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Name: Ashleigh Bardeleben, Shay Moorman

Daily Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Project Return/Simon Says, Draw! Grade Level: 2nd

Sequence and Scope Statements:

This lesson fits into the curriculum because of how the projects connect with one another but also
how the projects can help the students realize what they can do.

Concept and Skills:

VA:Re.7.2.3a: Determine messages communicated by an image.
VA:Re9.1.2a: Use learned art vocabulary to express preferences about artwork.

Academic Language:
Reflect: to look over and analyze how a piece of art is made.
Respond: understanding how art conveys a meaning

Purpose of Lesson:
The purpose of this lesson is for the students to reflect on what they have done and how they feel
about their own work but to also respond to their friend’s work.

Learning Objective:
Given the projects from the past lessons, students will reflect on what they did this semester and how
the projects make them feel.

Assessment Criteria:
Formal: responding to each other's artwork
Conceptual: reflecting on their own work

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

Projects from the previous lessons, a small presentation on projects and how to respond, a small
presentation on the Simon says draw game
Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:
Paper, markers/colored pencils/crayons (whatever we have)

Planning for Differentiation:

Different types of learners will be able to hear the Simon says prompt again as it will be repeated until
everyone is done

Teacher Directed Activities: Student Activities:

- We will greet the class.
- We will then go over how we are going to
pass out the projects and how we can Introduction:
wrap their monsters, so they don’t get - Students will listen to the instructions
damaged. - Students will then prepare to receive
their projects from the past lessons
- How do your mandalas make you feel?
- How do you think your glasses represent

- We will then go into passing back the projects
to the students, making sure that the
monsters are last.
- As we are handing back, we can ask questions
about how the students feel about their own
projects and what they liked about art class. Development:
- As we hand back the monsters, we will also - Students will receive their projects
hand out their name tags and monster info - Students will then answer the questions
sheet. about how they feel that they did in art
- As we finish with that, we will pull up the rest and what project they liked most
of the presentation on how to play the Simon - Students then will listen to the
Says, Draw! Game.
presentation and instructions on how to
- We will then hand out paper and any drawing
play the game
materials for the students to play the game
for the rest of the time. - We will then play the game until the
period is over.
- Why do you think we are playing this
- What are ways that we can respond to
our friend's artwork?
- The only special cleanup for this day is to
make sure that all the students have their Conclusion:
projects before we leave. - Students will make sure that they have
- But also, to make sure that we have any everything they need to take home
drawing materials that we brought in - Students will also make sure that they
goes back with us. give back any drawing materials that
were provided by us back to us.
- What can you do as a student to continue
working on your skills?

Critical Comments and Reflections:

- This lesson was our last lesson. I was not expecting to cry but I did (not where the students
can see me).
- All of the students knew that it was time to take their art projects home and then they were
very excited about the game. I honestly think I will implement this game into my own
classroom when I become a teacher.

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