Unit Test 4-2

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3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
SECTION A: GRAMMAR You don’t need all the words.
1 Complete the text with the present perfect or past healthcare operation illness vaccination
simple form of the verbs in brackets. pain stressed homesick mental optician
concentration clinic medicine injuries headache
I1 (not work) in another
country, but I would like to one day. This year many 1 Unfortunately, Mr Jones has a serious
of my friends 2 (go) abroad to , so he’s on sick leave for the next
work. Last month, Jeremy 3 (fly) few months.
to Australia to work in a hospital there for two years. 2 On my way to work today, I saw a crash between
In the last few days another friend, Sally, a car and a motorbike and I understand that the
(go) to South Africa for six motorcyclist is now in hospital with serious
months. She’s a dentist and has a job with a jungle leg .
hospital. Yesterday I 5 (see) an 3 We’ve given the children some , so
advertisement online for a teaching job in China, so they should feel better soon and be back at school
this morning I 6 (decide) to tomorrow.
apply for it. I 7 (complete) the
4 Some people suffer from illness,
application form, but so far I 8
such as depression.
(not send) it.
5 Sadly, he suffered a brain injury and now has
poor , which means that he cannot
/8 finish his studies.
6 Jane has moved to the other side of the world and is
feeling quite at the moment.
2 Complete the text with a, an, the or – (no article). 7 I’ve got a problem with my eyes. I think I need to see
the and get some glasses.
Last week I had 1 interview for 2 job 8 My grandmother had to have a big
to work as 3
doctor in Zambia. It’s something on her eyes because she was going blind.
I have always wanted to do. I don’t know yet if I’ve 9 Damien is now a surgeon in a big London hospital,
got 4 position, but I hope I have. Yesterday but before that he worked for many years in a(n)
I met up with 5 friend of mine who has just in rural Africa.
returned from 6 working in Ecuador in 7
South America. He says I should go because it’s such 10 When she woke up, she had a terrible
a great experience. in her chest, so they called an
11 He has just got a new job and there is a lot of work
/7 to do, which is making him feel very
at the moment.

4 Choose the odd word out in each group.

1 nutrition nuts carbohydrates motivation
2 vitamin mood memory mind
3 nurse psychologist funding dentist
4 rash plaster flu depression


New Language Leader Pre-Intermediate Unit Test 4 © Pearson Education Ltd. 2014 1


5 Make sentences. Match 1–5 with a–e.
1 You should
2 I saw the doctor in order to
3 I visited the dentist because
4 They ought
5 Try

a to see the doctor.

b doing more exercise.
c get a prescription for my cough.
d take this medicine for your cough.
e I had toothache.

6 Choose the correct words or phrases to complete

the email.

New email SEND

Dear Sir / Hiya Bruno,
Thanks / Thanks again for your email. I’ve
got some great news: I’ve just heard that I
got that job in Brazil. I 3 can / can’t wait to go!
I’m leaving in three weeks’ time. What about
having a party next week to celebrate? Let me
know when’s good for you. 4 See you / By the
way soon!
Bye for now / Yours faithfully,


Total: /400

New Language Leader Pre-Intermediate Unit Test 4 © Pearson Education Ltd. 2014 2

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