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General Physics 1

Measurements and Vectors


In this module, you will be acquainted with the

fundamental concepts of physics like knowing how to convert
units and to express units to scientific notation. You will know
deeply the differences of precision from accuracy of units, and
random errors from systematic errors. You will also
understand how to estimate errors from multiple
measurements of physical quantity using variance. In addition,
you will be oriented to the vectors and scalar quantities,
perform vector addition, and rewrite a vector in component
form. Enjoy!

Task to perform:
You will be able to solve using experimental and
theoretical approaches, multiple concept, rich-content problems
involving measurement and vectors.

At the end of this module, you must be able to:

 Solve measurement problems involving conversion of units and
expression of measurements in scientific notation.
 Differentiate accuracy from precision.
 Differentiate random errors from systematic errors.
 Estimate errors from multiple measurements of a physical quantity
using variance.
 Differentiate vector and scalar quantities.
 Perform addition of vectors.
 Rewrite a vector in component form.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in
all you ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” – Proverbs 3:5,6
What’s on Your Mind?

Instruction: Fill the chart below with words or phrases that come first in your mind when you hear the word “PHYSICS.”



Physics is oftentimes defined as the study of natural laws in the physical world, such as laws involving force,
energy, and lights. Through it, we will have a better appreciation the universe we are living in. It deals with the
interaction of matter, force, and energy.
It is divided into two main branches:
A. Classical physics – are considered to be all the discoveries, principles, and inventions prior to 1900. It
deals with macroscopic objects moving at speeds very small compared to the speed of light in vacuum
(3x108 m/s).
1. Mechanics – deals with motion, force, work, and energy, and magnetism.
2. Heat and Thermodynamics – deals with the effects of heat when added or removed from a
system, the methods of heat transfer, and the transformation of heat energy to mechanical
energy to work and vice versa.
3. Optics – deals with the study of light and its properties.
4. Electricity and Magnetism – deals with phenomena associated with electrical charges (whether
at rest or moving), magnetism, and the relationship between electricity and magnetism.
5. Wave motion and Sound – deals with properties, transmission, and perception of different types
of waves.
B. Modern Physics – all discoveries beyond 1900.
1. Nuclear Physics – deals with the properties of and the reactions within the atomic nucleus.
2. General Relativity – tells how matter curves space-time and how the curvature of space-time
dictates the trajectory of matter and light.
3. Special Relativity – deals with phenomena associated when an object moves with speeds
approaching the speed of light in vacuum.
4. Participle Physics – deals with the building blocks of matter called “elementary particles.”
5. Quantum mechanics – deals with the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic
and subatomic levels.
Measurement – is the process of comparing something with a standard. It is made up of a number and a
Two System of Units:
1. English System or British System – comprises units such as pound (for force), yard (for length),
and ounce (for volume).

2. Metric System (SI – International System of Units) – consists units based on powers of 10. It the
most preferred system to be used in science.

Table 1. The SI base units

Physical Quantity Unit Name Symbol
Mass Kilogram kg
Length Meter m
Time Second S
Amount of Substance Mole mol
Temperature Kelvin K
Electric Current Ampere A
Luminous Intensity Candela cd

Conversion of units using SI or Metric System

Unit prefix or metric prefix can be used to make a new unit larger or smaller than the base unit.
Fundamental quantities or base units – are the basic quantities which are independent of one another.
Ex. length, mass time, thermodynamic, temperature, electric current, luminous intensity, and amount of
Derived quantities or units – are the conversion of two or more base units. Ex: speed, acceleration,
density, work, and energy.
NOTE: The common way to convert one unit to another is to form a conversion ratio (equal to one) with the desired unit
on the numerator and the unit to be converted at the denominator.

1. How many inches are there in 12 m?
100𝑐𝑚 1 𝑖𝑛𝑐ℎ 1200 𝑖𝑛𝑐ℎ
Solution: 1 inch = 2.54 cm 12 m x x = = 472.44 inch
1𝑚 2.54 𝑐𝑚 2.54
100 cm = 1 m

2. Convert a density of 2.79 g/cm 3 to kg/m3

2.79 𝑔 1 𝑘𝑔 100 𝑐𝑚 3 2.79 𝑥 1003 𝑘𝑔 2,790,000𝑘𝑔
Solution: x x[ ] = = = 2,790 kg/m3
𝑐𝑚3 1000 𝑔 1𝑚 1000 𝑚3 1000 𝑚3

There is a basic and easiest way to convert units when they only differ in prefixes (refer to SI prefixes table).

1. Convert 8 kilometer into centimeter. (You can see here that they have common unit but differ in prefixes)

Step 1: Subtract exponents

from left to right.

***kilo has exponent of 103 and centi has exponent of 10-2

3 subtract -2 = 3 – (-2) = 5

from kilo to centi

Step 2: Move decimal places according to difference of exponents to the direction of wanted unit.
*** move the decimal 5 places to the right (toward centi)

8 km = 8 0 0 0 0 0 cm = 800, 000 cm (5 decimal places to the right)

2. Convert 475.5 mg to dg.

Step 1: Subtract exponents from left
to right.

***milli has exponent of 10-3 and deci has exponent of 10-1

-1 - (-3) = 2

deci milli

Step 2: Move decimal places according to difference of exponents to the direction of wanted unit.
***move the decimal 2 places to the left (toward deci)

475.5 mg = 4 . 7 5 5 dg = 4.755 dg (2 decimal places to the left)

Sometimes in physics, you are going to write number like this, 1,990,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
kg., 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001 m, or even longer than these digits. Just to avoid a lot of
space to use, we use then now this so called scientific notation.
Scientific notation is a convenient and widely used method of expressing large and small numbers. Any quantity
may be expressed in the form of N x 10n, where N is any number between 1 to 9 and n is the approximate power
of 10.

NOTE: Moving to the LEFT, INCREASES in the exponent n; while moving to the RIGHT, DECREASES in the exponent n.

*Rules in expressing standard notation to scientific notation:

1. When the decimal point is moved from right to left, the result is positive exponent.
Example: 7806. 123 = 7. 806123 ×103 = 7.81 ×103
1 990 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 kg = 1.99 x 1030 kg

2. When the decimal point is moved left to right, the result is negative exponent.
Example: 0.00007806123 = 7.806123×10-5 = 7.81×10-5
0.0000000000000000000000000016726231 kg = 1.67 x 10-27 kg

Basic rule in converting scientific notation back to standard notation:

1. Move the current decimal point according to the number of places based on the exponent
(+) positive exponent : move to the RIGHT
Example: 3 x 108 m/s = 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m/s = 300, 000, 000 m/s
4.75 x 105 kg = 4 7 5 0 0 0 kg = 475, 000 kg
(-) negative exponent : move to the LEFT
Example: 3.12 x 10-5 km = 0 . 0 0 0 0 3 1 2 km = 0.0000312 kg
1.03 x 10-8 L = 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 L = 0.0000000103 L

Additional problems in evaluating scientific notation:

1.) Simplify: 723.400 x 103 Sol’n: 7.23x105 (we add two to the exponent since we move two digits to number 7)

2.) Simplify: 0.000532 x 10-8 Sol’n: 5.32 x 10-12 (we add four to the exponent since we move four digits to number 5)


Measurements always have some degrees of uncertainty due to unavoidable errors.
Errors – is the deviation of a measured value from the expected true value.
Uncertainty – is a way of expressing the error.
Measured value = (true value ± uncertainty) units
Accuracy – refers to the closeness of a
measured value to the expected or true value
of a physical quantity.
Precision – presents how close or consistent
the independent measurement of the same
quantity are to one another.

Two types of Errors:

a.) Random Errors – are the results from the unpredicted or inevitable changes during data measurement. These
errors may be reduced by increasing the number of trials of measurement and averaging out the results.
Ex: Electronic noise from an electrical device; variation of body heat temperature due to sun heat.

b.) Systematic errors – are usually come from the measuring instrument or in the design of the experiment
itself. These errors limit the accuracy of one’s results.
Ex: uneven calibrations of a meter stick; slight deformed on beakers

One of the ways to estimate errors from multiple measurements of a physical quantity is to determine the
variance of the set of measurements. Variance measures the squared deviation of each number in the set from
the mean.

*Steps on solving:
1. Take the mean of the set of measurements, 𝑥̅ =
2. Take the deviation of each measurement from the mean (𝑥 − 𝑥̅).
3. Square each deviation, (𝑥 − 𝑥̅ ) 2.
4. Get the sum of the squares of each deviation, ∑(𝑥 − 𝑥̅ ) 2.
∑( 𝑥−𝑥̅) 2
5. Divide the sum of the squares by the number of measurements in the set, 𝜎 2 = .
∑( 𝑥−𝑥̅) 2
6. Get the standard deviation or the square root of 𝜎 = .
7. Use the measure value formula: Measured value = (true value ± uncertainty) units, where mean (𝑥̅) is the
true value, and the standard deviation (𝜎) is the uncertainty.

During an experiment in a physics laboratory class, a group of five students was asked to measure the period of
a simple pendulum. Their measurements were as follows: 2.3s, 2.4 s, 2.2 s, 2.5 s, and 2.1 s. What is the measured period
of the pendulum?
∑ 𝑥 2.3 𝑠+2.4 𝑠+2.2 𝑠+2.5 𝑠+2.1 𝑠
a.) Mean (𝑥̅) = = = 2.3 s
𝑁 5
∑( 𝑥−𝑥̅ )2 ( 2.3 𝑠−2.3 𝑠) 2 +( 2.4 𝑠−2.3 𝑠) 2+( 2.2 𝑠−2.3 𝑠) 2 +( 2.5 𝑠−2.3) 2+( 2.1 𝑠−2.3) 2
b.) Variance (𝜎 2) = =
𝑁 5
02 𝑠2 +0.12 𝑠2 +( −0.1) 2 𝑠2 +0.22 𝑠2 +( −0.2) 2 𝑠2 0.1𝑠2
= = = 0.02 s2
5 5
c.) Standard deviation (𝜎) = √0.02 s 2 = 0.14 s
d.) Measure period of pendulum = (true value ± uncertainty) units = (2.3 ± 0.14) s

Physical quantities can be classified as:
a.) Scalar – is a quantity that can be only be described by its magnitude (numerical value consisting of the
number and the unit), such as time, mass, and temperature.
b.) Vector – is a physical quantity characterized by both magnitude and direction. It is always represented by an
arrow. Ex. velocity, acceleration, force, momentum, and electric field.
Example on vector:
Specify the directions of vectors A, B, C, and D as shown in the figure.


A is 50° north of east.

B is northwest (since it is at 45° or in the middle of N and W).

C is 20° south of east.

D is south.

NOTE: Their respective directions depend on their reference angle.

Scalar Addition
Adding scalar quantities is similar to ordinary addition. We add together the quantities express in the same
Example: If the mass (m1) = 25 g and another mass (m2) = 50 g, their sum is m = m1 + m2
Thus, m = 25 g + 50 g
m = 75 g
However, you must be careful about how the given magnitude are expressed. If there are two different units,
you need to convert the unit before adding.
If mass (m1)= 25g and another mass (m2 )= 5kg. What is the total mass of an object?
Thus, convert g to kg so that,
25 g x 1 kg/1000 g =25/1000 or 0.025kg
Therefore, m = m1 + m2
= 0.025 kg + 5kg
m = 5.025kg (total mass of an object)

Vector Addition
Now that we know how to represent vectors graphically, we are now ready to add two or more vectors. For
example, we are asked to determine the vector sum of the resultant of the following vectors:

1. 𝐴⃗ = 2 units, East 2. 𝐴⃗ = 2 units, East

⃗⃗ = 4 units, East
𝐵 ⃗⃗ = 4 units, West


2 units 4 units (same direction: add) 2 units 4 units (opposite direction: subtract)

6 units, East 2 units West

(R) Resultant (R) Resultant

When solving for the resultant vector of two or more vectors when their direction are not in a linear position,
we can use the following methods:
USING SINES AND COSINES IN SOLVING VECTORS: (It is used only when the formed triangle is NOT a right triangle)
𝑎 𝑏 𝑐
= = 𝑅 2 = 𝐴 2 + 𝐵2 − 2𝐴𝐵(cos 𝑟)
sin 𝐴 sin 𝐵 sin 𝐶

Example: Two forces A and B are acting on particle as shown in the figure below. A is 3.0 N directed north and b is 4.0 N,
30° north of east. Find the resultant force using the laws of sines and cosines.

Since, B in the figure is on top of A and B has 30°, then in this case, we need
to add 90° to it because the line, where its reference angle settles, is
perpendicular to A. Let’s equate C to R.

Solution: Finding the magnitude (force) of R.

𝑅 2 = 𝐴2 + 𝐵 2 − 2 𝐴𝐵(cos 𝑟) NOTE: r is the angle opposite to R

𝑅 = √(3.0 𝑁)2 + (4.0 𝑁)2 − 2(3.0 𝑁)(4.0𝑁) cos(120°) (Simplify)

= √37 𝑁 2

𝑹 = 𝟔. 𝟎 𝑵 (Rounded Value)

Finding the direction of R:

Since we have now to find the reference angle b and we only have the angle and the measure of the R side, then we use
𝑏 𝑐
sin 𝐵
= sin 𝐶
(b and c are the sides while B and C are the angles)
4.0 𝑁 6 .0 𝑁
sin 𝜃
= sin 120°
(Change B to Ɵ, then apply cross multiplication)
6.0 𝑁 sin 𝜃 = 4.0 𝑁 sin 120°
6.0 N sin Ɵ = 3.46 (Divide 6.0N both sides)
3.46 𝑁
sin 𝜃 =
𝜃 = sin 0.58
𝜽 = 𝟑𝟓° (Rounded value)
Hence, the resultant is 6.0 N, 35° North of East.

Using Pythagorean Theorem and tan Ɵ: (It is used only when the formed triangle is a right triangle)

𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒
𝑅 2 = 𝐴 2 + 𝐵2 tan 𝜃 =
𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒

Example: Two cars A and B are running in different direction. A is 3.0 m/s directed north and B is 4.0 m/s due to east.
Find the resultant velocity.
Solve for R.
𝑅 2 = 𝐴2 + 𝐵 2 (Substitute with the given values)
2 2 2
𝑅 = (3.0 𝑚/𝑠) + (4.0 𝑚/𝑠) (Square both sides)
𝑅 = √9.0 𝑚2 /𝑠 2 + 16.0 𝑚2/𝑠 2 (Simplify)
𝑅 = √25.0 𝑚2 /𝑠 2
R =5.0 m/s

Solve for Ɵ.
𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝐵
tan 𝜃 = =
𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝐴
4.0 𝑚/𝑠
tan 𝜃 = (Divide)
3.0 𝑚/𝑠
𝜃 = tan (1.33)
𝜽 = 𝟓𝟑°
Hence, the resultant R is 5.0 m/s, 53° North of East.
ESSENTIAL FORMULAS TO REMEMBER in Component method: (It is best to used among other methods and is efficient
to solve resultant vector when two or more vectors are involved)

Resolving the vector Solving for magnitude Finding the direction

⃗⃗⃗x = F cos 𝜽
𝑹 ⃗⃗⃗ 𝟐𝒙 + 𝑹
𝑹 = √𝑹 ⃗⃗⃗𝟐𝒚 𝜽 = 𝐭𝐚𝐧−𝟏( ⃗⃗ )
𝑹y = F sin 𝜽

This procedure is not only limited to two vectors. You can also use this method to add any number of vectors.
For example, if you will add vectors: 𝐴⃗, 𝐵
⃗⃗, 𝐶⃗, 𝐷
⃗⃗ , and so on, the components of the resultant vector are:
𝑅𝑥 = 𝐴 𝑥 + 𝐵𝑥 + 𝐶𝑥 + 𝐷𝑥 + …
𝑅𝑦 = 𝐴 𝑦 + 𝐵𝑦 + 𝐶𝑦 + 𝐷𝑦 + …
The angle θ may be situated in any of the four quadrants depending on the directions of R x and Ry. There are
four possible cases and those are shown below:
Rx Ry Position of R How θ is measured
+ + 1st quadrant Counterclockwice from (+) x-axis
- + 2nd quadrant Clockwise from (-) x-axis
- - 3rd quadrant Counterclockwise from (-) x-axis
+ - 4th quadrant Clockwise from (+) x-axis

Example 1: Two forces A and B are acting on an object. A is 3.0 N directed north (90°)
and B is 4.0 N, 30° north of east. Find the resultant force.

x-component y-component
Ax = 3 cos (90°) = 0 Ay = 3 sin (90°) = 3 ⃗⃗ 2𝑥 + 𝑅
R = √𝑅 ⃗⃗ 2𝑦 𝜃 = tan−1 ( ⃗ )
+ + 𝐹𝑥
Bx = +4 cos (30°) = 3.46 By = +4 sin (30°) = 2___ = √(3.46) 2 + (5) 2 = −1
tan ( )
𝑅⃗⃗ x = 3.46 𝑅⃗⃗ y = 5 R = 6.08 N 𝜃 = 55.3°
(Observe that signs in the resultant of x and y components (+,+) fall on Quadrant I which means the direction is between
North and East)

Hence, the resultant force acting on the object is approximately 6.0 N, 55.3° North of East.

Example 2: 1: Two forces A and B are acting on an object. A is 10.0 N directed 30° west of north
and B is 8.0 N, 20° east of south. Find the resultant force.
(Hint: 10.0 N falls in Quadrant II and 8.0 N falls in Quadrant IV)

x-component y-component
Ax = -10 cos (30°) = -8.66 Ay = +10 sin (30°) = 5 ⃗⃗ 2𝑥 + 𝑅
R = √𝑅 ⃗⃗ 2𝑦 𝜃 = tan−1 ( ⃗ )
+ + 𝐹𝑥
Bx = +8 cos (20°) = 7.52 By = -8 sin (20°) = -2.74 = √(−1.14) 2 + (2.26) 2 = −1
tan ( )
𝑅⃗⃗ x = -1.14 ⃗⃗ y = 2.26
𝑅 R = 2.53 N 𝜃 = -63.2°
(Nega tive angle degree means clockwise)

(Observe that signs in the resultant of x and y components (-,+) fall on Quadrant II which means the direction is
between North and West)

Hence, the resultant force acting on the object is approximately 2.53 N, 63.2° North of West.

Example 3: The following are the three displacement vectors:

𝐴⃗ = 10.0 m, 30° North of East 𝐵⃗⃗ = 5.0 m, North 𝐶⃗ = 12.0 m, 50° North of East
x-component y-component
Ax = +10 cos (30°) = 8.66 Ay = +10 sin (30°) = 5 R = √𝑅 ⃗⃗ 2𝑥 + 𝑅⃗⃗ 2𝑦 𝜃 = tan−1 ( ⃗ )
+ Bx = 5 cos (90°) = 0 + By = 5 sin (90°) = 5 2
= √(16.37) + (19.19) 2 −1
= tan (
Cx = +12 cos (50°) = 7.71 Cy = +12 sin (50°) = 9.19 16.37
⃗⃗ x = 16.37
𝑅 ⃗⃗ y = 19.19
𝑅 R = 25.22 m 𝜃 = 49.5°
(Observe that signs in the resultant of x and y components (+,+) fall on Quadrant I which means the direction is
between North and East)

Hence, the resultant force acting on the object is approximately 25.22 m, 49.5° East of North.


ASSESSMENT 1: Remember Me?

Direction: Write on the line the correct answer for each statement. (1 point each item)

_______________1. It is the study of natural laws in the physical world, such as laws involving force, energy, and lights.
_______________2. It is a convenient and widely used method of expressing large and small numbers.
_______________3. It is made up of a number and a unit.
_______________4. It is the most preferred system to be used in science.
_______________5. It refers to the closeness of a measured value to the expected or true value of a physical quantity.
_______________6. It presents how close or consistent the independent measurement of the same quantity are to one
_______________7. It is a type of error in which the results from the unpredicted or inevitable changes during data
_______________8. It is a type of error which usually come from the measuring instrument or in the design of the
experiment itself.
_______________9. It is a physical quantity characterized by both magnitude and direction.
_______________10. It is a quantity that can be only be described only by its magnitude.

ASSESSMENT 2: Time to think!

Direction: Answer the following statements below and write your answers on the lines provided .
(5 point each item)
1. Differentiate accuracy from precision. Give examples.

2. Differentiate random errors from systematic errors. Give examples.


3. Differentiate vector quatities from scalar quantities. Give examples.

ASSESSMENT 3: Evaluate Me!
Direction: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. Show your solutions on a clean paper.
(3 points each item)
1. Which of the following is equivalent to 20 cm?
A. 0.2 m B. 2 m C. 20 mm D. 20 dm

2. A book has a weight of 1.75 kg, how many grams does it weigh?
A. 17.5 mg B. 1,750 mg C. 17.5 g D. 1, 750 g

3. Convert: 100 ft → km
A. 0.003 km B. 0.03 km C. 30 km D. 300 km

4. Convert: 5.75 mi/hr2 → m/s2

A. 6.14 x 10-4 m/s2 B. 7.14 x 104 m/s2 C. 7.14 x 10-4 m/s2 D. 7.14 x 10-6 m/s2

5. Convert: 120 zettaseconds → terasecond

A. 1.20 x 109 Ts B. 1.20 x 1010 Ts C. 1.20 x 1011 Ts D. 1.20 x 1012 Ts

6. What is the equivalent value of 1, 950, 000, 000, 000 μg?

A. 0.195 x 1012 μg B. 195 x 1012 μg C. 19.5 x 1012 μg D. 1.95 x 1012 μg

7. What is the equivalent value of 0.000000000000145 g/cm 3?

A. 1.45 x 10-13 g/cm3 B. 14.5 x 10-13 g/cm3 C. 0.145 x 10-12 g/cm3 D. 1.45 x 10-12 g/cm3

8. Balance the equation: 5.98 x 10-7 = ______

A. 59, 800, 000 B. 0.000000598 C. 0.0000000598 D. 590, 800, 000

9. Find the resultant vector of the following: 𝐴⃗ = 10 m/s, North; and 𝐵

⃗⃗ = 20 m/s, South
A. 10 m/s, South B. 30 m/s, North C. 10 m/s, North D. 30 m/s, South

10. Find the resultant vector of the following: 𝐶⃗ = 120 N, West; and 𝐷
⃗⃗ = 98 N, West
A. 22 N, West B. 22 N, East C. 218 N, West D. 218 N, East


Direction: Solve the following problems below and show your solutions on a clean paper.
(10 points each item)
1. Find the estimated errors from the multiple measurements.
In an experiment, 10 trials were done to determine the range of a projectile. The measurements for the range of the
projectile in centimeters are as follows:
134.8 133.9 135.1 134.7 135.3
134.9 135.2 134.8 135.5 135.4

2. Find the resultant velocity of the following vectors:

𝐴⃗ = 12 m/s, 40° North of East
⃗⃗ = 9 m/s, 30° South of West

3. Find the resultant displacement of the following vectors:

𝐴⃗ = 4 m, Northeast
𝐵⃗⃗ = 5 m, Southwest
𝐶⃗ = 10 m, 60° North of West

ASSESSMENT 1: Remember Me?

1. Physics 4. Metric System (SI) 7. Random Error 10. Scalar
2. Scientific Notation 5. Accuracy 8. Systematic Error
3. Measurement 6. Precision 9. Vector

ASSESSMENT 2: Time to think!

1. Accuracy refers to the closeness of a measured value to the expected or true value of a physical quantity; while
precision presents how close or consistent the independent measurement of the same quantity are to one another.
(Examples may vary)

2. Random errors are the results from the unpredicted or inevitable changes during data measurement. These errors
may be reduced by increasing the number of trials of measurement and averaging out the results. Systematic errors,
on the other hand, are usually come from the measuring instrument or in the design of the experiment itself. These
errors limit the accuracy of one’s results. (Examples may vary)

3. Scalar is a quantity that can be only be described by its magnitude; while vector is a physical quantity characterized
by both magnitude and direction. (Examples may vary)

ASSESSMENT 3: Evaluate Me!

1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. C
6. D 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. C


1. (134.96 ± 0.44) cm 2. 3.50 m/s, 66.4° North of East 3. 9.79 m, 54.3° North of West

Rubric of Scoring:

Analysis 5

Process of Solving 5

Arevalo, Ryan L. General Physics 1. DIWA Learning System Inc., 2017; pp. 1-28
Silverio, Angelina A. Exploring Life through Science Series – General Physics 1. Phoenix Publishing House
Inc., 2017; pp. 5-40

Prepared by:
Subject Teacher

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