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1- What are the different types of image representations?

• Black and white image

o single color plane with 2 bits
• Grey scale image
o single color plane with 8 bits
• Color image
o three color planes each with 8 bits
o RGB, CMY, YIQ, etc.
• Indexed color image
o single plane that indexes a color table
• Compressed images
o TIFF, JPEG, BMP, etc.

2- What is the difference between Spatial and Frequency domains?

• Spatial domain
o refers to planar region of intensity values at time t
• Frequency domain
o think of each color plane as a sinusoidal function of changing
intensity values
o refers to organizing pixels according to their changing intensity

3- For Audio representation on computers, define what is meant by sampling

rate and quantization?
Sampling Rate: the number of samples per unit taken from the domain
of a continuous signal to make a discrete or digital signal.
Quantization: is the process of mapping continuous infinite amplitude
values to a smaller set of discrete finite values.
4- Define what is meant by Nyquist theorem and Nyquist limit. Find the
maximum data-rate for a 3KHzchannel That transmits data using 2 levels
• Nyquist Theorem
o For lossless digitization, the sampling rate should be at least
twice the maximum frequency response.
o In mathematical terms:
▪ fs > 2*fm
o where fs is sampling frequency and fm is the maximum
frequency in the signal
• Nyquist Limit
o max data rate = 2 H log2V bits/second, where
▪ H = bandwidth (in Hz)
▪ V = discrete levels (bits per signal change)
o Shows the maximum number of bits that can be sent per second
on a noiseless channel with a bandwidth of H, if V bits are sent
per signal
• What is the maximum data rate for a 3kHz channel that transmits
data using 2 levels (binary)?
o Max data rate = 2 x 3,000 x ln2 = 6,000 bits/second

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