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‫اساسيات الطب \التكنلوجيا‬

Health informatics

Associated aware of medical informatics closely the evolution of Science

Information Technology - more science human progress and the fastest
growing and the greatest impact on the lives of individuals and peoples
and communities - and we realize through Masratna for the tremendous
development through which the technology in the world the size of the
progress of information technology of communications and data
processing systems calculators intelligent human help in determining the
optimal resolution and notification to more success in the discovery and
invention and diligent search for the truth in this universe .
As the man is the most expensive value created by God on the ground and
he has put him , it became certain that the validity of the rights and the
safety of his body and his mind , and the same is one of the most
important necessities of life and the necessities of the continued
reconstruction of the universe , so , he went to man since time
immemorial on the development of treatment and the search for healing ,
until he reached medicine to where we are now offering . And still
medicine looking for further development , using all means of science
available and the most important information technology , which has
become impossible to practice modern medicine without use , have
realized the organizers of the health care that a large part of its technical
and managerial linked to the management and provision of information
about the patient's diagnosis , treatment and medical research.
Contents [ ]
1 General Introduction
2 acquisition , storage and use of medical data
3 medical decision-making and the laws of probability
4 basic concepts in medical treatment Computer
5 Design and Systems Engineering
6 standards of medical informatics
7 Ethics and Health Informatics
8 Technology Assessment
9 systems, electronic medical records
10 information management in integrated networks
11 public health and use of health information
12 patient care systems
13 follow-up systems and patient monitoring
14 imaging systems - radiology - diagnostic
15 Information Retrieval Systems
16 medical decision support systems
17 The use of computers in medical education
18 Bioinformatics
19 See also
20 References
General Introduction

After that , the scientists developed the first computers in the forties
realize the community and the world at large that these new devices will
provide lots and lots of services for all humanity , especially in the field of
information , storage, processing and retrieval , and after this date a
decade began to doctors and specialists , in turn, in an attempt to take
advantage of this techniques are real through the development of the idea
of information management and the role of computers in medicine and
health care , which is one of the most important fields of science, the most
prevalent and influential , and it was the most important thing was
developed early idea of electronic medical records , which represent a
focal point pour in. inhaling them many channels of information associated
with providing health care to the patient - the center of all the activities of
medicine and health care - and there were many reasons for the
development of the idea of these electronic records as a substitute for
paper records and traditional but the most important of which lies in the
capability of computers and software to store, process and retrieve various
types of information that represent the most important contents of the
medical records . The Successive stages and experiences of the
development process for those medical records and integration with
various sources of information systems through information networks that
have led extension to the idea of decentralization and contact information
between more than one hospital and medical institution , but beyond that
through the Internet, which pushed the potential millions of users patients
and healthy to rely on as a source to search for medical information .
Hence we have to realize the role of the computer and the idea of using it
in medical science and its relationship to health and the relationship of the
recent Computer science and biomedical engineering . And also must also
recognize the nature of the medical information and distinguish certain
properties - for the rest of human intelligence - Kal_khasusih and atypical
and need to be addressed and accurate vehicle which led to the
emergence of the importance of the use of artificial intelligence
applications in the treatment of medical information and its integration
with the practice of medicine .
Acquisition ,

Medical Data Acquisition and Storage

Can be defined as medical data as any specific information on a patient or
his condition , and vary the data and information of various ranges from
simple numbers represent the results of some tests such as reading body
temperature or the number of red blood cells or a camel language
describing the patient's complaint or the date of disease progression has
Oancharh with his family or summary signing medical examination and
even complex information such as images or X-rays for diagnostic studies
of physiology and movies perspectives . Medical data also differ in nature
from a lot of other data types that deal with rights and that the different
role played by the different importance in making decisions , especially
diagnosis and treatment.
It should identify and train from the collection of such data and to raise
the level of precision is assumed in the collection and recording of
information , and determine how to use medical data to support
communication between different medical institutions and forecasting
problems of the patient's expected health and reduce the rate of
recurrence of the same treatment and the provision of medical evidence
legal and supporting medical research.
And are the weaknesses of the medical records of traditional difficulty of
restoring the information recorded in a timely manner , and perhaps in the
difficulty of restoring the medical record itself, which is vulnerable to
damage or loss , as well as those paper records are crowded where
information is untidy or indexer which reduces their efficiency and their
role in supporting medical research due to its negative properties , it
remains waiting for the extraction of information from them without that
you are automatically in any vital role .
The structure of medical data and the nature of the composition of the
most important properties characteristic , they are not subject often to
fixed criteria , which represents a continuing challenge in the development
of those standards and pay medical information pushed to be in a format
that one despite the different sources , and develop strategies to choose
medical data and the use of the most important factors employed and
benefit them as followers scientific assumptions whenever gathered some
information which directs the user to the researcher or the link between
the available data and its information between the past and also guided
the selection of the appropriate questions and comparisons with the
results of the tests and the relationship of computer do it all .
Medical decision-making and the laws of probability [edit]

Medical Decision Making

Vary the nature of the medical decisions and the process of diagnosis in
the absence of precision possible in the medical data and the results of
testing and treatment , which is facing doctors more difficulty in
determining the optimal choice and appropriate to each specific case , and
perhaps the lack of precision of the nature of medical information , where
you can not always predict what they point to the case of a particular
patient despite the availability of some of the test results because the
organs and functions of the human body represents the greatest complex
systems known to human beings and therefore the medical decisions in
fact probably mainly dependent on the laws of probability and evaluate
the results and dependencies every possibility based on previous
experiences in the face of such a possibility .
Also, the process of evaluating and rating the results of the tests either
Ktbieih or Comerdah is also based on the laws of probability and
distribution within the sample of healthy , as it is also necessary to set the
sensitivity and identification checks certain to be able to choose between a
range of tests to ensure you get the results of expressive and conclusive as
possible. Then comes the importance of studies of the performance tests
and the possibility of deviation in the results depending on the outcome of
the recent discoveries that may change or fully reflect the standards that
we had thought of constants , truths medicine today may eliminate them
and replace them with statements flag tomorrow , so the doctors are
working very hard at the boundaries of what is available have of science .
Basic concepts in medical treatment Computer [edit]

Basics of Medical Informatics

To be deeply absorbed the basic concepts associated with systems
Computer equipment and software , and generations of its development
since the advent of models first in the fifties , which was very large and
expensive so you do not possess only major institutions and scientific
institutes , to become Computer today within the reach of individuals at a
low cost and huge potential not never dreamed of the major research
centers , not even the U.S. space agency itself . Science remained and still
give us every day , every hour, but a new evolution in the field of
Computer and organized until the appearance of generations of personal
devices and powerful devices and computer servers and super-
information networks .
And adopt most of the capabilities of each type and generation of
Computer on the ability of the CPU , which represents the computer what
is represented by the brain of man , in addition to the tremendous
developments that have the right capabilities Memory Computer and
capacity of absorption and the development of means of storage of
electronic chips and tapes and CDs , and until the advent of laser discs
ROM Bojialha different , and remained that means expanding in the ability
and accuracy of information storage and fall at the same time in their
cost , and by the same token Event substantial progress in the means of
information input from keyboards and pens light up the development of
the ability of known computer to the human voice and vocabulary of
different languages and still search continues until the promise of
scientists of human possibility to talk to the computer speaks as one of us
to the other , and also evolved means output Kalshashat and printing
devices and finally information networks , which became the largest and
most important and most popular applications undoubtedly the Internet,
which has become the other accessible to everyone.
At the other end of the evolution of each of these systems and equipment
, won the software a great deal of sophistication also to meet the needs of
applications and systems integration together in harmony and harmony ,
have developed operating systems and programming languages and
database systems and systems integration of networks and information
security to become a computer systems and science applications, scientists
integrated from products and services that are in the end, its summary and
fruit development in the hands of an intelligent user knows what he wants
to be up to him and how to employ it all up to what he wants .
Design and engineering systems [edit]

Systems Design and Engineering

How can a computer systems service health care ? The success of any
system of information systems depends on a good choice of equipment
and employ matching software and accessories to fit in the end user's
requirements and suit the activities of daily life , but we must define the
systems that we're talking about , the system is nothing but an organized
group of procedures and processes aimed at performance a specific task.
The use of information systems in health care to many of the
developments in key areas, including the acquisition of medical data by
recording patient data and the results of their examinations and laboratory
Ohaathm diagnostic and other and then keep these records and the ability
of communication and integration of information between more than one
point of care and medical institutions , and the ability to search and
monitor data to set the values of sick or dangerous that indicate the case
of illness or degree , and that those systems have been developed and
liquid storage and retrieval of information , including raising the efficiency
of their use in the analysis of data and turn it into useful information for
decision support private treatment or tests , it also supports this capability
educational The reference for researchers and scholars .
Among the most important steps the design and engineering of medical
information systems definition and analysis of the need for these systems
and then understanding the role required of them to do, in addition to the
need for the involvement of users in the process of analysis and
development through the study of their requirements and determine
whether they need tend to use solutions and systems ready design or to
design their own systems synthetase by their need and requirements. To
determine this , or it has to be an analysis of the information used to select
or build software with the appropriate services to ensure excellence and
efficiency objectives.
Standards of medical informatics [edit]
Standards in Medical Informatics
Stem the need for standards for Medical Informatics from the reality of
the diversity of health care information and multiple systems , while
highlighting the need to continue and the integration of that information
between these various systems , so it has specialized institutions, many in
the construction and development of these standards , including , for
example, the U.S. National Institute of Standards and ISO Technical
Committee the American Society of choices and standards Board
informational health care and the Institute of patient records by
computer-based and other institutions , which are all of the development
standards of the vocabulary and the terms and classifications , Kaltsnnif
ICD (ICD) Basaddarath successive groups of diagnoses associated with
(DRGs) and international Classification of primary care and the vocabulary
of medical operations ( CPT), and Titles Organization of Medicine
(SNOMED) and other systems of naming and classification own medicine
or nursing or some disciplines particular , for the progress of all these
efforts a better way to exchange information through the channels and
means of standard ensures communication and integration of information
between the system and the last point or the other without wasting time
and effort in deciphering information multiple standards or different
composition and classification , to be possible to transfer data and
information on a patient from one hospital to another and from one
region or country to another without facing such information risks were
worth re- diagnostic tests are expensive again so patient for just the
inability of doctors to read and interpret what carries with him the
information and the results of non-standard is not compatible with their
vocabulary and denominated , which constitutes a heavy burden on all
participants in the health care operations .
Ethics and Health Informatics [ ]

Ethics in Medical Informatics

The human values that should govern the search criteria and work in the
medical profession and to their direct human beings , and that is subject to
medical informatics also to the same ethical standards that govern the
practice of all medical professions, especially those related to privacy and
confidentiality as well as a lot of other criteria , such as determining how
and when to use Computer in the practice of medicine is not enough
goodwill alone is a guarantee of commitment , but it is necessary to
establish and define the laws and standards of those ethics . One of the
main challenges for the construction of these standards to reach a balance
between freedom and ease of use of information by and between privacy
and confidentiality for that information from the other side , and what was
the privacy and confidentiality of patient rights essential it has become
necessary to apply systems govern how the timing and nature of the user
of such information .
May appear to the horizon also social challenges and necessities of
seemingly incompatible with the basic principles of ethics of medical
informatics , which requires some attention and effort in the coordination
between them , as it may lead Doing medical informatics to the effects of
the traditional relations between doctor and patient in light of the use of
computers and information networks and the Internet , in addition to the
need to take some things into consideration the difference between the
ethics of medical informatics and traditional laws governing the exercise of
the medical profession with the need to develop specific criteria to
monitor and follow up the performance of applications and information
systems in health care and its impact on the values and ethics of humanity.

Technology Evaluation
Include technical evaluation process to examine , test and report the
properties of medical technology used in health care delivery and
efficiency Calclama and reasons to use , cost and efficiency , in addition to
some other aspects Kganb social, economic and moral . This chapter
presents the most important objectives of the study and evaluation of
medical technology and the role of each shareholder in the evaluation of
health care providers , patients and other individuals , institutions and the
various challenges facing the process such as the nature of medicine and
health care complex , as well as the complex nature of information
systems and sources based on the computer as well as the nature of the
studies and evaluation per se.
When examining the sources of medical information for the purpose of
evaluation we run for five key elements which need to those sources and
the development process associated with them and installed the internal
function and its impact on users , patients and health care institutions , it is
necessary to determine the approach that will be followed by the process
of study and evaluation such as construction and public philosophical
principles and the multiplicity of solutions as a contract comparisons and
setting goals and resolutions , in addition to the need to identify the stages
of evaluation and configure each of them , as a combination of terms and
comparative studies , measurement and control , and identify strategies to
avoid what threatens the safety and health studies , information and
In addition to all of the above must also take some of the principles in
mind such as the importance modification plan study and evaluation by
the problem studied and to be analyzed and the collection of data that can
be useful in decision-making and the search for the expected effects and is
expected to use the information sources of new medical or even just
discovered , it also it is important to study these sources before they are
used during development and after use and practical application with
determining their effects on the environment , and finally must realize that
we did not reach the study or evaluation to never be perfect , which leads
us to further research and study and development , which will not end as
we stayed seek more of science and knowledge .
Electronic medical records systems
Electronic medical records on the Arabic Wikipedia [1]
Electronic Medical Records
No different electronic medical records so much about paper records
traditional function and intended as a reference to save all patient
information from key data and medical information inclusive of all what
has been done of the tests and diagnoses , treatment and follow-up
reports and medical decisions are important , but they are completely
different in nature and their properties and their potential use and
benefits , they are represent - as mentioned - a central point where the
feed and inhaling them many channels of information associated with
providing health care to the patient , it is also characterized by their
content accurately and easily accessible through integration with various
sources of information systems through information networks .
The integration of data those records to serve physicians and health care
providers and help them on the accuracy of the decision-making for
treating sick or recommendation examinations given or to reach an
accurate diagnosis of his condition , and enables them to the nature of
electronic records and relates to information networks to manage health
care operations fully from that central point where it became Description
they could get treatment or request the tests , as well as follow-up results
and see the evolution and compare that patient's condition or results of
other tests different kind Kalocap diagnostic results and perspectives , or
even surgery reports and surveillance devices minute. I have become all
that information and a single integrated unit can be accessed from
anywhere by protocols security systems applicable to the information
network of medical institutions .
Because all that information in electronic form has become a
subject of course to all its data analysis and excavated and
extract links and the development of evidence to reach more
knowledge and interpretations , as it became possible to apply
the standards of informational special medical ensure data
validity and rationality to support the further analysis and
research , studies and statistics trying to reach the causes of the
disease or diagnosis and other steps scientific ambitious , as they
also serve the purposes of administrative , economic, medical
institutions , so he headed attention to what is really worth
attention without wasted effort or money to provide for these
institutions the opportunity really to provide care and treatment
to more patients who represent the safety of their health and
protect them the highest goal of human possesses all of the
knowledge and effort .
Information Management in Integrated Delivery Networks
Based health care institutions , like other modern institutions to provide
information as a primary source and a means major support medical
decisions and administrative , so is the main goal of medical information
systems is to manage the information you need health institutions to
perform their work efficiently , they facilitate communication and
integration of information between various departments and medical
specialties as it supports the administrative and economic activities of
these institutions . It has evolved medical information systems with the
development of the health care industry since the beginning of the sixties
in the form of systems limited efficiency serve the activities of the main
hospitals , until the appearance of specialized systems for laboratories ,
pharmacies, integrated with the systems of hospitals in the early eighties ,
while characterized the nineties several mergers between institutions
independent and sometimes competing with the aim of achieving care
better and higher profitability , creating a need for integrated information
networks .
It is necessary to determine the requirements of integrated networks of
medical information , Kalmttlebatt own practical daily activities for health
care and requirements planning follow-up programs , treatment and
documentation of records to be used in the future as a medical reference
and administrative important , in addition to the requirements of the
communication and integration of information and data to various sources
, and integration with the health care operations through compatibility
with the flow of work and organization of the human health care
operations , as there are special requirements to information security and
privacy of patients' protected and regulated by law and not only the
confidence of the patients of physicians and health care providers as we
mentioned earlier .
Studies have shown prepared in the sixties that more than 25% of the
total expenditures for the operation of hospitals Taatklvha process
information management of various medical Therefore, the most
important benefits of the use of medical information systems reduce those
expenses as well as to improve the quality of medical services by raising
the efficiency of communication between the patient and the doctor and
reduce chances of error plus also to the strategic benefits and future use
of information systems and networks through the transfer of expertise and
documentation standards and ensure updated knowledge and information
. And adopt management information systems in the light of this progress,
the continued development of the technology development and the
development of culture and change the concepts and processes and goals
of health care institutions in addition to the development of laws and
standards governing the use of the information .
It is also necessary to develop standards also to the components and
functions of the medical information systems and parts for the example
data of patients and information disciplines and departments and medical
documentation and decision support systems and the accounts of
patients , has also evolved the installation of these systems the evolution
of technology that depend on them from the thought central in the
beginning until I got to the thought of integrated networks that connects
all near or after the organs, organizations and professionals affected and
poignant look at the concepts of communities and peoples of science and
development and technology.

Public Health and Uses of Medical Informatics

The health care industry in the twentieth century atheist and require the
integration efforts of both the public and private sectors in the field of
Information Technology , which is supported by various means to facilitate
linking of information and access to doctors and patients the knowledge
they need to ensure the best health care outcomes .
The basic science of public health is the science of epidemiology , who is
studying the prevalence and determinants of diseases in the community ,
and so it has most of the information systems of public health by focusing
on the collection of millions of medical information and notes for the
injured Bomred certain such as AIDS and others, and use that information
to do dozens of research and studies , and without indicate that
information or know certain people , unlike private medical information
systems in hospitals and medical centers , which is based primarily on the
medical information linking the personality of the patient and the accuracy
of that assertion . This difference results from the difference between the
goal of each of these two systems , public health information and wrote
more concerned with statistics and outputs information collection and
analysis at the level of society and the world , and the information systems
of hospitals whereupon focusing on providing health care to the individual
or the patient himself .
To do that, medical information systems is an essential tool in managing
health information and community here , the importance of linking
information public and private sectors to support the integration of
information and access to scientific reference for both physicians and
patients alike. And also reflected the importance of establishing networks
such as medical information available on the international information
network ( Internet) with the need to scientifically document the contents
and the continuation updated to contain all that is new and evolving . The
future holds more of us directing the focus towards the concept of
integrated health care rather than just the traditional focus on the
treatment of diseases and prescribing , including Astmlh this new concept
of providing all available information on all aspects of the patient's life and
Oncoth and its environment .Patient Care Systems
The patient care is the goal and the center, which revolves around many
of the health activities Kaltchkas , treatment, nursing , nutrition, and
others, and despite the overlap of these activities, in many cases ,
however, each of which has a goal of your specific role in the provision of
medical care in its final form to the patient , he began to assess his
condition and compared with natural and even expected to determine a
treatment plan and employ all available means .
And dependent medical care for the patient to provide information that
directly affect the efficiency of that care , and pass the information to four
main stages begin to acquire information and then stored and then
processed and analyzed and then presented and displayed in the manner
that suits their importance and impact. Since the beginning of the
evolution of medical information systems for more than three decades ,
those systems operating with special care inside the hospital for patients
residing separately from care outpatients , but the development of such
systems, continuous led necessarily unequivocal to integrate the two
systems previously mentioned to become the hub real medical care is the
patient himself , whether he is a resident or a visitor to the hospital clinics .
Today, evolving information systems of patient care through two main
axes , the first axis includes the development of systems to register all the
basic information - administrative and medical - for the patient and deliver
that information to the various points of care , management, and medical
research and the second axis involves the development of systems
specialized care every branch of medicine and the activity of its numerous
activities , but we must point out here the ongoing research efforts to
create consistent standards enables each of those systems integration and
networking in order to provide adequate medical care for the patient and
make it the primary goal and centered .
Systems monitoring and control of the patient [ ]

Patient Monitoring Systems

The control systems of the patient and which include continuous
measurement of many of the data - Xrah pulse and irregular heart beat ,
blood pressure, breathing rate and blood gases and other - one of the
most important characteristics of intensive care patients in critical
situations, and lies the importance of continuous measurement and flour
to these data multiple in its direct role in determining the course of
treatment The decision to support the private lives of the patient's doctor .
In addition to what you are doing systems, patient monitoring of
continuous measurement and precise , they also are early warning when
they disrupted a values of these data or approaching from getting out of
their normal level allowed , which provides an opportunity for intervention
to correct the situation and save the patient's life -critical , and that those
systems are also providing guidance and suggestions on how to deal with
the problem -risk list through data and information pretreated and
consistent with the standards and the foundations of hospital care and
treatment plans .
Have arisen electronic patient monitoring systems as a natural idea to the
intensive care unit for patients with critical situations, which in turn
evolved for more than fifty years . The idea began to develop independent
bodies to measure vital functions and basic data of the patient rather than
measured manually , and then rolled the collection of information and the
results of tests and numerous sources has become so difficult to link and
analyze all without the use of computers , which called for the
development of specialized systems and sophisticated software are linking
analysis and translation all of these data and the data and results to
valuable information and medical advice and guidance of critical
importance in determining the course of treatment and a plan to deal with
the patient and his condition is critical .
The day these systems - in addition to the measurement of vital functions
of the patient - the measurement and control of many of the data complex
fee Heart and filter the type of imbalance in the rate of strikes and
regularity , and analyze the results of a laboratory complex as a blood
promise of its components and the proportions of each of them and
account many variables using equations vehicle and calculations lengthy
and then linking all this patient's condition - and especially the problem of
dangerous direct - and translating that information into operational steps
change the form of the treatment plan and a positive influence in
improving the situation of Alarb effectively .
Imaging systems - radiology - diagnostic [edit]

PACS and Medical Imaging Systems

There are many types of images and X-rays for diagnostic medical adopt
all of them on the nature of the energy used to generate these images ,
some of them depends on the x-ray spectrum ( X-ray ) and others rely on
the use of infrared or ultrasound or radioactive isotopes and other types of
energy .
The images and X-rays one of the main pillars of the healthcare process
where the six main roles , ranging from diagnosis through imaging of the
various parts and regions of the human body and assess the extent of the
development stages of the disease and the patient's response to
treatment and assess the extent of the expected improvement , and
guiding and directing some operations therapeutic and diagnostic other
Kalhakn and sampling of areas the body and its members different without
surgery , and Tauferamkaneh communication and transfer of accurate
information to other places to seek more views of consultants who
perhaps can not be displayed patient them directly , in addition to the use
of these images and X-rays for the purposes of education and training for
doctors and students of medical colleges different to what can be
tolerated that X-rays of Information and display of rare medical conditions
by arranging and organizing systematic thoughtful and, finally, the role of
those images and X-rays in the development and support of various
medical research .
And for each type of photos and X-rays the role of a specialist depends on
the nature of each of the energy used in the composition and the nature of
the device or the user under study and examination , as dependent
efficiency of those X-rays on the accuracy of the resulting images and
clarity of detail which is which in turn depends on the amount of energy
used and the extent of the evolution of cameras and add means of image
processing . And pass the imaging process through several stages before
they become valuable diagnostic real , begins first phase configuration and
then stage the storage and transport to other devices after it is calibrated
nature to ensure compatibility and usability , and finally the stage of
presentation made during the diagnostic process real by doctors and
specialists , whether this the display is in digital form on the screens of
computers and devices in a physical or material on the traditional plastic
films .
It should be noted the significant progress achieved by means of imaging
and X-rays for diagnostic through the use of hardware and software of
computers specialized in the treatment and to clarify further details and
increase accuracy through compositions three -dimensional X-rays and
modern image analysis Aalaa and other modern technologies that provide
the physician with more information thus ensuring the integrated with the
rest of the health care operations , and a development of their
Information retrieval systems [edit]

Health Information Retrieval Systems

Can be defined as the process of information retrieval as a science and art
to identify and reach the optimal use of information previously stored ,
which vary greatly in the field of medical informatics , in particular, and
multiple forms of text, numbers, images and rays and scientific articles and
other elements of the process of medical care and sources of knowledge ,
and adopt the accuracy and efficiency of the recovery process information
on many factors, the most important index that information through a
structured format and coherent between the content of full scientific
located in the database - such as articles of medical logs , for example -
and the summary or short guide to what offered by full text , offers this
summary or index simpler and smaller accurate representation of each of
the texts The sources , which can thoroughly search for original content .
The need for and nature of information played a significant role in guiding
the researcher and the focus of his thinking in a manner directly on the
needs of them and how and where to find them , thus contributing
effectively to the establishment of the characteristics of research and
determine the terms and words of significant direct what is required of
information , if the researcher to select more words and terms closely the
subject you're looking for , just as happens when we search for a particular
topic on the Internet using a search engine is fed a few words and a link to
significant research topic , and then to reach results which are determined
through repeated comparison and classification and presentation.
Through the use of information retrieval systems frequently , it must
Users of researchers and developers for those systems to conduct an
ongoing assessment of the results that they get , and the accuracy and
usefulness of these results , which contribute directly to the process of
development and modernization of information retrieval systems . As
those systems in the spread continues, and has now reached its current
form, on the Internet and other information networks , it has become
necessary to lay the foundations and standards governing the process of
restoring information and ensure its legality and its responsibilities , it has
become all who owns a website or organ servant publisher of information
may have originated undocumented or scientifically recognized exposing
her employer to many dangers , such as that published information has
become available to everyone without restrictions , which could threaten
the rights of scientific publishing . It remains to explain the many benefits
and possibilities growing offered by systems retrieve information and
networks in modern support research and scientific progress and the faces
of those means of the challenges of the future , where incumbent on those
who made it to provide more and more research and documentation and
update the information to become more useful to its users all.
Medical decision support systems [edit]

Clinical Decision Support Systems

The concept of decision support systems medical perceptions about the
extent of scientific progress that could Asaaadatabab in the diagnosis of
disease and determine how treatment , and perhaps it was this perception
arises what you offer novels and science fiction movies of the image of
medicine after a few hundred years shows the doctor where it is brought
to a device ahead of devices diagnosis to the area of the illness of the
patient's body who shall that device Aalaa identify the disease and the
proportion of the defect and the best methods of treatment , and it
remains in front of the doctor only ensure the implementation of these
instructions , and in fact the term decision support and medical concept
real large-scale and complex link many of the processes , and we can say
that any process you information systems to provide facts or figures or
data have been processed , they are supporting the medical decision in
any way , and therefore most of the computer applications in medicine
have an impact directly or indirectly on the process of decision-support
medical by raising efficiency and increase accuracy.
What is required by the decision-making process right from the elements
fall into three main areas , firstly provide accurate information about the
problem , and then provide the knowledge and sufficient experience and
finally provide problem-solving skills , If completed these aspects we
become on the right track to reach a successful resolution and influential ,
and provides information Systems great support in each of these aspects
of making use generally in support of the decision and confirmation of its
accuracy as mentioned above . The medical information systems to
provide data about the patient and the diagnosis of his illness and the
results of its analyzes and Ohaath At the same time direct the attention
and focus on the values sick that exceed the averages for a healthy
individual , which directs thinking to a specific path as you also make
recommendations specific to that patient and resulting from the treatment
of these data and the values and linked his condition and the original
data .
Since the beginning of the use of computers in general , predicted doctors
and specialists in turn the future to help them in diagnosis and treatment ,
has directed scientists to this thought since the late fifties , and since that
time has passed those ideas with many practical experiments and
prototypes until I got to what we see today of evolution .
Facing decision support systems Medical many challenges and difficulties
of medicine and health care , they need to gain an accurate and true to the
data of medical around the patient and the disease , and any error in the
data will lead the extension of the errors in the decision , and it appears
the next challenge in the possibility of transforming the knowledge and
expertise of medical human to laws , rules and equations move software
such systems and control sequence of operations , then comes the stage
of processing of these systems for data and medical conclusion logical
steps associated with each type of information to choose analyzes certain
or recommendation job rays specific to reach the correct diagnosis and
even counseling and treatment recommendations . The real challenge lies
in front of these systems in the enormous development in the processes of
medical care itself and the continued progress that is happening in the
diagnostics different , making calls based on the development of these
systems to absorb it all and even excel by providing further development
of the information systems and capabilities.
The use of computers in medical education [edit]
Computers in Medical Education
The most important goals of medical education in general is to provide
medical students and physicians with the knowledge and training on how
to apply and use this knowledge in various practical attitudes during
practice medicine , and the most important reasons for the success of any
doctor ability continuing to collect and absorb all that is new in the
specialty of information through access databases of various medical or
read the publication of scientific journals and references specialized , and
can use the computer to display that information to various medical
through the formation of multiple databases are updated regularly , can
also educational databases that also include visual materials of lectures ,
photographs and other so a student can refer to what he wants them
without having to come to the lecture halls , as can the use of computers is
also in the evaluation of educational attainment through the questions
multiple choice to be selected at random and put it on the students then
are evaluated their answers automatically based on the correct answers
the previous characterization which helps them to develop their
knowledge and assess their level of scientific and Staadadhm to pass the
exams truth.
The most important advantages of using computers in education generally
, what creates the interactive environment of integrated , rather than to
listen to the student to a cassette tape or video lists the information
narrative abstract , the CNC can first browse the content of scientific
material available and then pick which need them in addition to the full
interaction with visual materials of images and forms of learning as well as
the composition and review questions training can choose the level of
difficulty or that ranging in difficulty until you reach the student to a level
that represents a real knowledge and skill . The software can educational
medical create some kind of simulation of the human body and its
members with the aim of training students to meet the data closer to
reality , including the written information routinely and can mimic many of
the tools and medical devices, the complex that are difficult to train
students it directly to the cost or danger which increases the student's
ability to deal with these devices when faced for the first time , exactly as
it is to prepare and train pilots on by advanced simulation systems .
Through the development of the Internet and other international
information networks , has evolved dramatically idea of distance
education by providing medical information and means of evaluating
collected on the international network , in addition to the adoption of
numerous international universities in the creation of studies and degrees
can be collected and acquisition fully without having to travel to those
universities or to attend lectures halls , but that many of the grades
informed consent has become possible today to pass exams in electronics,
the international network .
Bioinformatics [edit]

Aims aware of medical informatics to focus on information on the
operations of medical care, different and its central axis , a patient , while
the aim of science bioinformatics to focus on information about what is
below this level, visible from the bioscience core associated with the
development of medicine and health care as a science of human genetics
and biochemistry and physiology and others.
Have turned ideas into the use of information systems in the life sciences
naturally and automatically when facing researchers and scientists in this
field of the amount of information is immense and the results of
successive and need to be great potential in the processing and analysis of
all of this quantity , which is failing human mind to do it alone , it has
helped software modern scientists in the analysis and interpretation of the
mysteries of human genes , has been able to computing devices of modern
high-speed and capacity to identify the order in real vehicles of many
human genes and components of hormones and enzymes , etc., and the
analysis of the causes of diseases and sequences of operations at the level
of tissues and cells , as is also specialized software accounts
pharmaceutical complex is concerned with the effects of chemical
compounds contained in medicines and calculate rates of metabolism and
their interactions and simulate what could happen inside the human
body .
Can be summarized to say that the science of bioinformatics is the science
supporting directly to the development of all the activities of medicine and
health care , where explain this science the real reasons behind everything
that happens from diseases affecting humans, as well as what factors
affect different life , medicines and other him of biological processes
within the human body - at the level of tissues and cells - translated by
doctors and specialists to the symptoms and the causes and results of
analyzes and rays and practical improvement in the patient's condition ,
and all achieved by the evolution of this unique science course will be
followed by a major development in medicine and health care.
See also [edit]

Disease management (health )

References [edit]

Medical information daily

Health Informatics on Wikipedia [2]
American Federation of Health Information Management [3]
American Federation for Medical Informatics [4]
Saudi Association for Health Informatics

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