13 D Enamel Structure

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Enamel Structure

Enamel is described as the most: highly mineralized tissue in the body

Enamel is stronger than: bone
Enamel consists of microscopic crystals of: hydroxyapatite
The hydroxyapatite found in enamel is arranged in: structural layers or rods, also known as prisms
These crystals of hydroxyapatite are surrounded by: water
Primary teeth compared to permanent teeth, are made up of slightly more: water
The water in enamel allows _____to flow into the tooth and _______to flow out of the tooth: acids to flow
into the tooth and minerals to flow out of the tooth
A mineral in enamel that makes it easier for the tooth structure to dissolve: Carbonated apatite
Carbonated apatite is: a mineral in enamel, makes it easier for the tooth structure to dissolve.
What is the soft, sticky bacterial mass that adheres to the teeth: pellicle
What is the mineral in the enamel that makes the tooth structure easier to dissolve: Carbonated apatite

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