B1 - Variation and Inheritance

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B1- Variation and Inheritance


Differences between individuals of the same species are variations. Genetic variations occur because
individuals inherit different combinations of genes. They can be caused by mutations, differences
between individual gametes or the random nature fertilisation. 

Individuals develop in different conditions, so some variations are due to environmental causes.
Some characteristics are determined by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.


Genetic- Nose shape and eye colour

Environmental- Language and scars

Combination- Body mass, Intelligence and Height.

Scientists are currently debating whether genetics of environment has the greatest influence in the
development of characteristics like intelligence, health and sporting ability. It's unlikely that any
characteristics are the sole result of one factor.


All the instructions to make an individual are held on chromosomes kept in the nucleas of all body
cells. A section of chromosome which codes for an inherited characteristic or protein is called a
gene. A person has 23 pairs of chromosomes; different species have different numbers of
chromosome pairs.Gametes have half the number of chromosomes of normal body cells. The
different versions of genes are called alleles. Alleles that control characteristics are described as
being Dominant or Recessive.

Dominant Alleles control the development of a characteristic, even if present on only one
chromosome in a pair. Recessive alleles control the development of a characteristic, only if a
dominant allele isnt present. If both chromosomes in a pair contain the same alleles of a gene, the
person is described as homozygous for that gene or condition. If the chromosomes in a pair contain
different alleles in a pair the person is heterozygous for that gene or condition. Whena characteristic
is determined by just one pair of alleles, as with eye colour and tongue rolling, it'd called mono
hybrid inheritance.

Genetic diagrams are used to show all combinations of alleles and outcoms for a particular gene: 

Capital letters are used for domanant alleles

Lower case are used for recessive

For example, for eye colour:

Brown is dominant, so a brown allele is 'B'

Blue is recessive so a blue allele is 'b'
The letters to describe the genetic makeup are called the genotype (e.g. BB). The characteristic
expressed is called he phenotype (e.g. brown eyes).

Inheritance of sex 

Gender in mammals in determined by the sex chromozones: ** = female; XY = male.

Egg cells all carry X chromzones. Half of sperm cells carry X and the other half carry Y. The sex of
an individal depends on whether the egg is fertilised by a X or Y sperm. The chances of an egg being
fertilized by an X sperm or a Y sperm are equal so there are approximately equal numbers of male
and female offspring.

Inherited diseases

Some diseases are caused by a faulty gene, which means tat they can be inherited. Examples can
include red/green colour blindness, sickle cell anaemia and cystic fibrosis. Knowing that there is an
inherited disease in a family raises issues, e.g. whether to have children or not, whether to abort an
affected foetus or not.

Inherited disorders such as cystic fibrosis are mostly caused by recessive faulty alleles. The gene for
cystic fibrosis is recesssive, which means that offspring will only have the disorder if both genes are

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