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JLZ 300

UNIT 1:Communication Theory

Text book: Chapter 1: Pg 3 to 33

• Definition of Communication
• Models of Communication
• Elements of Communication
• Barriers to Communication
When one is ready, learning is quick,
easy and fun.

When one is not ready, learning is

hard, boring and someone’s fault.
Interpersonal Communication: Main headings

1) Definition: What is it?

2) Models: What are its processes?
3) Elements: What are the parts of the process?
4) Modes / Types: How do we do it?
5) Barriers: What can hinder it working well?
1) Communication Definition:

Oxford living dictionary: The imparting or exchanging of information

by speaking, writing, or using some other medium. Or…
The successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings.

BusinessDictionary: Two-way process of reaching mutual

understanding, in which participants not only exchange
(encode-decode) information, news, ideas and feelings but
also create and share meaning.

Channel Barriers


Activity 1:
Interpersonal communication is a very important part in
any school, and not just in the classroom.
A. What is Intrapersonal communication?
B.On your own, draw a picture of two people and how
you see communication happens between them.
C. Compare your ideas with others in your group.

Audience /
2) A) Aristotle’s model
2) B) Schramm’s model 1954 (Pg 8 Text book)
2) C) Berlo’s 1960 model of interpersonal communication
Source Channel Receiver

Knowledg des

2) C) Berlo’s 1960 model WITH Mode andNoise
Messag Chann
Source Medium
e el
Content Video
Skills P.Point
Attitudes Mode
Enco Verbal
Knowledg des Treatme Non-V
e nt
Social Structur Noise
Small font
system e Prejudic
Culture Code
A dark and silent world.
Do our senses lie
When they fill space
With sound and light?

vibrations and waves

reach ear and eye then out! we chase the signs
from air and sky. to place them back where they began
and touch the stimulating world
chemical change and sparking paths around.
lead the signals to our centre,
where we perceive and are moved What kind of being are we
in measure. Who experience a rich, full life
In Science’s silent, mechanical night?
C) Berlo’s 1960 model With Mode and Noise
Source Medium Channel Receiver
e Lecture
Comm. Video
Content P. Point Hearing

Attitudes Elements Mode Seeing

Enco Verbal
Knowledg des Treatme Non-V Touchin
e nt g
Social Small
Structure Smelling
system font
Culture Code ce Tasting
B) Berlo’s 1960 model PLUS Mode and Noise
Source Medium
Channel Receiver
Comm. Video
Content Hearing
Skills P.Point skills

Attitudes Elements Mode Seeing Attitudes

Enco Verbal
Knowledg des Treatme Non-V Touchin ode Knowledg
e nt g s e
Social Noise Social
Structure Small font Smelling
system Prejudi system
Culture Code Tasting Culture
(Pg 9 in Text book)
D) Prof. R. Evans model 2005 (Pg 10 in text book)
3) Elements of communication: General aspects

The individuals / groups involved

The history between individuals
The experience / skill / knowledge
The hopes / fears
The nature of relationships
The mood
The setting / context
The intention / reason for communication
The preparation
The medium and channel
Elements of communication: Main points
A) The Episode: The communication event.
• Where and when did it
• happen?
• Who was there?
• Why did you have it?
• What happened?
• How long did it last?
• Were you satisfied with the outcome?
Elements of communication: Main points
B) The Context: Setting and purpose

Social: Interpersonal connection

Corporate: Negotiate, form partnerships and deals
Sales: Serve and create needs, persuade others
Learning: Engage, create interest, extend knowledge or skills

Art, media and nature: Observe, interpret, create meaning

Elements of communication: Main points
D) The Message
Content: What is actually said.
Paralinguistic cues: The way in which it is said…
Quality of voice, Mood of speaker,
Humour, Speed and volume of speech…
Decoding: The way in which it is understood…
Making sense of the sights and sounds,
to gain the full meaning of the message.
E) Medium
Elements of communication: Main points
E) The Medium: What you use to convey the message.

Lecture, Conversation, Video, Music, Singing,

Drawing, Painting, Dancing, Acting, Drama, Telephone
call, Cell-phone messaging, Email, Video call,
Workshop, Social, Meeting, Religious service, Ritual,
Presentation, Charts, Sculpture, Sport, Play, Book,
Poem, Postal letters, Clothing, Movies…

Stillness, Silence.
The Mode: or Type of communication:
• Non-verbal: Body language
Paralinguistic or qualities of voice

• Verbal: Oral or spoken word

Aural or hearing ( with ears) and listening (with understanding)
Written: Every word must count
Active voice: I ate an apple. Rather than…
Passive voice: The apple was eaten.

• Multi-modal: Audio-visual
PP Presentations
Barriers to Communication:
Noise: Anything that distorts the message from being

Frame of reference: Thinking / Cognitive

Feeling / Affective
Doing / Behavioural / habits
Credibility: Proof of expertise, Intuition / “gut feel”, Confidence,
Selective perception: Expectations, Poor memory, Prejudice
Cultural and semantics: Meanings of words, Offensive sensitivities
Attitude and disposition: Looking to be offended, Chilled as a bean

Internal: ADHD, Hungry, Exhaustion, Boredom, Pain, Pre-occupied

External: Physical noise, Distractions, Light, Eyesight, Geography
Communication is a very important part in a school, and
not just in the classroom.

School Internal Communication:

A. List all the roles or posts that learners and staff have at
a school. E.g. Principal
B. List as many situations that a school creates that you
can think of, where communication happens.
E.g. Different types of meetings
School communication

Internal communication: With learners, Teachers, Head of

Department, Deputy principal, Principal, Informal conversations,
Socials, Disciplinary hearings, Assembly

Meetings: All staff, Teaching staff, Office staff, Ground staff, Sport,
Subject, grade, Phase and Management,

Function of internal communication: Professional development,

Notifying / informing, Instructional, Team building,

External communication: Parents, Department of Education, Service

Internal comm. within a (hierarchical) school
Horizontal: Colleagues, Peers

Vertical: Upward to Senior staff

Downward to junior staff or learners

Diagonal: Staff to support services, School counselor

Informal: Rumours via the “Grapevine”

Break-time conversations, horizontal and vertical
Unit 1: Outcomes

• Define and use key terminology appropriately

• Describe a traditional, bi-directional communication model
• Explain organisational communication as related to a
school as an organic, dynamic system
• Explain and exemplify the main types of communication
used in a school context
• Identify communication barriers and suggest solutions to
overcome these in a multicultural / diverse environmental

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