Gopala Krishna Reddy - Devops Engineer

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Gopala Krishna Reddy Yanamareddy DevOps Engineer


Looking for a challenging solution development position, with a strong emphasis on
Open-minded, outgoing and
DevOps & Cloud technologies, where I can use my current skill set, ability to learn
patient in conversations with
quickly, and longing to define and create the finest solutions possible to become an
invaluable asset to the firm.


Having more than 4+ years of Experience in Implementing
AWS Organization DevOps strategy in various environments of Linux and
windows servers along with adopting cloud strategies based on
Amazon Web Services
CONTAINER Implemented cloud services IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS which include
Docker and Kubernetes.
Managed Docker orchestration and Docker containerization using
DOCKER KUBERNETES Kubernetes. Experience in building docker images and deploying
them on Kubernetes cluster(EKS).
ELASTIC CONTAINER Proficient with container systems like Docker and container
REGISTRY orchestration like EC2 Container Service, Kubernetes, woefied
with Terraform, Cloud Formation.
Used Kubernetes to orchestrate the deployment, scaling and
INFRAPROVISIONING management of Docker Containers. Containerization Tool Docker
writing Docker files for creating Docker images and containers for
TOOL different environments.
TERRAFORM Experience in automating, building, deploying, and releasing of code
from one environment to other environment like Dev, QA, and Staging.
Experienced with Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment
Tools as Jenkins and experience with Maven Build Frameworks.
Created AWS Infrastructure through Terraform and AWS Cloud
Gained good experience by wooing with configuration management
tool Ansible and CI/CD tool Jenkins.
CONFIGURATION Set up and built AWS infrastructure with various services available by
writing cloud formation templates in JSON. Expertise in Amazon Web
MANAGEMENT TOOL Services (AWS) environment and good knowledge of AWS services
ANSIBLE like Cloud formation, Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Elastic Load-
Balancers, S3, RDS, VPC, Route5 3, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, IAM.
Environment: AWS- EC2, S3, RDS, EBS, ELB, VPC, Cloud Watch,
NAT, Route 53, Dynamo DB, IAM, SQS, SNS, SES, Apache servers,
Linux servers
SYSTEMS Used Auto-scaling and Elastic Load Balancer features on EC2
instances to serve the end users using applications during
unexpected traffic/demand.
Created and worked on Elastic Block Store and Instance Store
Volumes. Used IAM to create new accounts, roles and groups.
STATIC CODE ANALYSIS Creating S3 buckets and managing policies for S3 buckets and
SONARQUBE ANCHORE Utilized S3 bucket for storage and backup on AWS. Created elastic
load-balancers (ELB) for different applications.
Configured NAT instance for internal servers within the private
subnets thereby not exposing to the public internet.

Configuring and managing AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS) and

ARTIFACTORY Simple Queue Service (SQS).
Managing IAM accounts (with MFA) and IAM policies to meet security
JFROG audit & compliance requirements.
Configured S3 Buckets for EBS backed Snapshots, versioning for data
AZURE ARTIFACTORY backups and setting up lifecycle management policies.
Managed complex administrative tasks like scaling, failure-handling
and monitoring services.
Databases & Cloud Utilized Amazon Route53 to manage DNS zones, assign public DNS
services names to elastic load balancers IP's.
Setting up private networks and subnetworks using Virtual Private
MySQL PostgreSQL Cloud (VPC) and creating security groups to associate with the
MongoDB AWS Configured GitHub with Jenkins and Schedule jobs using POLL SCM,
GitHub Webhooks and Build Periodically option.
l Managed to organizational standards by maintaining the source code
Programming Skills in GIT for various applications. Setting up the new Build Environment for
various products in Linux Environment
Bash Shell Script

Working as a DevOps Engineer in LONGTAIL WEB SERVICES PRIVATE
Sriprakash College of


• • Expertise in Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment and good

knowledge of AWS services like Cloud formation, Elastic Compute
Cloud(EC2), Elastic Load-Balancers, S3, Cloud Front, Elastic File system,
RDS, VPC, Route53, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, IAM.
• This application is developed as CI/CD environment to
migrate monolithic API services to micro services using Docker
and Kubernetes on AWS server with Red Hat Linux(RHEL).
• Micro services are typically better organized, since each micro
service has a veryspecific job and is not concerned with the jobs
of other components.
• In this application, Docker images were created for each service
and scaled the sameas per the business. Also, same is orchestrated
using Kubernetes
• As part of this project used Kubernetes for orchestration,
self- healing, auto-scaling,and clustering and Load balancing.
• Also, same API Services are having been deployed using ansible
and Open shift toolas part of POC to provide different kind of CI/CD
• In this project, each service can be deployed independently. This will
lead to easy deployment of new versions of services frequently and
platform changes as patcheswithout affecting running application.
• Worked as part of micro service project where new services are
developed on thebackend systems.
• As part of automation worked with automation/configuration
management usingDocker, Kubernetes.
• As part of this project used wide variety of open source
technologies and cloudservices with UNIX environments.
• Developing CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins to onboard java and angular based
applications using Jenkins
• l Expertise in automating build process using JENKINS CICD. Good
Experience in Continuous integration using the Pipeline View.
• l Good Experience in GitHub and Configure git with Jenkins and
schedule jobs using POLL SCM, Build periodically options.

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