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Chapter III

Research Methodology

This chapter pertains to the methods to be use in the study. It indicates the

research methods used, research locale and time of the study, population and sampling,

respondents of the study, research instrument to be used, formulation and validation of

the instrument, data gathering procedures and statistical treatment of data.

Research methods used

In gathering and collecting the information needed, the researchers will use the

descriptive method to determine the factors that contributes to the customer perception

towards store lay-out. The researchers specifically will use the one-shot survey, wherein

the data will be collected only once.

Research Locale and Time of the Study

The researchers will conduct the study which focus to the customers of the store

that will be involved in Poblacion, San Fernando, Romblon. The survey will start from

July - August 2023.

Respondents of the Study

The target respondents are the 150 customers of the stores that are part of the

study in Poblacion, San Fernando, Romblon. They will be the one concern with this

research because they are the customers who buy the products on the stores.
Sampling Procedure

In this study, the researchers will use the convenience sampling to determine the

sample size from the target customers. One-hundred fifty (150) respondents in Poblacion,

San Fernando, Romblon serve as the customers of the stores. The researchers determine

their sample size of the study using the Slovin’s formula below.

1+ Ne 2

Where n= sample size

N= target population

e= error margin / margin of error

Research Instrument Used

The research instrument used in this study is the survey questionnaire made by the

researchers as part of data gathering.

Formulation of the Instrument

The instrument used in collecting the data was divided into two parts. Part I

contains the demographic profile of the respondents as to age and sex. Part II determines

the reason affecting perception of the customers towards store lay-out include the

appearance, labelling, area, and positioning.

The Likert scale will use by the respondents in answering the questionnaire

through checking the box which is rated from 1 to 5.

Scale Verbal Description

5 Strongly Agree

4 Agree

3 Moderately Agree

2 Disagree

1 Strongly Agree

Validation of Instrument

The researchers themselves made the questionnaire for this study. It will be

examined and recheck by the research adviser to correct unnecessary data and errors.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers made a letter asking permission to conduct their survey outside

the campus noted by the adviser. The letter will be sent to the Campus Director into the

Barangay Captain of Poblacion, San Fernando, Romblon. After it will be approved, the

researchers will gather data from the respondents with the use of survey questionnaire.

The researchers will explain the direction for answering the question correctly. It will be

retrieve leaving the respondents assured that information will be kept confidential.
Statistical Treatment of Data

The data gathered from the questionnaire were categorized, tabulated and

analyzed in order to make an appropriate interpretation of data using the frequency

percentage and weighted mean.

In computing the percentage, formula below was used:

P= x 100


P= the percentage

f = frequency

N= total no. of respondents

In computing the weighted mean, formula below was used:



f = frequency

∑ =summation sign

N = no. of respondents

X =estimated scale
The scale and verbal description below was use to interpret the weighted mean:

Range Verbal Description

4.21 – 5.0 Strongly Agree (SA)

3.41 – 4.20 Agree (A)

2.61 – 3.40 Moderately Agree (MA)

1.81 – 2.60 Disagree (D)

1.0 – 1.80 Strongly Disagree (SD)

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