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5.29. __ Module 30: Metrology Module Name Metrology Module Category ‘Core (01) Module Code MEng5221 Module Number 30. Module Weight (ECTS) 3 ‘Module Description ‘Objective/Lcaming Ouleome of the Modi Module Mode of Delivery Semester basis/Parallel ‘Module Teaching-Learning Method Lecture, Tutorial Module Assessment Assignment, Quiz, Final exam Courses of the Module (Course Number ‘Course Name ECTS MEngS311 ‘Metrology Lab Exercise 5.29. Courses Syllabus: Metrology Lab Exercise (MEng5301) 1 _[ College College of Engineering 2_| Program B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering 3__| Course Title Metrology Lab Exercise 4_[ Course Number MEng 5301 5__| ECTS 3 6 | Contact hours ‘TTecture, 0 tutorial, 5 lab, 2 Home study (AS) 7_| Duration T Semester 8_| Number of Students Taking the Module 50 Students 9 | Course owner (8) The School 10_| Module Metrology: Upon completion of the module studeats will acquire the necessary description | practical knowledge at some depth which will enable them to fit in the work place relatively easily Know how to take linear measurement for different components/parts, TI_[ Prerequisite [Strength of Materials I (MEng 2112], Machine Elements I [MEng 3121] 12 [Leaning To be familiar with the use of different types of metrology instruments. Outcome ‘Understand statistical analysis of error measurements, Make calibration of metrology instrume ‘Measure linear quantities, angular quantities, tolerance Understand advanced measurement techniques 13 [ Module Content ‘Academic content of the module ‘Allotted time (hours) Lecture | Tutorial [Laboratory | Sel Study Tniroduction 4 : 2 Measurement of width and depth 1 : 3 2 Measurement of symmetry T = 3 2 Measurement parallelism L = 4 3 “Angle Measurement L i 3 2 ‘Are Measurement T i 3 2 Microscopie gear measurement r i 6 4 ‘Gear thickness Measurement L 3 3 Surface roughness measurement L = 6 5 14] Learning activity and teaching methods Lecture, laborator, 15__[ Tools and resources, Books, power points, videos, measuring instruments im Té [Role of Instructor and Students Instructor ] Gives lecture, guides and moderates the students Ho/she will help the students to clearly visualize problems and show methods to tackle them, Students | Students will participate in lecture, but the students are expected to participate actively in the class during tutorial and lab hours by asking and solving problems. Assessment criteria and grading system Assessment (ype Weight Laboratory Activity 10 Quizzes 10 "0 Laboratory reports 30) Final Exam 30) Grading system ‘As per the working senate legislation of WSU 18 | Modular requirement 100% attendance during laboratory & practical activities 1” | Mapping of the Leaning Outcomes course/module to the Program No | Course Leaming Outcome (CLO) | Program Outcomes POs) 12 1314 [slo [7 [spo T | To be familiar with the use of vie different types of metrology 2 instruments 2 Z| Understand statistical analysis of | [7 error measurements 1s 3 [Make calibration of metrology 7 instruments 3 [Measure linear quantities, cara angular quantities, tolerances sis] fa S| Understand advanced |_| 7 rare ‘measurement techniques 2 ifs 20_| Reading Materials Text Book Roger H, Harlow, Connie Dotson & Richard Thompson, Fundamentals of dimensional metrology, Thomas Delmar Learning 4th edition, August 2002 References Jay L- Bucher, the metrology handbook, AQS Quality Press, April 2004 TJ. Quinn, $. Leschutta & P. Tavella, Recent advances in metrology & fundamental constants, January 2001 173

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