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TASK: Read each example and identify the correct literary form.
I like fish and I like fries
I like eating apple pies
Popcorn, peanuts, orange juice
I love eating Canadian Moose

Martin Luther King was an American civil

rights leader who helped many people gain
freedom and equality. He was assassinated.

I predict that pollution will no longer exist by

the year 2020

Stop at red lights.

To whom it may concern,

By the time you read this, I will be in a warm
country, basking in the sun and fishing. If you
want to reach me, my telephone number is
Once upon a time there was a iant. Tony
killed it because it was bothering the people.
But upon being killed, the giant turned into a
zillion mosquitoes that came back and sucked
the blood of all the people.

World War Two ended in 1945.

Those people who practice will be great at

what they do.

Don't hit anyone!

These are the only clothes I wear: blue pants,

orange shirts, purple underwear, yellow socks
and a leather jacket.

Dear Cindy,
Please leave me the keys to the house, so
that I can get in tomorrow.

Every morning I eat these things: cereal,

toast, bread, jam, eggs, bacon and sausages.
TASK: Look up each passage and identify the correct literary form

List Myth/
History Psalm Parable

Prophecy Letter Law Sermon Proverb

TASK: Look up each passage and provide a summary. Explain why the passage fits the literary
definition given.

1. PARABLE - A short comparison using something familiar to teach a religious idea.

Example: Matthew 13:33

2. PROVERB - A short, popular wise saying.

Example: Proverbs 21:23

3. LAW - A rule or command for a whole group of people or nation.

Example: Exodus 20:12

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