Day 1 Jakarta Post

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Tax official quits amid uproar over lavish wealth

After an uproar over an assault case that led to revelations about the lavish lifestyles of some government
officials, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has removed a senior official from his position in the
Jakarta Tax Office. The official has been identified as Rafael Alun Trisambodo, the father of Mario Dandy
Satrio, a suspect in an assault case under investigation by the South Jakarta Police. "Starting today
[Friday], the said official RAT is removed from his role and position," Sri Mulyani said during an online
press briefing, referring to Rafael by his initials.

New Vocabularies :
1. amid (ditengah) = in or into the middle of : surrounded by : among. amid the crowd
the child is confused amid a lot of people, so he asks for help to a parking attendance.
2. Uproar (keributan) = a loud and impassioned (filled with or showing great emotion) noise or
Nowadays, the concerts which were held by SM entertainment in Gelora Bungkarno 2 weeks ago
caused an uproar and traffic jam on the road.
3. Lavish (mewah) = sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious.
The young generation looks lavish but, actually, they do not have any money in their pocket,
they are usually flexing their parent’s wealth.

4. Revelation = a surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one that is made known in a
dramatic way.
Our prophet Muhammad SAW received his first revelation in Ramadhan month.
Ferdy Sambo was shocked because the judges perform revelation
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Pegawai pajak keluar ditengah keributan kekayaan yang sangat mewah.

Setelah sebuah keributan kasus kekerasan yang mengarah pada pengungkapan gaya hidup mewah dari
pejabat pemerintah, Menteri keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati mencopot pegawai senior dari jabatannta di
kantor perpajakan Jakarta. Pegawai yang telah teridentifikasi sebagai Rafael Alun Trisambodo, ayah dari
mario dandy satrio, terduga dalam kasus kekerasan yang masih diinvestigasi oleh kepolisian Jakarta
selatan. Mulai hari ini (jumat) Pegawat yang disebut RAT di copot dari tanggung jawab dan jabatannya”
kata srimulyani ketika melakukan konferensi press online, yang mengarah pada Rafael dengan nama

Japan developing Muslim-friendly tourism

Like many other countries emerging from the doldrums of the COVID-19 pandemic, Japan has
reopened its borders to the delight of millions of tourists from around the world. Since the
country’s Oct. 19 reopening last year, international visitors have returned in droves to savor its
popular washoku cuisine, experience unique cultural traditions and revel in the charm of its
natural landscapes. Over 3.8 million visitors arrived in Japan in 2022, and nearly 1.5 million more
followed suit last month, according to the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO).

New Vocabularies :
1. Emerging muncul (a) : becoming apparent (clearly visible or understood; obvious.) or

The father suddenly emerges when I’m playing the hide and seek game.
2. Doldrums (n) : a state or period of inactivity, stagnation, or depression.
I feel my English skill in the doldrums period last year.
The rotation of my clerkship program in doldrums period because of pandemic attack.
3. Droves : v2 from drive
My parents drove to school by motorcycle last week.
4. Savor : v taste (good food or drink) and enjoy it completely.
If you want to savor delicious ice cream, you should go to MIXUE.
5. Cuisine : a style or method of cooking, especially as characteristic of a particular country,
region, or establishment.
I’d like to eat Italian cuisine such as Spagetty, Pizza, and etc.

6. Revel bersenang-senang v/n : enjoy oneself in a lively and noisy way, especially with

drinking and dancing.
I always spend my weekend by revelling with my own self.

7. Charm = pesona
The head of economic department is a charming person.

8. Suit (v) be convenient (a) {fitting in well with a person's needs, activities, and plans.} for
or acceptable to. (n) a set of outer clothes
I think his personality suits mine, so we can go to the next level of relationship.
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Japan mengembangkan wisata ramah muslim
Seperti halnya negara lainnya yang terlihat tidak aktif karena pandmei covid, jepang sudah membuka
kembali untuk menyenangkan jutaan turis dari sseluruh dunia. Sejak pembukaan kembali negara akhir
tahun sekitar 19 Okt, pengunjung/wisatawan internasional kembali mengarahkan untuk merasakan
maasakan washoku yang terkenal, merasakan tradisi budaya yang unik, dan menikmati pesona dari
pemandangan alam. Lebih dari 3.8 juta pengunjung datang di jepang pada tahun 2022 dan hampir 1.5
juta lebih tepatnya akhir bulan lalu, menurut data Organisasi WIsatawan Nasional Jepang (JNTO).

A compromised haj?

The government and House of Representatives have settled on the fee hike for Indonesians
performing the haj this year. The pilgrims will have to pay another Rp 10 million (US$657), on top
of the Rp 39 million they have already paid. The government had earlier asked for an extra Rp 30

The final figure seems like a good compromise, although it is unclear how many of the 221,000
people selected to travel this year can come up with the Rp 10 million on short notice before
departures begin in May.

Many in this group have saved their entire lives and waited for years for the chance to go on the
pilgrimage, and some will surely be unable to come up with the money. The majority, however,
will find the funds somehow, borrowing if they have to. They have waited too long to let it pass.

But there is one major problem with this compromise. Going on the haj is the fifth tenet of Islam,
required of all Muslims who are able, physically and financially, once in their lifetime. The fact that
the government, in this case the haj fund management agency (BPKH), is giving Rp 41 million in
assistance to each pilgrim alters the “able” condition.

When you tamper with the rule, in this case giving a subsidy, you create new problems. Without
the increase, the BPKH said it would have had to subsidize some 70 percent of the costs of the

The agency manages a portfolio of trillions of rupiah for pilgrims and uses the gains from this fund
to cover the gap between what pilgrims have to pay and the real costs of the haj.

Following the deal between the government and the House, pilgrims this year must pay Rp 49
million. The real cost, the BPKH claims, is Rp 90 million.

Now the BPKH says the kind of support it has been providing is not sustainable and pilgrims will
have to start paying a greater share of the cost. The haj fund is rapidly depleting. It’s a wonder
that the agency had not foreseen this and raised the alarm earlier. Instead, its long silence gave
false hope to millions of people on the waiting list.

This year the BPKH may get by with asking each pilgrim to pay an extra Rp 10 million. But what
about next year? And the year after?

The millions on the waiting list, most of whom thought they had already paid in full, must now be
wondering how much money they will have to fork out when they are called up. They are faced
with the uncertainty not only of whether they can travel but also of whether they will be able to
find the money to cover the increase, whatever that amount is.

The way the haj fund is managed, and the way it has been parceling out subsidies, reminds us of a
pyramid scheme, a scam where in the first participants get all the benefit and the later
participants get less and less, before the scheme collapses and the last participants bear all the

Even assuming the government has the best of intentions in assisting haj pilgrims, the approach
has been wrong from the start. Instead of subsidizing the trip, the government should have used
its stature and bargaining power to ensure better prices and services from haj outfitters.

The breakdown of the Rp 90 million price per person provided by the BPKH – for flights,
accommodation, food and drink and other expenses – suggests ample room to cut costs.

After years of this haj system, the time has come for a new approach. Whether it is managed by
the Religious Affairs Ministry, as it is now, or by an independent agency, state support for the
pilgrimage needs greater transparency and accountability for the sake of the ummah (community
of believers).

Pilgrims : peziarah (n) a person who goes on a long journey often with a religious
or moral purpose, and especially to a foreign land.
Pilgrimage : ziarah (n) a pilgrim's journey.

Tamper : mengutak atik (v) interfere with (something) in order to cause damage or make
unauthorized alterations.

Depleting : menipis diminish (make or become less.) in number or quantity.

Foreseen : v3 diramalkan v = foresee be aware of beforehand; predict.

Fork : n garpu /v percabangan (especially of a road or other route) divide into two
Parceling : v pembagian make (something) into a parcel by wrapping it.

Scam : tipuan a dishonest scheme; a fraud.

Scheme : skema

Stature : n perawakan importance or reputation gained by ability or achievement.

Ample : a = enough cukup, enough or more than enough; plentiful.

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