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Name : Kevin Jonathan

Class : 9B/16

One day Jessica, Robben and their other friends made plans to go
camping in the woods on Saturday.
*it's Saturday*
When they arrived in the forest, from a distance someone saw them
from afar without them noticing.
after arriving in the forest they built a tent after they finished building the
tent Robben invited them to play uno, they played until they forgot the
time finally it was 6 pm and Jessica divided the tasks, the women were
cooking and the men looking for wood to burn, then Robben group and the
rest the men went looking for wood then they found an old house and
almost collapsed then they saw the house and it turned out that in that
house there was a figure who saw them from the window, and robben
realized someone was watching them and Robben told his friends and
decided to leave After arriving at the tent and burning the bonfire, Robben
told the house to their female friends, at first they didn't care about the
After the sun shone on the earth, Robben began to be curious about the
contents of the house and who had seen them, then Robben invited his
friends to go see that house then said
Robben : guys, I'm curious about that house
At first, Robben and Jessica's friends didn't agree, then over time they also
became curious about the house and decided to go to that house.
Then finally they arrived at the house and they bravely entered the house
at first nothing happened but over time a voice started to sound from one
room, they approached the room suddenly there was a scream from a
friend when they saw that their friend was missing then they panicked then
because they can't do anything they step by step into the room then
screams from their friends again and disappear now all that's left is only
Robben and Jessica then they have arrived at the room and when they
opened the room the bodies of their friends who disappeared earlier were
covered in blood then they panicked even more and they left the room and
planned to go home then "AAAAAAA" screams from Jessica fell into a
very deep trap, then Robben called Jessica hoping to be answered by
Jessica, Robben panicked couldn't do anything so without him knowing
from behind Robben pushed by someone and fell into the trap, then
Robben and his friends died by a mysterious figure.

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