Article of Russ-WPS Office

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Article of Russia and Ukraine War

What kind of Reading It is?

- This kind of reading is about Russia and Ukraine War
and How the Crisis Developed.

The Roots of the Ukraine War: How the Crisis Developed

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the biggest military
mobilization in Europe since World War II. Here’s a guide
to how it came about, and what’s at stake for Russia, the
U.S. and NATO.
It felt like a scene from the Cold War, a perilous episode
from a bygone era. An unpredictable Russian leader was
amassing troops and tanks on a neighbor’s border. There
was fear of a bloody East-West conflagration
Then the Cold War turned hot: Vladimir V. Putin’s
ordered Russian forces to invade Ukraine. The
repercussions were immediate, and far-reaching.
Now, following the launch of Russia’s full-scale invasion
on Feb. 24, the largest mobilization of forces Europe has
seen since 1945 is underway. So far, Moscow has been
denied the swift victory it anticipated, and has failed to
capture major cities across the country, including Kyiv,
the capital. It has been weighed down by an ill-prepared
military and has faced tenacious resistance from
Ukrainian soldiers and civilian resistance fighters. Still,
Russia has superior military might, and Mr. Putin has
indicated that his ultimate goal is to capture Kyiv, topple
Ukraine’s democratically elected government, and
subsume the country into Russia’s orbit.
The invasion threatens to destabilize the already volatile
post-Soviet region, with serious consequences for the
security structure that has governed Europe since the
1990s. Mr. Putin has long lamented the loss of Ukraine
and other republics when the Soviet Union broke apart.
Now, diminishing NATO, the military alliance that helped
keep the Soviets in check, appears to be part of his
mission. Before invading, Russia made a list of far-
reaching demands to reshape that structure — positions
NATO and the United States rejected.
With the war grinding on, U.S. intelligence agencies say
Mr. Putin has been frustrated by the slow pace of the
military advance and Russian commanders have been
increasingly intensifying indiscriminate attacks on civilian
targets and infrastructure and resorting to tactics used in
previous wars in Chechnya and Syria. Mariupol. Kharkiv.
Chernihiv. Sumy. Okhtyrka. Hostomel. Irpin. The list of
Ukrainian cities turned to ruins keeps growing.

The war has unleashed a devastating humanitarian toll

and claimed thousands of lives. It has also prompted
more than three million people to flee Ukraine, spurring
what the United Nations has called the fastest-growing
refugee crisis since World War II.

In the besieged southern port city of Mariupol, which has

become a potent emblem of the human toll of war, a
Russian strike on March 16 destroyed a theater where
hundreds of people had been sheltering, including
children. The city has no electricity or water, and people
have been digging trenches to accommodate the
mounting numbers of bodies.

Several rounds of diplomatic talks between Russia and

Ukraine have failed to stop the war. The United States
and the European Union have mobilized to impose some
of the toughest economic sanctions ever on Mr. Putin’s
government. Hundreds of Western businesses —
manufacturers, oil companies, retailers and fast-food
chains like McDonald’s — have suspended operations in
Russia, turning back the clock on the country’s opening
to the west.

Karl Robin Oliveros - My opinion about the war between
russia and ukraine is that..
Why Vladimir Putin (President of Russia) is trying to
attack Ukraine?
-Is it because he wants to expands his country Russia
These question are in my mind looking for answers.. but
what did Ukraine do wrong about them if they were just
living in peace?
but still the war between Russia and Ukraine is that
Ukraine is the victim because a lot of people died
because of the war.

Joshua Taay - Maybe the fight won't end until they're

Regine De Loyola - Why are the nations fighting for a
small land? I think there are just a lot of people who are
really too attached to power

Definition Of Terms
Mobilization - The action of a country or its
government preparing and organizing troops for
active service.
Amassing - Gather together or accumulate (a large
amount or number of valuable material or things)
over a period of time.
Repercussion - An unintended consequence
occurring some time after an event or action,
especially an unwelcome one.
Ill Prepared - Not ready or prepared for something.
Tenacious - Tending to keep a firm hold of
something; clinging or adhering closely.
Lamented - A conventional way of describing
someone who has died or something that has been
lost or that has ceased to exist.
Democratically - In accordance with the principles
of democracy.
Subsume - Include or absorb (something) in
something else.
Destabilize - Upset the stability of; cause unrest in.
Volatile - (of a substance) easily evaporated at
normal temperatures.
Diminish - Make or become less.
Far-Reaching - Having important and widely
applicable effects or implications.
Intensifying - Become or make more intense.
Indiscriminate - Done at random or without careful
Infrastructure - The basic physical and
organizational structures and facilities (e.g.
buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for the
operation of a society or enterprise.

Resorting - Turn to and adopt (a strategy or course

of action, especially a disagreeable or undesirable
one) so as to resolve a difficult situation.
Unleashed - Release from a leash or restraint.
Devastating - Highly destructive or damaging.
Humanitarian - Concerned with or seeking to
promote human welfare.
Prompted - (of an event or fact) cause or bring
about (an action or feeling).
Spurring - Urge (a horse) forward by digging one's
spurs into its sides.
Refugee - A person who has been forced to leave
their country in order to escape war, persecution,
or natural disaster.
Besieged - (of a place) surrounded by armed forces
aiming to capture it or force surrender.

Emblem - A heraldic device or symbolic object as a

distinctive badge of a nation, organization, or
Diplomatic - Of or concerning the profession,
activity, or skill of managing international relations.
Impose - Force (something unwelcome or
unfamiliar) to be accepted or put in place.
Sanctions - A threatened penalty for disobeying a
law or rule.

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