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Title -:

A comparative study between Traditional and Modern

Methods of Learning Abilities.
Apurva Kadam ( 12019), Rani Bhowal (12002)

Students, Sir. M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Management studies and Research .

Introduction -: Definition "Learning ability involves the Way/ Method in which student
engage , learn and get better understanding with the content which probably allows the
students to obtain knowledge"
Meaning , Learning abilities, where abilities are equal to skills. Includes different
learning styles as in Verbal,Visual, Logical mathematical,Social, Combination etc.
Students with a different preference, go for the better understanding options
accordingly.The same process helps student opportunity to figure out their understanding
Focusing on the importance of learning Abilities. Learning abilities are the study of your
skills and the thought processes you use are part of your education system. Different
forms of learning levels can be difficult when it comes to teaching students. For the very
same reason differentiating the learning abilities according to the understanding, can help
the teachers to figure out the way they can choose to engage the students for the
education . Basically when teachers adapt the various learning abilities for teaching the
students it involves a maximum level of creativity, time management etc and through
which students learn at their best. Application of the right tools in the teaching methods
can help the teacher to figure out the understanding level of students in a niche.
Assessment and evaluation plays a very vital role in the teaching methods.Learning
abilities are nearly classified into basic, Two Groups of Methods [ Traditional Method
and Modern Method ] . Traditional Method focuses on the culture,tradition and education
ethics which has been carried out and followed for very long period of time.Which
enhances the Theoretical knowledge.Modern Method focuses on the
creativity,accessibility of tools and technology friendly education system.Which will help
the new generations to upgrade in their skills.
Problem Statement-:
"Students understand better through online learning using technology or traditional
classroom method with practical experience"
1) To understand students / teachers' preference towards Traditional and Modern
2) To analyze students' choice between Traditional and Modern methods.

Details of Modern learning method

Details of Traditional teaching methods

Advantages of Traditional Method Disadvantages of Traditional Methods

Advantages of Modern Methods Disadvantages of Modern Methods








Details of Modern learning method-:

Online/Modern learning is becoming very popular in today’s time.It is very beneficial
for many students around the world.Online learning should never be a is not
difficult for students to study online. This online learning is available cheaply as
well.There are many websites made available to study online.It is the Medium of
additional education for many students.It is perfect for students who want to pursue a
second degree.Online learning is beneficial for additional education. This education has
proved to be very beneficial for people in many ways.

Details of Traditional teaching methods

Traditional teaching methods are used in the Educational Institutions. In the traditional
teaching method, teachers teach the concept to the students with the help of chalk and
blackboard. Every important thing regarding the topic is written on the blackboard and
students make important notes from the blackboard. After the lecture is over students
revise their notes and try to memorize the notes. It eventually sums up with the
conclusion that the main objective of traditional teaching methods is to pass the

Advantages of Traditional Method Disadvantages of Traditional Methods

1) Interactive, 1) Spoon Feeding
Most students consider the traditional Students are always dependent on their
method for learning because they can teachers in every study related matter.
interact with the teachers. This makes them dependent on teachers.
2) Motivating, 2) Favoritism
The learning atmosphere of traditional Teachers show favoritism, This attitude
learning helps them to stay focused and develops inferior feelings in other
keeps motivating by motivating the students. The teachers must treat all the
students so they can become confident in students equally.
the learning.
3)Accessible, 3) Creativity and Skills,
Some students don't have access to Students lack the basic updated skills in
technology devices so online learning is the Education system which are more
out of the equation in traditional learning. important .
It is easy to learn in classrooms.
4) Organized, 5).Costly
Traditional learning is that it provides Traditional education is costly. The tuition
student a fixed schedule and specific fee is very high. Moreover, the course
period dedicated exclusively to learning books and other school things.

Advantages of Modern Methods Disadvantages of Modern Methods

1)You don't need to relocate with online 1). Online Learning Requires Self-
learning, you don't need to move to a Discipline. If a student does not feel they
different city, you can stay where you are are getting the proper guidance, they may
and can learn. not have enough self-discipline
2) It is easier to achieve optimal school 2). Inability To Focus On Screens.For
life balance either you are a full time or many students, one of the biggest
part time online student. challenges of online learning is the
struggle with focusing on the screen for
long periods of time.

3) You have more time to do the things 3). Technology Issues Another key
you love because online learning will have challenge of online classes is internet
spare time to do the things which you connectivity. Without a consistent internet
love. connection for students or teachers, there
can be a lack of continuity.
4 ) Boost your time management skill 4). Sense Of Isolation in an online class,
Staying organized can be a successful there are minimal physical interactions
student. between students and teachers.

Literature Review

A comparative study of some traditional and a modern methods of teaching learning

Dr Ramesh Chand Sharma ( 2018 ), Have studied traditional and modern methods of teaching
and the learning process. In this study he has mentioned "All the different aspects and
advancement in the educational systems". Data reflected pros and cons of the teaching and
learning process. In the Education system the resources and the teaching are critical factors that
help in upgrading the quality. Case study has mentioned the pause method carry doubt by Bron
and Simpson in 2004 where they contemplated the effect of the Delay strategy in learning. The
study is followed by using modern teaching methods which probably includes software
programs, drill -and- practice programming. Software programs utilization is meant to present
the understudies in keeping up copy of books which includes imperative as a bookkeeping
mistake. Whereas drill and practice programming are used for a bookkeeping issue where
understudies have the chance to rehearse and enhance their missteps. Number of approaches
mentioned in distance learning - interactive multimedia CD (interactive teaching method was
found to be useful and feasible), Interactive TV for tele training/tele instructive addresses (give
the base of changing up close in personal instructions to remove learning), teaching through the
virtual learning environment (method for educating with notes , slides and books ),teaching
through the use of blackboard(Important teaching method according to the research studied,
where the fundamental objective of the examination was to assess the handiness of
arrangement).It is concluded with information and communication technology should be adopted
by new generations to populace their interest capacity and desire. It is to be considered that
student teacher collaboration should be energized in all cases. This learning procedure will turn
out to be more powerful and fascinating which will help to expand their insight.

Traditional versus modern education system- a deep dive.

Dr Gitanjali H. S and Dr Lakshmi, (2020) Have investigated "Is the modern education system
better than the traditional education system". Where they also mentioned higher education,
modern education, interpersonal skills, traditional education and capability approach. According
to the study it is said that education is knowledge or experience, where each student is allotted an
assignment and valued on the same basis. With how the education system differs from modern
and traditional techniques. It is mentioned that the traditional education systems are highly
impacted due to the technology. Online methods of education are found to be highly successful
complementary mediums of education. The study tenses that modern education is just a new
version or the upgradation of traditional education. The objective of the investigation is to
understand the impact of modern education, find out the distinction between the traditional and
the modern education system where we have to identify the effect of changes of concern in the
educational system and also suggest majors to implement the positive changes. In brief about
traditional versus modern education mentioned is that there is a lot of difference in conventional
and modern-day education systems. Modern education system technology is used in various
ways, and the traditional education system is known as predictable education. Whereas the
traditional method gives special importance on skills while the modern method gives on big
ideas. Study tells us that modern education is just the new version or the upgradation of the
traditional education system. Discussion took place regarding the quality of tradition and modern
education system. Also, in the current education system it is very important to adopt the positive
elements of both the traditional and modern education which will include the ethical thinking,
decision making skills, interpersonal skills and moral values to the learners. It is concluded that
traditional education system leads to the holistic development of an individual, which has great
impact on the knowledge system. Even though the modern education system teaches
interpersonal skills, communication skills, critical thinking but fails to give holistic development
for the learners.

A comparative study between e-Learning and traditional learning.

R. Revanthy (2021), have studied "The comparison between e-Learning and traditional
learning". The study includes a comparison between e-Learning and traditional learning.
Nowadays technology is incorporated in the classrooms. Learning style, classroom settings and
use of technologies have an impact on the learning ability of the students. Due to online learning
the term of classroom teaching will be missed. Nowadays e-Learning is considered as the natural
evolution of distance learning. Many factors affect e-Learning and the traditional learning
methods. There were significant changes in distance education due to the development of new
media technology and different delivery systems, as it was first introduced by open university in
Great Britain. The Objective of the study is basically to present the benefits of online and
traditional learning methods. And hence to justify that modern learning is more effective than
traditional learning. Ther research methodology is followed by an empirical method. Convenient
sampling method was used which carried out a total number of 90 responses. Sample data was
collected through the online forms. Also, the independence variables mentioned were age,
gender, educational qualification and occupation. Statistical stools like graphical representation
are used by the researcher. Data was analyzed with 4 different tests. The findings of the
respondent mentioned was, Figure 1- age categories from below 18 years 18 to 25, 26 to 35 ,36
to 50 years above 50 years with the gender category of female, male and prefer not to say
between (showing how much the online learning is beneficial) where it is found that there is
more acceptance for online learning. Figure 2- graph shows how much people think that
traditional learning is beneficial, including the categories from higher secondary, undergraduate
and postgraduate with the gender category of female male. Figure 3- graph shows how much
people think online learning is more effective than traditional learning where there are categories
of university, private sector, public sector and others with the gender category of female, male.
Figure 4- Focusing on the age group categories of 18 years 18 to 25 years 26 to 35 years 36 to 50
years and above 50 years with the gender category of female male. Online learning is accepted to
be more effective. Concluding the Study by adding points that boot and exposure towards e-
Learning has increased across the globe. But yet to be developed in terms of quality and standard
in India. As concerned, the Indian government needs to be focused on the standard of content
technology and adoption among learners.

Comparative study of blended learning versus traditional teaching in the middle school
Saloom Aslam has studied "Is blended learning or traditional teaching better in middle school
science". The Study focuses on science and the prevalent uses of computers and technology in
everyday life has brought cultural changes in society. However, students are expected to be
multi-tasking to survive in the 21st century. Initiative and serious steps need to be taken to bridge
the gap and students can learn through better versions. Adopting a blended learning model so
that the students will enhance their skills. To summarize the explanation about the difference
between traditional and blended learning. Teaching in the classrooms while online teaching at
home, whereas blended learning is somewhere in between. Blended learning not only includes
technology but real-life experience too. The research method approached for their study was a
mixed method. This method was used by implementing more than one research method such as
pretest and posttest. The study includes investors from local private school Lahore. Sampling
data was collected from an experimental and composed group of 75 each with boys and girls, a
total of 150 sampling. Analytics of the data was done using different statistical aspects as
computer software's, comparative study research is specifically used as mean standard deviation
and paired test for testing the assumption. Graphical representations included like histogram.
Resulting the participants in the Control group were taught selected science topics and they were
given a pretest based on 20 multiple choice questions where most of the students scored 7 marks
out of 20. Participants in the Experimental group from local private schools in Lahore were also
given the pretest similarly. Blended teaching experience was very exciting because of the
exposure to technology. They perceived benefits of using blended learning as it promotes
students independence and also creates opportunities for networking. Concluding the research
represents an initial attempt to compare the effectiveness of two different traditional and blended
learning. Overall, the findings reinforce the view that blended learning adds to the exposure.

Comparing effectiveness of online and traditional teaching using student's final grade.
Ali Alghazo, have studied "The method of teaching online or traditional which is more effective
on students with the help of using their final grades". The study included saying that, online
education has its advantages and disadvantages for the same major questions were raised
regarding online learning. The approach was adopted to answer the questions with the help of
comparison. The purpose was to examine the effectiveness of online education over the
Traditional methods of teaching and learning. Study was based on the student's final grade, and
the purpose of conducting was to test the effectiveness of online education by reflecting on the
traditional classroom education. The methodology followed was, after obtaining the final grades
of both sections, a two-tailed t- test was conducted and the score of both sections were compared
and the conclusion was stated based on the results. Main challenge was to obtain the additional
information about the students economical, educational backgrounds and their gender and age.
Sampling for this study was done with the small sample size of both groups, as 100%
participated in the study. According to the data collected two variables were identified: the
dependent variable- students final score and the independence variable - educational delivery
system. As the results followed by the analytics were shown that there was no significant
difference in the effectiveness of online and traditional education. In Statistical language it was
hence proved that the null hypothesis was accepted saying distance education is as effective as a
traditional classroom education. Conclusion of the study mentions the effectiveness of online
education. Online education is considered to be effective and overcomes many restrictions.

Comparative study of traditional and modern techniques on student learnings

Sarabjit Kaur and doctor Joshna Pahuja (2018) have studied of (comparative study between
traditional and modern learnings traditional learning" involves a physical place where student
and teachers can involve, whereas modern learning is a pursued in space where a server and
internet browsing interaction should exist. in this study it is stated about what is the education?
briefly mentioned that education is to Facilitate the kind of culture and shape that is needed to
move on forward in a sustainable and ecologically sound future that is underpinned by
corporations and equality. we need to reevaluate and different ways of how we work within the
world and how to interact and relate to it. Education is a suvering to form something that will
have a long-lasting effect on person's mind and faculties. It is Highlighted saying of - Mahatma
Gandhi explain that education means and all round drawing out of the best in the child body
mind and spirit. Teaching Theories mentioned: -Kassem (1992): (in this teacher should interact
with student as a friend, make the learning place more comfortable for a student's) Martin and
Baldwin: (this theory is that the result may imply that beginner teachers on experience as student
may influence their perceptions of classroom management more than their experience in pre
service school program). Various Teaching methods stated in the study are that teaching method
is a tool to deliver the education effectively. commonly used techniques method may include
class participate demonstrations reactions memorizations or a combination of this. the choice of
teaching method or a method to be used depends, it may also increase by aptitude and
enthusiasm. Use of computers, laptops with Wi-Fi connections as most important tool of modern
technique method use LCD projectors in the classroom, prepare the PowerPoint slides and which
are display on the LCD screen with the help of is a very important to manage
classroom. Also, there are various teaching skinner's operant, Glasser's choice, Kohn's leaning,
Jacob classroom management. It was concluded with saying that study can control both teaching
at multimedia and background which is important for language learnings in class, study of
modern-day techniques at multimedia is considered as a fun colorful engaging.
Comparison of impact of traditional and modern teaching method of students
performance at elementary school level
Obaid Ullah (2020) have studied on activities based learning approaches mainly in rich the
learning of students to great extent teachers at elementary level often deliver the course content
through lecture methods while do not employ other teaching tables improve understanding of the
students in the area education think about traditional technique ology lecture matter the
traditional methods of technique that is lecture method our teachers and center and pre-
predominantly employed by teachers in the classroom in order to deliver topic of the student
more than teaching method of world wall method of teaching providers of pictorial illustrations
of significant vocabulary selected form the topic of interest in this method the teachers provide
instructions to the student regarding the selections of difficult at frequently use terminology and
definitions for display on the walls of the classroom data collection and analysis there were 10
chapter in the subject of general science for class fifth from each chapter 20 multiple choice
questions where developed with one mark each for items and where employed on student CG
and EG for checking their conceptual understanding the student segment EG where taught true
LM and WW round the week respectively because the study concluded that each student perform
good in their academics in terms of having high conceptual understanding that the student of
control group the teacher thought the registry student via WWE teaching method whereas the
student of CG were taught through LM the dedications and teaching performance of
experimental group teacher was showing good result resin being that they involved the student in
the classroom activities among the students .

Comparative study between virtual and traditional approaches in higher education in Iran
Maryam Fooladvand Mohammad Hossein Yar Mohammadian(2011),have studied that nowadays
with the development of information and communications new technologies modes of business
and routing activities communication with others access to information and generally all people's
life fundamentals have undergone a huge changes people has made use of technology and tools
in their educations and learning since ancient time yet what is virtual university how might is
differs from non-virtual or a traditional university education is a process in which the
establishment of a defined communication between teachers and learners that leads to promotion
of knowledge increase are information in English of acquisition of skills and general to making
of changes in fixed ratio of and liveness mental and practical the importance agreement of virtual
university among others the most important achievement of our children is that they can be listed
as follows first quality increase of learning by knowledge of and universities student second
facility of access to large volume of information and science in the world third quick on time
excess information's in every little time the situation of virtual university of Iran is establishment
of virtual university in Iran should be served from two culture and economic specters there
establishment is an opportunity to present Iran's university culture and language from culture
point of view that is the country traditional university should invite compel with the course of
new changes that the new environmental the role of instructor and trainer will change they will
more play the role of facilitator and trainer of educational design and the changeover design
implementations of appropriate educational management systems deemed to be means of
continuous education which can include student and teachers at the age in any geographical
locations in social political situation and positions or with type of the education new technology
enters more flexibility in education for utilizing these facility the higher education institute
structure should change

"Student Engagement in Traditional Learning vs Online Learning - A comparative study"

Ms. Sagaljit Kaur Sekhon1
Dr. Sushma Patil has studied that the development of management education can be interspaced
with change and development Management education in India has changed and developed.
Management education in India has Beena derivative of western management thought and
practice. Through the long time the world of education has been driven by fast and rapid
revolution that is driven by computer and Internet technologies. Management and Business
Education, taking care of unseen crises. Business schools and learned societies are dealing with a
number of various problems that threaten their existence for example. The pandemic has caused
the largest disruption of education in history, having already had a universal impact on learners
and educators around the world. Going by the estimates, learners worldwide were affected by the
pandemic impacting billions of children and youth, from pre-primary to higher Student
engagement has shown in literature extensively mostly through the concept of engagement
analyzed globally within their experience in college through the related works of. With that in
mind, an issue facing the more o literature in student engagement is that the distinction between
the antecedents, state, and consequences of engagement made have also tried to show the
differences in the understanding of engagement and motivation levels of students in traditional
and e-learning platforms. . Study results gave proof that e-learning understudies have more
grounded natural inspiration. There were no distinctions o in either of the three inspiration
measures or motivation. They additionally proposed that because of more significant levels of
inherent inspiration present in e-students as compared to students, course originators ought to
fluctuate the development of these kinds of courses to more readily coordinate with the students

Comparing Traditional Teaching Method and Experiential Teaching Method using

Experimental Research
Farhan Uddin Raja Dr Najma Nisa (2018),have studied on traditional technique method and
experience teaching method the role of business communication instruct has rapidly
development and progress in recent liquid it facilitated various novel methodologies for teaching
of business communication study is focused on students learning and acquisition of
communication skill the main aim of study is to compare experiential learning method finding
will be useful for teachers of business communication the method used for research is
quantitative research design pre-test and post test result where used as a primary data collection
tool the sample size watch 60 business administrations undergrounds and it was divided into two
group for effective teaching of business communication course experiential learning method or
traditional method where used after various research it was founded that experiential learning
method is more effect than traditional method The teaching of business communication has
rapidly developed . It has novel methodologies for the teaching of business communication.
students who were the major stakeholders of the teaching learning environment, were the most
passive participants. Traditional methods that were adopted to instill the learning of business
communication in students, depended on lecture, traditional methods of teaching business
communication considered learning to be a saving bank were knowledge. Students fail to use this
knowledge when they require it, even in problem solving scenarios. that it is vital to realize why,
when and how various skills and concepts are relevant. They assert that critical thinking is the
need of students and they must learn to think. Teaching instructions can be effectively used in
transforming students into independent thinkers through the provision of problem-solving


Research Universe, The Research universe was in mumbai.The responses were collected
from college that is svims and other neighborhood friends also.

Method of Sampling, Simple random sampling technique where items in the population
has an every chance and likelihood of being selected in the sample here the selection of
items depends on chance or probability and therefore this sampling technique is also
sometimes known as sampling technique.

Sample Size ,size of the sample on my studies was selected as 56 the sample size were
classified on the basis of age group, gender,education qualification of the respondent

Method of Data Collection,data was collected by using two important methods: primary
data and secondary data.
Primary data There are a number of sources like Surveys, observations, experiments,
questionnaires, focus groups, interviews, etc primary data from which the information
can be collected I selected the following resources for my research questionnaire.

I did research using a set of the same simple question and requested the responses to
answer those questions with correct information. The questionnaire was uploaded on
google docs that questionnaire was sent to the respondent through various channels of
social networking apps such as whatsapp and mail message app which are more using
tools to collect data.

Secondary data was collected from various research papers , and newspaper articles and
from the Internet.

Method of Data Collection The data analyzing techniques used were bar ,graphs, pia
chart ,table charts,percentage method and columns method .The data collected from
primary source is represented by using bar diagram, pie chart and graphs.



Age Group
N Valid 56
Missing 0
Mean 2.00
Median 2.00
Mode 2
Std. Deviation .000
Variance .000

Age Group
Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid 2 56 100.0 100.0 100.0
From the above survey, it has been observed that out of the all population the
Frequency of the Survey was done over all by the 2nd Age Group from (18-30).
N Valid 56
Missing 0
Mean 1.54
Median 2.00
Mode 2
Std. Deviation .503
Variance .253

Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid 1 26 46.4 46.4 46.4
2 30 53.6 53.6 100.0
Tota 56 100.0 100.0
From the above survey, it has been observed that out of the total population
46.4% are Male and 53.6% are Female.

Education Qualification
N Valid 56
Missing 0
Mean 2.30
Median 2.00
Mode 2
Std. Deviation .630
Variance .397

Education Qualification
Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid 1 2 3.6 3.6 3.6
2 38 67.9 67.9 71.4
3 13 23.2 23.2 94.6
4 3 5.4 5.4 100.0
Tota 56 100.0 100.0
From the above survey, it has been observed that out of the total population
percentage of Education qualification in Elementary is 3.6% , Graduate is
67.9, Post Graduate is 23.2, others 5.4% .

Which Method do you prefer?
N Valid 56
Missing 0
Mean 2.32
Median 3.00
Mode 3
Std. Deviation .834
Variance .695

Which Method do you prefer?

Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid 1 13 23.2 23.2 23.2
2 12 21.4 21.4 44.6
3 31 55.4 55.4 100.0
Tota 56 100.0 100.0
From the above survey, it has been observed that out of the total population
the preference towards Modern method is 23.2% , Traditional method is
21.4% and Both the Methods is 55.4% .

Modern learning methods are
more effective than Traditional
learning methods ?
N Valid 56
Missing 0
Mean 1.20
Median 1.00
Mode 1
Std. Deviation .401
Variance .161

Modern learning methods are more effective than

Traditional learning methods?
Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid 1 45 80.4 80.4 80.4
2 11 19.6 19.6 100.0
Tota 56 100.0 100.0

From the above survey, it has been observed that out of the total population
The Percentage of YES is 80.4% and for NO it is 19.6% .

Which Method takes more time
to explain certain topic?
N Valid 56
Missing 0
Mean 1.30
Median 1.00
Mode 1
Std. Deviation .464
Variance .215

Which Method takes more time to explain certain topic?

Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid 1 39 69.6 69.6 69.6
2 17 30.4 30.4 100.0
Tota 56 100.0 100.0
From the above survey, it has been observed that out of the total
population .The percentage of Methods for Traditional is 69.6% and for
Modern it is 30.4%.

Modern learning tools
(computer, projector, mobile)
should be a regular part of
N Valid 56
Missing 0
Mean 1.16
Median 1.00
Mode 1
Std. Deviation .371
Variance .137

Modern learning tools (computer, projector, mobile) should

be a regular part of Curriculum?
Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid 1 47 83.9 83.9 83.9
2 9 16.1 16.1 100.0
Tota 56 100.0 100.0

From the above survey, it has been observed that out of the total population,
the percentage of YES is 83.9 and of NO it is 16.1% .
I prefer class room interactions
over Online learning.
N Valid 56
Missing 0

I prefer class room interactions over Online learning.

Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid 1 28 50.0 50.0 50.0
1, 2 1 1.8 1.8 51.8
2 13 23.2 23.2 75.0
2, 3 1 1.8 1.8 76.8
3 9 16.1 16.1 92.9
3, 4 1 1.8 1.8 94.6
4 3 5.4 5.4 100.0
Tota 56 100.0 100.0
The above survey shows the percentage out of total population towards
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree and Strongly Dis agree are as
follows – 50.00% , 1.8% , 23.2 % , 1.8%, 16.1%, 1.8% , 5.4% .

I would rather watch video of
any academics Subject than
listen to Lecture. [Preference]
N Valid 56
Missing 0
Mean 2.59
Median 3.00
Mode 2a
Std. Deviation 1.058
Variance 1.119
a. Multiple modes exist. The
smallest value is shown

I would rather watch video of any academics Subject

than listen to Lecture. [Preference]
Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid 1 9 16.1 16.1 16.1
2 18 32.1 32.1 48.2
3 18 32.1 32.1 80.4
4 9 16.1 16.1 96.4
5 2 3.6 3.6 100.0
Tota 56 100.0 100.0

The above survey shows the percentage out of total population towards
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree and Strongly Dis agree are as
follows – 16.1%, 32.1 %, 32.1%, 16.1%, 3.6% .
I prefer to see information
explained on the board.
N Valid 54
Missing 2
Mean 1.81
Median 2.00
Mode 2
Std. Deviation .585
Variance .342

I prefer to see information explained on the board. [Preference]

Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid 1 15 26.8 27.8 27.8
2 34 60.7 63.0 90.7
3 5 8.9 9.3 100.0
Total 54 96.4 100.0
I prefer to see information explained on the board. [Preference]
Missing Syste 2 3.6
Total 56 100.0

The above survey shows the percentage out of total population towards
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree and Strongly Dis agree are follows-:
26.8%, 60.7% , 8.9% ,96.4% ( missing ) 3.6%.
I think the best way to
remember something is to
picture it in Mind. [Preference]
N Valid 56
Missing 0
Mean 1.84
Median 2.00
Mode 2
Std. Deviation .682
Variance .465

I think the best way to remember something is to picture it

in Mind. [Preference]
Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid 1 17 30.4 30.4 30.4
2 32 57.1 57.1 87.5
3 6 10.7 10.7 98.2
4 1 1.8 1.8 100.0
Tota 56 100.0 100.0

The above survey shows the percentage out of total population towards
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree and Strongly Dis agree are follows-:
30.4%, 57.1% , 10.7% , 1.8% , 0% .


I prefer Combination learning of

Traditional and Modern Method.
N Valid 55
Missing 1
Mean 1.80
Median 2.00
Mode 2
Std. Deviation .779
Variance .607

I prefer Combination learning of Traditional and Modern

Method. [Preference]
Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid 1 22 39.3 40.0 40.0
2 23 41.1 41.8 81.8
3 9 16.1 16.4 98.2
4 1 1.8 1.8 100.0
Total 55 98.2 100.0
Missing Syste 1 1.8
Total 56 100.0

The above survey shows the percentage out of total population towards
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree and Strongly Disagree are as follows -
39.3% ,41.1%, 61.1%, 1.8 %, 98.2%, (Missing) 1.8 percent .


Many studies, and education institutions are concerned with comparing different formats
of learning Methods to find out which method is most effective in terms.However,
research shows that teaching and learning are complex and are influenced by many other
aspects. For this reason, we should look into the many different factors that influence
teaching and learning in different Methods.
In the research of learning methods it has been observed that out of the total population
46.4% are Male and 53.6% are Female. And Education qualification in Elementary is
3.6% , Graduate is 67.9, Post Graduate is 23.2, others 5.4% .Research shows that the
Modern learning method is more preferable to learning than traditional learning. I saw in
detail that preference towards the Modern method is 23.2% , the Traditional method is
21.4% and Both the Methods is 55.4%.
Modern learning methods are more effective than Traditional learning methods.
And The percentage of Methods for Traditional is 69.6% that takes more time to
understand certain topics than Modern method.
Mejority respondent says Modern learning tools (computer, projector, mobile) should be
a regular part of Curriculum.
For the learning Respondent we prefer classroom interactions over Online learning.
The research shows that the majority of respondents would rather watch videos of any
academic Subject than listen to lectures.Respondent could prefer to see information
explained on the board.
As per research, the best way to remember something is to picture it in Mind. Some
respondents say that the combination of tradition and modern methods are the best way to
The findings from the research papers included in the review show that among the many
factors, interactions between students and teachers and deliberate connections between
online and offline activities and between campus-related and practice-related activities.


Topic-Learning Abilities, Apurva Kadam and Rani Bhowal. Students of Sir M

Visvesvaraya Institute of Management Studies and research. We came across
the difference between the Traditional and the Modern methods of learning
abilities. Problem stated was understanding of students is better through
online learning or traditional learning. Objective Undertaken was to analyze
the preference towards traditional and modern methods of teachers and
students. Focusing on the details of both the methods and elaboration of them
with the advantages and disadvantages. Study of 10 research papers was done
with literature review to understand the concept in depth. Adaptation of
Research methodology was done by using and collecting Primary data with
the help of Questionnaire. Research universe, method of sampling, sample size
and method of data collection mentioned.Further data analysis and
interpretation stated Answers of all the questions and the preferences.
Concluding with all the findings with elaboration.

Literature Review -:


1 .Name

2. Age Group ?

Below 18



50 and above

3 .Gender ?




4.Education Qualification ?



Post Graduation


5.Which Method do you prefer ?

Modern Method
Traditional Method


6.Modern learning methods are more effective than Traditional learning methods?



7.Which Method takes more time to explain certain topic ?

Traditional Method

Modern Method

8.Modern learning tools (computer, projector, mobile) should be a regular part of

Curriculum ?



9.I prefer class room interactions over Online learning.

Strongly Agree



Diss agree

Strongly DissAgree

10.I would rather watch video of any academics Subject than listen to Lecture.

Strongly Agree


Diss agree

Strongly DissAgree

11.I prefer to see information explained on the board

Strongly Agree



Diss agree

Strongly DissAgree

12.I think the best way to remember something is to picture it in Mind.

Strongly Agree



Diss agree

Strongly DissAgree

13.I prefer Combination learning of Traditional and Modern Method.

Strongly Agree


Diss agree

Strongly DissAgree

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