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Bringing agricultural
more sector
The Philippines, being a tropical
country, thrives on its agricultural
potential for survival. It is the key factor
in the country's self-sufficiency and a
huge provider to the market industry.
Agriculture, which is divided into four
sub-sectors (crops, livestock, poultry,
and fisheries), employs between 25
and 30 percent of the labor force,
making it one of the country's main
sources of employment.

With our agricultural sector

facing such hard problems, in
addition to the COVID-19
situation, the problems of
Philippine agriculture are like
an icing to a cake. Thus, our
Although the country is dependent on group plans to develop the
the agricultural sector, it is currently agricultural sector by means
facing a lot of problems, endangering of proposing recovery plans,
many agricultural livelihood programs which we hope can help in one
for Filipinos. This has become a major way or another. It is imperative
blow to the Philippine economy. The for the government to address
these problems, as much as it
people in this sector experience high
is helpful on our part to be
prices of farm inputs such as fertilizer,
aware of the situation.
pesticides, seeds, feeds, manual labor,
high rates of farm equipments, and
irrigation problems. The workers even AGRICULTURE
complain about the very low and
unregulated prices of harvests or AGRICULTURE
yields, making them poorer than ever. AGRICULTURE
Reduce Population for Lesser Farmland • Agricultural Industrialization
Conversion - This economic recovery plan aims for
agricultural industrialization in order to
The Philippines is undergoing a period of rapid stimulate rural development. This includes
population growth. Population growth in the country is necessary infrastructures that our farmers
expected to be negative during the next decade due need such as, farm to market roads, post-
to an increase in fertility rates overall. In contrast to the harvest facilities, and irrigations. These are the
needs of our local farmers to improve, develop,
urbanization problems experienced during the growth
and cultivate our agricultural sector especially
phase, this raises the issue of land use and agriculture
those who are in rural areas.
in the so-called "shrinking suburbs." The majority of
farmers in the suburbs rely on non-farm income, •Increase Agricultural Income
primarily from rental property. Landowners usually - One of our objectives is to Increase
react slowly and are unable to achieve satisfactory Agricultural Income to support our local
farmers and to elevate agricultural
returns from their land as the population shrinks and
development. The main reason that we cannot
demand for rental units falls. This produces farm
compete with our global agricultural system is
household financial instability, which may eventually because of the extortionate cost of production;
lead to the sale of agricultural land and the loss of its this economic recovery plan aims to provide
multifunctional benefits. Land farms are transformed realistic solutions for this problem. One of the
into villages, infrastructure, and cities as a result. It is a solution is a project of Vice President Leni
great bargain for construction firms but not for Robredo in the Office of the Vice
agriculture enterprises. Farmland is being developed President(OVP) which is the “Umasenso sa
for housing and industrial use. Agricultural areas are Kabuhayan Program” which assists and links
farmers to institutional buyers. This is a very
shrinking as a result of land conversions. As a result,
vital and successful program for our
we have less natural resources available to us.
agricultural sector since it eradicates
middlemen which helps our farmers to
increase their income. This shows that farmers
are in need of support services in order to
lessen their cost of production because if there
are institutional buyers they will have a higher
income since the farmers are the ones earning
not the middlemen.

•Utilization of Agricultural Resources

This agricultural problem can be handled by This plan aims to utilize our agricultural
controlling the country's population. Because it is the resources in order to create an effective
production for farmers. Since one of the pillars
key reason for land conversions. The most basic thing
of our economic recovery plan is to produce
we can do right now is educate people about the
and generate more high-quality and high-
seriousness of the impacts of a new human being quantity products, we must make the most of
born. A much better option is to enact laws requiring our major agricultural resources. Our
every couple to have no more than two children. As a agricultural sector is also a food producing
result, our country's population growth will decrease. sector so we really need to maximize the use of
As a result, there will be less housing and industrial primary agricultural resources: land, water, and
constructions on farmlands. Land conversions will be other natural resources. By doing so we can
reduced. And the farmlands would continue to provide produce an adequate and sufficient stock of
rice, vegetables, fruits, etc.
the materials we use on a daily basis.
Investing on agriculture rather than
Industrial works only

Due to the fast industrialization of our country, many As indicated in the first part, our government
people prefer to do industrialized work instead of is so focused on these types of projects as a
planting crops for the nation to eat. Our farmers result of rapid industrialization that they
have started to grow old, and only few are replacing forget that there are many other things to
our old farmers. which we should devote our attention, such
as agriculture. They play a vital part in our
society because they supply food that we eat
on a daily basis, but due to our farmers' low
pay, they are looking for other opportunities.
So, we should spend more attention and
effort on agriculture and provide enough
labor to our farmers so that they are not
demoted, can continue to work, and will
continue helping us on our daily needs by
producing necessary products for our living.

1.)First, I'll conduct a poll of farmers in a certain location, asking if they are facing labor shortages.
After gathering all the data we proceed to my next step
2.) I will propose a plan to the farmers that can help them to overcome their problem
If majority or all of them agreed
3.) I will look for sponsors who are interested in helping them so that we could use this to buy new
equipments and all the materials needed that could help them in their production.

Building more efficient Irrigation Systems
Agriculture depends heavily on irrigation. Irrigation aids
farmers in keeping their crops hydrated and wet,
particularly during the hotter months. The land would get
dry without irrigation, and the crops would wilt. Extreme
heat may exacerbate a drought by draining moisture from the soil. Climate change is
affecting our farmers by causing droughts and drying the land, which will make it
impossible to cultivate and grow rice. Many aspects of our society will be affected if farmers
are unable to cultivate rice. Rice is the staple diet of almost 80% of Filipinos, making it a
significant item in their shopping basket. It is the Philippines' most important agricultural
product, providing a significant source of revenue for millions of Filipino farmers.
Building more efficient Irrigation Systems
First and foremost, many Other benefits of irrigation in crop production include
farmers will lose their jobs and frost protection, weed suppression in grain fields, and soil
will be unable to support their consolidation prevention. This plan concludes that
families. A large number of farmers need water so they need efficient irrigation
farmers are not that lucky, and system to grow crops and feed us and the market. But,
many can only survive this time, we will not only provide the farmers that we
through farming. Second, the can see but also the farmers who are in the farthest part
economy will contract since of our country. We will now stop the selective farmer's
rights and will start to include everyone, all the farmers
rice is one of our society's
that is located around the country to be catered and to
sources of money that we can
benefit from irrigation systems.
export to other nations.

1.To begin, we will locate farmers who are experiencing
When compared to rain-fed drought conditions and barangays with limited irrigation.
agriculture, this method has We’ll look for locations where more irrigation systems are
the potential to significantly needed so that farmers and our ecosystem don't suffer.
enhance revenue and 2. Second, is to acquire proper information on how to
agricultural productivity. construct irrigation inside that area and locate rivers that
Furthermore, irrigation is more can link to it. Make a solid and efficient plan by measuring
dependable, allowing for a the area.
greater variety of cropping 3. Third, is to look for sponsors to assist me with the project
patterns and the production of plan and donations in the neighborhood. We’ll approach
higher-value crops. Farmers the area's senior management and ask whether they'd be
can obtain an economic edge prepared to assist in the implementation of the irrigation
while simultaneously project, which would benefit them as well. In short, both
decreasing environmental parties will profit. We will describe the proposal to them in
responsibilities by detail and provide information on how it would benefit
implementing innovative their community.
4. Finally, we will inform the people in the neighborhood
irrigation systems. Water-
about the project's development so that they are
efficient methods and better
prepared and understand what we are doing. Everyone
irrigation scheduling could
has the right to know what is going on in their
also integrate water and
neighborhoods and how it will affect them. I will also
nutrient management,
assure them that it will help them and have no negative
reducing agrochemical runoff
impact on their life.
and leaching problems.
Accessible and Affordable Farm Equipments for Small Farmers
According to PSA, the Philippines has 5.56 million farms/holdings covering 7.19 million
hectares. This means that the average size of a farm in the Philippines, mostly small-scale
family farms, is 1.29 hectares. If we have this huge number of farms and large size of
hectares, it is possible that we don’t need the other country to import foods, especially rice
because our country can provide for all Filipinos with the help of Filipino farmers. This can be
easily done if we all farmers including the small farmers have enough and appropriate
equipment to be used like tractors. But, since farmers do not have much money for
spending on agricultural needs and the money they get is just enough for their daily living,
machinery needed for this has become a great expense for our pockets. Awareness is
important as well as having a voice and a stand in terms of this topic. The programs that all
the government promised must be implemented. They must lessen the price of equipment
needed in farming. And as part of the millennials, we can share our thoughts using social
media to campaign our advocacy to better improve our economy, especially in agriculture
for we depend on it in terms of production.

Being aware of agriculture may help the farmers to

raise their voice and stand up for their rights to
have everything they need. If the government are
helping the farmers and implementing their
promises then the equipments needed by the
farmers especially for small one. Also, decreasing
the amount or price of each equipment can help
them to provide their needs. Furthermore, by using
social media to share our thoughts in
campaigning for our advocacy, each and
everyone of us can be aware of the problem in
agriculture. With these we can solve the problem in
agriculture regarding the expensive and
inappropriate farm equipment for small farmers
and this can help our economy to rise.
Accessible Organic Pest Control Management for Small Local Farmers

Pest has always been a nuisance for the agricultural industry. It is one of the major problems that
farmers deal with, not only because of the potential loss of profit due to crop damage but, if not
treated promptly, they can also cause major damage to machinery, equipment and property as
well. These pests also cause damage to crops by feeding on leaves and digging holes in the roots
and if it doesn’t cause any damage, they still carry bacteria that can infect crops resulting in
depletion of crops. But the damage caused by these pests can still be controlled and reduced by
the use of pesticides but it involves two negative things. First, not all farmers can afford to buy
pesticide because their crops are already damaged and this is their only source of income so
where else can they get the money to buy it? And secondly, pesticides have a negative effect on us,
the consumers of these crops, because based on studies, they have many negative effects on our
health including chronic health effects such as cancer, damage to the nervous system, birth
defects, and other injuries in the organs of the body.

BAs stated in the first part of the pillar, not all farmers have the ability to afford pesticides, especially
those small local farmers that have difficulty saving money due to various necessities that they
have to consume before buying pesticide. Thus, this plan would help these local farmers have
available access to organic pest control that will not only help keep harmful pests away from crops
while also protecting the plants from weeds and diseases that have the ability to greatly reduce
crop yield but also ensures the safety of those who use it as it is biodegradable and barely leave
residues in the soil and are less likely to harm humans or animals. Furthermore, these organic
pesticides are plant-based pesticides that rely on plants' natural defenses against insects may not
only be effective and inexpensive for protecting crops, but also safer and more environmentally
Accessible Organic Pest Control Management for Small Local Farmers

HOW? Quick and effective solutions of day to day

1.) To start with the plan, I will first ask for the problems of farmers
approval of each government official of each -This plan aims to give farmers effective solutions to
their day-to-day problems. For them to adopt the
barangay and then ask for the records of the climate change we are experiencing today, this plan
farmers in a specific area so that I can identify the promotes a more efficient Irrigation system because
beneficiaries of this plan. it is important in keeping their crops hydrated and
wet, particularly during the hotter months. As they
adapt to these changes, farmers also need to
2.) Second, I will look for sponsors who will provide mitigate the greenhouse gas emissions contributed
assistance to carry out this plan or I will conduct a by agriculture through adopting climate-smart
fundraiser aimed at collecting donations from
volunteers who are willing to help these farmers Provide affordable agricultural needs to
and the donations collected will only be used for agricultural workers like farmers
- This plan aims to provide agricultural workers
purchase of organic pesticides to be used by these
affordable agricultural needs for them to be able to
farmers. do their work easily and produce product with high
3.) If all the things needed in the plan are all settled, Removal of rural poverty
I will go to each farmer and share with them the Poverty has declined worldwide, but progress has
plan that wants to be implemented in full detail and been uneven. Extreme poverty is mainly concentrated
in rural areas. Poverty cannot be eradicated without
provide the necessary information on how this plan addressing the pervasive inequalities in incomes and
will help them and benefit them in many ways. economic opportunities between and within countries,
between rural and urban areas, and between men
and women. Reducing such inequalities will need to
4.) If they agree to the plan, I will find a reliable store start with improving access for the poor to productive
that makes real organic fertilizer and then buy the resources, basic services and social protection. So that
required amount that the beneficiaries will use and removal of rural poverty is important for every person
who lives in rural areas, including farmers because it is
enough stock that they will also use in case there’s
important to focus on Agriculture rather than Industrial
an outbreak of pests that may happen in the future. works for the country to not have shortage in food.

In this initiative concludes that each pillar will help each

everyone affected in agricultural problems and our fellow
Filipino farmers in the agriculture field. One of the fewer ways
that can help our Filipino farmers is Reducing Population for
Lesser Farmland and Conversion will help us lessen the
scarcity and demand for rice, land useful resource scarcity,
fragmentation of farm plots, and ecological degradation
along with growing emissions, soil erosion, deforestation, and
the overuse of natural resources will be prevented with this
ways. Accessible and Affordable Farm Equipments for Small
Farmers will gratefully help them especially in times like this
crisis where people have no income and having a hard time
on their financial and they will be helped and will give them a
better life with a better price and can make people to have a
job and to earn money for their families. Accessible Organic
Pest Control Management for Small Local Farmers this will
help them especially to those who can't afford things to make
their farm lands better and free from pests will help them to
have the quality product and will make their life easier and
better. Investing on agriculture rather than Industrial works
only this will help lessen the wastes from factory that greatly
affect our nature and surrounding by contaminating our lands
and water sources by investing more on agricultural works will
help us feed more people that creating buildings that will only
cost pollution. Absence of Critical Programs on Efficient
Irrigation Systems that will help our fellow farmers and their
crops by giving them a proper, useful and sustainable
irrigation that can help and with properly established
irrigation structures dilute salt and chemical compounds
within side the soil which can be counterproductive to
wholesome crop growth. Soft-land is less complicated to plow
than tough land. Using an irrigation machine enables melt the
soil pan for tilling, making your lifestyles less complicated and
much less stressful. So with this helpful but small ways can
make a difference so let us use this to the betterment of our
future and for the lives of our next generation.

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