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Hello everyone I m Amerah Sarunay BSN1-11F and today im going to perform bed bath return
demonstration, bed bath is cleans the skin and helps keep the skin free of infection. It helps to relax
the person being bathed and help him feel better. Let the person wash himself as much as possible.
You may only need to get the bath supplies ready and wash the persons back. Or you may need to do
most or all of the bath.

To the Prior the conduct of the procedure I perform hand washing to protect my patient and my self
as well infection and cross contamination. i need to close the door and fixed the curtains and the
room temperature adding quietly lighting my patient comfort to secure patient privacy.

I have prepared necessary equipment needed before hand conserve and energy. This equipment as

Basin with warm water between 43c and 46c

Liquid soap

Wash clothes

Bath blanket

Bath towel



clean gown

working gloves

(And next prior to perform the procedures is introduce self and verify the clients identifying agency
protocol and explain to the client what you are going to do, why it is necessary and how he or she can
participate. And discuss with the client their preference for bathing and explain ant unfamiliar

- Good morning sir im Amerah Sarunay your student nurse for today from Davao doctors college. And
may I see your wrist band sir, and take your full name sir, birthday and age. Thank you

- Today I m going the bed bath which mean wash your body and remove your accumulating dirt and oil
or 1st traction of your skin and of course you feel refresh.

- It that all clear sir? Yes

- And now im begin you would be boil this time? No

(Now im going to wear my gloves, naturally raised the bed position comfortable working height. and
lower circle of my side (wearing gloves) after doing that I assist my patient move closing side of the

(this avoid undue reaching and straining and promotes good body mechanics. It also ensures client

- So sir I need you to move here.


After that, place bath blanket over top sheet, remove the top sheet from under the bath blanket by
starting at client shoulder and moving linen down toward client feet.

- So sir can you hold me this portion me sir? Okay thank you

(Remove client gown while keeping the client covered with the bath blanket. Place gown in linen

- Sir I need to remove your patient gown, it that okay for you?

(If the patient has intravenous line, injury or reduced mobility, begin on the unaffected side)

(After removing patient gown I have here 1 basin with 2/3 full of warm water (43-46c) but lets the
check the patient temperature of the water if tolerate it.)

- So sir can you stick your hand inside and tell me if warm to you?

(And next to do is to Remove the pillow under the patient head) PERFORM

(And place the bath towel under the patient head over her chest)PERFORM

- Sir do you have contactlenss? No


(Next is wash the clients eyes with water only and dry them well, use separate corner of the wash
cloth for each eye)

- So now im start washing your eyes sir, is that okay for you?

(In washing a patient eyes first take to do is to soap with wash clothes in water bring it chromyl and
fold it back batted) PERFORM

(using separate corner prevents transmitting microorganism from one eye to the other. Wipe from the
inner outer canthus)
(After washing and dry facing eye im now proceed to washing patient for head, chest, nose, ears and
neck )

- So sir what do you soap will be use in your face?


- swipe their for head, chest, nose, ears and neck (PERFORM)

After that, swipe towel in a chest (PERFORM)

And still eye drop is first strap (PERFORM) and and place eye pat gently(PERFORM)



(Now im place the towel lengthwise under the arm, wash rinse and dry the arm by elevating the
clients arm and supporting the client wrist and elbow. Use long, firm strokes wrist to shoulder,
including the axillary area. Firm stroke from distal to proximal areas promote circulation by increasing
venous blood return) PERFORM

(Apply deodorant or powder if desired. Special caution is needed for client with respiratory alteration,
powder is not recommended for these clients due to the potential respiratory adverse effects).

Doing the other side of hand swipe and deodorant



Place bath towel lengthwise over chest, fold bath blanket down to the client public area. PERFORM

(keeps the client warm while preventing unnecessary exposure of the chest)

(Of course pay attention to the skin fold under the breast and any other skin folds, particularly if the
client is overweight, rinse and dry well.)



(Im going to get another bath towel over this abdomen moving they bath blanket downwards this
cubic region.)

Wash the part of patient abdomen using keep up of the blanket and pay attention the skin fold
(PERFORM) dry abdomen gently
(After perform chest and abdomen with dry gently we need to remove the towel) PERFORM



(To wash the leg first take to do is to expose the leg by folded the bath blanket toward the other leg.
Be carefully to keep the perineum covered and places the towel lengthwise under the leg) while

Now im going to start washing my patient leg, im start to wash legs starting from the angle of the
knee, knee to the leg ( PERFORM) assess any skin redness, swelling or pain.

The wash their foot and dries the applies lotion

And after wash the foot will cover it

(And now im done wash their legs and foot in the both side, and discard water ,wash cloths and
maintain the privacy of our patient and my gloves that im use dispose and replace it one if fresh one



(so now im going to assess my patient into a prone or side lying position, place the bath towel
lengthwise alongside the back and buttocks while keeping the patient covered with the bath blanket
as much as possible. This provides warmth and prevent undue exposure.) PERFORM

(After wash the back ( if the patient skin intact, ask the patient begin back massage)

- Sir would like me to give you back massage ? no

If no, applies moisturizing lotion on the patient back ( wala nay gloves gisout)

Then cover it the back after applies lotion

- Sir can you roll back now?

- So sir I have here your new clean gown and im going to wear it (PERFORM)

Then help the patient arrange this hair

- So now sir im done clean your back, how are you feeling? I feel good and refresh

- so since we done im going to out now and let you have some rest, if you need anything don’t shy to call
me here upper side of your head
(after doing the procedure im now going to proceed doing the after care of the equipment that uses
the orders of cleanliness and orderliness after that im proceed hand hygiene and document the
procedures that im just done.)

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