Course Conclusion

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Course Conclusion

Take a little time to see if you:

 Understand the concepts of machine learning, data science, and related disciplines
 Understand and apply the CRISP-DM methodology to machine learning problems
 Can identify and map typical business use cases to machine learning problems
 Can use data visualization tools in RapidMiner to analyze data
 Understand a machine learning model, its strengths and limitations, and how to apply
it to improve business outcomes

Read The Humans Guide to Machine Learning

It's a good summary of the most important points in this course.

Next Steps
Continue to the end of this course for the certification, but before you do, remember that we
have many more courses. The specific course you take does depend on your role, but for most
people, we recommend the following two courses.

1. Data Engineering Professional is a hands-on course designed to get you started working
with data in RapidMiner. We focus on the the most common basic techniques necessary to
prepare data for machine learning. We strongly recommend it as your next course.

2. Machine Learning Professional is designed to cover both concepts and hands-on for
implementing Machine Learning in RapidMiner. It could be taken as your next course, or
more commonly, we recommend taking it after Data Engineering Professional.

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