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Once upon a time, there lived a knight resembling an angel by bringing a true

peace to the inhabitants of the earth. A knight named Argus, himself and
Rafaela who are two angels from heaven, plan to create prosperity for all
mankind forever, which can then bring about a form of change that can be felt
by himself and everyone.

Until one day a sad news was heard, that there was a great war in the land of
the Land Of Dawn, which is the most historic country with the source of all the
great wealth.

After hearing the heartbreaking news, Argus and Rafaela who was in charge of
maintaining the peace felt they had to deal with the problem as soon as
possible, they went down to the ground.

Land of Dawn at the same time. Between the two of them have a role that
they have to do, among which are, willing to take responsibility by expelling all
evil forces, and the other is eradicating suffering anddestroys all attacks from
the opposing side. In order to eradicate evil, Argus fought countless battles,
which eventually made him obsessed with the pursuit of power.

Eventually Argus forgot his main task, which was to create a peace, and also
himself then pursued an unparalleled great power to kill the bad guys in the
Land of Dawn.

Once upon a time, Argus was in the Wrath of Dead, a sacred forest that no
living creature dared to enter. In the forest, Argus hears a strange call from an
Ancient Creature. Because of these whispers, Argus began to lose control of his
ambition, the original desire to stop the war had disappeared from his heart,
which instead he was very ambitious to want the power to rule over
everything. His soul is called to destroy
Seal of the Ancient, which is a seal spell to protect the cursed sword called
Blazing Demonic Blade. And with ease, Argus broke the seal and suddenly he
found the karate sword residing in it. However, to get the sword is not easy,
because the Blazing Demonic Blade has a consciousness in the form of a very
dense darkness that resides in it.

The sword can grant one wish, namely on the condition that the owner of the
sword must sacrifice his own soul for the sword, so that after that he can gain a
lot of power that will never run out. With this sword Argus becomes a fighter
who does not know defeat, even the effect of the sword makes Argus unable
to die even though he is attacked repeatedly by the enemy, even though they
attack him with all the strength they have.

And now Argus travels to all corners of the Land of Dawn. Argus leaves Rafaela,
who is an angel who used to be with him in order to create a peace. Now that
Argus had strayed from the truth, he was now determined to seek conflict and
also all wars, so that he could swallowmore soul power, to feed his Hell sword
that would destroy every enemy who dared to tease and even attack him.

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