Assignment #3 Itc

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Assignment #3 … Introduction to Computing…


1. Who is Tim Berners-Lee and what is his contribution to the evolution of
Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee OM KBE FRS FREng FRSA (born 8th June 1955)
is a British computer scientist, who is credited with inventing the World Wide Web. On
25 December 1990 he implemented the first successful communication between an
HTTP client and server via the Internet with the help of Robert Cailliau and a young
student staff at CERN. 
He was ranked Joint First in The Telegraph's list of 100 greatest living geniuses.
Berners-Lee is the director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which oversees
the Web's continued development, the founder of the World Wide Web Foundation and
he is a senior researcher and holder of the 3Com Founders Chair at the MIT Computer
Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).
While an independent contractor at CERN from June to December 1980,
Berners-Lee proposed a project based on the concept of hypertext, to facilitate sharing
and updating information among researchers. While there, he built a prototype system
named ENQUIRE. After leaving CERN, in 1980, he went to work at John Poole's Image
Computer Systems Ltd in Bournemouth but returned to CERN in 1984 as a fellow. In
1989, CERN was the largest Internet node in Europe, and Berners-Lee saw an
opportunity to join hypertext with the Internet: "I just had to take the hypertext idea and
connect it to the Transmission Control Protocol and domain name system ideas and —
ta-da! — the World Wide Web." He wrote his initial proposal in March 1989, and in
1990, with the help of Robert Cailliau, produced a revision which was accepted by his
manager, Mike Sendall. He used similar ideas to those underlying the Enquire system
to create the World Wide Web, for which he designed and built the first web browser
and editor (called WorldWideWeb and developed on NeXTSTEP) and the first Web
server called httpd (short for HyperText Transfer Protocol daemon).
The first Web site built was at CERN and was first put online on 6 August 1991. It
provided an explanation about what the World Wide Web was, how one could own a
browser and how to set up a Web server. It was also the world's first Web directory,
since Berners-Lee maintained a list of other Web sites apart from his own.
In 1994, Berners-Lee founded the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It comprised various companies that were
willing to create standards and recommendations to improve the quality of the Web.
Berners-Lee made his idea available freely, with no patent and no royalties due. The
World Wide Web Consortium decided that their standards must be based on royalty-
free technology, so they can be easily adopted by anyone.
2. What is the latest browser to this date?
 Mozilla Firefox- navigates to and loads new pages quickly. Its clean design
makes it easy to find settings and tools. It is one of the most secure web
browsers, blocking both phishing schemes and malicious downloads in our tests.

 Google Chrome - is compatible with all platforms, including Windows, Mac,

Android and iOS. It allows changes you saved in the browser to be accessed
from other devices. It also recognizes and blocks both Windows and Mac

 Safari - is designed specifically for Apple computers and iOS devices, though
there is an Android app available. It is a fast browser, and it blocks dangerous
websites well. Settings and bookmarks can be synced between Apple devices.

 Avant Browser- feels very similar to older versions of Internet Explorer, which
isn’t surprising because it uses the same primary source code. Avant can be
used as either a standalone browser or as an add-on to Internet Explorer, giving
IE users updated tools and functions no longer supported by Microsoft.

 Avast Secure - web browser is really good at stopping phishing schemes, and it
connects you to Avast’s free antivirus program to help stop online malware from
infecting your computer.

 Maxthon - is a good choice if you like the feel and user experience of Internet
Explorer but have a Windows 10 operating system where Explorer isn’t an

 Microsoft Edge - comes standard with computers running the Windows 10

operating system, but it also works on both Android and iOS cell phones. It isn’t,
however, compatible with older Windows versions.

 Opera - feels similar to Google Chrome because it uses the same base program.

SeaMonkey - is an open source browser, so you have access to the code and
can customize its features.
3. Look for the ASCII Code.

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Below is
the ASCII character table, including descriptions of the first 32 characters. ASCII was
originally designed for use with teletypes, and so the descriptions are somewhat
obscure and their use is frequently not as intended. Java actually uses Unicode, which
includes ASCII and other characters from languages around the world.

Dec = Decimal Value
Char = Character

'5' has the int value 53

if we write '5'-'0' it evaluates to 53-48, or the int 5
if we write char c = 'B'+32; then c stores 'b'

Dec Char Dec Char Dec Char Dec Char

--------- --------- --------- ----------
0 NUL (null) 32 SPACE 64 @ 96 `
1 SOH (start of heading) 33 ! 65 A 97 a
2 STX (start of text) 34 " 66 B 98 b
3 ETX (end of text) 35 # 67 C 99 c
4 EOT (end of transmission) 36 $ 68 D 100 d
5 ENQ (enquiry) 37 % 69 E 101 e
6 ACK (acknowledge) 38 & 70 F 102 f
7 BEL (bell) 39 ' 71 G 103 g
8 BS (backspace) 40 ( 72 H 104 h
9 TAB (horizontal tab) 41 ) 73 I 105 i
10 LF (NL line feed, new line) 42 * 74 J 106 j
11 VT (vertical tab) 43 + 75 K 107 k
12 FF (NP form feed, new page) 44 , 76 L 108 l
13 CR (carriage return) 45 - 77 M 109 m
14 SO (shift out) 46 . 78 N 110 n
15 SI (shift in) 47 / 79 O 111 o
16 DLE (data link escape) 48 0 80 P 112 p
17 DC1 (device control 1) 49 1 81 Q 113 q
18 DC2 (device control 2) 50 2 82 R 114 r
19 DC3 (device control 3) 51 3 83 S 115 s
20 DC4 (device control 4) 52 4 84 T 116 t
21 NAK (negative acknowledge) 53 5 85 U 117 u
22 SYN (synchronous idle) 54 6 86 V 118 v
23 ETB (end of trans. block) 55 7 87 W 119 w
24 CAN (cancel) 56 8 88 X 120 x
25 EM (end of medium) 57 9 89 Y 121 y
26 SUB (substitute) 58 : 90 Z 122 z
27 ESC (escape) 59 ; 91 [ 123 {
28 FS (file separator) 60 < 92 \ 124 |
29 GS (group separator) 61 = 93 ] 125 }
30 RS (record separator) 62 > 94 ^ 126 ~
31 US (unit separator) 63 ? 95 _ 127 DEL

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