu'anhu,
who was black. Even the Prophet Muhammad Salarah Alaihi Wasalam heard Bilal pumping
in heaven. Regarding gender, men and women in Islam have different duties and qualities.

According to QS. Al Hujurat: 13 “O people! Indeed, We have created you from a

male and a female, then We made you nations and tribes so that you may know one another.
Indeed, the most honorable among you in the sight of Allah ta’ala is the one who is the most

Also, Allah said in QS. AnNisa: 34 “Men are leaders for women, because Allah
Ta’ala has preferred some of them (men) over the others (women), and because they (men)
have spent part of their wealth. Therefore, pious women are those who obey Allah ta’ala and
take care of themselves when their husbands are not around, because Allah ta’ala has taken
care of (them). The women you are worried about nusyuznya, then advise them and separate
them in their beds, and beat them. Then if they obey you, then don’t.

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