Bus Voc - Meetings and Presentations

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Meetings: an introduction

Using the word 'meeting' chair announces who sends apologies(= has said they
cannot attend and is sorry not to be there). The next
A meeting is about/on a particular issue/matter/
topic/ subject. A ' matter' is a serious issue you have to s teps are to agree/approve the minutes of the previous
deal with. meeting and then to review the agenda for the current
You ...
111eet (with) someone The chair sets a time limit for the me~ting and goes
have a meeting with someone over any 'housekeeping points' (practical things such
arrange/set up/schedule/call a meeting as a reminder to put m obile phones into silent mode,
go to/participate in/attend a m eeting whether there will be a break for refreshments, where
have/hold a meeting at a particular time and place the restroom / bathroom is, etc).
n1iss a meeting(= fail to go to it) During the meeting
postpone/reschedule a meeting •
In the m eeting you ... issues.
cancel I call off a meeting
rneet up with a friend to do something together consider I deal zvith/ discuss/ exa1nine/ look at/ tackle
You can have a / an ... meeting. You can discuss an issue ...
angry I heated/stormy, brief/sllort, lengthy/ long, fruitful/ in depth / in detail, briefly, al lengtll
productive/ successful, crucial I key /vital, formal I inforn1al, A 'point' in a meeting is a fact or opinion. You can ... a
face-to-face, frequent I regular, weekly I n1onthly, initial I point.
prelin1inaryI preparatory, crisis/emergencyI urgent, kick-off rnake/ raise, clarify, e111phasize I stress
And a poin t can be ...
Note these phrases:
good/ interesting /valid, central I crucial/key, important,
the purpose/ airn of the rneeting con troversiaI
the outco1ne/result of the meeting
In the decision-making part of the meeting you can ...
An 'appointment' is an official arrangement to see
make a suggestion, a proposal, a recon1mendation
someone at a particular time. It may be a meeting (with
reach an agreement, a co111prornise, a conclusion, a
a bank manager) or not (with a doctor).
Before the meeting ote the differences:
Somebody arranges a meeting - they invite people to a suggestion (just an idea - nothing definite)
attend (= be present). It is probably this person who a proposal (an official, detailed plan or suggestion)
will then be the chair/moderator/facilitator when the a recommendation (a piece of advice)
meeting takes place. The chair draws up/prepares a list A compromise is when people accept less than they
of points/items to be discussed. This list is called the really want in order to reach an agreement.
agenda of the meeting. The agenda is usually circulated
to participants before the meeting. Items may be added The end of the meeting
or removed before or during the meeting. The chair has to make sure that the meeting doesn't
run over time(= finish late). At the end of the meeting
The start of the meeting
there is often a review of action points - •-vho will
The chair opens the meeting. The meeting might do what before the next meeting. Different tasks
begin by appointing someone to take the minutes are assigned (=officia lly given) to differen t people.
(= make a written summary of the meeting). This The time for the next meeting is then set(= decided)
written summary can also be called a Memorandum and the chair closes the meeting/ brings the meeting
of Meeting (MoM in everyday speech). In a formal to a close. Alternatively it might be adjourned (=
meeting, where the participants don't know each temporarily stopped) for a short time or until a later
other, the chair might then go round the table and ask date.
everyone to introduce themselves. At this point the


54.1 Each word in italics below is wrong. There could 54.4 M ake phrases by matching each verb 1- 9 with a
be one extra letter, or one changed letter, or one group of words a-i below.

missing letter. Write the correct word / s in full at the 1 arrange c 4 cancel 7 reach
end. 2 book 5 go 8 send L.J

1 A meeting can deal with a variety of different 3 bring 6 make 9 take

tissues I topigs I sujects. 1ssucsltup1cs!subJ.ects a round the table to see if everyone agrees; over something
2 A formal way to say 'be at' a meeting is 'atten' a again to make sure you understand
meeting. b your apologies to t he organizer of the meeting; the
3 If you fail to go to a meeting, you mish it. _. . minutes to everyone after the meeting
4 The pupose of the meeting is the rason why you are c to have a meeting at a particular time; the tables and
there. I chairs inside the meeting room
5 The outdome of the meeting is its result. _ d a room for a meeting; a table at a restaurant
6 The chair of the meeting can also be called the e an interesting point at the meeting; progress at the
modelator or the facsilitator. I meeting; a decision; a suggestion
f place (= happen); notes at the meeting; the minutes of
7 The list of idems to be discussed at the meeting is called the meeting
the adenda. I g a meeting because the boss is sick; an appointment
8 If the chair asks everyone in turn to speak, we say that because you are sick
they do roun then zable. h an agreement; a compromise; a conclusion; a decision
9 In a meeting you might agreet I approde the minutes of the meeting to a close; a copy of the agenda to the
the previous meeting before you begin. I meeting

1O At the start of the meeting the chair briefly mentions 54.5 Replace each word i n bold with a word i n the
any mousekeeping oints. box that has a similar meaning.
11 Another way to say 'ephasize a point' is 'struss a point'.
I . .. - - brief face-to-face follow-up heated informal lengthy
12 A keg point is one that is scentral to the discussion. monthly preliminary productive regular urgent vital
! __
1 It was a very angry meeting .
54.2 Replace each word in bold with a word in the 2 I had a short meeting with Emma.
box that has a similar meaning. 3 It was a long meeting - over two hours.
4 I think the meeting was very successful.
attend call off chair close deal with draw up 5 It's a crucial meeting. You must be there.
hold miss postpone raise set set up 6 It was a very relaxed meeting.
7 I want to meet them in person.
1 Where will we have the meeting? hofci 8 We need to set up frequent meetings.
2 He'll come to the meeting as well. 9 We have a sales meeting every month .
3 Sorry, I will not come to the meeting. 10 The initial meeting went very well.
4 We'll arrange a meeting with Frank. 11 We need to call an emergency meeting .

5 Who is going to lead the meeting? 12 We need a second meeting to check
6 I'll prepare the agenda for the meeting. on how things are going.
7 We'll have to delay the meeting.
8 We'll have to cancel the meeting. 54.6 Complete the phrases with these prepositions:
9 We need to discuss three main issues. at, for, in, into, over, with.
10 It's a very interest ing point that you make. 1 put your phone silent mode
11 We should decide a t ime limit. 2 have a break refreshments
12 I think we can finish the meeting now. 3 deal . . __ some important issues
4 discuss something detail
54.3 Complete each sentence with the most likely
5 discuss something length
word - either suggestion or proposal.
6 run . time and finish later than planned
1 We've had two meetings with the client and we're now
in a position to make a detailed
2 It's just a • but why don't we go back to
the client with a modified design that is cheaper?

Meetings 1J3
Meeti ngs: basic phrases

Starting Alternatively, use Yes, but or a variation of it:

To begin a discussion just say: That's true, but ...
Right/ So/OKI Right then/Well/ Let's get started. Yes, you have a point, but ...
I can see what you're saying, but ...
Tf there has been some social conversation first, then
you can say: You can correct factual information -vvith Actually:
Actually, I'm Scottish, not Enghsh. •
OK, let's get down to business.
To disagree more directly you can :
To introduce the subject of the meeting say:
Use open questions
We're here to decide .. .
Really? Do you think so? Are you sure?
The purpose/ aitn of this n1eeting is ...
The reason zve're here today is .. . Ask challenging questions
But what 1.vould happen if ...?

Giving an opinion Have you thought about the risk involved?
You can just give an opinion with no special phrase OR Use a fixed expression
you can introduce it with: I'm not sure about that.
I think/lfeel/T'd say (that) ... That's not really how I see it.
Use a longer phrase to emphasize that it is a personal Managing the conversation
opinion. The tu1derlined words are stressed in speech.
You may want to:
From my point of vil!'l.v, .. .
End a topic
The way 1 see it, ...
OK. So I'll .. . (+ action point) then.
As Jar as I'm concerned, ...
Anyway, .. . (+ conclusion).
You can introduce a comment with a short word or
Change the topic
phrase like those belo\v. This signals to the listener
Right I So I Anyway. No1.v what about .. . ?
w hat kind of thing you are going to say. OK, shall we nzove on to discuss ...?
Something is obvious
Invite someone else to speak
Obviously I Of course I Clearly ... What about you?
Something is surprising but true What do you think?
Actually I In fact/ As a nzatter of fact ...
You are uncertain Can I just conze in here?
Apparently/ft seems that/They say that ... Sorry, can I just say something I ask a question?
You are being honest Block an interruption
To be honest/ Frankly /To tell the truth ... Can I just finish my point?
Emphasizing an important point Perhaps we can con1e back to this later?
Basically /The point is /The rnain thing is ... Go back to a previous topic
Other phrases Anyway, as l zvas saying ...
Unfortunately I Luckily I I'm pleased to say that I Hopefully I Anyway, getting back to what I was saying before ...
Presumably I Bet1.veen you and me ...
Agreeing and d isagreeing To signal that you want to end the discussion say:
While someone else is talking we say small words to let Right/So/ Anyway ... (followed by a pause)
them kno'" that we are listening and agree.
A longer alternative is:
/Zight. /That's right. /True. /That's true.
I think that's as far as r.ve can go today.
Absolutely. I Exactly. I Definitely.
Yes, good point./Yes, good idea./Yes, I agree. Finally talk about the next steps and review action
To disagree just say:
I think the best way fonvard is ...
But I However /Then again ...
So, before the next rneeting I'm going to ... and you're going
to ...


55.1 Underline the correct word in italics. 55.4 M atch the beginning and end of each phrase.
1 OK, let's get started I make it start. 1 OK, let's get what you're saying
2 OK, let's be down with I get down to business. 2 I can see of this meeting is
3 The object I purpose of this meeting is to discuss the 3 So, what sure about that
market research findings that I circulated to you. 4 As far down to business
4 The motive/reason we're here today is to discuss 5 The purpose about
improvements to the company website. 6 I'm not as I'm concerned
5 From I In my point of view, it would be better to finance happen if
7 Anyway, as I
this project out of the existing budget.
8 Can I just as we can go
6 As far as I'm concerned I As it concerns me, the I'm
was saying
timescale for this project is too short.
10 I think that's as far say something
7 Yes, you have reason/you're right.
11 I think the best going to recommend
8 Yes, I agree I I am agree with you.
12 What would way forward
9 OK, shall we move to I move on to d iscuss what kind of
promotional materials we're going to use? 55.5 Complete this m eeting extract using the phrases
10 Can we come back I come back to this point later' in Exercise 55.4 (phrases 1-6 are used first).
11 I think that's as far as I so far as we can go today.
12 I think the best manner I way forward from here is to CHAIR: Is everybody here now? 10K, let's get down
approach existing customers and see how much they to business . Do you all have a copy of the
would pay for this extra service. agenda? Good. 2 to talk
about what we're going to do with the net
55.2 Match each item o n the left w ith the one on the
profit we made from last year's trading. Miki,
right with the closest meaning. Be careful because
would you like to begin?
several phrases m ay have a sim ilar m eaning.
MIKI: Thank you. There are really just two
1 Actually The point is
options, either to return it to the
2 Apparently As a matter of fact
shareholders as dividends or to reinvest it
3 Basically Of course
in the business. 3 , we
4 Frankly It seems that
should return it to the shareholders. We
5 Hopefully Sorry to say, but
paid a very small dividend last year.
6 Obviously I imagine
Lours: 4 , Miki, but we're at a
7 Presumably With any luck
crucial stage with the business and we need
8 Unfortunately To be honest
money for our expansion plans.
55.3 In each mini-dialogue cross out the word in MIKI: 5 . I think it's too soon

italics that is less likely or not possible. and too risky to expand right no\v - \Ve
1 A The new model is a big improvement. need a period of consolidation.
L ours: 6 . all those new projects
B: Of course I .'"lopefu!ly it's a little more expensive.
2 A: Did you go to the Frankfu rt Trade Fair? we discussed last week?
B:. Unfortunately I The main thing is I didn't go this year. Later in the same meeting ...
Louis: 7 Ar•yi.\ 1y a< I ;.;as sayl[l_g_ earlier, I
It's a shame because I always find it very interesting.
3 A: Do you think she'll get the job? think a reasonable compromise \vould be to
B: Apparently/To be honest, I don't think so. return half the profits to the shareholders.
TINA: 8 ? The shareholders are
4 A: I haven't heard of them before.
B: Actually I With any luck, they're the fourth biggest expecting more than that.
company in th.e market. they start questioning
5 A: Who's going to be the new Team Leader now that how we run the company?
David has leh? CHAIR: 10 with this discussion
B: Basically I Presumably they'll give the job to Freya - today. 11 is for me, as
she's the most obvious person. CEO, to meet with the chairman of the
6 A: What's going to happen? Board and sort out the final details. But
B: It seems that I Frankly I don't care. I'm already applying in principle 12_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a much
for other jobs. bigger dividend.

55.6 @ 08 You are going to hear eight phrases. Listen

and repeat .
Meetings 115
Meetings: checking, clarifying, active listening

Ask for repetition Ask for more detailed information

To ask someone to repeat som ething say: What the other person says is often too general, and
Sorry? /Excuse rne (AmE)? you need more specific information.
Sorry, I missed that. What did you say? Can you say a bit more about that?
Sorn;, I didn't catch that. Can you be a little more specific?
Could you say that again? Can you put a figure on that? •
Note that the single word What? sounds rude. What kind of tilnescale are we talking about?
If you want repetition of a longer, more complicated If you want more details about particular key ideas,
idea you can say: you can say:
I'm sorry, could you go over that again? What do you mean by 'quite expensive'?
You say 'very profitable'. What exactly do you mean by that?

Use your own words to check
Active listening
A common way to check understanding is to rephrase
what the other person said using your own words. Active listening means giving your full attention to
. ... .? what the other person is saying, and using short vvords,
A re you sayzng
sounds and comments to show you are interested.
Do you mean ... ?
So, in other words, .... ls that right? Right. /Yes./Yeah./Yuh./ Mhm./Uhuh.
Exactly./ Absolutely.I Of course./Yes, you're righl.
Say you don't understand Use two-word questions (auxiliary + subject) to
If you don't understand the other person's ideas, you encourage the other person to keep talking.
can say: Did you? I Are they? /Was it?
Sorry, l don't follow you. Echo key words and then ma ke a short comment.
Sorry, I'm not with you.
Eight thousand euros? That's a lot of money.
Sorry, I don't quite see what you mean.
All over the u;orld! They're obviously ven; successful.
Another case is where you thought that you did Next Friday? That doesn't give you much time.
understand, but now you have doubts . Negative
Make a personal response:
questions are common here.
Show interest
Maybe I've got it wrong. I thought you said .. .
Really? /That's interesting. I How interesting.
I sn 't zt. .. ..?
Don't you mean ... ? Show surprise
Shouldn't that be ...? Really! I Wow! /That's amazing! / You're kidding, right?
React to good news
Make your own meaning clear That's fantastic! /That's wonderful! /Tha t's great neivs! I
If you realize that other people don't understand you, Well done!
then stop and begin again in a different way. React to general bad news
I mean/What I mean is ... Oh dear./That's a pity./That's a sh.ame./That's bad news.
In other 1vords ... Show sympathy (more personal)
What I'm trying to say is ... I'm sorry to hear that. / That's awful.
If there is a serious breakdown in communication, take Never mind./These things happen.
responsibility for it yourself. You can say: Very often a personal response
Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. Let me put it another is just a single word:
way. Amazing! I Correct. I Excellent! I
My mistake. I should have said ... Fantastic! I Fine./ Good. / Great! I
I think there's a misunderstanding here. What I meant Interesting. I Really? I Right./True.
was ...


56.1 Match each beginning with all its possible 3 A· The new product is selling very well in some European
endings. Then write the phrases under the most markets, but not in others.
appropriate heading below. B:
'm not with you. A· Yes - it's selling well in Benelux and Germany, but not
be more specific? so well in Spain and Italy.
say tha t again 7 4 A: Before we can install the new lighting system, we'll
don't follow you. have to remove the old one. Then there's all the
Sorry, I don't see what you mean. redecoration once the work is f inished.
Can you go over t hat again? B: ···---..···--· · - - - - - - - 7
didn't catch that A: Around four months to do the job properly.
say more about th at7 5 A: Their Head Office is in Saskatchewan.
missed t hat B: __ . What did you
put a figure on that7 say?
A I said their Head Office is in Saskatchewan. It's a
Asking for repetition
province of Canada. They're a Canadian company.
1 ·--~ --
............... 6 A: There have been some new developments. The
2 _ ... .... - - - - -
~ ~

situation is different now.

3 B: ______ the future of the
4 project is in doubt ?
Saying you don't understand A No, I'm just saying t hings are more complica ted.
5 . ·--------- 7 A: The underlying principles behind t he general concept are
6 ---·-- reasonably sound, but there will be numerous obstacles
7 --·· ........ ..
···~ ~ .... · - - - - - - - - - · · · ·
~ -~ ~~~-···-··---
to overcome on the way to successful implementation.
Asking for more detailed information
B: Sorry, I don't follow you.
8 ----·-.. -· . · - - · - - - - - - - - - · - · - A: it's a good idea in
9 theory, but I'm not sure it will work in practice.
10 --------------
---------~ ......... 8 A: Our sales fo recasts show that demand fo r this
56.2 Add the word/ s in brackets to each sentence in product is fa lling.
the right place. They make the sentences less direct. B: ---- -- ......... __,..._... _________
, 7

;ust A : Yes, we estimate a drop of 25% in total sales this year.

1 (just) Can you /..say that again?
56.4 Complete each mini-dialogue with one item from
2 (a litt le) Can you be more specific?
list A and one from list B.
3 (quite) Sorry, I'm not with you.
4 (just) Can you go over tha t again?
5 (quite) Sorry, I didn't ca tch that I » I
"enn1rer. That's fantastic! Well done!
6 (just, a bit) Can you say more about t hat?
Really? Was it? Oh dear. That's bad news.
56.3 Complete the mini-dialogues with phrases from Did you? I hav.en't seen her for ages.
the box. Write them in full to help you remember. 20o/o? Never mind. Another day
I'm sorry to hear that. I'm not surprised - it was very
Are you saying Can you be a little more specific? good_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J
Can you put a figure on that?
My mistake. I should have said Sorry, I missed that. 1 A ~ I spoke to Jennifer last week.
V'lhat @.'factly do you mean try that.' 1
B: Jennlfert I haven't seen her for ages
What I'm trying to say is 2 A· Oh, I never told you. I got promoted last mont h.
What kind of timescale are we talking about? B:
3 A: Their share price has fallen 20°/o over the last month.
1 A: We' re known throughout the software industry f or B: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - -
the high quality of our products. 4 A: It was their most effective advertising campaign ever.
B You say 'high quality'. 1·'/hat e>5_9_c;Ji; <;/Q1QV_1.nean /JL B: -···-..····-··· · - - - - - - - - - -·- - - - -
thaJ_7 5 A: I can't make it tomorrow - my litt le boy has t he flu.
A We have ISO 25,000. It's the international standard. B: .. · · - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2 A Forty thousand euros7 Don't you mean thirty

56.5 @ 09 You are going to hear eight phrases. Listen
thousand euros7
and repeat.
B: . · · · - - - - thirty.

Meetings 117
Meetings: developing t he discussion

Building an argument Making a suggestion

To persuad e people to s upport you r opinion you might Use should to make a s trong suggestion. The negative
need to build your case point by point. shouldn't can sound very direct - instead say I don't
List points one by one think you should.
First IF irstly I First of all ... You should ask for a pay rise - you've been here a year and
Second/Secondly ... your performance has been excellent. •
Lastly I Finally I Last but not least .. . l don't think you should 1nention this to anyone else -
There are three reasons: one ..., two ... , and three .. . it's very sensitive business information.
Add another point By adding Perhaps or Maybe or / think you ma ke the
Also/In addition .. . suggestion less strong.
As zuell as that .. . Perhaps we should leave this discussion until the next •
Moreover ... meeting?
Show both sides of an argument Use could to make a suggestion. With a question or a
In general .. ., although ... nega tive question the suggestion becomes more open.
On the whole ... , but .. .
We could introduce the product in one region first and see
In most cases .. ., however ...
hoiv it sells.
On the one hand ... , on the other hand ...
Could we/Couldn't ive try to renegotiate the contract?
Show a consequence
Here are some other ways to make suggestions.
So/Therefore .. .
Because of this .. . What about I Ho1v about (+ verb ending iJ1 -ing)
And as a result .. . Shall we ... ?I Let's ...
Why don't we ... ? It 1night be iuorth trying.
Say the main point in a simple way
It's just an idea, but what if we .. . ?
Basically ...
The thing is .. . Accepting and rejecti ng suggestions
To put it simply ...
If you th in k it's a good suggestion, you can say:
In short /To cut a long story short ...
I really like that suggestion.
Emphasize with What + be
Yes, I think that would work very well.
What we need is ...
What we can't do is .. . If you don't like the suggestion, you can say:
What this 1neans is .. . I'm not sure about that.
Also note these structures: I can see one or two problerns with that.
What we' /I do is this: ... It sounds interesting, but I don't think it would work in
What's going to happen is this: ... practice.
Here's what zue'll do: ... There are too many unknoiuns. What zuould happen if ... ?
Here's iuhat's going to happen: .. .
Reach ing a decisi on
Introduce a different point
The meeting w ill discuss the 'pros and cons' (=
In relation to/Jn terms of/On the subject of ...
advantages and disadvantages) of each s uggestion. The
As far as ... is concerned ...
chair "''ill then ma ke a decision.
Review and conclude
On balance, I think iue should go with Martin's idea. Is
On balance .. .
everyone happy with that?
At the end of the day ...
Taking everything into consideration, it seems to me that
Taking everything into consideration ...
Mei's suggestion is the best. Does even;one agree?
Finally the meeting will discuss action points.
So, what are the next steps?
So, the next thing to do is ...
Mehmet, can we leave you to prepare an action plan to
discuss at the next meeting?


57 .1 Match an item on the left with an item on the 57.5 Look at the pattern in the box.
right with a similar meaning .
We should reca ll the products immediately and do fu ll
1 On balance What we should do is
2 In general In relation to safety checks.
a ~ What we should do is recall the products ...
3 We should As a result
Moreover b -+ Here's what we should do: recall the products ...
4 On t he subject of
5 Basically At the end of t he day
Now use the same patterns to change the sentences
6 In addition In short
below. Note that the verb 'should' in the examples
7 However On the whole
above is replaced by other verbs below.
8 Therefore On the ot her hand
1 We need to call all our clients in person and reassure
57 .2 Underline the correct word in italics. t hem that t he news reports are fa lse.
1 It 's t rue that option B is a little more expensive. However I a -+ __ ........... -- ....... call all our clients ...
Therefore. cost isn't the only factor we have to consider. b -+ - - - - - - - : call all our clients .. .
2 So, that's decided. Now, in general I on the subject of 2 We'll replace t he fau lty item immediately and g ive you
online advertising, how are we going to reach mobile 10°/o off your next order.
users who have smart phones? a -+ rep lace t he fau lty item .. .
3 They' re a very well-known company and they have a b -+ : replace the fau lty item .. .
good reputation in the market. In addition I However 3 We can't just sit here and wait
we have worked with them before and there were no a -+ _____ just sit here and wait.
problems. So I think we should use them again. b ~ _ . _ __ : just sit here and wait.
4 It's going to need hundreds of hours of management t ime,
57 .6 Fill in the missing letters.
it's very risky, and it doesn't f it with our long-term strategy.
1 I think we __ould/ __ould take another approach. What
Basically I On the other hand it's just not a good idea.
a___t do ___ some market research fi rst, before we
5 In general I Moreover publishers are moving more and
invest all our resources in this project /
more to the e-book format, although I think many people
will still prefer a rea l, physical book. 2 Could _' _ we ask our colleagues in the Singapore office to
6 We've spent a lot of money on t he product launch - it's help us? L_ .. ' _ contact them and see what they say.
3 _____ II we have a coffee break nowi
going to be at the Sheraton, our most important clients
will be there, and there will be journalists as well. On the 4 Why _ 't open a part of our online resources to
the general public? It m ___ t be w __th try___ .
whole I Therefore we need to do everything possible to
make sure it's a success. 57. 7 A meeting has been discussing investment
57 .3 Fill in the missing letters. The words you make opportunities in the Gulf. The chair is reviewing and
are very simple, basic words. concluding. Complete his comments with the words in
the box.
1 In addition and Moreover are another way of saying

it seems to me pros and cons

first of all
2 However and On the other hand are another way of
sounds interesting the next steps too many unknowns
saying __ .. .
what would happen work in practice
3 Therefore and As a result are another way of saying __ . L

57 .4 Fill in the missing letters. er 1 First of all we looked at the Dubai option,
1 To begin a list of points we can say First or First ___ or
arid I think we discussed all the 2 in
First o . a some detail. Personally I think the Dubai option would
2 To say that the final item in a list is still important we can work very well. Then we discussed the Qatar option.
say L.. but not I_ ___ _ This 3 , but I don't think it would
3 To compare two different ideas we can say O_ the 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ . Finally we considered Oman. I'm

o. _____ , but _ _ the other _ _ _ . not sure about Oman. There are 5 - - - - - -
4 To say the main point in a simple way we can say To And we don't have very good connections there -
cu . a lo sto _ _ sho_ _ 6 if we lost the support of our local
5 To introduce the topic of finance, we can say As f_ . as partners? So, taking everything into consideration,
finance is con _ _ _ned. _ that Dubai is the best option. Does
6 To review and conclude we can say Taking ev... .. 1ng everyone agree? Good. Now then, what are
into cons .... _ation. 8 ? ''

Meetings 119
Meetings: summary and review

Starting Perhaps rue can co111e back to this later?

l~ight./ Let'sget started. Anytuay, as I zuas saying ...
OK, let's get down to business. Anyzuay, getting back to 1vltat l 1uas saying before ...
The purpose of this 1neeting is .. .
Checking and clarifying
The reason iue' re here today is .. .
Ask for repeti tion

Opinions Sorry, I 1nissed that. Whal did you say?
I tl1ink/Ifeel ... Sorry, I didn't catch that.
Fro111 111y point of view .. . /'111 sorry, could you go over that again?

Obvio11sly I Of co11rse .. . Use your own words to check

Act11ally I In fact .. . A re you saying ... ?
Apparently/It seems that .. . So, in other words, .... Is that right? •
To be honest I Frankly .. . Say y ou don' t understand
Basically /The point is .. . Sorry, I don't folloiv you.
Sorn;, I' 111 not zuith you.
Building an argument
Maybe I've got it wrong. I thought you said ...
First I Second I Lastly .. .
Ma ke your own meaning clear
Also/ As well as that .. .
What I nzean is .. .
In general ..., although ...
What I'rn trying to say is ...
On the whole ..., but ...
My 111istake. I should leave said ...
So/Therefore .. .
Because of this .. . Ask for more d etailed information
Jn relation to/ Jn terms of ... Can you say a bit 111ore about that?
On balance ... Can you be a little r11ore specific?
You say 'difficult'. What exactly do you 1nenn by that?
Showing interest
Right./ Exactly. I Of course.
Did you? Are they? Was it? We/You should/could ...
Really?/That's interesting. What abo11t (+ -ing)
That's fantastic! /That's iuonderful! Shall iue ... ?I Let's ...
Oh dear./That's a pity. Why don't zue ... ?
I think that zvould work very tvell.
Agreeing and disagreeing f can see one or two problen1s 1vith that.
Right. / That's right. I Absolutely. / Exactly. There are too many unknowns/ risks.
Yes, good point./Yes, good iden.
That's true, but ...
l can see tu/cat you're saying, but ... Right/So/Anyway ...
Really? Do you think so? 1 think that's as far as ive can go today.
B11t ivlu1t tvo11ld happen if ... ? On balance, I think we should ... Is everyone happy ivit/1
/'1n not sure about that. that?
Taking even;thing into consideration, it see1ns to rne that ...
Managing the conversation Does even;one agree?
Right. No1.v what about ... ?
Action points
OK, shall we rnove on to discuss ... ?
What about you? So, what are the next steps?
What do yo11 think? 1 think the best way fonvard is ...
Can I j11st con1e in here? Julie, can we leave you to prepare an action plan to discuss
Sorry, can 1 just say something? at the next meeting?
Can I just finish my point? So, before the next 111eeti11g /'111 going to ... and you're going
to ...


58. 1 Match the beginning and end of each phrase. 58.3 Match the beginning and end of each phrase.
Then write the whole phrase next to item 1- 9 below Then write the whole phrase next to phrase a- h
with the closest meaning . below with the closest meaning.
Because well as that What t he next steps?
Of the w hole Can I just come in here'
In course Can you be a to what I was saying
In fact So, in other didn 't catch that.
Shall of this So what are words, . .. . Is that right?
As seems that Sorry, I don't follow you.
On be honest Sorry, I litt le more specif ic?
It terms of Getting back about you'
To we a Anyway, as I was saying .. .
1 Actually b Are you saying
. . . . /. _______ . ___
2 Also c Can I just say something' _ -~-------
3 A pparently d Can you g ive a few more details? ______
4 Frankly ........... ··-·· .. . . ···-·------- e So what is the best way forward' _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 In general f Sorry, I missed t hat.
6 In relation t o g Sorry, I' m not w ith you .
7 Let's h What do you think? _vv:'-"-_hat about .v.ou?
8 Obviously
Because of this 58.4 Look back at the previous exercise. Which pair of
9 Therefore
phrases would you use if:
5 8.2 Complete the sentences with phrases from 1 You don't underst and. _.,_g_
Exercise 58.1 Write both possibilities to help you 2 You want to ask for repet it ion. _ __
remember. 3 You want to use your own words to check. _ __
1 There have been some important new developments 4 You want to ask for more detailed information. - - -
w ith the Danube project. (show a consequence) 5 You wan t to invite someone else to speak. _ __
Therefore I ?_e_t;_?_l!_Se o( this I'm calling an urgent 6 You wan t to interrupt. --------
meeting for next Monday. 7 You wan t to go back t o a previous topic. _ __
2 Our investments have lost 15°/o of t heir value over the 8 You wan t to discuss act ion points. _ _
last quarter. (be honest) it could
58.5 Fill in the missing letters.
have been worse.
3 (speak generally) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I agree w ith a Can we leave you to pr ___are an a__ io n p __ n 7
b I'm sorry, could you g_ o____ that again?
wha t you're saying, but there is one point I'm not sure
c I think that's a_ f __ a_ we can go today.
d OK, let's get d ___ to bu _______ .
4 Venda would be a better supplier for us. They have a
e OK, shall we m __ e o __ to di ___ ss ...
good record fo r quality and t heir prices are reasonable.
(add another point) _______ they have f Perhaps w e can co__ b ___ t_ this later?
• g Taking e____ thing into co______ation, it s___s to
very fa st delivery t imes.
5 Our legal department said the cont ract was OK, but me that . ..
h The pur ___ e of t his m _____g is to . ..
there have been quit e a few alterat ions since t hen . (make
a suggestion) ask them to have 58.6 · Look back at the previous exercise. Which phrase
another look at it? would you use if:
6 Our competitor's produd now has more market share
than ours. (show something is surprising but true)
1 There has been some social conversation and now you
w ant t o start the meeting . _ __
. ---·--·-··-- it's been sell ing very well for 2 You w ant to introduce the subjed of t he meeting. _ __
some time but we never really noticed. 3 You want to change the topic. _ _
7 Produd development costs and manufacturing costs 4 You want to ask for repetition. _____
should be around €400,000. (introduce a different point) 5 You want to block an interruption. _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ marketing, we'll probably need
6 You want to say the meeting is nearly f inished. _ __
another €200,000.
8 Their Sales Director is leaving . (you are uncertain)
7 You want t o review and conclude.
8 You want someone to do something before the next
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ he's been offered a job in Hong
meet ing. _ __
Kong .

Meetings 121
Presentations: an introduction

There are many books and training courses on how to your clothiI1g), and your voice v.rill be heard through
give presentations. But even without training you can speakers. Some or all of these things may be p rovided
give a good presentation if you a) have a real passion by the venue, and often all you have to bring is you r
for your subject matter, b) have information that is presentation saved on a me mory stick.
genuinely interesting to your audience, and c) speak It can be useful to have a flipchart or whiteboard in the
clearly and use your voice to emphasize key points. room as well - for example for writing up ideas that
come from a Q&A (= question and answer) session at
Planning the content the end of the talk. You' ll also need any handouts you
When planning the conten t of your talk, begin by plan to distribute.
w riting down the 'take home message'. This is the
Remember to get to the room early to test all the
summary of your talk that you want tl1e audience to
technology, adjust the projector, stand on the stage and
remember. Write it as three short bullet points, and
see hov.' it feels, arrange the seating, check that ther'e is
consider making this your fi~nal slide. Once you have it,
a glass of water, etc.
work backwards and build your talk so that everything
relates to this key message. Performance
Plan the start and finish carefully. Typical ideas for the You want your talk to sound convincing, and also to
operung are: main tain your audience's a ttention. To do this you
• Thank the organizers for inviting you. need to:
• A reference to 'here and now' (the occasion/the • Be yourself. Let your natural enthusiasm for the
place/ the audience). subject express itself. Don't hide your personality
• Ask a question that is in the minds of the audience behind your content or your slides.
and that you will answer in your talk. • Speak freely. Never read your slides word by word.
To close you migh t finish with the slide showing your • Spea k w ith confidence: clearly, calmly, slowly and
'ta ke home message' plus a new, more personal, final strongly.
comment that relates to it. Then remember to thank the • Maintain eye contact w ith the audience, smile
audience for coming. and look around the room frequently. There n1ay
be other examples of body language that you
Preparing your slides personally should or should n't do, but the problem
You can download a free template(= basic layout and is that most of them are outside your control once
design for every slide) from the internet, or create your you start speaking. Perhaps ask a colleague to a ttend
own. When preparing the individual slides, remember one of your presentations and then give you advice
to keep the amount of text on each slide to a minimum. on how to improve.
Use keywords, and then give more explanation in your • Pause often, for example after maki ng a key poin t or
talk. You can include more detail in your handouts. when showing a new slide. Allow the a udience tin1e
Make use of visuals: use images, short video clips, to think, digest information, understand a visual,
graphs and charts, colours. But don't over-use the m - make notes, make a connection with their personal
you don't want to distract the audience. Images should experience, etc.
reinforce your message - they shouldn't be decoration. • Use your voice to create impact. First decide which
key ideas you want to stress. Then, as you spea k
Equipment these words, say them with emphasis for maximum
To give your presentation / talk you'll need your lap top impact. Pause just afterwards - allow the audience
with the presen tation saved on it, a projector with a time to absorb the idea. See Exercises 59.2 and 59.3.
spare bulb, a screen, and the right cables to connect • Use a few p ublic speaking techniques. In particular
them all together. An extension lead is also useful if use rhetorical questions (where you ask a question
the power socket on the wall is some distance away. and then answer it yourself), and repetition of words
You may be speaking using a microphone (perhaps and phrases. The extracts in Exercises 59.2 and 59.3
a small wireless clip microphone that attaches to show examples of both.


59.1 Match the words in the box with the comments. 59.3 Study the presentation extract below. Note that
it is unpunctuated. Write 11 where you will pause and
extension lead flipcharts handouts keywords underline key words you will stress.
pro,-ectO'. slide stage template
.J ·---------------·---·
I want to ask you a question what is the difference
1 Are you sure it's powerful enough to give a clear image between data and information I'll tell you the difference
on the screen from the back of the room? projec;,.!_Q!_ data are infinite in number they cost almost nothing
2 I haven't decided whether to give them out at the and are worth almost nothing information on the
beginning or at the end of my talk. ···-. . other hand is meaningful data it is a key ingredient in
3 You'll be speaking up there. ·----···· ..... decision making and is enormously useful and valuable
4 Let's get two or three and put them at the sides of the to managers but how exactly do you turn data into
room and by the door. During the break people can write information the answer is w ith business intelligence
comments and questions on them . .. _ ······-- 1
software and ladies and gentlemen we are one of the
5 This one is going to be difficult to read from the back of world's leading providers of that software.
the room - the font size is quite small. __ _ --· ··- ·- ···--·-··----_,

6 The projector and laptop are going to be here. But the Check in the Answer Key. Your version may be slightly
socket is over there. Can you find a technician and tell different but equally good. Then practise reading the
him what we need7 text aloud several times.
7 All my slides are based on a standard design that the
company gives us. It has our logo at the top . .· - - - 59.4 Read the article, then underline the correct word
8 My final slide w ill just have three bullet points saying: in italics in the comment below.
Innovation, Design, Technology. -··-···--

59.2 Look at the presentation extract in the box. Note

that it is unpunctuated. Places where the speaker Want to know how to give a great presentation?
could pause for impact are marked with II and key Here are some Top Tips to help you.
words to be stressed are underlined. * Begin by establishi ng how impressive you are. Make
sure the audience knows all about your wonderful
Take a look at this slide II you have a bucket II a few achievements. Promote your company at every
opportunity. After all, this presentation is about you.
rocks II some small stones II some sand II and some
water II now II put the rocks in the bucket II is it full II * Explain in detail what you are going to talk about,
before you get to the main contents. You know how
. !2Q II put the small stones in around the rocks II is it full
people love reading the table of contents in a book?
: II no II put the sand in II give it a shake II is it full II !2Q It builds suspense. It's exciting.
II put the water in II now it's full II you got everything_
* Get the audience on your side by using that joke you
inside the bucket II well done II my talk this morning II heard last week. It's got a clever double meaning and
ladies and gentlemen II is about time management II everyone will understand it and find it hilarious.
the point is this II do the main tasks first II or the sand * Every slide should be packed with information. Use as
and water issues will fill '.:!.P your day II if you leave those many bullet points and words as possible. If you can't
big rocks until last II you might not even have space for fit everything onto one slide, try a smaller font. Feel
them. free to use several slides to explain things properly.
* Read aloud every word on your slides. Audiences have
difficulty reading, particularly if the font size is small,
and it's your responsibility to help them .
* Summarize everything at the end. Audiences forget
things so easily. Spend the last few minutes patiently
going over everything t hey just heard and saw.
* If you run out of time at the end, keep going. The
audience paid good money to see your presentation,
so make sure they see it all. Your time is important.
* Don't take any questions. The content and quality of
your presentation speaks for itself.

Comment: the author of this article is being serious I ironic.

Practise reading the text aloud several times. Create
maximum impact.

Presentations 123
Presentations: structure and key phrases

First few words Rhetorical questions

Welcome everyone warmly. Thank the organizers. A rhetorical question is one that you answer yourself. It
Make a reference to ' here and now' to relax the is a way to get the interest of the a udience.
audience and show you r human s ide. So tulta/'s the proble1n? The proble111 is .. .
Good 111orning everyone and tltanks for co111i11g. So iulzat's the solution? Tlte sol11tio11 is .. .
/'111 very happy to be here. It's a/1uays a pleasure to visit ... Wltat exactly is Critical Path Analysis? CPA is . ..
(+say something nice about the place where you are) What does this mean in ter111s of costs/business
I hope that after the coffee no-one tuill fall asleep duringrny opport11nities /plan11ing for the future? It means ...
presentation! So iuhat should lue do? My ansiuer is sin1ple. We should ...
Before 1 begin, I'd like to thank the organizers for inviting
nie here today. Jn particular, a big thank you to Marissa Digressing and returning
for n1aking tltis event possibleI all her hard work behind In the middle of speaking you often want to talk '
IIle scenes. about something differe nt for a mon1ent. This is called
Can everybody see the screen? digressing. Afterwards you return to the main point.
Can you hear 1ne at the back of the roo111? To digress for a 11101nent, ...
Let 111e start by saying a few tuords about rnyself Going back to what I was saying before, ...
The audience needs to know whether they should ask
questions d uring or after your presentation. Changing the subject
My presentation this rnorning 1uill take around 30 minutes, Signal clearly to the audience where one subject ends
and that iuill leave plenty of ti111e for questions at the end. and the next one begins. You might want to ask for
Please feel free to ask questions during n1y presentation - questions before moving on.
just put up your hand. OK, that's all I want to say about ... Does anyone have a
And it may be helpful to mention the different areas question? Yes, the genlle111an al the back. Yes, the lady
you will cover. over there.
I'd like to rnove 011 to rny next point.
I've divided 1ny talk into three parts. First I'll give you an
That brings nie to 111y next point, tuhich is .. .
overvil!1u of ... Then I'll look at ... And finally I'll talk in a
Turning n01u to a differe11t 111atter, ...
little 111ore detail about ...
Referring to visuals
Starting the main presentation
Make sure any graph, cha rt, diagram or table is clea rly
Start with something to get attention: a question that
labelled (eg the units on the two axes). Give the
is in the minds of the audience, a visual, a surprising
audience a few moments to study it before you start
s tatistic, a story, a quote (for ideas type 'business
talking about the details.
quotes' into an internet search engine).
Have a look at this next slide. Tlte horizontal axis shoius ...
T11e title of 1ny presentation is ... Why did I choose this
and the vertical axis shoius ...
tille? Because ...
As you can see, ...
This 111or11ing I'rn going to talk about ... This is an issue
You'll notice on the diagra111 that ...
/!tat affects us all.
The figures clearly sh01u tltat ...
Take a look at this picture. What does it tell you about ... ?
So1nebody once said that ... (+ quote) Finishing
Developing a point It is comn1on to end with a review I summary.
The language for 'Building an argume nt' in U njt 57 OK, just before I finish, lei rne go over the 1nain points
will be relevant here. Also: again.
So, to si11n upI sum111arize, .. .
To give you some background, let 111e explain ...
That brings me to the end of 111y presentation.
I'd like to stress one very irnportant point.
Thank you very much for listening and I hope you found it
To give you an example of 1uhat I 111ea11, ...
useful I interesting.
Are there any questions?


60.1 Complete each sentence with a word from the 60.4 Match the beginning and end of each phrase.
box. Find a solution that uses each word once. It's always in a little more detail
I'll give free to ask questions
affect bring digress divide have I'll talk a pleasure
notice show start stress take Please feel you an overview

1 Let me 1
by saying a few words about myself. I'd like to move me to the end
2 My presentation will around 30 minutes. That brings to stress
3 I've d my talk into three parts. The figures on now
4 This is an issue that s us all. And I'd like you an example
5 I'd like to one very important point. To give clearly show that
6 And in a moment I will take you on a tour of the
Now use the phrases to complete the presentation
factory. To for a moment, can I just check that
extract below. The f irst four phrases are used first.
you've all signed in at reception?
7 That s me to my next point.
8 a look at this next slide. Good morning everyone and thanks for coming . I'm
very happy to be here. 1 It's alv'lays a pleasure to visit
9 You'll on the diagram that there is very little
the Czech Republic - I have many good friends here.
space available for the cooling fan.
Before I begin I'd like to thank the organizers for
10 The figures clearly that demand for oil is still
inviting me here today. In particular, a big thank you to
Tomas for all his hard work behind the scenes.
60.2 Put the words into order to make sentences from OK. My presentation this morning w ill take around
a presentation. 40 minutes. 2 during my presentation.
1 Good morning for coming and everyone thanks. and there w ill also be time for questions at the end.
G ,, < 1 1 ' " i•1 • .ti 1''· for ,arr ng___ I've divided my talk into three parts. First
of Smart Think Consultancy. Then I'll
2 I'd like to inviting the organizers for thank me here today.
look at the area that is, I think, of most interest to you -
- - - - - - - - · --- Business Process Outsourcing. And finally
3 Can you back me at the hear of the room? 4
about some ideas for BPO for your own
company, based on the initial research we have done.
4 Please ask free to feel questions during my presentation.
Later in the presentation
one very important point. We do
5 So does what this mean in costs of terms?
deliver value to our clients. This next slide lists some
of the companies we have worked with. Next to each
6 That's all I want to market about changes in the say.
name is an estimate of money saved as a result of our
recommendations. 6 using the services of
7 Let me go again the main points over.
Smart Think make s a direct impact on profitability and
business success.
8 Thank you for very much listening and I hope it found
Later in the presentation
YOLJ useful.
OK, that's all I want to say about Smart Think.
to the subject of Business Process
60.3 Complete the phrases with these prepositions: Outsourcing. What exactly is Business Process
about, at, at, back, for, for, of, of, on, to, up. Outsourcing? It is using outside companies to handle
1 Good morning and thanks coming. your routine business activities - the ones that are not
central to your mission. It leaves you free to do what
2 Can you hear me the back the room?
you do best: product development, operations, sales
3 I'll leave t ime at th·e end questions.
and marketing. 8 of what I mean, let's
4 First I'll give you an overview the company, then
look at Human Resources outsourcing.
I'll look our new range of products, and finally
I'll talk opportunit ies for customization based on Later in the presentation
Right. 9 _ of my presentation. Thank you
your own specific needs.
very much for listening and I hope you found it useful.
5 Going to what I was saying before.
Are there any questions?
6 I'd like to move to my next point.
7 Turning now a different matter.
8 So, to sum , our values are these: Innovative 60.5 @ 10 You are going to hear eight phrases. Listen
Solutions, Strategic Partnerships and Global Vision. and repeat.

Presentations 125

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