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1. Choose the correct answers.


a. The diagram shows four types of cells, A,B,C and D. Two of the cells are plant cells and
two are animal cells.


b. Which two of the cells are plant cells?

A and B

A and D

B and C
c. The diagram shows part of a plant root. A large number of structures like the ones
labelled X grow out of the surface of the root.

What is the name of structure X?


Root hair


d. How do viruses cause the symptoms of disease?

Viruses engulf white blood cells, destroying them.

Viruses produce antibodies that damage tissues.

Viruses reproduce inside cells, damaging them.

e. What name is given to a group of tissues working together?



organ system
f. A student prepares a microscope slide of cheek cells. The student looked at one cell
using a microscope. Figure 3 shows the image the student saw.

What should the student do to get a clear image?

Adjust the focus knob

Make the light dimmer

Put water on the slide

g. The figure below shows a food chain in a pond.

What term describes the Daphnia in this food chain?


Primary Consumer

Secondary Consumer

h. What is the principal source of energy input into food chains?




i. The food web shows the feeding relationships in a woodland.

If all the chaffinches in the food web die, which effect would this have?

The amount of damage to trees will increase.

The food supply for grey squirrels will increase.

The population of caterpillars will decrease.

j. The diagram shows an aquatic food web.

Which statement is correct?

There are two producers and three herbivores.

There are two primary consumers and two secondary consumers.

There are two herbivores and two tertiary consumers.

k. The diagram shows a food web.

Fungi are decomposers. What is their importance in this food web?

They control the number of toads

They provide energy for plant growth.

They release minerals for plant growth.

l. Which way does energy flow directly in a food chain?

Carnivore to herbivore

Consumer to producer

Producer to herbivore

m. What ability does a virus have?

Genetic recombination



n. What process do decomposers speed up?




o. How many cells are bacteria made up of?



(2) . A student was observing some cells of an organ. (5)

(a) Name the organ that the student observes.

(b) What is meant by the term organ?

(c) Draw a labelled diagram of cell X.

3. The table shows some of the levels of organization within an organism.
Complete table by inserting a tick to show the level of organization of each example. (5)

4. The diagram shows a section through a rat. Some of the rat’s organs have been labelled.
(a). Name the organ labelled in the diagram that is part of the digestive system.

(b). Name three other systems shown in the diagram.


(c). Name a system that is not shown in the diagram.

5. Figure is repeated again. (3)

(a). The population of Hydra will decrease when fertilizer is added into the pond. Explain why?
6. The diagram shows part of a food web for a desert community. (6)

(a). Name the secondary consumers in the food web.

(b). Draw the longest food chain in this food web.

(c). Explain what could happen to this food web if most of the acacia plants are cut down?

7. You have started learning about viruses. Using what you have learnt, answer the
questions below. (6)

(a). Many scientists consider that viruses are non-living things. However, there are still
arguments about it. Give one reason on why viruses can be similar to living things. Then give
another reason on why viruses are considered different from living things.


(b). (i). In the diagram shown below, what is the name and function of the part labeled A?

(ii). What is the name and function of the part labeled B?

8. This is a petri dish needed to grow microorganisms. Answer the questions below. (2)

Microorganisms can only be grown when the petri dish is in a specific condition? State and
explain the specific condition.

9. Butterflies and moths belong to different species. (5)

(a). State three evidences to show that butterflies and moths belong to different species.

(b) Due to their similarities, some people mistaken butterflies as moths. State a common
feature of both animals.

(c). A butterfly and moth had an offspring together. What do you think will happen to their

10. A dichotomous key diagram is given for you. (6)

1(a) The plant grows seeds Go to 2 and 3

1(b) The plant doesn’t grow seeds Go to 4

2(a) The leaves have one pointy end. Dicot
2(b) The leaves are similar to bamboo leaves. Monocot
3(a) The leaves are long, thin and have a needle- like Confier
3(b) The leaves are fan shaped. Ginkgo
4(a) It doesn’t have leaves or stems Bryophyta

4(b) The plant is composed of blade like leaves and a fern

Using information from the diagram above, name the plants below.
11. Label these microorganisms. (2)

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