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Republic of the Philippines


DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA corner Quezon Avenue, Quezon City







1. Background

1.1. The Department, through the Bureau of Local Government Supervision,

champions the Sister-City or Town-Twinning Program, through which
the Local Chief Executives (LCEs) or Highest Local Authorities, elected
or appointed, as the case may be, may establish relationships or social
agreements with one another. This has been one of the thrusts of the
Department from 1982, the inaugural year of the Sister City or Town
Affiliation Program to the inception of the Philippine International
Sisterhood and Twinning Association (PHISTA) in 1986.

1.2. Local Government partnership aims to foster understanding, friendship,

and goodwill among different communities, as an integral part of the field
of socio-cultural exchange, among others. However, over the years, the
notion of town-twinning has increasingly been in the context of technical
exchange and cooperation in the areas of trade and investments,
information technology, health, agriculture, human development,
sustainable tourism, and environmental management.

1.3. As an integral component of socio-cultural exchange, the overarching

objective of local government partnerships has always been to foster
understanding, friendship, and goodwill among and between diverse
communities. However, over the years, the notion of town-twinning has
become increasingly prevalent in the context of technical exchange and
cooperation in the areas of trade and investments, information

“Matino, Mahusay, at Maaasahan”

Trunkline Number: 8876-3454
technology, health, agriculture, human development, sustainable
tourism, and environmental management.

1.4. This Department issued Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 97-306, dated
November 25, 1997, with the subject: “Guidelines in Establishing
National or International Sister-City or Town-Twinning Relationships,
Amending for the Purpose Memorandum Circular No. 94-93 dated June
8, 1994” which established guidelines as to the roles and responsibilities
of the Department and partner Offices, as well as the modes of
establishing said relationships amongst LGUs

2. Scope/ Coverage

2.1. All concerned provinces, cities, and municipalities which currently have
existing town-twinning or sister-city relationships with other local
governments, and those provinces, cities, and municipalities who may
want to establish such relationships for the purposes to be elaborated

3. Purpose

3.1. The purpose of this policy is to guide LGUs in the establishment of a

sister-city or town-twinning relationship, as well as enumerating the roles
and responsibilities of LGUs, concerned partner offices/agencies, and
this Department; and

3.2. This policy also aims to establish a general framework for the
maintenance, establishment, implementation, and termination of sister-
city or town-twinning relationships.

4. Legal Bases

4.1. 1987 Constitution Article X, Section 13 provides that local government

units may group themselves, consolidate or coordinate their efforts,
services, and resources for purposes commonly beneficial to them in
accordance with law;

4.2. Local Government Code (LGC) Section 3. Operative Principle of

Decentralization. - The formulation and implementation of policies and
measures on local autonomy shall be guided by the following operative
principles, as follows:

4.2.1. Section 3 (f) Local Government Units may group themselves,

consolidate or coordinate their efforts, services, and resources for
purposes commonly beneficial to them;

4.2.2. Section 3 (h) There shall be a continuing mechanism to enhance

local autonomy not only by legislative enabling acts but also by
administrative and organizational reforms;

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4.3. LGC Section 16. General Welfare. - Every local government unit shall
exercise the powers expressly granted, those necessarily implied
therefrom, as well as powers necessary, appropriate, or incidental for its
efficient and effective governance, and those which are essential to the
promotion of the general welfare.

4.4. LGC Section 33. Cooperative Undertakings Among Local

Government Units. – Local government units may, through appropriate
ordinances, group themselves, consolidate, or coordinate their efforts,
services, and resources for purposes commonly beneficial to them. In
support of such undertakings, the local government units involved may,
upon approval by the Sanggunian concerned after a public hearing
conducted for the purpose, contribute funds, real estate, equipment, and
other kinds of property and appoint or assign personnel under such
terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the participating local
units through Memoranda of Agreement.

5. Policy Content and Guidelines

5.1. General Guidelines.

5.1.1. Sister-City or Town-Twinning is the highest form of inter-local

government unit partnership, forging local government exchange and
cooperation in the pursuit of mutually-beneficial objectives along the
socio-cultural, enironmental and economic aspects of development

5.1.2. All LGUs - Provinces, Cities, Municipalities, and Barangays,

regardless of size or classification, are encouraged to forge
partnerships with their counterparts or with other local governments
in the country or abroad.

5.1.3. In order to capitalize on the established relationships, the following

areas of collaboration and thematic areas of activities may be
pursued by the LGUs: Exchange Visits involving local government officials,

students, teachers, businessmen, professionals, athletes, and
members of civil society organizations, subject to the
limitations set forth under existing laws, rules and regulations; Club Affiliations or Development or Relations between

such groups as Lions, Eagles, Rotary Clubs, Boy Scouts
Clubs, Sports Clubs, and the like, with their counterparts in the
sister-city or town; Organized Tours for socio-cultural or trade investment


Page 3 of 8 Correspondence or Sending of Mementos that are not
motivated by altruism but rather by mutual interest and
respect; Exchange of Music and Cultural Plays, including

Publications; and Exchange of Professional and Technical Expertise, and

Cooperation on such areas as urban transport, urban
management, environmental management, tourism,
investments, agricultural development, education, housing,
labor, and other developmental concerns.

5.2. Roles and Responsibilities of Local Government Units

5.2.1. Creation of a Local Government Relations Unit (LGRU) - This

Department, Division, Section, or Office, shall be the coordinative
body of the LGU which shall discuss, craft, and finalize proposals in
relation to possible town-twinning with other LGUs or local
governments abroad. If creation of such Unit is not fiscally feasible,
then any existing Department, Division, Section, or Office may be
assigned to perform such function.

5.2.2. Membership and Chairmanship of the LGRU - The Local Chief

Executive (LCE) shall decide on the membership of the LGRU, and
appoint the Chairman of said unit, which they themselves may lead.

5.2.3. Preparation of Sister-City or Town-Twinning Proposal - The LGRU,

through its members, shall discuss among themselves the affiliation
and may define therein the characteristics of the local authority to
affiliate with, based on historical, socio-political/cultural, and
economic interests, and guided thereby, craft a proposal containing
the parameters of the relationship with their counterpart national or
international local government. A separate dialogue/consultation with
stakeholders to identify the needs in relation to the capabilities of the
sister LGU and, consequently, to maximize the sister-city relationship
and capitalize on available resources shall also be conducted.

5.2.4. Formulation of LGU Profile - The LGRU shall formulate a brief profile,
in a brochure format, of the Province, City, Municipality, or Barangay,
taking into consideration the expanding coverage of sister-city or
town-twinning, to include technical exchange and cooperation in
various economic undertakings.

5.2.5. Approval of the Sister-City or Town-Twinning Proposal through

Sanggunian Resolution - Upon completion of the initial administrative
requirements or affiliation such as, the proposed national or
international partner or partners, and the Local Government Profile,
the LGRU shall then recommend its approval to the Sanggunian, with

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endorsement from the Local Chief Executive, for legislative approval
and support.

5.2.6. Establishment of Partnership through Communication - Upon

approval by the Sanggunian of the sought partnership, the LGU,
through the LCE, shall write their chosen local government
counterpart to signify interest in establishing a sister-city or town-
twinning partnership with them. The following documents shall be
attached with the correspondence from the LCE: Local Government Profile; Sanggunian Resolution endorsing the affiliation initiative; Draft Memorandum of Understanding, highlighting the

proposed Areas of Partnership; and List of Community Groups, supporting the proposed


5.2.7. Acceptance of Partnership - The counterpart local government shall

signify its acceptance of the proposed partnership by furnishing the
proposing LGU with their (1) Local Government Profile; and (2)
Acceptance of partnership to be signed by their Local Chief

5.2.8. Endorsement to the DILG - Once the proposed town-twinning

partnership is approved by the counterpart local government, the
proposing local government unit must endorse all the pertinent
documents to their respective DILG Regional Office, including the
Local Government Profile and Acceptance Letter from the Accepting
LGU, for forwarding and review of the DILG Central Office. For proposed local partnership, the DILG Central Office,

through the Local Government Relations Division - BLGS,
shall record, review and evaluate the proposal. Once the
documents submitted have been found to be in order, the
BLGS shall forward the documents to the proposing LGU,
copy furnished the concerned DILG Regional Office; For proposed partnership abroad, the DILG Central Office,
through the Local Government Relations Division - BLGS,
shall record, review and evaluate the proposal. Once the
documents submitted have been found to be in order, the
BLGS shall forward the documents to the Department of
Foreign Affairs (DFA) for further assessment and clearance.
The BLGS upon receipt of the action of DFA shall then forward
the documents to the proposing LGU, copy furnished the
concerned DILG Regional Office.

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5.2.9. Furnishing of a copy of the signed MOU to the DILG - Upon signing
of the Memorandum of Understanding between partner local
governments, a copy of such agreement shall be furnished to the
DILG Central Office.

5.2.10. Compliance with COA Guidelines - Compliance with COA Guidelines and other pertinent laws,

rules, and regulations relative to the utilization of donations, of
whatever nature; and Compliance with COA Guidelines and other pertinent laws,

rules, and regulations relative to official travels/visits.

5.3. Roles and Responsibilities of the Department

5.3.1. The Department, through the Bureau of Local Government

Supervision (BLGS), shall act as the Secretariat of the Sister-City or
Town-Twinning Initiative and shall promote sister-city and town-
twinning partnerships;

5.3.2. Provide opportunities for inter-local government and multi-sectoral

partnerships, whether in-country or abroad, towards exchanges in
technological advancement, and innovations to enhance local
government administrative and technical capabilities; and

5.3.3. Undertake possible twinning partners and preparation of supporting

documents (i.e., local government profile, Sangguniang resolutions
endorsing the affiliation initiative, Memorandum of Understanding
highlighting the proposed fields of partnerships).

5.3.4. Further evaluate the proposed partnership, through the submitted

pertinent documents, which the LGU has provided the Department,
and in cases where there are exchanges of professionals, skilled
laborers, or any workforce, then the Department, through the Office
of the Assistant Secretary for International Relations (OASIR), shall
endorse the same to the Department of Foreign Affairs or to the
Department of Migrant Workers for perusal and eventual approval of
such agreement.

5.3.5. The BLGS shall establish a monitoring mechanism to: Determine the effectiveness of the sister-town program; Follow-through on the agreements reached; Ensure compliance of the parties with the agreed partnership; Identify areas for improvement and address partnership


Page 6 of 8 Identify other programs moving forward; Identify relationships that can be terminated due to dormancy,

ineffectiveness, etc.; and For the documentation of sound practices under sister-city

relations to encourage other LGUs to follow suit.

5.3.6. The BLGS shall also conduct IEC campaign on the sister-city/town-
twinning program and develop measures which will address the gaps
and challenges as to the establishment and implementation of the
sister-city relationships.

5.4. Roles and Responsibilities of DILG Regional Offices:

5.4.1. Provide assistance in the preparation of the Local Government

Profile for the sister-city or town-twinning purposes;

5.4.2. Provide assistance in the selection, and correspondence with, or

confirmation of interest to affiliate with, the proposed national or
international twinning partner local government.

5.4.3. C/MLGOOs shall provide the necessary technical assistance to the

LGUs and assist Provincial and Regional Directors in the monitoring
of their compliance herewith;

5.4.4. Cause the widest dissemination of this Memorandum Circular to

inform the concerned coastal LGUs within their respective
jurisdictions; and

5.4.5. Obtain copies of all documents relating to town-twinning or sister-city

partnerships within their area of jurisdiction, and furnishing the
Bureau of Local Government Supervision copies of the same.

5.4.6. Ensure that, upon signing of the MOU, that the LGU concerned, or
LGUs concerned, shall provide a copy to the Department, and sent
over to the Central Office.

6. Repealing Clause
All DILG orders and other issuances inconsistent herewith are hereby
superseded, repealed and/or modified accordingly.

7. Feedback
Related queries may be directed to the Bureau of Local Government
Supervision through the Local Government Relations Division at Telephone
Nos. (02) 8876-3454 loc. 4201 or 4213, or email at

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8. Effectivity
This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately.

9. Approving Authority



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