Atmospheric Pressure2023

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 Pa = gh

Numerically estimate the value of atmospheric pressure...

Pa = gh = 13595 × 9.81 × 0.76

Pa = 1.013 × 105 N/ m2

A meter long glass tube of regular section filled with mercury and degenerates in a

mercury basin.

Atmospheric pressure measurement.

The pressure at a point in the interior of a liquid

the pressure at the points at which

located in one horizontal plane in a homogeneous liquid

We note that the surface of the mercury in the tube

drops to a certain level

The space above the mercury becomes emptied except

for a small amount of mercury vapor

This space is called the Torricelli space.

- It is clear from the figure that the vertical height of the mercury column inside the tube is


The pure surface level of mercury in the basin remains constant, whether the tube is

In a vertical position o r in an inclined position.

- If we take points A and B in one horizontal plane, so that point A

Outside the tube at the surface of the mercury in the basin and

point B inside it, then:

pressure at A = pressure at B Pa = ρ gh

The height of mercury indicates the value of the atmospheric

pressure, and the height of mercury is about 76 cm

Pressure at A = Pressure at B (because they are at the same level)

gh = Pa

density of mercury h height of the mercury column g acceleration of gravity

1- Height above sea level

Atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude due to a decrease in the length

of the air column and, accordingly, its weight

2- The density of atmospheric air

Atmospheric pressure increases with increasing density

3- Temperature

Atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing temperature

4- The acceleration due to gravity

Its effect is noticeable at higher altitudes

1.013x105 N/m2 (Pascal)

760 mm Hg Pa (1 Atm) 760 torr

( mmHg)
1.013 Bar

Because its density is large,

it does not stick to glass and does not evaporate easily at normal temperatures

1- The height of the mercury remains constant, whether the tube is in a vertical

or inclined position (Unless the value of the atmospheric pressure changes at the

place of the experiment)

2- The height of the mercury column in the barometer does not change with

the change in the cross-sectional area of the barometric tube.

A - If the length of the tube is less than 76 cm

b - If the barometric tube is inclined so that it is The

vertical height of mercury is less than 76 cm

C - If the barometer is located at the bottom of a mine.

1-A barometer can be used to measure the height of a building

2- In the problems of finding the height of a building (or specifying a barometer reading:

When placing mercury thread in a capillary tube of regular section, so that:
A certain volume of air is trapped. If the tube:

1- Horizontal
P = Pa
2- It is vertical and its nozzle is up
P = Pa + h
3- It is vertical and its nozzle is down
P - Pa - h

Where P is the pressure of the air trapped inside the tube in cm Hg

Pa is the amount of atmospheric pressure in cm Hg

1- If the reading of the mercury barometer on one of the days is 76 cmHg , then the

reading of the barometer if water is used in it = ....... m Note that the density of water

is 1000 kg/m3 and the density of mercury is 13600 kg/m3 .

A 10.33 B 5,162 C 20.66 D 10

2- mercury barometer reads 76 cmHg at the bottom of a building and reads 74.8

cmHg The height of the building = …… m Note that the density of air is 1.2 kg/m3

and the density of mercury is 13600 kg/m3

A 136 B 156 C 272 D 250

3- corresponding figure

It is a mercury barometer

Which of the following altitudes is the value of atmospheric pressure?

A A B B c C D D

4- corresponding figure
A capillary tube containing a thread of mercury that traps a
volume of air under pressure 75 cm Hg If the tube is placed
vertically and opened upwards it becomes Entrained air pressure.............. cm Hg
A 70 B 75 C 80 D 81

5- corresponding figure
A capillary tube containing a thread of mercury that holds an amount of air
with a pressure of 68 cm Hg Atmospheric pressure = 75 cm Hg The length
of the mercury thread is h = ................... cm
A 5 B 7 C 9 D 12

6- Leads .............. to a decrease in the height of mercury inside the mercury barometer tube

A Increased mercury in the aquarium

B Increase the tube cross-sectional area
C Move the barometer to the top of a high mountain
D Use a longer tube
7- The presence of a small amount of air in the space above the surface of the
mercury inside a mercury barometer tube causes a decrease in the surface level
of mercury inside the tube because …………....
a The air molecules cool the mercury and it contracts
B Air molecules heat the mercury and it expands
c The air molecules reduce the pressure on the surface of the mercury in the tube
D The air molecules increase the pressure acting on the surface of the mercury in
the tube

8- Two adjacent mercury barometers , Y, X, have a tube cross-sectional area of 2 cm

2 and 1 cm2 respectively, so the ratio of the height of the mercury column in the

barometer tube x above the level of mercury in the basin to the height of the

column of mercury in the barometer tube y above the surface level of mercury in

the basin = .. ....................

A 1 B 0.25 c 0.5 D 4

9- corresponding figure

Three barometric tubes filled with mercury In shape, the tube in which

it is The height of the mercury column is not representative of the value

of atmospheric pressure.

A 1 B 2 c 3 D 2 and 3

10- Mercury barometer. The length of the barometric tube above the surface level of

mercury in the basin is 1m . It was used to measure the atmospheric pressure at

the base of a mountain. It was 76 cm Hg , and at the top of a mountain. The

difference between the atmospheric pressure at the base of the mountain and at

its top was 4 cm Hg . The ratio of the length of the Torcelli void at the base of the

mountain to the length of the Torricelli void at the base of the mountain

To the length of the Torricelli void at the top of the mountain = ………….

A 4 B 1 c D

11- corresponding figure

Two mercury barometers, with barometer 1 determining the atmospheric

pressure on a given day and barometer 2 the pressure air the next day

Which of the following choices is correct?!!

A The pressure at point x is less than at point y

B The pressure at point x is greater than at point y
C The atmospheric pressure on the first day is greater than
the atmospheric pressure on the second day
D The atmospheric pressure is the same in both days

12- corresponding figure

If the pressure difference between the gas pressure inside the reservoir

and the atmospheric pressure is 40 cm Hg , note that Pa = 76 cm Hg

so the height of the mercury column is h = .......... cm

A 36 B 40
c 116 D 156

13- An aircraft flies at an altitude of 3400 m from the surface of the earth, so if the

average air density at this height is 1.3 kg/m3 ,the density of mercury is 13600

kg/m3,and the atmospheric pressure at sea level is 76 cm Hg , then the

atmospheric pressure outside the aircraft at that height = . ........... cm Hg

A 40.2 B 43.5 c 50.2 D 52.5

14- corresponding figure

Three positions of a capillary tube containing a 2 cm long strip of

mercury that traps an amount of air If the atmospheric pressure

is 76 cm Hg , then the pressure of the air trapped in The three

forms = ....... cm Hg

A 74 76 78
B 76 74 78
C 76 78 74
D 78 74 76

15- If you know that the atmospheric pressure = 10 5 Pascal and the acceleration due

to gravity = 10 m/s 2 , then calculate the approximate mass of a column of air with

a cross-sectional area of 1 cm that rises from sea level to the end of the

atmosphere ........... kg

A 1 B 2 c 1.2 D 1.8

16- If a storm caused a decrease in the reading of a mercury barometer by 20 mm ,

the value of the atmospheric pressure in this case would be in Pascals = ....... Note

that the usual atmospheric pressure = 1.013 x 10 5 pascal , the density of mercury

is 13600 kg/m3,and the gravitational acceleration terrestrial=9.8m/s2

A 9.86 x 10 4 B 9.86 x 10 5 c 8.86 x 10 4 D 7.86x 10 4

17- A mercury barometer whose reading at the highest point of a 200 -meter-high building

was 74 cm Hg , so the reading of the barometer at the surface of the earth = ....... cm Hg ,

noting that the average air density = 1.3 kg/m 3 and the density of mercury = 13600 kg /m3

A 75.9 B 74 c 73 D 72

18- A mercury barometer reads at the ground floor of a building , 76 cmHg , and reads at

the top floor, Hg74.15 cm. If the height of the building is200 m The average density of

air between the two floors = …… kg/m 3

A 1,258 B 1,356 c 2.2 D 1,125

19- barometer reads 76 cm Hg at the bottom of a building and reads 74.8 cm Hg at

the highest point in the building , the height of the building = ....... m Note that ρair

= 1.25 kg /m3 and ρmercury = 13600 kg/ m3

A 130.56 B 129 c 131.56 D 133.65

20- A mercury barometer at the top floor of a tall building 136 mif the barometer at the
ground floor reads 74 cmHg The barometer reading at the top floor = ........ cm Hg
( ρair = kg/m 3 1.25 , ρmercury = 13600 kg/m 3 )
A 70.26 B 71.16 c 70 D 72.75

21- A man carries a mercury barometer whose reading at the highest point of a 200 -meter-
high building is 74 cm Hg The reading of the barometer at the surface of the Earth
= ...... cm Hg If you know that the average density of air is 1.3 kg/ m3
A 74.9 B 71.26 c 72.5 d 75.9

Mr.AbdelRaouf Hamdi


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