Industrial Relations & Labour Laws Dec 2022

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Internal Assignments December 2022

Course: Industrial Relations & Labour Laws

Answer 1.


The current situation of industrial relations is a topic of much debate. Although many people
think of industrial relations in terms of class struggle, others view it as a struggle between
rival groups' goals. It is crucial for HR leaders to have a good grasp of these different
viewpoints because they represent the theoretical basis for most of the work of HRM.
Industrial connection is interdisciplinary, drawing on fields as diverse as social science,
neurology, business, and HR. In order to address any issue in the field of industrial relations,
it is necessary to adopt a multi-disciplinary viewpoint that accounts for the work done in this
area by specialists from a variety of social science disciplines. So, it's important for industrial
relations practitioners to build their plans on solid theoretical foundations.


All things considered, the current industrial relations scenario is significantly impacted by the
lack of a ban on foreign investment in India's manufacturing sector. However, the authority
of the state, the government, and numerous institutions has a massive effect on these issues
and on the field of industrial relations as a whole. Educated workers and authorities today
worry about stale quality and want to take charge of their own workspace, therefore it's
crucial that these positions be put to the test and concentrate only on improving and
broadening their perspectives.

The application of relational theories to the business world -

The One-on-One Approach:

The premise of the Unitary perspective on IR is that putting an emphasis on shared goals
benefits all parties involved, be they subordinates, superiors, or independent states. Despite
its unifying position, IR's shared foundation of collaborative work and a shared aim ensures
its success.
If there are issues at work, they are attributed to poor management or a lack of a union to
protect employees' rights. Yet the vast majority of workers are compliant and even helpful to
management. The tragic consequences of battle as it unfolds are neglected.

Different Perspectives:

In reality, pluralism in IR developed from the conventional, unified perspective. This tactic
was created and tried out in Britain from the 1960s through the 1970s. When I did some
research, I found out that the original creator of this technique was an Englishman named A.
Fox. As seen from this perspective, a company is a group of individuals with conflicting
agendas who have been brought together by administrative mediation. Administration might
fail as an intermediary if it gives insufficient weight to representatives' opinions and

Third, the social context of a group is given prime importance from a radical Marxist vantage
point. Karl Marx, who proposed this method, stated that cultural evolution explains the
emergence of social stratification and that class antagonism is mirrored in different social
groups. Karl Marx was interested not just in business practices but in the habits and quirks of
the general populace. There is a chasm between the wealthy industrialists and the working
class that he observes in the United States. The first group enjoys exclusive rights to the
creative process, while the second group shares in the rewards of their labor. The risk posed
by these gatherings is a direct result of the nature of free-market economies.

The groundbreaking work of Elton Mayo and his colleagues, the Hawthorne Analyses, form
the foundation of what is now known as Human Relations Theory. Conflicts are preventable,
as the specialization theory posits that they always result from the improper treatment or
disinterest of a specialist. Issues emerge when specialists aren't given administrative
responsibilities. Employee satisfaction is a primary goal of the human relations strategy,
which places a focus on casual get-togethers and open lines of communication as means to
that end.

The fifth strategy, engaging in social action, stems from Weberian humanism. According to
this theory, how partners interpret and respond to a given situation determines not just the
ambiance but also the nature of their connections inside the partnership. It emphasizes the
significance of correspondence in comprehending intricate human and social behavior
patterns in which social structure exerts an influence. It can be challenging to make sense of
human social behaviour and behaviour in general since people are complex and have their
own unique style of responding to diverse situations.

Gandhi's Approach, Strategy No. 6 Gandhiji is largely recognized as one of the most
effective managers in modern India. His approach to workplace issues was refreshingly
sympathetic and original. The fixing and guiding of wages, the formation and elements of
worker organizations, the necessity and allure of aggregate dealing, the use and abuse of
strikes, workplace disorder, worker cooperation with management, working and living
conditions, and the duties of workers were all issues on which he held firm beliefs. The
Ahmedabad Material Work Affiliation, a radical experiment in Gandhi an exchange
unionism, put many of his ideals into practice. Gandhiji had great confidence in the goodness
of people and understood that many of the issues confronting the modern world are the
product of inefficient structures rather than malicious actors. He was a staunch advocate of
nonviolent socialism and believed that all professions should be treated with respect.


In conclusion, industrial connection (also known as a work relationship) is the flexible

insightful field that focuses on the business relationship, i.e. the amazing collaboration
between manager and representatives, the association of workers, and the affiliation and
condition of employers. It's been shown that when business partners get along well,
employees stay with the company longer and are more invested in its success. The field of
industrial relations science has benefited considerably from the foresight of influential
scientists. Even though there has been pushback against some of these hypotheses, it has been
noted that on the whole, they have been effective and have contributed greatly to giving up
and practicing. As one might anticipate from such a comparison, there are certain similarities
but also key differences between these concepts.
Answer 2.


To protect the integrity of their industry, to advance safety standards, to increase their pay
and benefits (such as health insurance and retirement plans), and to increase the number of
employees assigned to specific tasks, workers have banded together to form trade unions,
also known as workers' guilds. The union takes the initiative to bargain for its members'
employment terms with the company's managers. To "keep up with or work on the states of
their business," as one member put it, is the most prevalent reason people join such forums.
Compensation, rules and regulations, conflict resolution, hiring, firing, and promotion
policies, and other rewards and safety precautions in the workplace are all examples of what
might fall under this category. Unions can represent all workers in a sector, only a select
group of highly skilled experts, or any combination of the two.


In a free market economy, unions play a crucial role. Reliable trade unions are vital to their
members, their employers, and the public; those that aren't could have severe effects on all
three. The term "trade union" refers to a group of workers who have joined forces in an
organized fashion to safeguard their differences and boost administration support. Trade
unions are highly influential and pivotal in the corporate sector. A cautious union would be
good for workers, businesses, and the public at large, while an aggressive one could hurt all
parties involved. The term "trade affiliation" can conjure images of a group of employees
who have banded together in an organized fashion to safeguard their own identities while
gaining the support of management.

Labor unionism after World War II (1947)

In the years after its independence in 1947 and the establishment of the Republic in 1950,
India mostly embraced a Socialist economic policy that emphasized the rights of workers and
the independence of government-owned businesses. The developing labor unions reflected
the fundamental political disputes of the day by being mostly divided along Socialist and
Socialist lines. Union membership grew in the following decades, peaking in the '70s and
'80s. While the 1970s were characterized by political instability in India, the 1980s saw the
introduction of market-friendly policies, government support for industrialists, and an
underlying antagonism for labor. Two major incidents marked this time period: the Indian rail
route strike of 1974 and the Incomparable Bombay material strike of 1982, the latter of which
sparked a drawn-out and baffling stalemate.

In 1947, the Industrial Debates Act was enacted to give newly independent India a solid
foundation for organizing the country's workforce and encouraging foreign investment. In
December 1947, the three groups met and unanimously agreed to form this organization.
Capital would benefit from the cooperative efforts of workers to produce new value and
increase productivity as part of a public financial events infrastructure, while workers would
be payed fairly and enjoy better working circumstances.

The scope of India's labor laws is broad. Display a selection of the most important ones for
us, please.

The Processing Plants Act of 1948 governs various aspects of employment, including but not
limited to working hours, workplace safety, employee facilities, office and living
arrangements, and the treatment of women in the workplace.

The minimum wage for both skilled and unskilled workers was set by the Base Wages Act of

In 1947, Congress passed the Industrial Questions Act with the goal of promoting consensus
and cooperation within the business community. The instruments and methods for the
investigation and resolution of industrial conflicts through accommodation, mediation, and
settlement are what the rule is aiming for. Only the region in which coordination really takes
place is subject to regulation.

Bans minors under the age of 14 from working in dangerous jobs.

Employers who offer health insurance to their employees are protected from lawsuits
stemming from workplace violence and other untoward incidents thanks to the Employee
Health and Safety Insurance Act.

Quickening from the Very First Year (1991) to Now

After the financial boom of 1991, the government began to have less of a role in the
economy, and output from both the public and private sectors began to decline. Unionization
efforts in restricted areas were often blocked, and workers' negotiating power was further
weakened by the widespread, general elimination of State assistance for workers. The number
of unionized workers in the region did not change significantly after implementing these

As the importance of the Casual sector and "Casual employment in the proper region" grew
beginning in the late 1990s, trade unions began to prioritize the needs of Casual sector
workers. As a result, union membership has increased dramatically among these workers.


Joining a trade association is a public demonstration of respect for a key cog in the wheel. A
labor-management partnership can be defined as any arrangement between management and
employees whether it lasts for a set period of time or is indefinite. A trade union is an
organization formed by or on behalf of workers or employees to negotiate for better working
conditions. One of the safeguards of the group is a commitment to maintaining or enhancing
its state of the art. It's conceivable that the Indian labor movement has spread its way of life
as a fundamental and stable basis, but it hasn't had the chance to portray itself in the best
possible light. For Indian trade unionism to succeed, it must veer away from its traditional
focus on safety and toward more practical goals. Maybe it's just getting started, but right now
it's just not able to get enough energy to do anything.
Answer 3a:


This weekend celebrates the centennial of the All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC), the
largest and most influential trade union in India. The State chapter will celebrate the occasion
by holding a gathering in Bengaluru, where attendees can think back on the union's history
and discuss the difficulties of uniting workers in the modern economy.

INTUC values its amicable relationship with AICC and works hard to keep it that way. The
relationship between INTUC and AICC, as well as the significance of maintaining open lines
of communication and working together on issues of mutual concern, have been the subject
of a number of conversations.


The founding of AITUC was essential in the workers' struggle for a 10-hour work day and
dearness allowance since it served as a unifying factor. To construct the union, two political
radicals, BalGangadharTilak and LalaLajpatRai, were instrumental. Tilak had already passed
away by the time the AITUC had its primary Congress on October 31, 1920. Rai presided
over the AITUC Congress, which took place in the Realm Theater in Bombay. Construction
workers in Quit India in 1942 were essential to the completion of the project.

LalaLajpatRai presided over the AITUC during its pivotal meeting. When he gathered his
employees in his office, he asked them: "The opportunity for indian work to establish its
credibility on the national scene should not be squandered. There are many considerations in
the process of extending credit. It's unbelievable, but it's kept continuing by the influence of
money and politics. Indian work has to collaborate with worldwide work to mitigate the
threat, but it must first prioritize home organization ".

In India, the main labor organization is the Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC).
The Indian National Congress and the All-India Trade Union Congress merged to establish
INTUC in 1947, with the latter's goal being to promote union reform through means other
than violence.

Verifiable objective, required by constrained ideologically opposed to quiet change and

popularity based implies, who had manoeuvred to get a handle on the Nation's Trade Union
Development with the intrigue of the then English Rulers, led to the formation of the Indian
Trade Union Congress (INTUC) on May 3, 1947. The experts and the country were losing
ground as the Trade Union Development veered toward violence and wanton devastation just
when victory against colonial rule seemed certain. The INTUC was created by Gandhian
members of the Trade Union Development who were inspired by Gandhi's principles and saw
the urgent need for a new organization with roots in India to steer working people toward the
attainment of long-suppressed goals.


The Specialists Board of Trustees for AITUC-affiliated organizations meets on occasion. It

sets policy for the AITUC, elects officials, and creates a governance structure. Across the
way is a main board with important information. There are local chapters of the All India
Trades Union Congress (AITUC) all over the Indian subcontinent.
Answer 3b:


For the sake of BMS's future success, the company's creative thinkers stayed in the office
with the aid of hardworking experts. The activists all over India had faith in their cause and
were led by the progressive and imaginative leadership, who inspired them to keep fighting
for workers' rights.

Socialist Alliance and Hind MazdoorSabha (HMS) merged in 1948, but HMS has only a
tenuous link to the original Socialist Party. It is a non-political labor union with a strong
reputation for unity in India. Together, the HMS and the World Alliance of Freedom Fighters
have accomplished much.


B.M.S. was a radical experiment in the development of trade unions in India. As a company,
BMS was established on July 23, 1955. (TilakJayanthi). The roots of BMS can be found in
Bharatiya philosophy. When it comes to matters of culture, we tend to be more emotional
than logical. BMS is one of the cultural weapons used in the war against the mutually
dangerous but equally unfriendly to human beings Private enterprise and communism, the
ultimate goal of which is to bring out Bharatiya Social Society in light of the dwellers of
Necessary Humanism.

Founded on July 23, 1955, B.M.S. was named after LokManyaBalGangadharTilak, a leader
in the Opportunity Development movement. Specifically, there are two major queries that
remain unaddressed.

(a) The emergence of BMS was not the product of a schism between preexisting trade union
organisations, as is the case with the mentality of practically all other trade unions.

(b) It was conceived as a trade union from the start, with nationalism as its guiding
philosophy so that it could function independently of party legislation.

The HMS leadership eventually released a statement claiming that the two were intertwined
and that no financial compromises would be sought at the expense of opportunity and a vote-
based democracy.
The HMs enjoyed tremendous expansion between 1948 and 1953 despite the fact that it had
to send off valiant battles in support of its fundamental conviction in bread and opportunity.

HMS grew its intellectual base and implemented national economic reforms. HMS took ideas
from the First, Second, and Third Long Term Plans, such as "the absence of necessity to get a
move on and fair-mindedness in the structure of work legislation," to predict a lack of
initiative and originality in organizational matters, which would lead to the private sector
withdrawing from the public sector and re-entering industrial circles that had previously been
reserved for the public sector.


HMS is now excluded from any philosophical social events according to the new
requirements. HMS prioritizes the needs of its workforce with regards to majority rule and
the growth of an opportunity ally culture. There is an interesting option for renters and
residents who work for the government agency accountable for a sizable area of the country.
To BMS, the two processes of making and giving are of equal importance. Workers have a
right to an open and honest discussion of the results of their efforts, even though coming up
with the most astounding creations is a national duty of labor.

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