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What is the 3rd Grade Retention Law?

In 2021, the Tennessee Legislature passed a law that requires 3rd grade
students who are not meeting expectations in English/Language Arts to be
retained unless certain requirements are met. Students in 3rd grade in the
2022-23 school year will be the first students affected by the law.

What could be the impact on MNPS?

rs w coul
de % MNPS 3rd grade students at
TN 3rd Gra

risk of being retained

e retained


4 out of 5 Black, Hispanic, and Native

American 3rd grade students in MNPS are at
risk of being retained

2021-22 ELA TCAP
Results for MNPS
3rd Graders

37.5% 35.1% 27.4%

Below Approaching Met or
additional 3rd graders in the
Expectations Expectations
Expectations 2023-24 school year

How can MNPS students at risk of retention be promoted?

For students scoring "below" For students scoring "approaching" Appeal to the State
Retake the Attend summer learning Attend summer learning Board with


test and camp with 90%

attendance camp with 90%
attendance evidence of growth
are and demonstrate adequate and demonstrate adequate

" and/or catastrophic
proficient growth AND be assigned a TN growth OR be assigned a TN event
or above All Corps tutor for 4th grade All Corps tutor for 4th grade (only for students scoring

Exceptions that allow for promotion no matter the TCAP score:

An English Learner who has had less A student who was previously A student who has a disability or
1 than 2 years of ELA instruction 2 retained in any grade K-3 3 suspected disability that impacts reading
Source: TDOE FAQ on the Promotion and Retention of 3rd Grade Students

What can we learn from other states?

Florida Louisiana Mississippi
Florida's 3rd grade reading After Hurricane Katrina, In 2013, the state passed a 3rd
retention law was paired with Louisiana required students grade retention law with
significant financial investment. who scored "Below Basic" in retention serving as last resort.
Students who are retained must: reading to be retained.
Investments and Interventions
Complete summer school
Have an academic
40% 1 out of 3 K-12
Required under the Law
Investments in tools Universal reading
of students in New
improvement plan students were and resources for screeners and
Orleans were retained at retained for at
Have a highly effective teachers summer reading
least once least 1 grade
teacher the following year camps for students

Students retained under Florida's policy Because so many students were retained, After 5 years, the retention law changed to
have seen short term academic gains that retention decisions were returned to require students to show growth rather than
fade after six years. districts in 2018. score above the lowest proficiency level.

What do we know about the effects of retention laws?

Academic Impact Equity Social-Emotional
Research is mixed on the academic Needs
effects of retention laws. On average, Retention policies disproportionately Students who are retained are more likely
retained students experience short-term affect students of color and English to be bullied or engage in bullying and are
gains, but over time those gains fade out. learners. more likely to be held to lower expectations.
Sources: Schwerdt et al (2017); Allen, Chen, Willson, & Hughes (2010); Weiss et al (2018); Tingle, Schoeneberger, and Algozzine (2012); Moser, West, and Hughes (2012); Crothers et al (2010) January 2023

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