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Vaughen Systems - List 1 - Translation Booklet C 1 Voy a subir mi nivel de ingl�s.

I'm going to raise my English level. 2 �Has sumado todas las columnas? Have you
added up all the columns? 3 Nos quedan dos todav�a. We still have two left. 4 �C�mo
quieres que empiece yo la carta? How do you want me to start the letter? 5 Esta no
es una carta cualquiera. This isn't just any letter. 6 Est� dirigida al presidente.
It's addressed to the president. 7 F�rmalo en el reverso. Sign it on the back. 8 Si
no hubiera sido por ti... If it hadn't been for you... 9 Antes de que te vayas,
quiero que eches un vistazo a esto. Before you leave, I want you to take a look at
this. 10 Tenemos suerte de estar vivos. We're lucky to be alive. 11 No se nos
permite utilizar esos programas. We're not allowed to use those programs. 12 Va a
haber otra reorganizaci�n. There's going to be another reorganisation. 13 Ya ha
habido tres en los dos �ltimos a�os. There have already been three in the last two
years. 14 No pueden decidirse. They can't make up their minds. 15 Te acostumbrar�s
a nuestro ritmo. You'll get used to our pace. 16 Ten�an que haber llegado hace 10
d�as. They should've got (gotten) here 10 days ago. 17 El siempre convoca reuniones
en el �ltimo momento. He always calls last-minute meetings. 18 �C�mo van las cosas?
How are things going? 19 No nos podemos quejar. We can't complain. 20 �Queda algo
por hacer? Is there anything left to do? 21 Preferir�a estar en la playa, �t� no?
I'd rather be at the beach, wouldn't you? 22 Hay muchos cabos sueltos que atar.
There are a lot of loose ends to tie. 23 Ella ni siquiera me salud�. She didn't
even say hello to me. 24 S�lo te han contado la mitad de la historia. They've only
told you half the story. 25 Quiero que me cuentes toda la historia, de principio a
fin. I want you to tell me the whole story, from beginning to end. Vaughen Systems
- List 2 - Translation Booklet C 1 �Te puedes imaginar c�mo ser�a esta oficina sin
Pedro? Can you imagine what this office would be like without Pedro? 2 Cuanto antes
hables con �l, mejor. The sooner you talk to him, the better. 3 �l est� esperando
que digas algo. He's waiting for you to say something. 4 �Qu� quieres que le diga?
What do you me to tell him? 5 Dile lo que sea. Tell him anything. 6 Divi�rtete y no
te metas en l�os. Have a good time and don't get into trouble. 7 Eso es lo �ltimo
que yo esperaba de ti. That's the last thing I expected from you. 8 �Para qu� sirve
llamarla ahora? What good does it do to call her now? 9 Es una p�rdida de tiempo.
It's a waste of time. 10 La he dejado para siempre. I've left her for good. 11
Empezaron mal. They got off to a bad start. 12 Est�s luchando por una causa
perdida. You're fighting for a lost cause. 13 Como regla general, prefiero dejar a
mi gente sola. As a general rule, I prefer to leave my people alone. 14 Que yo
sepa, no ha habido cambios. As far as I know, there haven't been any changes. 15 En
cuanto a m�, puedes hacer lo que quieras. As far as I'm concerned, you can do
whatever you want. 16 En el mejor de los casos tenemos suficiente dinero para
llegar a mayo. At best we have enough money to get to May. 17 Tuvimos la
oportunidad de hablar detenidamente sobre el asunto. We had the chance to speak at
length about the matter. 18 �Eres consciente de lo que podr�a ocurrir si fueras
adelante con esa idea? Are you aware of what could happen if you went ahead with
that idea? 19 Hemos tardado meses en romper el hielo. It's taken us months to break
the ice. 20 Volver�s con las manos vac�as, ya ver�s. You'll come back empty-handed,
you'll see. 21 Tenemos que partir de cero otra vez. We have to start from scratch
again. 22 A la larga todo saldr� bien. In the long run everything will turn out
fine. 23 Mientras tanto quiero que hagas esto. In the meantime I want you to do
this. 24 En nombre del presidente, quiero expresar nuestro agradecimiento por... On
behalf of the president, I want to express our appreciation for... 25 Hab�a 200
personas presentes para la inauguraci�n. There were 200 people on hand for the
inauguration. Vaughen Systems - List 3 - Translation Booklet C 1 Llegaron sanos y
salvos. They arrived safe and sound. 2 Tarde o temprano vas a tener que hacerlo.
Sooner or later you're going to have to do it. 3 Est�s rizando el rizo. You're
splitting hairs. 4 Nac� en los a�os cincuenta. I was born in the fifties. 5 No han
cruzado la meta todav�a. They haven't crossed the finish line yet. 6 Vamos a
forrarnos en este negocio. We're going to make a killing in this business. 7
Tendr�s que recurrir a enchufes para conseguir eso. You'll have to pull some
strings to get that. 8 Tuve que recurrir a amenazas. I had to resort to threats. 9
No me gusta correr riesgos. I don't like to run risks. 10 �Qui�n dirige este
cotarro? Who's running this show? 11 No puedo aguantar el ritmo. I can't stand the
pace. 12 �Por qu� no te echas una siesta? Why don't you take a nap? 13 �Qu� l�o!
What a mess! 14 Siempre tienes prisa. You're always in a hurry. 15 Hemos tenido
bastantes problemas con el nuevo sistema. We've had quite a few problems with the
new system. 16 Aprovecha mi generosidad mientras puedas. Take advantage of my
generosity while you can. 17 Puede que no sea tan generoso en el futuro. I may not
be so generous in the future. 18 Es como si le conociera desde hace a�os. It's as
if I had known him for years. 19 En cuanto llegues al banco, ll�mame. As soon as
you get to the bank, call me. 20 �l es bastante m�s alto de lo que pens�. He's a
good deal taller than I thought. (... Quite a bit taller). 21 Hemos sufrido una
serie de contratiempos que est�n retrasando la producci�n. We've suffered a series
of setbacks that are delaying production. 22 Aparte de unos problemas al principio,
todo anda bien. Aside from a few problems at the beginning, everything is running
well. 23 �l es, con mucho, es mejor jugador del pa�s. He's by far, the best player
in the country. 24 Quedan bastantes. There are quite a few left. 25 �Me puedes
sumar estas cifras? Can you add up these figures for me? Vaughen Systems - List 4 -
Translation Booklet C 1 T�ralo. Throw it away. 2 Quiero averiguar quien lo hizo. I
want to find out who did it. 3 Cu�date. Take care of yourself. 4 �Est�s levantado?
Are you up? 5 Me estoy quedando atr�s. I'm falling behind. 6 Carecen de recursos
naturales. They lack natural resources. 7 Est�n obligados a importar materias
primas. They're forced to import raw materials. 8 Los costes laborales han subido.
Labour costs have risen. 9 No pierdas tu tiempo cumplimentando esos pedidos. Don't
waste your time filling those orders. 10 No es probable que prorroguen el plazo.
They're not likely to extend the deadline. 11 Ser� un proceso doloroso, pero no
tenemos m�s remedio. It will be a painful process, but we have no other choice. 12
Tenemos que quitar los obst�culos que nos impidan progresar. We have to remove the
obstacles that keep us from progressing. 13 Has hecho una evaluaci�n precisa de la
situaci�n actual. You've made an accurate assessment of the current situation. 14
�Te importar�a decirlo para que todo el mundo te pueda o�r? Would you mind saying
it so that everyone can hear you? 15 Lo traje para que t� lo usaras. I brought it
so that you could use it. 16 El se ha marchado de la empresa para siempre. He's
left the company for good. 17 Estoy confiado en que los acontecimientos nos dar�n
la raz�n. I'm confident that events will prove us right. 18 Es muy arriesgado
levantar el embargo. It's very risky to lift the embargo. 19 He encontrado un atajo
que nos ahorra mucho tiempo. I've found a shortcut that saves us a lot of time. 20
�Hab�rmelo dicho! You should've told me! 21 Casi nunca piden perd�n por sus
errores. They hardly ever apologise for their mistakes. 22 Tendr�s que pasar por un
periodo de prueba de 3 meses. You'll have to go through a 3-month trial period. 23
Que yo sepa, las cosas marchan bien. As far as I know, things are going well. 24
�Menos mal! It's a good thing! 25 Llegar a dominar el ingl�s cuesta mucho trabajo.
Mastering English takes a lot of work. Vaughen Systems - List 5 - Translation
Booklet C 1 La formaci�n es una preocupaci�n continua en esta compa��a. Training is
an ongoing concern in this company. 2 Hay bastantes pedidos nuevos. There are quite
a few new orders. 3 Adivina quien va a convocar la reuni�n. Guess who's going to
call the meeting. 4 Tengo intenci�n de demandarles. I intend to sue them. 5
Gu�rdalo por si acaso. Keep it just in case. 6 Nunca sabes cuando te pueda hacer
falta. You never know when you may need it. 7 Si bajas el precio, ganar�s cuota de
mercado. If you lower the price, you'll gain market share. 8 �C�mo se pronuncia
esto? How do you pronounce this? 9 No te voy a cobrar la mano de obra. I'm not
going to charge you for labour. 10 Esto implicar� a m�s gente de lo que crees. This
will involve more people than you think. 11 Tropec� con �l en un quiosco. I ran
into him at a news-stand. 12 Si pulsas ese bot�n, bajaremos. If you press that
button, we'll go down. 13 �Suben Uds. o bajan? Are you going up or down? 14 Menos
mal que tengo un cerebro grande. It's a good thing I have a big brain. 15 �Qu�
tienen que ver los curas con nuestras perspectivas de futuro? What do priests have
to do with our future prospects? 16 Demu�stramelo. Prove it to me. 17 Si abres tu
portafolios estallar� la bomba. If you open your briefcase the bomb will go off. 18
Me temo que nuestras p�rdidas van a ser mayores de lo previsto. I'm afraid our
losses are going to be greater than forecasted. 19 La impresora no imprime como se
supone que debe hacerlo. The printer doesn't print like it's supposed to. 20 �C�mo
se supone que debe imprimir? How is it supposed to print? 21 Esto nos proporcionar�
una oportunidad para romper el hielo. This will provide us with an opportunity to
break the ice. 22 Deja una propina del 15 por ciento.
Leave a 15 percent tip. 23 Por un lado me gusta. On the one hand I like it. 24
Pero por otro lado, nos podr�a crear algunos problemas. But on the other hand, it
could create some problems for us. 25 Ella es, sin duda, la mujer m�s inteligente
que jam�s he conocido. She�s without a doubt the most intelligent woman I�ve ever
met. Vaughen Systems - List 6 - Translation Booklet C 1 Esto no est� al d�a. This
isn't up to date. 2 Tenemos que actualizar las cifras. We have to update the
figures. 3 El restaurante estaba tan lleno que fuimos a otro. The restaurant was so
crowded that we went to another, (one) 4 Por mucho que le hables no le vas a
convencer. No matter how much you talk to him, you're not going to convince him. 5
Ingres� en la empresa a mediados de los sesenta. I joined the company in the mid-
sixties. 6 Me cas� con ella a finales de los cincuenta. I married her in the late
fifties. 7 Me jubil� a principios de los ochenta. I retired in the early eighties.
8 Hasta ahora pareces tener las cosas bajo control. So far you seem to have things
under control. 9 Es c�modo tener una farmacia justo a la vuelta de la esquina. It's
convenient having a pharmacy just around the corner. 10 El paro ha bajado 2 puntos
en 3 meses. Unemployment has gone down by 2 points in 3 months. 11 Tenemos muy
pocas cosas en com�n. We have very few things in common. 12 Ni siquiera s� c�mo se
llaman. I don't even know what their names are. 13 Eso va contra la pol�tica de la
empresa. That goes against company policy. 14 Me lesion� la espalda en el
accidente. I injured my back in the accident. 15 Quiero introducir progresivamente
la nueva organizaci�n. I want to phase in the new organisation. 16 Entonces quieres
descontinuar progresivamente la antigua. Then you want to phase out the old one. 17
No tiene sentido. It doesn't make (any) sense. 18 Tengo ganas de acostarme. I feel
like going to bed. 19 Le mandaron al extranjero en cuanto supo suficiente ingl�s
para apa�arse. They sent him abroad as soon as he knew enough English to get by. 20
A juzgar por tu aspecto, yo dir�a que est�s desesperado. Judging by your
appearance, I would say you're desperate. 21 El fin no justifica los medios. The
end doesn't justify the means. 22 Creo que ha habido un malentendido. I think
there's been a misunderstanding. 23 No me importan los problemas de Oriente Medio.
I don't care about the problems in the Middle East. 24 Cuanto antes mejor. The
sooner the better. 25 Los fines de semana para m� son sagrados. Weekends for me are
sacred. Vaughen Systems - List 7 - Translation Booklet C 1 No estoy dispuesto a
hacerlo. I'm not willing to do it. 2 Acelera el ritmo. Speed up the pace. 3 No hay
mucha probabilidad de que eso ocurra. There's not much likelihood that that will
happen. 4 Es un alivio saber que no tendr�s que pasar por esas penurias otra vez.
It's a relief to know that you won't have to go through those hardships again. 5
Esta lista se est� haciendo dif�cil. This list is getting difficult. 6 �Crees que
te lo mereces? Do you think you deserve it? 7 Ella vale su peso en oro. She's worth
her weight in gold. 8 Puedes hacer caso omiso a este punto. You can disregard this
point. 9 �Qu� tal te llevas con ellos? How do you get along with them? 10 Deber�as
poner un encabezamiento aparte para esta informaci�n. You should put a separate
heading for this information. 11 Hay un antiguo refr�n que dice lo mismo. There's
an old saying that says the same. 12 Tenemos que elaborar un presupuesto. We have
to draw up a budget. 13 Tiene un micr�fono incorporado. It has a built-in
microphone. 14 Tenemos una amplia gama de alternativas. We have a wide range of
alternatives. 15 Nuestro negocio b�sico es el acero. Our core business is steel. 16
Voy a retirar la oferta. I'm going to withdraw the offer. 17 Te est�s tirando un
farol. You're bluffing. 18 Esto nos permitir� lograr nuestros objetivos a un coste
menor. This will enable us to achieve our objectives at a lower cost. 19 Esta
reuni�n no est� llegando a ninguna parte. This meeting's getting nowhere. 20 �No
conocer�as por casualidad a un tipo llamado Harvey? You wouldn't know by any chance
a guy by the name of Harvey? 21 La naturaleza es muy sabia. Nature is very wise. 22
Hablar�as ingl�s mejor si no fueras tan t�mido. You would speak English better if
you weren't so shy. 23 No te acerques al borde. No go near the edge. 24 No s� c�mo
puedes ser tan ingenuo a veces. I don't know how you can be so naive at times. 25
Hemos tenido un aumento enorme en las ventas este a�o. We've had a huge increase in
sales this year. Vaughen Systems - List 8 - Translation Booklet C 1 No vale la
pena. It's not worth it. 2 Si no le animas perder�n su entusiasmo. If you don't
encourage them, they'll lose their enthusiasm. 3 Este remedio servir� por ahora.
This remedy will do for the time being. 4 �C�mo va la campa�a de publicidad? How's
the advertising campaign going? 5 Ella se neg� a darle la mano. She refused to
shake his hand. 6 Es asombroso c�mo logras convencer a la gente de lo que sea. It's
amazing how you manage to convince people about anything. 7 �C�mo puedes permitirte
el lujo de perder tantos d�as de trabajo? How can you afford to miss so many
workdays? 8 Vamos a labrar nuestro futuro en base a la fuerza de nuestros
vendedores. We're going to build our future on the strength of our salespeople. 9
No hagas caso a lo que te dije ayer. Never mind what I told you yesterday. 10 Lo
que importa es lo que te estoy diciendo ahora. What matters is what I'm telling you
now. 11 Es una etapa dif�cil de nuestro crecimiento. It's a difficult stage in our
growth. 12 No hacemos previsiones a largo plazo. We don't make long-range
forecasts. 13 S�lo lanzamos misiles de largo alcance. We only launch long-range
missiles. 14 Esta reuni�n es una p�rdida de tiempo. This meeting is a waste of
time. 15 Es in�til continuar. It's pointless to go on. 16 Me sent�a tan violento
que quer�a esconderme. I felt so embarrassed that I wanted to hide. 17 Hay tiempo
de sobra para todo eso. There's plenty of time for all that. 18 �l al final cedi�
ante la presi�n. He finally gave in to the pressure. 19 No pod�a aguantar la
presi�n. He couldn't stand the pressure. 20 No estoy aqu� para resolver tus
problemas. I'm not here to solve your problems. 21 Estamos ante un gran reto. We're
facing a great challenge. 22 Los pol�ticos van a estropear todo. The politicians
are going to ruin everything. 23 No te quedes atr�s. Don't fall behind. 24 No
lograron avisar a la gente a tiempo. They failed to advise the people in time. 25
Este cuadro presenta un desglose de las ventas por regiones. This chart shows a
breakdown of sales by region. Vaughen Systems - List 9 - Translation Booklet C 1 Me
quedan bastantes listas para escribir. I have quite a few lists to write. 2 Es
impresionante lo informado que est� ese t�o. It's impressive how knowledgeable that
guy is. 3 Tenemos que casar nuestros recursos con vuestras necesidades. We have to
match our resources with your needs. 4 Ensaya tu discurso todas las veces que
puedas. Rehearse your speech as many times as you can. 5 Ponte delante de un
espejo. Stand in front of a mirror. 6 He venido para pedir un anticipo. I've come
to ask for an advance. 7 Eres un pesado. You're a pain in the neck. 8 Este celo es
muy pegajoso. This tape is very sticky. 9 Pas� su ni�ez en un orfanato. He spent
his childhood in an orphanage. 10 �Qui�n es el encargado aqu�? Who's in charge
here? 11 Esta es mi �ltima advertencia. No te acerques a mi novia. This is my last
warning. Don't go near my girlfriend. 12 Averigua lo que puedas. Find out what you
can. 13 El plazo termina ma�ana. The deadline's tomorrow. 14 Tengo derecho a una
pensi�n. I'm entitled to a pension. 15 Tendr�s que tragar tu orgullo. You'll have
to swallow your pride. 16 Has hecho progresos fenomenales en los 3 �ltimos meses.
You've made terrific progress in the last 3 months. 17 Fue una experiencia
gratificante. It was a rewarding experience. 18 �Vaya foll�n! What a mess! 19 �C�mo
me voy a sacar de este l�o? How am I going to get out of this mess? 20 Est�n
conspirando para derrocar el gobierno. They're plotting to overthrow the
government. 21 Hicieron puente. They took a long weekend. 22 �Cu�ndo piensas
renovar tu permiso? When do you plan to renew your permit? 23 El chismorreo ha
alcanzado niveles insoportables. The gossip has reached unbearable levels. 24 Doy
por sentado que sabes el desenlace. I take for granted you know the outcome. 25
Estas directrices fueron elaboradas por un equipo de expertos. These guidelines
were drawn up by a team of experts. Vaughen Systems - List 10 - Translation Booklet
C 1 He sido nombrado jefe de grupo. I've been appointed group leader. 2 Una agenda
de bolsillo resulta �til a veces. A pocket agenda comes in handy at times. 3
Tendr�s que someterte a varias pruebas. You'll have to undergo several tests. 4
Quiero rematar las fechas lo antes posible. I want to nail down the dates as soon
as possible. 5 Cuanto m�s nos anunciamos m�s ingresos ganamos. The more we
advertise the more revenue we earn. 6 Mientras tanto, investiga el otro asunto. In
the meantime, look into the other matter. 7 Tendr�s �xito si no bajas la guardia.
You'll succeed if you don't lower your guard. 8 Este encabezamiento no es lo m�s
apropiado. This heading isn't the most appropriate. 9 El descubrimiento del �tomo
fue un gran avance cient�fico. The discovery of the atom was a great scientific
breakthrough. 10 Es improbable que te hagan seguir ese procedimiento. It's unlikely
that they'll make you follow that procedure. 11 Vi a dos hombres discutiendo
delante del quiosco. I saw two men arguing in front of the news-stand. 12 Esto s�lo
es el comienzo. This is only the beginning. 13 Tropec� con un antiguo amigo m�o. I
ran into an old friend of mine. 14 Hac�a a�os que no le ve�a. I hadn't seen him for
years. 15 Hab�a engordado
algo. He had gained some weight. 16 Tienes que dar ejemplo ante la gente. You have
to set an example in front of the people. 17 La rentabilidad es mi �nica
preocupaci�n. Profitability is my only concern. 18 Lo has resumido con bastante
elocuencia. You've summed it up quite eloquently. 19 El nuevo modelo presenta unas
caracter�sticas completamente nuevas. The new model presents completely new
features. 20 El consumo ha bajado. Consumption has declined. 21 Est�s en medio.
You're in the way. 22 Qu�tate de en medio. Get out of the way. 23 Enseguida vuelvo.
No te vayas. I'll be right back. Don't go away. 24 Yo nunca hubiera hecho semejante
cosa. I would never have done such a thing. 25 No me decepciones. No let me down.
Vaughen Systems - List 11 - Translation Booklet C 1 Dec�dete. Make up your mind. 2
�Recibiste mi fax? Did you get my fax? 3 Est� entrando un fax. A fax is coming in.
4 Diles que lo manden de nuevo. Tell them to send it again. 5 �Qu� le pasa? What's
the matter with it? 6 S�lo la mitad superior se imprimi�. Only the top half printed
out. 7 No aguanto este calor. I can't stand this heat. 8 Se han hecho intentos de
sobornarles. Attempts have been made to bribe them. 9 No han tenido �xito. They
haven't succeeded. 10 Salga del coche e identif�quese. Get out of the car and
identify yourself. 11 Es como si estuvi�ramos sin gravedad. It's as if we were
without gravity. 12 Hablas como si supieras lo que pas�. You talk as though you
knew what happened. 13 Tengo mis formas de enterarme de las cosas. I have my ways
of finding out things. 14 Est�s en una posici�n envidiable. You're in an enviable
position. 15 A mucha gente le gustar�a tener lo que t� tienes. A lot of people
would like to have what you have. 16 El perro persigui� al gato alrededor de la
casa. The dog chased the cat around the house. 17 Seguidme y os llevar� a la tierra
prometida. Follow me and I'll take you to the promised land. 18 �Me sujetas esto un
momento? Can you hold this for me for a minute? 19 Me gusta c�mo firmas las cartas.
I like the way you sign letters. 20 �Por qu� siempre me miras as�? Why do you
always look at me like that? 21 T�malo o d�jalo. Take it or leave it. 22 Vamos a
implantar una nueva pol�tica. We're going to implement a new policy. 23 De ahora en
adelante, todas las mujeres han de llevar faldas. From now on, all women are to
wear skirts. 24 Le gusta causar problemas. He likes to make trouble. 25 Es un
incordi�n. He's a troublemaker. Vaughen Systems - List 12 - Translation Booklet C 1
�Cu�ndo se har�? When will it be done? 2 La cita est� programada para la semana que
viene. The appointment is scheduled for next week. 3 Busco a alguien cuyas
cualidades casen con nuestras necesidades. I'm looking for someone whose skills
match our needs. 4 No te apuntes al curso si no piensas asistir. Don't sign up for
the course if you don't plan to attend. 5 Tienes una forma curiosa de dar las
gracias. You have a funny way of saying thank you. 6 �Sabes una cosa? Do you know
something? 7 La rifa fue cancelada por un problema legal. The raffle was called off
because of a legal problem. 8 Siempre acabo perdiendo todo mi dinero. I always end
up losing all my money. 9 �Por qu� siempre me traes caf�s tan calientes? Why do you
always bring me such hot coffees? 10 Con ese disfraz nadie te reconocer�. With that
disguise nobody will recognise you. 11 Abre la carta y l�emela. Open the letter and
read it to me. 12 Cuanto m�s duro trabajas, m�s ganas. The harder you work, the
more you earn. 13 Creo que la frase deber�a ser al rev�s. I think the sentence
should be the other way around. 14 Mis padres son los �nicos que lo saben. My
parents are the only ones who know (about it). 15 Si eso me pasara a m�, no s� lo
que har�a. If that happened to me, I don't know what I'd do. 16 Mi �nica esperanza
es que se den cuenta de su error. My only hope is that they realise their mistake.
17 Tengo derecho a un abogado. I'm entitled to a lawyer. 18 Conozco mis derechos,
as� como mis obligaciones. I know my rights as well as my obligations. 19 Lo �nico
que s� es que no s� nada. The only thing I know is that I know nothing. 20 No puedo
dejar de pensar en ella. I can't stop thinking about her. 21 La tengo presente d�a
y noche. She's on my mind day and night. 22 No pueden aguantar el ritmo. They can't
stand the pace. 23 Se est�n quedando atr�s. They're falling behind. 24 Tardar� una
hora en alcanzarles. It will take me an hour to catch up with them. 25 Si conduces
as� nunca les alcanzar�s. If you drive like that you'll never catch up with them.
Vaughen Systems - List 13 - Translation Booklet C 1 Lo hice para que t� lo vieras.
I did it so that you could see it. 2 No hab�a demasiada gente. There weren't too
many people. 3 Tienes buen aspecto. You look good. 4 Cambiemos de tema. Let's
change the subject. 5 Venga, an�mate. Come on, cheer up. 6 Te veo cansado. You look
tired. 7 Vale, t� te lo est�s buscando. Okay, you're asking for it. 8 B�scalo en la
gu�a telef�nica. Look it up in the telephone book. 9 Te estoy tomando el pelo. I'm
pulling your leg. 10 Ahora bien, �d�nde est�bamos? Now then, where were we? 11 No
estamos llegando a ninguna parte. We're not getting anywhere. 12 A ese precio es
una aut�ntica ganga. At that price it's a real bargain. 13 El�valo hasta este
nivel. Raise it to this level. 14 B�jalo un poco. Lower it a little. 15 Todav�a
est� un poco alto. It's still a little too high. 16 Espero que las luces no te
molesten. I hope the lights don't bother you. 17 No tienes ning�n derecho de entrar
as�. You have no right to enter like this. 18 En cuanto a �l, puedes hacer lo que
quieras. As for him, you can do whatever you want. 19 Es incre�ble lo bien que
hablas ruso. It's incredible how well you speak Russian. 20 Sobra decir que no
estoy de acuerdo. It goes without saying that I don't agree. 21 �C�mo lograste
convencerle? How did you manage to convince him? 22 Lo hice sin querer. I didn't
mean to do it. 23 �Te das cuenta de lo que acabas de hacer? Do you realise what
you've just done? 24 Hemos perdido contacto. We've lost touch. 25 Haz un deseo y
apaga las velas. Make a wish and blow out the candles. Vaughen Systems - List 14 -
Translation Booklet C 1 Ha habido bastantes fracasos. There have been quite a few
failures. 2 Pero ha habido bastantes �xitos tambi�n. But there have been quite a
few successes as well. 3 Pero los fracasos han predominado sobre los �xitos. But
the failures have outweighed the successes. 4 El no te quiere... s�lo est� detr�s
de tu dinero. He doesn't love you... he's only after your money. 5 Dar�a mi brazo
derecho por tener una mujer como ella. I'd give my right arm to have a woman like
her. 6 �De verdad crees en los fantasmas? Do you really believe in ghosts? 7 D�jame
que te ense�e el camino. Let me show you the way. 8 Voy a usarlos contra ti. I'm
going to use them against you. 9 �Se sabe algo? Any news? 10 Todav�a est�n
intentando conseguir que funcione. They're still trying to get it to work. 11 �Para
qu� est�s haciendo eso? What are you doing that for? 12 Hay oro m�s all� del
horizonte. There's gold beyond the horizon. 13 No queda nada. There's nothing left.
14 S�lo me quedan recuerdos. I only have memories left. 15 Nunca he sido tan feliz.
I've never been so happy. 16 Nunca he sentido tanto placer. I've never felt so much
pleasure. 17 Nunca he tenido tantos momentos felices. I've never had so many happy
moments. 18 Nunca me lo he pasado tan maravillosamente. I've never had such a
wonderful time. 19 Siempre he llevado una vida algo aburrida. I've always led a
somewhat boring life. 20 Pero desde que la conoc�, todo eso ha cambiado. But since
I met her, all that has changed. 21 No puedo seguir sin ella. I can't go on without
her. 22 Se me ha acabado la inspiraci�n. I've run out of inspiration. 23 Ya
encontrar�s a otra persona. You'll find someone else. 24 Nunca encontrar� a nadie
como ella. I'll never find anyone like her. 25 Lo superar�s, ya ver�s. You'll get
over it, you'll see. Vaughen Systems - List 15 - Translation Booklet C 1 �Cu�ntas
listas nos quedan? How many lists do we have left? 2 Todav�a nos quedan bastantes.
We still have quite a few left. 3 �Esperas que haga todas estas listas? Do you
expect me to do all these lists? 4 Si no �para qu� las he creado? Otherwise what
did I create them for? 5 �No es un hobby tuyo el hacer listas? Isn't it a hobby of
yours to make lists? 6 �Qu� crees que soy... un masoquista? What do you think I
am... a masochist? 7 No, pero te gusta ejercer la mente, �no? No, but you like to
exercise your mind, don't you? 8 Lo �nico que quiero hacer ahora es descansar. The
only thing I want to do now is to rest. 9 Entonces �chate una siesta. Them take a
nap. 10 No ser�a mala idea. It wouldn't be a bad idea. 11 T�mbate aqu� mismo en el
sof�. Lie down right here on the couch. 12 Si empiezo a roncar, despi�rtame. If I
start to snore, wake me up. 13 No quiero que la gente en la sala de espera me oiga.
I don't want the people in the waiting room to hear me. 14 Pondr� m�sica de fondo
para que no te oigan. I'll put on background music so that they won't hear you. 15
Deja de morderte las u�as. Stop biting your nails. 16 �Por qu� te muerdes las u�as?
Why do you bite your nails? 17 No lo puedo evitar. I can't help it. 18 Es uno de
tus muchos vicios. It's one of your many bad habits. 19 Tal vez, pero a diferencia
tuya, nunca he ara�ado a nadie. Maybe, but unlike you, I've never scratched anyone.
20 Me lo s� de memoria. I know it by heart. 21 Tard� una hora en memorizarlo. It
took me an hour to memorise it. 22 Los que est�n a favor, que levanten la mano. All
in favour raise your hand. 23 No puedo levantar esta caja. I can't lift this box.
24 Vi miles de p�jaros en el cielo. I saw thousands of birds in the sky. 25 �No te
he dicho un mill�n de veces que no exageres! Haven't I told you a million times not
to exaggerate! Vaughen Systems
- List 16 - Translation Booklet C 1 Me lo estoy pasando bomba. I'm having a blast.
2 A medida que se retiraban, volaban todos los puentes que cruzaban. As they
retreated, they blew up every bridge they crossed. 3 Digamos que es s�lo una
corazonada. Let's say it's only a hunch. 4 Tengo un extra�o presentimiento. I have
a strange feeling. 5 Tienes miedo de tu propia sombra. You're afraid of your own
shadow. 6 Me gusta sentarme en la sombra y no hacer nada. I like to sit in the
shade and do nothing. 7 Lo puedes hacer o de esta manera o de esta otra manera. You
can do it either this way or this other way. 8 Ambos se apuntaron al curso. They
both signed up for the course. 9 Ninguno de los dos firmaron el acuerdo. Neither
one of them signed the agreement. 10 Este acuerdo es vinculante. This agreement is
binding. 11 Estoy en un aprieto. I'm in a bind. 12 �Me puedes encuadernar estas
p�ginas? Can you bind these pages for me? 13 �C�mo puedes beber el caf� tan
caliente? How can you drink such hot coffee? 14 Tengo que dejarlo enfriar. I have
to let it cool. 15 Hay un art�culo sobre ti en el peri�dico de hoy. There's an
article about you in today's paper. 16 Dice que has llegado a un acuerdo secreto
con el gobierno. It says you've reached a secret agreement with the government. 17
No te meter�n en la c�rcel si t� no vendes tus acciones a los �rabes. They won't
put you in jail if you don't sell your shares to the Arabs. 18 �Qu� foll�n! What a
mess! 19 �Crees todo lo que lees en los peri�dicos? Do you believe everything you
read in the papers? 20 Este sitio me asusta... vamonos de aqu�. This place scares
me... let's get out of here. 21 No me apetece ir de compras hoy. I don't feel like
going shopping today. 22 Tengo que terminar este informe para el viernes como
tarde. I have to finish this report by Friday at the latest. 23 �Hasta qu� punto se
puede fiar de �l? How far can he be trusted? 24 La he besado tres veces en lo que
va de mes. I've kissed her three times so far this month. 25 Le vamos a organizar
una fiesta de despedida. We're going to organise a farewell party for him. Vaughen
Systems - List 17 - Translation Booklet C 1 Eso pas� de moda hace a�os. That went
out of fashion years ago. 2 Ella me quiere a pesar de todos mis defectos. She loves
me in spite of all my faults. 3 Tengo doce hijos que alimentar. I have twelve
children to feed. 4 No me explico por qu� no funciona. I can't figure out why it
doesn't work. 5 El t�o est� forrado. The guy's filthy rich. 6 El no est� apto para
hacer el trabajo. He isn't fit to do the job. 7 Siempre trato de mantenerme en
forma. I always try to keep fit. 8 Ese hombre responde a la descripci�n. That man
fits the description. 9 Voy a servir una comida apropiada para la ocasi�n. I'm
going to serve a meal fit for the occasion. 10 Estas piezas del puzzle no encajan.
These puzzle pieces don't fit together. 11 �C�mo te sienta el traje? How does the
suit fit? 12 Olvid�moslo. Let's forget about it. 13 Me inclino a creerle. I'm
inclined to believe him. 14 Esto es lo m�ximo que puedo pagar. This is the most I
can pay. 15 Ella no me impedir� ir. She won't stop me from going. 16 No puedo
evitar que vayas. I can't keep you from going. 17 Dame una respuesta clara. Give me
a straight answer. 18 La profec�a se cumpli�. The prophecy came true. 19 �Te
molesta el humo? Does the smoke bother you? 20 Me gusta c�mo presentas los temas. I
like the way you present the subjects. 21 �De veras esperas que termine todo esto
para ma�ana? Do you really expect me to finish all this by tomorrow? 22 Querer es
poder. Where there's a will there's a way. 23 Eres un negrero. You're a slave
driver. 24 Que me llamen. Have them call me. 25 No juegues con mis sentimientos.
Don't play with my feelings. Vaughen Systems - List 18 - Translation Booklet C 1 Es
bastante m�s f�cil esta vez. It's quite a bit easier this time. 2 A medida que te
hagas m�s mayor, te dar�s cuenta de que yo tenia raz�n. As you get older, you'll
realise I was right. 3 Vinieron demasiado tarde para disfrutar de la fiesta. They
came too late to enjoy the party. 4 Es una l�stima que llegaran tan tarde. It's too
bad they arrived so late. 5 La mayor�a de la gente ya se hab�a marchado. Most of
the people had already left. 6 Bueno, dime lo que opinas. Well, tell me what you
think. 7 �De verdad quieres saber mi opini�n? Do you really want to know my
opinion? 8 Siempre que le veo, est� fumando un cigarro. Whenever I see him, he's
smoking a cigarette. 9 Lo har� siempre que me respaldes. I'll do it as long as you
back me up. 10 En lo que a m� se refiere, puedes llamarle lo que quieras. As far as
I'm concerned, you can call him whatever you want. 11 Nunca le hubiera imaginado
capaz de hacer semejante cosa. I would never have imagined him capable of doing
such a thing. 12 No puedes seguir as�. You can't go on like that. 13 Vas a tener un
infarto a este paso. You're going to have a heart attack at this rate. 14 Necesitas
pensar en otra cosa. You need to think about something else. 15 Alguien ha estado
leyendo mi correspondencia. Somebody's been reading my mail. 16 Tienes una manera
extra�a de mirar a la gente. You have a strange way of looking at people. 17 Le
conozco desde hace m�s de 20 a�os. I've known him for over 20 years. 18 Siempre has
parecido un hombre tan pac�fico. You've always seemed like such a peaceful man. 19
Prefiero no hablar con �l. I prefer not to talk to him. 20 Ella me pone tan
nervioso que no puedo decir ni una palabra bien. She makes me so nervous that I
can't say a single word right. 21 Lo �ltimo que o� es que se hab�an casado. The
last thing I heard was that they had got (gotten) married. 22 �l no quiere que
nadie le llame. He doesn't want anyone to call him. 23 Si alguna vez necesitas
algo, no dudes en hac�rmelo saber. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to let
me know. 24 La pobre chica nunca sabe d�nde est�s. The poor girl never knows where
you are. 25 No dejes para ma�ana lo que puedas hacer hoy. Don't leave for tomorrow
what you can do today. Vaughen Systems - List 19 - Translation Booklet C 1 Supongo
que tendremos que aguantar la mala publicidad. I guess we'll have to bear the bad
publicity. 2 Lo que es peor, la gente les cree. What's worse, the people believe
them. 3 Har�s bien en tener m�s cuidado la pr�xima vez. You'd better be more
careful the next time. 4 Cuanto antes aprendas las reglas, mejor. The sooner you
learn the rules, the better. 5 Tir� el caf� en el teclado. I spilled the coffee on
the keyboard. 6 Fue sin querer. I didn't mean to do it. 7 Si alguien es experto en
esto, es �l. If anybody's an expert on this, it's him. 8 Es el hombre m�s testarudo
que jam�s he conocido. He's the most stubborn man I've ever met. 9 Gracias a Dios
que no tengo que tratar con �l muy a menudo. Thank God I don't have to deal with
him very often. 10 Si alguna vez vuelves, b�scame. If you ever come back, look me
up. 11 No s� si creerle o no. I don't know whether to believe him or not. 12 Si
sigues haci�ndome eso, te voy a matar. I you keep doing that to me, I'm going to
kill you. 13 No me extra�a que est�n enfadados. No wonder they're angry. 14 Nunca
hemos tenido un julio tan caluroso como �ste. We've never had a ]uly as hot as this
one. 15 Puedes resultar pesado a veces. You can be a pain in the neck at times. 16
Deja que el tel�fono suene 3 veces. Let the telephone ring 3 times. 17 Cuelga y
llama de nuevo. Hang up and call back. 18 Poca gente ha dominado el ingl�s sin
haber vivido en el extranjero. Few people have mastered English without having
lived abroad. 19 Prom�teme que lo probar�s. Promise me you'll try it. 20 Esta
comida tiene una pinta horrible. This food looks awful. 21 Una vez m�s hemos
superado nuestra meta. Once again we have surpassed our goal. 22 Te escuchar�n con
mucha educaci�n. They'll listen to you very politely. 23 Y despu�s har�n lo que les
d� la gana. And then they'll do whatever they feel like. 24 Conozco a un tipo cuyo
padre fu� a la luna. I know a guy whose father went to the moon. 25 �l hizo un par
de llamadas telef�nicas y despu�s se fu�. He made a couple of phone calls and then
left. Vaughen Systems - List 20 - Translation Booklet C 1 Si todo va seg�n lo
previsto... If everything goes as planned... 2 Se ha demostrado una y otra vez que
no es posible. It's been proven time and again that it's not possible. 3 Me da
igual... lo voy a hacer. I don't care... I'm going to do it. 4 No quiero causar una
mala impresi�n por llegar tarde. I don't want to make a bad impression by being
late. 5 Llegas tarde. You're late. 6 La vista fue realmente impresionante. The view
was really impressive. 7 Nunca me hab�a dado cuenta de lo plana que era la zona. I
had never realised how flat the area was. 8 El vuelo fue retrasado por la niebla.
The flight was delayed because of fog. 9 Seguir� adelante con el plan. I'll go
ahead with the plan. 10 No voy a arriesgarme el cuello por ti. I'm not going to
risk my neck for you. 11 �C�mo vas a ganar a un veterano como �l? How are you going
to beat a veteran like him? 12 Tu ego�smo es muy evidente. Your selfishness is very
plain to see. 13 Nunca he podido encontrar una cura duradera. I've never been able
to find a lasting cure. 14 Ello no perjudica mi rendimiento en el trabajo. It
doesn't hurt my performance on the job. 15 De eso puedes estar seguro. You can be
sure of that. 16 Ser� millonario para cuando tenga 65 a�os. I'll be a millionaire
by the time I'm 65. 17 Este trabajo requiere rellenar impresos. This job requires
filling out forms. 18 Te volver�s loco en un mes, si no antes. You'll go crazy in a
month if not sooner. 19 Ella trabaja m�s que antes. She works more than she used
to. 20 Es extra�o lo mucho que alguna gente cambia con los a�os. It's strange how
much some people change over the years. 21 Ahora asumo m�s responsabilidad. Now I
take on more responsibility. 22 Me ense�aron las fotos
que hab�an sacado. They showed me the pictures they'd taken. 23 Creo que lo hacen
a prop�sito. I think they do it on purpose. 24 Si no, no tiene sentido. Otherwise
it doesn't make any sense. 25 Es curioso c�mo reacciona la gente a veces. It's
funny how people react at times. Vaughen Systems - List 21 - Translation Booklet C
1 Dejaron toda su fortuna al cartero. They left their whole fortune to the postman.
2 Parec�an una pareja tan normal. They seemed like such a normal couple. 3 Casi
nadie les hac�a caso. Hardly anyone paid any attention to them. 4 Hay una escasez
de materias primas. There's a shortage of raw materials. 5 Tenemos que recurrir a
las importaciones. We have to resort to imports. 6 Es el �nico modo de que podamos
sobrevivir. It's the only way we can survive. 7 Estoy interesado en ofrecerte lo
mejor. I'm interested in offering you the best. 8 Quiero hacerte algunas preguntas
m�s. I want to ask you a few more questions. 9 Cuando se trata de mujeres, �l se
considera un experto. When it comes to women, he considers himself an expert. 10
Era un asunto de vida o muerte. It was a matter of life or death. 11 Todo saldr�
bien. Everything will turn out okay. 12 Le conozco desde hace bastante tiempo. I've
known him for quite some time. 13 El nunca lleg� de vuelta al campamento. He never
made it back to the camp. 14 Los dos libros est�n agotados. Both books are sold
out. 15 Solemos tener un stock bastante grande. We usually have a pretty big stock.
16 �Has encontrado lo que buscabas? Did you find what you were looking for? 17 El
puesto requiere viajar al extranjero. The job requires travelling abroad. 18 Cuando
se entere el jefe, te matar�. When the boss finds out, he'll kill you. 19 �Por qu�
hiciste que se quitaran los ventiladores? Why did you have the fans removed? 20
Nunca tendr�s �xito mientras tengas esa actitud. You'll never succeed as long as
you have that attitude. 21 Me dirig� al p�blico sin micr�fono. I addressed the
audience without a microphone. 22 �l nos record� nuestras obligaciones. He reminded
us of our obligations. 23 Por muy bien que conduzcas, los accidentes pueden
ocurrir. No matter how well you drive, accidents can happen. 24 Ocurren cuando
menos te los esperas. They happen when you least expect them. 25 No podr�n abonar
la factura. They won't be able to pay the bill. Vaughen Systems - List 22 -
Translation Booklet C 1 El conductor no llevaba cintur�n. The driver wasn't wearing
a seat belt. 2 �Qui�n se queda con el beb� cuando vas de compras? Who stays with
the baby when you go shopping? 3 Ellos son la clave de mi �xito. They're the key to
my success. 4 Pronto se desanimar�n y perder�n eficacia. They'll soon get
discouraged and lose effectiveness. 5 Tard� un a�o en dominar el tema. It took me a
year to master the subject. 6 �Te das cuenta de lo rico que eres? Do you realise
how rich you are? 7 �l est� muy por delante de sus compa�eros de clase. He's way
ahead of his classmates. 8 Supongo que podr�a llamar a Charlie. I guess I could
call Charlie. 9 Te costar� trabajo entenderles. You'll have trouble understanding
them. 10 No quiero, pero no me queda m�s remedio. I don't want to, but I have no
choice. 11 No me gusta pedirles trabajo a amigos. I don't like asking friends for a
job. 12 Iba a ser una fiesta sorpresa. It was going to be a surprise party. 13 �l
no se present� hasta mucho m�s tarde. He didn't show up until much later. 14 �C�mo
se supone que debe hacerse? How is it supposed to be done? 15 Preferir�a jugar al
tenis que ir al dentista. I'd rather play tennis than go to the dentist. 16 As� soy
y no lo puedo evitar. That's how I am and I can't help it. 17 D�jame esa decisi�n,
(a m�) Leave that decision up to me. 18 Av�same en cuanto est�s listo. Let me know
as soon as you're ready. 19 Hay muchos factores que me influyen, (en m�) There are
a lot of factors that influence me. 20 No dejes que ello te deprima. Don't let it
depress you. (get you down) 21 Tard� un a�o en acostumbrarme a la comida. It took
me year to get used to the food. 22 Dan por sentado que sabes �lgebra. They take
for granted that you know algebra. 23 Aqu� la temperatura apenas baja de los 15
grados. Here the temperature hardly ever drops below 15 degrees. 24 Siempre llevo
una camiseta debajo. I always wear a T-shirt underneath. 25 Est�s perdiendo el
toque m�gico. You're losing your magic touch. Vaughen Systems - List 23 -
Translation Booklet C 1 Puedes elegir entre muchas ofertas de trabajo. You can
choose among many job offers. 2 Ahora ni siquiera leen mi curriculum. Now they
don't even read my CV. 3 No debiste decir eso. You shouldn't have said that. 4
Tienes la risa m�s contagiosa que jam�s he o�do. You have the most contagious laugh
I've ever heard. 5 Una vez que empiezo a re�r, no puedo parar. Once I start
laughing, I can't stop. 6 Puedo manejar el tel�fono con relativa facilidad. I can
handle the telephone with relative ease. 7 �l tiende a perder los estribos. He
tends to lose his temper. 8 En el fondo es un tipo majo. Deep down, he's a nice
guy. 9 A todo el mundo le gusta un final feliz. Everybody likes a happy ending. 10
Puesto que nunca me pides mi opini�n, me callo. Since you never ask me for my
opinion, I keep quiet. 11 No tengo ni idea de donde podr�an estar. I have no idea
where they could be. 12 �l insisti� en venir. He insisted on coming. 13 Me qued�
unos minutos y luego me ful. I stayed for a few minutes and then left. 14 Ojal�
tuviera un trabajo como el tuyo. I wish I had a job like yours. 15 Puedes hacer lo
que quieras, siempre que consigas resultados. You can do whatever you want as long
as you get results. 16 Lo �nico que le falta es una amigo. They only thing he lacks
is a friend. 17 Hemos sufrido muchas lesiones esta temporada. We've suffered a lot
of injuries this season. 18 �Por qu� no hacemos otra cosa para variar? Why don't we
do something else for a change? 19 Has aprendido muy poco con el paso de los a�os.
You've learned very little over the years. 20 Nunca te haces rico trabajando duro.
You never get rich by working hard. 21 Debi� ser muy guapo cuando era joven. He
must have been very handsome when he was young. 22 Me horroriza la idea de volver
all�. I dread the idea of going back there. 23 Tienes que hacer cola durante una
hora. You have to stand in line for an hour. 24 Me est�s volviendo loco. You're
driving me crazy. 25 Tu decisi�n s�lo empeor� las cosas. Your decision only made
things worse. Vaughen Systems - List 24 - Translation Booklet C 1 Me las arreglo
gracias a una herencia. I get by thanks to an inheritance. 2 Si �l va a estar all�,
no cuentes conmigo. If he's going to be there, count me out. 3 No quiero tener nada
que ver con �l. I want to have nothing to do with him. 4 Siempre presume de sus
conquistas. He always brags about his conquests. 5 No s� c�mo le aguantas. I don't
know how you can stand him. 6 No s� de que est�n hechos. I don't know what they're
made of. 7 Me alegro de que hayas conocido a Juan. I'm glad you met John. 8 Como
todos los grandes hombres, ten�a sus defectos. Like all great men, he had his
faults. 9 Apenas pod�amos mantenernos de pi�. We could hardly stay on our feet. 10
Todas las chicas te van a envidiar. All the girls are going to envy you. 11 Puede
que no sea tan buena idea. It may not be such a good idea. 12 Mi bigote me hace
parecer m�s mayor. My moustache makes me look older. 13 �C�mo lo hubieras resuelto
t�? How would you have solved it? 14 Nunca me molesto en hablar con los testigos. I
never bother talking to the witnesses. 15 Reconozco que tus m�todos funcionan. I
admit your methods work. 16 Las cosas se har�n a mi manera. Things will be done my
way. 17 Me cuesta trabajo mantenerme despierto. I have trouble staying awake. 18 No
saco buen provecho de mi tiempo. I don't take good advantage of my time. 19 �l
logr� ganar el respeto de todos. He managed to gain everyone's respect. 20 Duele
tanto que me despierta de noche. It hurts so much that it wakes me up at night. 21
El dolor se va a los 10 minutos. The pain goes away after 10 minutes. 22 �l lleva
una vida muy aburrida. He leads a very boring life. 23 Llevo a�os esperando con
ilusi�n este d�a. I've been looking forward to this day for years. 24 Hemos pasado
mucho tiempo juntos. We've spent a lot of time together. 25 Lo �nico que me
preocupa es mi salud. The only thing that worries me is my health. Vaughen Systems
- List 25 - Translation Booklet C 1 �C�mo piensas llenar tu tiempo libre? How do
you plan to fill up your free time? 2 Ya encontrar� formas de llenarlo. I'll find
ways to fill it up. 3 Mantente alejado de esas mujeres. Stay away from those women.
4 �l sigue insistiendo en que deber�amos ver la pel�cula. He keeps insisting that
we should see the movie. 5 Ni siquiera s� quien eres. I don't even know who you
are. 6 No soy el que buscas. I'm not the one you're looking for. 7 �C�mo es el
tiempo en Canad� en verano? What's the weather like in Canada in the summer? 8
�C�mo es la gente all�? What are the people like there? 9 Lo que me extra�a es c�mo
pudo haber ocurrido. What seems strange to me is how it could have happened. 10
F�cilmente podr�a haberse evitado. It could easily have been avoided. 11 Una vez,
cuando yo ten�a m�s o menos tu edad... Once, when I was about your age... 12 Les
trato seg�n las leyes de la naturaleza humana. I treat them according to the laws
of human nature. 13 Aplico recompensas y castigos. I apply rewards and punishments.
14 �Sabes de alg�n m�todo mejor? Do you know of any better method? 15 Estoy
buscando una excusa para no ir. I'm looking for an excuse not to go. 16 De ocho,
s�lo se presentaron tres. Out of eight, only three showed up. 17 Conf�a en m�... s�
lo que hago. Trust me... I know what I'm doing. 18 Si no, no estar�a donde estoy
ahora. If I didn't, I wouldn't be where I am now. 19 Me llamaron a la reuni�n para
saber mi opini�n. They called me into the meeting
to find out my opinion. 20 Tengo muchas cosas en mente. I have a lot of things in
mind. 21 Ya era hora de que alguien hiciera algo. It's about time someone did
something. 22 �Te das cuenta de cu�nto podr�amos perder por culpa de esto? Do you
realise how much we could lose because of this? 23 Vivo en la �ltima planta de un
rascacielos. I live on the top floor of a skyscraper. 24 No quiero que tengas una
idea equivocada. I don't want you to get the wrong idea. 25 Tras mi recuperaci�n,
me alist� en el ej�rcito. After my recovery, I joined the army. Vaughen Systems -
List 26 - Translation Booklet C 1 Empec� a hacer cosas que nunca hab�a hecho antes.
I began doing things I'd never done before. 2 �l nunca ha le�do un peri�dico, ni
mucho menos una novela. He's never read a newspaper, much less a novel. 3 Ponte
c�modo. Make yourself comfortable. 4 Prefiero sentarme en la �ltima fila para que
pueda dormir. I prefer to sit in the back row so that I can sleep. 5 En realidad,
no esper�bamos o�r nada nuevo. We really didn't expect to hear anything new. 6 El
modo m�s r�pido de llegar all� es en avi�n. The fastest way to get there is by
plane. 7 El sitio no tiene p�rdida. You can't miss the place. 8 �C�mo ser�a esta
empresa si no hubiera jefes? What would this company be like if there weren't any
bosses? 9 �C�mo ser�a el mundo sin m�? What would the world be like without me? 10
Ser�a mucho mejor de lo que es ahora. It would be much better than it is now. 11 Tu
fe en m� mueve monta�as. Your faith in me moves mountains. 12 Tienes que hacerlo t�
mismo. You have to do it yourself. 13 Tienes que hacerlo por tu propia cuenta. You
have to do it on your own. 14 Cuanto m�s te ayudo, menos aprendes. The more I help
you, the less you learn. 15 Se me olvid� por completo devolverlo. I completely
forgot to return it. 16 Cuanto m�s intentas complacer a la gente, menos te lo
agradecen. The more you try to please people, the less they appreciate it. 17 Es
algo que nunca he podido entender. It's something I've never been able to
understand. 18 Tienes que encarar los hechos. You have to face up to the facts. 19
No les importaba demasiado lo que yo hab�a dicho. They didn't care too much about
what I had said. 20 No est�bamos acostumbrados a tiempo tan fr�o. We weren't used
to such cold weather. 21 Por mucho que lo intentes, nunca lograr�s cambiarle de
opini�n. No matter how hard you try, you'll never manage to change his mind. 22 �l
nunca pondr� en pr�ctica tus ideas. He'll never implement your ideas. 23 Aprobar
leyes no es lo mismo que hacerlas cumplir. Passing laws is not the same thing as
enforcing them. 24 �Para qu� son estas reglas si no las haces cumplir? What are
these rules for if you don't enforce them? 25 Lo hago por un sentido del deber. I
do it out of a sense of duty. Vaughen Systems - List 27 - Translation Booklet C 1
Tom� una copa y despu�s me acost�. I had a drink and then went to bed. 2 Algo est�
fallando aqu�. Something's wrong here. 3 Nada ha fallado hasta ahora. Nothing has
gone wrong so far. 4 Algo siempre falla cuando t� apareces. Something always goes
wrong when you show up. 5 No fall� nada. Nothing went wrong. 6 Mientras tanto �por
qu� no comes algo? In the meantime, why don't you get something to eat? 7 �Cu�nto
dinero llevabas cuando ocurri�? How much money were you carrying when it happened?
8 �Puedes bajar la radio un poco? Can you turn down the radio a little? 9 Si no
entiendes una palabra, s�ltala. If you don't understand a word, skip it. 10 Fui
rechazado por razones de salud. I was turned down for health reasons. 11 No voy a
subir mis precios este a�o. I'm not going to raise my prices this year. 12 Apenas
puedo llegar a fin de mes. I can barely make ends meet. 13 Quiero una propuesta por
escrito. I want a written proposal. 14 Vaya al grano. Get to the point. 15 Esto es
el meollo de la cuesti�n. This is the heart of the matter. 16 Hagamos un trato.
Let's make a deal. 17 Nunca hago tratos con gente como t�. I never make deals with
people like you. 18 El beb� muri� al nacer. The baby died at birth. 19 Si quieres
impresionarle, ens��ale esto. If you want to impress him, show him this. 20 Los
ascensos aqu� se basan en el m�rito y nada m�s. Promotions here are based on merit
and nothing else. 21 No dejes que te pongan nervioso. Don't let them make you
nervous. 22 Le gusta hacer comentarios sarc�sticos. (a �l) He likes to make
sarcastic remarks. 23 No le hagas caso. Don't pay any attention to him. 24 Hasta
ahora siempre he confiado en �l. Up to now I've always trusted him. 25 De ahora en
adelante, tendr� m�s cuidado. From now on, I'll be more careful. Vaughen Systems -
List 28 - Translation Booklet C 1 Ten cuidado con lo que escribas. Be careful with
what you write. 2 Est�s nadando contra corriente. You're swimming against the
current. 3 Mis acciones cambiar�n el curso de la historia. My actions will change
the course of history. 4 Pi�nsalo antes de tomar una decisi�n. Think about it
before making a decision. 5 Te aconsejo que lo pienses. I advise you to think about
it. 6 No es un asunto a tomar a la ligera. It's not a matter to be taken lightly. 7
De haberlo sabido, habr�a vuelto antes. If I had known, I would've come back
sooner. 8 Si todo va seg�n lo previsto, llegaremos a tiempo para ver el segundo
acto. If everything goes as planned, we'll arrive in time to see the second act. 9
Mand� las muestras al laboratorio. I sent the samples to the lab. 10 Necesito tu
aprobaci�n para comenzar la producci�n. I need your approval to start production.
11 He estado repasando tu expediente. I've been looking over your file. 12
Significar� trabajar estrechamente con la gente de marketing. It will mean working
closely with the people in marketing. 13 Creo que el cambio vale la pena. I think
the change is worthwhile. 14 �Qu� opinas? What do you think? 15 Ha sido un d�a
ajetreado. It's been a hectic day. 16 No me apetece hacer nada. I don't feel like
doing anything. 17 Si �se es el caso, no cuentes conmigo. If that's the case, count
me out. 18 No puedes descartar ninguna posibilidad. You can't rule out any
possibility. 19 Lo sab�an de antemano. They knew it beforehand. 20 Le dije que iba
a una boda. I told him I was going to a wedding. 21 Cuando volv� al parking, mi
coche hab�a desaparecido. When I got back to the parking lot, my car was gone. 22
Llama a este n�mero y deja sonar al tel�fono por lo menos 30 veces. Call this
number and let the telephone ring at least 30 times. 23 Las cifras de ventas son
muy alentadoras. The sales figures are very encouraging. 24 Tengo buenas noticias
para ti. I have some good news for you. 25 S�lo nos quedan dos listas para hacer.
We only have two lists left to do. Vaughen Systems - List 29 - Translation Booklet
C 1 Nuestra reciente campa�a de ventas ha sido un �xito. Our recent sales campaign
has been a success. 2 Estoy satisfecho con tu actuaci�n. I'm satisfied with your
performance. 3 Tu rendimiento ha sido por debajo de la media. Your performance has
been below average. 4 Si no hubieras tenido tanta prisa... If you hadn't been in
such a hurry... 5 Habr� una fiesta de despedida para ti. There will be a farewell
party for you. 6 Por lo tanto, puedes contar con mi apoyo. Therefore, you can count
on my support. 7 Somos el n�mero uno de nuestro sector. We're number one in our
industry. 8 Todos se beneficiar�n de esta decisi�n. Everyone will benefit from this
decision. 9 No s�lo t�, sino tu gente tambi�n. Not only you, but your people as
well. 10 Me pondr� en contacto contigo de nuevo para confirmar los detalles. I'll
contact you again to confirm the details. 11 Como puedes ver en la copia adjunta...
As you can see in the enclosed copy... 12 El �xito requiere paciencia. Success
requires patience. 13 Est�s presion�ndoles demasiado. You're pressuring them too
much. 14 As� que �quieres financiar la compra? So you want to finance the purchase?
15 �Crees que podemos darte dinero as� por las buenas? Do you think we can give you
money just like that? 16 Tenemos que buscar la f�rmula m�s apropiada. We have to
look for the most suitable formula. 17 A pesar de que no tenemos tel�fono... In
spite of the fact that we don't have a telephone... 18 Quiero pedirte un peque�o
favor. I want to ask you a small favour. 19 Es por eso por lo que te llamo. That's
why I'm calling you. 20 Juana ha resultado ser una gran ayuda. Jane has turned out
to be a big help. 21 Tus responsabilidades ir�n m�s all� de eso. Your
responsibilities will go beyond that. 22 Acabo de terminar la carrera. I've just
finished my studies. 23 Soy licenciado en ingenier�a. I have a degree in
engineering. 24 �D�nde has realizado tus estudios? Where did you do your studies?
25 Lo pagu� en met�lico. I paid for it in cash. Vaughen Systems - List 30 -
Translation Booklet C 1 Siempre he tenido un alto concepto de tu compa��a. I've
always had a high regard for your company. 2 Lo cubr� para que nadie lo viera. I
covered it so that nobody would see it. 3 Tengo una reuni�n prevista para ma�ana. I
have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow. 4 �Por qu� fijas las reuniones con tanta
antelaci�n? Why do you set meetings so far in advance? 5 Espero que tu memoria no
te falle. I hope your memory doesn't fail you. 6 S� las reglas del juego mejor que
la mayor�a. I know the rules of the game better than most. 7 D�jame un d�a para
investigar el asunto. Give me a day to look into the matter. 8 Hemos ido all� tres
a�os seguidos. We've gone there three years in a row. 9 Me ver� obligado a cambiar
de proveedor. I will he forced to change suppliers. 10 S� por tu acento que no eres
espa�ol. I can tell by your accent that you're not Spanish. 11 Voy a subir mi nivel
de ingl�s. I'm going to raise my English level. 12 �Has sumado todas las columnas?
Have you added up all the columns? 13 Nos quedan dos todav�a. We still have two
left. 14 �C�mo quieres que empiece yo la carta? How do you want me
to start the letter? 15 Esta no es una carta cualquiera. This isn't just any
letter. 16 Est� dirigida al presidente. It's addressed to the president. 17 F�rmalo
en el reverso. Sign it on the back. 18 Si no hubiera sido por ti... If it hadn't
been for you... 19 Antes de que te vayas, quiero que eches un vistazo a esto.
Before you leave, I want you to take a look at this. 20 Tenemos suerte de estar
vivos. We're lucky to be alive. 21 No se nos permite utilizar esos programas. We're
not allowed to use those programs. 22 Va a haber otra reorganizaci�n. There's going
to be another reorganisation. 23 Ya ha habido tres en los dos �ltimos a�os. There
have already been three in the last two years. 24 No pueden decidirse. They can't
make up their minds. 25 Te acostumbrar�s a nuestro ritmo. You'll get used to our

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