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KGI Secondary School

Section A
2022-2023 Academic Year Section B
Grade-4A Section C
Midterm Examination Section D

Name: _______________ Date: _______________

Time allowed - 2 hours and 30 munutes

Section A [15 marks]

I. Choose the correct answers. (15 marks)

1. Which of the following is incorrect?

(a) Heat can change an ice cube into water.

(b) Heat can make water boil.
(c) Heat can change water into a different substance.
(d) Heat can change water into steam.

2. Choose the most common manufactured material.

(a) plastic
(b) glass
(c) rubber
(d) steel

3. What is the normal human body temperature?

(a) 27°C
(b) 37°C
(c) 47°C
(d) 57°C

1 Science Grade-4A
4. Which group of invertebrate do ticks belong to?

(a) insects
(b) arachnids
(c) molluscs
(d) crustaceans

5. Which of the following has a very strong root system?

(a) tap root

(b) fibrous root
(c) storage root
(d) none of the above

6. Choose the correct statement.

(a) Solids can be compressed.

(b) Liquids can fill up the whole container.
(c) Solids pours and flows.
(d) Gases can be compressed.

7. Which system in the animal body sends messages around the


(a) circulatory system

(b) excretory system
(c) nervous system
(d) respiratory system

8. What is the ovule of the flower?

(a) part that make the pollen

(b) part that become the seed when fertilized
(c) place where pollen enters female part
(d) part that attracts insects
2 Science Grade-4A
9. Which of the following is not true about reptiles?

(a) are cold-blooded

(b) mostly lay eggs in water
(c) some keep eggs in their bodies until hatching
(d) have bodies covered with scales

10. Which of the following is not an artificial environment?

(a) farm
(b) village
(c) zoo
(d) none of the above

11. Which of the following pest damage crops?

(a) locust
(b) fly
(c) termite
(d) louse

12. Choose the products of photosynthesis.

(a) sugar and carbon dioxide

(b) water and carbon dioxide
(c) sugar and oxygen
(d) sugar and water

13. Which of the following is a creeping plant?

(a) sunflower
(b) bean
(c) melon
(d) potato

3 Science Grade-4A
14. Choose the metal that resists corrosion.

(a) iron
(b) gold
(c) steel
(d) none of the above

15. Why do the roots of carrots and cassava swell?

(a) to provide strong anchorage

(b) to collect a large amount of water
(c) to keep the soil together around the plant
(d) to store food for the plant

End of Section A

Section B [20 marks]

II. Fill in the blanks. (10 marks)

1. Animals that live on humans and domestic animals and cause

harms are called _____________.

2. A crustacean that has 14 legs is _______________.

3. The only metal in liquid state at everyday temperature is


4. Plants are sensitive to sunlight and ______________.

5. Microscopic holes in the underside of the leaf are known as

4 Science Grade-4A
6. The _______________ of a flower is the place where the
pollen enters the female part of the flower.

7. Heat travels through solids by the method of


8. Animals using colours and patterns on their bodies to blend in

with the environment is known as _______________.

9. Plants store their food in the form of _______________.

10. Example of a metal that can be stretched and rolled into

wires is _____________.

III. True ‘T’ or False ‘F’. (10 marks)

1. Heat can make a substance expand.

2. Only prey animals have adaptations like camoflague.

3. The release of energy stroed in food is called excretion.

4. A coin is considered as a once-living thing.

5. Snakes that have poisonous bite are called venomous.

6. Fungi releases their spores from the sporangia.

7. Wood is example of a flexible material.

8. The dugong is a carnivorous sea mammal that lives

in the Red Sea.

5 Science Grade-4A
9. Birds migrate when the season changes in order to feed
or breed.

10. Heat rays can even travel in vacuum.

End of Section B

Section C [15 marks]

IV. Answer the following questions. (15 marks)

1. What are the temperatures in degree Celsius for melting ice

and boiling water? (1 mark)

melting ice - ____________ boiling water - _____________

2. What is transpiration? (2 marks)



3. (a) Where are metals usually found? (1 mark)



6 Science Grade-4A
(b) How is glass made? (1 mark)



4. Why is grassland good for animals that graze? (2 marks)



5. What is instinctive behaviour? Give an example. (2 marks)



6. What is dispersal? Why is dispersal important? (2 marks)



7. Give an example each for the use of the following? (2 marks)


Insulator: _________________________________________

7 Science Grade-4A
8. How is too much fishing harmful to the environment? (1



9. What is the only metal that is liquid at everyday temperature?

(1 mark)



End of Section C

Section D [50 marks]

V. Give suitable answers for the following questions. (50


1. (a) What is heat radiation? Give an example. (2 marks)



(b) How do birds use thermals? (1 mark)



8 Science Grade-4A
(c) Molly has got a tight jar and she wants to open it. What
should she do and why? (2 marks)




2. (a) Label the given diagram. (2 marks)

(i) _______________ (iii) _______________

(ii) _______________ (iv) _______________

9 Science Grade-4A
(b) State a way of how plants do excretion. (1 mark)



(c) Why aren’t fungi considered as plants? (1 mark)



(d) State any one function of a plant’s roots. (1 mark)



3. (a) Draw a food chain that includes four living things. (2


(b) Give one reason why living things need food. (1 mark)



10 Science Grade-4A
(c) What does malnourished mean? (1 mark)



(d) How should we eat to stay healthy? (1 mark)



4. (a) Complete the following table. An example is given below.

(2 marks)

Property Material
opaque stone
resists decay

(b) Where is natural rubber made from? (1 mark)



11 Science Grade-4A
(c) What type of material should we use for the following.
Give reason for your answer. (2 marks)

(i) boat



(ii) electric plug cover



5. Read the descriptions of the following animals and name

them correctly as five different types of vertebrates. (5 marks)

Animal A – It is cold-blooded. It usually lays its eggs on land

and its body is covered with scales.
Animal B – It is warm-blooded and its body is covered with
feathers. It also lays eggs.
Animal C – It is cold-blooded, and it also lays eggs. It lives it
water and breathes through gills.
Animal D – It is a warm-blooded animal, and it has fur on its
skin. It feeds its young with milk.
Animal E – It is cold-blooded. It usually lays its eggs in
water. It lives both in water and on land.

12 Science Grade-4A
Animal Type of vertebrate

6. (a) What is matter? (1 mark)



(b) Complete the following diagram. (4 marks)

13 Science Grade-4A
7. (a) Look at the pictures and state how the animals are adapted
to their habitats. (3 marks)

Ibex - ____________________________________________


Camel - __________________________________________


Snake - ___________________________________________


(b) What disease do mosquito bites spread? (1 mark)



14 Science Grade-4A
(c) What type of animals cause a great deal of harm to human
beings? (1 mark)



8. (a) What would happen if we left a plant in the dark? (1 mark)



(b) Give example of how these parts of a plant are used. (3


root - ____________________________________________

stem - ____________________________________________

seed - ____________________________________________

(c) What is the ovule of a flower? (1 mark)



15 Science Grade-4A
9. Sort these invertebrates. (5 marks)

Insects Arachnids Molluscs

Crustaceans Worms

have thin, soft, segmented bodies

move on a strong muscular foot

usually has eight legs

the outside of the bodies is hard, often with
many parts or segments
have six legs and three main body parts

10. (a) Where are coral reefs found and how are they built? (2



(b) What is the biggest natural environment on Earth? (1




16 Science Grade-4A
(c) State one matter that is harming our environment that you
see around you. Also state a way we can do to reduce or
prevent that. (2 marks)




End of Section D

17 Science Grade-4A

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