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Choose the correct answer

1- a tank is filled with gasoline, its relative density is 0.72 , and the capacity of the tank

is 60 liters and its empty mass 10 kg , gasoline mass is ……………… kg

a 53.2 B 43.5 c 7.2 D 7.5

2- Pressure is measured in …………..

a Kg.s -2 B Kg.m -1 .s -2 c Nm -1 D Nm2

3- A person weighing w stands with his feet on the ground. If the area of contact of each

foot with the ground is A , then the person exerts pressure on the ground = ...................

a- b c- d

4- A cuboid-shaped container with base dimensions of 2m by 3m filled

with Water depth of 0.8 m . Then I poured a layer of oil that floated

above the surface of the water, and it was the thickness of this Layer

1m So if you know that the relative density of oil is 0.8 and the gravitational acceleration

10m/s2 , the density of water is 1000 kg/m3 , and the atmospheric pressure

is 1.013 x 105 N/m2 If .......................

Pressure on the bottom of the The total force acting on the bottom of
container N/m 2 the container =..... N
a 117300 703800
b 1173 7038
c 117300 7038
d 1173 70380

5- Four cubes of equal size and of different materials (gold - iron - aluminum - copper) as

shown in the figure The order of the material blocks is as follows:

a- > > >

b- > > >

c- > > >

d- > > >

6- Two identical tanks with two liquids. The density of the liquid in the second tank is

greater than the density of the liquid in the first tank. The first tank is closed and the

second tank is open. The graphic representation shows the relationship between

pressure (P) and depth (h).

( / ) ( / ) ( / ) ( / )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

7- The figure shows a container with a liquid of density and acceleration due to gravity

( g )And the height of the liquid h1=h2=h3, the pressure at z, y, x is as follows

a- Px=3Pz=2Py b- > >

c- Py=2Pz=3Px d- > >

Mr.AbdelRaouf Hamdi

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