MyMaths Homework - Scatter Graphs

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Online Dartford Grammar School for Girls

Scatter graphs
Homework Arwen Trinh

Q1 Q1 – First question
0 10 students were asked how much time they spent using a screen each week,
10 and were then timed running 100m.
Here are the results:
Plot the last 5 points. Click here to
100m screen Draw in a line of best fit. [2] draw/store.
Q2 time time
20 Use your line of best fit
11.3 8
18 to estimate the 100m
Screen time (hours)

13.0 13 16 time for a student who
13.6 11 14 has a screen time of
15.1 10 12 11 hours/week.
16.4 18 10
calc sec [2]
15.8 16
12.6 6 4 Does the graph show
12.2 10 2 positive (p) or negative
Total 14.5 14 (n) correlation?
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
11.5 5 [1]
Time to run 100m (sec)

Mark it

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