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Finola O’Rourke

Digital Marketing
Creation of digital
marketing materials for
ECO Summer Camps
Introduction to ECO Summer Camps
▪ Fictitious organisation
▪ Deliver summer camp programs for kids and teens
▪ Located in Cruagh Woods in south Dublin
▪ Kids’ camps for 7-11 year olds
▪ Teen camps for 12-17 year olds
▪ Activities vary between age groups
▪ Discount available on all bookings made before 1st May
Target audience / Brand personas
▪ Parents of 7-11 year olds
▪ Parents of 12-17 year olds
▪ Live within easy driving distance of Cruagh Woods
▪ Age range of parents: 30 to 55 years approximately
▪ Possible outdoor enthusiasts or environmentally engaged
▪ Most likely: Just want a fun and interesting camp that will keep their children busy
during the long summer holidays
Keyword Research I
▪ Most summer camps targeted at primary school age kids
▪ No reference to specific ages in searches for kids camps
▪ Searches are mainly for generic camps
▪ Many searches contain the year (2023) to ensure info is current
▪ Searches for teen camps are more likely to contain the word “teens”
▪ Proximity to camp is important -> “near me” search volume is high
▪ Chosen keyword phrase for kids’ camps: summer camps 2023
Keyword Research II
▪ 1900 searches for “summer camps”

▪ 2400 searches for “summer camps 2023”

▪ 1600 searches for “camps”

▪ All low-to-medium competition words

▪ Set up Google business account to target “camps near me”/”summer camps near
me” searches (3600 + 720 searches)

▪ Total number of targeted searches: 10,220

Keyword Research III
▪ Parents of teens more likely to specify “teens” in searches, or use long-tail keywords
▪ Important to use the word “teens” in content on web page for SEO
▪ Chosen keyword for teen camps: fun summer camps for teens
▪ 260 searches for “summer camps for teens”
▪ 90 searches for “fun summer camps for teens”
▪ 30 searches for “summer camps for teens near me”
▪ Total of 380 searches per month
▪ Low-Medium competition keywords
Competitor SEO
▪ Researched other providers of outdoor summer camps in the Dublin area.

▪ Used Screaming Frog to assess their SEO.

▪ None of them are optimised for search engines.

▪ Many Title tags, H1 tags and meta descriptions are empty.

▪ Easy opportunity for ECO Summer Camps to achieve a good SERP ranking.
Timing of searches
▪ Majority of searches take place form March to August every year

▪ Peak time of day: 1am – 8am

▪ Parents unable to sleep

▪ Searches taking place mainly on mobiles

E-mail marketing campaign
▪ Fun, friendly, informal feel – “Hi Sarah”
▪ Same theme as landing pages and Google ads – earthy tones
▪ Wholesome images of kids/teens having fun outdoors
▪ Merge tags and dynamic content used to adapt e-mail to audience
▪ Easy-to-locate camp logistics and pricing
▪ Two clear CTA buttons, which link to relevant landing page
▪ Campaign schedule: 8th April at 12 midnight
Landing pages
▪ Two landing pages – one for kids’ camps, one for teen camps
▪ Same fonts and colour scheme as e-mail campaign
▪ On-site SEO:
▪ Page title tag, page URL, meta description

▪ H1 tags, page copy, alt text and titles of images

▪ External links: social media

▪ Clear structure and layout

▪ Camp logistics and payment information easy to find
Google Ads campaigns
▪ Local audience, highly seasonal, short sales cycle

▪ Search ad campaign more effective than display ad campaign

▪ Target: kids’ camps -> data used to inform future campaigns

▪ Location: within 15 km radius of Cruagh Woods

▪ Timing: 10th – 30th April, every day from 1am-7am

▪ Target audience segment: Parents of primary schoolers (5-11) years

Search ad campaign
▪ Target keywords

▪ URL, headlines

▪ Descriptions

▪ Discount pinned to 1st position

Display ad campaign I
▪ Same target audience as search ad campaign (parents of primary schoolers 5-11
▪ Disadvantages of using Google Ads responsive display ads:
▪ Too generic

▪ Logo too small

▪ Use of black background in the absence of responsive image

▪ Less brand control

▪ Can’t control how my images and text are combined

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