They Walk - Amy Lunderman

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They Walk

A Novel

Copywrite 2012 By Amy Lunderman

Kindle Edition


It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth --
and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up -- that we will begin to
live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had.

- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross


When I was little, I loved running in the rain. There was something almost freeing
about it. The exhilaration of your blood pumping, the quick shallow breaths, and
the way the wind brushes past your body. My most favorite part is how you push
yourself to the point of feeling unstoppable.


Running is a way of life for me. It has been for a long time.

What’s the saying of only running if being chased?

Well, that says a lot these days.

It all began one night at a party. I know what you’re thinking. Don’t things
usually go wrong at parties? Well yes, as a matter of fact they do. However, do
your parties end with dead people trying to eat your face off? No. I didn’t think
so. Since mine does, maybe I should explain.

My name is Maggie Cooper and I’m not your average seventeen year old.

I just happen to be the only one my age that can expertly wield an ax like my life
depends on it. Basically it kind of does, depend on my life expectancy, but that’s
just because of all the dead that try to eat my face off.

So here is my story. Remember to keep in mind that it’s not for the faint of heart.
Lots of blood is spilt and most of it is mine. Hang on tight. It’s going to be a
bumpy ride, especially the end.

You are now forewarned.

Chapter One

“Come on Maggie, I swear it won’t completely suck.” Claire says.

Without turning to look at her I roll my eyes. How does someone respond to that
comment anyway? I mean really. Here we are, two girls on a Friday night hanging out
in my bedroom. School just got out yesterday for the summer, and already she’s
trying to convince me to go to a party. We so rarely even attend parties, that I
already made plans with my boyfriend Matt later. I suppose I should sympathize with
her, since she’s single and all.

Though not for the lack of trying, that’s for sure.

For instance, one of mine and Matt’s favorite pass times is mocking all the guys
she goes through. I call it payback for torturing us with double dates. It’s kind
of turned into an inside joke for Matt and I. We pretty much made a game out of
guessing the personality type he will have and how long it’ll take her to grow
bored with him. Luckily, there are a plethora of single and sometimes not guys at
our school for her to pick from.

Otherwise we’d be taking many road trips by now.

“Come on, please Maggie.” She whines.

With a sigh, I turn away from my laptop at my desk. Facing Claire, I almost laugh.
She’s currently lying on her back on my bed, with her feet resting up on my
headboard. She’s flipping through one of her latest trashy gossip magazines. There
is some celebrity or another on the cover. It’s enough to make me want to roll my
eyes at her. It’s a struggle, what with the look on her face as she stares at me
upside down. She’s really trying to look sad and convincing. But can a leggy, blue
eyed, redhead, who usually get what she wants, pull off begging?

I think not, that’s why I see it as priceless, and maybe a little pathetic.

Oh boy, now she’s pouting her lips. I shake my head at her and try not to smile.

I’m already turning back around when a new voice says. “You should just give in now
Mags. She’ll wear you down eventually, she always does.”

I swivel in my computer chair, to see my brother Daniel leaning against the doorway
to my room.

I glare at him. “And just how long have you been eves dropping, oh brother of

He shrugs and walks over to the footboard of my bed and leans against it.

I watch him expectantly, like he’ll say something important or wise. That will
never happen I know, but stranger things have happened. A smile blooms across his
ever bright features as he watches me. He so knows what I’m thinking about him.
It’s the curse of the twin gene. We’re too much alike that it’s scary.

“Well…” He pauses for dramatic flair, which drives me crazy. “About as long as
Claire’s been whining about Austin’s party tonight.”

At this Claire throws her magazine down on my bed and sits up giving me her best
winning smile.
“See!” Claire is practically glowing with excitement. That is so not good, for me
anyways. “If Dan’s going, and he’s practically married, then we have to go to. Come
on Maggie, please, I need this!”

I have to snicker at this, because it’s mostly true, on both accounts. My brother
has been dating the same girl, Maria, for a lot longer than I have been with Matt.
Since he and I are the same age, being twins and all, which says a lot in my
opinion. Then of course there is my dear sweet Claire. I definitely believe that
she needs this. It’s been a while since her last hookup.

She’s probably having withdrawals or something.

Dan watches the two of us with mock excited interest. I doubt he cares about
Claire’s attempt to woo me over. He just lives to torture me. He calls it brotherly
love, I call it seriously irritating.

“Do I need to make a bet with Claire again on how long it’ll take you to be
convinced?” He starts, drawing two sets of eyes to him. The smile on his face just
begs for me to smack it right off. “Not that I mind taking your friends money,
because I could use it.”

How he can pull of being arrogant, I’ll never know.

We look almost identical with dark hair and eyes and not on the tall side either.
Where he can achieve confidence, I can barely swing being mousy. Much to my dismay
of course.

With a heaving sigh, I swivel back to my laptop.

Already touching the keys I say, “Well, even if I were to go, I’d still have to
convince Matt.”

Claire makes a high-pitched girly squeal, which dogs in the next county could hear,
and falls back down on my bed. I can just feel the heat of one of her radiant
smiles trying to mare a hole in the back of my head.

Dan laughs at something I can’t see.

My eyes roll against my protest.

“You almost had me there for a while Maggie, seriously.” Claire sighs, like it my
adversary was extremely hard on her or something. “Matt’s always the easiest to
convince, you on the other hand make it a chore. I can’t wait to pick out what
we’ll wear!”

I cringe away from the excitement in her voice.

Dan laughs again.

He straightens up and makes his way to the door. “Better make it fast Claire, Maria
is already on her way. We leave in an hour.”

Is she now? Well then…

Calmly, I reach for the paperback I have resting beside my laptop. I don’t even
bother turning around as I chuck it in the general direction of the door. With a
smirk of satisfaction I hear it hit his person. That’ll teach him to assume I’d
already go. Even if he and Claire were right about Matt, a girl has a right to her
He grumbles about annoying little sisters that are so rude sometimes and makes his
exit before I find another book that is not a paperback to toss his way.

Chapter Two

Ten minutes later finds me staring at my reflection in the mirror.

Claire is currently fussing in the depths of my closet searching for her perfect
party outfit. One would think that since I’m so much shorter than her, nothing of
mine would fit. Wrong. Well…it’s kind of true I guess, not that she cares. The
tighter and shorter the better, she always says.

Which is why I’m wondering what the heck came over me, when I bought this skirt
last summer. It’s both tight and short, and not something I usually wear. I’m more
of a Capri and cardigan girl. Apparently I was thinking of her when I bought this
little black mini. Narrowing my eye’s I turn back and forth, not liking how my legs
look so scrawny.

Groaning, I stomp around to face the closet monster.

“Claire.” I whine. “This isn’t going to work for me.”

Another skirt shoots out of the abyss at me with no reply from the monster within.
I don’t bother with trying it on. There is no way my legs are going to be shown off
tonight with any type of skirt no matter of the length of color.

Maybe if I was going to be alone with Matt, then it would be a distinct


Since that’s clearly not on the agenda for tonight, I make my way to my dresser on
the other side of the room. Not being picky, I dig in the drawers for whatever
happens to be on top.

“Seriously Claire, you’ve already got me going tonight. Why do you have to dress me
up to? Just pick something for yourself already.” I mumble halfheartedly.

Finding jean and a graphic tee, I turn around to make my way to the bathroom. I
come to standstill and drop the clothes in my hands. A girly sounding yip slips
past my parted lips, as I just about jump a foot off the ground, all before I can
even move one step.

Claire stands before me with her hands on her hips. Obviously she has mastered the
art of being a ninja.

“For the love of mike woman!” I am literally gasping as I say this. Who knew she
could be so stealthy. “What the freaking hell? Get a friggen bell will you!”

She has the nerve to glare at me, like I am the one that scared her or something.

“Mags, come on. You have to look hot tonight. We are actually going out to a party,
with people, people who will also probably look hot.” She literally stamps her foot
at me. “Plus drinks will most likely be served.”

I shrug as I grab for the clothes at my feet.

“Well…if there is alcohol…then why do I even have to look hot? No one will even
remember who I am after an hour or so.” I say as I try to make a bee line around

Unfortunately she’s not convinced. Like the before mentioned ninja, she blocks my
path. Her eyes go all beady as she narrows them at me. Dude, she is so going to
make one terrifying mom one day.

I shudder at the thought.

“That’s reason enough isn’t it?” She sparkles, the beadiness fading back into her
scary innards. “You’ll have to try even harder to impress the inebriated. Besides,
I know Matt will love it. For me, please?”


She is always doing this to me, playing the whole Matt card thing.

It totally sucks for me that it works every time. She is right too. I know he would
love it if I tried to look a little sexy, even if he’ll only end up probably
picking on me for it. I always look like I’m playing dress up in fancy none comfy

I know I should just give in. She’ll never stop being infuriating if I don’t. She
never does.

I sigh. “Fine, you win. I’ll do my hair and use that weird glitter face lotion you
got me for Christmas.” I wiggle one boney finger at her as she backs away with a
knowing smile. “But that’s all you’re getting out of me tonight, so don’t even try
anything girlie.”

She throws her hands in the air in surrender. Then marches back over to my closet.
The digging commences for a second before she turns back to me. My heart rate
spikes at the sight of her. God I’m such a chicken. I should have known she’d end
up forcing me into wearing something I’d hate.

It happens every time and yet I’m still shocked that it occurs.

But something strange happens next. She eyes the skirt I’m still wearing and says.
“Let me have that skirt you tried on, I think I want to wear it.”

Ha! I so win this round, yay me!

Of course, by the time Dan come’s barging into my room forty minutes later to see
if we’re ready, I’m not so sure of my win. Mostly because I have a serious aversion
to getting dressed up. Oh the horror, I know. What girl hates getting dressed up
right? Well…she would be me.

I must say though, I am rather satisfied with my hair tonight. It’s usually a giant
mass of frizziness. Now it falls down my back in soft waves. God bless spray in
conditioner. It almost makes me kind of excited to be going out…almost, but not
quite. How I became so brilliantly optimistic at my young age surrounded by
outgoing family and friends I’ll never know. Clearly they all see something beneath
my negative charge of an outlook on life, which is good. Otherwise I’d be very much
of a loner. And that I am not.


Getting downstairs is a lot of work. I blame Clare. She’s buzzing with excitement,
something I lack. If I had to compare her to anything, I’d say she resembles that
of a lightning rod currently, only because she is bouncing in her way too high
heels. Clearly she’s excited to move onto her next conquest. Something tells me
that she’ll be disappearing on me as soon as we get to the party. In fact, if she
had any sort of super power, it would totally be teleportation. Waiting is like
torture for her, even if it is only for twenty more minutes for the drive.

Thank goodness I’ll have Matt to talk to later on. If anything else it’ll be nice
to be able to count on the antisocial connection we share. Really I should say the
connection that I kind of force on him, especially since he’s the opposite of
antisocial. Heck, the boy has a job already. He’s completely comfortable with being
social, or as much as a worker at a pizza restaurant has to be. With our little
predicament this evening, I might be flying solo without my boyfriend backup. When
I called him earlier to change our plans, he was still at work. Something came up
with one of his coworkers, so he had to stay until closing time.

He promised to be look for me after, so here’s hoping it won’t be too long till his
arrival; crosses fingers.

When the three of us finally come to a stop at the base of the stares, I peek
around the bouncing Claire to find Maria waiting for us at the door. Her face
lights up when Dan goes to give her a kiss. They act like it’s been a lifetime
since they’ve embraced one another, even though he was upstairs less than a minute.
I think it’s sweet. But then, that’s our Maria. She’s the embodiment of sweet, with
her long blonde hair and rosy cherub face. She’s good for my punk brother. She
blushes bright pink when he steps back from her. It’s not long before she smiles
and shyly glances away from mine and Clare’s stares. Acknowledging the interaction
of the two of them is something I avoid, partly because our Maria scares easily,
but also because it’s totally gross to watch them go at it.

Speaking of those that would rather avoid pda like the plague. I can’t help looking
around the entry hall for my mother. She is usually pretty adamant about these
kinds of things, but the house is quiet.

“No one’s home, she already left to meet dad for that gallery thing in the city.”
Dan quips seeing my wandering eyes.

Taking in the silence, I realize that’s right. Naturally I should’ve already known
the house is empty, but being observant is not one of my best qualities. Our dad is
a busy accountant who works mostly is the city. He and mom don’t really get out too
much short of going to work or keeping us kids preoccupied with none house burning
activities and so, when a client of his hands out tickets for some fancy art show
in Brunswick, he can’t very well turn the opportunity down. Mom may have mentioned
at some point that they were going to get a late dinner after and wouldn’t be home
until sometime late.

Now I know why I wanted plans alone with Matt tonight.

The house will be empty.

This party better be worth it, if not Claire owes me, big time.

Secretly hoping I have a reason to stay home now, I say “So if they have the cars,
how are we getting to this grand party?”

No such luck as Maria’s blush darkens.

“I have my car, and don’t mind driving us.” She says in a quiet voice. “They’re
more than enough room.”
See? She is way too sweet for words and far too nice. How my loud mouth joker of a
brother managed to get such a nice girl, I have no clue. He flashes one of his
pleased smiles and places an arm around her shoulder pulling her close.

“So, we’re good to go.” He pauses to give me a wide cheeky grin, this is never
good. “Just one more stop to make though…Gabe is coming with us too.”

For some reason the urge to smack him rises inside me, but this isn’t new. What’s
new is his aspiring need to throw his stupid best friend and the boy’s hatred of me
right in my face. Either I’m getting worse at perfecting my poker face or Claire
just knows me too well, because in the next instant she is fully facing me.

Effectively blocking Dan from my view, she places her hands over her bored eyes as
if warding off my anger.

“Oh boy, here we go.” Claire says.

Already fuming, I don’t even here her. Of all the guys at our small town school, my
brother just has to befriend the biggest jerk. Seriously, the boy is like my
nemesis. He never has anything nice to say, at least to me anyways. Even when I
first met him three years ago, it was an instant dislike. I honestly wouldn’t mind
never seeing him again, ever, but he just has this way about him. While it’s pretty
an annoying way, it also seems to get under my skin and not in the way I’d like.

Then there is the fact that he’s far too cocky for his own good. Is it wrong that I
take great pleasure in constantly putting him in his place? No, yes,
maybe...doesn’t matter, because I totally do.

With Matt not around to act as a buffer, all I need for tonight is to have Gabe
tease me. He tends to be tamer in his torture techniques if Matt’s around. If
memory serves me right, then I swear Gabe got a Motorcycle this past spring. I’m
one to know, he’s always asking me to ride with him so he can be a bad influence.
Or so he says.

So what’s all this needing a ride nonsense.

“Doesn’t he have his own death trap to drag him to the party?” I ask Dan, as I try
not to sound overly irritated.

“He does, but it’s in the shop. I offered for him to come along, so stop whining.
He’s not that bad.”

I snort in disbelief and shake my head. Not that bad, my left foot.

Figures his motorcycle would break down, now of all nights, not that I’d ever trust
those things. But, as to not let it show that he bothers me so much, or to come off
as whiny, I just shrug. Yup that’s me, not bothered by punk boys.

Is it believable though?

Dan just laughs.

Nope, I’m more see-through than a three-way mirror.

By the time he ushers us out to Marias car, where he immediately calls for shotgun
by the way, I’m convinced there is literally steam pouring out of my ears.
Shivering, I reach for the backseat door wishing I had remembered to snag a jacket.
It’s oddly cool for a late June night, or maybe it’s not really. We do live in
Maine, so no one can ever try to guess how the weather will turn out.
What really makes me feel cold is the fact that it’s too quiet out.

Usually at this time of night, I can hear crickets and frogs going at it, but
tonight it’s silent. I have to wonder if maybe a storm is coming, usually things
get quiet around these parts before something happens. I just hope we’re home
before the floodgates open.

Getting in the car beside Claire, I push these thoughts out of my head.

Chapter Three

What could have been a quick twenty minute drive to party headquarters turns into
an extra half hour detour to pick up the devil, even though he lives in the same
subdivision as us. That’s just the way it is in our town though, it’s small, but
for all its space the homes have a lot of land in between. Maria smoothly pulls the
car into Gabe’s dark driveway. As the headlights shine over his house I see that
he’s already sitting on the porch.

He rises before the car is even in park and saunters over to us.

I steal a moment to take in his appearance. It’s a shame he’s so downright rotten.
He’s taller than me, but then most everyone is, and he is well built. In a habit
I’m too acquainted with, he has to toss his head to shake the mess of dark hair out
of his eyes as he leans toward the door on my side. When he moves to open the door,
his light eyes shine brightly in the reflective headlights.

He doesn’t say anything, just stares at me through the open door, only then do I
realize that he’s waiting for me to move over.

Great, I’m going to be stuck in the middle.

That’s what I get for daydreaming over the enemy. Not to looking at him again, I
scoot over next to Claire. Not that she realizes anything is going on really. She’s
been texting Brian, the lucky guy of the night, the whole drive. She pushes herself
closer to the door to make room and the whole time I seriously hope it’s too dark
for Gabe to see me blushing.

Not that I am, because I’m totally not.

He slams the door behind him and even though he has ample room in the back with me
and Claire practically sitting in each other’s lap, he chooses to squeeze in closer
to me. His knee brushes mine I can as he stretches out to get comfortable and I can
actually feel heat coming off him. He’s so close that try as I might, I can’t help
but to pick up on the scent of fresh air and moss that is radiating off of him.

Trying to be coy, I risk a glance at him, only having to quickly look everywhere by
him. Why you ask…because he’s already got his eyes on me. Now I’m sure he can
definitely see my blush, his smirking smile confirms that my night is going to be a
living hell.

He moves in closer to me, if that is at all possible, his breath causing my hair to
tickle my neck.

“You’re looking good Mag pie.” He pauses to glance around in mock worry, as Claire
pulls her car out of the drive and back on the road. “Where’s your better half
then? You’re not alone are you?”

Dan chuckles softly in the front seat. I shake my head and ignore that way Gabe’s
breath makes goosebumps dance across my skin.

“He had to work late, so we’re meeting up at the party.”

He turns in his seat so that he’s facing me. I try not to move as he rests his arm
behind my head.

“You’re such a party animal that you couldn’t wait for him huh? I did not know that
about you Mags.”

“Oh yeah, that’s me, a real wild child.”

“Damn, lock your liquor cabinet’s folks. We’ve got a future sponsor for rehab
riding with us.”

Boys are so dumb, especially this one.

“Gosh, aren’t you a buddle of laughs tonight Gabe. What did you do stock up these
comments for the perfect chance to use them?”

Leaning back, he winks one of his pretty eyes at me. “I save the best for you babe.
Can’t you tell by my suave techniques by now?”

I shove him off me as he starts to leer.

He makes like I shoved him harder than I did, and slams him into the door with a
laugh. At a loss for words, I just glare at him, and try not to give into his
antagonizing efforts.

Sighing, I say “I’m hardly in the mood for partying…Gabe…and even less for dumb
guys trying to flirt with me.”

He clutches his chest like my words wounded him. “Oh yeah sure, that’s what they
all say kitten.”

“I don’t even want to know what you’re talking about, because um, nasty. But if you
must know, I’m just going to support Claire.”

He leans around me and looks to my oblivious bestie. She doesn’t even have the
decency to take her eyes off her Ipad. She simply nods in his general direction,
confirming that I could’ve just cured cancer for all she knows.

This sends him roaring with laughter. I resist the urge to smack him.

“Well it’s good to know some things never change.” He says jauntily before leaning
back into the seat.

Not knowing what he means by that, I ignore him and reserve myself in silence. Is
it my imagination or did he move his leg closer to me? Oh well, this is me not
caring either way. Yeah right. This is me not believing when I lie to myself.

Dan, who was talking to Maria during our exchange, turns around in his seat to
acknowledge Gabe.

“It actually took us longer than usual to convince her to come out tonight.” He
wiggles his eyebrows at Gabe. “I think she and Matt had plans tonight, if you know
what I mean.”

Gabe turns to me, a low whistle sneaking out between his smirking lips. In pure
shock of my brother’s retarded nature, my eyes widen. A heated blush spreads over
my entire body. This has to be the most I’ve ever blushed, seriously. In a move
that doesn’t require much thought I lean up in the middle of the front seat and
smack Dan upside the head.

The sound of my hand hitting his dumb ass brings a smile to my face. Of course, it
doesn’t last, especially when he only sits back and laughs at me.

“You’re such a jerk Daniel. And if you must know, you don’t know what you’re
talking about.” I seethe.

I resume to sitting back, my face still on fire. Even though Gabe is chuckling, I
can’t help to notice that he moved his knee from mine. For some reason, I feel
cooler with the empty space between us.

Maria chastises Dan about teasing me. Not real stern though and it lasts about a
second too short for my liking. She turns on the radio, in her own way of changing
the attention from me. I so need thank her later, I think. But what’s on the radio
is a little unnerving, and distracts me. The caster is giving a news update.

“This year’s newest cold vaccine was administered for the first time this morning.”
A man’s voice says.

“That’s right Dave, now I heard that this drug wasn’t even tested before being
given out to the public. Any news if this is true?” a woman’s voice replies.

“As far as I know, it was supposedly tested overseas before coming here. If it was
tested again, once crossing into our boarder, that’s not known.” Replies Dave.

“Well, that’s our Country for you. Too trusting of the wrong people, and going
after innocent ones. All I have to add is that, I for one will not be getting this
supposed miracle drug. Now, let’s return to tonight’s top twenty line-up with
number fifteen Katy Perry’s Extraterrestrial.”

I’m glad for the music to fill the car, I hate radio shows. This one though was
actually talking about news and not celebrity gossip. This is unusual, not to
mention the topic. I’m actually glad to be living in a small town a ways from the
city; we don’t get many drug trials coming to our pharmacies. Why would a drug be
handed out as a vaccine, to something that’s not curable? Who knows what goes
through someone’s head as they push things like this.

I’ve stopped trying a while ago.

I’m just glad I don’t have to worry about it for a while.

I notice that the road gives way to gravel, and know we should be close to Austin’s
house soon. His family is actually one of the wealthiest members of our little
community. So he lives on a good three acres of land. Whereas most of us here have
a good section of space between houses, his is actually miles of space. With no one
around to complain about the noise, it’s perfect for parties.

Even though I’ve been to Austin’s before in the past, as we pull up front, I’m in
awe of it.

The house is set back from the road, so most of us park along the front yard. There
is a long flowered walkway leading up to the porch. It looks like a three story
farmhouse, but more expensive than the ones on my side of town. The whole first
floor is surrounded by the wrap around porch and has floor to ceiling wide windows.
I can see that all the lights are on inside, and can almost feel the vibrations of
the music from outside.

Maria finds a spot to park amongst the lawn space, between a dark truck and a
motorcycle. Once the car is off, Claire finally stops texting and immediately gets
out closing the door behind her. Gabe slowly gets out, and with a smile holds the
door for me. As I get out, Dan and Maria are already following Claire inside.

Suddenly I’m wishing to have waited for Matt, I hate going to these kinds of things

Shivering, I linger by the car just staring at the houses massive presence and what
waits inside. Noticing my hesitation, Gabe offer’s his arm to me. I look at him
hesitantly for a moment, and then I think why the hell not?

So with a small smile, I place my arm on his and I let him lead me on.

Chapter Four

Once inside the house, the music is a lot louder. So loud that my ears are already
pounding, but I try not to let it show. We step into a large foyer filled with coat
racks and purses lined about, a few girls linger here drinks in hand.

Passing by, we come into a hall that splits three ways.

To our right is a grand living room filled with dancing bodies, and some
wallflowers. To the left is a hallway leading to a closed door, and a winding
staircase. Straight ahead goes down to the kitchen, and the back patio. The door to
the patio is open and I can hear people yelling and splashing in a pool. Gabe leads
us into the living room, and breaks away towards a group of blondes on the other
side of the room.

He doesn’t look back, but it’s just as well.

Dan and Maria are already dancing, and I see Claire sneaking out to the patio.
Looks like I’m alone, wonderful. Not wanting to stand around like a weirdo, I make
my way to an empty wall to my right, and take up my post. Everyone in the room
seems to be in one stage or another of drunkenness. It’s actually pretty amusing
watching people dance when they are wasted, they think they are so talented. That
is until they fall, like the hysterical girl across the room.

Shaking my head, I take in my surroundings.

The living is actually pretty decent, if not for the large group of kids. The
windows all along the wall gives the illusion of making it bigger than it is. The
drapes hanging on them are all pushed back and you can see the entire yard.
Cringing, I think this place can’t be very private. Let alone be that great to wake
up to with a sunny day, well, maybe for a morning person.

For which I am not.

So busy being nosy, I don’t notice something trying to sneak up on me until it’s
too late.

A small mass of fur is suddenly jumping at my legs, and I instinctively I bend my

legs and try to flinch away. Before I even have a chance though, it’s already
jumping down, and ready to jump up again. The thing is about the size of a large
house cat, and is covered in light brown fur. I almost would mistake it for a cat,
except as it jumps it keeps making little yipping sounds. At the second assault
attempt, I’m laughing and I reach my arms out.

I catch the brown fur ball, and am rewarded with a slobbery kiss.

Satisfied with the attention, it leaps from my arms and runs out of the room. Wow,
if only I had that much energy. Cleaning off slobber on my face, I see that Gabe is
making his way over to me from across the room. In his hands are two cups filled to
the brim with a frothing liquid, and he deftly hands one to me.

I take it and drink it greedily, not caring what it is.

Shaking his head at me, he leans beside me on the wall to my right.

“I didn’t picture you as a drinker.” He tells me as he takes a gulp of his own


“And yet you brought me one anyway?”

I glance at him, and I can see the smile in his eyes as he watches me.


He looks away to survey the room and I try not to pay so much attention to him. How
he can flirt with everyone with breasts in the room, and yet be so weird around me
I’ll never know. I try to pretend I’m not looking at him as I take another drink.
He glances my way again, and I almost choke. Already I can fill the effects of the
drink, it must be stronger than it tastes.

“So did you want something, or are you just trying to get me drunk?” I say.

“Neither actually, just don’t like that Matt lets you come to a party like this
alone. I’d never do that.”

“Ugh, I’m not alone moron, I came with all of you. Have you already been drinking
and don’t remember the car?”

He gives me a mock glare, and shakes his head.

“No, head case. Alone. As in with no date. Any guy could just try to paw at you all
night, and no one would be able to stop them.” Gabe says, as he turns to face me
further, while crossing his arms over his chest.

“Yeah well, for your information I can take care of myself. Matt knows that, I
don’t need you to protect me.”

“Trust me, I know you can handle yourself. I’m just trying to be friendly. I
wouldn’t want my girl alone, if I was Matt is all.”

“In the name of friends, since Dan is yours, shouldn’t you be nicer to his sister,
me?” I say as I cross my arms facing him fully now.

“I am being nice, what are you talking about?”

“Yeah right now. But not every other time we’ve been around one another. So what’s
up with that?”

He looks genuinely confused or maybe a little offended for a moment. But then his
eyes darken and a look crosses his face that I can’t decipher. He leans a little
closer and is about to say something, when over his shoulder I see Matt walk into
the room.

I can’t help but feel relieved and a little disappointed at the same time.

I really did want to know what Gabe’s problem with me was, but deep down I don’t
know if I really do. I don’t think I’m ready to see a different side to Gabe. For
all his teasing and irritating comments, I know he’s safe. I can trust that things
with him will stay constant. I don’t have to feel guilty talking to him, or be
nervous around him.

I care about Matt, and I don’t want anything to make that confusing.

Gabe, noticing that I’m distracted glances behind him and see’s Matt. Seeing my
escape, I weave around him. I don’t look back as I make my way to Matt, I don’t
want to see his expression has to say. And I really don’t want to know what he’s
thinking, or not thinking in this case.

Matt seeing me comes toward him, smiles and his face lights up with delight. My
heart flutters at the sight of it, and I can’t help but smile myself. With a spring
in my step, I lean up to him and place my lips on his. Even with the light pressure
of it, I still close my eyes and sigh into him. He raises his arms, and he places
them at my lower back and gently pulls me closer to him. The pressure of his lips
starts to deepen, but I place my hands on his arms and lean back with a smile.
Raising my eyes I try to savior everything about him.

Being taller than me, I fit perfectly in his arms and I feel safe and warm. His
blue eyes are bright with intensity, and his blonde hair falls nicely around his
head. I raise my hands automatically and run them through his soft waves. He smiles
at me, and pulls me in for a hug. I cling to him, and wonder not for the first time
how I got such a wonderful guy.

He’s far too beautiful for someone as plain as me.

With a kiss to my temple Matt leans back, and takes my right hand in his left. He
looks up over my shoulder and with a smirk nods his head. Turning around to look,
Gabe is in the same potion I left him in, watching us.

Watching me.

I’d forgotten about him for the few seconds with Matt. I try not to flinch at the
thought, but why do I suddenly feel so guilty? He watches me for a moment longer,
before nodding back at Matt. Not saying anything, he turns away and gets swallowed
in the mass of dancing bodies. I try to ignore the hurt expression I saw on his
face. Surely he’s not thinking anything about me, like I’m not about him. That’s
what I’m going to keep telling myself anyways. Smiling up at Matt, I try not to let
my face show anything but happy to be with him.

Apparently not noticing the weirdness, he squeezes my hand and leads us towards the
Chapter Five

As we make our way into the kitchen, we pass Dan and Maria. They are off to the
side now, talking with a friend of Maria’s. She’s a tall girl, with flowing blonde
hair. Like Maria she’s a waif of a girl, and just radiates shyness. Waving as we go
by them, I think to myself that her name might be Emily but I wouldn’t bet on it.

The kitchen, even with its large size is very crowded, as we push our way to the
drinks lining the counter. Matt releases my hand to reach for a bottle containing a
white liquid. He pours both of us a glass, and hands one to me. I take it, but only
sip it. I already feel a little dizzy from the drink Gabe gave me. Matt doesn’t
notice though, he’s listening to his friends Austin and Alex arguing over

Trying to get his attention, I lean back on the counter to face him.

“So how was work tonight, any excitement?” I say.

“Actually none at all, the shack was quiet all night. Rudy called out, and I
couldn’t leave Justin on his own. He’d probably set the place on fire, just trying
to get a pizza out of the oven.”

He shifts a little so that he’s standing in front me, and leans in close so that
his arms on either side of me.

“Well your one hell of a driver, made it here in no time at all. And with time to
change, I don’t even smell the usual pepperoni aroma.” I smile at him teasingly.

Laughing, he says “I got lucky; the roads were empty for a first. So I made it home
with just enough time to pretty myself up for you.”

Raising my hand that’s not holding the drink, I place it on his chest. He’s soft
and warm, and his heart speeds up when I touch him. Licking my lips, I lift my eyes
and lean towards him. He’s leaning closer into me, and we are a breath apart when a
small plastic ball smacks him in the side of his head. Laughing I pull back, Matt
glares over at Austin.

Who is holding pong balls and laughing with a group of guys.

Matt steps away from me and picks the ball off the floor, I notice the muscles of
his arms straining against his shirt and I wish we hadn’t been interrupted. Then I
think that the drinks are getting to me more than I thought. He stands back up, and
pulling his arm back chucks the ball back to Austin. He easily steps aside to avoid
to being hit, and waves Matt over to him. The other guys are making catcalls and
rude jesters at us, and I hide behind Matts back feeling my face heat up. This of
course sends the guys roaring, and clapping in approval.

This is one reason I avoid pda, Matt’s friends are like dogs with a bone.

Turning back to me, Matt takes my hand and starts to lead me out of the kitchen the
way we came in. As we slink by, Austin slaps his hand on Matts shoulder and holds
him in place.

“We need your opinion on something Mattie. The boys and I are about to start a pong
match and we can’t decide if it’ll be strip or regular. What do you and your girl
think?” Austin says.
Standing shoulder to shoulder with Matt, I can see his face reddening and I know my
face is still on fire. They all hackle at our embarrassment, and I can feel Matt
tense beneath my hand. He’s about to say something, when there is a loud screeching
sound from outside. It’s quickly followed by a roaring crunching sound and glass

The whole house shutter’s as the ground shakes from an impact.

Everyone in the kitchen stops whatever they were doing and freezes. The music that
was just blaring a booming techno song gets turned off. In the silence of the
house, a car horn can be heard outside. It’s grating and continuous, and I lean
into Matt who holds me tightly.

He looks to Austin, who instantly walks out into the living room, looking not so

His group of friends trail after him, and we can’t help but to follow too. The
dancing had stopped, and everyone is either staring out the window or at Austin. He
stops at the main bay window, shaking his head he clenches his hands into fists.

“Shit. My dad is going to lose it.” He grunts as he continues to stare out the

Being held back by Matt, I peak around the group in front of me to see out the
window too. What I see makes me gasp in surprise. The blaring horn is coming from a
car imbedded into the side of a tree in the yard. From the looks of things, someone
lost control of the car and rammed into all our parked ones. It must have been
going fast, because it flipped and hit some of the other cars before crashing into
the tree. No one moves in the living room, we’re all looking to Austin to make the
first move, this being his house and all. Even though I don’t know him very well, I
can see he’s torn. Wanting to make sure no one was seriously hurt.

Then on the other hand not wanting to help so he won’t get busted, a minor drinking
isn’t exactly legal.

The group from outback must have heard the commotion, because they begin to migrate
to the front lawn. They’re jumbled together in a group of twenty; they are still in
swim suits and dripping wet. I don’t see Claire or Brian with them, and wonder if
they are still outback. In front of me, Austin sighs and he beckons some of his
friends to follow him. As they walk to the front door, a guy I remembers name being
Kyle, calls over his shoulder for anyone to call 911. We all appear hesitant, not
wanting the first person to be the nark. But then a guy in the back of our crowd
gets out his cellphone.

As soon as Austin opens the front door, the horn is almost defining. But under it
you can almost hear another noise; it takes my brain a moment to place it. When I
do, I realize it’s a scratching noise. As in someone from inside the car is
scratching at the windows. That must mean whoever is in the car, is more hurt than
anyone would think, and they’re trapped. Austin’s group must have realized this at
the same time, because they rush out the door not even closing it behind them and
down the front steps.

I feel a light feathered touch on my arm not around Matt, and I jump.

Looking beside me, it’s Dan with Maria.

“What’s going on out there?” he asks.

I’m not really sure how to answer, and he knows as much as me, so I just shake my
head. Maria leans around him, and gives me a nervous smile. I glance up at Matt,
but he’s watching the guys outside, so I turn my attention back outside also.

Chapter Six

They made it too the car, Kyle and another guy Adam are at the driver’s side door.
The windows are tinted and they can’t see inside. I can barely hear them call out
to someone inside, and by their faces no one responds. Austin and his friend Alex,
make their way to the passenger side, tapping the windows. Abruptly the horn goes
silent. The scratching becomes more persistent, and someone can be heard from
inside but the voice is inaudible. Instinctively they all step back and look at
each other questioningly. Before anyone can stop him, Kyle sprints up to the
driver’s side door and pulls it open. Something heavy falls to the ground, in a
sickening clump.

Kyle leaps back, and I get a good look at what it is.

It’s a body, so badly mauled that I can’t tell if it’s male or female. There is
blood everywhere, but it seems to ooze from a gaping hole in its chest. It’s so
still, I don’t know if it’s alive or dead. I hear shouts of alarm and some screams
of horror, but I’m too shocked to do anything. Matt holds me tighter, and I can
feel him trembling. Dan pushes his way to the window, while Maria lingers closer to
me, she’s pale.

Quickly I look to the tree where the car is stuck, and I wonder how a small crash
could cause the damage to the body. That’s when I hear the scratching again, or I
should say a slither. Shifting my eyes to the body, I feel hope that maybe it’s
alive, but it’s still. The guys around the car are looking inside. Kyle walks
closer again, and he bends down to get a better look.

Slowly an arm reaches over the driver’s seat followed by another with his head held
low a man pushes across the seat. He must be hurt pretty bad, he’s shacking and
making these low gurgling moans. Kyle reaches for him, and the guy raises his head
and snaps his teeth at him. His face is covered in blood, and some falls from his
mouth. He pushes himself up on his arms, and I notice that his right shoulder is
missing a chunk so large I can see bone. Startled, Kyle stands up straight and Adam
makes his way closer to him with his posture tense with alarm.

I hear hushed voices of terror all around me, but I don’t understand what’s
happening. Why aren’t they helping this stranger, and that’s when I feel it, Fear.
He oozes it, like the blood from his mouth. But I can’t take my eyes off this man,
who by all appearance killed the driver and might have even caused the accident.

He’s still crawling over the seat, and leans out onto the body below. He hovers
over it, and rubs his face in the whole in its chest. The body below him jerks and
he stops. Raising his face he looks up like he smells something. Snarling, he leaps
off the still jerking body and crashes into Kyle. Who at the last second tried to
get out of the way, but only succeeded in throwing himself of balance. He falls to
the ground yelling, with the man biting into his throat.

Chapter Seven
Everyone is in an instant frenzy, screaming and yelling. Kyle tries to push the man
off him, but he just ends up hitting at the man’s back while he gnaws at him. As
Kyle’s cries go weak, Adam is there pulling at the man, and when he doesn’t budge
Austin and Alex are suddenly there to help. That’s when I notice something weird.
The body that fell from the car, that I thought was dead, is now dragging itself
over to the guys around Kyle.

It reaches out its bloody arm and pulls at Adams pant leg. So consumed in helping
Kyle, he doesn’t notice until the body is completely upright. He turns at the last
second, just in time for it to sink its teeth into his arm. Yelling, he rips his
arm away and shoves it off him. It just growls at him and lunges, catching him by
surprise they fall to the ground. He’s calling for help, as it tears into his
throat. Some of the group from the yard rush over to help him, but he’s already
stopped moving.

The thing on him rushes at a thin girl, and I have to look away and back to where
Kyle is.

The guys with Kyle are still struggling to dislodge him, when he stops moving. The
man pushes back and rushes at the nearest guy, Austin. He goes for his throat, but
Austin sees him coming and jumps back. The man still reaches him though, and gets
his shoulder instead. Austin pushes the man off him and he takes a chunk of skin
with him. He barely has the strength to hold it off, as it lunges for him again,
while holding his bleeding shoulder.

As Alex is about to assist Austin, Kyle sits up. Everyone in the living room takes
in a breath, as he turns his head towards Alex who has stopped to stare at him.
Kyle reaches for him, and faster than Alex can move, Kyle leans over and bites into
his leg. Alex pulls back and knee’s him in the face knocking him back down. Alex is
running toward Austin now, and Kyle is already getting to his feet.

When Adam is getting to his feet and attacks the nearest person by biting into
them, everyone in the yard erupts into chaos. They are all running in different
directions, and yelling for help that will never arrive in time. Some are going to
assist they’re friends that are being attacked, but most are running for the cars
and trying to leave.

Inside, we seem to having a delayed reaction. As if the mess outside isn’t really
real. I feel frozen, not knowing if I should run or hide. I know I should want to
help my friends, but my first instinct is to get away. Before I have time to even
decide, Dan is running over to the fireplace in the corner I didn’t notice earlier,
and grabs for a fire poker. He rushes out the door with Gabe, who is running from
behind me. I hardly have time to think that he was so close to me and I didn’t even
know when they are already making their way down the steps and into the yard. A guy
in trunks covered in blood runs at Dan snapping his teeth, and not hesitating he
swings the fire poker and knocks him out of the way.

Screaming I yell to Dan to come back, that it’s not safe.

Matt doesn’t make a move to help him, and he’s holding me too tightly for me to

In the seconds it took for me to glance from the window to Dan, the chaos outside
multiplied. There are at least twenty dead people running around attacking. Friends
are attacking friends, guys are running to they’re cars leaving their girlfriends
bloody and screaming. Still leaning against Matt, I reach out my free hand to Maria
who is shaking in terror. I might not be able to do much, but I can at least offer
But before she has a chance to take my hand, Matt pulls me to the door.

Chapter Eight

I resist him, my earlier ideas of leaving forgotten. He holds tight to me, and is
almost dragging me out by my arm.

“Matt, stop. Are you crazy, where are we going?”

He stops just inside the door, and turns to me. His eyes are frantic and I know he
must be terrified. He pulls me too him, and places his hands on my shoulders.

“Listen to me Maggie. My car is parked along the road.” He glances behind him,
before turning back. “It’s close, but we have to go through those things out

I’m shaking my head no before he even finishes. Is he out of his mind! The guys out
there are stronger than us and they got killed. We’d never make it, its suicide.

“I know we can make it, I swear. We can’t stay here.”

“We can’t leave everyone else behind. It’s not right.” I say.

I look behind me at Maria, and see that she’s as white as a ghost. She catches my
eyes, and shakes her head. She starts to back up, implying if we leave, she won’t
follow. I haven’t even seen Claire since we came inside, and I pray she’s not out
front. The rest of the kids outback are rushing in through the porch door, but I
don’t see her amongst them. I can hear the yells of my peers as they struggle to
fight those things.

“Claire was outback, we have to find her. I can’t just leave and what about my
brother?” I try to pull him back into the foyer.

He holds me in place with his hands, and gets this sad look on his face. Raising
one hand to my cheek, he shakes his head fiercely.

“I’m sorry Maggie,” He grabs my hand now and takes a step backwards. “I just can’t
lose you.”

He immediately pulls me through the door. It feels like another world out here.
There are screams of pain, surprise, and even action. The lawn even in the dark is
already covered in blood, and I can’t turn my eyes from the horror of it all.
Someone comes out of the house behind us, and bumps into me trying to go down the
steps. I stumble into Matt and we get pushed into the yard faster than I would
like. Whatever those things are, they’re fast. As soon as they bite into someone
and kill them, they are immediately jumping right back up and are running for the
next kill.

Matt doesn’t stop when we hit the lawn, but grips my hand and pulls me forward.
He’s moving quickly and I try to keep up, but the chaos around me keeps drawing my
attention. Everywhere I look someone is being killed, and then getting back up
themselves. We dodge around a girl that has fallen with another girl biting into
her stomach, and I hate that we don’t stop to help. As we are making it to the edge
of the grass I hear a familiar voice. I turn to the right, and I see Gabe on the
other side of the yard.

He’s hitting at Adam who is biting into a girl’s hip, and she’s yelling and trying
to tear him off her. His hits don’t register though, and I can tell by the
intensity of her screams that he only latches on tighter. Just as Gabe pulls him
off her, I’m sighing in relief when something slams into Matt. I have just enough
time to turn to see what it was, when they fall to the ground. From the strength of
them falling, my hand slipped from his, and I stumble onto the ground on my side.
It’s a guy our age, but half his throat is missing. As he snaps and growls at Matt,
it comes out as a hiss. Rolling onto my back, I see the guy straddling him, and
Matt’s trying to shove him off. It feels like time stops suddenly, but I know
that’s not true. I have trouble focusing and all I can see is Matt, and I don’t
know how to help him.

Before I can decide to get up, I feel a scratching on my ankle. Looking down at my
feet, there is a young blond girl trying to crawl up my legs. She’s missing an arm,
and one of her legs is bent at an unnatural angle. I know she’s one of those things
now, from the way her mouth is silently snapping at me and her eyes aren’t even
focused. It’s like she’s running on instinct, and right now, it’s to kill me. I
shuffle backwards with a yelp, and kick out with my feet. It doesn’t shake her off
though, her hand grips my calf and I can feel her nails through my jeans.

Pulling back one of my legs, I kick out at her face and she only stops for a second
still gripping me. She pulls herself up my legs, and her head is now near my feet.
As her mouth gets closer to me, I thrash my legs fiercely and scream for help.
Knowing no one is coming for me, I try to roll onto my stomach, hoping for leverage
to pull myself away. Just as I feel the pressure of her teeth into my sneakers, I
hear a crunch and the weight of her is gone from my legs.

I flip back onto my back, expecting something worse than the girl.

It’s Gabe.

He had kicked her in the face, and she has fallen onto her back. Her nose is a
bloody mess, but it only stunned her for a moment. She’s already trying to roll
back to me, ignoring Gabe and focusing on the one on the ground in her reach. Gabe
is faster than her though, and he kicks her again. When she falls back this time,
he lifts he foot and smashes it into her face. When I hear her skull crunching
under his foot, I look away. Now successfully rolling onto my stomach, I can pull
myself to my feet. As I steady myself, something grabs my arm. I spin around with a
yell, and try to pull myself free. I barley have a second to realize its Gabe, when
he’s pulling me towards the house.

His hands are warm and slick with sweat.

I can feel the tightness in grip, and I know he’s just has frightened as I am.

My feet stumble along, and I look around for Matt praying he’s alright. I glance
back to where we were, and see Matt, who is now leaning on Dan. He has blood on
him, but I can’t tell from where I am how bad he’s hurt. Dan is swinging the fire
poker at the guy that was attacking Matt, and knocks him to the ground. I almost
stop and turn to go to them, but Gabe’s grip on my hand keeps me from moving away.
I have to take my eyes off Matt, so I don’t trip and we’re dodging around fallen
friends, and I can’t stop the tears as I see the state they are in.

Everywhere there are limbs missing from bodies, and then I see who they were once
attached too. They are now chasing they’re friends and biting into them. There is
so much blood on the ground that the grass is slick with it, and we have a hard
time staying on our feet.
As Gabe finally reaches the porch steps, I see that the door is open and Brian and
Claire are standing there. I’m surprised to see them holding knifes that are
already dripping blood. I’m so relieved to see Claire that I can hardly catch my
breath. Behind them, I see Maria who is dragging in an unconscious Austin inside. I
can’t help feeling surprised and a little guilty. I should have made Matt stay to
help and not tried to make a run for it. I don’t have time to think any further
though, because some more of those things are running at us.

Gabe is suddenly swinging us around so that I face the steps, and he pushes at me.

“Go!” he yells in my face.

I stumble on them, but quickly rush up, not even glancing behind me. I can feel him
close behind, and hope that it’s him and not something else. Reaching the deck, I
throw myself toward the door, and only now do I look behind me. Dan has gotten to
us and is lugging a limp Matt with him. He tosses the fire poker to Gabe, who has a
blood soaked guy almost to him. He catches it in one hand with ease, and brings it
around so that it snags the guy in the head. He knocked him to the ground, but he
quickly brings the poker down so that it smashes into is face. The guy stills his
movements and Gabe turns back around and looks right at me. I haven’t moved from my
spot near the door, even though everyone is rushing inside. But I can’t take my
eyes off of Gabe.

How can he be so unfathomable?

I’m so terrified I could just die, but he’s being so brave.

He looks away though, and it feels like a spell has been broken. I guiltily focus
my attention to Matt, who is almost near me with Dan. I rush to them, and take some
of his weight off of Dan.

I rest his arm on my shoulder, and help him inside.

Chapter Nine

As I pull Matt inside, I can’t help to worry as he’s so limp in my arms. His
breathing is shallow, and he’s slick with blood. Reaching the inside foyer, Dan
drops Matts arm and leaves us to go back out to the porch. Walking towards the
living room, I peak behind me to the door. Claire comes back inside and is dragging
a dark haired boy with a bleeding leg, with the help of Brian. Gripping Matt closer
I try to walk us faster, as to make room for the others. His breath catches as we
stumble along, and I know he must be in pain. Just as I turn to go to the living
room. A goofy looking blonde guy comes running over to us and helps me haul Matt
over to the couch.

Everyone in the room is in a frenzy, but different from the one earlier in the
night. The couch is already holding a barely conscious Austin, and with help I sit
Matt up beside him. His head lulls to the side and his eye’s flutter open before
closing again. I look up to the guy that helped me, and he’s standing at the edge
of the couch and looking nervous. I remember his name then, it’s Sam. He’s been in
some of my classes, and is always awkwardly sitting in the back away from everyone

“Thank you Sam.” I say as I try to offer a small smile. But my cheeks feel too
tight to move properly, and I can feel the dried tears.

Sam shrugs, but does give me a slight smile in return, and then he turns then and
leaves back in the direction of the door. I can still hear some of the others
yelling outside, and I have to force myself to stay calm. I really hope no one else
is too badly hurt. I focus my attention back to Matt, who’s now slouched down low
on the couch. Worried I kneel down in front of him, and place my palm on his cheek.
He’s cool to the touch, but I can feel him moving as he breathes. I sigh in relief,
and take in his appearance. His clothes are drenched in blood, and I can’t really
tell where he’s hurt.

Standing up, I look around the room for something to clean him up with.

Gazing around the room, I finally see what’s going on, and not just blurry shadows
of movement. Beside Matt is Austin, he’s not awake, but I can see that he has a
pretty big chunk missing from his right shoulder. The blood is just oozing from it,
but he doesn’t seem to notice. Near him, is his friend Alex. He’s tearing at a
towel, and is pushing it into his friends shoulder.

I see a bite mark on his hand that is bleeding lightly, but he doesn’t seem overly

On the other side on the room, I see the girl that Gabe was helping earlier. She’s
sitting on a lounger, and the girl Emily is beside her. She’s holding an already
blood soaked towel into the other girls hip. Sitting on the floor next to them is
the dark haired boy, who Claire and Brian just sat down. In one hand he’s holding
onto his thigh and in the other he holding the sitting girls hand.

Coming from the kitchen I see Maria, she is running into the room gripping a bundle
of multicolored towels. I’ve never seen her so determined before this isn’t the
same frightened girl I saw when Matt and I left.

Seeing me, she rushes over and tosses the bundle on the coffee table before handing
me one.

“Start wiping some of the blood off.” She begins as she backs away towards the
kitchen again. “I’ll get some water so we can get him cleaned better.”

I don’t even have time to reply, she’s already disappeared out of the room.
Shakily, I kneel in front of Matt again. As I’m about to lift the towel, I hear the
front door slammed shut. I jump in surprise and start to worry that one of those
things may have gotten inside. Behind me, Brian rushes out of the room and in the
direction of the foyer.

He leaves a nervous looking Claire behind.

Gently, I rub the towel along Matt’s arm and glance back at Claire. We share a look
for a moment, and I can’t describe the feeling of comfort I get from just a look.
It’s good to know that even if things are out of control and no one knows why, that
I’m not alone. I can tell she’s thinking the same thing, and then she turns back
and offers help to Emily. They are trying to keep the girl still so they can clean
her up.

I wipe some more of the blood off of Matt, and it’s so thick on him, that only a
thin layer comes off. He stirs a little bit as I apply more pressure to the towel.
Maria is suddenly leaning over my shoulder, making me jump in alarm. She hands me a
damp cloth, and sets a bowl of water beside me. She’s holding another bowl, and
brings it over to the girl in the chair. With the wet cloth I rub at Matt’s arms,
and the blood comes of easily.
Once one arm is clean, I start on the other. I begin with his hand and work my way
up. On his forearm, the blood is still flowing. I clear the skin some, and see the
cause of all the blood. A big bite was taken out of the outside of his arm just
above the elbow. It’s so deep, that I can see the bone of his arm. That’s when the
smell hits me. It’s a combination of metal and hamburger and it tickles the back of
my throat and teases my gag reflex. I notice then, that the room is filled with the
smell, and I almost can’t stand it.

But Matt moans, and stirs a little and makes me remember the task at hand.

Breathing through my mouth, I try to ignore the smell. I gingerly wipe away the
blood around the bite. Satisfied that it’s as clean as it’s going to get, as the
bite is still bleeding, I reach for a clean towel behind me. It’s a small hand
towel, so I easily wrap it around his arm. Pressing down as hard as I can, I tie it
off. Leaning back on my heels, I rinse the wet rag in the already dark water. I
raise myself up and am reaching for Matt’s cheek, when I see the other’s from the
porch make their way into the room.

It’s Gabe, Brian and Dan, and I notice that they look very grim.

I strain to see if anyone is behind them, but they are the only ones that walk into
the room. I wonder about Sam, and hope his nervousness didn’t get him killed. I can
hear the noises outside more clearly now, and the cries of our friends are slowly
becoming softer. Replacing them is the sound of moans, skin tearing, and rapid feet
shuffling along the ground. I feel as if a weight is falling onto my shoulders, and
I feel guilty that I didn’t do anything to help more.

Everyone in the room’s attention goes to the guys walking in the entrance at the
same time. We are all in stunned silence. They’re hands are covered in blood, and
are all breathing heavily. Gabe still has the fire poker, and it’s dripping blood
and some strips of something I don’t want to think about, onto the carpet. Beside
him is Brian, who is holding a knife that is equally covered in dripping things.
Then there is my brother Dan, and I’m so happy that he’s alright.

I’m not the only one either.

I hear Maria gasp in surprise, near the kitchen. She drops the blankets she was
carrying and runs to Dan. Lifting his arms to catch her to him, he drops a dripping
golf club onto the floor. I’m wondering where he got that, when Sam comes running
in behind them, and nearly bumps into Dan and Maria.

He stops before hitting them though, and protects something in his arms.

“Hey, look what I found.” He says as he holds up a metal baseball bat. “This’ll
help right?”

He looks between the guys, and they only nod at him. He must sense the unease in
their posture, because he lowers the bat and glances behind him toward the closed
front door. Looking defeated he makes his way into the room, and sits on the floor
near me. The noises outside dwindle to just those of the things running about, no
longer are there cries of pain or alarm.

I look around the room then and try to figure how many made it. Five of us are
hurt, Matt included, and pretty badly at that. That leaves eight of us that are
unharmed, myself included. So that makes thirteen of us that are safe inside. I
cringe at that, just earlier tonight, there was at least over eighty people
partying. I have no idea if anyone made it away with they’re cars, and even worse
if they turned into the things outside. Suddenly I feel trapped, and have an awful
feeling that we might be stuck here.

If those things are still outside, I don’t have the slightest idea what we can do.

Chapter Ten

“What the hell happened out there?” Dan says.

We’ve been huddled in the living room for the last hour, too afraid to move around
the house too much. The sounds of the things outside is making everyone that’s
awake nervous, they just recently began shuffling into the windows in groups. We
have the shades closed, and it’s too dark out to see how many of them there are. No
one seemed to want to turn on the flood lights outside to check, I know I sure

“It’s pretty obvious what happened.” States Gabe, “But it seems too impossible to

We’re all staring at him, and I for one don’t want to say out loud what I know he’s
thinking. It can’t be real, stuff this crazy only happens in horror movies. And
besides I’m far too plain to be cast as the big chested bimbo that always runs
upstairs to get away. My friends and I are too normal to be fighting for our lives
from monsters.

I lean back on the couch, and snuggle deeper into the crook of Matts shoulder. He
leans over and kisses my temple. He’s been awake for a little while, and he can’t
seem to stop giving me guilty looks. I stopped being mad at him when I saw his arm.
I know he did what he did, in hopes of keeping us safe. Not everyone can be a hero
and try to save those around them.

He doesn’t seem to be in that much pain, but that could be from the aspirin that
Maria was passing out earlier. Beside us is Austin, he only just woke up a few
minutes ago when his dog jumped onto his lap. They both seem to be dossing off now
though, which is good. The make shift bandage on his shoulder has already been
changed three times. It just seems like the bleeding isn’t stopping and he keeps
getting whiter and whiter.

The thing that must be on all our minds is if we don’t get out of here. He might
not make it.

“What do we do now though?” whisper’s Claire.

I glance at her and feel just as lost as she looks. She’s sitting on the floor
across from me in front of the unlit fireplace. She’s sitting close to Brian, who
has his arm around her. Beside them is the girl in the chair, whose name I found
out is Lucy. Her boyfriend Peter is still beside her on the floor, they both are
dossing off at the moment. Between them and the couch is Alex and Sam, they must
not be friends because they don’t look at one another or maybe I’m reading into
things. On my other side sitting on the loveseat is Dan with a sleeping Maria
beside him. Next to her sits a nervous looking Emily. And directly in front of me,
sitting next to Claire near the fireplace is Gabe. He keeps staring at his now
clean hands, which are still holding the fire poker. I don’t think he put it down
once, not that I blame him.

Dan’s voice brings me out of my reverie.

“We should make sure those things don’t get inside for one.” He glances to the
window closest to him. “They don’t seem to know how to open the door, but they are
trying to push through the windows.”

The noise I was trying to ignore comes rushing back to my ears, and I inwardly
cringe. The scratching at the glass keeps getting worse, and I wish and loath that
the sun will be up soon. By the noise, there must be a lot of them out there. I can
actually hear the floor boards of the porch groaning, or maybe it’s them. I
suddenly don’t feel safe in the living room anymore, and there are far too many
windows in here.

Apparently I’m not the only one to think this though, since I don’t get the chance
to say it.

“These windows won’t hold forever. We should try to block them the best we can.”
Gabe says.

“Even if we can get them blocked, I don’t think we should stay down here.” Brian

“Yeah well, it won’t matter where we are. Those things are going to get in
eventually. But your right, not being right next to them is probably a good idea.”
Gabe replies.

“Has anyone called for help? Like 911 or the cops, or something?” Mumbles Sam. He’s
so nervous talking to everyone that his face gets red, and he doesn’t look up.

“I tried before anyone went outside in the first place.” Emily says. “I just keep
getting a busy signal. I tried my house too, but no one’s answering.”

“Well that can’t be a good sign.” Sam says with wide eyes.

“We should worry about the windows for now, and figure out the rest of that out
later.” Gabe says as he stands up.

I lean into Matt for another second, and close my eyes. I can’t help feeling that
things are going to get worse before they get better, and I want to treasure being
safe in his arms. He holds me tighter, even though I know it has to hurt him. I
raise my head up a little, so that I can look at him. His face is close to mine and
his once bright blue eyes now look light and hollow. He’s beginning to get as pale
as Austin, even though we managed to slow the bleeding on his arm.

As everyone that is awake and not hurt get up to find things to use for the
windows, I lean into Matt for a quick kiss. I keep it light, not wanting to hurt
him, and he sighs into me. I pull back and sit up, and try to seem reassuring. He
closes his eyes and rests back into the couch, and I worry about him not for the
first time.

Standing up, I find Gabe watching me from across the room.

With everything that’s happened I haven’t had the time to try and figure him out.
And his weird lingering glances aren’t helping anything either. He looks away first
though and helps Dan pull the love seat up to the front window. It won’t do much,
but it will momentarily slow anything that comes in. It’s a small comfort, but
it’ll have to do.

I make my way toward the porch door and help Claire and Brian move the kitchen
table in front of it. We move the round table right up to the sliding glass door,
and put two chairs in front of it so it doesn’t tip over. On either side, we put
two more chairs up. Brian goes off to help Dan and Gabe, who are having trouble
moving a bookcase that was in another room in here.

“So how are you holding up?” Claire asks as she picks up a stool from the island in
the kitchen beside us.

“Better than Matt, I think he’s worse than what he’s letting on.” I say as I grab
one of the stools and walk it to the window with Claire. “What about you?”

She stops in front of the window, and sighs. She turns to me with a small smile

“Grateful for Brian, he’s so strong. It feels like he sucks all the terror out of
me, and I know I don’t have to be afraid as long as he’s around.”

I can’t help but return her smile. Given the circumstance, we should all try to
make the best of the situation. And Claire is. I’ve just never seen her this way
before. Not to mention the way she wielded the knife earlier out on the deck. I
always assumed I was the stronger of the two, but I realize that I was wrong. I ran
away from the fight, and she stood up to it. In this moment I’m so proud of her, if
not a little jealous, and I’d give anything to feel as sure as she does.

“He has to be doing something, you were all supergirl earlier.”

“I know, right!” She blushes though, and I don’t think she’s ever like a guy more
than right now.

We finish bringing the four other stools over to the window next to the porch door.
Satisfied, we spilt up to find some bigger furniture to place in front of the next
window. The others have spilt up and are moving things in their own sections of the
large living room and foyer. I wander past the kitchen towards the stairs, near a
closet there is a desk. It’s averaged sized and figure I could lift it on my own. I
learn pretty fast that I was wrong. It’s made out of a heavy wood, and can barely
lift one side, let along drag it anywhere. Starting to sweat from the struggle, I
close my eyes and lift with all my strength. I’m about to give up and ask for help,
when the desk lifts up at the other end. I can now easily lift my end.

I open my eyes and am surprised to see Gabe holding the other end.

“Where do you want it?” He says, as he stares down at the desk.

“There’s a gap in the windows near the porch door. It’ll fit there.” I say.

He doesn’t say anything else as we move it to the kitchen. As soon as it’s in front
of the window, he’s already backing away.

“Gabe wait,” He stops and stares at me with a blank expression. “I just wanted to
say thank you.”

Nodding, he turns to walk away again.

I don’t know why he’s acting all weird, but he needs to hear what I have to say. I
quickly step over to him and reach for his arm. My fingers barely graze his arm
when he flinches and turns back to me. I drop my hand away, feeling as if they were
burned. Even though I know they weren’t, it just feels like a shock that he

“What?” He’s glaring now, and I can’t help feeling hurt.

“I just meant thank you for earlier, not for the desk. I mean, yes thank you for
that too, but more for earlier.” I know I’m rambling now, but I just can’t stop. “I
mean it, thank you. You didn’t have to come back to help me.”

He shrugs, “Matt would have helped you if he could have, but he was a little busy.
How is he by the way?”

“I’m not sure to be honest, he got bit pretty badly. I’m worried he lost too much

Gabe steps closer to me, and reaches his hand out. Before he touches my arm, I
notice out of the corner of my eyes that Sam and Alex are getting Matt and Austin
up. Near them, Dan and Brian hover and they must be waiting to move the couch. I
turn away from Gabe and start to go help Matt.

“Thank you again Gabe, it means a lot.” I say over my shoulder.

As I walk away, I hear him walk back into the wall. He lets out a deep breath, and
I force myself not to look back at him. I feel so confused over the way he’s being.
One minute he was kind of being rude, and then he seemed like he was about to try
and comfort me. I don’t know what to think about that. I won’t lie and pretend I
don’t have the same conflicting thoughts about him.

It seems like such a dumb thing to worry about, but I think I hurt him when I
walked away.

Chapter Eleven

By the time the sun the sun is coming up, we’re all settled upstairs is Austin’s
room. The window’s downstairs are blocked the best way we knew how, meaning most
furniture is pushed against them. But it’s better than nothing, in my opinion. At
least there will be some sort of obstacle for those things to get by first. Being
on the second floor, almost gives us the illusion that nothing is wrong. For one
thing, it’s quieter.

We can’t hear the scratching and banging on the windows.

We all pretty much found a wall to lean against, and try to stay calm. Except for
Austin of course who is passed out on his own bed. The girl Lucy is laying across
the bottom of it, no one wanted to see her lying on the floor. Even Austin agreed
who woke up enough to grumble a reply about it. Her boyfriend Peter won’t leave her
side and is perched at the end of the bed.

The room is pretty good sized, and I’m almost jealous about it. The bed is along
the wall to the right of the door, and takes the whole space being a queen.
Straight ahead is a bay window, with a padded seat. To the left of the window, is a
built in entertainment center slash bookcase. It has a large plasma TV and a lot of
video game equipment. There are drawers lining the bottom of it, making me believe
that’s his dresser. To the right of the window, are the closet door and a small
desk. It’s pretty bare except for an expensive looking computer.

It makes my laptop look chincy in comparison.

I’m sitting on the floor next to Matt, who is resting on the window seat, next to
him is Alex. I suppose we’re trying to help out all of us that are hurt, even if we
don’t really know how. The best we figure is they need rest, or try to keep up
their strength. Beside me on the floor are Claire and Brian, and I notice that he’s
been checking out the TV the last couple minutes. Sam is sitting near Brian with
his knees drawn up to his chest, and he hasn’t lost the deer in headlights look.
Near the door on the other side of the bookcase, is Gabe. He’s been pretty quiet
since we came upstairs, and I can tell he’s trying not to look at me. Or maybe I’m
being paranoid, and that’s what I’m doing. On the other side of Alex, near the
closet are Dan and Maria. She’s asleep in his lap and beside her is Emily.

Now that we finished downstairs, we don’t really have another plan or ideas about
what to do next. I do know that we all keep checking our cellphones, and none of us
are able to reach anyone. It’s really unnerving that no one answers, but we do get
the occasional busy signal. But that doesn’t make us feel any better.

I’m about to dose off, leaning against Matt, when Brian stands up and faces the TV.

“What about the news?” He says as he turns back to face the room. “I mean just
because no one is answering the phones, there might be something about it on TV,

“It can’t hurt to try. Reporters have a habit of getting in the thick of things.”
Dan says.

We all kind of nod in agreement, and Brian turns back to the TV. It’s kind of an
elaborate plasma brand, and it takes him a second to find the power button. After
he does though, he still pauses with his hand raised. As if overcoming his
hesitation, he pushes it. The TV clicks on with a whooshing sound, and we all lean
forward in anticipation.

Or at least I do.

The screen is dark for a moment, and all I can hear is static. Then suddenly it’s
alive with color, and it takes me a minute to see what’s on the screen. It’s one of
those emergency broadcast messages you know the ones that come on when you are
usually watching a movie, when there is never a real emergency. Except I know that
this one is clearly not a test, given what is running around outside. There is no
sound, just the occasional bleeping noise. Along the bottom of the screen, the same
message keeps repeating across.

It says,

“Androscoggin County residents are to seek immediate shelter. A rapidly spreading

contagion is infecting the dead, whom are rising. Emergency evacuation is in
progress, and troops are on their way. An emergency service shelter is being
devised, and residents are advised to stay indoors until further notice. Beware of
your surroundings. Be alert. The dead are fast and highly dangerous.”

It keeps repeating in an endless loop, and no more and no less. None of us say
anything, for what feels like forever. I feel a touch on my shoulder and I jump and
look behind me, but it’s just Matt. He looks even paler now.

I know I look the same, even though I’m not even hurt.

“Check the other channels.” Gabe says.

Brian glances at him, but does what he says. He goes through at least all the local
channels and it’s the same screen over and over. I don’t even know what to think,
but it seems our guess was about right. The things outside are dead, yet there up
moving around and apparently it’s not just here.

I really wish we were able to reach someone, anyone really.

I hear crying, and look over to Dan, he’s holding a now awake Maria to him and
she’s sobbing into his shoulder. We might not be able to get in touch with our
parents, but I’m glad Daniel is here with me, and that he’s alright. It’s a small
comforting thought, if only everyone was alright. I lean into Matt, and think not
for the first time, that I hope he’s alright.

Brian is still facing the TV, and only steps away when Claire goes over to him.
He’s more stunned now than he was earlier fighting those things outside. I see Gabe
walking over to the TV, as Brian steps away.

He’s about to turn it off, when there is movement from the bed.

“Leave it on!” Austin yells.

He’s fully awake now, and pulls himself off the bed. He stomps over to Gabe and
while glaring at him he shoves him out of the way.

“Hey, watch it.” Gabe says, as he stumbles out of the way.

Austin doesn’t pay him any attention though he just walks right up to the TV. He’s
nose to nose with it, that the rest of us can’t even see the screen anymore. He
bows his head, and his shoulders begin to shake.

“It can’t be true.” He whispers.

He goes still for a second, then pulls back his bad arm and punches into the TV.
The screen smashes inward, and the room is full of the sound of the metal bending.

We all yell in surprise, while Gabe, Dan, and Brian run up to him. They pull his
hand out, and it’s a bloody mess. As they turn him back to the bed, the towel that
was covering his shoulder is bleeding through again. So much so that it drips down
his shirt. Maria jumps up and flings the closet door open and begins picking
through the clothes. She pulls out some old looking shirts and sets them on the
bed. When Austin sits down, she shoves the other guys away and motions for Emily to
help her.

“I’m sorry.” Austin says, as he hangs his head down. “I don’t know what’s wrong
with me.”

“It’s going to be all right Austin. Emily and I are going to get you cleaned up.
You don’t have to worry.”

They proceed to wash, bandage, and redress him. The entire time, he just sits there
compliantly and has silent tears running down his cheeks. No one says anything to
him, either not wanting to hurt his feelings or are feeling the same way. It’s
strange to see him this way he’s always been the tough guy at school. But I can see
how easy it is to break under the pressure.

When Austin is finally resting on the bed again, we all go back to just sitting in
the quiet. Beside me leaning against the window, is Matt asleep. I take off my
hoody and use it as a pillow and snuggle up to him.

I rest my head on his leg and I close my eyes for a moment.

Chapter Twelve

When I open my eyes again, I’m no longer leaning against Matt. I’m on the floor in
front of the window seat, and I must not have slept that long. It’s still light
out, and still very bright. I hear voices and I try to clear my muddled head. I
pull myself into a sitting position, and my head begins pounding and I have a
moment of dizziness. I shake myself and it goes away, and I look for who woke me

It’s Austin.

He’s standing in the middle of the room yelling at Gabe, who appears to be blocking
the closed bedroom door. That seems odd, what did I miss when I was asleep? Their
voices are getting louder, and I’m not the only one that was woken up. Matt and
Alex are no longer sitting behind me they are now sitting on the bed watching
Austin. Nice to know they left me alone to be comfortable.


Austin’s voice gets so loud he makes me jump in surprise. And I finally make sense
of what they are arguing about.

“Dammit, I can’t stay here! Those things are going to get in! I will not die like
them!” Screams Austin, his face is red with anger.

“Be reasonable, Austin. You can’t just walk out the front door. That’s suicide, and
you know it!”

“What choice do I have, huh? Unless you happen to have an airplane in your back
pocket, then we’re screwed. I’m not waiting around, just to be eaten and turned!”

“We all feel the same way you’re not alone in that. I’m just trying to get you to
understand, that we have to come up with a better plan of action.”

“Plan of action? Are you high Gabriel? Who said I was including any of you?” He
laughs, and it sends chills down my spine.

Still sitting on the floor near Gabe is Sam, and he’s watching them argue back and
forth. He snickers at Austin’s comment and shakes his head.

“I figured that was what you already had in mind. You’re too much the shallow type
to actually want to help anyone but yourself.” Sam says. He must regret it the
moment he says it though, his eyes get wide and his cheeks go red.

Austin doesn’t say anything he just turns and glares at him. He stands there for a
minute, before he begins to shake. I instantly have a bad feeling, like he’s going
to start hitting Sam. I must not be the only one, because Gabe comes closer to him
and Dan is now standing and approaching him slowly. They both are taking their
time, almost afraid of how he’ll respond.

He doesn’t seem to notice them though, his eyes are for Sam.

“You can think whatever you want of me, loser. But I’ll make it out of here alive,
and you can sit here and wait to die.”

Sam is sitting while leaning against the wall so hard I think he’s trying to push
through to the other side. If it was possible, I know he’d be gone by now. Austin
is freaking me out, and he’s not even looking in my direction.

“Dude, will you chill. We’re all scared, but we have to work together.” Alex says
from the bed.

“Listen to Alex, Austin. None of us want to stay here we want to go as much as

you.” Dan says, he talks quietly trying not to spook him.

“Stop trying to confuse me! I know I can make it to my car, it’s in the driveway
for Crist sake!”

He turns then and he’s facing towards me, and I flinch at the hard look on his
face. His eyes are wild, and look too big for his head. His face is so pale, that
he has dark circles under his eyes. His shirt is already wet with blood, and I
don’t know how he’s even standing up.

But he’s not looking at me though he’s looking out the window.

I can almost see a plan forming behind his eyes, and I barely have time to duck
when he runs at me. I can feel the wind as his body passes over me, and he crashes
through the window with no resistance.

When Austin went through the window, the glass rained down on me. I didn’t have
time to try to move, and I can feel the pieces pierce the skin of my back and arms
through my light t-shirt. I sense some of the other’s rush to the window after him,
but I’m still crouched too low to see who. Everyone seems to be yelling, but my
ears are ringing from the sound of the window smashing. Hands grab for me and pull
me up, I stumble to my feet and am facing Gabe. He pushes me behind him to Matt
though, and he grips me tightly.

Gabe, Dan, Brian, and Alex are staring out the window and yelling for Austin to
come back inside. I’m confused for a moment, not understanding what they are
talking about. Then I step away from Matt, so I can see out the ruin of the window.
There is a wide ledge of the roof, right below. He landed on it easily, and is
shuffling to the edge. Now that the window is wide open, I can hear the dead
outside below. As if they sense that Austin is almost within they’re reach, the
moans they make become more persistent. I can almost see the shadows of their
bodies from where I’m standing, and I’m suddenly so scared I can’t catch my breath.

“Austin, it’s not too late, you can come back inside. Trust me, you don’t want to
jump.” Gabe says, as he leans out the window to him.

“Listen to him man, this is crazy!” Alex yells.

“Shut up! I can make it,” Austin starts to lean over the edge. “I know I can.” One
of his legs hangs over the side.

Gabe swears and jumps out the window and onto the ledge with Austin. He’s too late
though, Austin pushes off the side just as Gabe almost reaches him. He falls to the
ground on his hands and knees, and I can hear his cry of pain from inside. He gets
up quickly though, and make a run for his car that is twenty feet from him. By the
time he’s not even half way, the dead around the house are already fast after him.
He’s almost to his car when his foot catches on something on the ground, and he
falls. He’s swarmed almost instantly, and I lose sight of him.

I can only hear him calling out for help, and my stomach rolls at the thought of
what they are doing to him. It only lasts what feels like a second, and he stops
calling out. Very slowly the dead back away from him, and we get a look at his
body. They move as a group, and are more violent than I remember them being last

It’s almost like they are so consumed with a hunger for flesh, that they lost it.

I gag at the sight of him, and have to turn away. You can’t even make him out
beneath all the blood and body pieces. They attacked him so fiercely, that I don’t
think there is anything left to make him into one of them. I must be wrong though,
because I can hear the others screaming. I close my eyes when someone runs from the
room gaging.

I don’t want to see what he’s turned into, and refuse to turn around.

“Gabe, come back inside. It’s too late to help him.” Dan says.

Behind me, I hear Gabe stepping through the window as the glass crackles beneath
his feet. Only then do I open my eyes, and see Matt watching me. He’s looking at me
so strangely, and I don’t have time to figure out why before a banging sound behind
me makes me turn.

It’s Gabe and he’s punching at the wall beside the window.

My heart breaks at the sight of him, he looks so defeated. And he’s not the only
either, Alex had fallen to the floor with his head in his hands. Dan and Brian are
next to Gabe, but neither of them really tries to stop him from his attacks towards
the wall. Not caring what Matt thinks, I walk over to Gabe and place my hand on his
shoulder. He stills instantly, but doesn’t turn around. I can feel his tense
muscles beneath my hand loosening, and as I’m about to pull away he lifts one of
his hands up to cover mine. His touch is warm and his hand is slick with blood. He
drops it suddenly and turns away to walk across the room.

He stops by the door, and sits down against the wall with his hands in his lap.

“It’s not your fault Gabe. We all tried to reason with him, he didn’t want to
listen. What matters now, is that we focus on getting out of here, the right way.”
Dan says, but Gabe doesn’t say anything back. He just bows his head and stares at

I look back to Matt, but he’s leaning against the desk making a point of not
looking at me. Not that I blame him, I didn’t have to be the one to comfort Gabe.
It just seemed like the right thing to do, and I’ll stand by that even if he
doesn’t. I walk over next to him, as Claire, Maria and Sam walk into the room. They
look more ghostly pale than Austin did and I realize they must have been the ones
running out getting sick.

My stomach rolls at the thought, but I try to ignore it.

“The windows downstairs won’t hold much longer. The dead are starting to get more
vicious now, and are taking it out on the house.” Sam grumbles, as he holds his

Claire and Maria both walk into the arms of Brian and Dan, and I feel a twinge of
jealousy. A faint whining sound make me turn my head to the bed. It’s Lucy and
somehow she’s still asleep and looks like she’s having a nightmare. She’s cradled
in Peter’s arms, and he tries to sooth her back to sleep. I notice her bandage is
already covered in blood. I don’t even know how Matts arm is he’s been wearing one
of Austin’s hoodies since we came upstairs.

I know Dan is right though, we have to get out of here like yesterday.
Chapter Thirteen

As the day wears on everyone seems to distance themselves. Since Austin is gone,
the idea of getting out of the house alive is starting to slip away. No one’s
really left the room much, too afraid to be close to the dead outside the windows

Even from in the upstairs bedroom, you can hear the scratching.

By midafternoon, Claire convinces me to help her make lunch. I realize then that
none of us have eaten, but I guess seeing your friends die and get back up to
attack you can take away your appetite. So we go and scrounge up some food, and
manage to solicit the help of the girl Emily. Apparently Austin’s family was big on
take out, because we couldn’t find much beside snacks. Plus, the fridge was full of
to go boxes and none of it smelled all that fresh.

When we came back into the room, the three of us were carrying two plates each full
of crackers, cereal bars, and chips. We also had plastic bags over our shoulders
holding a couple bottles of water. Splitting up we made our way around the room. I
couldn’t help but notice that no one was even talking to each other clearly we’re
not holding up with moral. I make my way to Dan and Maria first, and notice Matt
giving me the evil eye. Ignoring him I offer then each a bottle of water and one of
the plates. Dan seems relieved when Maria nibbles on a cracker right way, and he
offers a smile of thanks to me. Gabe is sitting next to them, and I can see him
watching me out of the corner of my eyes. But I turn to go over to where Matt is
stationed near the window, which everyone’s been ignoring since Austin smashed
through it.

As I walk over to him, he doesn’t even look at me, and I can’t help but deflate a
little bit.

Ever since we got into the house last night he’s been acting different. I mean
everyone is acting different because we’re all freaked out. The thing that’s got me
wondering is why he is just acting strange to me. Is he mad at me, that we’re stuck
here? I admit he was persistent about getting to his car, but we almost didn’t make
it. He even got hurt over it.

Maybe it’s a guy thing?

I kneel in front of him, and offer up the plate for him. He looks at me then and
his eye are full of something weird I can’t figure out what.

“I know it’s not much, but it’s all we could find.” I say.

Glaring at me, he thrusts his hand out and tips the plate out of my hands. It falls
to the floor with a clatter and spilling its contents. I sit back in shock, and can
only stare at him with wide eyes.

“You’re just useless, aren’t you?” He says.

Dan leans around Maria and his eyes shoot daggers at him. “Don’t talk to her that
way. It’s not Maggie’s fault there is shit to eat.”

Matt just looks at him, and shakes his head. He turns back to me, and I’m still too
shocked to even stand up for myself. Not sure if I even need to, I feel like I just
got planted into the middle of a conversation and I don’t know what’s going on.

Turning back to me he says, “Now go back and get me something else. If you come
back with more crap like this, I’ll make you pay for it.”

“What the hell Matt? You’re acting nuts, it’s just food. If you don’t like it then
don’t eat.” I move to stand up, but he grabs my arm. Startled I stop midway, so
that I’m hunched over facing him. He leans his face close to mine, and I can feel
the heat from his breath.

“You’re really asking for it, you stupid bitch.” He practically spits the word in
my face, and all I can do is let out a shuddering breath. I’m too shocked to do or
say anything, so I just stare at him. I can hear some retorts from the others in
the room, but I can’t take my eyes off of Matt to see who.

Out of the corner of my eye’s I see Gabe stand up, he comes over so that he’s
standing off to my left side and is facing Matt. He leans down towards him, and
speaks so low I can hardly hear him.

“If you don’t let go of her right now, I swear I’ll show you who will pay. And
understand this, I won’t hesitate.”

Slowly, Matt takes his eyes off me and turns to face Gabe.

I can’t help too notice that his hold on my arm gets a little tighter, and my heart
speeds up. But then, eye’s still locked on Gabe, he releases my arm. I stumble back
a step and cradle my arm rubbing the red mark he left on it. Matt pushes himself up
the wall and starts to take a step toward me, but Gabe gets in his way. I can see
the muscles tighten along his shoulders, and I know he’s about to take a swing at
Matt. Even over Gabe’s shoulder I know Matt is just itching for a fight.

Before either one can spring, I force myself between them and place a hand on each
of their chests. I can feel some of the others stand up and start to move towards
us. But I just look between the two of them. My eye’s land on Matt, and he’s
grinning at me.

Or I should say he’s smirking, as if he’s mocking me.

Letting my hands fall to my sides, I face Matt fully.

“Listen, we can’t do this. Fighting with each other is beyond stupid. Considering
what’s just out the front door.”

He makes like he’s about to say something, but I cut him off.

“If you have a problem with me, then I suggest you be a man, and just talk to me.
So quit being a jackass and starting fights we don’t need right now.”

It’s so quiet in the room that I glance around. Gabe is still standing just behind
me, and he’s glaring at Matt over my shoulder. Dan is standing in front of Maria,
and clenching his hands into fists but he’s looking at me. Claire is on his left
with Brian holding her shoulders like he’s trying to hold her back. Sam is sitting
on the floor next to them with wide eyes and he’s shifting as if he could get
closer to the wall. Near him on the bed, sit Lucy, Peter, and Alex all leaning
against the wall. They just look board with it all.

My eyes rest on Matt.

Sighing I say, “If you think you could calm down, we can talk in private. But if
you grab me one more time, I’m telling you now that it’s over.”

Behind me, Dan and Claire try to voice their opinions, but I just hold up my hand
to stop them. At my back, Gabe comes around so he’s facing me.

“Maggie, I’m sorry but I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

I keep my eyes focused on Matt, and I can see that he’s really thinking about what
I said. Whether in a good or bad way, I have no idea. Then he’s suddenly grinning
at me, and it’s hard for me to remember that he was just yelling and hurting me. My
heart speeds up again, but I squash it down, not trusting my feelings.

He looks away from me for a second, and says to Gabe.

“Sure, let’s go somewhere more private.”

Chapter Fourteen

I step into the hall first, not even waiting to see if Matt follows me. I’m so
furious at him I almost want to hit something. But more than being mad, I’m also
confused. I have no idea what’s making Matt act this way. He’s never treated me
this way before. I mean sure we’ve argued before, but I don’t think over who’s a
better superhero counts. This is more real, and hurtful. Deep down though, I kind
of feel like I deserve it.

I’m the one who was just yesterday questioning my feelings for someone else.

I don’t even make it too the stairs before Matt grabs my arm and turns me to face
him. I make a squeaky girlie sound and he smirks and squeezes my arm to the point
of painful. I don’t like what I see in his eyes. They are almost feral, with
something dark underneath. Regretting coming out here with him, I try to back up
and pull my arm free. This makes him pull me to him, I start to protest and he
shoves me back into the wall. With a glare he moves in as if to kiss me.

Having had enough I shove at him with my hands on his chest.

“What is your problem Matt?”

He leans into me again, this time locking me between his arms.

“My problem is you.” He snarls. “You’ve been practically throwing yourself at him,
and it makes me sick”

He steps back then, shaking his head. His whole body is tense with anger. I don’t
know why he’s so angry, but I think back to the past day and have I been obviously
watching Gabe. I didn’t think I have been. We’ve been a little busy what with all
the death.

“Who am I throwing myself at? I haven’t even done anything and you’re not making
any sense.”

“You know damn well, who I’m talking about, that jackass Gabe.” He waves his arms
in the direction of the bedroom behind us. “I see how you are with him, and I know
you’ve been sneaking around behind my back!”
Sighing, I start to walk downstairs. Matt grabs for me again, but this time I side
step him and turn to glare at him.

“If you want to argue about fictional nonsense, fine. But I won’t do it where our
friends can hear. They have more important things to worry about than you being
jealous over nothing.”

Going down stairs, I say over my shoulder. “Come downstairs if you want. Otherwise,
just leave me alone.”

At the base of the stairs, I don’t wait to see if he follows or not. I make my way
into the kitchen near the back of the house. Almost to the afraid to get a drink, I
freeze. Down here, I can hear the dead outside more clearly. They scratch and
shuffle into the windows. They’re lifeless moans send chills down my spine. I’m
about to turn to look out the window, afraid that I’ll see one of my friends now
mindless. But I hear a quieter whimper, one much closer.

My first thought, is that one of the dead got inside somehow, but then I look down.
Under the counter island, Austin’s Pomeranian is hiding. I never did get its name,
but I know how he feels. Probably something like terrified.

I’m about to turn to the fridge, and I bump into Matt, who was standing behind me.
I gasp, and bump back into the counter. Making the dog yelp and run out from his
hiding spot. I glare at Matt, but he doesn’t say anything. He just stands there and
stares at me, his arms are at his sides and his hands are clenched.

His body begins to shake, and he narrows his eyes.

“You’re a liar.” He says as he steps closer to me. “I can’t believe I ever fell for
your crap. All of this is your fault you know.”

My eyes widen at this, but I don’t even know what to say, so I step away from the
counter. Not wanting to get pinned again, I make my way towards a small hallway
just off the kitchen in the direction of the patio. I doesn’t really lead anywhere
though, just a door at the end of it. Thinking of it as a dead end I stop.

Matt is right on my heels though.

“What, not going to defend yourself? Because you know it’s the truth. We wouldn’t
be stuck here if you weren’t whoring after that loser!”

I turn to face Matt with a cry of outrage, and find that he has stopped a foot away
from me. Austin’s dog runs into the room then and begins whining and yipping at
Matt. He doesn’t seem to notice him though his eyes are all for me. He’s shaking
much more strongly now, and his eyes are full of rage. I know I should be worried
or scared, but I’m angry at him too.

Before I can tell him where to shove his stupidity, he gasps and hunches over.

His shoulders are heaving, and he’s making a whining sound. Austin’s dog instantly
begins barking with fervor. My earlier anger is gone, and I’m full of worry. Even
if I’m mad at him, he’s still Matt and I don’t want anything bad to happen to him.
I take a step towards him, but he turns away and leans into the wall with his back
to me. I start to reach my hand out to him, that’s when I notice the tremors going
up and down his back.

His shoulders shake more violently.

He begins to make a high pitched wheezing sound.

“Matt? What’s happening are you alright?”

The dog runs up to him suddenly and begins to nip at his feet, making a low
growling noise. Before I can tell the dog to stop, Matt goes still. He stands up
straight and his arms fall to his sides. The dog is still barking, and Matt’s head
tilts sideways and he moans quietly. In a movement to fast for my eye’s to really
understand, he reaches for the dog. With one hand he lifts it up, making it yip in
surprise. With a bone crunching sound he snaps the dog’s neck as he bites into its
throat. He eats at the dog with such savagery, that I take in a breath I didn’t
even know I was holding.

I take a step back, trying to be quiet so as not to startle him.

Matt quickly turns to me to me then, and I swear my heart stops at the sight of

His eyes are fully dilated and I don’t even see any blue. Blood is coating his
lips, and as he snarls at me some blood slides out. I realize then that this is no
longer Matt. He’s turned into one of the dead. He drops the dog, and fully faces
me. I freeze for half a second, not knowing what to do. I see his muscle tense,
readying to spring.

I do the only thing I can think of.


Turning down the hall behind me, I charge for the door beyond. I hear him coming
after me, but I’m too scared to look to see how close he is. I throw myself at the
door with a crash, and my sweaty hands twist at the knob praying it’s not locked. I
push it open and fling myself into a darkened room. Just as I slam the door closed,
Matt is already smacking into it. I fall back into something as the door shudders
under his attacks.

Leaning against something solid I try to slow my breathing. From the sound of the
door cracking I know it won’t hold much longer with Matt fighting against it. I
quickly turn around and look around the room I’m in, hoping for a weapon of some
kind. I’m in the garage and it’s just big enough to fit one vehicle, which is what
I was leaning against. It’s large, maybe a truck, but it’s covered in a dark tarp.
There isn’t time to try to find the door and get in to hide. I do feel a relief
though, if I make it out of this alive, we have a way out of here.

Hearing the door splinter behind me, I survey the room. The back wall in lined with
tools and lawn equipment, and amongst them is an old wood ax. It’s hanging above a
shelf, and I can see the blade glinting off the light from under the door.

My heart speeds up and I’m filled with salvation.

Chapter Fifteen

As fast as I can, I rush around the truck and make my way to the ax. It’s dark in
the room and I stumble into the work benches below the shelves. Just as I reach for
the ax, I hear the door cave into the room. With a yell, I pull it down from the
wall and I hear Matt crashing into the room. Before I can turn around to face him,
he’s already too close to me.

He’s snapping his jaw and his arms are reaching for me.

I quickly back up and swing the ax up at him with a cry, but he’s too close and I
barely hit his left shoulder. He gets knocked to the side, and I only have time to
back up before he’s coming at me again. Unfortunately I backed myself up into the
truck behind me. So I swing the ax out at him again before he gets to close. I lose
my balance, as I’ve hit nothing. And he’s on me before I can recover.

He slams me to the ground with a force so strong, all the breath gets knocked out
of me. I land on my back, with the ax in both my hands between us. He’s growling
and snapping at me, and pushes himself down at my throat. With a scream I turn my
head away and push the ax up at him and trap it just under his jaw. This keeps his
snapping teeth from me, but his hands are clawing at me, but they are no use
against dislodging the ax between us. I hardly feel it as his hands slash at my
arms. I thrash my legs trying to keep him off me, and I struggle to lift the ax

Oh so slowly, do I raise him up.

I manage to wedge my legs up between us and try to push him off that way. My
attempts don’t even budge him. I can feel the blood from his mouth dripping onto my
cheek, and I wonder if I’ll be like him after he kills me.

With the last of my strength I raise him up further with me shaking arms. Getting
my barring’s I kick at him, on the second kick he falls backwards off me and
crashes into the shelves. Panting, I shuffle backwards and pull myself up. Gripping
the ax, I run backwards around the front of the truck and try to make my way to the
door. Matt’s already pulled himself up and is rushing at me again. Abruptly, I
stop. I pull in a deep breath and raise the ax in both my hands.

Right before he reaches me, I swing at him.

This time, I hit the side of his face, and I feel the ax’s hilt shudder as I hit
his skull. I gage as he stops a moment and I struggle to pull the ax free. Just as
I have it out, he’s moving again, his arms almost reaching me. I step back and
swing again, more in attempt to knock him down than to damage. I hit his head for a
second time with the flat of the ax, and he falls to the ground. He’s making a
wheezing moan, as he tries to get to his feet reaching for me still.

Looking down at him, I raise the ax up.

With a gut retching scream, I slam the ax’s blade into his neck. I can hear his
neck snap as I hit bone and the handle shudders in my hands from the hit, but he’s
still moving. Screaming still, I bring the ax down again and this time his head
comes clean off.

He’s not moving anymore.

I stop screaming when his head rolls towards my feet, and I can’t help but stare
down at it. I feel bile rise in my throat, as I see his blonde curls covered in
blood. The ax feels heavy now in my hands, but I don’t loosen my grip. I feel
myself shaking, but I’m not cold. In fact I’m not anything, I don’t feel upset or
scared anymore, but deep down I know I should.

I wonder if this is what shock feels like.

In the quiet I hear someone shouting and footsteps coming closer. At first my whole
body tenses, and I grip the ax to the point of pain and raise it high. But then I
realize it’s the others from upstairs, but that can’t be right, I think. Surely
someone would have come sooner, but I quickly understand that my killing Matt
happened faster than I thought. I feel as if the whole things lasted hours and not
minutes. Just as I’m lowering the ax someone’s running over the pieces of the door
and into the garage, to me.

It’s Daniel.

Chapter Sixteen

Dan slowly makes his way over the rubble of the door with a bat in his hands.
Raising it high, his eyes take in the darkened room, and then finally fall on me.
I’m not sure what I look like, but his eyes widen. They drift down to the ax still
gripped in my hands, then to my feet where Matt’s body lays. Lowering the bat, he
rushes over to me, and I can’t help but flinch and take a step back. He stops just
inches from me, and looks behind him as Gabe makes his way into the room. He takes
the room in the same as Dan, with his fire poker raised high.

He sees Matt first, then the ax in my hands, then he raises his eyes to mine. I
feel my eye’s watering as I see my pain reflected on him. He lowers the fire poker,
and stops just inside the door. His eyes never leave mine. Dan reaches out his hand
and places it on my shoulder, but I cringe back and hit into the side of the truck.
I interrupt him before he can say anything.

“I found a truck for us.” My voice sounds so quiet and hollow, and I can’t imagine
it belonging to me.

I feel my insides begin to shake, but I know it’s all of me when the ax starts to
slip from my trembling fingers. I refuse to let it fall, even though its covered in
blood, I grip it tighter. Letting it anchor me. The guys look to the truck briefly,
and then they continue to watch me. I hear shuffling out in the hall, and I start
to raise the ax again, fear already pumping in my veins.

Gabe turns, and I see Sam.

With a shuttering little cry, I relax and lower the ax again. My arms remain tense
though, and Dan moves closer to me. He’s hesitant now, afraid how I’ll react, and I
wonder if they are frightened of me. This seems odd, since every sound is sending
me over the edge.

Gabe backs up to the side and I have a better view of Sam, who is holding a butcher
knife awkwardly and his eyes are wide. I have an obnoxious thought that maybe his
eyes are naturally wide, when I notice he’s not looking into the garage, he’s
looking at something in the hall. My eyes follow his, and I see Austin’s dog. It’s
barely recognizable, its fur matted with blood. I’d forgotten about the dog, who in
retrospect seemed to know Matt was about to turn before I did. I feel shame, and my
eyes water again.

Yet, they still do not fall.

I’m about to look away, when Sam makes a high pitched yelp. He’s jumping back into
the wall and drops the knife. That’s when I see the dog rise up. It’s making a
keening noise so low and gurgled.
I almost didn’t hear it at all. My heart speeds up, and I freeze in place. My arms
lock up, and I don’t have the strength to lift the ax. Dan is there then with his
bat held high he stands in front of me.

The dog is about to pounce at a defenseless Sam, when Gabe is suddenly upon them.
He runs over to them swinging the fire poker, he hits the growling dog. It gets
knocked into the wall with a yip, and is about to get up again, now focused on
Gabe. He kneels down then and drops the fire poker, and I feel my breath catch, but
I don’t have to worry.

His free hand reaches out for the knife on the floor next to him. Just as the dog
is almost on him, he grabs its fur and thrusts the knife under its jaw and into its
head. It yips and struggles once, but Gabe shoves the blade in further until I
can’t see his head holding the hilt under its fur. It stops moving then. He pulls
the knife free with a suction sound, and lets the now dead dog fall to the ground.

He shakes the blood off it and stands up.

Stepping away to stare in awe of Gabe, I realize that Sam was plastered to the wall
the whole time.

“Wholly Shit.” He says.

Gabe walks over to the dropped fire poker and picks it up. He tosses it to a
surprised Sam, who nearly drops it.

“Next time, don’t lose the only weapon you have between you and death.” He says as
he tucks the knife into the side of his belt. “You may not always have help, so
don’t be stupid.”

Sam only nods his head, being too shocked to say anything. Gabe comes back to the
door of the garage then, and finds my eyes.

“Is this what happened to Matt?” he asks.

My breath is coming is shallow pants. My fingers are numb.

With a clang the ax falls from my grip and onto the ground. Startled Dan jumps back
and faces me questioningly. But I don’t see them, I see Matt. I see his snarling
face as I cut off his head. Bile rises up into my throat again, and I don’t have
the strength to push it down. With a cry, I bend over and throw up. I heave until
I’m shaking in a cold sweat.

My eyes clench shut begging for the image of Matt to disappear.

Kneeling now, my damp hair falls into my face. I don’t know if it’s dampened by
sweat or blood. And for a moment I don’t care, I squeeze my abdomen as I stop
heaving. I feel hands on my head, pushing back my hair then. Slowly I look up and
see my brother. He looks as though his heart is breaking, and I’m about to ask if
he’s alright, when I realize it’s because of me.

I sit back then and let him take me in his arms.

Chapter Seventeen

Even with Dan’s warm arms around me, I should feel safe, but I don’t. I just feel
empty, and hollow. I can’t even form the tears to cry, and that just makes me feel
like crying more. But they never come. I know I can’t sit here forever, but it’s a
scary thought not knowing what is going to happen next. Someone clears they’re
throat, and I open my eyes. It’s Gabe. He’s standing just behind us, and seems to
be having trouble looking me in the eye. I lean back from Dan, but he doesn’t drop
his arms from me. He does however give Gabe a very not friendly look.

If the situation were different I’d probably laugh.

“I’m so sorry, but we should really check the truck. To see if it runs.”

“Back off, we have time. Give us a moment.” Dan retorts.

“I would, but the dead out there won’t wait forever. We need to know if the truck
can get us out of here.” He doesn’t look at me when he says this, and I feel a
sting in my chest at the words.

“It’s fine. It makes sense to look it over. I can’t stay in here anymore.” My words
are so soft, but they scratch at my throat. I cough to clear it, and wish I had a

“Maggie,” Dan starts, but I cut him off by touching his cheek.

“I’ll be alright Daniel, trust me. The sooner we leave the better, okay?”

“…all right.”

Sam comes into the garage and walks over to the truck, and he too tries to look
anywhere but me. Dan gets to his feet, and offers me a hand up. I take it
gratefully, and only wobble for a second before I’m steady on my feet. It feels
like a small victory, but my stomach is still a little queasy. Dan drops my hand
and instead places his arm around my shoulders. I’m about to let him turn me from
the room, when Gabe and Sam pull the tarp from the truck. It’s as expensive looking
as everything else in the house, and it sticks out being a bright red color. I’m
not a big car person, but it looks like a cross between a truck and minivan. It’s
as big on the inside, as I would have thought.

I just hope we can get it running.

Instead of tossing the tarp aside, Sam and Gabe carry it over to where Matt’s body
still lay. They gently lay it over him, and I finally feel that he’s really gone. I
can’t breathe for a second, and can only watch as Gabe comes over to stand before
me. He doesn’t say anything, but his expression says it all. He looks so sad, and
strangely guilty. His eyes are bright and I wonder if it’s from unshed tears.

He starts to raise his hand up to my face, but lowers it halfway. And before I can
beg him to hold me, he turns back to the truck and opens the driver’s side door.
Which is furthest from me, and it looks like it’s unlocked at least. Sam stands
awkwardly for a moment, then goes to help Gabe look through the truck.

Gabe pokes his head around the door of the truck and looks at Dan.

“It’s unlocked obviously, but no keys.”

“Keep looking.” Dan says.

I let Dan turn me back to the garage door, and we make our way over the rubble. He
has to steady me a few times, and once on the hall the light feels so bright me. I
have to squint my eyes as we walk to the kitchen, and desperately avoid looking at
the dead dog on the floor. We stop near the Island, and I lean against it
gratefully. Dan goes to the fridge and gets out a couple bottles of water. Setting
them on the counter, he opens and hand one to me. I take it and it feels so cold in
my hands, that I start to shiver uncontrollably. Dan grabs another bottle and comes
over to lean beside me. We don’t say anything for a while, just content to have
something to drink. The water actually burns as it goes down my throat. My
attention is drawn to what is still outside, and I realize that it’s not any
quieter out here.

I can hear the dead at the windows, and it’s almost like they are getting more and
more anxious knowing we are waiting in here for them. If I listen closely, and try
to ignore the scratching and bumping, I can hear the window’s beginning to crack
under the pressure.

It sounds like ice on a pond breaking, and it sends chills down my back.

“Do you want to talk about what happened?”

Dan’s voice startles me that I almost drop the water bottle. But I turn to him and
see that he’s watching me with guarded eyes. I look away and let out a sigh. I
don’t know where to begin and just thinking about it hurts too much. So I just
shake my head, and distract myself by looking out a gap in the window. I’m
surprised to see that it’s dark outside. Just last night, we were all here having

We’re not now.

“I don’t want to push you Mags, but it would help to know how and why he did what
he did.” He says quietly.

“Just don’t okay. I don’t know how he could have turned into one of them.”

“He was acting weird earlier, wasn’t he?”

“We all have been acting weird, Dan. It’s called stress under pressure.”

My heart is starting to race, and I can’t help feeling so angry. Angry at what I
don’t know, but right now it’s at Dan for making me think about this. He turns to
face me fully, and places a hand on the counter behind me.

“It’s just that Austin was acting weird too. I mean he’s already an ass, so that’s
not new. But, Matt would never treat you the way he did under normal

I know he’s right and even maybe on to something. But I close my eyes as if I can
actually block out what he trying to say.

“If you really thought about it, it kind of makes sense what happened. They were
both bit by those things outside.”

My stomach bottoms out, and I feel so dizzy from his words that I sit down on the
ground. Dan follows beside me, but he doesn’t stop explaining his epiphany.

“The bites they got turned them into one of the dead. It’s not just being killed by
them that can turn you the bites do the same thing.”

I raise my knees up to my chest and lower my head on them. Dan places his arm
around me again, and I want so badly to push him away. But I don’t, it’s not his
fault that Matt was bitten. It’s mine. And I hate myself for not protecting him.

“If that’s true, then we have a big problem.” A new voice interrupts.
It’s Sam and he’s standing just inside the kitchen from the hallway. Both Dan and I
look at him quickly, and I’m sure all three of us share the same horrified

“Oh my God, some of the others have bites.” I say.

“But they haven’t started acting like Austin and Matt though.” Sam says as he comes
to stand by us.

“That could be because they aren’t hurt as bad.” Dan replies.

“By that deduction, then I’d say Lucy would be next. She’s been pretty out of it,
but she’s just as hurt as Austin was.” Sam says.

I let them talk back and forth I’m just having trouble wrapping my head around
everything. It doesn’t seem possible that our friends could turn on us at any
moment, let alone Lucy. But I reprimand myself, I should know better than anyone
that it’s possible. Gabe walks into the room then, and holds up what I assume is
the truck keys.

“We can’t take them with us.” He says as soon as he’s close enough to us, so that
he can say it quietly.

Dan and Sam both stop talking and just glare at him accusingly. Dan stands up, and
looks like he’s about to argue with Gabe, but I cut him off.

“He’s right. It’s only a matter of time before they turn like Matt did. We can’t
risk them being in the truck with us.”

All three of them look at me, and I try not to flinch under they’re judging eyes.
Only Gabe looks at me with understanding and maybe sympathy. I’m about to stand up,
when the lights in the room go out.

Chapter Eighteen

I freeze halfway to my feet, when the room is plunged into darkness.

From the kitchen I can hear some of the others upstairs yell out in surprise.
Something touches my left arm, and I yelp in alarm, but it’s just Dan. Gabe
chuckles at everyone’s reaction to the lights. I can’t see Sam, but I can feel him
moving closer to me. With the lights out, I can hear the dead outside more clearly.
I know I can’t actually hear better, but it’s frightening to not be able to see
them coming if they do.

Dan’s grip on my arm brings me back to myself.

“We’re running out of time. Whatever the plan is, it should be now.” His voice
sounds louder, without the whir of the air conditioner and fridge.

“I hope you’re a good liar Dan, because we need an excuse to leave the others
upstairs alone.” As my eyes adjust, I see him back up towards the garage. “I’m
going to get some things to load the truck with. Get down here as fast as you guys

Sam and I look to Dan, I guess hoping he’s know what to do next. But he just walks
away towards the stairs, and we blindly follow behind. The closer we get to the
living room, the cracking sound coming from the windows are much louder, and not
just from one window anymore. I try to walk as quietly as I can, as if to not alert

When we reach the top of the stairs, a flickering light can be seen from Austin’s
room. Dan no sooner has the door completely open, that Maria is running into his
arms crying. I walk in behind them, and any conversation comes to a halt. I look
down at myself and remember that I’m covered in blood. Sam walks around me, and
comes into the room. As they all stare at me in confusion, I notice the light is
from a couple candles around the room.

Good thing Austin was a weirdo.

Claire leaves Brian’s side and comes over to me slowly.

“Maggie, what happened to you?”

“Yeah, we thought we heard you screaming a little while ago?” Maria asks as she
steps back from Dan to look at me.

“Ugh, it was,”

“Dog freaked out.” Dan interrupts, and glances at me briefly. I don’t know where
he’s going with this, but I better play along, so I just nod.

“Where’s Matt? Is he ok Maggie?” Claire asks.

I feel my cheeks go red, and I feel like my throat is closing up. I clear my throat
and am about to have to leave the room, when Sam helps.

“He’s alright, just got bite and some scratches. That’s where all the blood on her
is from.” He nods in my direction, and I’m so grateful to him I could just run up
and hug him.

I notice that Lucy is asleep on the bed again, and she looks even pale in the
candle light. Peter is still by her side, but I can tell he’s very worried about
her. Alex is perched up on the window seat now, and is giving us all looks of

“I’ve been around that dog for years. He’d never hurt anyone, I think your full of
shit. Where’s Gabe then?” Alex says.

“He’s with Matt, trying to patch him up. I just came up for towels.” Sam says as he
turns towards Emily, who’s been staying pretty close to Maria. “Speaking of which,
Em, can you come and help me with Gabe his bedside manner kind of sucks.”

She glances around the room shyly, but nods in agreement. Without a look back at
anyone, Sam walks out of the room with her behind him. Well, that’s one person that
got away. I look down at myself again, and I know how to get my friends out of the

“Hey Claire and Maria, do you guys mind helping me wash up?” I ask.

They both nod in agreement, and I’m relieved. I turn around to go, when Dan goes
over to where Lucy is asleep.

“How’s she doing Peter? We should change and clean her bandage up. Would that be
alright?” he says.
“I guess that would be alright, just don’t wake her. She’s been having nightmares
all day, and only just finally settled down.”

Dan nods, and I can see the tension I his shoulders as he turns towards Brian.

“Brian, could you go downstairs and get some water in a big bowel?”

Brian nods in agreement, and as he passes us through the door he pauses to give
Claire a kiss before leaving. Now we all have a good excuse, I just hope Dan
doesn’t stick around in there too long. Lucy isn’t looking to well, who knows when
she’s turn. I quickly follow Brian out of the room and we make our way to the
bathroom down the hall.

As soon as the door closes behind me, Claire is already asking again if Matt is
really alright. Maria agrees saying I don’t look very well for someone whose
boyfriend is fine. I sigh heavily and without turning around I tell them the truth.
They are silent the entire time I explain what happened, how Matt turned and
attacked me, where I killed him, and how the others are bitten like him. I also
tell them about the truck, and how we’re leaving as soon as we go downstairs.

When I’m done, my heart is racing and I feel myself shacking again.

Claire comes up behind me, and hugs me tightly. I have to force myself not to cry,
but I feel better with her knowing now. I can hear Maria crying softly behind me,
and I know I’m going to breakdown and I don’t want them to see. So I step away from
Claire and wrap my arms around my middle.

“You guys should go downstairs and get ready to go. I just want to rise off real
quick, and then I’ll be right behind you.” I say.

They hesitate for the briefest of moments, but I can tell by the look Claire is
giving me, that she knows why I want them to leave.

When they leave I feel as though I’ve been holding my breath, and now I can let it
go. I walk away from the door, and step up to the sink. I lift my blood covered
hands and place them on the sink. I grip the edge, and feel the cold porcelain
anchoring me. I squeeze until my hands turn white under the blood, and they start
to tingle. Shanking I slowly lift my eyes to the mirror. I gasp at what I see. The
girl in the reflection is someone I’ve never seen before. Her face is too pale, and
eye’s too large. Her hair is unbound and lifeless beside her cheeks, and blood
flecks travel down her neck. I’m startled to realize, that this is me. This is me,
Maggie, the killer. I feel like a shell of a girl who has lost it all, and is
somehow still alive. I can feel my bones shaking and my whole being feels as if
it’s breaking.

My heart aches in a way I never knew it could.

Oh, God. I killed Matt.

I killed the boy who was my first kiss. I killed the only person I let touch me in
places no stranger can. I killed my best friend, my love. I stare at this murderer
before me, and I hate her. I see tears falling out of my eyes, and I can feel the
sobs building inside trying to come out. All I want is to let them out, be consumed
by them. I feel too full of sadness and I need release. But I can’t. There is no
time, no time to mourn. If I let the grief come, I know I’d never be whole again.

I hate myself, but I have to be strong.

I release my hold on the sink, and I glare at the girl in the mirror. I transfer my
pain, to anger. I make a promise to myself, when things are different, I’ll make
this stranger go away. One day I’ll see myself again in my reflection. But for now,
I’ll hold onto my anger toward her. I’ll let it carry me forward.

Drawing a deep breath, I turn on the faucet and rinse my hands. I say goodbye to
Mathew as his blood washes from my skin. I bask in memories of him, as I scrub
clean my face and arms. I scrub until the scabs that were beginning to form reopen
and my blood washes away along with Matts. I stare into the sink until all the
blood is gone and the water is clear. Slowly, I reach and turn off the water. I
lift my eyes one last time, and there are tears still flowing silently down my
cheeks. I raise my clean hands, and dry my cheeks.

I force myself to walk away.

Chapter Nineteen

As I make my way to the top of the stairs, I can hear Daniel talking to Alex and
Peter in the bedroom. Hoping he’s not regretting the decision to leave them, I walk
down the stairs. The closer I get to the bottom, the more piercing the dead outside
become. I slow my steps, almost afraid they are right beside me.

Just as I step off the last step and turn towards the kitchen, I smack into a body.

I squeak and jump back, but hands grab my arms to still me. Flustered, I look up
and it’s Brian. He looks just as nerved up as I am.

“Holy crap, you scared the bejesus out of me.” I pant.

He snickers, “Back at you.” He almost turns to go up the stairs, but stops and
gives me a sad look. I know what he’s going to say before he does.

“I’m really sorry about Matt. Claire’s worried about you, but I can tell you’re a
fighter.” He gives me a slight smile.

“Thank you Brian, that means a lot. Make sure you and Dan hurry, okay? This whole
thing is bad news.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to Dan. And before you know it, we’ll be
outta here.”

He turns then and jogs up the stairs, and I suddenly see what Claire likes about
him. He’s perfect for her. Sighing, I make my way into the kitchen. Everyone is in
here, packing or sorting something. They all stop and stare at me as soon as I walk
in, so I freeze in place. They all know about Matt now, and our plan to leave the
others. Do they think bad of me, that I’m a monster? Do they see the killer that I
saw in the mirror? I cringe under they’re scrutiny, and the reflex to walk out of
the room runs high. But, then I really look around at everyone and they aren’t
giving me horrible looks. They are looking at me with pride and aw.

I don’t think I really deserve that, and almost prefer looks of terror.

Maria, Claire, Sam, and Emily are all standing around the island putting canned
food into shopping bags. Gabe is at the sink, and is filling up some empty water
bottles. I see something leaning by the counter next to him. So I walk over to
where he’s standing, and while looking at him I lean down and pick it up. It
doesn’t feel heavy in my hands as it first did earlier. No, this time it feels safe
and I feel strong gripping it. I notice that it’s been wiped clean, and I’m
relieved. Carrying the ax loosely, I step up to the others at the counter.

“Sorry it took me so long. Can I help with anything?” I say.

They all offer me little smiles and go back to what they were doing. Beside me,
Claire gives me a short hug. Gabe walks up behind us, holding a backpack, which I
assume is now full of water bottles.

“We’re just about done, right guys. But, we should start loading the truck though.
Dan will be down soon.” Gabe says.

Everyone reaches for a bag or two, and I’m about to reach for one myself, when I
hear the sound of glass breaking in the living room. I instantly go still, and
chills go down my spine. The scrapping and banging from earlier is now replaced
with feet shuffling over glass, and furniture tipping over.

I can hear the moans of the dead getting closer.

“Grab what you can, and get to the truck now!” Gabe yells.

My eye’s lock with Maria whose standing across from me and my first thought is Dan
and Brian. Even with the dead getting closer, I can’t leave him behind. I won’t run
away this time, I refuse to lose my brother too. The bags forgotten, I grip the ax
and raise it high as I run out of the kitchen towards the stairs. I hear Gabe and
Claire yell for me to come back, but I ignore them. And I pray they don’t leave us
behind in the truck.

I’m about to pass by the living room and to the stairs, when what I see makes me
pause. Two of the front windows have been completely smashed in, and apparently our
attempts to block them worked a little. The dead are pushing into the windows but
are having trouble getting around the furniture as a group.

Knowing it won’t be long before they push through; I turn to go up the stairs. As I
do, Dan and Brian both are backing up out of the room. They don’t see me; they’re
too busy with a now turned Lucy rushing at them with blood already on her mouth.
I’m about to shout to them, when I see movement out of the corner of my eyes. It’s
not coming from the living room either.

It’s coming from the hall to the left, and I already have my ax raised up when it
comes out of the shadows.

It’s a tall blonde girl, and she must have been with the group in the pool, because
she still has a bloody ripped bikini on. She was shuffling out of one of the rooms
back there, but upon either sensing or seeing me, she picks up her speed and rushes
me. I don’t hesitate as she gets almost within touching distance; I swing the ax
around and bring it down into the side of her head.

She falls to the ground with a hiss, and I glance up the stairs to Dan. He and
Brian run down the hall and into another bedroom. As he’s closing the door, I see
his eyes widen as he sees me. He has to shut the door though; Lucy is running at
them too fast. She flings herself at the door with a ferocity she never had in

A gurgling moan at my feet brings my attention back to the dead girl. I know I
don’t have enough time to try to completely cut off her head; the dead in the
living room will be upon me soon. So I leave the ax at my side and bring it back
like a golf club. I swing it out at her smashing the tip of the blade into her
face, and she gets knocked back into the wall. She stays down, but is still
twitching, so I know she’ll be up again soon.

Pulling the blade from her face, I turn back towards the kitchen.

I realize I took too long anyway, the dead made it past the furniture, and are
making their way into the room. I stomp down the terror that rushes through me, and
I force my legs to run to the garage.

Chapter Twenty

There are at least three dead guys already through the front windows, and are
making their way to me. I don’t bother trying to fight them off, I race by them and
make it near the porch door. The hallway leading to the garage is almost within
seeing distance, but I feel hands in my hair suddenly, that keeps me from moving.

They get tangled in my curls, and I fall onto my back with a scream. One of the
three reaches for me, and I only have time to watch as his upside down body is
about to fall on me. I manage to get the ax between us, and his teeth just graze my
throat. Screaming I try to shove him off me, but his arms are racking my body and I
can feel new scratches form.

He pushes at me with suck strength that I don’t know how long I can hold him back.

I can feel his breathe on my face and as saliva and blood drip on my cheek, I snap.
I lift him up just enough to be able to wiggle out from underneath him. He barely
stumbles, but I have enough time to scurry backwards and make it to my feet. As
he’s already reaching for me again, I see the other two dead guys making their way
to me on either side. I half turn to run, when I feel someone behind me. I get the
ax almost up, when a hand stops me.

It’s Gabe.

He doesn’t even give me time to be surprised to see him.

“Dammit, run!” He screams in my face.

Just as the dead are almost in touching distance, we both turn and haul ass to the
garage. At the door I can hear the other’s yelling from the truck to hurry and I
force my legs to just carry me a little further. Breaking the threshold, I realize
we have another problem. There’s no door anymore. Gabe notices this at the same
time, because he abruptly turns around and swings with the bat at an approaching
dead girl.

She stumbles back into a group of guys, but it doesn’t slow them down. They rush
the door with such speed, that it makes them bunch at the entrance. This stalls
them for not even a second, it’s like they are one mind. They back up a step and
rush the entrance again.

“Maggie, get in now!”

I don’t have time to argue with him, a big guy missing an arm is almost to him and
he’s looking at me. Running to him and pushing him aside, I swing at the guy and
knock him into the wall. He stumbles but gets back up, and this time Gabe is the
one to hit at him. I turn away as a girl and two guys rush at me. I lift the ax to
swing, when Sam is suddenly beside me brandishing the fire poker.

We easily hit the dead aside.

The dead are having more trouble getting through the small entrance now. And the
small hallway is filled with so many bodies that I lost count. Gabe is standing
before Sam and me with his back to us.

“Sam, get her in the truck!”

Sam grabs for my arm, but I pull it back.

“Dan and Brian are trapped in a room upstairs! We can’t leave them.” I have to yell
over the noise the dead are making.

“We don’t have time, Maggie! Dammit Sam, now!”

Sam gets a grip on my arm and tugs on me, I see Gabe swing at the one armed guy
again as he rushes him. The back passenger side door is open and Sam shoves me in
before yelling to Gabe and getting in himself.

Claire is in the driver’s seat, and is gripping the wheel with wide eyes. Emily is
in the seat behind me, gripping a knife between white knuckles. Maria is beside me,
and at first I think she’s talking to me, but it’s too fast and quiet that I don’t
understand what she’s saying. Then I see a phone in her left hand, she’s talking to
someone else.

She looks up at me and her face is alight.

“It’s Daniel, you were right they’re stuck in a bedroom upstairs. They’re not hurt
though. What do I tell them?” She’s shaking and keeps glancing out of the truck.
And I know she’s afraid we’ll leave him behind. So am I, to be honest.

Sam slams the door closed behind him and the front passenger side door opens then.
Gabe slides in then, just as three guys rush him.

“Maria, tell them to jump like Austin did!” He gets the door closed, and turns to
Claire. “Get us out of here!”

“But the door isn’t even opened yet!” Her eyes are wide and I can see the sweat at
her temples.

“Doesn’t matter, it’s not a heavy door. We can make it, just hit the gas hard.” He
grips the handle above the door and turns to look at the garage door behind us.

“Everybody hold on tight.” Claire says as she steps on the gas.

Chapter Twenty One

The tires of the truck squeal for a second before we’re flung forward as the truck
goes backwards. It hits the garage door hard, and I can hear it bending as we push
through it. It barley slows us down, as we clear the garage with the hood flipping
over the top. Claire hits the breaks and spins the wheel. We get tossed to the
side, as she turns us around with the garage behind us.
Pushing myself off a stunned Sam, I look back to the garage. The door hit at the
dead as they were trying to get to us. So we have a head start at least. I look to
Maria and pray she’s still on the phone with Dan, but she’s not holding it.
Hopefully she already told him to jump, because the truck is already turning toward
the yard.

Claire slows us down though, as the yard still has a ton of cars in it. When she
speeds up to pull up to the road, I hear Maria yell as she points behind her. I
swing my head around and try to see what caught her eye. It’s so dark in the front
of the house that I try to catch any movement. The dead are all in the house trying
to go through the garage so that’s not what she’s looking at.

Then I look up.

It’s Dan and Brian; they made it out onto the ledge of the roof. It overlooks the
front of the house, and is about ten feet high. Too slowly for my liking, they walk
to the edge. Pausing for a moment Dan jumps down first and lands on his feet. He
turns right away and faces Brian, who is about to jump.

I glance back towards the garage to make sure they still have enough time. The door
only slowed them down so much, and the others beyond are already making their way
around the fallen ones. The guys have a minute or less before they have company.

I look back as Brian jumps down beside Dan, but he must have landed wrong because
he instantly falls to his knees. I hear Claire’s cry of panic as Dan helps Brian
up, and they jog towards us. Neither of them have any weapons, so if the dead catch
up to them, they won’t be any match. They are about ten feet from us, when the dead
start to gain on them. The guys pick up they’re speed, but Brian stumbles to the
ground and Dan loses his hold on him. By the time Dan has time to turn around to
help him up again; a dead guy in swim trunks is on him.

I can hear his screams of pain from inside the truck.

I force my eyes to not look away as Dan rushes to Brian and pulls the guy off him.
There is a spray of blood as the guys teeth tear at the flesh on Brian’s neck. When
Dan hits and shoves the guy away, Brian had already stopped screaming and has gone
still. As he slowly begins to move again, there are at least four more of the dead
making their way to Dan. He hesitates over Brian, and is about to be surrounded
without help.

I hear a door open, and I whip my eyes off my brother to see Gabe getting out of
the truck.

“Stay here!” He looks at me as he yells.

No sooner does he get out, that the dead separates and goes for him too. He doesn’t
waver though, instead just goes running and swinging the bat as he goes. The dead
are tossed aside and Dan meets him half way. The dead come pouring out of the
garage then, and there are so many of them that the guys get surrounded quickly.
Gabe is swinging and batting them as fast as he can, and Dan is hitting and kicking
and dodging.

I lose sight of them as the truck gets surrounded.

Everything slows down to me suddenly, and I can almost hear my heart pounding
loudly in my ears. I distantly hear my friends screaming and can feel the
vibrations of the truck being hit. In my mind I flash to when this all started and
how everything happened so fast. There was no time to decide what to do or how to
react. But things are different now, and I’m suddenly not afraid. I’m pissed off. I
reach down to my feet and grip the blood covered ax and I don’t even think as I
push over Maria.

And open the door.

Maria yells and falls back onto the seat as the door is opened. It takes longer
than I’d like, there’s a dead nerd trying to get in. He gets shoved back slightly
and I have enough room to kick at him. He falls back easily and I jump out. I’m
moving as soon as my feet hit the ground. The others yell for me, but it doesn’t
even faze me. The dead around the truck turn to me, but I only pay attention to the
ones before me. They are all hands and teeth, and I swing at them with a strength I
didn’t know I possessed.

I knock down the fifth dead person when I begin yelling for Dan, and I think I hear
him yell back but my ears are ringing and I can barely hear my own voice. Suddenly,
a red haired girl in front of me gets knocked aside and it’s not by me. I’m facing
a red faced Gabe now, and Dan comes from behind him and I’m so relieved to see him
that I almost run to him. But the large dead guy behind him makes me charge forward
for a different reason.

I reach Dan before he does and knock him aside with my hip.

I hit at the guy, but he only shuffles to the side. I don’t have enough time to
bring the ax around again, and he’s already coming forward. He’s about to hit me
when Gabe brings the bat down on his head. He’s so close to me I can hear his skull
crack, as he falls to the ground. Dan pulls me back and we make our way to the

Gabe is in the lead, with Dan in the middle and I take the back. Gabe clears a path
hitting at everything in the way and as we run by I hit them again and make sure
they stay down. We must have knocked aside at least thirty of the dead, when we
make it to the truck. It’s still surrounded by a handful of the dead hitting at the
windows. Gabe is about to hit the short girl attacking the door we want, when it
gets shoved open and Sam jumps out.

“Need a hand?” He’s grinning as he starts swinging the fire poker knocking aside
the short girl again.

Dan jumps into the car, and I grab Sam’s arm and shove him at the door. I turn to
make sure Gabe is coming; he’s busy keeping us from being surrounded again. I bring
the ax up and around to a guy that is trying to get Gabe from behind and he easily
falls to the ground with a gaping hole in his face.

I yell for Gabe, and he backs up quickly to me.

He gives one more swing of the bat, before shoving me back into the truck and
follows in beside me. He leans over to close the door and hands reach for him, and
claw at his arms. He’s struggling to close the door so he can’t hit at them to move
also. As he swears, I turn the ax around and bring the hilt up into the faces that
are coming into view.

They get pushed back long enough for Gabe to slam the door.

Chapter Twenty Two

No sooner did the door close, and Claire is tearing out onto the road. She’s going
so fast that the dirt road is flying up gravel everywhere and even cracking the
windows. There are a few of the dead hanging onto the sides of the truck, still
trying to get to us. The truck swerves along the straight road, and I know she’s
trying to dislodge them. Some fall away and disappear, but there is still one on
the passenger side front and back door.

Sam climbs up into the front seat, and rolls the window down as soon as he’s
sitting. Hands reach in as soon as they have room, and Sam just knocks them aside.
He lifts the fire poker and hits the girl twice in the face before she falls back
and disappears. He turns to look behind him to Dan, who gets a knife from Maria who
hands him one from behind. He rolls down his window and automatically hits the
hands that reach inside.

Hitting the guy in the face with the knife, he falls away.

When we’re finally free, I know we have to be a couple miles down the road already.
I notice though that the truck is still speeding down the road. Not that I blame
Claire though, the further away the better. I see Sam turn to her and whisper
something but I can’t hear what it is, but I do hear Claire tell him to shut up. He
must have told her to slow down, because we stop going at breakneck speed.

I sit back in the truck and try to gain control of my breathing. Leaning against
the door, I lay my head against the headrest behind me. I look out at the woods
through the window as we drive down the road. I can see the night is already
getting lighter, and the trees are becoming more green now than black. It doesn’t
seem possible that it’s only becoming morning. It feels like it’s already been a
lifetime that has passed. Not just two days. None of the things that happened the
last two days even seem real.

I feel like I’m trapped inside a nightmare that I can’t wake up from.

I take a moment to look around at everyone, and almost overwhelmed with relief that
we made it out of there. Beside me Dan switches spots with Emily, so he can sit in
the back with Maria. She’s sobbing by the time he’s beside her, but she’s smiling
and laughing. She grabs onto him and squeezes tightly, and he does the same. He
pulls back from her and I realize he’s crying too. Smiling he wipes her tears from
her cheeks. As he leans in to kiss her, I turn away. Emily is leaning against the
window with her eyes closed, and I can see her chest heave as her silent tears run
down her face.

I notice then that Gabe is sitting on the other side of me. He’s sitting so
straight, as if he’s afraid to relax. I understand that, we’re all waiting for the
next bad thing to happen. The muscles in his jaw are clenching, and I wonder for a
moment what’s going through his mind. He always appears so in control, like nothing
gets to him at all. He’s turned looking out the window and I take in his
appearance. I realize that he’s covered in blood. His face, arms, and his clothes
are the worst.

Startled, I glance down at myself.

Matt’s blood is no longer the only one covering me.

My hands are soaked, and I start to wipe them on my jeans. Gabe noticing my frantic
hand washing turns and glares at me. “You’re an idiot, you know.”

I stop my frantic scrubbing, and take my turn to glare.

“Excuse me?”

“I distinctly remember telling you to stay in the truck. You could have been
killed, or worse.”

I stare at him, and I’m sure my mouth is hanging open. Who does he think he is? He
can’t just assume I’ll do whatever he says to.

“You needed my help, and you know it. They had you surrounded, and who knows what
would have happened if I hadn’t come to help.”

I’m leaning toward him preparing to yell at him some more, when he stops me with
his hand on my arm.

“Maggie, relax. I only meant, you shouldn’t have risked it. But I’m glad you did.
So, thanks.”

“Oh.” I lean back in my seat, and try to swallow all my anger. I can feel my face
reddening, and now I really do feel like an idiot.

Gabe leans away to sit back and I can see the small half smile on his face. He’s
shaking his head, but he appears more relaxed now. Not so tense. I’m about to go
back to staring out the window, wondering where we are when Claire clears her

“Where are we going by the way?” she asks.

Who she’s talking to I have no idea. We never got as far too where we planned to
go, only how we would get there. We all remain silent, not sure where to start. I
catch her eye in the rearview mirror, and I see for the first time how upset she
is. I can see the trails that the tears have made down her cheeks, and I remember
that Brian and she were starting to get close. I instantly regret not noticing
right away, that I’m not the only one feeling loss now. I lean forward to her seat
and place my hand on her shoulder.

She gives me a ghost of a smile, and with a squeeze I lean back.

I look behind me at Dan, with Maria curled up to his side. He almost seems at peace
just being near her. Like nothing is wrong outside of their cocoon. I yearn for
that mirage of safety. With a sigh, I know where we should go. The only place we
all know we can be safe.

Or at least begin to start looking for it.

I look back at Claire and say, “Home. We should go home.”

Chapter Twenty Three

By the time we reach our street, the sun is high in the sky. The streets are empty,
no cars driving around, no kids playing, and no animals running loose. It’s like we
stepped into another world, and we don’t have the directions to get back. Claire
pulls the truck in her driveway and lets it idle for a minute before turning it
off. Usually her driveway has two cars, but it’s empty. It has to be unnerving for
her to see it this way. I glance to my right, where my house sits beside hers.
My mom’s car is parked in the driveway, but my dad’s isn’t.

“So, how are we going to do this?” Claire asks, as she turns to face us in the

“What?” Dan asks.

“Do we all stay together, or do we split up? But it has to be said, splitting up
didn’t work so well last time.” She’s looking right at Dan when she says this. I
can actually feel Dan flinch behind me, from his guilt over Brian I’d guess.

“Not that splitting up is ideal, but we do have weapons and we can just have
smaller groups.” I say. They all glance at me questioningly, but I only hold
Claire’s gaze.

“That might not be a bad idea, but we are an odd number. Who decides about the
extra person?” She says.

“Someone should stay with the car. That way if we do get into trouble, we have a
quick out.” Gabe cuts in, as he’s already going for the door.

He gets out of the truck, and I squeeze out behind him. When I close the door, I
see Emily getting out on her side. Dan and Maria get out through the back door, and
stands beside Gabe and I. Claire and Sam get out next, but I notice Sam going to
the driver’s side door.

“I can be the getaway driver, if that’s alright?” But he’s already opening the door
and hopping in.

No one argues, it’s not like he’s ever been to one of our houses before anyway. We
all walk over to the fence that separates our houses and stare at one another, not
sure where to divvy up the group.

“Maggie and I have to go to our house, and I’d like Maria to come with us.” Dan

“That leaves me with Gabe and Emily then. Let’s go before I lose my nerve.” She
turns to walk away but Gabe stops her.

Before she can start to yell at him, he holds a knife out to her. Grimly she takes
it and walks away. Emily gives Maria a small smile and goes to catch up. Gabe
lingers for a minute and just watches me. It would be really creepy under different
circumstances, but I know what he’s thinking.

“We’ll be fine, don’t worry. You’d better hurry; Claire will have the whole house
cased before you even get through the door.” I say.

He flashes me a dark smile, and smacks my arm lightly.

Nodding to Dan, he runs over to Claire’s house and disappears through the door.
Sighing, I turn to Dan and Maria. They are both looking up to our house, as if they
expect it to sprout legs and walk away. With our luck, it probably will. I reach
out and take my brothers hand and he glances at me. Together, the three of us make
it to the door and Dan is the one to reach for the handle. Just before the tips of
his fingers touch the knob, it opens on its own. We all jump back for a second, and
Dan and I share a look before we rush inside.

It’s dark inside even though it’s still early in the day. We walk in through the
living room, so I automatically shove the drapes open. Dan and Maria follow suit
and the first floor is flooded with light. Once my eyes adjust, I wish I was still
in the dark. The house is a mess, like it was ransacked or something. Walking
around numbly, I take in the knocked over furniture and the way the spare linen
closet is open and that things inside are missing.

“MOM, DAD!” Dan rushes out of the living room, and runs up the stairs.

I can hardly move my legs, let alone to remind him to have a weapon.

The ax in my hands feels heavy, but I don’t put it down. I try to think back to my
Sunday school days and remember a prayer. Nothing comes to mind though, and I can
only hope that my parents are alright. They just have to be. Beside me, Maria is
just watching where Dan went with sad eyes. She reaches to me, and I don’t even
feel her hand touch my arm.

“Maggie, I’m sure they are alright. We should go check on Dan okay?” She pulls on
my arm gently and I blindly follow her up the stairs.

On the landing, I can already tell the upstairs is in the same state. The bedroom
doors are open, and closets look half empty. I can hear Dan shuffling around in his
room, so I leave Maria and make my way to mine. I walk in cautiously, and the
curtains on my window have been pulled down. Making my way to the only window on
the back wall, I grab for the cord and pull them up. I have to close my eyes from
the light, but I open them again when I turn to my room.

I gasp at what I see.

Everything is just as I left it, before leaving the other night to go to Austin’s.
My bed is still rumpled, and the magazine Claire was reading is still lying by my
pillows. I can hear Dan talking to Maria from his room down the hall, and by the
sounds of things his room is the same. Our parents aren’t here, and judging by the
mess, they must have left awfully quickly.

I turn away from my bed and go to my dresser for some clean clothes. Grabbing
whatever in on the top of the clothes pile I make my way to the bathroom to clean
up. There are no lights, so I leave the door open. I rinse my face and hair with
cold water. The sink gets stained red from all the blood. But I don’t care anymore.
I just change into a fresh pair of socks, underwear, bra, shirt and a one of the
warmest hoodies I have. Leaving the dirty clothes in a pile on the floor, I leave
my room.

Before I go downstairs I go to my parent’s bedroom, but I can’t make myself go

inside. I don’t think I could handle it seeing what they took when they left, or if
they didn’t. So I walk away.

Meeting Dan and Maria downstairs, and I notice he cleaned up a little too. He’s
carrying a backpack, and I wish I would have thought of that. But Maria is holding
a second backpack, and I realize that it’s mine.

“I figured we’d need some extra cloths and food, so I swiped your bag when you were
in the bathroom. Cool?” Dan says with a smirk.

I step towards him and pull him into a hug. “Yes, cool. Thanks.”

He gives me another squeeze then lets me go, so he can take Maria’s hand. They go
out the front door, and with one last glance at my home hoping it’s not the last, I
follow them.
Chapter Twenty Four

By the time we get back to the truck Claire and the others are already waiting for
us. They all look pretty grave, and I almost don’t want to ask. But it’s Claire,
and I have too.

“Was anybody home?” I ask, as I climb into the back with Dan and Maria.

Claire doesn’t say anything though, she’s sitting in the front with Sam and just
gazes out the window. She did clean a little bit though, and I notice a small bag
at her feet.

“It looked like they might have packed up in a hurry. We did have to fend off
something though.” Gabe says.

I have to turn around to look at him; he and Emily are sitting in the very back. By
the look on his face, I swear he’s going to say one of her parents was turned.

“It was Whiskers.” Claire whispers.

“Claire, I’m so-“I start.

“Can we just go now; it won’t stay light out forever.” She says.

Sam starts the truck, and he drives away. Nobody says anything as we drive down the
deserted street. I can feel Gabe tense behind me though, because we’re going to his
house next. He must have told Sam where to go while we were inside, because he
drives straight there.

Our subdivision splits before Gabe’s house, and the lawns get wider and more cars
are lined in the street. Some of the cars have movement in them, but by the blood
covering the windows we don’t stop. The houses on this end don’t look untouched
like ours did. Some of the doors are wide open, and others have broken windows with
blood dried on them.

We pull up in his driveway faster than we usually would, and I can tell no one is
looking forward to what we might find. At least I know I’m not. Gabe is silent, and
I wish I could think of the right thing to say. I can’t do much, but we can support

“You don’t have to go in alone you know. We’re going with you.” I say as I turn to

His head was facing down, and he raises it enough to look at me. It looks as scared
as the rest of us, so I reach for his hand and hold it tightly in mine. Offering
him an encouraging smile, I get out of the truck before anyone can even think to
argue with me.

After I get out, the other’s slowing get out as well. I walk to the back of the
truck, gripping my ax in one hand, I open the door. Emily hops out first, and I
offer a hand to Gabe. Taking it, he gets out too. With Gabe and me in the lead, we
make our way to his door. Just as we get close, we can hear a shuffling noise from
inside and we pause briefly. Letting go of my hand, he steps in front of me and
then turns back with his hands outstretched.

Sighing, I give him the ax.

Once as it’s in his arms, he immediately goes into his house.

I follow right behind him with Dan right behind me. We make it right to the
entrance and I can already see what was making the noise. It’s Gabe father. He has
a big bite in his stomach, and something is hanging out and dragging on the floor.
He seemed to be stuck or something, caught between the sofa and the wall towards
the back of the room. But upon seeing Gabe come into the room, he begins reaching
for him. With his antics, he gets a little more strength and pushes the couch
forward, just enough that he can rush around at him. Who by the way, hadn’t moved
from the spot he’s been in since I walked in.

“Gabe, watch out!” I yell, and try to run to him but Dan grabs me around the
middle, holding me to him.

He comes out of his shock then, and when his father is almost to him, he knocks him
aside with the hilt of the ax. His dad stumbles into the sofa, but gets right back
up snapping his jaw and rushes for Gabe again. He steps back and gripping the ax in
both hands he raises it high. He swings it around as his dad gets close enough to
touch, and brings it down into his neck.

The blow sends them both to the ground with the ax lodged inside.

His father is still struggling to get up to get to him, and will a yell he stands
and pulls the ax free.

I want to look away, but with tears in my eyes, I watch as he brings the ax down
again into his neck. It takes two hits for his head to be dissected, but Gabe is
still hitting with it even when his dad stopped moving. He yells suddenly, and
falls to his knees and drops the ax. When he starts shaking, I pull free of Daniel
and run to him.

I have my hand raised and am about to touch his shoulder, but he flinches away from
me. Shaking his head, he gets to his feet. He stares down at his father for a
second, then walks back over to the couch and picks something up. He touches
something on it, and it clicks. Satisfied at whatever it is, he puts it into the
belt of his jeans.

He turns to us then, and I see that it’s a handgun.

“You can have the ax back Maggie, I don’t need it anymore.”

With that he walks right out the front door and makes his way back to the truck. He
passes by us all, and I know we wear the same expressions of shock, despair and of
course sympathy.

“You sure you don’t want to get a change of clothes?” Sam calls out. Claire is
standing beside him, and she smacks him on the arm.

“What did I say?” He’s rubbing his arm and looking confused.

“Idiot. You think he wants anything after what just happened? Just get in the
truck.” She follows after Gabe and gets in the front passenger seat again.

Sam figuring he’s driving again goes to get behind the wheel. Maria and I get in
the back, and before Emily can get in the way back with Gabe, Dan stops her. He
gets in the back with him instead. Gabe doesn’t look at him, but I can tell he’s
grateful to have his friend right now. I try to ignore them, not wanting to
intrude. But I can’t help but to feel his pain. I know it’s not the same, but we
both had to kill someone we cared about. And trust me, it’s not easy. I can still
feel the pain hidden inside me, just trying to push it forward to break me. With
tears in my eyes, I pray that it’s not worse where we are going.

I know it will be though we’re getting closer to the city now.

Chapter Twenty Five

We are heading to Sam’s house next, since he’s the closest. After driving through
our subdivision, we come to a stretch of road that seems bare enough. As we get to
the end of it though, we reach the start of our small village. The road splits into
three separate streets, the one in front goes through the village square with the
shops are. On either side of us, the streets lead to more houses. The end of all
three roads leads to the highway going straight into the nearest city.

Which, if we don’t find anyone that knows what’s going on, is where we are likely
to go?

Right now, we’re going to go down the street on our right and to Sam’s house. To
say the conditions down here are much worse would be an understatement. There are
literally cars flipped over and smoking like they were on fire not that long ago.
From where we turn, you can actually see the dead shuffling down the main drag. And
I’m so glad we’re not going that way, I don’t think we could handle killing thirty
or more of our neighbors right now.

Going down the street, we have to drive slowly.

There are cars and belongings blocking the way, so Sam has to swerve in and out of
the way. Some of the houses are smoking here, and with the doors open and can see
movement inside. The truck stops in front of a small ranch style house, after only
going down a few blocks. There aren’t any cars in the driveway, and the front door
is wide open.

“I gotta say, by the way our day is going I really don’t want to go inside.” Sam
says as he turns off the ignition anyway. “Dammit.” He opens the door and slams it
behind him.

He doesn’t get far though, he leans into the side of the truck and flips the fire
poker onto his shoulders. I know we should all be jumping at the chance to help our
friend face the awful truth that things won’t be alright inside, but I can’t make
myself move. Sam is right, the way things are going there is no way it’s going to
be alright. I’m about to reach for the door handle against my better judgment, when
the back hatch opens. I swivel I my seat to see Gabe getting out brandishing the
gun, with Dan right behind with the bat. Sighing, I grip the ax and get out joining
them and it’s hard not to notice that I’m the only other one that does.

“Maggie, get back in the truck.” Gabe grumbles, not even looking at me.

“Not going to happen. You ready Sam?” I say.

He only nods but his eyes get exceptionally large as he turns to go. I can see the
fire poker shaking in his arms, as we make it up the walkway and get closer to the
open door. The first thing we see when we cross the threshold, is blood. It’s
everywhere, like someone dumped out a pool full of it and flung it into the room.
The afternoon light coming through the windows make it look like the color of rust,
and I know that it’s because it’s old.

His house looks like ours except that nothing has been removed only tossed around
in an attempt to flee. But with the dried blood, I don’t think anyone made it out
of here alive. Not that I’m going to be the one to say to Sam though. He doesn’t
seem to think the blood is old because he drops the fire poker, and begins yelling
and running into all the rooms. Dan is the one to follow him on his search. Gabe
and I seem to be rooted to where we first walked in just through the door. I think
if death ever had a smell, it would smell like this house. It smells like raw
hamburger and pennies, if that even makes any sense.

I force myself to breathe through my mouth and try not to gag.

Sam and Dan come back towards us then, and I can already see the tears flowing down
Sam’s cheek.

“They can’t be dead, at least not like the things we saw. They would still be here
right?” He whispers.

I glance behind me at the open door, and know that they could have gone out after
someone else. But I keep that to myself. I want to believe that my parents are
fine, and I’m not going to take that away from him. So instead, I place my hand on
his shoulder and guide him out the door. Dan and Gabe follow behind and we hurry
back to the truck with the others.

When we climb in, Claire is now in the driver’s seat with Maria in the front with
her. Emily is in the very back and is holding the door open and reaching for Sam.
Sullenly, he climbs in and she slams the door. No sooner did the rest of us squeeze
into the back together, does Claire drive us farther down the street. Maria’s house
is next.

It takes no time at all to reach her house, since it’s only a few blocks down from
Sam’s. Hers is the same kind of ranch style, and the street doesn’t get any better,
but I do notice that her front door is closed. She does to and points to the car in
the driveway. She’s out of the truck and running before we even come to a stop. By
the time we get out and are trying to catch up, she’s already flinging the front
door open.

She disappears inside and I can her scream.

Dan gets to the door first, quickly followed by Gabe and me. We come to a stop
where Dan is standing off to the right of the entrance. At his feet, Maria is
crying over a body. He bends down and takes her in his arms and this makes her cry
harder. Since he moved out of the way, I see that it’s an older version of her, and
that it must be her mom. What’s pretty shocking though, is the fact that not only
is there a chunk of her shoulder missing, but her face has been shot. Not that I’m
an expert with gun wounds, but if someone’s face was shot a couple times, this is
what it would look like. Gabe notices it the same time as I do, and he raises his
gun and takes the safety off.

“What are you doing?” Dan says as he leans around Maria to glare at Gabe.

“Not to be disrespectful, but she was shot after she was turned. That means we
might not be alone.”
“What?” Maria screeches and pulls away from Dan to get to her feet. She frantically
looks between us, before darting away to the back of the house.

“Damn it Gabe.” Dan says as he hurries to catch up to her.

Gabe and I share a look and make our way to where they disappeared. At the back of
the house, it branches off to two small hallways on either side. The right hallway
leads to the kitchen and dining room. To the left there are three bedrooms and a
bathroom. I know where Maria is going before she gets to a closed door. See, I’ve
been to her house a couple of times in the past. My parents don’t really trust Dan
to be alone with a girl, so I’m usually their chaperone. And most times, when Maria
and my brother need alone time, I hang out with her younger brother. We usually
spend our time jamming out to guitar hero in his bedroom.

That’s where Maria is rushing to right now.

She comes to a stop at the door and shoves it open with a bang against the wall.
Dan tries to stop her from going in, but she pulls away and runs inside. Gabe and I
hurry to Dan’s side and peer into the room. It looks like a tornado went off
inside, but then that’s nothing new, it looked like this when I was here last week.

Maria walks over slowly to the bed on the far wall. Sitting at the foot of it, is
her brother Michael. He hasn’t moved since the door opened, and is just staring
into space. He’s two years younger than Maria, but looks like he could be her older
brother. Resting in his lap is a hunting rifle, and I realize how they’re mom was
shot, by him. She kneels in front of him and gently touches his cheek.

Slowly he comes out of his stupor enough that his eyes turn to her.

“I didn’t mean too, ‘Ria.” He says as tears begin to fall down his cheeks.

“Oh Mikey, it’s not your fault I swear.” Maria tells him as she takes him in her

“She came home hurt and then tried to attack me. I didn’t know what else to do.”

“Mikey listen to me now, did she bite you?”

“Bite me? No. I ran to dad’s study and found his rifle. The door broke down and I
just reacted. Dad said never to touch his gun; he’s going to be so mad.” He starts
shivering and sobbing in her arms then.

“Shh, don’t worry about it. I’m here now and I won’t let anything happen to you I
promise.” She looks to us and Dan joins her on the floor.

With her brother in her arms, she smiles sadly. I turn away then. With tears in my
own eyes again, I jog around Gabe and out of the house. As soon as the late
afternoon sun hits my cheeks, I let the tears fall in waves. Blindly I make my way
to the truck, and the door opens as I get close and Sam leans out.

“What happened?”

I just shake my head, and shove him over so I can get in. Shutting the door behind
me, I hate the way everything is turning out. I don’t know if I can take much more,
and so I lean back into the seat and close my eyes.

If I’m going to face the gates of hell, I need a five second break.
Chapter Twenty Six

As the sun is setting, we are all packed back up in the truck and are heading to
Emily’s house. It took almost an hour before the others came out of Marias house,
but they had Michael with them. It had to have taken some convincing to get him out
of his room. Not that I blame him, if the monsters were in his house, it doesn’t
make sense to go out where there could potentially be more of them. But he got in
the truck with no problem; he’s sitting with Dan and Maria in the back.

Claire is driving again with Emily up front beside her, so that leave Sam, Gabe and
I in the middle.

Emily’s house is farther away from the other’s we went to. Her small two story
duplex stands at the end of the road before it branches off into a side street
leading to the highway. At this end of the street it’s almost quieter somehow.
There are less and less things in the road and even fewer movements in the shadows.
Pulling into her empty driveway feels more like just going to a friend’s house, and
less like a disaster waiting to happen.

Once the truck is off, Emily doesn’t make a move to get out, but neither do the
rest of us.

“Push over Sam, let me out.” Gabe says.

Sam hesitates for a second before jumping out and holding the door for Gabe. Taking
the gun out of his belt, he goes to Emily’s door and opens it for her. With wide
eyes, she just stares at him like the rest of us are. One arm resting on the door,
he leans into her.

“Look Em, I’m not going to lie to you alright. Things have been pretty bad, and we
can’t know for sure what we’ll find in your house. All I know for certain is that
you don’t have to go in alone. I can’t speak for everyone else, but I have your

I swear I could have heard a pin drop at that moment. I think all of us are just
gazing up at him in aw, especially Emily. I try to squash the tiny ball of jealousy
that’s floating in me, now isn’t the time for it.

“I don’t know what to say, but thank you.” She gives him an uncertain smile, and as
he steps back, she jumps down from her seat.

She’s holding a small butcher knife that we got from Austin’s and without waiting
for the rest of us, she starts for her house. As Gabe turns to follow her, the rest
of us get out, not bothering to leave someone in the truck. It’s almost fully dark
now, and it can’t be safe to out here alone. Dan goes inside the door right after
Gabe, and I’m right at his heels. The others follow close behind me.

I try to mentally prepare what could be in the darkened house.

The first thing I notice is that no one is screaming and it’s eerily quiet. The
second thing is the smell. It’s a good smell though, a freshly clean smell like
nothing bad happened here. I only walk far enough into the house to make room for
the others. I’ve never been here before, and it’s a little creepy with no lights.

I can’t even make out Dan before me.

A small flickering light forms across the room, and as it gets closer, I see Emily
holding a candle. Gabe and Dan are flanking her, and they don’t look worried.

“There’s no one here, but it looks like my folks and sisters never came home. There
are no cars, so maybe they got to somewhere safe already?”

I can see the hesitation on everyone’s faces, but we offer her nods and smiles of
encouragement. We all walk away from the door and merge toward the light, like
moths to a flame.

“Hey Em, maybe we should stay here for the night. Would that be alright with you?”
Maria asks, as Michael huddles closer to her.

“We really shouldn’t be out after dark anyway I suppose. There are flashlights and
candles under the sink in the kitchen.” She points to the beyond behind her. “The
closet in the living room has spare pillows and blankets, if you all want to help
yourselves. I’ll be upstairs, really need to change.” With a smile she makes her
way up the stairs to her left.

The rest of us split up then, the guys go off to the kitchen for light and I hope
food. Me, Claire, and Maria find the linens in the closet and begin to set piles
out for everyone. I guess it’s kind of implied that we’ll be sleeping in the living
room tonight. Not that I mind, the closer everyone is the better. After the guys
join us and share the new found light we begin sorting through the supplies. When
we start passing around peanut butter sandwiches, Maria and Claire go in search of
a bathroom to clean up in.

I opt out though, I’m pretty much as clean as I’m going to get.

As I sit down on the couch with a yawn, the guys start debating what we should do
in the morning. At the other end of the couch are Gabe and he keeps checking his
gun to make sure the safety is still on. Across from us, on the loveseat are Dan
and a still pretty shaken up Michael. Sam is perched on the recliner between us,
and he keeps fidgeting nervously.

“Should we really try to get to the places the TV alert talked about?” Sam asks.

“What else can we do? We can’t exactly hold up here forever.” Dan retorts.

“But that message we saw was on yesterday, before, the power went out. So how are
we going to find it?”

“They couldn’t have gone that far. The whole town isn’t walking down Main Street,
so I assume some of them got away. What do you think Gabe?” Dan asks as he turns to

“I don’t really know. Staying or going doesn’t really matter either way; both
options can’t turn out that well.” He has his head bowed and finally places the gun
on the coffee table and leans back on the couch.

“How can you even think like that?” Dan replies, and I can’t help but notice the
hurt tone in his voice.

“How can I not Daniel, have you not seen the shit I have? Do we really want to go
down a path that could get more of us killed?” His voice rises a little bit, but he
doesn’t move from his spot.

Rather than get worked up like the guys, I can’t seem to keep my eyes open. I try
to remember the last time I slept, but I can’t. All I know for sure is that my eyes
are so heavy they feel like lead. Shifting to my right, I lean on the side of the
couch. Laying my head down, I bring my legs up on the couch and tuck them to my

“Guys, calm down. We all know things are bad, but we need to be smart here. We’re
just kids; we could just hide here until help comes.” Sam says as he gets out of
the chair.

“What about our families then Sam? Are we just supposed to forget about them, and
hope they are all right? Sorry, but I can’t. If there is a chance I could find
them, I will.” Dan stands up now and is facing off with Sam.

My eye’s close again and I try to pay attention, since what they are saying
includes all of us. But each time I shut my eyes, they’re voices get smaller and
smaller. My breathing is getting slower and my body feels weightless. The voices
are so quiet now, that they just sound like static. My head feels like it’s
spinning in a funnel and the static sound rises and falls around me. As the static
fills my ears, it changes; it becomes the sound of waves crashing into one another.
I lose the funnel feeling then, and it’s replaced with the sensation that my body
is being pulled into different directions.

I know I’m dreaming when I see a wide expanse of water.

It’s night, so the water looks dark grey, and the waves roar into each other
violently. But the sky above is getting lighter, and the color of the water is more
visible. Slowly it gets darker and lighter at the same time, and when a wave
crashes and sprays, it’s the color of blood. The water seems endless to me then,
and not peaceful. The feeling of being tossed around in the waves returns, and I
see a hand rising from the water. I try to reach for it, but I’m just watching and
not a participant.

The whole arm is extended now, and another is right beside it. A head appears and
the hair is darkened by the blood. As the face breaks the surface, its mouth is
open in a silent scream. And I scream with it, because it’s me that’s coming from
the water. I shift in the dream then, and now I’m the one in the water trying to
break free. But the current is strong and I get pushed under by a wave. My lungs
fill up with blood as I scream trying to pull myself to the surface. I’m spinning
now, and the surface is getting farther and farther away. I look down below, and I
see arms reach for me. And even over the roaring sound of the water I can hear
their deathly moans. Something grabs my arms, and I kick wildly stretching for the
light above me.

A body floats in front of me, and as it gets close I can hear it calling my name.

It’s Gabe.

He says my name again and the nightmare disappears.

Chapter Twenty Seven

I open my eyes, to see Gabe leaning over me so close that his face fills my vision.
His eyes are dark and wide, and I suddenly feel his hands on my arms. I’m covered
in sweat and I can’t stop shaking, with the dream still fresh in my mind. I must
have been moving around in my sleep, because his body is lying on top of mine as if
to still me.
I can feel the weight of him and I notice there is a blanket between us, and my
breathing picks up. He leans in a little closer to me and I can feel him shaking
now too. His face is so close to mine now, that there is very little space between
our lips. I hold my breath, knowing that if we even breathed our lips would touch.
His hands squeeze my arms and he closes his eyes. I’m about to break the space
between us, when he pushes himself up on his arms. With a sigh, he leans back from
me and sits up.

Pulling myself up in a sitting position, I notice now that there is no light in the
room, and it’s a lot quieter than earlier. Squinting my eyes and taking in the
room, I can see blanket covered bumps around the living room. I suddenly feel
confused, and unsure of how long I was asleep. Bringing my gaze back to Gabe, I can
see that his arms are resting on his knees and he has his head buried in his hands.

I toss the blanket off of me, and slide over so we’re side by side. I place my hand
on his back, and only have time to feel that he’s sweating too, before he flinches
from my touch.

“Don’t do that Maggie.” He grumbles into his hands.

“Don’t do what?”

“I shouldn’t have tried-. It’s just not right, I’m sorry.” He lowers his hands and
looks at me.

My eyes widen and I know what he’s talking about. I’m pretty certain we were about
to kiss, and just yesterday I killed my boyfriend. My chest feels tight, and I
can’t help to feel guilty. What kind of person am I? At least he has the decency to
not take advantage. Feeling like I might be sick, I lean back into the couch.

“You were yelling in your sleep before, bad dream?” He asks after a moment of
silence, and he leans back beside me. I do notice that he’s not close enough to
touch me though.

“Sort of. Did I wake you up?”

“I wasn’t asleep. We needed someone to keep watch, and I offered. I don’t think I
could ever fall asleep again.”

I remember then, that I’m not the only one to kill someone I cared about. Just a
few hours ago he killed his father. I know it’s not the same, but the hurt and
guilt is still there, and I can understand that.

“Do you want to talk about why you can’t sleep?”

“Not really no. That’s something I’d rather forget about. I’m sure you’d understand
that.” He glances at me and he tries to smile, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

“I do, but the offer still stands. Did you guys ever come to a decision?” I ask
remembering them fighting over what to do.

“I suppose we did I guess. After you fell asleep, the girls came into the room. And
after a heated debate, we thought it would be best to move on and find help.”

“When are we leaving?” I ask, even though I can already guess.

“As soon as everyone wakes up, the plan is to just drive right into the city. Head
for the biggest buildings we see.”
“The biggest buildings you see? That really seems like a long shot, you know that

“I do. But everyone is pretty adamant on finding help or at least someone else who
knows what’s going on.”

“Finding people makes sense, but if the main square of town is filled with the
dead. Then it’s probably safe to say that the city will be filled too.” I can’t
help the terror that fills my voice.

The thought of going up against more of the dead makes my blood chill inside my

“I don’t really agree with the way we’re doing things, but the end result should
make it worth it.”

“And what’s that?”

“Answers...” He turns so that he’s facing me, and he’s so animated that I know he
really means it.

“That does make sense. I just hope we can actually find our parents, if they’re
still alive that is.” I whisper that last part, a part of me knows I should just
give up. But I can’t.

“Mags, I promise you we’ll find your parents one way or another.” He raises his
hand and gently caresses my temple and then down my cheek.

Closing my eyes, I sigh and hope that he’s right.

Gabe pulls his hand away, and leans away from me. When he gets up off the couch, I
finally have to be honest with myself. As hard as I’ve tried to not have feelings
for Gabe, it hasn’t worked at all. It just doesn’t make sense to not admit
anything, especially the way things are.

Hell, we could all die tomorrow, and then where would we be?

“I should go and check the doors and windows. It’ll be light soon, and it would be
nice to know we’re alone here.”

Without waiting for a reply he walks away from me. He has to walk around everyone
in the room, and goes off around the corner and disappears.

Chapter Twenty Eight

As he leaves, I take the chance to survey the room. Now that it’s starting to get
brighter in here, I can see them all more clearly. In the middle of the room near
the entertainment center is Daniel and Maria sleep huddled together. Next to them
is Michael, and now that Gabe and I aren’t talking, I can hear his whining in his
sleep. Sam is on the loveseat, and he’s clutching the fire poker to his chest.
Claire is beneath the loveseat, and has the blankets snuggled up close, so that I
can only see the top of her head.

I don’t see Emily, so I’m assuming she’s in her room.

Before Gabe can come back into the room, I sneak off to the bathroom. I quickly
wash my face and rinse out my mouth, and desperately with I could take a shower. I
stare into the mirror and almost don’t recognize myself. My hair looks very black
next to my pale face. There are dark circles under my eyes, and already my cheeks
look shrunken. Pulling my hair up into a knot, I go back to the living room.

By the time I get there though, I can hear that the others have woken up.

No one is really in the mood for chit chat today, so we pretty much pack and
organize most of the things we’re taking with us. I do notice though, that Claire,
Maria, Michael, and Sam are all wearing new clothes. They don’t fit that well, and
when I asked Claire, she just said they were some of Emily’s brother and sister’s

Gabe never changed his, and I can’t help but wonder why.

I could ask him, but since our talk this morning, he’s been avoiding me. Not that
I’ve made that much of an effort to track him down or anything. So, by at least
noon we were all loading back into the truck. Thankfully it’s still quiet on this
street, and I can only imagine how it’s going to be from here on out.

Dan has decided to drive and Maria is sitting beside him. In the middle are me,
Sam, and Claire between us. In the back are Gabe, Emily and Michael. Dan doesn’t go
back to drive down our Main Street, instead he takes the side street that cuts to
the highway. After that we have to go through the town of Auburn before we reach
the city of Lewiston. We don’t have any problems getting to the highway, in fact
the road is empty and we breeze through it.

Occasionally we’d find an abandoned car or three, but never any dead or alive

As we get off the highway and come to the turnoff for Auburn, the road conditions
change. The exit ramp has as least five cars piled up, and as we barley squeeze by,
I can see movement from inside. At the last car we pass, I see inside the window
and there is a little girl of five or eight with blonde pig tales. I can see her
bloody mouth open and close and smash into the window. I thank the heavens as we
pass, but I know I’ll never get that image from my mind. After the exit, we come to
a three way stop light.

To the left are all the store fronts and most seem to be charred from a possible
fire that has been long out. There are bodies lying in the street, but they aren’t
moving. There are a couple cars and trucks up and down the road that are blocking
the street off. To the left, leads to the occasional home or two and at the end we
can see the high school. There are at least thirty or more dead shuffling about the
street. They look to be in a worse state than the kids we had to fight off at

Some of them are missing limbs, chunks are gone, and about all of them are burned.

Straight ahead of us, the road doesn’t appear as bad. There are a few abandoned
cars and some unmoving bodies littering the ground, but it seems the better route.
Dan goes straight, and we all but hold our breath as we pass the dead on our right.
About a mile down the road, the left side turns into a park with tree’s everywhere
that you can’t see beyond it. The right side is blocked by a metal guardrail, and
the ground slants downward twenty feet. Beyond that is a housing community, and up
ahead further is an apartment building. From the road, I can’t really tell how it
is down there. But at least nothing is burning.
I’m about to try to investigate the park surroundings, when Claire interrupts.

“What is that up there?” She’s pointing out my window towards the park up ahead.

I turn to the window and squint to see what she’s talking about. I don’t see
anything at first, but then a shadow is moving about thirty feet ahead of us. It’s
large so I don’t think it’s human, but it’s moving very fast too. Slowly, it breaks
free of the woods and comes onto the road.

“What the hell is that?” Dan cries.

“Is that a moose?” Sam says, as he leans over the seat to get a better look.

Thinking it would just go across and down the hill, Dan doesn’t slow us down. But
it’s not alone. Behind the moose, are three burned dead guys. They are tearing
after it, and as we get closer, I can see bites already lining its side.

Abruptly, the moose turns and starts to charge at us.

“Dan, look out!” Maria cries.

“Everybody hang on!” Dan yells.

The dead are right behind flanking the moose, so he can’t go around it. Instead he
turns the truck sharply to the left intending to go into the woods. We are all
yelling for him to stop the truck, but there isn’t enough time. At the same moment
that the truck turns, one of the dead guys gets to the moose and claws at it. It
bucks and dives at us, and Dan tries to turn us back to the other direction. I get
tossed into the door, and my shoulder goes numb. The moose hits the truck, in
between mine and Dan’s door at the next moment, and pushes us into an abandoned
car. The truck is going too fast, and as we hit the car we get flipped onto our
side. I fall towards Claire, and can hardly hear everyone screaming at the same

We land on the rail on the side of the road, and it bends under the weight of us. I
scramble off of Claire and I try to pulls her back towards my door. Underneath her,
Sam is struggling to move. I hear the metal of the rail snap, and don’t even have
time to yell in alarm before the truck falls over the side of the hill. We flip
back onto the hood, and with a feeling of vertigo we abruptly flip back onto my
side of the truck. I get slammed back into my door with a bang, and I’m up too high
to hurt my shoulder. Instead my head smacks the window, it happens so fast I don’t
feel anything, all I hear is the glass breaking. We flip two more times, and each
time my body goes limper each time I hit something.

Before I know it we land upside down on the hood at the bottom of the hill.

Chapter Twenty Nine

We are a mass of arms and legs, and I’m not sure who I’m lying on.

My body doesn’t hurt surprisingly, but I do have a hard time sitting up. When I do,
I get dizzy and my eyes blur out of focus. I blink rapidly trying to clear them,
but if anything they get worse. Ignoring it, I shift to the door and see Claire
under me. When we landed, the truck must have impacted because there isn’t much
room to move.
But I pull Claire a little towards me and she groans and opens her eyes. She has
cuts all over her face from the glass, but she sits up right away as if she’s not
badly hurt. When she turns to Sam next to her, I can hear some of the other’s
moving around. I turn my attention the door next to me and try to open it, but it’s
stuck. I push at it, and I feel a twinge in my shoulder that is gone before it
begins to hurt. I see movement out the window, and I lean out to get a better look.
Blurrily I see the three dead guys from the road falling down the hill.

I fall back into Claire with a yell.

“Oh. My. God…Claire get that door open now, we’re about to have company.” I shout
as I turn towards her and Sam.

He can barely open his eyes, and I notice his left arm is hanging awkwardly at his
shoulder. In his right I squint, but can see the fire poker still in his grasp.
Claire leans over Sam and tries to open the door. Swearing as she hits at it, the
door groans and finally falls open. Sam and Claire both stumble out right away. I’m
scrambling out after them, when I see something among the seat clutter.


I reach for them; it’s the ax and the baseball bat. I grab them without hesitation
and slid free of the truck. I stumble out and land on my knees, my head feels fuzzy
and I’m not sure of up or down. With my free hand I reach for my temple and it
comes back covered in my blood. I know Claire is shouting before me, but I’m having
trouble hearing her and she sounds far away. I look up at her, but she’s already
going to the front seat. Sam is going to the back, and I try to get to my feet to

As soon as I rise, my stomach lurches and I almost fall back to the ground, but it
passes. With deaf ears, I blindly turn towards the hill we came down. The dead have
almost reached the bottom and I know they will be on us soon. I spin towards the
back of the truck and smack into Gabe, he has to hold me steady as I stumble back.
He says something, but I don’t hear what it is, so I just pull away. Behind him,
Sam is helping an unsteady Emily and Michael.

They are all covered in cuts from the glass, and might be more hurt but I can’t
tell at the moment.

Hearing a scream, we all rush to the front of the truck. Claire is trying to get
Maria out of the door, but is having a hard time. One of her legs is trapped under
the dashboard. On the other side, one of the dead is trying to get in through the
window. Dan is trying to kick it out, but it keeps clawing its way in. Gabe pushes
in beside Claire and together they pull Maria free, with a scream of pain from her.
As she falls out on the ground, her leg is all torn up and I think I see bone
poking through.

Dan scrambles through the open door then, and when he clears it Gabe leans down and
shoots the dead guy in the head. My head spins at the sound of the gun going off,
and my ears are left ringing. I grip the ax in my hands and try to steady myself. I
must have lost a few seconds though, because when my vision clears a little,
everyone is already standing.

Dan and Michael have Maria leaning on them, and Claire is helping Sam now. Gabe is
walking towards me and says something again, that is lost on me. Assuming he’s
offering help, I gesture to Emily who looks to be having a harder time keeping
upright than me. He narrows his eye at me, but in the end goes to Emily.
I see movement on either side of me, and only then do I remember the other two dead

Distantly I hear the shouts of the others, and Gabe and I move at the same time. He
goes for the left and I go for the right. I swing the ax as I turn, and I catch the
guy at his shoulder. We both stumble at the hit, and I almost fall backwards when I
have to pull the ax from his flesh. I do however step back as he goes for me again.
This time I shake my head to clear it and flatten my feet. I raise the ax, and
right before he’s on me I swing the ax around so that I hit his neck.

He falls to the ground and I fall with him still gripping the ax.

I hear the sound of gun fire, and my ears ring again. A dull ache forms at my
temple as I struggle to my feet. With the ax free and raised, I swing it down into
the guy’s neck as hard as I can. Half his head is hanging off, but he’s already
stopped moving. Satisfied I start to turn back towards the others, when I hear them
all yelling. Quickly I look to the dead guy, thinking he’s getting up, but he’s
still. Then I look up towards the apartment building across the way, and I almost
pass out at the sight.

Running from all directions are hordes of the dead.

We huddle together then, and quickly figure out the only safe place is the
apartment building, that is a dozen feet away. We just have to get there alive.
Pushing forward, I have to swing out at the dead, as they are already reaching us.
I see the others around me using their weapons, only having enough time to knock
them aside.

Faster than I’d like, we are halfway to the building, we are getting surrounded.
I’m swinging the ax around so fast, that the faces and ages of the dead go by in a
blur. My arms are getting heavy and the ache at my temple gets worse. To my left, I
see Emily struggling to hit at one of the dead with a knife. It catches her
shoulder with its arms and she falls to the ground. Before I can yell or run to
her, the dead girl she was fighting bites into her side. Barely hearing her
screams, she gets lost under the mass of the dead.

With the dead momentarily distracted by Emily, we push back and closer together,
knowing we can’t save her. After swinging again and knocking back an old woman, my
arms are almost too heavy to hold them up. That’s why, when the next dead woman
charges at me, I don’t hit her as hard. She only stumbles and comes at me again,
but I lose focus mid swing and a throbbing pain forms behind my eyes. She’s about
to knock into me, when Sam is there hitting her aside with the fire poker. The
ringing in my ears gets louder then, and my head swims.

I stumble forward onto my knees, and look around at the others numbly.

We are completely surrounded now, and the dead are only kept at bay by our efforts.
Dan while holding Maria is alternating between shooting and hitting with the rifle.
The same can be said for Gabe with the handgun, which on the other side of our
circle. Next to him is Michael, and somehow he has the knife that Emily was using,
and he hits with it wildly. On either side of me is Sam and Claire, or I don’t hear
what they shout at me as I fall. Across from me, Gabe glances at me, and waves his
arm and yells to me. I peer over my shoulder, to see a one armed little boy
shuffling to me. I know I should get up and protect myself, but I can’t feel my

My thoughts feel so muddled, that I’m not really sure everything is happening at
the right speed.
As I struggle to lift my arms to raise the ax, the dead boy is hit in the head with
something and falls to the ground. At first I think Gabe shot him, but the thing
that hit him sticks out and is on fire. My head feels like it’s spinning, and I
almost think I am hallucinating.

More burning arrows fly over our heads and hit the dead?

Chapter Thirty

The burning arrows hit the dead, and they ignite into flames. The ones closest to
us are all hit and they fall back. Distantly I hear the sound of gunfire and all
the dead blocking our path to the apartments fall to the ground. The others are
still fighting some of the dead around them, but I see what’s on the other side of
the dead.

In front of the apartment building, are two guys and a woman.

The guys are holding a gun in each hand, and the woman has a large crossbow up to
her shoulder. In one hand, she is holding a lighter and occasionally lights an
arrow. They are all older than us, but not our parent’s age. I can’t make them out
clearly though, but I do notice they are yelling and waving us towards them.

I see Dan helping Maria over to them, and Michael is by their side in an instant,
warding off attackers. Sam is yelling to me, but suddenly I can’t hear anything
over the roaring of my ears. My vision starts to go dark, and I’m having trouble
feeling my body. My fingers loosen and I hardly feel the ax fall from them. My
stomach rolls, and my visions swims again. Falling forward onto my hands, I feel
bile rise into my lungs. I gag and cough something warm and wet up and spit it out.
There are hands on my shoulders, and feet come into view. I don’t have the strength
to be afraid, but I do raise my eyes. I see a shadowed version of Gabe, and Claire
is yelling beside him. He comes in closer, and I don’t even feel it as he scoops me
into his arms.

As I get lifted up, there is a sharp pain behind my eyes and everything goes dark.

When I open my eyes again, I see Matt and I know I’m dreaming.

He had just got to Austin’s and is gazing down at me smiling. Slowly we lean into
each other and our lips barely touch, when the scene changes. I’m sitting in
Emily’s living room now, with Gabe beside me. He has his head in his hands and I
ache to touch him again. Then I’m back in my bedroom with Dan and Claire teasing me
about going out. They are both smiling at me, and I’ve never been so happy. Now I’m
back in Austin’s garage laying on the ground with Matt on top of me. He’s snarling
again, and I have to turn my head away since his face is so close to mine. My arms
are shaking as I try to push him off, and I just get my legs between up when the
scene changes again.

I’m on Austin’s lawn again and the blonde girl with one arm is just biting into my
sneaker, and then Gabe is there kicking her off me. I stare up at him in shock, as
he kicks her again when she comes at me one more time. Now I’m back in the garage
again, and I’m staring down at Matt’s body. I had just cut of his head and I’m to
numb to feel anything. I’m back in the truck now, and I look through the window as
Dan and Gabe are getting surrounded by the dead at Austin’s. I know they can’t make
it alone, and as I reach for the door handle the scene changes again.
I’m in the truck again, and I see Brian fall down and get attacked. I turn to
Claire as she yells for him, her eyes are wide and her face is pale, and there are
tears running down her cheeks. Now we’re in the truck still, but now are driving
down the road from Austin’s. I see Dan wrapped in Maria’s arms, and she’s sobbing
into him but she’s smiling. I’m in the bathroom at Austin’s now, and I’m staring at
myself in the mirror. I’m covered in Matt’s blood and have tears silently running
down my face. I look down at my blood covered hands as they grip the sink, and I
wonder if I can ever get through this. When I look back up to the mirror I don’t
see myself, I see Gabe. I’m outside now on my knees, and amiss the chaos, all I see
is him. He’s saying something but I can’t hear what it is, and as he gets closer
his images darken. The last thing I see is the tears that fall from his eyes, as he
lifts me into his arms.

Or maybe that’s just a dream.

I’m in the darkness again, and my body feels empty and hollow. I can’t tell what is
up or down, but I have the sensation of moving. Then at once, I feel myself falling
and crash into a pain filled body.

Slowly, soft voices filter into my subconscious, and most of them are unfamiliar.

“You need to let me help her! Brady gets them out of here now!” A woman’s voice

“Don’t you dare hurt her, or I swear-“Gabe screams, but he gets cut off and a door

I feel hands holding my shoulders, and as a sharp pain fills my head, I can’t
control myself from thrashing around. There are more hands on me now, holding me
down and stilling my movements.

“Hold still, we’re here to help. This might sting a bit, and I’m sorry.” The woman
says again.

There is something cold and wet being placed on my head and a pinching sensation on
my arm. My head spins in spirals and then I’m being pulled back into the darkness
and away from the voices and the pain.

Then there is blessed nothingness.

Chapter Thirty One

Slowly I feel myself begin to wake up, but it takes a while to open my eyes. My
head feels all muddled, and my eyelids are heavy. When I finally open them, there
are crusties in the corners and a few eyelashes tear as I force them open. It takes
me a minute to realize I’m lying down on a bed, and when I do only then do I feel
it. It’s soft and feels warm on my back, but I’m shivering suddenly and the rest of
me am cold. Squinting my eyes, I stare around the darkened room and it comes into
focus as a light appears under the door to the right.

Something moves on the bed beside me, and I have a feeling that I’m not alone.

I almost turn my head to the left and as I do something wet falls off my forehead.
When it’s gone, my shivering slows and I wonder what it was for. I do raise my
hands and touch the tender spot along my left temple, and I feel the rough edges of
bandages. It stings from my touch, and I drop my hands away. Turning my head all
the way I see that there is someone beside me and it’s a sleeping Claire. Seeing
her I know I should feel safe, but if anything I’m more curious as to what
happened. I raise my arms up and push back the heavy blankets that were lying on
me, and try to sit up.

As soon as I’m only halfway up my head spins and my stomach roll. Short of breath,
I ease myself back down on the bed. Laying back down my head begins to ache a
steady throbbing pain. My movements must have waked Claire, because now she’s
sitting up and staring down at me.

At first her face registers shock. Then a slight smile forms on her lips.

“You’re awake.” She says with a full out smile.

I don’t know what has her so happy, but I just groan and close my eyes. I feel the
bed shift as she gets off, and I hear her feet as she makes her way to the door.
The door opens with a click, and I can almost feel the light falling on my face.

“Kelli, hurry she’s awake.” Claire says with excitement in her voice.

I hear quiet murmurs from the other room and can hear several pairs of feet as they
make their way into the room. I open my eyes again when they get closer to the
room. Claire comes back to the bed, as Dan walks into the room. The first thing I
notice is that my brother isn’t wearing a shirt. The second thing I notice is that
his chest is covered in bruises and a wide bandage is wrapped around his ribs. As
soon as his eyes meet mine, he grins and hurries to my side. I try to smile for
him, but my head is hurting worse now and it’s hard to move.

That’s when Gabe comes into the room. I can’t stop my eyes from taking him in.

He finally changed his clothes, and is now in a big pair of jeans and a shirt too
small for him. Not that any of it looks bad on him, his hair is wet and half his
face is patterned with dark bruises. With a swagger in his step and a smile on his
lips he comes to my side by Dan. I finally smile myself when he reaches for my hand
and gives it the tiniest squeezes.

I look back to the door, as a strange man and woman come in. Though I have a vague
memory that I’ve seen them before. The woman makes it into the room first and I’m
startled to see how clean and beautiful she is. She looks almost out of place with
all the violence and death that has been going on. Her eyes are dark but very
bright with reassurance. Her hair and eyes are as dark as warm honey and hangs in
waves down her back; she fiddles with a stethoscope that is around her neck.

Behind her, the man comes fully into the room now.

They look so similar that for a moment I think they could be related. They both
have similar hair but his eyes are clearly blue, but whereas she is tall and
Lilith, he’s tall and bulky. I can see the muscles push at the shirt he’s wearing,
and by the serious look on his face, I know I would never want to get into a fight
with him. They both look to be maybe ten years older than me, but could be younger.

I’ve stopped trying to guess these things, since I have a habit of being wrong.

His face lightens though when the woman leans back into him with a smile. He wraps
his arms around her, and they all stare at me. Okay, now I’m starting to feel like
a wild animal at the zoo. It’s nice and all that I’m awake and everyone is happy to
see me, but what is so great about it. I ache from head to toe, my head feels like
it’s going to take off at any minute, and I can’t even sit up without feeling like
I’m going to throw up. I open my mouth to tell them to stop gawking, and all that
comes out is a croaky version of my voice.

I cough to clear my throat, and my head hurts more fiercely.

Dan reaches next to the bed, and gets a cup of water. He brings it to my lips and
it feels like nectar passing my lips and down my throat. I drink so much that I
choke a little, but I don’t care. I don’t think I’ve ever been this thirsty before.
Satisfied, I lean my head back and the woman I’m guessing is Kelli steps toward the

“So how are you feeling? Any pain, nausea, dizziness?” She asks as she reaches for
the wrist of the hand that Gabe was holding. As he steps aside, she places her
fingertips at my pulse points and eyes her wrist watch.

“All of the above.” I whisper, and I notice it’s less croaky.

“Well, your pulse is much better today. So that’s good. I have some pain medication
for you that should help. But with a concussion as bad as yours, the best thing is
to get plenty of rest and fluids.” She says as she steps back, and goes to a
dresser across the room.

While she digs around for something inside, I turn to glance at Gabe and Dan.

“What happened after the accident?” I ask.

The guys share a look, and I can’t tell what is going through their minds. They
look over to Claire and I follow their eyes. She just shrugs and sits on the bed
beside me.

“What do you remember sweetie?” Claire says.

“Not much really, just going over the side of the road in the truck, and then just
a mess of things that doesn’t make much sense.”

“Well, after we crashed we were getting surrounded by a lot of dead people. We were
doing alright, but weren’t about to last much longer.” Dan says.

“Emily got attacked, and before we knew it, you fell to the ground. I saw you fall,
and a kid was almost on you, then a burning arrow hit him. Went down like a ton of
bricks.” Gabe says with a smile on his face and he looks behind him to Kelli.

A memory forms in the back of my mind, and what they say is starting to come back.
I do remember fire, but I also remember everything that happened before.

“Yeah, then flaming arrows came out of nowhere and those bastards lit up like the
fourth of July.” Dan says laughing, and I can here Kelli by the dresser chuckle.

“There was gunfire everywhere, and all the dead on fire went down. A path was
cleared to the apartment we were trying to get to, and past the smoke were these
three bad asses.” Gabe says, as Kelli comes back to the bed with a pill bottle in
her hands.

She opens it, and takes out two for me. Gabe gets the cup of water for me and takes
the pills to give them to me, but I hold my hand up to stop him for a second. Since
they’re shocked faces when I first woke up are worrying me.

“How long was I asleep?” I ask.

Gabe steps back and looks to Kelli for help. She steps closer to me, and sits on
the side of the bed.

“When we found you guys, you were all pretty beat up. But you were, are the worst.
Gabe here carried you up three flights of stairs and you were unconscious by the
time we got you inside.

She fiddles with the stethoscope again, and then places her hands in her lap. I
notice the others are getting pretty fidgety also, and it makes me afraid to hear
what she has to say.

“By the time you were laid down on this bed, your heart stopped. I managed to
resuscitate you, but with your type of concussion I didn’t have much hope that
you’d wake up. Your friends did call you a fighter, but I didn’t believe them until
now. And to answer your question, you’ve been sleeping for over twenty four hours.”

I’m so shocked I don’t even know what to say. My heart stopped? I might not have
woken up? Well, that certainly explains the happiness and stares. She said I was
the worst, so that means someone else is hurt to. I vaguely remember Maria with a
broken leg, but I’m not sure about anyone else.

“Is everyone else alright?” I ask, looking between them.

“Maria has a severely broken leg. Sam had a dislocated shoulder that Randy took
care of.” Kelli says, and I see Randy smirking when she mentioned Sam. Wonder what
happened there?

“I have a couple bruised ribs, but Kelli says they should be alright in a week or
so.” Dan says.

Shortly after I take the pain pills offered, Kelli ushers everyone out of the room
saying I need more rest. Not arguing with her, I let sleep pull me back under. I
don’t have any bad dreams this time, or if I do I don’t remember them. Knowing that
we are at least as safe as can be for the moment, I let myself relax and content.

Who knows when I’ll run out of time to do this?

Chapter Thirty Two

The next couple of days go by in a blur, as I’m in and out of consciousness. The
visitors in my room rotate, and they all tell me stories of what the new people are
like. Claire tells me that we’re not the only other people in the building, though
most fled in the first couple days of infection. All that are left now is a few old
couples and a few families. Then there is Randy and Kelli, who Claire says are
married and that he’s a cop. That’s whose apartment we’re in now, she tells me.
There is another guy Brady who is apparently Randy’s partner and is always hanging
around. His girlfriend is with him, and her name is Lauren.

Claire says that since so many of the apartments are empty, that anyone is welcome
to stay in them.

When Sam visits he tells me that the guys in the building have a generator hooked
up, and we have power and hot water. I’m so excited at the thought of a shower that
I almost jump out of the bed. But I’m so shaky on my feet; he has to help me back
down. He promises I’ll have a long one when I’m feeling better.
I totally hold him to it.

Dan comes to see me the most, and gives me updates on Maria and vice versa. We talk
sometimes about mom and dad and know we can’t stay here forever. They are out there
somewhere, and probably doing what we’re doing, wondering if we’ll ever see each
other again. We don’t talk much about those we’ve lost, and I like it that way. I
know we will have to eventually, but for right now it hurts too much.

Gabe mostly comes to see me at night, when we can be alone for a longer period of
time. He tells me about how Randy has this awesome weapon collection, and I think
back to the crossbow. I definitely can’t wait to get out of this bed, just to check
them out. He tells me he met this guy Noah, who’s in the army. Apparently, his
sister lives in this building but Gabe has never met her. Noah doesn’t talk about
her much, and Gabe doesn’t push him. They do talk a lot about how the infection of
the dead started though.

And believe it or not, it was the cold immunization shots.

Go figure right?

One night a couple days later, after finally getting that shower that was promised.
I’m just finishing getting into a pair of silk jammies from Kelli, when there is a
knock on the door. I have to walk over to it slowly, since I’m still a little
unsteady on me feet. Gabe is on the other side, and I can’t hold back the smile as
I open the door. In a fast approved tradition, we sit on the bed together and talk
about things. But tonight’s topic hits a little close to home. He tells me that
Noah has been talking about the places that people were evacuated to. He says that
there is a good chance that’d we’d make it to them if we wanted to go searching for
our families.

He finally tells Gabe that his sister is there, probably looking for him, like he
is for her. He has a car and is planning on leaving, but would be willing to take
some of us with him if we wanted to go. Hearing this is like music to my ears, to
be able to find my mom and dad. I would give anything to be able to be held in my
mother’s arms and to have her tell me everything is alright. And Gabe knows this,
that’s why he’s telling me. He doesn’t really have any other reason to go off on a
search mission. My heart swell at the thought of him caring so deeply for me, and I
can feel tears in my eyes.

“Hey, don’t cry Mags, please.” He leans over and wipes my tears before they fall
down my cheeks with his fingertips.

“It’s just; I want to find my parents so badly it hurts.” I say as I take his hand
in mine and place our entwined hands between us on the bed.

“I know that’s why I told Noah that we’d go with him. We leave the day after
tomorrow.” He says with a smile.

I can’t hold back my own smile, but it falters. How can we just leave, after
finally having a safe place to sleep and knowing the dead can’t get inside past the
storm proof security doors? I feel terror trying to push its way up inside me, and
I can’t hold back the shiver as I think back to everything that has already happen
in such a short time.

Am I really prepared to sacrifice more, on something so uncertain?

Seeing my hesitation, Gabe leans into me so that our foreheads are touching.
“I promise you Maggie, that I won’t let anything happen to you. And one way or
another we will find your parents and anyone else. I won’t stop until we do. You
have my word.” He whispers the last thing, and his face comes closer to mine.

Sighing, I know then that it’s worth it to take this chance.

If we don’t, then what do we have to live for? Feeling Gabe smile so close to my
lips, I know he understands that I came to my decision. I raise my arms so that I
can touch his hair, and I run my fingers through his long dark waves. He places his
hands on either side of my cheeks and pulls me the final distance to his lips. Our
lips touch so lightly at first, and then everything that we’ve waited for comes to
light, and we both deepen it at the same time. Coming up for air, we are both out
of breathe and shaking.

We lay down then, and being held in Gabe’s arms I fall asleep knowing there is hope
for the future.

Chapter Thirty Three

I stare out into the horde of the dead before me and I try not to be afraid. Gabe
is standing beside me, and he gives me courage. They shuffle about one another,
waiting and forever searching. The illusion that they are weak, linger around them.
But I know better. They thrive on the need to kill, to feed, and to infect. They
almost come alive with it, making them quick on the hunt. Just one person out in
the open, lures them in like fish to bait. Our flesh and blood call out to them and
we suffer for it. One day I know I may succumb to it as well, and I try to make
peace with that.

But I know one thing for sure. It won’t be today.

Today we live on, and we fight. See, we have something those things don’t have;
perseverance. And the will to fight for what is ours.

All we have to do is stay alive.

It’s been a day and a half since Gabe and I talked about leaving the apartments to
go in search of our families. Surprisingly, we’re not the only ones that wanted to
accompany Noah. And I have to smile as I think back to the morning after; we could
barely wait to talk to the others. We ran into Claire first, who was asleep on the
couch and told her our plan. She was a little leery while listening, but like me
she wants to find her parents. Now, I turn to her on my left and she reaches for my
hand. I hang on to her. We both squeeze as if our lives depended on it and in a
way…they kind of do.

Sam had come out of the bathroom right after talking to Claire, and he knew right
away something was up. Claire all excited told him we’re leaving, and asked him to
come. I can’t know for sure, but I swear his cheeks got a little pink before he
went to his sleeping bag on the other side of the room. I lean over Claire and peer
at Sam, and am glad he decided to come with us. He can be jumpy at times, but when
it counts he comes through in the end.

All of us together went in search of Dan; he was sharing another room with Michael
and Maria. She has been bed ridden like me, but she has more trouble moving around.
Kelli managed to set her bone in the leg, but she has to be careful not to disturb
it. They were already awake, but were quiet as we retold our plan. Dan got off the
bed and stood in front of me, and told me to tell mom and dad that he loves them. I
knew then that he wouldn’t be going. I should have known, with Maria and all. He
goes up to Gabe next, and they do the awkward guy hug thing, but then he does the

He threatens Gabe to bring me back alive, and if he fails he’ll kill him.

This gets him an eye roll for sure. Brothers, they can be so emotional.

We spent as much time together the next day, and there were an awful lot of tears
going around.

When I met Noah for the first time, I didn’t expect what I saw. I figured he’s
being an older guy, since Gabe seemed to idolize him, but he’s only a year older
than us. The resemblance to Matt made me nervous around him though, but Gabe
assured me he was a decent guy. He told us that we would have to stock up on some
supplies to take with us, since he didn’t know for sure how far we’d have to go. He
mentioned that he knew of a couple possible places in Lewiston that people were
being taken, but there were also backup places elsewhere. Here’s hoping they are at
the first stop we make, but I know we’re not that lucky.

After talking and strategizing with Noah, we had to tell Randy and Kelli the plan.
They weren’t very happy to see us go, but Kelli told me she’d take care of the
others for us. I know I can hold her to it, I just hope she has enough patience for
Dan. He can be a pain sometimes. Randy and Noah got started right away by getting
the things we’d need. He loaned us a couple weapons and even gave us a ton of ammo.
He told us that when we got back, that we have to return the guns. I hope we make
it back to return them, but he seems pretty sure we will. Brady and Lauren helped
pack up some bags of food and water for us and wished us luck.

Standing at the back door of the apartment building, I know we’re going to need all
the luck we can get.

Between us and Noah’s car, is over thirty charred dead people. I grip the ax in my
right hand, and shifting the pack of clothes over my shoulder, I try to be brave.
Beside me, Claire has a bow in her arms, with a pack of arrows over her shoulders.
We both have pretty awesome leg sheaths with knives in them. Sam has his fire poker
still, but has a new gun in his belt. This took a lot of reminders for him to keep
the safety on. He’s also holding a pack of food for us over his shoulder.

Next to me Gabe has the freshly loaded handgun and Michael’s rifle over his
shoulder. In his other hand he’s holding two gallons of water. Beside him is Noah,
who has another handgun and a shotgun over his shoulders. He has a gallon of fuel
in his other hand. We are all just staring out the back door, and wondering how the
hell we’re going to get to the car.

Noah steps toward the door then, and reaches for the handle. Before he turns it
completely, he pauses and glances over his shoulder at us.

“You guys ready for this?” He asks.

My mouth goes dry, but I swallow and try to be calm.

Claire gives my hand a squeeze, and I let her anchor me. I glance away from the
door and find Gabe watching me, and he offers me a small smile. Not taking my eyes
off his, I take a deep breath. I can see Sam raising the fire poker on the other
side of Claire, and I know we’re as ready as we’re ever going to be.

Noah pushes the door open then, and the summer heat washes over us.
The dead turn at the sound and begin to make their way over to us.

“Here we go.” I say, as I raise the ax in my arms and take a step out the door.

Chapter Thirty Four

“So, what do you think we’ll find when we get there?” Sam asks from the front
passenger seat, and not for the first time.

No one says anything, and I don’t want to have to repeat what Noah has been saying
since we got into the car about twenty minutes ago. I know he’s just nervous and
trying to concentrate on what he knows, but still, it’s starting to get to us.

“I’m just not sure Sam. It really could be in any condition, and if where we came
from is any sign.” Noah replies from the driver’s seat.

He doesn’t elaborate, and for good reason.

We can all use our imagination here, and I try not to think about it. I’m grateful
for the next moment of silence before Sam asks again. Gabe sighs from beside me in
the backseat, and I lean closer into him and try to clear my head. As I lay my head
on his shoulder, glancing up around my long dark hair I stare at him.

He doesn’t know I’m watching, as he’s glaring out the window. I can see the strong
lines of his jaw tightening and loosening in a quick pattern. Even though his head
is turned I can still see how the sunlight coming through the window reflects off
his light eyes, and it makes them shine. His hair is shorter now than it was a week
ago; it was getting in his eyes, so he had me cut it for him. I can’t say I don’t
miss it, but his eyes stand out more now. His face loosens suddenly, and I can see
the smirk forming on his lips.

And I know I’ve been caught.

His arm that was around my shoulder pulls me closer and I hug him back before
sitting back up.

Since he is still glaring out the window, I glance to my left and find that Claire
is also watching out hers. I couldn’t help but notice that she has been very
subdued since we got into the car. Not that I blame her, because I know what’s
running through her mind. We haven’t even hit the main road yet, so we’re still
surrounded by trees, and they are so empty that it’s unnerving. It’s such a bright
summer morning, that it makes me think that everything is normal. And maybe nothing
really happened at all, but as I ring my hands in my lap I can feel the dried blood
on them and I know nothing is normal.

When we got in the car, we all placed our weapons and bags on the floorboards. But
the closer we get to the city, I can’t help the urge to pick up the ax and grip it
tightly. I can feel the muscles in my shoulders tense, and I have to take a deep
breath to calm down. I remind myself that we’re relatively safe in the car, but I
know it won’t last. It never does. As a headache forms behind my eyes, I think back
to the last time I was sitting in the backseat of a car between Gabe and Claire.
That was only a week or so ago, but it feels like a lifetime, and someone else’s
life at that.
I so wish we were just going to a party and not into the city that is most likely
filled with the dead.

“We’re here.” Noah utters.

We all sit up, and take note of our new surroundings, and what I see makes me gasp
in dismay. We’ve been following Minot Avenue for a while, and the dark houses
disappear and are replaced by stores and businesses on either side of us. Noah has
to slow us down to slow crawl, because there are abandoned vehicles lining the road
now. Most of the parking lots of the stores are empty, but there is the occasional
car with the doors wide open. I can see that the further we go, the dead start to
multiply. They are in worse condition than the ones we were fighting last night.
One in particular catches my eyes, and he’s a big guy and is missing an arm. But
that isn’t what is creepy, it’s that half of his face is missing and most of his
chest cavity is showing. As he stumbles between the others, I can see a trail of
intestines following in his wake.

I tear my eyes away and try to ignore the way my stomach turns over.

Even as we drive past, their slow stumbling steps pause and turn in our direction.
They don’t follow us though, but it doesn’t make me feel any better, there are more
of them ahead of us too.

“Holy crab, look at that.” Sam almost yells, as he points out his window.

We are almost to the end of the road, and too our left is a lumber yard. We all
turn to look out the window at what he’s pointing at. In the yard near the back,
there are at least ten dogs ranging in sizes. They are all nuzzling something, that
I think my have been dead for a long time. Not one of them looks in our direction
as we pass, and I notice that it’s missing half of his hind courters.

They must be dead too.

“Where is everybody?” Claire whispers.

We all sit back as Noah turns us onto Hotel Road and the sights don’t get any
better. There are pharmacies on both sides of us, and I can tell from here that no
one living has been there for days. The cars in the parking lot are tipped over or
have the doors open with bodies hanging out of them. Some of them are missing their
heads, and I wonder where the people are that killed them. The windows of the
stores are broken and there is blood covering the pavement going to the entrances.
There are bloody footprints going in every direction. I can see shadows of movement
inside, and it causes goose bumps to break out all over me.

Gabe reaches over to take one of my hands in his, and I have to unclench them from
each other. His palms are slick with sweat and he must be as scared as I am at what
we’ll find the further we go. Giving me a tight squeeze, it helps calm me a little

“Hold on guys.” Noah says.

Near the turn we need to take on Rodman Road, there is a garbage truck tipped over
on the lawn of a house on our left and blocking half the road. There is trash and
debris ling the road and he has to speed up the car for a second, as he steers the
car up over the curb and the car gets jostled from the impact. As we clear the
street and take the turn we need, I glance back behind me at the house. There is
movement on one of the second floor windows, and if I squint my eyes, I can almost
make out the form of a woman walking past.
I want to believe that she is alive, but she doesn’t come to the window and I know
she must be dead already.

“This is so wrong.” Gabe says as he watches out the window.

Rodman Road used to be a busy street, with at least thirteen businesses and depots.
But as we pass at a slow crawl, I can see that half of them have been burned down
like so many others we’ve seen. The air over here is still thick with smoke, and
the tires of our car leaves tracks in the ash. There are more empty cars everywhere
now, and bloody maimed bodies on the ground. Noah has to swerve many times to keep
us on the road, to avoid hitting things. There is constant movement on either side
of us now, and I have to hold my breath afraid that they will be alerted of our

They only glance in our direction though, and just slowly shuffle along in the
abandoned parking lots.

It’s so quiet out there, that when we near the end of the road, a scream pierces
around us and causes all to jump in alarm. Noah slows us down even more, and we all
pear around us waiting to see if someone is out there. All I can see though is the
mindless movements of the dead in the distance. The scream comes again though, and
much closer now too, but still we don’t see anything.

“Shouldn’t we go and try to help whoever that is?” Gabe asks, as the car idles in
the same spot.

Sam leans around the front seat and fixes Gabe with wide eyes.

“Are you out of your mind? We can’t go out there.”

“We’re not the monsters, Sam.” Gabe retorts.

Sam turns back to sit in his seat and glances nervously at Noah.

“We’re not going out there right?” Sam asks Noah, with a high pitch squeak to his

“Gabe is right we should help anyone that needs it, if we can.” I say as I also
look toward Noah.

He is still gripping the steering wheel, and I can see that his knuckles are bone
white. I look up and find his reflection in the rearview mirror, and he’s watching
Gabe. He looks haunted for a second, before he glances back to the road in front of

“Sam is right Gabe, we can’t go out there. The screaming has already stopped, so
I’m assuming they might already be dead. Who knows, they might have already been
hurt anyways.”

“What if there are more people out there though, we can’t just abandon people if
they need help.” Gabe says, but he’s doesn’t sound as adamant as before.

Noah pulls the car back into a steady pace, and we near the end of the road again.

“If there were people alive, I think they would have seen us by now. And if they
saw us, I would think that they would come out to the road.

Besides, we would only waste weapons if we went out there. Later after we hit the
armory at my base, we can come back alright?” Noah says, and tries to sound

From my right, Claire snorts in disbelief. None of us really believe him though,
it’s hard enough to know what we can do from here on out, let alone make a plan to
go backwards.

I just hope that the military base he’s taking us too, has some pretty useful

Chapter Thirty Five

Finally making it to Washington Street, the business’s drift off and we’re left
with nothing but trees and grassy fields on either side of us. The dead dwindle
down to nothing and we’re left alone for the next two miles. There aren’t even any
cars or bodies anywhere now, and it should make me feel better, but it doesn’t. If
anything, it makes me and possibly the others, very afraid of what is coming.

“You’re sure there will still be weapons at the armory right?” Gabe asks, and I
almost jump out of the seat as his voice breaks the silence.

I glance at him, and he has his handgun in his lap. He keeps checking to make sure
the safety is on, and it gives me a sense of familiarity. I lightly touch his arm,
and he stills his movements and tries to give me a smile. It doesn’t quit reach his
eyes though, and I can’t help wishing again that everything was normal.

“If anything there will be reserves with plenty of ammo, so I’m almost positive.”
Noah replies, not even glancing from the road.

“We’re going all the way out here, and there might not even be weapons, how is that
reasonable?” Claire says, and I realize this is the first time she has said
anything since getting inside the car.

“It’s better than nothing, that’s why. It’s better to be safe than sorry. That has
been my experience anyway.” Noah says.

“I just wish we would get to the place where there should be people hiding out is
all. I know having extra ammo is important, it just sucks having to go so far for
it.” Claire says, as she finally looks away from the window and down at her hands
griping her bow.

“I know Claire, no worries.” Noah lifts his eyes in the rearview mirror and glances
at us in the back. “The Collisee isn’t that far from the base, so it’ll be a quick
trip after this. Just hang tight guys, okay?”

We all nod in agreement, and I think back to when we went over the plans of where
we are going the night before. Noah had told us that he was certain of at least two
places people would be evacuated to for safety, and the Collisee is one of them.
Though it’s actually called the Androscoggin Bank Colisée, and is a huge stadium.
I’ve never been there, but Noah says that it has many different stadiums inside
that it’s perfect for housing large groups of people.

That sounded good enough for me, and it was supposed to be the first place we went.

But with our lack of ammo supplies, Noah suggested that we head for the army
National Guard base. He can’t say for sure if we’ll find anything to use, but I
agree that it’s better to check it out, than not. The second place where Noah
thought there would be people is Bates College, and it is big enough for it. So if
the Collisee falls through, that’s where we will be heading.

“Are you alright Mags?” Gabe whispers into my ear, as he leans closer to me.

Turning to him I say, “Yeah, why?”

“You’ve just been really quiet, like you’re lost in thought. I’m probably just over

He puts his arm around me again, and I lean in with a sigh. Have I been out of it?
I don’t really know, but I have been a little distracted I guess. I try to think if
it’s really something to worry about, but it gives me a dull throbbing pain behind
my eyes and I let the thought fade away. I close my eyes, and let Gabe hold me, and
pretend everything is fine and we’re all safe. It doesn’t last though, I can feel
the car turning and I know we’re heading for the next road.

Opening my eyes, I sit up and see where we are now and I regret it right away. On
our left is a business building plaza and it’s in worse condition than any I’ve
seen. The parking lot out front of it is full, and from the way half of some bodies
hang out the windows, I know no one made it out from there. The ground below is
littered with bodies, which will never get back up again, whether it is dead or
alive. I glance away, as Noah steers us off the road and around to a highway exit
on ramp. We turn back almost in the same direction we just were, but then we’re
going off in a slightly different angle and we’re on highway 95.

“Well, this is going to be tricky.” Noah grumbles after a moment.

I lean forward in my seat, and look out into the expanse of the highway. Up a head
there are parked cars lining the road every so often, and it looks like it might go
on for a long time. Even from where we are, I can see the bodies of the dead moving
in between the cars.

My body goes cold just knowing we will have to drive slowly around them.

“Do you think we can make it by?” Gabe asks, as he leans forward so he can actually
see Noah.

“This is a really bad idea.” Sam utters under his breath.

Slowing down a little, Noah turns to look at Gabe.

“There aren’t that many cars, and I think I can squeeze us through the break down
lane. If anything gets too close to us though, we should shoot them if we can.”

“Shoot them?” Sam squeaks out.

“You mean out the windows? Like, we’ll have to roll them down, to do?” Claire asks.

“That is what I mean, yes. There’s not that many of them, but if they all come
towards us, they could tip the car.” Noah says, as he speeds up a little and we get
closer to the makeshift roadblock.

“We can do it guys, just don’t let them get close. Shoot out as fast as you can,
but don’t waste the bullets alright.” Gabe takes the safety off his handgun, and
leans over to me and faces Claire.

“I’m not using that thing.” She says, as she raises the bow in her arms.
“Claire, you can’t use the arrows. You won’t be able to get them back, just take
the gun please.”

He tries to hand it to her, but she pulls away and shakes her head. I know she’s
scared, because I am too. But I’m more scared of those dead hurting me than using a
gun. So I place my hands on his and take the gun from him. The gun is heavier than
I thought, and I hope I can shoot this thing.

“Switch places with me.”

I’m already trying to push over Claire, when I notice she has tears running down
her cheeks. She slides over to the spot I was sitting, and quickly wipes her face.

“I’m sorry.” She says.

“it’s fine, we’re all scared. This is just another bump in the road, and we’ll make
it past, you’ll see.”

I give her a small smile, as I begin to roll the window down. As I do, a blast of
summer heat comes inside and I forgot that we even had the air conditioner on. With
the air comes the smell that tickles the back of my throat and makes me want to
gag. It’s the same smell that I’ve been associating with the dead, and it’s a
metallic meaty scent. Like raw flesh and old blood, and I have to breathe through
my mouth to ignore it.

Noah is driving us closer to the cars now, and as we drive pass I can see movement
from inside the closed ones. The cars shake with their incessant movements to get
out, and this sends the ones out on the road constantly turning their heads, like
dogs catching a scent. We’re just passing two small cars, when there is a gap up
ahead on my side before the next group of cars. Out of the gap limps a young
looking girl and the similarities between myself and her almost makes me hesitate
to lift the gun up in my hands. Her chest is wide open, but with her long limp
black hair covering her, I can’t see the complete damage. She shuffles to the
window faster now, but she struggles to make her foot that is twisted at an
unnatural angle, to move right.

Hearing Gabe or maybe even Sam fire on their side of the car seems to wake me up,
just as she is almost within reach. Raising the gun, I focus on the top of her head
and let everything else fade from my line of sight. Holding my breath, I squeeze
the trigger and hit her right where I wanted. The bullet lodges right in her
forehead, and from the impact her head is thrown back and she coughs up blood. My
hands and arms get sprayed lightly, but I try to ignore it. Won’t do me any good to
freak out about it now, and besides it’s not like I’m not already covered in dried

She lies still on the ground as we pass, and I have to remember to take my fingers
off the trigger, or we’ll have bigger problems. I glance over my shoulder to find
Gabe watching me with a smirk on his face, and for some reason it makes a warm
blush rise to my cheeks.

“Can I help you with something Gabriel?” I say as sarcastically as I can.

Now he’s the one to have his cheeks go lightly red, and I wonder what’s going
through his mind. Probably something dirty and inappropriate, but do I really care?

“Just enjoying the view.”

He winks at me, before turning away. Now I know he’s thinking something dirty.

Leave it to them to have to problem being perverted while in a life or death

situation. Although, it does make my heart do back flips in my chest, knowing he
thinks that sort of thing about me. I know, I’m a pig too, but whatever. I’d say
we’re a little entitled. I turn back to the window and try to pay attention, at the
next dead that is approaching up ahead.

The next four miles are much of the same. Sam, Gabe, and I lean out our windows and
fire into any of the dead that get too close. After the fifth one I killed, I
stopped paying attention to their appearance. There are only so many faces I can
look into and still be able to sleep at night. I found it’s easier to remove myself
mentally when having to shoot them, or even killing them in general. But
eventually, the highway ended and we’re back onto back roads surrounded by wildlife
again. And the dead diminish as we go, so we get to settle in our seats again and
roll up the windows. I don’t get to enjoy the wonderful creation of the ac for long
though, because Noah is slowing us down. There is a building up ahead that is
slowly coming into view, and I realize we finally made it.

We’re almost to the army base.

Chapter Thirty Six

As Noah slowly pulls up to the front of the stone building that is on my right, we
all let out a collective breath. I for one have a hard time taking a deep breath
back in, and the state of the building is why. No way can anyone be alive inside,
and I wonder if coming here was a mistake. The building is set back from the road,
and is a one floor wide across structure. I guess you probably wouldn’t really call
it a base, more like a post or something. There is a wide parking lot that goes
from the side and all around the back, to where an exit meets a side road.

Even from the front of the place, we can all still see the abandoned military
vehicles that are left behind. Some of them actually have bodies in them, and that
doesn’t really settle well for me. Speaking of bodies, the front lawn is littered
with them, and some of them are still moving. Most are missing their heads, while
others have so many holes in them and must have been finally brought down by a head
shot. The moving bodies were lying down, but as we pull up, they too get up.

They look about as worse as the actual dead ones that are all shot up, and it still
bothers me that they are moving around.

“Shit.” Sam whispers, as he scoots lower in his seat.

We all pretty much second that, since the bodies getting off the ground are
multiplying to more of them moving than not. Which leaves about fifteen of them and
only five of us, and I ask myself why I even got out of bed this morning. Then I
remember the hopeful payoff, and I have to suck it up.

“The front entrance isn’t that far, maybe a couple feet give or take. We can make
it if we run, just keep weapons at the ready.” Noah says in a commanding voice.

“I think that is a given there buddy, you do see the amount of dead right?” Sam
says as he glares at Noah.
“Sam, just pay attention to keeping your gun steady, got it?” Gabe says in

Sam sighs, and I know he won’t say anything back to Gabe. I remember not that long
ago, Gabe having to put Sam in his place. It seems to be a recurring theme, and one
that is starting question if Sam will be able to keep up.

“We all need to remember to keep steady.” Claire retorts under her breath as she
loads an arrow into her bow.

I start to reach down for my ax, when I realize I’m still holding Gabe’s gun in my
grip. I lean over Claire then and reach across to Gabe, and pass him the gun. He
turns towards me at my movements. As he takes it from me, he gives my hand a quick
squeeze, and I know he’s saying be careful. Grabbing his eyes with mine, I offer a
reassuring smile.

“Alright lovebirds, someone has to let me out.” Claire says as she turns to me with
a knowing look.

I find myself blushing again that day, and quickly look away to grab for my ax and
I hold it tightly to me before I even reach for the door handle. I notice that the
others are also getting the weapons they have together, like Claire with her arrows
and Sam with his trusty fire poker. Gabe and Noah both have their guns positioned,
and when I hear them practically hit the safety off at the same time, I know it’s
time to get out and face what is outside waiting for us.

Pushing open the door, I step out into the early afternoon heat and wish I could
stop smelling anything ever again. The smell is bad enough already, but mix that
with the sun for a few days and that’s the result your nose will never forgive you
for. The dead were already getting to their feet when we pulled up, but now that we
are getting out of the car, they are rushing at us. Gabe and Noah don’t even
hesitate as they get close, they just shoot at them. Claire is the same way, but
she has to reload her bow, so she stays near them just in case she doesn’t have
enough time. With the three of them alone, half of the dead are already on the
ground again. Then there is me and Sam. He got out of the front seat and ran into
the masses, but I had to go around the car to just get to them.

Not that the dead were ignoring me or anything, a few of them are already coming my

One of them is in a soldier’s uniform, but the front of it is all shredded with
bullet holes, and I can see the bite taken out of his right cheek. As he comes for
me, his hands are outstretched and I can see that his fingers are all broken, and I
wonder if that happened after death. Dismissing the thought, I lift the ax and
stand my ground as he gets closer. When he is in range, I swing out at him near his
head with all the strength I have. I thought the ax would get imbedded in his neck
like it has in the past, but his flesh is softer and it slides right through it. As
the ax comes out the other side I stumble to find my balance, as the headless
soldier falls to the ground.

I don’t have time to be impressed with my skills, because the second dead are just
about within my reach now.

This one is a woman in a solders uniform, and I’d think she was alive if she wasn’t
running at me with her mouth open and blood dripping out of it. That thought alone
makes me to slow to raise the ax again, and she hits into me from my side. The hit
sends us crashing back into the car, and she snaps at me with her teeth while I try
to hold her back, but my hands are trapped at my sides. From the blow of hitting
the car, my head is spinning, and I’m having a hard time lifting the ax up in my

I wonder for half a second if I’m still too weak to fight, but I refuse to die here
today though, and I force the ax up between us. I can feel it tear into her stomach
as I lift it and I try to ignore the cold blood that pours on me from her. The ax
is now up higher, and I use it as leverage as I shove her back off of me. She only
stumbles back about a foot, but it’s enough for me to prepare to swing the ax.

Before I can though I hear a pop, and her body jerks before falling to the ground

I look around in alarm trying to catch my breath, and find Gabe up further on the
lawn lowering his handgun. I can see that the others are already rushing towards
the doors, and all the dead are still once more on the lawn. With shaking arms, I
lower the ax and start toward Gabe, but he meets me halfway. We crash into each
other’s arms and I sigh in relief, letting him envelope me tightly. I lean into
him, and hide my face in the warm crease of his neck. This has to be the hardest
and easiest part for me.

“I thought that thing almost had you for a minute there.” He whispers into my hair.

I sigh even deeper into him, if that’s possible and shake my dead, while mumbling
something resembling ‘I’m okay’. I think it’s easy, because it feels like breathing
to me to be able to be with Gabe now. But it’s also hard, because I can’t imagine
ever losing him forever. From the way he holds me and not even thinking about
letting go, I know he feels the same way. But eventually, we step away from one
another and turn towards the building where the others are waiting. I take Gabe’s
free hand in mine, as we pass through the bodies of the dead and I try to not look
down at them.

Claire and Sam are waiting just outside the double doors, but Noah is nowhere to be
seen. So I’m assuming he’s already inside, hopefully checking to see if it’s empty
or not. As we approach them, Claire comes over to us with a worried expression on
her face.

“Are you alright? I saw you struggling with that woman, but Gabe shot it before I
could.” She says in a rush and her eyes are wide.

I let go of Gabe’s hand so that I can lightly touch her arm. He wanders toward the
open door where Sam is practically bouncing on the balls of his feet.

“I’m fine I swear it just caught me off guard is all. I swung too hard at the first
one and lost my balance.”

She’s about to say something else, but Noah joins us again and signals the all
clear for us to go on in. I’ve never been so happy to go into a dark unknown place
in my life, anything is better than being out here with all the bodies. Once
inside, the air becomes thicker but it’s cooler than outside, and I wonder if it’s
from the concrete walls on either side of us. The main area is a small lobby with a
welcome desk, and the only place to go is a hallway straight in front of us. So, we
walk in a single file line through the darkened hallway, and the only source of
light is from the closed door at my back, and a lighter that Noah is holding.

We pass numerous doorways but we don’t stop to go inside any of them, and
eventually we come to a stop at the end of it. I pear around the others, to see
Noah standing in front of a closed door, and I watch as he opens it swiftly without
hesitation. We all let out a breath as nothing comes out of the open door besides a
rush of warm air.
“This is the weapons locker; you can help yourself to whatever you want.” Noah says
as he steps inside.

With the flickering light of his lighter, I can see a little bit of the room he’s
walking into. It’s not very big, maybe eight by ten feet each way give or take, but
every inch is covered with rows of shelves. Each shelve is stacked from floor to
ceiling and are all labeled for what they are holding.

They aren’t even close to being empty either, so it would seem we finally hit the

Chapter Thirty Seven

“Sweet.” Sam says as he goes inside after Noah.

“I totally second that. Wow.” Claire retorts, as she looks around

Claire goes in next, and then Gabe and I follow inside, and glance around in awe of
it, and I’m not even a big gun fan. Noah heads for the back of the room, and I
notice he’s grabbing packs that are hanging on the wall. That’s good that those are
there, because let me tell you, we are going to need them. I’m pretty much with the
others walking from shelve to shelve and touching things in wonder. On a hook
attached to the wall is an old kerosene lamp, and Noah lights it up and the room is
awash with light.

To my right are all guns ranging in shapes and sizes, with the bigger ones on the
bottom and the smaller ones on the top. By bigger I mean an IMI Uzi submachine gun,
9x19mm, and smaller meaning handguns. I step up beside Gabe, and I stare up at the
array of handguns and think maybe I should change my opinion of them. To the left
of us, is all the ammo for all of the weapons and let me tell you there are a lot
of it on those shelves. On the back wall where Noah is, there are a few other
shelves holding things like flares, armor, and a couple grenades, those of which he
is stuffing into one of the bags.

On either side of the shelves at the back are two closed doors.

“Sam, take this bag and start loading as much ammo in it as you can.” Noah says as
he tosses one of the packs in Sam’s direction, which is right in front of the ammo

He gives Claire another pack, and directs her to one of the closed doors to the
left. I watch as she opens it, and can’t help the creepy crawling feeling I get
behind my neck, as she does. When she opens it though, I see that it’s just a
closet and has a variety of uniforms in it. It’ll be nice to have a change of
clothes that’s for sure. Noah grabs two more packs and heads for Gabe and I.

“Stuff as many guns in these as you possibly can, and don’t worry about them going
off, the safety is on all of them already.”

After we’ve both taken a bag each, he heads for the other door on the right of the
one Claire went to. When he opens it up, I can see that is a small store room, but
I can’t see what is inside as he disappears through the door. Turning back to the
shelf I’m standing in front of, I find Gabe watching me with a smile on his face. I
can feel my cheeks heat up again, and I don’t know why, expect that maybe I didn’t
realize he was even watching me.
“Okay, you really need to stop doing that.” I try to sound irritated, but I can’t
stop the smile that slips out.

“Like I said before, I’m just enjoying the view.”

“Yeah well, the view is better on the shelves with all these handy guns.” I look
away and make a sweeping gesture of said shelf. I can hear Sam snort out a laugh,
but tries to hide it with a cough.

“If you say so, but I think it’s only second by comparison. Speaking of guns, where
should we start?”

Gabe stares along the shelf and I do the same. Since we have smaller packs, my
guess would be the handguns, but I keep noticing Gabe checking out this crazy
looking shotgun.

“Like Noah said, just get what we can fit first. I’m going to have to go with the
hand guns though, can never have too many of those.” I say as I bump my hip into

“True that.”

For the next ten minutes we stuffed both packs to the brim full of hand guns
ranging in shapes and sizes and even names that I can’t remember. By the time we
are finished all the shelves with the smaller guns are empty, and the only thing
left are the bigger ones. All the while we packed, Sam would double check the ammo
type he packed with our guns, and I’m glad for that too. It would suck pretty
badly, if we were in the middle of killing the dead, and found out the ammo didn’t
match. The three of us are just shouldering our full packs, when Claire joins us
with her own pack filled up. On her head is an army issued cap, and I can’t stop
the snicker that slips out at the sight of her.

She strikes a pose with her hands on her hips, and pouts her lips at us, and says
“I’m pretty darn hot right?”

“You’re something all right.” Noah says from behind her.

She spins around with a breathy gasp, while the rest of us full out laugh. Noah is
smirking at her and wiggling his eyebrows, but he laughs a little when she blushes
and shy’s away. Shaking his head, he carries what look like large duffle bag over
to Gabe and I, who are now leaning against the near empty shelves.

“Saw you checking out the shotguns and Uzi, and thought these might be useful.” He
hands over the big bags to Gabe, and I realize that they are for the bigger

Gabe takes the bags, with wide eyes and I can’t stop the thought that he looks like
a kid on Christmas morning that got exactly what he wanted. It’s definitely a great
look on him too. As he leans down to prod around the guns, I lean down to help and
notice that Noah is leaving the room. I’m not the only one that does either though,
and before I get a chance to ask, Sam beats me too it.

“Dude, where are you going?”

“Just down the hall, there is a communications room. I want to check if there is a
signal on the CB radio, I’ll be right back.” He says over his shoulder.

“We shouldn’t go anywhere alone Noah, it’s not safe.” Claire says, as she makes as
if she is going to follow him.

“It’s as safe as it’s going to be, but your welcome to join me. And Sam you should
stay and help Gabe and Maggie.”

They both disappear from the door, and I notice that Sam looks hurt that he was
asked to stay behind. To be honest, I’d feel better having Claire watching our
backs while we dig around in the weapons, and not Sam. I know he’s been helpful,
but he’s so squeamish sometimes, it makes me nervous with him as backup. But maybe
I’m wrong to even think like that though, because he steps right in the doorway and
scans up and down the hallway.

I guess people can actually surprise you sometimes.

“This is really the kind of weapons we should have in our situation huh?” Gabe
asks, as I help him position the Uzi submachine gun into the open pack on the

“No kidding, it definitely puts the odds in our favor.”

Once that one is safely inside the pack, Gabe grabs two sawed off shotguns, and I
hold the second pack open for him. We are just standing back up and smiling like
maniacs over our new booty, when we hear a scream cut through the room. At first we
freeze, and our eyes shoot to the door, where Sam is leaning out of.

“Did that sound like Claire to you guys?” Sam asks as he slips out of the room, and
raises his fire poker.

Gabe and I share a quick look, and it says yes we do think that sounded like

When she shrieks again, Gabe and I drop the heavy bags and push Sam out into the
hallway. Somehow, I’m in the lead and the boys quickly follow behind me, as we
start down the dark hallway. Down a ways I see a dim light coming from inside an
opened door, and I quickly rush towards it. Reaching the threshold I raise my ax
before entering, but end up coming to an abrupt stop, in alarm. Sam and Gabe run
into my back and cause me to move inside with a whoosh. I stare in shock at what is
inside, and I understand why Claire screamed. What I don’t understand is why she is
just standing there, while Noah leans down over a body.

When the body clears its throat and moves around, I realize that it’s alive and not

Chapter Thirty Eight

Still standing inside the door, I’m having a hard time taking my eyes off of the
prone body lying on the floor. I don’t even move out of the way for the guys to
come in behind me, because Claire is too shell shocked looking, for everything to
be alright. The room they are in is small, and I don’t think it’s the
communications room Noah was talking about. It looks more like a storage room or
something, there are a couple unopened boxes lying around and a few cleaning
supplies. Claire is standing off to the side on the left near the boxes, and the
body and Noah are in the middle of the room. Noah is kneeling over the body, so I
don’t really get a good look at him or her. But I do notice that on the concrete
floor all around is smeared with already drying blood.
“Who is that, are they alright?” Gabe asks from right behind me, but he doesn’t
force me to move.

Noah turns around then, like he didn’t realize we were even in the room, and so
does Claire. They both share the same haunted look, and that is what forces me into
the room to get a better look at the person on the ground.

“It’s all right; he’s not turned yet, so were safe.” Noah says in a low voice, as I

“…for now.” Claire says under her breath.

When I step into the room, Gabe and Sam flank close behind me and we all have a
look at the person together. It’s a boy our age, and is wearing a soldier’s uniform
that is so dirty with blood and shredded, that I wonder how long he’s been hurt.
He’s favoring his left arm, and I can see that there is a large portion of flesh
missing from the inside of it. There is a discarded bloodied shirt lying beside
him, and I figure he must have given up thinking that he’ll recover. His face is
ashen and clammy looking, and he seems to be having a hard time keeping his eyes
open. I keep checking to make sure his chest is rising and falling, but I still
know that he won’t be alive for much longer.

“We can’t leave him like this.” Gabe says.

“I know.” Noah says so softly that I almost don’t hear him.

Noah reaches behind him, and grabs his handgun from his belt, and turns it on the

Before anyone can yell for him not to, he puts the guns barrel to the boys head and
pulls the trigger. The body jerks, and then stops moving with a sigh and I know
he’s dead now. Noah simply replaces his gun into his belt and gets to his feet.
Claire is turned away and is crying, and I can hear Sam throwing up as he turns
away too.

I can’t look away from the body though, how can I?

What have we become that a life doesn’t matter, even one that is dying. We might
have done him a favor by ending his life and saving him from turning, but is it
even better? I can hear the others move about the room, and maybe even leaving it,
but I can’t move from the spot I’m in. I glare up at Noah as he walks past, and I
can’t stop the flashes of Matt that cover him, but mostly it’s my hot rage that I

“How could you do that?” I say through gritted teeth.

He stops right in front of me, and returns my glare easily with a sigh.

“It had to be done.”

“Did it? He couldn’t even move, let alone talk. We don’t know what he could have
wanted.” I raise my voice, and can feel it shaky with unshed tears.

Gabe steps closer behind me, and I can feel his arms aching to wrap around me, but
I stay just out of reach. Noah though, his glare deepens and he takes half a step
closer to me.

“And what should I have done, Maggie, huh? Just toss him outside and wait for him
to turn? Then sneak up on him and kill him anyway, how is that different?”

“Noah.” Gabe says as a warning and steps around to face him too.

“It’s just not fair to that kid, he wasn’t even dead yet and here you are just
treating him like a piece of meat.”

“Nothing is fair Maggie; it’s just how it is. He was a hazard being in here, and
could have infected anyone of us before we knew it. Do you want that on your

My eyes go wide, and I can’t make anything slip out of my lips, nothing. Not even
to stand up for the dead kid who couldn’t speak for himself. I know Noah is right,
but I can’t just change everything I am and let go of a life. Everything can’t be
so different these days, where nothing matters. But I know the truth, and I’m just
lying to myself.

“That’s what I thought. Now if you all don’t mind, I’d like to round up all the
weapons we have together in the mess hall.” Noah says as he steps around Gabe and
me and walks out the door.

Sam is wiping his mouth and turns to go with him.

“Why the mess hall, shouldn’t we take them out to the car?”

“We wasted too much time in here, and it’ll be dark soon. We’re bunking in the mess
hall until daylight.” Noah says as he disappears out of the door.

“Oh.” Sam says as he gives us a nervous look before he follows after Noah.

I still rooted in the same spot, still staring at the body of the boy and I don’t
know what is wrong with me. I’ve already killed dozens or more of the dead, but
this one hits deeper for some reason. I guess it could be that he was alive a
moment ago, or the fact that I keep seeing shadows of Matt lately. I thought I
already got over killing him, but it wasn’t even that long ago, so maybe not.

“Maggie, I hate to say it but Noah is right. It’s wrong to kill him like he did,
but he was going to turn any minute.” Claire says as she walks over to Gabe and me,
and gives us both sad looks.

“It doesn’t make a difference, but thanks for saying it.” I saw in a whisper.

She lowers her eyes, and with hunched shoulders she leaves the room, and goes after
the guys I’m guessing. My sudden anger is leaving me slowly and I’m left feeling
shaky and cold. I realize I’m standing in a small room with a dead body, and it’s
already starting to smell. In a panic, I spin around to get away and bump into
Gabe’s arms. He holds me tightly, and whispers soothing things in my roaring ears
and leads me out of the room. We don’t stop moving until we are safely out in the
hall, and he closes the door behind us, and only then do I let out a shaky breath I
didn’t know I was holding.

He walks me into the walk of the dark hallway, and I let him press into me, feeling
his weight as a shield from everything. With one hand I wrap it around his neck and
pull him tighter to me, my other one is still holding the ax too my side.

He must have gotten rid of his gun at some point because both of his open palms are
around my hips.

“I don’t agree with Noah you know, but it could have been dangerous to have that
boy in here with us.” He says so softly, wonder if I even imagined it.

But I nod my head into the space between his shoulder and neck, and I feel him grip
me tighter.

“I certainly don’t agree, with how he said it either. I want you to know that I’d
keep all these away from you if I could.”

With a sigh, I lean back a little so that my head is leaning on the wall, and so
that I am staring up at him.

“You can’t protect me from everything Gabriel, but it’s sweet of you to want to.”

I give him a small smile and a light squeeze to his neck with my hand. He bows his
head so that our foreheads are touching, and he holds me tighter too.

“I know I can’t, but I’m going to try. We just have to get where we’re going, and
then everything will get better. It has too.”

“I know, and it will.” I say as I lean up to him so that our lips lightly touch one

I can feel him sigh, as he smiles into me and deepens the kiss. We both pull back
at the same time and hold on to one another, like we can’t get enough or can’t get
closer. I know I told him that I thought things will get better, but I wonder if he
knows I’m lying. After all we have gone through; I don’t see how anything could be
better. At least we aren’t alone, so that has to count for something.

An hour later found me laying on a loveseat, which was dragged into the mess hall,
and am trying to sleep. Trying, being the operative word here, since it hasn’t
worked for the last twenty minutes. There are two other similar couches that Claire
and Same are occupying, and from the snores, I know they had no problem falling
asleep. The room we are in is the biggest by far, but we had to move tables and
chairs along the walls to fit the couches. When I thought of mess hall I thought it
was going to be a cafeteria that smells like old food, but there isn’t even any
soda machines. So I guess it should be called a break room, but whatever.

Gabe and Noah both refused to rest or even sleep, so they are staying awake and
keeping watch. They are positioned in two chairs by the door, and I can’t help
listening in too their conversation, while I can’t sleep.

“You know, I hate to say this, but you might not like what we find at the
Collisee.” Noah says in a whisper, but I can still hear him loud enough.

“What do you mean, why not?” Gabe says as he leans forward with his hand on his

“We haven’t found another living person yet Gabe. I can’t help but to worry about
the condition of the place after a week. If they weren’t prepared, then who knows
what we could be walking into?”

“You really didn’t pick anything up on the CB radio?” Gabe asks.

When we first came into the mess hall, Noah had explained he was trying to get a
radio to work before Claire walked in on the boy. He said that it was battery
powered so power wasn’t a problem. He said it was just static interference and
nothing else. I hate to agree with Noah, but it doesn’t exactly sit well, the fact
that there is no communication of any kind going on.
“It was just silence. You know I wouldn’t blame you if you and your friends wanted
to go back to the apartments with the others. It could be more dangerous the father
we go.” Noah says intently.

“I promised Maggie that I would get her to her parents, and that is what I’m going
to do. I’m not letting the unknown scare me away.”

I can hear Noah shrug his shoulders and sit back into his chair.

“It’s your choice. I just hope she’s worth all the risks your taking.” Noah says.

“She’s worth this and more to me. Isn’t your sister?” Gabe says softly.

Noah doesn’t say anything to that, and I wonder if any of us will find who we are
looking for. They don’t say anything else to one another, and I feel the welcome
embrace of sleep pulling on me. As I drift off though, I think of Gabe and how he
said I’m worth it to him. I hope I don’t let him down, because he is worth it all
to me too.

Eventually my body goes numb with sleep, and I’m free of thought, as least for a
little while.

Chapter Thirty Nine

The next morning, I wake up to Gabe standing over me with a cup of something that
smells like coffee, and I instantly sit up with a smile.

“Is that what I think it is?” I ask dreamily ogling the cup.

He smiles and sits beside me on the loveseat, and hands it over to me.

“If you think it’s slightly warm instant coffee? Then yes, it is.”

Grinning as I take a sip, I can’t help feeling self-conscious of my morning

appearance. I put my long hair up into a knot before laying down last night, but it
must have fallen out since, I can feel it around my shoulders. I feel myself blush,
as I refrain from straightening out the rat nest that is my hair. I notice that he
too, looks a little less than fresh. Whereas I look well rested, he looks like he
hasn’t slept in ages. His eyes are a little too wide, and glassy, and he has dark
circles under them.

His posture is stiff, but not in alertness, more like he is forcing himself to keep

“I think you need this more than me.” I say as I offer the coffee mug over to him.

He simply takes it and sips from it before returning it to me, and sits back with a
sigh and closes his eyes. After hearing him sigh, I realize that it’s far too quiet
in the mess hall. I look around to see if the others are still asleep, but the room
is empty aside from us.

“Where is everyone?” I say, as I turn back to Gabe and find him watching me now.

“They are loading the car with the loot we got last night.”
“Oh. I didn’t mean to oversleep.” I reply as I lean back into Gabe’s side.

He lifts his arm and is about to place it around me, when I hear the sound of
gunfire coming from outside. I instantly just to my feet, and scan the floor for
where I placed my ax last night. Seeing it resting near the foot of the loveseat, I
start for it in a hurry. Gabe stops me by grabbing my arm.

Wide eyed, I don’t understand why he isn’t freaking out.

“Don’t worry, I just told them to wait until I could wake you up.” He says quickly
and a little guiltily.

“Wait for what?”

“There were a few dead that wandered here in the night, and they had to take them
out on the way to the car. I should have mentioned that right away, I suppose,
sorry.” He takes his arm away, and actually lowers his head like a puppy waiting to
get smacked.

“It would’ve been nice to have been warned, but at least no one is in any real
danger. Thank you for letting me rest.”

I step forward and lift his face up with my hands gently holding him. He stares up
at me with a seriously, and he wraps his arms around my waist.

“We should get going, I told them we’d be right out after I got you up.” He says
softly as he pulls me closer to him, so that his chin rest on my stomach.

As I stare down at him, I wish we were in another place and time, and that we could
have a moment of peace together. Since leaving the apartments, we’ve been sneakily
touching whenever we think no one notices. But the longer we keep getting
interrupted, the more I want of him. Maybe it’s the feeling that our lives are
slipping away and we might not have enough time together, but it’s like I can’t get
enough of him. I know that now isn’t the time for such thoughts though, so I nod at
him and let my hands slip away from his face. Stepping away, I lean over and grab
the only item of belongings I have with me, the ax. Gabe is on his feet now.

Together we walk out of the building and into the early morning light towards the
others at the car waiting.

Ten minutes later found me in the backseat of Noah’s car, with Claire and Gabe on
either side of me again. Noah is driving and Sam is in the passenger seat like
yesterday. We’ve only gone done a little ways of the road, but it’s more of the
same, but in the opposite direction we started at before. There are less tree’s on
either side of us and more open space, but the farther we go the more side streets
we pass, and the better idea of what we’re getting into. The mile all the way down
Alfred A Plourde Pkwy is an empty one, but we pass a few buildings that couldn’t
have lasted past the first day. It looks like they were ransacked by the living,
but none are around now unfortunately. There are a few dead that wander around, but
not enough for us to care about them. We’ve already almost got to the end of the
street when Claire interrupts the tense silence of the ride.

“So, you guys were inside alone for a while.” She tries to say in a whisper as she
leans into my ear.

I can feels my cheeks warm when Sam turns in his seat and grins at us, and I can
definitely feel Gabe shift embarrassingly beside me.

“Yeah, what’s that about?” Sam asks in mock horror.

“I, ugh” I stutter out looking between Claire and Sam, knowing my cheeks must look
like a tomato.

“Sleeps like a rock, this one. Had to practically shake the couch, and then she
just cracked an eye open.” Gabe interrupts.

He turns to me with smile and places his arm around my shoulder, which I gratefully
lean into.

“Right...” Claire says as she winks at me.

I roll my eyes, my definitely try to not look right at her. I know I don’t have
anything to be embarrassed by, but still, they don’t know that. Sam is still
leaning around grinning at us, like he’s going to catch us in the act and say
‘gotcha’ or something. Of course, when Gabe turns to glare at him, he quickly turns
around. This sends me and Claire into silent snickers, that we not no subtly try to
hide. The good mood of the car doesn’t last though, because Noah is pulling us onto
another road, and its houses lining the street the whole way down.

“Prepare yourselves guys, I don’t think it’s going to be great to look at” Noah
says softly, not taking his eyes off the road before him.

I sit back up in my seat, and let Gabe’s hand fall off my shoulders. I have to be
strong at what we’ll find, even if I don’t want to face what is out there. It’s our
reality now, and it’s best not to forget it. We’re not even a block down the road,
when I realize that it’s pretty much a worse version of the homes we’ve seen
before, but what gets me is the quiet.

T used to be a busy community with people probably outside all the time.

Now it’s turned into a hollow shell of its past life

There are more empty abandoned cars here, and come of them have movement in them as
we pass. One is particular has the driver’s door open as we pass, and I can see
people leaning out of it. Well what I thought were people is actually one of the
dead tearing into someone that is already close to dead, and they don’t even make a
sound as we pass. We all shift closer into the backseat together.

It doesn’t stop the cold that travels through my veins.

The houses get worse the father we got too, even though they are all not touched by
fire that got so many we’ve seen before. No, these are worse by way we know that no
one had a chance to try and get away from it all. Doors are open, windows are
broken, blood is everywhere, and bodies line the streets. There start to be more
dead here too, but that isn’t the scary part, it’s that they almost appear alive.
Like the mailman we pass on our left, he is still carrying his mailbag and even has
a package in his hands. I’d think he was really alive, that is until we drive by
and I see that his throat has a chunk missing and he is covered in blood. On the
opposite side of the street down farther, we see a woman walking in our direction
and is wearing an empty child jumper. It hangs limply off to the side on her, and
her chest is a bloody mess.

I have to close my eyes, and concentrate to breath past the bile rising in my

“Oh that is not right at all.” Claire says in disgust and horror.

I open my eyes thinking she is talking about the woman with the carrier, but she is
eyes something else and I can’t help but see what it is. On our right between two
houses is a child’s swing set, but it’s on its side and s bent and covered in dried
blood like there was a struggle. In the distance behind it, I can see small shadows
moving around in the back yard. I quickly tear my eyes away before I get a look at
what can only be the dead children that were on the play-set before they died.

“Look up there. I think I’m going to be sick.” Sam grunts out, but points up ahead.

In curiosity we all lean around to get a look at what he is talking about, and I
think he is right about the getting sick assumption. Off the side of the road is a
group of dogs still on leashes, tearing into a body that has long been dead. I
think that maybe they are still alive and must be scavenging for food, but when we
pass them I notice that some of them have big bites taken out of their sides.

That doesn’t exactly sit well with me either.

It can only mean that the dead aren’t only eating the living but also the dead now.
Even as we pass all of this that makes us want to hurl, I have to wonder where all
the rest of the dead are at. I mean there are a lot here, just not enough to make
us get out and start shooting. I have a bad feeling about where they might be, and
it makes me grab my ax at my feet and lift it onto my lap.

Before we can even say anything about it, the street changes from homes to
businesses, and we’re thrust into chaos again. There are more dead here, and as we
pass a dark pharmacy, we can see at least twenty of them banging at the store front
trying to get inside. Noah doesn’t slow us down, and I don’t think he even looks in
that direction. I want to say that maybe there are people inside and we should
help, but I know no one would agree and maybe even I don’t. It would only waste the
bullets we have, and it’s not a fact that people are alive in there. The thought
makes me sick to my stomach, but I try to ignore it. I know we are getting closer
to the Collisee, when more and more emergency vehicles line the street than regular

They are all empty and some are even flipped over with the dead moving around

We finally turn onto Birch Street where the Collisee is, and I swear my heart stops
beating in my chest. I’m not alone with that feeling either, because Noah slams on
the brakes and makes the tires squeal as we come to a halt.

“Holy shit balls, this is so not good.” Noah says a little too loud for my roaring

“I second that notion. You think it’s too late to turn around?” Sam says quietly.

“Ugh yeah, I think they heard the tires Noah.” Claire says in a squeaky voice.

Gabe shifts closer to me and grabs my arm in a tight grip, but I don’t pull away
though, since I need him to anchor me here and not out there. What is out there is
pretty much our worst nightmare, and I don’t know how we can actually go through
them all. The building we need is set back from the street and is very massive is
size, but it sits in a parking lot that is about the size of a large malls. And in
said parking lot, is over a hundred of the dead that I was wondering where they
were at earlier. Looks like we’ve found them, but one question remains.

Is there anyone alive beyond them and is it bad that some of them are watching us
Chapter Forty

While we all try to remember to breathe, we can’t but help to stare all around at
the dead around us. They are all surrounding abandoned ambulances, police cars,
fire trucks, military vehicles, and even blood drive vans. If I squint through the
masses, I can almost see that most of the vehicles are still running and that there
are dead still bodies hanging out of some of the doors. Just like the army base we
went to, this place has bodies littering the ground, and the mobile dead walk and
stand on them as they shuffle around. Beyond them covering the front of the
building, there is a thick clear tarp lining the entrance. It flaps in the light
breeze, and it causes the dead to shutter.

They walk more forcefully into the closed steel doors.

“What are we going to do?” I whisper, almost afraid to hear the answer I already

“We have to go through them all; it’s the only way to get inside.” Noah says.

“That’s a really bad idea.” Sam utters as he slides down in his seat, and I’m
inclined to agree with him, even if it’s a possibility that my parents could be
trapped inside.

“Not if we stick together, we do have more weapons now, and it’s not like we’re
going to run out of ammo anytime soon.” Gabe says in a rush, and I lean in closer
to him trying to steal his optimism.

“Are you both out of your mind? How can we do what apparently soldiers with bigger
guns couldn’t?” Claire says as she leans around me to glare at Gabe.

I’d say something to her for being rude to Gabe, but I kind of agree with her. How
can a couple teens make it through this, when trained professionals could not? I
turn to stare at Gabe along with Claire, but more scared and less glaring.

“Big guns, Claire you’re a genius!” Gabe says with a smile and leans between the
seats towards Noah.

“Would the machine gun work Noah?” He asks with a rush and sense of excitement,
unfortunately Noah doesn’t seem all that enthused.

“There are too many of the dead here up close, we’d do more damage than good with
that here.” Noah says quietly.

“Then what do you suggest then?” Gabe says with a note of irritation in his voice.

Not that I blame him, the bigger gun idea kind of made me feel relieved. But
clearly, Noah doesn’t think it’ll work, so we’re back to square one. A very close
quartered scary square one and it has blood dripping from its points. I shut my
eyes and try to clear my head, so that nothing is distracting me. If we actually do
this, I have to prepare myself. It’s been a while since I’ve had so many of the
dead around to fight. Those other times I’ve always just jumped into the mess with
no thought, other than protecting those I had too, but this time is different. This
time, the dead stand between what we think is safety, and what if it’s not. We’ve
been through so much for it all to end here.

I refuse to just give up without as much as a serious fight.

“I suggest that we grab whatever we can, and make a break for those door, and pray
to God they aren’t locked.” Noah says harshly.

I open my eyes. A throbbing pain starts behind my eyes, but I ignore it as I glance
at everyone in the car.

“He’s right, and we know it. It’s the only way, and we have to stop thinking, and
just go for it. Otherwise, we’ll just give up and want to run away.” I say with an
edge to my voice and I let it carry throughout the car.

“We can only take the weapons we have on us, so gear up. We’ll be leaving any food
and other stuff we have, it’ll only weigh us down.” Noah says.

Gabe glances at me, and I can see the troubled thought play across his face, but I
can’t let it make me feel bad about what we have to do. I look back through the
windshield and I can see Noah watching me in the rearview mirror, and he nods at
me. Before I can understand what he means, he’s already opening his door and
jumping out.

“Oh shit.” Sam squeaks as he slides out of his door, right behind Noah.

Claire loads an arrow in her bow and opens her door, as she slides out I can hear
the gunfire from Noah already. Gabe gets out next and has his gun drawn and is
aiming for a dead guy running at us, and I quickly follow out behind him. As soon
as I am out of the car, I feel like I’ve been transported to another world

There is hundreds of the dead pouring out of every direction.

All of them are rushing at us, and it takes my breath away.

The others are already in the thick of things, and Gabe is a couple feet from me
firing into bodies that come for him. Around me, I can see that three dead guys
dressed as soldiers are rushing at me, and I know I’ll be good as dead if I don’t
collect myself and let everything go. My vision narrows down to just the dead in
front of me and I grip my ax and raise it high. I swing it up around in a high arc
and knock aside the three dead army dressed guys that are getting close to me.

They are just falling to the ground from the hit and I’m already running to catch
up to Gabe, who is shooting repeatedly into the moving bodies. I can’t see where
everyone else in the chaos, but I can hear the sounds of they’re fighting, so at
least I know that they are alive for the moment. I’m just getting closer to where
Gabe is stationed near an ambulance a couple feet away, when I get closed in by at
least five of the dead. They are dressed in hospital scrubs and are all covered in
blood and missing some of their limbs. It doesn’t stop them from coming for me
though. Raising the ax and my already tired arms, I swing at them and try to keep
them at bay.

One of them rushes from the group though, and snaps his teeth at me.

I back up a couple steps and nearly tripping over a body, I swing at him and catch
him in his shoulder knocking him down. Two more of the dead are almost on me as I
struggle to pull the ax out of the dead man’s shoulder. It slides free when the
other two are within reach, and I back up another step. Getting the ax up, I swing
before they can touch me.

With a yell, I throw my whole body into the swing, and knock them both down at the
same time.
The woman I hit’s flesh is softer than the man before her, and the ax slices right
through her face. Ignoring the blood that sprays on me, I run around the other dead
near me and head for where I saw Gabe last. There is movement all around me, and
I’m constantly swinging the ax and knocking them aside as I plunge through them. I
don’t stop to get my bearings though; all I need is to get surrounded again. The
sound of gunfire gets louder the closer I get to the ambulance before me, but I
don’t see Gabe there anymore, and my heart races as I reach it. Coming to a brief
stop I scan any which way and find that Noah, Claire and Gabe are a couple feet to
my left in a semi-circle together backed up against a fire truck.

Relieved I’m about to run to them.

A body slams into me from the side though and knocks me into the ambulance.

My head is spinning from hitting the side to hard, and I have to struggle to lift
my arms up between us. It’s all hands and teeth, and I have to use all my strength
just to keep its mouth from me. I can hear the others yelling to me, but I know
it’ll be too late for them to help me, as I can feel the dead’s cold breath nearing
my bare weak arm. I’m yelling now too, and I force my arms to obey my screaming
demands to move. Just as I almost feel its teeth grazing me, something slams into
the dead and they fall to the ground with a resounding bang.

Surprised, I find that it’s Sam and he had plunged the fire poker into the dead’s
back from the fall.

He stands up with a wide smile, and I can’t stop my own from coming forward. I’m
just taking a step away from the ambulance, when another of the dead jumps him from
behind. Before I can even scream to warn him or help, it latches onto his shoulder
and tears into him. Yelling he falls to his knees, and I raise the ax and rush to
his side. He’s trying to push the thing off him, and I can’t get a good shot
without hitting him to. With no time to think, I reach down to my ankle and unhook
the small knife.

I have and take it in my free hand.

At his side now, I notice that the others must be somewhat helping, because no
other dead have gotten near us yet. When I get to him, he’s already fallen onto his
stomach, but is still yelling and struggling. I don’t even hesitate as I kneel and
swing the knife up into the things chin, and causing it to release its hold on Sam.
It rears up even with my hold on it, and tries to snap at me and almost manages to
knock me over.

This close, I can see that it was once a large man.

Now it’s mostly covered in blood and missing large portions of skin.

Getting to my feet, I plant them firmly on the ground. Then shove the blade of the
knife more forcibly into its head. It twitches and I quickly let go of the knife
leaving it in him and get enough room, so that I can shove him to the ground.
Taking the ax in both hands now, I swing it down into his neck with all my strength
and feel a sick satisfaction as his movements cease.

Breathing heavily, I rush over to where Sam is trying to get to his feet.

There is a chunk missing from the bite in his shoulder and blood is pouring down
the front of his shirt, even as he tries to stop it with his hands. I help him to
his feet, and let him lean on my free arm, and pray to God he doesn’t turn on me.
We are just turning around and headed for the fire truck and to the others, when
another dead is about to pounce on us. It gets almost right to us, when an arrow
hits the back of its head and slides right through his left eye.

I pull Sam away as the man falls to the ground, and rush to where Claire is loading
another arrow in her bow. We are getting surrounded now, and it’s all the others
can do is to keep shooting and keep them from touching us. I can literally feel the
wind from the bullets as they pass by my head, and have to trust that Noah and
Gabe’s aim is accurate. Finally I reach them, and am only just in the circle of
safety before Noah is signaling for us to back up to the buildings door, that is a
couple feet behind us. He takes the lead and is constantly firing his two guns, as
he moves, and Claire is right on his heels. Gabe shoves me and Sam right after her
and places himself in front of me. He fires a gun in each hand as fast as he can,
and I even have to use the ax as well as I can, to keep the dead from our sides.

Sam keeps getting limper and limper in my arms, and I have to use every reserve of
my strength to just stay on my feet and not let him go. My head is pounding beyond
pain now, and my vision is going grey but I don’t stop, instead I grit my teeth and
push on. Glancing behind me quick, I see that Noah is just passing under the tarp
that is hanging over the front of the building, and is firing into the bodies that
are coming through it at the same time. The last of the dead falls to the ground
and he is about to rush the doors, when they fly open and a dozen men in black gear
come rushing out carrying guns.

We are all forced to come to a stop, but before we can even be shocked.

The men are shooting their rifles into the bodies of the dead that are still
pouring out behind us. There are more of them just inside the doors, and they yell
something to Noah. He nods and runs underneath the tarp and vanishes from my sight
through the doors. Claire doesn’t hesitate, and quickly follows right behind him.
Sam is leaning all of his weight on me now, and I’m struggling to take a step
forward, but Gabe comes to his other side and helps us to the doors. There are two
men dressed in black on either side of the door waiting, when we pass under the
tarp and I don’t like the look they give us as we do.

It makes me hold on to Sam even tighter, and hurry to get inside.

The rest of the men are still firing into the dead behind us, but when we are just
walking through the doors, they press against us like a wave and rush inside as

Chapter Forty One

My first impression of the Collisee stadium’s inside, is that it doesn’t really

look like a stadium at all. There is more plastic covering the inside, and it makes
me wonder what it’s actually for, sanitary reasons maybe? The lobby we are in is
large in size, and has four hallways going off in different directions and there is
a roped line going to each, as if to keep the order or something. The thing that
might make me feel less welcome has to be the line of soldiers standing in front of
us, but that’s not the worst part. They are all aiming their handguns at us, and
not in a friendly way, if there ever is a way at all. A man in the middle steps
forward, and it takes all that I have to not flinch away from him.

He’s large man maybe early fifties, and it’s clear from the way he’s watching us,
that he’s in charge.
“How many of you were bitten?” He asks harshly.

Claire and Noah are standing in front of me and Gabe holding Sam.

They shift to the side and glance at us with sad expressions. Now I do flinch, and
back up a step gripping Sam tighter in my arms. Gabe follows suit, but he keeps
glancing between me and the solider man in front of us, like he’s not sure what to

“Step away from the boy slowly, and keep your hands in the air.” He says slowly, as
if he’s afraid of how we’ll react.

He should be afraid, what exactly does he intends to do with Sam.

Before I even finish that thought though, I flash back to the boy we found at the
army base, and how Noah dealt with him. Sam, like he knows what they are going to
do, stirs a little and tries to walk away, but I hold on tighter. I might not like
him very well, or even know him that much, but I can’t just pass him over to
strangers. Especially ones with guns that might just outright kill him, even I know
that’s not right by any means.

When Sam gets even limper in my arms, I glance up to find that Gabe has stepped
away from him.

“We have to listen to them Maggie, I’m sorry.” He says so softly, and I can tell
he’s having a hard time meeting my eyes.

The man in front of us, trains him gun right at me now and takes half a step
forward and the others behind him follow suit.

“Listen to me young lady, don’t be stupid. This boy has been bitten and will turn
sooner or later, and you have to step away NOW.” His voice practically echo’s in
the room and I feel like my heart is breaking.

I look over to Sam who is trying to support himself on his own feet, but is having
a hard time.

His eyes are flickering around the room at the men, and then back to me. He looks
even worse than he did just a few moments ago, and I can feel his blood oozing out
and onto me too. I glance away from him and find Noah watching me, and the way he
nods I know he wants me to do what they say and let Sam go. Beside him, Claire is a
sniffling mess and can’t even lift her head to look at me. Then there is Gabe, and
it makes me want to run to him crying the way he watches me.

I know that I have to let Sam go.

“I’m so sorry Sam.” I whisper.

Achingly slow, I unhook his arm from around my shoulders.

Then, once sure that he’s steady, I step aside.

As soon as I do, Sam crumbles on the floor and the men close in around him like
sharks to bait. I get pushed back by the amount of them and crash into Gabe’s arms.
When I feel something wet trailing down my cheeks, I realize I’m crying. I begin
shacking and crying in earnest.

I can’t seem to stop.

Gabe tries to sooth and turns me away from the scene before me, but I refuse to
look away. So instead I watch as two soldiers lift Sam up and drag him from the
room and toward the roped off section all the way to the right. All the while, half
of the other men keep their guns trained on Sam. The others take up posts around
the lobby and the mains doors to outside.

Just as they are about to disappear from around the corner, Noah comes over to us
with Claire in tow.

“Come on, we should know what they are going to do. It’s our right, but just stay
close to me.” Noah says in a rush, and quickly paces after the soldiers.

Gabe lets me go only to take my hand in his, and leads me after Noah.

Still crying and hiccupping great gasps of air, I follow blindly and pray that they
don’t do anything to horrible to Sam. I relax a little bit when we go through the
roped off area after the men, and the other soldiers don’t try to stop us. I do
notice that they are watching us intently though, and it makes me wonder if they
have had similar problems before.

We end up in a narrow hallway that seems to go on forever, and there are kerosene
lamps on hooks as the hall loses the light from the lobby. I notice that there are
closed doors here and there all through the space. The men holding Sam come to a
stop at a door at the middle of the mile long hallway, and bang on the door
forcefully. The rest of us huddle together a couple paces away from them, but what
I really want to do is run to them and Take Sam out of here.

He, who by the way, is hanging so limply in the arms of the men, doesn’t look to be
doing so well.

The door opens with a creek.

An older woman wearing hospital scrubs steps out with a stern expression.

“We got another one for you to test Marge.” Says the man in front of them I thought
was the boss.

The woman looks between the men holding Sam before finally resting on him, and then
flickers over to us before she turns into the room with a wave. The man in front
nods and steps aside, and the men hold Sam haul him into the room. The door swiftly
closes behind them, and I feel my stomach plunge into my toes and have to lean on
Gabe for support or I’d fall over. There are only three men in the hall with us
now, the ‘boss’ included. The two others take up post around the closed door, and
the other one walks over to us. Instinctively, Gabe and Noah lean back opposite
walls and take Claire and I with them.

The man grins at us, and looks between us but it doesn’t make me feel any better.

“Don’t worry about your friend yet, the Doc is just running a few tests to see how
long it will be before he turns.” He says a little too cheerfully.

He glances between us and takes in our appearances, one that can’t be that great
since we are all covered in blood.

“You sure none of you were bitten, because I have to say, you don’t look so well
there kids.” Now his eyes are narrowing at me, and I realize I’m more soaked with
blood than the others.

“None us were bitten Sir, I can a test to that myself.” Noah says as he steps from
the wall and faces the man head on.

He turns his glare to Noah and says, “And just who are you my boy?”

“Corporal Noah Riley Sir, Army National Guard from Lewiston.”

“Is that right Corporal, and what brings you here away from your post?”

Noah glances to his feet, and I can see him clenching his jaw before he returns his
gaze to the smiling man.

“I’m looking for my sister Sir, and she takes priority over anything else. She is
the only family I have left, and I couldn’t just leave her alone without trying.”

The man’s expression turns serious, as he takes a step closer to Noah and places a
hand on his shoulder.

“Don’t be too hard on yourself son, the last week a lot of us have left to search
for surviving family. Even a Captain like me thought about it.” Now he steps back
and stands up even straighter if that’s at all possible, and locks his hands behind
his back.

“Captain David LeBoeuf, only officer left of high rank here at the Collisee. Your
group is welcome here, no worries.”

Noah straightens himself too, and places his outstretched hand at his brow before
pulling it away in a salute. The Captain follows suit, and when they both relax
they’re pose, the door Sam went through opens and the Doctor Marge steps through.
She and the Captain share a look, before she shakes her head at him. Before I can
even understand what it can mean, the other two soldiers cart a scared looking Sam
out between them again. He has a bandage covering his wound now.

But he doesn’t look any less scared or what could happen to him.

“Take him to the rink and lock him up before he turns.” Captain LeBoeuf says with
authority to the men holding Sam.

His eyes go wide when they practically drag him off further down the hall, but he
seems almost weak to even protest now. The Doctor disappears behind her door, and
The Captain signals for us to follow him as he goes after the others. Noah takes
Claire in his arms and leads her after him, where as I tense and try to hold Gabe
back. He tries to give me a reassuring look, but I know he’s just as upset as I am.
With his eyes he’s saying if this is the last time we see Sam, then we owe it to
him to see what happens.

I know he’s right, and even though I don’t want to know, I let him walk me after
the others.

After the Doctors office, the rest of the hallway doesn’t have any doors and I
notice that the temperature gets cooler the farther we go. At the end of the hall
there are a set of double doors with a chain linking the handles closed with a lock
on it. There are small windows on each door, and from the way the Captain said
rink, then this must be the Hockey rink Stadium.

The men holding Sam step to the side, so that the Captain can step forward, and I
notice that he is pulling a key from his pocket as he steps up to the doors. As
Noah and Gabe hold tight to Claire and I, it seems that Sam is getting a little
antsy. It could be from the way the mood in the hall has turned gloomy, or maybe he
is finally catching on to what is going on, but he seems a little more alert now.
His eyes flicker around all of us, and I force myself to meet his gaze when it
lands on me.

It breaks my heart the way he looks at me, like I’m betraying him or something.
Maybe I am.

He did save my life when he got bit, and look how I am repaying him. As the Captain
is unlocking the chain, I can almost sense the tension that flashes through Sam,
and later I wonder if I was the only one to notice. Because in the next moment, Sam
with a new strength, pulls his arm free of one of the soldiers and reaches into his
holster for him gun.

He flicks the safety off in a blink, raises it to his temple, and pulls the

Chapter Forty Two

Sam’s body falls to the floor.

Everyone in the hall freezes for half of a second too shocked to do anything else.
Then time catches up with us and there is chaos in the hall, as more soldiers come
tearing down towards us. Gabe and Noah are forced to press Claire and I closer into
the walls as more men approach us. Captain LeBoeuf turns away from the now unlocked
door and faces the men that are kneeling over Sam’s body. He holds off the
approaching men with a raised hand and shakes his head.

“Well, that was unfortunate but it does solve us the problem doesn’t it?” He says
quietly as he stares down at Sam.

The tears in my eyes suddenly dry up, and I go completely numb.

How callus can these people be, for the waste of a life?

It just doesn’t make any sense to me, and especially now that our numbers are
getting smaller.

I lean into Gabe and try to remember how to breathe, but it’s hard when all I can
smell is the scent of gun resin and blood. I watch as the Captain steps over Sam
and as he walks over to us, the men kneeling over Sam lift him up by his arms and
drag him towards the rink Stadium doors. The Captain steps in front of Noah, and I
have to peak around him to see one man is holding Sam now, while the other opens
the doors.

“Why don’t I let you and yours get settled down in the sleep courters. If there is
anything you need?” Captain LeBoeuf asks, as if nothing is happing behind him.

Once the doors are wide open the first man joins the second, and lifts Sam by the
feet so that they are both holding him up. They walk over to the opening of the
doors, and swing Sam’s body into the room. When they step back to close the doors,
I see that along with Sam’s body are over a dozen more like him. Some of them even
have gun shots in their heads too, but is no movement inside and I wonder how they
killed them after they turned inside.

Then the doors are closed.

I turn back to the Captain and a white faced Noah, as the men lock the doors once

“Actually Sir there is something we could all use. Do you have a list of the people
that are here? We are all looking for someone and could really use the moral.” Noah
says hesitantly, but still stares up at the Captain waiting.

In fact I think all four of us are literally holding our breath, waiting to see if
we actually went through so much and for good reason. When the Captain nods and
signals one of the guard’s at our back, I swear my legs give out and sink back into
Gabe. I know I can’t know for sure yet if my parents are here, but just knowing
that there is a way to check, it’s such a relief. The Guard that was signaled
leaves the hallway, and The Captain follows after him and motions for Noah to go as
well. He quickly steps away from the wall and brings Claire with him, and I can
almost see the hope in the air between them and know I feel it too. I push myself
away from the wall and latch onto Gabe’s arm and we follow close behind and leave
the stench of death from the hall.

We near the start of the hallway again.

The Captain and the guard stop at a door and go inside. There are a couple other
guards stationed at the start of the hall and I can see the others still out in the
lobby. The rest of us wait just outside of the door, until The Captain calls Noah
to go inside as well. I peer through the door after Noah and see that The Captain
is sitting behind a desk in the large office. There are candles lit inside and a
window is at his back letting in the early afternoon sun, as well as the banging of
the dead. Though I do notice there are bars on the window and that must make of for
the calm of everyone standing by it. The guard is stationed at his back, like a
bodyguard or something.

When Noah approaches the desk, the Captain holds out a clipboard with a thick pile
of papers attached to it.

“This is an inventory list of every individual that has entered through the front
doors. As you look it over, you’ll find that some of them are highlighted and those
are the ones that are no longer with us.” He says as Noah takes the clipboard from

It takes every ounce of my control not to run into the room and rip the clipboard
from Noah. I have to clench my hands at my sides, and Gabe inches closer to me and
I know if he wasn’t beside me I wouldn’t be as calm.

“One of my men will show you to the sleeping courters, and you may read it over as
you go. We run this place in a tight ship, but we would like it if you would join
us. Come find me again, when you have settled.” He looks back to his desk and
begins going through some files, and dismisses us.

Noah quickly turns back to us and walks out of the room still staring down at the
clipboard already flipping through the numerous pages. Before any of us can pounce
on him for answers, one of the guards from the lobby approaches us and waves for us
to follow him.

“I’m Sergeant Lewis and if you’ll all follow me, I’ll lead you to where you can
make camp for yourselves.” He says as he walks for the second hallway on the right
of the one we walk out of.

With no other choice, we all follow him, and keep Noah in a circle of us while we
try to read as he does. The second hallway is wider than the other one and has less
doors around, and I notice the sound of voices getting louder the farther we go.

“So how many people are here exactly?” Gabe asks suddenly, as if reading my

“There are less than a thousand, and that includes all the staff that is here as
well.” The Sergeant says over his shoulder.

The thought that there are a lot of people here makes me feel slightly nauseated,
in a good way if that’s even possible. For a while I thought that we’d never be
around large groups of people that are alive ever again. Nearing the end of the
hallway, it widens out into a smaller version of the lobby and has two separate
places to go. An open set of double doors where the sounds of other people carry,
and I notice the plague over the doors reads The Pal Hop Stadium.

There is another smaller door with a picture of stairs on the side of it off to the
left of the small lobby.

The sergeant leading us comes to a stop just outside the doors and Noah practically
crashes into him, but he’s grinning. He steps away from the guard with an apology
and turns to Claire, and his grin widens if that’s possible.

“Claire, your mom is here and has been for a couple of days.” He says in an
extorted whisper.

As her face goes white, she answers his grin with her own and turns to me with
tears in her eyes.

She crashes into me and I hold her tight and watch Noah over her shoulders. When
his eyes meet mine, I can tell from the way his smile just falters at the edges
that my parents aren’t on the list. He can’t stop the grin from returning when
Claire spins out of my arms with a cry and into his, and I can tell from the shared
excitement that his sister must have been on the list too. I know I should be happy
for them, because this is why we came out here. But I can’t stop the raging
jealousy that my own parents aren’t here.

The hollow feeling of never knowing if I’ll see them again.

“Right then, you’ll find some empty cots inside, so you can help yourself to them.
Dinner is served around four in The Shrine Circus Stadium just inside the hallway
beside this one.” He says as he starts to walk away.

“Wait, I’d like to take the Captain up on his offer if that’s alright?” Noah
interrupts still clutching the clipboard to his chest.

I’m puzzled that he’d want to go see The Captain, since I had the feeling that
finding his sister was important to him. So I’d thought if he found her he’d want
to go and see her, but I guess we’re different in that way. When the guard nods his
head and begins to follow him, Noah heads off before giving us a serious nod.

“I’ll find you guys later, and I’ll get us some answers of what the situation is.”
He says over his shoulder, and is gone before we can ask him to elaborate.

When Gabe squeezes my hand that is in his, I feel my face heat up in a blush. With
all the hugging and finding out my parents aren’t here, I actually forgot he was
beside me. What kind of selfish person does that make me?

All I know is that I could sleep forever, and am so numb I don’t know if I’d mind
if I never woke up. Claire brings me back to myself though, since she is bouncing
on the tips of her toes and peering into the Stadium before us. Pulling Gabe with
me, I step up beside Claire and the three of us take a look inside. I have to be
honest here, since I didn’t expect to see what is inside, but it’s pretty

The Stadium is large, and reminds me of a football field that is inside. It has a
stage in the middle of it and rows of seating circling the entire place from floor
to ceiling. It’s a little dim inside since most of the light is coming from the
windows lining in between the seats on the back wall. But there are flickering
lights of candles here and there, which make up for it.

The most impressive thing though is the fact the entire floor space is covered with
cot like beds and has people on or around them. I’m talking dozens upon dozens of
people ranging in ages, sizes, race, and gender. Who knew there were all these
people in Maine? But I love the feeling of relief at seeing all of these people; it
makes everything that has happened seem less harsh, like we actually have a chance
or something.

“It’s amazing right?” Claire says in an excited lite to her voice.

“Definitely is.” I say, as I walk inside behind Claire and clutch at Gabe like he’s
my lifeline.

Chapter Forty Three

Sometime later found me sitting on a cot, starring around at everything as if I’m

in a haze and not really here. Gabe had managed to score us a couple cots and
linens that were being stored up on the stage for new people. Thankfully we
counted, and Claire found us a free spot in the back of the Stadium between an
elderly couple and a young woman with two young little girls.

When we were setting up the space for ourselves, the kids played with Barbie dolls
on the floor and watched us while their mother was fast asleep on her cot. It would
seem we’re not the only ones that had a rough time of things, and I’ve been keeping
an eye on the kids for the last couple of minutes. As for the elderly couple, they
have been telling us all sorts of gossip about the Collisee, since they said they
have been here for the last week before most of the people arrived.

Apparently, it wasn’t so smooth sailing when people first got here.

I guess that would explain the guard’s with guns that are stationed at all of the

After we set up our cots, Claire had left us almost instantly and has been pacing
through the rows and rows of cots searching for her mother. I could have helped
her, but I didn’t want to leave the little girls alone, even though I know it’s not
my responsibility. Gabe has been talking with the supervisor of the sleeping
courters for a little while, since we had to give up all of our weapons when we
first came inside. We had to sign in to a roster and list all items of weapons that
were ours.

Even though we were reassured that if and when we left we just had to sign our
stuff back out and take them. To say that it didn’t set well with us is an
understatement. I suppose that would explain why I feel so lost at the moment; it’s
not a good feeling having no protection, especially the ax I’ve relied upon

“…penny for your thoughts?” Gabe says as he sits down beside me on the cot, and
joins me in watching the girls play.

“Just a penny…is that all? With what’s on my mind, you could make a fortune.” I say
as I lay my head on his shoulder.

“Well I somehow lost my wallet, but we could use kisses as a substitute. What do
you think?”

He leans back enough so that he can wiggle his eye brows at me, and gives me his
best mock smoldering look. I can’t stop the giggle that slides out of my lips, as I
push him back when he tries to kiss me. The girls on the floor start giggling too
and the way they stare up at Gabe it’s like he’s the moon, and I definitely feel
the same way. So in order to please our young audience, I pull Gabe to me and plant
a smacking kiss on his cheek. This makes the girls sigh.

When they go back to playing I scoot closer to Gabe and nestle into his side.

“So, we’re really weaponless in here aren’t we?” I say softly.

“It could be worse I guess, they seem mostly sure we’re safe, so I won’t go
revolting just yet.”

“That’s good then, I don’t want us getting voted out of the house just yet.” I say
only half joking.

Gabe pulls me close to him and rests his chin on the top of my head.

“I wouldn’t go as far too wholly trusting big brother yet, but it’ll do for now.”

I nod my head in agreement, since I was pretty much thinking the same thing when he
came back earlier. The woman on the cot beside ours wakes up then, and sits up and
begins coughing. Her girl’s discard they’re dolls, and run over to her. One of them
pats her on the back, while the other reaches for a bottle of water that is on the
floor below the cot. When the coughing ceases and the woman lays back down and
shut’s her eyes, I suddenly feel like I didn’t have to keep an eye on the children
after all. It would seem they are the ones who are looking after their mother, and
that is just one of the many things on how messed up things are. Gabe raises his
arm that is around me and places it on my hair and holds me closer, and I wish
again that I could be closer to him still.

“How are you holding up Mag pie?” He whispers into me as he lays his cheek on my

I sigh into him, and really try to think how I am, but even I don’t really know.

Everything has happened so fast and we keep losing people, first with the accident
and now with Sam. I can’t help to think if I was just stronger and hadn’t gotten
surrounded he wouldn’t have had to save me, and he would never have gotten bitten.
But I can’t say this to Gabe, for some reason I can’t fathom, I don’t want him to
know that I keep getting weaker. It makes me nervous that maybe I’m not completely
healed, but that’s a luxury I can’t get into right now. If anyone, especially Gabe
thought I might not be well, they’d never let me go searching for my parents. It
doesn’t make sense I know, but it’s something I have to keep to myself.

The way Gabe’s arm tenses around me, I know I’m thinking to deeply, and he’s
getting worried.
“I’m still holding, I guess.” I say softly.

He pushes me away gently and peers into my eyes, and I try not to look away so that
he doesn’t think I’m lying. But I think he really knows me better than I thought,
since I think he does think I’m lying.

“Losing Sam like we did isn’t easy, and you don’t have to pretend everything is
fine. Not with me Maggie.”

“I know.” I whisper.

Being this close to Gabe, his eyes are so blue and I can’t stop my hand from rising
from my lap and gently placing it on his cheek. He leans into it and closes his
eyes with a sigh and I’m just sliding my hand down his jaw when someone clears
their throat in front of us. Gabe opens his eyes with a groan and we turn to see
who interrupted us at the same time.

It’s Claire, and she has her arms crossed and is glaring at us with a smile.

“You know it would really help, if you could…I don’t know, maybe stop touching long
enough to find my mom with me.” She says as she sits on my other side on the cot
with an exaggerated sigh.

I pull out from Gabe’s comforting arms and face Claire.

“Still no luck huh?” I say.

She shakes her head, and I wrap and arm around her and pull her to me, and no the
coincidental pose is not lost on me.

“You’ll find her Claire, she has to be here somewhere, don’t give up.” I tell her

“Yeah, don’t be so dramatic Claire.” Gabe says with a smile, as he leans around me
to face Claire.

She leans around me and flips him the bird.

“Shut it Gabriel. The reason I came by though, is that a bunch of people are
heading for dinner. I thought we could use the grub, it’s been a while I think.”

Gabe glances at me and then back to Claire, before standing up in front of us.

“I could eat. How about it Maggie, care to join me?” He asks as he holds out a hand
to me.

Smiling while shaking my head I reach for his hand and he pulls me to my feet with

When Claire stands up, Gabe guides us towards the doors still holding my hand.
However bad things are and confusing, I still love the feeling of holding onto him
and it makes me have a sense of peace. We have to zigzag through the cots, and
squeeze around the stage in the middle of the room. When we reach the front of the
room, there is already a line of people waiting to leave. I wonder what is taking
so long, when I see two guards at the door taking a variety of flashlights from
containers on the floor and passing them out to everyone as they pass.

Gabe seeing my confused expression leans close to me while we wait to leave.

“I saw those when we came in earlier and asked the guard’s I handed the weapons to.
It’s for later when it gets dark, so we can find our way back here. They take them
back though, a way to preserve battery life I guess.”

While he explained that, I watched a middle aged couple with three kids walk to the
door next and the guard only gives them one flashlight. That doesn’t seem all that
fair, but it would make sense though, making sure the kids stay with the parents.
There are a lot of people here, and they can’t have an unlimited supply of
flashlights let alone batteries. The wait in line isn’t as long as I’d thought and
soon enough we are passing through the doors with our very own little blue

Ironically enough, Gabe and I share one, and Claire has one of her own.

We follow the crowd out of the Stadium and out into the hallway, and within minutes
we’re crossing into the wide expanse of the lobby. As we follow the group to the
next hallway on our right, I try to ignore the banging of the dead against the
steel doors, beneath the sounds of the people in the lobby. It’s easy enough
though, because before we know it we’re halfway through the next hallway.

I notice that there aren’t any lamps hanging on the walls, and everyone clicks on
their flashlight, us included. The hallway is shorter than the others, and opens up
into a small lobby with double doors off to the left with a plaque reading Shrine
Circus Stadium. They are wide open and have two more guards with guns stationed by
them, and watch every one as they pass through.

The three of us stick close to one another as we pass through the entrance, and
have a flashback to my first high school cafeteria nightmare, from the amount of
people that are inside. The room is about the same size as where we are all
sleeping, but has numerous large folding tables and chairs instead of cots. Along
the back wall are tables of food and drinks, and have a dozen army dressed workers
passing things out to everyone.

We follow the group of people around into the room and to the line for waiting for
the food, but the lines moves quick, and before I know it we each have a bowl of
cool soup and a bottle of water. Gabe leads us back into the mass of tables and he
searches for a place for us to sit. Eventually we stop at a table that is only
hallway full, and place out trays down and sit. There are two older couples, a few
kids, and a young guy our age sitting here, and they all greet us when we are
seated. Gabe and I sit beside each other at the end of the table. Claire sits at
the end right in front of me and beside her is the guy our age.

“So what brings you all here to this fine establishment?” The guy asks as he
glances between us.

“Oh you know the usual end of the world stuff…You?” Claire retorts with a wide
smile, before she scoops us a spoonful of soup.

“More of the same stuff really. You guys just get here? I’m Hunter Wiebe, by the
way.” Hunter says as he leans back and picks at his soup.

I watch him for a moment and can’t help to think that he could be a clone of my
brother Dan.

They are both somewhat tall and stocky, but at the same time a little on the thin
side. He has very accented cheekbones and they stand out as much as his deep green
eyes. His hair is dark like Dan’s, but is on the short side with a little extra
length at the top, which are slightly spiked. When he looks up and our eyes meet,
the way his eyes darken sends chills down my spine and not the good kind.

I glance away to my own soup, and stir the stuff around while wondering if I’m even
hungry at all, and try to ignore the fact that this new guy seems a little of
kilter to me. Claire introduces us to Hunter and relays a reader’s digest version
of what we went through getting here, and leaves out the people we have lost.

Just as well, it just hurts thinking about them. I can’t imagine having to explain
the circumstances.

Hunter explains that he too is the new guy, having only just gotten there two days
ago. He goes on to tell us that he was supposed to be starting training to be a
police officer, but he doesn’t think that’s going to be happening any time soon. I
happen to agree with that, and I only half listen to what they are saying and force
myself to eat as much as possible. Gabe pitches in the conversation every so often,
but mostly keeps quiet like me, and we let Claire take lead. When Hunter give me a
strange look for the third time, I’m about to suggest to Gabe that we go back to
lie down, when a woman comes up behind Claire. I glance up at her with wide eyes,
and can already feel the tears building.

Claire turns and shrieks, I have to turn into Gabe’s shoulder, as she stands and
embraces her mother.

Chapter Forty Four

The following morning quiet voices stir me into wakefulness, and everything that
happened the night before comes crashing back into me. Claire’s mother Barb had
found her while we were having dinner, and while I thought I was handling not
finding my own parents well, seeing her sent me over the edge. Don’t get me wrong
I’m happy that Claire and her mother are reunited; it’s just overwhelming to have
it prancing before your eyes. Somewhere between the hugs and tears, I had to have
Gabe get me out of there, and they didn’t seem to mind. In fact before we fled,
Claire tells us she is going to be sleeping with her mother and not near us, so we
shouldn’t worry if she doesn’t come back.

I only smile and nod, and act like everything is fine and perfect.

Somehow Gabe had managed to get me back to my cot, and I don’t really remember
walking to it, let alone through the Stadium filled with people. My head is
pounding now, and my entire body feels like is shaking. When he gets me to lie down
and caress my cheek gently, I realize that I’m crying and this only makes me cry
even harder until I’m sobbing into his arms.

He climbs into my small cot, and he wraps his body around me.

If it was any other moment, I might have blushed over being so close to one
another, but at this moment I let him hold me while I sobbed. I think he might have
been saying soft words of reassurance to me, but all I could hear was the roaring
of my own ears as everything I’ve been through played before my eyes. Eventually
though, the sobs subsided and my body stopped shaking, and all I was left with was
a hollow feeling and a throbbing headache.

Gabe didn’t leave or let me go though, and sometime after that I fell into a
dreamless sleep.
Now as I try to not wake up, the voices that woke me get a little louder and I know
that they are Gabe and Noah. From the way their voices carry, I think they might be
sitting on Gabs cot that is right behind my own. I’m facing the opposite direction,
and I open my eyes and watch the little girls from yesterday sleep on either side
of their mother, as I listen in to what they are saying.

“After I left yesterday, I had quite the conversation with the Captain. Apparently
he is the second in command, the Mayor is still alive and running the place.” Noah
tries to say softly.

“Serious? That’s lucky. Did he say anything about another location or anything?”
Gabe asks.

“He mostly went off about how most of his new recruits have to go out into the city
and scavenge for supplies every couple of days. Not many return either and I had to
turn him down before he asked me to go.”

“Is that how they have all the stuff here? I thought they might have brought them
over at the beginning.” Gabe says in a whisper, like he’s shocked.

“Yeah well, they weren’t that lucky I suppose. He did tell me about the second
location, but it’s not good news I’m afraid.”

I hold my breath in anticipation as I wait for Noah to continue about the second
location. If my parents aren’t here, then they have to be at the other place. I
really hope what he has to say isn’t bad, but from the way he says bad news like it
leaves a bitter taste on his tongue; I know it won’t be good.

“They have been working together with the survivors at Bates College, and
communicating with a CB radio. But they lost communication with them yesterday, and
any recon soldiers haven’t returned.” He says in a rush.

There is another pause where I’m relearning to breathe, before Gabe responds.

“That could mean anything though Noah. Even if the place got overrun, there are so
many outbuildings where people can run too.”

“I know that, but the Captain doesn’t agree and won’t be sending out a search
party. He’s still been in contact with other bases throughout New England though.”
He says as I hear the shifting of his clothes, and I guess that he might be leaning
his elbows on his knees.

“In contact, what does that even mean?” Gabe asks in a raised voice full of

One of the girls across from me stirs in her sleep, and there is a pause in the
conversation, where I know they are waiting to make sure they are not overheard.
When Noah continues, he’s talking more softly, so much where I have to strain to
hear them.

“It means Gabriel, that we are not the only State where this is happening. It’s all
across the US, and it doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. We might be stuck
here for a while, if nothing changes.”

“How can something like this just happen and spread so fast?” Gabe says in a quiet

I know how he feels; it just doesn’t want to make any sense in my mind. But it’s
only a close second on my thoughts though, since I can’t stop thinking about Bates
College. What if my parents are there right now, trapped and hiding waiting for
help to come that never will. I know deep down I have to do something, or I really
will lose them forever.

While they sit there in silence, I slowly roll over to face them with a yawn.

They both look up in alarm, when I’m completely turned over. I just give them a
sleepy yawn and try not to let on that I heard anything they said.

“Hi guys, who’s hungry?” I say with a wide yawn, as I sit up on the cot.

Noah gives me a small smile, while Gabe grins full out and comes to sit beside me.

“Morning beautiful, you finally slept all night.” He says softly as he wraps me in
a hug, that leaves me breathless.

Now I actually smile for real, and enjoy the feeling of being in Gabe’s strong

I know then that before I go tearing out the front doors after my parents, I have
to include him in on it. After all, he is my rock and after everything he is the
one thing I can’t lose. And I’m going to be damn sure to hold on to him as tightly
as I can.

No matter of what gets in my way.

Chapter Forty Five

For the last couple of minutes I’ve been staring down at my bowl of fruit, and
still can’t find the nerve to really want to eat. Gabe and Claire are on either
side of me, but are too wrapped up in the table’s conversation to notice if I eat
or not. Which is fine, I just wish they would talk quieter or that everyone in the
Stadium would for that matter. After getting out of the cot that morning, my head
has been throbbing even worse with every breath I take and hasn’t even started to

I know I’m probably being rude by not joining in with the others.

We have a full table with new people introduced, but it takes everything I have to
just keep moving.

When Noah, Gabe and I arrived at the rec area for breakfast we ran into Claire and
her mother, and we all sat at a table together. The guy our age that we met last
night, Hunter, was already at the table when we sat down. After just sitting down,
Noah’s sister and her boyfriend joined us. He introduced them as Hanna and Logan,
and the first thing I noticed beside the way Noah’s face lighted up at seeing her,
was that she was very pregnant.

I can see the family resemblance between them right away, and it makes me miss my

She has Noah’s features but is slightly more delicate than defined, and her hair is
slightly darker. Her boyfriend Logan is a tall guy and a little on the skinny side
for my tastes, but from the way he hovers over Hanna I can tell he is a decent guy.
When they sit down with us, he keeps fidgeting with his glasses and messing with
his short dark hair, and I can tell it’s a nervous gesture of his. If it was any
other normal day meeting new people, I’d probably do everything I could to make
them comfortable, but not today.

Today, I’m having trouble being comfortable in my own skin.

I’m just placing my spork down on the table, and leaning over to place my head on
Gabe’s shoulder, when Noah asks Hanna and Logan how they ended up here.

“Believe it or not, we were already on our way into the city when things went
south.” Logan says as he places his arm around Hanna and gives her a sad smile.

“I was having labor pains and we were heading for the hospital, when we heard the
reports on the radio. It turns out it was only false labor thank goodness.” Hanna
tells Noah, who had looked worried when she said labor.

“What did you do?” Claire asks leaning her elbows on the table and stares at them
with wide eyes.

“We pulled over in a pharmacy, and waited it out with some other people. After a
while though, we got overrun and we drove here after a day or so.” Logan says with
a haunted look on his face.

I can sympathize with that, we all hid out before having to leave for someplace
else. It’s crazy how we are all brought back together while experiencing more of
the same things. It makes things seem more real to me, and while I try to block out
reality, it’s starting to cave in on me.

“I’m just glad you guys made it here all right. When I got to your apartment and
you weren’t there I was out of my mind.” Noah says, as he reaches across the table
and grabs from Hanna’s hand, which she reaches for his at the same time and they
share a smile.

It breaks my heart seeing them like that, it should be a good feeling, but it’s
not. All I can think about is my parents and now my brother, who is still at said
apartments. I just hope they are still there. Gabe, who is finished with his own
fruit, places his arm around me and holds me close to him.

“You’re lucky to make it here before the horde got the place surrounded.” Hunter
says on the other side of Logan.

We all look at him, and know he’s right. My friends and I had to fight through the
dead and we even lost someone to it, but they got here early. It’s more than luck,
a good thing since she is pregnant.

“There was more to my group when I got here, but now it’s just me.” Hunter says, as
he glances around the table at us and sends us all into a reserved silence.

“It’s certainly a rough time we are all in that’s for sure.” Gabe says beside me.

As everyone else talks about theories about what the outcome of all this will be, I
keep going back to my plan to leave here. I know I have to do it soon; otherwise I
might lose my window of opportunity. Communication was lost yesterday from Bates,
and anything could be going on there. Gabe said that the place has a ton of
buildings for people to hide out in, and he’s right. It’ll make for a hard search
party, but I’m willing to look over the entire property if it means my parents are

I wonder if Noah would let us use his car, or if he would come with us?
I know I shouldn’t even ask anything from him, he’s already done enough by getting
us here, plus he has his sister to look after now. Then there is Claire, whose
spirit has lifted since finding her mother. I know I can’t ask her to come with me,
it wouldn’t be fair. I mean what if she got hurt and could never see her mother
again; I wouldn’t ask her to give up something I’m trying so hard to search for.

When we are finished eating, I’m just getting up to leave when I catch Hunter’s eye
from across the table. From the way he watches me, I have the feeling he’s been
staring for a while, and I wonder what his problem is. I ignore him though, and let
Gabe lead me from the room. From the way everyone was talking the plan for the day
was to just get some rest, which is fine with me.

My head hasn’t stopped pounding.

My legs are wobbly as we walk back to the Pal Hop Stadium.

Chapter Forty Six

Later that day when we are at dinner, I finally have my chance to see if anyone is
game to join me to go to Bates College. I almost didn’t have the nerve to even
bring it up, but Gabe had convinced me to earlier when we were alone. All day I
spent brewing to leave right away, and Gabe noticed that I was more upset over
something and I had to explain why to him.

I have to give him credit; he listened to me rant and raves about my crazy idea.

He didn’t interrupt once. I knew I had a good reason for caring about him, when he
tells me he’d follow me to the end of the earth if he had to. This sent me blushing
and wanting to laugh, if he didn’t sound so serious, I probably would have.
Instead, I felt my eyes fill with tears, and slammed into him with a hug.

He went on to tell me that we should approach the group before we make any solo
plans, which I ended up agreeing to. That’s how we are now surrounded by the others
at a table and I’m left trying to figure out how to bring it up. They all seem
happy, or as happy as we can be after a disaster, and it makes me hesitate. Gabe
keeps giving me reassuring looks like he’s trying to let me off the hook and will
fill them in, but I shake my head no. I have to be the one to ask, since it’s my
fault if they decide to join us. It’s my parents I want to go off to find, and they
have no reason to risk their lives for me.

With my head still throbbing, my stomach starts to roll.

I have a flashback of standing in front of my high school class having to give a

speech. Regardless of wanting to do this myself, Gabe broaches the subject for me,
after I keep stalling.

“So Noah, is there any word about the Bates College survivors?” He says as he
interrupts his conversation with Hunter over the proper usage of a gun versus

“I asked the Captain about it last night, but he said it’s the same. Some of the
guards are talking about it though, saying there is more of a horde of the dead
there than here.” Noah says as a matter of fact.
“Doesn’t seem possible does it? There being so many here and all.” Hunter says.

Everyone at the table goes quiet for a second, and Gabe flashes me a look as if
saying now is your chance, so take it. Before I can even change my mind, I jump in.

“Is it possible to make it through them and onto the campus?” I say with a shaky
tone to my voice.

Claire fixes me with a sad expression that I try to ignore, and just focus on Noah,
who is also watching me like he can see where I am going with this.

“It could be, if you had the right weapons and the bodies to back you up. It
wouldn’t be easy though.” Noah says.

In my mind I remember bagging the larger guns from the armory with Gabe, and that
they are still hiding out in Noah’s car trunk. This makes me grin slightly, and the
way Noah sits back suddenly with wide eyes, I know he remembers the sub-machine and
Uzi guns.

“So if we had the right guns, we might be able to make it through then?” I say
again as the others glance between Noah and I in confusion, except for Gabe who is
watching me intently.

“Maggie, what is this all about?” Claire asks from beside me, breaking the silence
at the table.

Turning to her, I take a deep breath and try to contain my excitement.

“My parents might be at Bates Claire. I have to go after them if I can.”

Her eyes go even wider than Noah’s did, and she leans around me glances to Gabe.

“You can’t possibly be thinking of taking her back out there are you?” Claire says

Before Gabe can come to my defense, I interrupt him.

“If it was your mom that was still out there, tell me you wouldn’t want to go after

She visibly flinches and glances to her other side where her mother has been
quietly listening to us talk. The way Claire’s face softens when she faces back to
me; I know she would leave if she wanted to find her mother.

“It’s dangerous Maggie, and what if they aren’t even there, what then?” Claire says
so softly.

“This is my parents we’re talking about Claire, and I can’t leave them no matter
what. I promised Dan I would find them, and that’s what plan to do, even if I have
to do it alone.”

Gabe wraps his arms around me from behind and pulls me back against him.

“Not alone, I’m not going anywhere.” He whispers into my hair, causing me to
deflate and sigh into him.

“You guys won’t be going alone, I’ll take you there.” Noah says determinedly across
from us.
Gabe and I both turn to him in shock, and his sister is also looking at him in
confusion. I have to say, I’m a little confused myself, and I would have never
thought he’d be willing to help.

“Why, would you risk it?” I can’t help asking him.

“Maggie, you and yours helped me get here and I finally know my sister is safe. I
owe you one, and I have to do all I can to help you find who you are looking for.”

I can’t breathe for a moment, and we are all watching him in awe. Hanna seems
slightly hurt by his admission, but she’s not telling to not go, which makes me
think more of her. I do notice that Claire seems hunched over and scoots closer to
her mother, and I realize then without asking, that she won’t help us.

I can’t blame her though, I wouldn’t want to if I was in her position.

What surprises me and probably all the others, is when Hunter speaks up and says
he’ll help us too. He says he knows the campus pretty well, and won’t have a
problem showing us around. Even if he keeps giving me these weird looks as he
explains, I can’t turn away the help he offers.

As I sit in my own bubble of hope, Gabe and Noah make plans to go over some maps of
the college in the morning. Apparently some of the soldiers have all sorts of
street maps and even land layouts and blueprints, which come in handy for us now. I
want to insist that we get started right away so that we can leave tomorrow, but
I’m already getting help and I don’t want to ruin my chances.

I just have to get through the next couple of hours, and try not to burst with

Chapter Forty Seven

When I wake up the next morning the sounds of the sleeping area in the Pal Hop, are
already becoming familiar. Without opening my eyes I can hear some people snoring
from sleep, and I can hear children trying to be quiet when they giggle. I can hear
different people coming in and out on the large room. All of the noise, may it be
soft, but still sounds loud to my ears and it makes my head throb.

Rolling over in the cot, I finally open my eyes, and have to squint against the dim
flickering candle light.

If none of the shades are open on the windows above, then it must still be early.
Beside me, the little girls and their mother are sound asleep clutching one another
tightly, and it makes me smile sadly. Across from me on his own cot, Gabe is still
sounding asleep. I can’t help too notice how much more calm he looks in him sleep,
almost peaceful. I know I should probably wake him, since he’d only worry if he
woke up and I was gone.

But I know he’d be even more upset to know where I plan to go off to.

I’ve been trying to ignore the fact that I haven’t been feeling any better since
the accident, but I’ve been getting worse. This headache for example, just isn’t
going away and it’s starting to affect my sleep and even my awake time. There is
too much to do, and have to worry if I’m going to pass out. So, I thought since
we’re in a place where there is all the medical staff handy, I’d get a second
opinion of my concussion. This will be my only chance to slip away before we leave,
and I’ll have to be quick.

If that’s even…I don’t know…remotely possible?

Trying to be quiet and not to disturb Gabe, I slowly shift into a sitting position
and swing my legs around so my feet touch the ground. Quickly, so that I avoid the
cold stone floor, I slip on my sneakers. Standing up now, I grab my hoody that is
lying at the end of my cot where I dropped it the night before, and throw it on.
Glancing back at Gabe, I swiftly make my way to the double doors on the other side
of the room. I have to zigzag around cots and playing children, and have to walk
around the stage that is now being used for extra cots and blankets. I finally
reach the doors I grab one of the many flashlights littered in a tote by the door.
The guards stationed at the doors don’t stop me as I turn it on.

I pull open the door with a slight squeak and sneak through before I change my

Out in the hallway its pitch black, and I grip the flashlight and raise it high so
that I can see a clear path in front of me. The medical treatment is being done in
one of the smaller stadiums upstairs on the second floor, so I have to use the
stairs to the right of the small lobby I’m now in. As I start toward the door, I
can’t resist the urge to look over my shoulder and glance behind me. Creeping along
in the dark is never a good thing, especially when there are actual monsters
outside. Since it’s still early, there isn’t anyone loitering around, so I make my
way to the stairwell door without any interruptions. Once I’m stepping up the
stairs, I want to change my mind and go back.

The air feels tighter here and it makes me feel claustrophobic.

Sweat pools between my shoulder blades, and I have the awful idea that the dead
could be down below at the bottom of the stairs. Shaking my head, I know we’re as
safe as we can be here, and I push myself forward.

I practically throw myself at the second floor stairs, and fling myself into the
dark hallway. This area isn’t as vacant as downstairs, and I can see the flickers
of flashlights as people in scrubs walk in and out of rooms. Raising my own, I walk
down the hall and look from door to door trying to figure out where I need to go.
I’d assume there would be some sort of waiting area, but things aren’t exactly to
code these days.

So I shouldn’t really expect much, I’m sure.

I must look pretty lost or confused, because one of the guys in scrubs shines me
with his flashlight.

“Can I help you with something?” He asks in a deep baritone voice.

“I hope so I was hoping to see a doctor, if there is one free. I don’t want to
intrude or anything, it’s not really an emergency.” I say in a rush, and try to not
look like a crazy person.

“Well you came to the right place. And don’t worry, you’re not intruding it’s what
we do here. If you go down the hall a little more, take a left and there will be a
set of double doors. Go right inside and someone can help you.”

He gives me a patient smile, and as his light pulls away, he makes off in the
opposite direction of where I’m going. I guess it’s no going back now. When I get
to the end of the hall, I turn left and sure enough there is a set of doors. Taking
a deep breath, I push them open and step inside.

The room is bright with artificial light, and as I scan the room I see the kerosene
lamps all around. This must be the stadium, since it’s designed almost the same as
the ones downstairs. Except this one is half the size and there is no stage. The
floor is littered with over a dozen hospital beds, and only half are occupied. I
feel my pulse quicken at the thought, that someone in here could have been bitten.
But then I remember how Sam was treated when we first got here, and I know no one
infected would make it inside.

Along with the beds, there are a handful of people walking around in scrubs
checking on the patients.

At the back of the room, there are a couple desks and a few people wearing lab
coats sitting at them. Not wanting to disturb the nurses with the patients, I make
my way to the back of the room towards the people I’m assuming are doctors. Only
one of them looks up as I approach, and I think she’d be a good one to talk to,
since she looks friendly enough. She has short brown hair and bright blue eyes
behind wide rimmed glasses. She looks like she could be young, but who really
knows, I notice a nametag that says ‘Becky’.

I come to a stop in front of her desk.

“What can I do for you sweetie?” Becky asks.

“I was hoping to get you opinion on something, if you’ve got a second or two.”

“Of course, if you could have a seat on one of the empty beds and I’ll join you in
a moment.”

As she gives me a bright smile, I turn away and pear around the room and try to
decide where I want to go. Figuring it would be best to be away from the other
patients; I choose a bed on the far side of the room and plop down on it. I’m not
eve sitting very long, before Becky comes over to me carrying a clipboard.

“So how can I help?” She asks again, crossing her arms over her chest with the
clipboard between them.

“A couple days ago I was in a car accident, and I got a pretty bad concussion
trying to break a window with my head.” I say as I lift my hand and point to the
still tender gash along my left temple.

Becky narrows her eyes, and steps closer to get a better look. Placing the
clipboard on the bed, she reaches into her pocket and produces a pair of latex
gloves. Once on, she prods along my temple, making me flinch.

“This was stitched up. Did you do this?”

“I met a nurse that took care of me. It still hurts, is that normal?” I ask almost

She drops her hands and steps back to watch me.

“It seems to be healing properly, since it was well stitched. Did you lose
consciousness at all after you hit your head?”
“Yes, and I was told that my heart stopped for a few seconds before coming back.
After that I was out for over twenty four hours.”

Her eyes go wide, before she can control her face to just looking concerned.

“How about feeling irritable, have trouble concentrating, unable to remember

things, headaches, dizziness, and blurry vision?”

“I had and have all of that to some degree still, except for irritable. Well, maybe
not very irritable I mean.”

She gives me a smile, one that I don’t have a hard time returning.

“Well, at least you have a sense of humor, so that’s good. But it worries me that
you still have these symptoms, and even more that you were unconscious for so long.
If you weren’t here talking right now, I’d say you might have severe damage to your
brain and maybe a bleed.”

She lets out a sigh before continuing, and I’m pretty much holding my breath.

“But, since you up walking around and talking clearly, I’d say severe concussion if
not maybe a little damage to you brain from the hit. The brain is a very sensitive
thing, and it heals at its own pace.”

“What should I do about it in the meantime though?”

“I’d say stay off your feet, and to not doing anything too strenuous. But I have a
feeling you’re not going to listen to that. I’d feel more comfortable if I could
actually do an MRI on you, to be safe, but we don’t have the equipment here.”

“I won’t be like this forever will I?” I hope it’s not forever anyway.

“There really is no way to tell for sure, but I’d say months, if you really wanted
a time frame.”

Months, I stare at her in shock because she can’t be right, can she? That doesn’t
even seem fair, who knows if I’ll even live for months without being hurt.

“Don’t worry honey, it’ll get better I promise. And in the meantime, I can give you
some pain pills for your headache.”

I nod my head, and just stare at her numbly. She pats my knee, and turns away back
towards her desk. She goes behind it and gigs around in the drawers before pulling
out a handful of packets. Satisfied, she walks back over to me. Back in front of
me, she places the packets in my hands that are just lying in my lap, and makes me
squeeze them.

“Take a packet of these pills, every six hours if you can, and go get some rest
alright? And try not to get hit in the head again, it won’t end well.”

I nod again.

As I watch her go, I wonder if I’ll ever be alright.

This pain inside goes deeper than my temple, and it’s got claws that are wrapped
around my very being.
Chapter Forty Eight

Once back out in the hallway, I clutch the pill packets in one hand and the
flashlight in the other. Not really paying attention to the people around me, I
quickly walk towards the stares and to my escape. Almost to the door, I bump into a
guy I think and only mumble an apology as I stumble past. There is light coming in
through the window’s at the end of the hallway now, and I probably don’t need the
flashlight on. But when I finally pull open the stairwell door, it’s still pitch
black inside and I know I’ll need it hear.

Taking a deep breath from the stale air, I blindly step inside.

Once inside I stumble forward to go down the steps, and everything comes crashing
into me so suddenly, that I fall back and sit down. Shaking I take in great hiccups
of air as my head begins to pound more violently. Dropping both the packets and the
flashlight, I lift my hands to cradle my head in them. Rocking back and forth, I
try to think if I can really handle all of this and I don’t just mean the chance of
never fully healing.

What if I can’t even make it to the Bates College?

What if my parents are actually there and I die before I get to them?

And what if they never even know that I tried to get to them?

I can’t help feeling so useless and so totally alone, that I can’t even catch my
breath. It doesn’t help my headache, and that just makes me so angry all of a
sudden. What have I done to deserve all of this? The world is going to crap, and
everyone in this building is struggling to survive. And for what are we fighting
for? The chance to just getting killed or losing more people we care about?

Dropping my hands with a small cry, I sit up and try to force my shaking to stop.

It doesn’t work though, and it kills me that I can’t even control my own body to do
what I want it to. I know I’m probably being overly dramatic, but I’ve already been
through so much and it scares me to think that there is only more to come. I think
back to saying goodbye to my brother Dan, and how lost he looked having to watch me
leave. I know he wanted to come with me, but he didn’t want to leave Maria and I
can almost understand that frustration now. I want to go and look for our parents
so bad it hurts, but what if I lose the chance of truly living? They might forgive
me for trying to live, but I would never forgive myself.

Even if it costs me my life, I know I have to find them one way or another.

I reach to the step below me and grab for the flashlight, and with it I pick up the
tiny pill packets. After stuffing them in the pockets of my hoody, I slowly get to
my feet and try to push all the weighing thoughts out of my head. Feeling like a
whinny girl, I march down the rest of the stares and make my way to the door. I
quickly pull it open and rush out into the bright light of the first floor lobby.
I’m just closing the door behind me, and when I turn around I slam into the chest
of someone. I bounce back in alarm, but strong hands grab my arms and stop me
before I hit the door at my back.

Glancing up, I find myself in the arms of Hunter.

“Easy there little lady, are you all right?” He asks as he takes his hands back,
too slowly for my liking.
Gazing around the small lobby and down the hall, I notice we are somewhat alone and
for some reason that doesn’t sit well with me.

“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have just come barreling out of the door like that, my
bad.” I say as I inch away and back towards the stadium.

“It’s alright, no permanent damage.” He says with a wide smile, that makes me head
for the Stadium doors a little faster.

“Mostly everyone left for breakfast, including your boy Gabe. I was just heading
there myself, and I could walk you if you like.”

I stop just a step from the open Stadium doors, and looking inside I know he’s
right, it’s mostly empty. There is still a guard just inside the door, and nodding
at Hunter. Seeking escape, I quickly go around the door and drop the flashlight in
the tote. Turning back around, Hunter is still in the same spot and grinning at me.
He offers me his arm, but I just stuff my hands in my hoody pocket and start for
the hallway to the main lobby.

Hunter doesn’t say anything, just walks beside me until we are almost to the
hallways entrance.

“You were coming out of the stairwell pretty fast, is everything alright?” He asks.

“Just fine actually, I just had to ask somebody something that’s all.” I say.

As I step in front of him and am about to step into the lobby, his abrupt laugh
stills me and makes me turn to him.

“What’s so funny?” I ask him, not sure if I even want to know.

“It’s just you look so much like my ex-girlfriend when you’re trying to keep
something to yourself. You both have that same deer in headlights look, it’s

He’s shaking his head now and smiling, and I’m now actually sure I look like a deer
in the headlights. What could he mean by that?

“I’m not sure what you mean but, is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

“Oh it’s definitely a bad thing, but it’s all good.” He says still grinning as he
walks around me and out into the lobby.

Now I’m the one to shake my head, but only to clear it as I follow him.

Thankfully, the lobby is full of stragglers and we have to walk with them into the
rec area Stadium. I walk in behind Hunter, and am relieved when he heads for the
back of the room for the tables of food. Not in the mood myself to eat, I search
for where the others are sitting. Finally spotting the top of Claire’s red haired
head, I walk over to their table at the side of the room. They are all already
eating, and Gabe looks up as I approach. He offers me a smile, and I feel guilty
for sneaking of suddenly. There is an empty seat between him and Claire.

I quickly sit down with them, feeling a little calmer now.

“Where have you been hiding out?” Gabe asks me as he takes a bite from an already
half eaten apple.

“Just out exploring, figured we wouldn’t be here much longer and wouldn’t have the
chance.” I say not as confidently as I would’ve liked.

Gabe looks up at me mid bite and shares a weird look with Claire that is lost on
me. I mentally slap myself though; I really should have come up with a better cover
story. I’m about to confess, when Claire claps me on the back and shakes her head.

“That’s our Mag pie for you, always out exploring instead of getting the sleep she

I smile and nod, and when I look to Gabe he’s smiling at me too, but I can tell he
doesn’t really mean it. From the way he turns away too fast, I know he’s on to me.
I have a feeling I’m going to have to come clean, and I guess I should have known
better. He goes back to finishing his apple though, and eventually Hunter comes
over to the table and sits in an empty seat in front of me. No sooner does he sit
down, is he staring at me again.

I’m really going to have to get him to stop doing that, and I wish I knew what his
deal was.

Chapter Forty Nine

An hour later, when everyone was done eating, Noah decided that the four of us
should get together to go over the plan for us leaving tomorrow. So we ended up in
an unused office down the hall from the rec area. It’s a small sort of room, but it
has a desk and a sofa in it, so it worked out for us. Well, it worked out for the
guys, since I’ve been pacing the length of the room for a while and just listening
to them discussing things. The room is a little too dim for reading, since we just
had a couple small candles to use.

And as I made my laps, the light flickered off the walls and cast a creepy glow
over the guys.

“So what you’re saying is that they could be in any one of the dozen building out
there?” Gabe asks.

The three of them are standing around the desk, where a map of campus lies. There
are so many out buildings that it’s difficult to guess where anyone would go, which
is why I’ve been pacing. The map is terrifying me.

“No, what I’m saying is that they were all at the Pettengill Hall building first.
If we go there, we should find something to where they went to next.” Noah says,
while pointing at the map.

“Why would you think that?” Hunter says, from where he’s been leaning against the
wall with his arms crossed.

Noah looks up at Hunter for a moment before glancing back at the map. Hunter has
been acting normal since we walked into the room, thank goodness. I don’t know if I
could handle his weird looks being thrown my way.

“It’s just something some of the soldiers having been talking about. In case of an
emergency, they have plans for evacuating to another location.” Noah says.

“So it would be safe to assume the same could be said for Bates.” Gabe interrupts
while glancing at me making my fifth lap in pacing, before turning back to Noah.
“Exactly, I’m just hoping they left something behind for us to use. We’ll have a
lot of ground to cover though.”

I block out the rest of what they say as I continue my pacing, and now I’ve
upgraded to ringing my hands together in knots. I can feel the throbbing of my head
behind my eyes like a distant echo, turns out pain pills work wonders. I discreetly
took a couple of them after dinner and am so glad that I did. I’m just turning back
to the front of the room to restart my lap when I look up and find that Gabe is
leaning in the open doorway watching me. Abruptly I come to a stop and realize that
the others are gone.

Dropping my hands to my side, I feel my cheeks go scarlet.

“Hey you...” He says softly, while giving me a whisper of a smile.

Standing in the middle of the room, for some reason I feel nervous being alone with

I know it doesn’t make sense, but the way he stands there watching me it’s like a
heat wave is pouring into the room and is directed at me. I shift back and forth on
my feet, and am not sure what I should be doing. Which is ridiculous, this is Gabe
not some guy I’m alone with. He smirks at me suddenly, and pushes away from the
wall. Before I even can guess what he’s doing, he’s closing the door behind him and
walking over to me.

He stops right in front of me, and is so close that I have to look up to see his
face. He’s not smirking now, and looks more serious as he watches me intently. I
have the urge to back up, but at the same time I want to throw myself across the
small distance and into his arms.

“I’ve notice that you haven’t been acting like yourself since we got here. And I
know you didn’t just go off to explore this morning.” He says softly.

He leans in closer to me and I can feel his warm breath on my cheeks and all I want
is for him to kiss me.

Oh wait, hold up.

What did he just say?

I didn’t expect him to be on to me, but then it was stupid to think he wouldn’t
notice. Taking a deep breath, I step away from him so that he’s not looming above

“I’ve been acting fine, and I really was just walking around this morning.” I say
none to convincingly even to my own ears.

He crosses his arms over his chest and narrows his eyes at me. I have to remember
to be aloof and not give myself away, but it’s hard when his muscles bulk up under
his shirt from crossing his arms like that.

“Maggie, come one, I’m not an idiot. Just tell me what’s going on, and please don’t
say your planning on taking off by yourself.”

My eyes go wide in alarm, is that what he thinks?

That I’m just going to take off after my parents and leave him behind. Shaking my
head I close my eyes, and I think to myself that I should just be honest with him.
It’s not fair to let him think that I’m thinking about to leaving him, when it’s
the exact opposite. Opening my eyes I stare at him guiltily and back up so that my
legs hit the back of the sofa that is against the back wall. I sit down in a heap,
and gesture for him to sit down too. When he slow walks over to me and sits down
all the way on the other end, I feel so bad about sneaking around that I want to

“I wasn’t planning on just taking off alright you really have to believe that. I
would never just leave without asking you to come with me.”

He gives me these sad little puppy eyes, and I just want to throw myself at him to
take the look away. But then what I said registers, and he gives me his charming

“Well that’s good, because I would hate for the girl that I’ve fallen for would
just leave without saying goodbye.”

Now it takes me a moment to register what he just said, and am I crazy or did he
just say fallen for? Fallen as in love? A smile forms on my face and I just stare
at him in wonder, before remembering I have to tell him what I was really up to. He
might not feel the same way if he knows he’s falling for a damaged girl.

“Gabe, you were right when you said I wasn’t acting like myself, because I wasn’t.
I’ve still been having really bad headaches and it’s making me slow to react in a
fight. So I went to get a second opinion.”

He narrows his eyes at me in confusion, so I continue before he can interrupt.

“My concussion hasn’t gotten any better, and if anything it’s getting worse. So I
saw a doctor about it upstairs this morning.”

His eyes go wide, and he leans closer to me and places a hand lightly on my arm.
Goosebumps travel up and down my arms and I don’t want to tell him the rest.

“There is a chance that I might not ever be fully healed, and if I’m not careful it
could get worse. I know what you’re thinking, that we shouldn’t leave tomorrow, but
we have to.”

I am almost shouting the last part, but he stops me by placing his other hand on my

“Maggie, you could have just told me the truth and I wouldn’t have made you not go
after your parents. I promised you before that I’ll make sure you see them again,
no matter what. I fully intend to keep that promise.”

His hand on my lips slides so that he is cupping my cheek gently, and I sigh and
lean into him.

“I think I’ve pretty much fallen for you too Gabriel.”

The hand cupping my cheek slides onto the back of my neck and into my hair. He
pulls me into him for a kiss I sigh in delight. As our lips meet lightly at first,
I place my own hands around his neck and pull out closer together. We both open our
mouths wider and deepen the kiss at the same time, and I swear I’m in heaven. My
entire body tingles as if I’m on fire and I push myself closer into him, still
feeling like it’s not close enough. Gabe groans into me, and gently he moves us so
that we are lying on the couch with him on top, all the while never once taking his
lips from mine. We mold into each other until I not sure where the other begins or
ends, and at some point all of our close disappear.
When our bodies finally connect and we become one, I finally feel completely and
utterly free.

Chapter Fifty

I wake up to something warm and heavy sliding across my bare abdomen. I’m opening
my eyes and preparing to fight off whatever is attacking me, until I remember the
night before. Turning my head, I find Gabe inches away from me. We’re still on the
small couch in the office, and he is what woke me as he tried to get up. His
movement’s still though, when he notices that I’m awake and he slides his arm back
around me and pulls me close.

Sighing, I snuggle up close to him and close my eyes.

He holds me even tighter. I can’t imagine ever being happier.

“It’s almost time to go.” He whispers into my neck as he places a gentle kiss

I open my eyes in alarm and turn in Gabe’s arms so that I am facing him. He’s
forced to lean back a little as I move, but shifts back so that we are a breath
away from one another.

“All ready?” I ask.

“It’ll be full daylight soon, and we said to meet at dawn.”

He tilts his head indicating the dim light flickering in through the small window
across the room. Seeing it makes me remember why we are doing what we’re doing
today, and makes me want to regret deciding to go. Being here safe in Gabe’s arms I
never want to go outside again, but I know I have to.

“I think we might be late already.” I say with a smile as I bury my face into
Gabe’s chest and close my eyes again.

He chuckles and his body shakes with and forces me to open my eyes and mock glare
up at him. Looking down at me he gives me a gentle smile, and lifts a hand to moves
my hair that has fallen into my face.

“I love you Maggie. I just want you to know that, no matter what happens from here
on out.”

Placing a hand on his chest, I flex my fingers and try to enjoy the feel of him.
Last night was wonderful and I’m glad we had the chance to be together, but now I’m
just sad. Who knows what could happen? All I know is that I don’t want to find out
what it’s like to lose him.

“I love you too, and nothing is going to happen. I don’t plan on going anywhere,
unless you do?”

I sit up with a smile and stare at him in question, trying to lighten the mood. He
sits up then, and places both hands on my cheeks and draws me closer to him. I
expected a long and deep kiss, but his touch is feather light and he pulls away too
soon for my liking.
“There is no place I’d rather be, than right here.”

As he lowers his hands from my cheeks, and slides off the couch, I have the
unsettling feeling that nothing will ever be the same again. I know leaving here is
a big deal and we don’t know what we are getting into, but I haven’t felt it until
right now. We both don’t say anything as we get dressed and it’s just as well,
it’ll only feel like a goodbye and neither of us wants to do that. All I know is
that while I slip my hoody over my head, I look forward to having my ax back and
maybe some of my confidence along with it.

By the time we’re heading to the Pal Hop, there are already some people heading to
breakfast and we run into the others at the lobby waiting for us. Claire is
standing along the wall between hallways and Hanna and Logan are with her. They
look up as we approach, and Claire fixes me with a knowing look that makes me blush
all the way to my toes. Having to glance away, I find that Noah and Hunter are on
the other side of the room talking with a couple of the guards. We don’t have to
wait long to figure out what is going on because, they are heading in our direction
before I can even relax against the wall beside Claire.

Is it my imagination, or is Hunter glaring between Gabe and I? It must be nerves or


“Sorry we’re late. What’s going on?” Gabe asks Noah as soon as he and Hunter are in
front of us.

“I was just securing us our weapons we checked in and a way out beside the front
door. We have to go right now though before the guards change shifts.”

My eyes go wide at this, since I didn’t think there was another way out beside the
front door. Maybe we’ll make it out of here alive after all. We all nod in
agreement for Noah, and wait for the rest of the plan.

“Gabe, you take Hunter with you and collect the weapons you checked and meet us in
the hockey stadium hall, there is a side door there we are using.”

Gabe nods his head and walks back in the direction of the Pal Hop and doesn’t wait
to see if Hunter follows him or not. Hunter does though, and for some reason
glances back at me and makes me look away first. Noah pulls Hanna off to the side
and says his goodbyes, so I face Claire to give him some privacy.

“I’m sorry I’m not going with you Maggie. I’m being selfish I know.” Claire says in
a small voice with tears in her eyes.

I take a step closer to her and place a hand on her arm.

“I didn’t ask you to Claire, and I know I wouldn’t want to go if I had already
found me parents. I don’t blame you.” I tell her.

“Just be careful alright? Dan would totally kick my ass if anything happened to

I crack a smile and pull her into me for a tight hug.

When she starts shaking, I know she crying in earnest now and I can feel tears in
my own eyes. I hold on to her as tight as I can, and can’t help the feeling that
I’m losing my sister. We pull back from one another wiping our eyes when Gabe and
Hunter return with all our weapons. I literally have to refrain myself from full
out running to them and snatching the ax out of Gabe’s hands, but I don’t have to
worry. He comes right up to me with a smile and hands it over, and I swear my hands
shake when I take it, like I missed it or something. Who am I kidding? Of course I
missed it. He and Hunter divvy up the rest of the loot between them and I even get
my own gun now.

Not being a fan of them before, I sure value them now.

Whatever keeps you alive right?

“Alright guys, the guard is already waiting for us. We should go.” Noah says.

He starts for the first hallway we entered when we arrived at the Collisee, and the
rest of us follow behind him. I walk between Gabe and Claire, and pray that this
isn’t the last time we are all together like this. The way Claire holds my hand
when we walk; I know she is thinking the same thing. When we get the hallway sure
enough, there is a guard there waiting for us just like Noah promised. He is
dressed in the usual black attire we already accustomed too, and has a rifle
strapped over his shoulder. He looks so severe that I don’t even think he’s really
going to help us, but he opens the side door with ease as we approach.

My breath catches as the door opens.

I expected to be bombarded by the dead, but we are just met with silence.

“You have the all clear, so just treat lightly to the front of the building. Your
time is limited, so may God be with you all.” The Guard says in a deep voice, that
send chills down my spine.

“Thank you for your assistance, I owe you one.” Noah says to the guard and then
turns to the three of us. “We have to be precise about this, so I’m taking lead.
Gabe I want you to have my back. Hunter you are to get my car started and make sure
Maggie gets to the car. Got it, we only have this one chance?”

Noah takes his keys out and tossed them to Hunter who catches them with ease, and
then he turns and takes his sister in his arms saying goodbye one last time. Gabe
is a little irritated that Hunter is to look after me, but still says goodbye to
Claire after I do one more time. Taking a step to the open door, the four of us get
our weapons ready and with one last look behind us, we walk outside.

After being inside for a few days with just the dim light of candles, the sun feels
very blinding.

The side parking lot of the Collisee isn’t as big as the front, but it still has
the same kind of damage around it. Luckily there isn’t any of the dead in sight,
but when the door slams behind us, I know it won’t be long before they sense us
coming. With Noah in the lead and his two handguns drawn, he guides us along the
side of the building and towards the front. Gabe is in front of me and Hunter
behind, and they both have two guns out like Noah. We don’t go very far when we can
already hear the feat of the dead up ahead, and Noah brings us to a stop.

“Here’s the deal, I’m going to jump out and start shooting and you three head for
the car. Gabe I want you to keep a couple paces behind me so that you can get
anything I miss.”

Noah turns away when he’s done and doesn’t wait for a confirmation before he is
already charging the front of the building and firing his gun. And I don’t even
have time to be afraid as Gabe quickly follows him and Hunter ushers me forward
from behind. The sound of gunfire is defining, but what is worse, is the amount of
the dead that have accumulated here since the last time we went out.
It seems all the killing we did when we arrived here didn’t even make a dent.

If possible there are more.

But I try to ignore them all as Noah and Gabe clear a path for Hunter and I to run
through and I try not to think of Gabe in the middle of it all. Bodies are falling
left and right, so much so that I don’t even have to contribute as we near the car.
It’s still parked away from the front entrance and we have to dodge between other
vehicles. It’s not until we are almost to it, that more of the dead come from
around the abandoned vehicles and charge us.

Hunter shoots a couple of them, and when his back is turned an older man missing
half his facing is coming for me. Letting everything else fade, I concentrate on
the dead before me and take a deep breath as I raise the ax. I’m just about to
swing as it gets closer, but its body jerks suddenly before falling still to the

I look up to find Hunter lowering his gun.

“Get in the car, Maggie.” He says breathlessly.

Nodding, I look to where Noah and Gabe are shooting while running backwards to the

They will be here any moment.

Backing up myself, I hit the side of the car and jump inside with Hunter in the
front and me in the back. He starts the car and I’m just sliding all the way over
to the other side, when Gabe and Noah both jump into the car and slam the doors
behind them. No sooner are the doors closed that the dead are already crashing into
the side them.

“Drive damn it!” Noah yells at Hunter.

He slams on the gas then, and I have to hold onto Gabe and the side of the care
just to stay upright, as the car fish tales right out of the parking lot and onto
the road. The dead follow us, but Hunter does slow us down, and eventually the dead
diminish behind us until we are alone on the road. We are all breathing heavily,
and I can’t believe we actually made it to the car and out of there. Of course with
no help to me at all, since it was all Noah and Gabe’s mad skills, but hey who’s
complaining. The drive to Bates is a short one I know, so I quickly scoot closer to
Gabe and latch onto him, and he easily takes me in his arms. While he hugs me, his
attention is outside the car, and I know what he’s thinking.

This is just the beginning, who knows what we’ll find at the college.

Chapter Fifty One

We don’t have to wait long though, because soon Hunter is pulling up on College
Street and we can see the disorder of the place from here. Bates is like its one
little community with a ton of out buildings, and as we draw closer the amount of
the dead rise. The night before Noah had told us that when people first came here
for protection, they took up shop at Pettengill Hall, so Hunter has to drive us
almost to the end of College Street toward the building. We pass the usual
destruction I’m already familiar with, but it still makes my breath catch as every
house we pass gets worse and worse. When the car comes to a stop we all pear out
the windows where a side street is to the right.

Down that small stretch of road is the building we need.

But between us is over a hundred of the dead and they are already heading in our

“Gabe un-hook the seat to the trunk, and get the big guns, hurry.” Noah says as he
turns in his seat and faces us.

Quickly I turn in the back seat so that Gabe has more room to maneuver, and
together we pull the back of the seat down so that the trunk is open and visible.
The guns are also visible and still in the bags we packed them in, thank goodness.
Gabe slides out the bigger of the two, and as I reach for the second one, I spy
another bag that fills me with even more excitement that the submachine gun Gabe is
taking out. The bag I pull out holds flares, knives and small grenades that Noah
picked up at the armory.

I turn to Noah, as he is reaching for the machine from Gabe.

“Noah, I think we forgot something.” I say as I take out a grenade and hold it up
for them all to see.

“Is that,” Gabe asks.

“…A grenade?” Noah interrupts. “How many do we have Maggie?”

Lifting the bag I lean over the seats and hand it to him, so he can see for
himself. Gabe looks down at the machine gun that is forgotten by Noah, and he looks
like he’s getting his favorite toy taken away. I smile though and pat his shoulder
as we wait for a confirmation from Noah.

“Will those work here though?” Hunter asks, skeptically.

“They sure as hell will, and we only need the one. Just tossing it into the group,
we’ll have the advantage with using the machine gun too.”

If it’s possible my smile gets wider, and I know I must look absolutely crazy, but
I can’t help it. It makes the number of the dead outside the car less frightening,
even as they are all making their way closer to us. It’s still creepy to me the
fact that they all shuffle together as a group, until they sense the living among

If one of us were to open the car door, I know for a fact that they would all rush
at us.

“Is there any way we can get closer to the building?” Gabe asks, as he loads rounds
into the machine gun cartridge.

“Are you off your rocker Gabriel? You do see the crap load of the dead right? There
is no way I’m driving into that.” Hunter spits out, as he too reloads his handguns.

“Of course I see them, thanks for that. I MEANT, for using the grenades. Noah?”
Gabe asks again.

Noah ignoring the seething look from Hunter, and turns in his seat to face Gabe and
I. He seems to look less worried than he was when we left, and that alone boosts my

“Just like before, I’m going to take the lead here. I’m going to toss a grenade
into them, and while they get blown up you and Hunter are going to be using the
machine guns on the rest. I’ll use you as a cover to shoot at the rest, while
Maggie and I rush to the building with you too on our tail. Sound good?” Noah
rushes out.

I should feel upset that he doesn’t seem to be using me much in the plan
coordination, but I’m just glad to be here. I have no experience with regular guns,
and those look pretty damn heavy. I have enough trouble as of late just lifting the
ax; I don’t need to add to the weight. For some reason though, I am glad that I’ll
be with Noah than Hunter, I just wish it was Gabe with me though.

“That works for me.” Gabe says as he glances at Hunter briefly, before turning back
to Noah. “Just keep her safe for me.”

Noah nods, while shooting a glance to me, before turning back around in his seat. I
let out a sigh, and place my hand on Gabe’s shoulder and he faces me fully now.

“You don’t have to worry about me, just concentrate on yourself, alright?” I say.

I move my hand onto his cheek and lightly caress him before starting to drop my
hand, but he catches it in his. He raises it up to his lips and places a gentle
kiss on my knuckles. He places my hand back into my lap and goes back to loading
the gun in his lap, and I have to remember what I was doing. In the next couple of
moments we all set out to reload our guns and get them positioned on our person, so
that we are ready.

Noah has two handguns at his hips, and pulls the strap of the bag over his shoulder
when he takes a grenade in his hands. Gabe sends off the submachine gun to Hunter,
and goes to work loading the Uzi machine gun for him. I now have two knives
strapped into holsters attached to my ankles, as well as the handgun at my hip and
the ax in my hands. With the dead getting even closer now, we can’t wait anymore
and with a swift nod from Noah.

We all get out of the car.

Like I imagined the moment we step out of the car, the dead around us go into
frenzy and rush us at once. Without hesitation, Noah doesn’t wait for us to round
the car, and just pulls the grenade clip free and tosses it into the mass of
bodies. It lands in the midst of them, and sounding like fireworks on the fourth of
July it goes off in a shocking boom. We’re far enough away that we don’t feel but a
breath of air, but the dead around it go flying in a mass of separated body parts
and cuts the number in half right away.

I paused at the front of the car gripping the ax when the grenade went off, and now
Noah brandishing a gun urges me to follow him to the building we want that is a
dozen feet away from us. Gabe and Hunter are firing the machine guns now, and they
are so loud it makes my ears ring. They are out in front of Noah and I and are
clearing a path all around as we run.

Now that the front of the building is clear, they both turn at the same time as if
it was coordinated, and they start firing behind us. Noah rushes forward to the
front of the building and I’m hot on his heels and trying to not look behind me as
Gabe shoots the dead. There are a small set of steps leading up to the front
entrance of the building, and as we near them a couple of the dead are coming
around from the side of the building and straight for us. Noah just aims his gun
and starts shooting toward the left, and I only have time to think I should take
out my gun and fire into the right, before they are already upon me.

I am just raising my ax, when a girl my age in a ripped dress lunges at me with her
broken and bloody arms wide. I manage to swing the ax before she touches me, and
the hit to her side sends her falling to the ground with my ax lodged into her.
She’s clawing at me while I struggle to pull it free, and I have to kick her in the
head to make her stop.

Stepping on her abdomen, I pull the ax free.

As soon as I do I abruptly swing it back down into her neck before she gets up.

Her movements still when I hear more feet coming to me from behind, and I swing the
ax as I turn to face them. There are two of the dead, and they look completely
disfigured, as if they’d been dead for a while. I hit the one on the right on his
side, but unlike the girls, my ax slides right through him cutting him in half.
Still in mid-swing the ax comes out and slides right into the woman beside him,
catching her shoulder.

She gets knocked to the ground from the hit.

I’m struggling to pull the ax from her flesh when she jerks and then stills.

Looking up as I pull the ax free, I find Noah on the steps lowering his gun and
urging me to follow him. Gripping the ax tightly, I forget the dead at me feet and
swiftly rush up the steps to join Noah. The sound of the machine guns still firing
is echoing as I reach the top of the steps landing and hurry to Noah as he is
opening the door to the inside.

I look over my shoulder to where Gabe and Hunter are almost to us, still firing
into the dead and wish that I hadn’t. As the guys shoot into the dead, they’re
numbers don’t seem to be getting smaller, it’s like they are pouring out of
everywhere and not stopping. They seem to notice this too, because the concentrate
on running to the building steps rather than trying to kill them all. Noah pulls me
back inside the door as Gabe and Hunter get to the landing and are running to the
door right after me. As soon as Gabe steps over the threshold, Noah slams the doors
and slides the lock home, just as the dead crash into it with a bang.

We all stand there for a moment trying to catch our breath, and pray that the dead
don’t breach the door. It’s quieter in here, and I wonder how it got broken into in
the first place, but Noah doesn’t wait to find out as he heads off toward the
welcome desk in the lobby we’re in. He ransacks it as the three of us watch not
sure what to do, but he doesn’t need the help.

Grinning like a banshee, he holds up a stack of papers.

“What’d I tell you guys? They wrote where the backup shelters are.” Noah says in a

I can’t believe it, as Gabe rushes over to him and scans the paper before grinning
up at me too. I let out a small smile of my own, and Hunter just grunts something
unrecognizable and turns back to the door full of tension.

“Both locations are close, the Ladd Library and Schaeffer Theatre. Who want what,
because we have to split up now?” Noah says to us.

My breath catches and I can’t decide if this is a good move or bad one. It was bad
enough when we worked together just getting inside, what will it be like apart now?
All I do know is that I better be with Gabe and no one else. If the shit hits the
fan, I want to be with him when it all ends.

I must not have been the only one thinking this, because Gabe speaks up first.

“Maggie and I can take the Library. You and Hunter take the theater.”

He addresses Noah, and studiously ignores Hunter, who just glares at him for some
reason I can’t fathom. Men, right?

“That will work. Same as before, I’ll use another grenade and clear a path for us,
and we can split up then. Sound good?” Noah says, as he looks between us all.

Chapter Fifty Two

As soon as we’re back outside, I regret having the library to search.

In the late afternoon light, the dead are spread out around us and I know it’s
going to take a lot to get through them. Noah rushes out the door and down the
steps first, and he tosses another grenade into the mass of the dead. Same as
before, a great boom like fireworks goes off and all the dead goes flying in a
spray of body parts. Hunter and Gabe step out beside Noah and they fire into the
masses with the machine guns and make a pretty big dent in the amount of the dead.
Without hesitation I raise my ax, and Gabe grabs for knife in his free hand not
holding the machine gun and we start down the steps followed by Hunter and Noah.
The building we need is to the left across the way between two different walkways
and buildings, but it seems so far now.

The building that the guys want is straight ahead and closer back to the street.

Following close to Gabe and trying not to make a sound that will alert the dead
that are still coming closer, we head for the left and leave behind Noah and
Hunter. We just cross the barrier between the two buildings, when the dead are
closing in on us. I take in a deep breath at the sight of them, and almost come to
a stop.

“We have to run, but stay close to me.” Gabe shouts almost in my ear.

We barely have time to glance at each other before we have to defend ourselves. I
rush forward and swing the ax up and around just as a professor looking man missing
half his body comes lumbering over to me. I catch him in his still attached other
shoulder, and knock him to the side. I have the ax pulled free just as another gets
close to me, one that looks like it used to be a girl rushes me. Not hesitating I
give my back to the man, and swing at the girl before she gets to close.

I feel her hands just graze me as I knock her to the ground in one hit.

Her flesh is softer than the man’s and her body is almost dissected already when
she falls. Hearing movement behind me, I remember the man, but then I hear Gabe’s
gun go off closer to me and the movement stops.

Not having time to thank him, I feel him beside me as we pace farther down the path
toward the library.

We’re running now, and I have to try to keep my breath even and ignore everything
beside the sound of my feet hitting the concrete path. I can hear the feet of the
dead following us, and I pray we can make it inside before they reach us. We don’t
bother to try and stop to face them. It would just waste time and ammo, so we push
forward. I don’t even think of the possibility of having to fight them when we
leave, but I can only process one thing at a time.

And right now, it’s getting inside the library.

Hearing Gabe’s labored breathing beside me, I know he’s thinking the same thing. I
can see the library building looming up before me, and we’re just making our way
into the small quad on front of it, when we find ourselves surrounded.

In the circle of the library’s front, there are at least five more dead approaching
from inside. Blocking out the movement from behind me, I face the next two dead
approaching and raise my ax. I barely have time to take in their decade and charred
appearance before I have to hit at them. They are practically side by side, so when
I hit one, the other gets knocked into and they both fall to the ground. I can hear
gunfire and I try to focus on those before me and not for Gabe, since they are
already getting up by the time I pull my ax free. I take a step back and get better
footing as the one that was only knocked aside lumbers towards me. I swing the ax
up as hard as I can, and catch it just under the jaw and into its head.

We both fall to the ground with me riding it, still gripping the ax.

I can feel its soft flesh and bile rises in the back of my throat, and I quickly
get to my feet while yanking the ax out with me. Half of the face comes free in a
spray of blood as its movements cease, but I don’t have time to try and dodge it.
The other dead I had hit, is now back to its feet coming towards me. I spin around
so fast to face it, that my I lose my balance at the last moment, and it hits me
from the side and sends me to the ground.

I fall with a yell and manage to get the ax between us.

It’s easier than it would be, since this one is missing half of its right side and
only has one arm to claw with. I’m just hitting the ground with its mushy body
above me, that I hit at its snapping jaws with the butt of the ax and knock it off

Before I can even get to my feet, I see movement above me, and I think I don’t have
enough time to fight another threat, when I see its Gabe’s familiar form. He has
the machine gun aimed at the dead I was struggling with, and pulls the trigger when
I am finally standing. As the body falls still on the ground with half its head
blown off, he turns to me and grabs my free hand. I wonder what happened to his
knife as he pulls me to the front door of the library. Almost against my will I
glance behind me as we are just reaching the doors. Inside the quad now, are at
least five or more dead trying to get to us. When I feel Gabe push open the door
and pull me inside, I can’t help to think that it’s going to be interesting trying
to get back through them.

Once I’m completely through the threshold, I turn and throw myself against the door
and push it closed.

As soon as the latch clicks, there are already bodies crashing into it. The whole
door shakes from their insistence, and I stumble back into Gabe’s arms. I can feel
his chest heaving and realize mine is going just as fast and am having a hard time
catching my breath. We stay there for a moment and try to remember how to breathe
slowly while staring out through the see through door, and even as I try I can’t
turn away.

There are so many against it now, I can’t see where one begins and another ends.
They are all hands and teeth, and covered in their own and maybe the blood of

“Were you hurt?” Gabe asks as he turns me in his arms.

I stare up at him now, and notice that he too is covered in blood, and distantly I
think I might be just as covered. It’s beginning to be something I don’t even think
about anymore, like it’s not even real blood that sticks to us.

“I don’t think so.”

Though when I say this, I know it’s a lie, one he can see through too. I may not
have been bitten, but the fight is weighing on me. Now that I’m not filled with
adrenaline of the fight, I can feel my head throbbing like a drum behind my eyes.
The ax in my arms is already feeling heavy in my arms, and I don’t know if I’ll
even have the strength to face the dead when we leave. But I can’t let him know
this though, he’d only worry.

“No bites, you’re sure?” He raises his free hand and lightly touches my cheek.

I lean into his touch and close my eyes, and nod my head in assurance. Opening my
eyes again, I find him watching me, but he too nods and steps away. I watch him as
he walks over to the door, and slides the lock into place and secures the door. We
both know that if the dead were to get in, that the lock won’t stop them. But just
as he locks it to feel better about it, I feel better to and don’t say what we’re
both thinking. He turns away from the door, and stares behind me into the lobby we
are in.

Already it’s beginning to get darker outside, so the light in the room is dimming.

“Stay close, Mags, we don’t know if this place is really empty.”

The lobby we are in is wide open, but not very big.

There are three hallways leading out and into darkened corridors. He starts for the
hall in the middle and I follow close behind. After being outside, it’s much
quieter in here and I can only hear the sounds we are making. I really hope that we
are alone in here, well, that’s not actually true. If anything, I hope my parents
are in here and I hope even more that they are alive. I refuse to let myself think
of the alternative, all of this can’t be for nothing.

We are just walking into the hall and are nearing two opened doors on both sides of

That’s when I hear a shuffling sound.

Gabe goes still in front of me, and I stop too trying to figure out where the noise
is coming from. Before I can even call out, a body rushes out of the room on our
left and slams into Gabe. They hit near the opposite door, and crash into the wall.
I only realize it’s not one of the dead, when the body brandishes a bat and steps
back enough to hit Gabe with it. I rush forward with a yell, just as Gabe gets hit
in the side of the head and falls to a heap on the ground.

I’m almost to the person with the bat, when they turn around and face me.

I freeze instantly in my tracks.

“Hunter? What…the hell…are you doing?”

I can’t help but to cringe, when he steps forward and the bat in his hands has
blood on the tip of it.

As much as I want to look away and seek out Gabe to make sure he’s alright, I know
to not take my eyes off of Hunter. Whatever feeling I’ve been having about him, it
makes me see caution, plus he just attacked Gabe. He can’t just want to have a nice
chat with me over tea.

I step back as he moves closer still, and I raise my free hand as if to ward him

“Why aren’t you with Noah, is he alright?”

He narrows his eyes at me, and cocks his head to the side.

As he walks towards me I pace his movements and keep him at a distance, and all the
while he’s not saying anything. He just keeps giving me this look, something I
can’t exactly read, but it’s one I don’t trust. I find myself back in front of a
doorway and he’s right in front me now.

After everything I’ve been through, I know I can’t let him best me.

So I slowly lift my hand that is holding the ax and try to keep his eyes on mine
while I do it. Before I have my hand at waist level, he flinches like he was hit
and rushes at me.

I try to back up to swing at him, but he swings the bat as he runs and hits the ax
out of my hands.

Chapter Fifty Three

From the hit, I get bumped to the side a bit. Before I can regain my balance, he’s
already reached me and pushing me into the room. It’s small and dark, I don’t even
see anything until Hunter shoves me back and I hit the side of a desk. All the air
gets rushed out of my lungs from the impact. I scan my surrounding s for something
to use as a weapon or something, but he’s already approaching me again. He steps
right up into me.

I have to lean back against the side of the desk to keep him at arm’s length.

“Hunter, why are you doing this? If something happened, we can talk about this.” I
say is a rush.

“Stupid girls, always thinking you can talk you way out of things.” He says between
gritted teeth, as he leans into me so that his face is inches from mine.

I try to scoot back as far as I can, but there is only so far I can get away. He
was on me so fast; I haven’t even been able to process what the hell is going on. I
try to think back if he was bitten at all, in the time from the Collisee to here
and I can’t remember if he had. He’s acting like, like someone else that attacked
me, but it’s almost off somehow. He’s been acting strange since we first met him.

Can a bite take days to infect?

I don’t think it does, at least in my experience it always worked so fast.

“Hunter, come on, be reasonable. I know we don’t know each other well, but you’re a
good person. You don’t have to do this, just let me go.”

He lifts his hands, and grips my throat and begins to squeeze, softly at first
before adding a little more pressure.

“You don’t know me as well as you think Maggie. Remember my ex-girlfriend?” He says
inches for my face, that I can feel his breath.

I try to turn my head away from him, but his grip is too tight and I’m starting to
have hard time breathing. I raise my hands now and hit at him, anyplace I can
reach, but it doesn’t have any effect. So I try to pry is hands off me, as he
squeezes tighter.

“She was just like you at first, always teasing me, but never giving in. You’re
more stupid than her though, thinking you can show me up with your boyfriend.”

I try to scream now, but the air is trapped in my throat so it comes out as a

Feeling my head get fuzzy, I know I won’t last much longer if he keeps choking me.
Using all the strength I can, I wiggle around and try to kick at him, as I claw at
his face. He yells, but inches so close to me, that I can’t move my legs anymore.
His cheeks are bleeding from my scratches.

He releases one hand and pulls pack and slaps me.

My head gets tossed to the side, and he’s already chocking me with both hands,
before I realize that my cheek is stinking from being hit. He squeezes me with such
force now, that my head is pounding and I can’t get enough air.

The room is starting to get darker, and my hands fall limply to my sides.

“She thought she could fight me off too, but I told you we had a back break up
right?” He leans close to me again, and he laughs in my face. “It must have slipped
my mind to say that I was the one to end things, and by things, I mean her life.”

What he’s saying isn’t making any sense, but then my ears are ringing now, so I
can’t really hear anything anyway. He grips me tighter and shakes me, as if trying
to keep me awake. Opening my eyes, I didn’t even know I closed them.

I’m so tired, and I can’t breathe, I just want to sleep now.

He shakes me again, and black spots dance behind my eyes and are starting to close
in around me. I don’t even feel any pain now except for the way my lungs are
burning for air. I’m about to close my eyes and give up, when one of the black
spots turn into a shadow. Then the shadow takes the form of a person, and creeps up
behind Hunter. My first thought is that the dead have finally broken inside through
the door, but as the shadow gets closer.

I see that it’s Gabe.

I want to smile and cry that he’s alright, but before I can do anything, he slams
into Hunter. He knocks him off me. Instantly, I fall to the ground and gasp in the
biggest breath I have ever taken. My lungs burn as I breathe in and out and I can’t
stop the coughing fit that pours out of me. On my hands and knees coughing, I look
up to see that Gabe has Hunter on the ground and is hitting him.
I only have a moment to rejoice in the fact that he is getting what he deserves,
when Hunter blocks a hit and shoves Gabe off him. I try to yell for Gabe, but my
voice just comes out in another coughing fit, that leaves me curling into myself
gasping. When he gets his balance back, Hunter is already on his feet and rushes at
him with a yell.

Gabe is ready though and as Hunter is almost to him he punches him.

When Hunter turns from the hit, Gabe slams into him and knocks him into the wall.
Before he can hit him again though, Hunter knees him and shoves him back now. They
circle each other like sharks, and I try to call out to them to stop fighting, but
I can’t even catch my breath yet. Hunter kicks out at him, but Gabe blocks him
easily. As Hunter is about to strike out at him again, Gabe rushes at him before I
can call out to him to not too. When they collide, they fall back into the wall,
except it’s not the wall at all.

It’s a window.

From the speed in which they are falling, they crash right through it and fade from
my line of sight.

Not caring that my throat is still burning, I scream with all I can, and I scramble
to my shaky legs.

On my feet now, the world tilts and spins so much that I almost fall to the floor.
But I force myself to the broken window, and practically fall into the frame so
that I can peer out of it. Outside, it’s completely dark now and it’s raining so
hard that I have a hard time seeing where they are. They had fallen out into an
alley of sorts, but it is much larger, with a couple feet between the next
buildings. Squinting, I see movement, and I see that they are still fighting, even
if they are both bleeding freely now.

Beyond them in the darkness, I see more movement and I know they won’t be alone for
much longer.

I scream for Gabe again and start to go out the window, before remembering the ax.

I spin around and quickly scan the room, until I see it at the door on the floor,
where I dropped it. I rush over to it, and ignore the way my body feels shaky when
I bend over to pick it up. I even ignore the way my head spins, when I turn back
for the window. When I reach the window sill again, I see the guys fighting and the
movements beyond them are turning into person sized shadows, and know that I don’t
have any time to waste.

Grasping the ledge with my free hand, I place my leg over the side.

I jump out not caring about getting cut on the glass.

I land on my feet easily and don’t even stop to gain my balance. I just dart toward
the shadows that are getting closer to the guys. As I pass them, I try to not
notice how Hunter just hit Gabe and made him fall to the ground. One of the dead is
closest than the others and I rush at a dead blonde girl and swing the ax out at
her without thinking.

My head is throbbing now with every step I take, but I refuse to let it distract

If I live through the dead that are rounding the side of the building, then I deal
with my pain then. The dead girl I swing at must have dies days ago, because her
flesh is so soft that when I hit at her neck, her head cuts off instead of her
falling to the ground. I don’t have time to be shocked and amazed though, because
there is another dead guy wearing glasses that is running towards me.

I spin around to raise the ax and face him head on.

But I get so dizzy when I start to turn that I feel myself beginning to fall to the

By the time I land, I don’t even have time to register the fact that I feel
claustrophobic on the ground with the rain falling on me, when the dead guy is
falling on top of me. Snapping his jaw near my throat, I recover enough to get the
ax between us. Used to being trapped this way by now, I easily pushes him off, plus
he’s smaller than another person I doesn’t like to think about. As he stumbles
back, I quickly get to my feet, and he lunges again.

I’m ready though and I swing at him and catch the side of his head knocking his
glasses off.

He falls to the ground now still clawing at my legs as he does, and I deftly pull
the ax from his head. I have to struggle a little bit, his flesh isn’t as soft as
the girls, but once free I bring the ax down into his neck. From one hit, his
movement still.

Breathing hard and trying to not noticing the shaking, I glance around for Gabe.

I force my attention away from the dead bodies that are pooling together around the
side of the building, and instead I search to the sounds of a fight. They don’t
seem to be as into the fight as they were before, both are slowing down and
limping. Even in the rain, I can see that they are both covered in blood.

I thank the Heavens that I managed to keep the dead from Gabe at least.

In the opposite direction from them I can see shadows coming closer, and I can’t
tell if it is deader or not. I’m about to call out to them to watch out, when Gabe
moves in and punches Hunter hard enough to distract him, while he shoves him to the

The world slows down to me then, and I see everything as if it’s in high definition

As Hunter falls to the ground, his head flies back and smacks the pavement with a
resounding bang. From the impact he coughs, and turns to the side and spits out
blood from his mouth. Even from all the way across the way, I can see the shadows
near them almost take a collective breath before they rush to Hunter. One gets to
him first, and it’s an older fat man that is dragging cords of his intestines
behind him like a security blanket.

He falls onto Hunter from behind his head and latches onto his left collar bone.

He screams as the man tears into him, but he doesn’t try to fight him off and is
staring up at something. Following his line of sight, I find Gabe, and realize that
he is just standing there watching him with a cold expression on his face.

I’m frozen in place and don’t know if I should do something. I mean yeah, this jerk
was just trying to kill me a couple minutes ago, but no one should be eaten to
death. I still can’t bring myself to leave my spot though, and I know I should do
something; the dead at my back will be close soon too.
But as I watch, Gabe slowly lifts his gun, like he doesn’t really want to.

He aims it over Hunter’s shoulder, and shoots the dead man that is biting him in
the head.

Chapter Fifty Four

The dead man unlatches himself when he gets shot in the head, and falls back off of

He curls onto his side, and I know it won’t be long now for the other dead to make
their way to him, since he’s bleeding harder now. Gabe is still standing in the
same position with the gun raised, and he hasn’t taken his eyes off of Hunter. Not
caring about the dead approaching from my back, I force my shaky legs to run to
where Gabe is.

Even as I slip on the wet ground, I don’t stop until I’m standing next to him.

He doesn’t look up as I reach him, and it makes me worry. What if I was one of the
dead? He would be already on the ground by now, and I would have lost him forever.
At our feet I can hear Hunter crying over the sound of the rain and the dead, but I
don’t pay him any attention as he thanks us.

Instead, facing Gabe, I lightly touch his arm that is holding the gun.

He flinches as if I hurt him and I notice the way his arm quivers and the gun
starts to shake in his hand. My heart breaks for him, and I know what’s running
through his head, it’s going through mine too. Hunter was bitten and will soon be
turning, and with the dead coming we can’t afford to leave him at our backs alive.

It might seem cold, but this is something I have to make myself live with now.

If it was me, I would want to die before I turned. My stomach rolls at the thought
of trying to attack someone I love, and I don’t want that. I don’t know about
Hunter, but he should get the same sympathy I suppose, regardless of his actions.
Of course, he might not see it that way, not everyone does.

“He’s going to turn like the others isn’t he?” Gabe whispers so low, that I almost
don’t hear him at first.

Looking at Gabe fully now, I see how much more hurt he is than I first thought. His
bottom lip is split and is dripping blood down his chin, and has a cut over his
right eyebrow. One of his eyes is almost so swollen, that he can’t keep it open
fully. I notice then, that he is leaning over a bit, like he can’t stand so
straight because he hurts.

I feel rage burn inside me, and all at once any sympathy I felt for Hunter gets
washed away with the rain.

With the hand that I placed on Gabe’s, I slowly lower it so that he is not aiming
at Hunter now. Gabe glances at me and I can see his eyes widening, and I know what
he must be thinking. That I’m going to let Hunter live, but that’s not true.
Dragging my hand down his arm, I cover his hand with mine, so that we both hold the
gun. I hold Gabe’s gaze for another moment, and I can see that it’s dawning on him
what I plan to do.

He nods at me like he approves, and I grip the gun tighter as he pulls his hand

He steps almost behind me so that he’s out of the way, but can still watch. I let
his presence comfort me, and take away anything that could make me hesitate. I turn
back to Hunter, who is now curled into a fetal position and is rocking back and
forth making these mewling noises over and over.

I take a step towards him, and his head shoots up so that he is looking at me now.

“Please don’t, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean too.”

I almost want to laugh at him, how can he be this weak thing after what he was
doing not that long ago?

This only fuels my fire though, and I know I can’t let him go. With the rain
weighing me down, I take another step closer to him and raise the gun with one
hand. I leave my other hand at my side, and let the ax rest on the ground.

“Did I ever tell you about my ex-boyfriend Hunter?” I say, as I make my voice sound
as empty as I feel.

He looks confused for a second, not understanding what I’m getting at and he looks
from me to Gabe.

Finally resting on me, he slowly shakes his head no.

I now aim the gun right at him, and he flinches as if I already shot him. “No?
Well, you should know that I killed him.”

As his eyes go even wider in alarm, I squeeze the guns trigger.

He falls back onto the wet pavement with a pop from the gun. He’s still now.

Not shooting a gun in a while, I didn’t realize that there would be a kick to it
and luckily I was holding it so hard that my hand hurts. Even with my aim on
Hunter, it still went a little wide but still caught him in the head. I was aiming
for right between the eyes, but I’m just glad I don’t have to shoot him twice. With
my arm still raised, I can feel myself shaking and I wonder why.

Is it bothering me that I killed him, and should it?

I guess I should feel something, mostly because it would probably make me worse
than him if it didn’t. I feel something in my eyes, and my vision blurs and that’s
when I realize that I’m crying. I can feel Gabe from behind me come closer and oh
so slowly, he puts his arms around me.

He helps me lower the gun with his hands on mine, and once he does I spin in his
arms, and hold him as tight as I can. He holds me equally as tight, and distantly I
can hear him saying something to me, but it’s lost beyond the roaring of my ears. I
can guess what he’s saying though, probably something like everything is going to
be alright, but how can it? After what I just did we can’t even wait to have a
moment to deal, because we have more of the dead still coming for us.

My head is pounding vigorously now and I don’t know how much longer I can stay on
my feet. I still cling to Gabe though, even more if possible, and let the rain wash
away my guilt. I’m about to tell Gabe that we’re about to have company, when we
hear a loud booming that sounds like fireworks from around the front of the

We pull apart and look in the direction, just in time to see the dead that were
approaching burst apart in pieces. Amongst the steam in the rain, I know it was a
grenade when we see Noah running in our direction firing into the dead left
standing with the Uzi. Except he’s not alone, trailing behind him are a small group
of people with makeshift weapons.

Two in particular catches my eye.

“…Mommy.” I hear myself whisper.

The ax in my arms suddenly becomes weightless and I let it fall from my numb

It’s barely hitting the wet ground and I’m already running full out.

I crash into my mother and am just wrapping my arms around her, and my father is at
her side and hugging me at the same time. I take in their appearance like I’ve
never seen them before, or like it been a while, and I guess it has. My mom’s long
dark hair is pulled up in a messy bun, and her dark eyes are bright with unshed
tears. My dad is still bald as ever, and like always it makes his light eyes stand
out. They are both in dingy clothes like my own, and are covered in dried blood,
like my own. Even if they look as bad as I do, it’s still so good to see them.

That I know they don’t care that when I hug them I get fresh blood all over them.

The others of their group are still hitting and shooting at the dead that won’t go
away, and as Noah shoots the Uzi he makes his way towards a shocked Gabe. I half
turn away and see him dragging the machine gun and the ax after him, and not really
paying attention to what’s going on. His eyes are on my parent’s faces, and then
they shift to mine, and ghost of a smile appears on his face.

And I know we’ll be okay.

Everything that happens next, all happens in a blur, and I have to ask Gabe in the
morning if it was real. Noah had found my parents along with six others, three guys
and three girls, hiding at the theater, and came after us after finding them. He
didn’t know what Hunter was planning to do he had said that Hunter made up some
excuse to get away. Not that it matters now anyway. Since it was dark, we didn’t
want to get caught outside any longer than we had to, so Gabe suggested we all stay
in the Library for the night. Somehow I managed to walk into the library and not
fall on my face, it helped though that my parents never let go of me.

At some point the others are introduced, and we are met with an unusual crowd.

There are two girls that are polar opposites one light and the other dark. There is
a woman that was a professor here, and she is middle aged with greying hair. Two of
the guys are regular looking with light hair and eyes, but the other guy is rather
bulky with dark features. They all pretty much kept to themselves and I ended up
sitting against a bookshelf with my mom and dad with Gabe.

He and I together, told them everything that happened to us and where Dan is.

I find out that shortly after they left an art exhibit in the city, things were
already bad out. The came back home though, but ended getting caught here at the
school. At some point between the tears and the hugs, I end up falling asleep in
Gabe’s arms.
Chapter Fifty Five

“Maggie, wake up sweetie.” A woman’s voice whispers softly, that sounds strangely
like my mothers.

My mother, and that thought alone pulls me from a dreamless sleep.

I open my eyes to see her leaning over me, and everything that happened the night
before comes crashing onto me so fast, that I sit up gasping for breath. I wish
that I didn’t though, because my entire body is alive with pain from my head to my
toes. When my mom takes me in her arms and holds onto me, I can feel tears blurring
my still swollen and puffy eyes, but I lean into all the same and let myself feel
the illusion of safety.

“Am I interrupting anything ladies?” My dad Mark says, as he sits beside us.

I pull back from my mom so that I can get a good look at him, and he makes me smile
right away. You have to love a man that can be an accountant but still look like
the guy from the Die Hard movies.

“Hi dad, I’m just glad I didn’t dream getting you guys back.” I say, and I have to
clear my throat as it feels all scratchy and achy.

When I place my hand to my throat and it hurts, that’s when I remember other events
from last night.

Events evolving Hunter and him chocking me, and that would explain the sore throat.
That’s not all that hurts this morning either, my head feels like I got hit by a
semi going full throttle. Here is me, wishing I remembered to pack those pill
packets I got from a doctor the other day.

“We’re glad to back together too honey.” My mom Karen says, as she lightly slides a
lock of my hair back over my shoulders.

I try to give them both a reassuring smile, but here’s the kicker, I don’t know how
to be myself around them anymore. I’m not sure they would like the girl I’ve
become, and I’ve left out some things that have happened such as me killing to guys
outright. I’m sure they would understand, but I don’t even know how to keep up with
the changes, and I don’t know if I’m ready for them to yet.

“Those are some very interesting guys you’re traveling with Maggie.” My dad says as
he stares beyond me.

I follow his eyes, and sure enough there are Gabe and Noah deep in conversation, no
doubt about what the next move is. They are discussing things with the other people
we met last night, and they look pretty shell shocked, if that’s possible. That
makes me wonder how long I was asleep, but by the dim morning light in the Library,
it must have been all night.

“If it wasn’t for Noah we wouldn’t even be here, he not only drove us but also got
us weapons to use. You know Gabe already, Dan’s friend?” I say to my parents, whom
are watching me questioningly.

“That’s Gabriel?” My mom asks, actually shocked by my admission.

My dad however leans forward and pears at Gabe in deep thought, before glancing
back to me, with a proud expression.

“I honestly didn’t think he was the same boy, he has come a long way.”

“You have no idea dad.” I say softly, as Gabe and Noah both walk over to us leaving
the others to themselves.

“Glad to have you awake Maggie.” Noah says to me as he actually smiles like he’s
happy to see me.

I give him a smile in return, and I think he’s only being so friendly because of
the whole Hunter thing. It’s not his fault that guy was a total lunatic. If I have
the time, I’ll have to let him know that, and thank him for finding my parents. I
lose my train of thought though, when Gabe comes over and sits right beside me and
places his arm around my shoulder and pulls me in for a quick hug.

“I second that Mag pie. How are you feeling?” He says softly into my hair, which
causes my face to heat up with a blush.

Feeling awkward with the pda around my parents, I shift to the side so that his arm
falls off my shoulders and I even more awkwardly pat him on the arm. This gets me a
confused look from him, and an even funnier one from my parents and Noah. Kill me
now please?

“Feel like I got hit by a truck, but other than that still alive I guess.” I tell
him and try to avoid looking at him, as my face flames.

“All right, let’s get to the point then shall we? We won’t all fit in my car, and
we have to leave as soon as possible.” Noah interrupts the awkward silence, thank

“We were talking with some of the others, and they think that some of the cars that
are parked on the other side of this building might have the keys still in them.”
Gabe tells us.

“Right and we concluded that we should split up. One group head to my car and take
off, while the other group goes after another one to use.” Noah finishes while
gazing at my parents and I, as if waiting for something.

Split up the group?

That didn’t work so well the last time, and I don’t know if I could do it again.
From the way Gabe is watching me so intently now; I wonder whose group he and I
will be in.

“How are we going to divvy up?” My dad asks the question, I am too afraid too.

Gabe and Noah share a look, before fixing my dad with one.

“We three, plus two of the other guys should head for the parked cars too check
them. We could use the muscle in case of trouble.” Noah says hesitantly.

“Okay…what about the rest of us?” My mom asks.

“Maggie will be taking you to Noah’s car, and get you to the Collisee.” Gabe says
while he watches me.
My heart almost stops beating, how could he even think of leaving me? I know he
thinks he’ll be doing the rest of us a favor, in the off chance they don’t make it,
but this plan sucks for sure.

“Are you kidding me? You’re entrusting me to get everyone else out of here? Have
you met me, all I know how to do is swing an ax here boys.” I say with a shaky
laugh, surly they have to have a better plan to use.

When they both fix me with a serious look, I know they really mean for me to be the
getaway driver.


Gabe sensing my confliction, scoots back closer to me, and places a hand on my
cheek so lightly, I almost don’t feel it.

“Maggie, you’re the strongest person I know, and you can do this. We’ll be putting
a dent in the dead with the machine guns and grenades, so it won’t be a big fight
for you guys. I know you can do this.” He says.

As he leans in and stares intently into my eyes, I ignore the fact that my parents
are sitting right next to me.

“What about you though? What if there isn’t a car for you guys to use, then what?
You can’t just walk from here to the Collisee.”

“I hope we find one, but if need be, we can walk if we have too.” He says softly.

“That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard Gabriel. I don’t like it, and if
you say it’s going to be alright, I’m so kicking your ass.” I say just as softly.

He smirks at me and leans back to say, “I love you Maggie, you know that?”

Feeling tears in my eyes again, I nod at him and turn away before they fall.

When I’m out of the safety of his arms, I realize that everyone else is now
standing a ways from us giving us privacy. Taking a deep breath, I reach for Gabe’s
hand and we get to our feet and join them. As we do, I try to ignore the way my
parents give strange looks to me and Gabe being ‘together’.

“So here it goes, I’m going to take lead with the grenades. Then Gabe and Mark are
going to be firing with the machine guns. After us, Dean and Ian are going to trail
us with handguns and we are all going to clear a decent path for us all.” Noah says
in a commanding voice to everyone, and the faces me when Gabe and I get close to
the group.

“Maggie, you’re leading everyone else to my car. Don’t stop for anything no matter
what, and just get out of here. Can you do that?” He asks.

I stare around at everyone, and for some reason this feels like the hardest thing
I’ve ever had to do. I have to do it even if it scares me, and I can’t let anyone
down. So I nod a yes to Noah, to mortified at the moment to use words.

“Good, let’s get ready then, it’s now or never.”

Noah tosses me his keys that were clutched in his hands, and I catch them clumsily
to myself.

I pray I don’t get anyone killed.

It takes us all at least twenty minutes to gear up with what we have, and when we
do, I’m still not ready to go. Before the guys leave, my dad is saying goodbye to
my mother on the other side of the room, so I see my chance to do the same with
Gabe. I pull him to the side, and before he can question me I wrap my arms around
the back of his neck and pull him down to me.

When his lips meet mine, I sigh into him and stand on my toes to push into him

His arms latch around my back and he squeezes me tightly, so much so that I let out
a moan into his lips. We pull apart breathlessly at the same time, and I quickly
lean in to just hug him now, and pray that this won’t be the last time we touch.

We all regroup then, and I swiftly unhook both knives that are still attached to my
ankles and give them to the girls who are named Brooke and Rose. I noticed they are
the only ones to not have weapons on my little team. My mom has a gun, and so does
the guy in my group Mason. The other woman with is Eva, has a knife of her own.
Stopping myself from being distracted, I watch nervously as Noah and Gabe start for
the entrance of the Library.

I grip the ax in my hands as we follow close behind.

Chapter Fifty Six

From the closed doors, you can see out with small windows that it looks like a
perfect sunny July morning. That is until you take a look at what is waiting in the
courtyard for us. Noah walks out the front of the Library first, and the vast
number of the dead waiting doesn’t alarm him, as he lets the first grenade fly as
soon as he places his feet on the steps.

Like all the other times, the boom sounds off like fireworks.

It sends all the dead flying outwards in pieces.

Gabe and my dad step up then and follow Noah down the steps firing the machine guns
into the mass of the dead still charging. As they get to the bottom of the steps,
the other two guys flank them using their hand guns and they all start for the left
of the building.

Raising the ax high in my arms, I head for the stairs and pray that the others can
keep up with me.

When we reach the bottom and head for the left with guys, it’s comforting to see
that more than half of the dead out here has already been eliminated. We round the
side of the building and rather than going to the left and to a side street, I lead
the others straight out to the main road where Noah’s car is parked. The guys are
still shooting as they run, and a path is cleared for us to have a head start, but
I don’t pay attention to what they are doing.

Instead, I run as if my life depended on it, and I guess it kind of does.

The others of my group keep up pace, and I make sure to keep my mom in my line of
sight, I won’t lose her now that I just got her back. We almost make it the whole
way without any problems, but are just breaking out between two small buildings and
nearing the main road when we see another mass of at least twenty of the dead
approaching us.

My mother and Mason start shooting at them instantly, and they take out about half
before they run out of ammo. I call out to my mom, and toss her Noah’s car keys as
I prepare to stand my ground to put a bigger dent in the dead in our path. I’m not
the only one to think this as Brooke, Rose, and even Eva prepare to help me out
thankfully. We take the first rush strikingly fast, and our blades slide through
their soft flesh so easily. I’ve already sliced through two heads and am about to
go for the third, when I hear a scream that causes me to hesitate, and in that
moment I miss the body entirely.

The swing carries me around and causes me to lose my balance, and the dead crashes
into me and sends us on the ground. I yell in frustration, and just manage to get
the ax between us and hold his snapping jaw from me. It’s bloody and bent fingers
claw at me, and I can feel my blood slide down my skin as I struggle to get him off
me. My mind feels sluggish for some reason, and I’m having a hard time trying to
figure out what to do next.

I know I should probably push or kick it off me, but I can’t get my body to obey my
commands like it should.

His body is large and his weight is pushing the ax down and causing it to get its
dripping jaw closer to me. I turn my head away and close my eyes as it snaps its
teeth, and before I can contemplate my death I hear the others still fighting. This
sends a shockwave of courage through me.

My eyes snap open I push the dead up with my now shaking arms.

Once it’s at arm’s length I manage to wedge my feet between us, and with all the
strength I can get I kick out at it. The dead guy falls back from me, and I get to
my feet before he does, and I rush at him swinging at his head. He was just getting
to his feet, so I catch the side of his neck easily and the blade of my ax slides
through like butter. I turn away as his head and body falls to the ground, and I
see that Eva is now one of the dead already.

Mason is just putting her knife through her chin as I’m moving, and I notice that
my mother is sitting in the now running car a couple feet away. Brooke and Rose are
climbing into the back, when Mason and I approach at the same time. He gets into
the back with the girls, and my mother quickly scoots over so that I can get in the
driver’s seat. I’m only just closing the car door, when there is more dead coming
for us fast, but I ignore them, as I peel off the curb and spin the car into an
illegal U-turn so that we are facing the opposite direction. I push the gas pedal
down to the floor so that we are flying down the road, and we leave the dead in our
dust trying to catch up.

I’m barely driving the car past the side street where we left the guys, when I see
a car pulling out behind us in the rearview mirror. I’m filled with a relief so
great; I’m surprised I don’t crash the car from the shock. All I hope though is
that my dad and Gabe are both alive in the car.

We are just pulling off of College Street and back to the home stretch to the
Collisee, when my mom breaks the stunned silence of the car.

“You were unbelievable back there Maggie. I had no idea you could do all that.” She
says in wonder.

I don’t take my eyes off of the crowed road and I grip the steering wheel tight
until my fingers hurt. I now she is probably proud of me or something, but it’s not
something I want to hear. The ax is at my feet, and I want so bad to clutch it to
me like a security blanket. Instead, I lie to my mother for almost the first time

“Neither did I, it must have been the adrenaline.”

My voice comes out a little more coldly than I’d like, but there isn’t anything I
can do about it.

For some reason I’m angry and I can’t really explain why, maybe it’s the injustice
of this all. Or maybe I’m getting tired of fighting already and not knowing when
I’m going to die or someone that I care about dies. It’s too much for one person to
handle. My mom turns in the seat and reaches for my arm, and out of reflex, I
flinch away from her.

“You’re bleeding.” She tells me, as she sits back in her seat.

Shaking my tense arms, I say, “It’s fine, I’ve been scratched like this before. It
won’t trigger the infection or anything.”

“I know Maggie. I was just worried.”

Sighing, I feel bad instantly. I just got her back and already I’m hurting her
feelings for no reason.

“I’m sorry mom I’m just a little revved up from the fight.”

I glance towards her and try to give her a normal smile, but she is already
watching me and just looks so sad. Not from my hurting her feelings, but like she
lost her baby girl or something. I suppose she did though, since I’m pretty certain
I’m not the same girl as I was before all this started. The rest of the ride is in
silence, except for the occasional shocked gasping from the others as they take in
the surrounding homes and business of the street. It’s all old news to me though,
and I just drive right by everything and don’t feel bothered by it now.

I keep catching myself checking the car behind us in the rearview mirror and wish I
could see inside it.

When we are about a street away from the Collisee, we actually run into traffic, as
in there are other moving cars on the road now. Among them are the rushing feet of
the dead as they try to catch them, and I have to slow us down so that I can get
by. They all seem to be heading in the opposite direction, and when I reach Birch
Street that’s when I hear it.

The roaring sounds of constant gunfire.

My first thought is that the stadium was breached, but that soon changes the closer
we get to it. And it’s not because the place isn’t in chaos, because it most
certainly is. There are hundreds of people pilling out of the doors and running to
the vehicles in the lot. Most of them are either tearing out of the parking lot,
fighting with one another, or being attacked by the dead. That’s not the only
unsettling thing either. In the front of the building, there is a lineup of
soldiers firing into the masses of the dead and trying to give the people getting
away a chance.

Most of the larger vehicles are already gone, and I easily pull into the lot and
park the car to a stop just a couple feet from the entrance and the running bodies.
As I quickly take everything in, I wonder what the heck happened in there so
We weren’t gone that long were we?

“Maggie what is going on?” My mom asks as she watches out of the car like the rest
of us.

I shake my head, and know the only way to find out is to get out and ask.

“You guys stay in here and keep the car running for me. And don’t let anyone
inside, got it?” I try to sound commanding, but it just comes out like I’m scared,
which I am.

I’m reaching for the ax at my feet, when my mom stops me with a hand on my back, so
I turn to her.

“Be careful will you.” She tells me earnestly.

My throat closes up on itself and I just nod to her as I latch onto the ax and grip
it in one hand, as I open the car door with the other. The sounds of guns firing
are louder now, and taking a deep breath.

I get out of the car and slam the door behind me.

Chapter Fifty Seven

No sooner am I out of the car and running, do I wish I stayed inside.

It’s a mass of bodies and bullets out here and I have to dodge a young couple that
are holding a baby and running in my direction. Keeping the ax at my side, I
practically bump into Gabe as he materializes in front of me. He’s with Noah and
the three of us make for the front of the building. I glance behind me not being
able to help it, and see that my dad is getting out of a car that is a couple paces
from Noah’s and headed for my mother. That makes me feel better for some reason,
and I turn my attention back to where I am going.

We approach the front of the building and have to go around in a wide sweep.

There is a firing squad out front.

They don’t pay us any attention though, as they are busy with the endless supply of
the dead.

We reach the doors with no problem.

Noah goes inside first with his gun pointed out in aim in case of a threat, and
Gabe and I huddle close and follow behind. The doors close behind us, and it’s so
empty and quiet that it seems so surreal. Just yesterday, this place was busy with
activity and life, and now it’s been abandoned and the life is outside. Chills go
down my spine as we take in the destruction the lobby is in, belongings and such
are discarded without care. At least there is no sign that the dead got inside, but
that makes me fear what is really going on. That’s when we hear voices, familiar
ones too.

And they are coming from the rec area down the hallway off to the left.
“Stay close.” Noah says in a hushed voice as he starts for the source of the

Shaking now, I let Gabe go ahead and I trail close behind.

He is brandishing a handgun like Noah, and I have a thought to where the machine
guns went too. Then I remember that the ammo for them is in Noah’s car, and they
probably ran out. Shaking my head to clear it, I focus on where we are heading and
I notice that the voices are getting louder and much clearer to me. Noah is just
reaching the double doors leading into the rec area, when I place who’s voices are
coming from inside.

It’s Claire and Hanna.

Noah figures this out at the same time, and he pushes through the half opened doors
with a bang, causing them to jump in surprise. I notice they aren’t alone either,
when Gabe and I walk into the room after Noah. Claire’s mother Barb, and Hanna’s
boyfriend Logan are with them and it seems that they were all arguing over
something. It’s not hard to imagine over what, given the state of the entire place.

They stare in shock at seeing us.

It’s not long before they instantly rush at us and are shouting out questions at
the same time that Noah literally whistles and makes them stop. “One at a time
please, and first of all what is going on here?” Noah demands.

Claire and Hanna are shocked into silence, and glance at each other before turning
to Logan and Barb for confirmation before turning back to us. The whole thing is
really making me uncomfortable, and I’m not sure I want to know what happened.

“You guys were gone longer than we thought. Did you find your parents though?”
Claire asks me hesitantly and softly.

Glancing between Noah and Gabe, I feel like we are two different teams and are
about to fight the battle of our lives against each other. Which shouldn’t be like
that at all, but why does it feel that way?

I nod my head slowly anyway, and watch them in confusion.

“Oh thank goodness, we wouldn’t have to time to look anywhere else for them.”
Claire rushes out.

Before I can ask her what she means, Gabe interrupts me.

“Claire, why wouldn’t we have enough time and what happened after we left?”

She looks at him with wide eyes before turning back to Hanna for help, and Noah
throws up his hands and sighs.

“Are you serious right now? Just spit it out all ready the suspense is really
grating on me nerves.”

The girls still look worried over something, and Barb comes over and takes a
shaking Claire in her arms to calm her down, and now I’m really starting to freak
out. I’m shaking so bad myself, I surprised I’m even still standing. Logan had been
inching towards Hanna this whole time, and finally steps up so he is in front of
them and facing us, like we are bullying them or something.

“It’s not good Noah, not at all, and you’re not going to like it.”
“I don’t know that unless you tell us what is going on. So I say AGAIN, what the
hell happened?” Noah practically shouts, as he steps up close to Logan and in front
of us.

“After you left, the soldiers picked up a transmission from Washington. The dead
are growing too rapidly and will consume the whole United States unless it’s

Logan pauses and takes a deep breath before continuing, and I swear I hold my
breath while I wait to hear the rest, and I sure so do Noah and Gabe.

“Any survivors are urged to head for the nearest borders and take cover, because in
forty-eight hours, the entire continent is going to be air bombed.”

“Shut the front door.” Gabe says in a hushed voice from beside me.

At least I think what he says is quiet, because my ears are roaring so loud now.

A pulsing throbbing pain is back behind my eyes, making me feel lightheaded.

There is no way that the whole US is going to be bombed.

That can’t just happen, can it?

“That explains why everyone is tearing out of here faster than the Kentucky derby.”
Noah says as he bends over and leans on his knees.

“What the hell are you guys still doing here though?” Gabe asks.

“That’s what we were arguing about when you got here. Some of us wanted to wait and
others wanted to leave.” Claire says heatedly while fixing Logan with a severe look
at the last part.

Logan turns on her and his face gets red with anger.

“I have to look out for my family, so don’t you judge me.”

Glaring back at him, Claire steps out of the safety of her mother’s arms and
advances on him, but Noah gets between them.

“There will be none of that, got it? What’s done is done, and we’re here now. We
can all leave together, sound good?” He asks glancing between the two of them.

Everything is happening to fast and I don’t know how to process it.

Noah is still trying to talk to Logan and Claire, but the sounds fade to a distant
hum, and black spots dance before my eyes making me wobble on my feet. The argument
seems to be getting heated now, and Gabe walks over to them to intervene and leaves
me alone off to the side. I want to reach out for him not to go, but my limbs feel
so heavy and I can’t make them move.

My stomach rolls on me.

I feel bile rise up into my throat and I have to hold my breath so nothing comes
up. But that only makes me so dizzy, that I feel like I’m being tossed around in a
funnel. I reach out for anything to grasp onto, but nothing is there so I stumble
forward a step before regaining my shaky balance.
“…Gabe.” I whisper so softly, that I’m not sure it even comes out as words.

But it must have though.

He turns to look at me and I must look as bad as I feel because his face goes pale
and his eyes wide. My vision starts to go grey as he rushes over to me, but it
feels like everything slows down and he’s moving through syrup. My head is pounding
so strongly now that my mouth waters and my stomach turns over again.

Gabe reaches me and places his hands on my shaking arms. My fingers go numb and the
ax I’m still holding falls to the floor with a clang that echoes inside my
throbbing head.

The others turn to face us then, but my fading vision is just for Gabe. He’s
leaning in so close to me and trying to tell me something, but it’s lost to my
defining ears. My body starts to feel hollow and full at the same time, and I’m not
sure what is up or down.

But then everything shutters inside me.

My vision narrows down to Gabe’s light eyes before me and all I feel is tired. His
eyes go even wider now, and I think he might be shaking me, but my vision goes
black suddenly.

Everything disappears.

Chapter Fifty Eight

My eyes open to an odd sight.

I lay on my back, in the grass, on a sunny afternoon. I feel so calm that I might
actually fall asleep. Not even the cool breeze that is moving my hair across my
face could keep me awake. I’m starring up at the bright blue sky that is littered
with white fluffy clouds, and I feel my eyelids flutter closed. Breathing out a
sigh, I can feel my body sink further into the damp grass as I drift off to sleep.

Everything is about to fade away and I can feel sleep pulling me, when he
interrupts my revere.

“Hey look, that one kind of looks like an upside down elephant standing on a beach

Snorting out a laugh, I open my eyes and turn my head so that I can see him. I find
that he isn’t looking at the sky at all, and is instead looking at me.

“You little liar, you woke me up you know.”

I try to sound threatening, but there is a light tone to my voice, so I know I

didn’t pull it off. He knows I’m teasing too, since he’s smiling at me and I can
actually feel myself blush just from looking at him.

“Did I? Didn’t mean too birthday girl.” He says

I’m about to say yeah sure, when he shifts closer to me and pushes up on his arms,
so that he is almost hovering over me. His grin becomes heated as he leans into me,
and I know he’s going to kiss me before I even feel his lips graze mine. At first
the kiss is just a light touch, but we both push closer together and it gets
deepened. I wrap my hands up into his soft curls of his light hair, and I pull him
even closer to me. He’s gently easing me back onto the ground, when I have to pull
back just to catch my breath. He leans back a little and grins down at me.

“Is that my birthday present?” I say a little short of breath.

He laughs and shakes his head, making me smile at how beautiful he is.

“I have to give you more? I thought the picnic was the present.” He says teasingly.

“Hey, a girl only turns sixteen once you know. You’re lucky my mom didn’t sign me
up for a debutant ball or something, you’d be sorry then.”

He chuckles as he falls onto his back beside me, and reaches to take my hand that I
placed at my side.

His hand is warm in mine, and I decide that this is the best birthday ever. Not
only is the weather actually nice for once, but I get to spend the whole afternoon
with Matt alone. This is a very rare occurrence, but then I did have to sign away
my soul to my parents. Who, by the way are making me go to a special dinner with
them tonight, and Daniel too since it’s his birthday too. I told them I’m too old
now for kiddie things, but they won’t let me have an actual sweet sixteen party.

So we compromised, and I get the afternoon to myself to spend it with Matt.

We’ve already been out in my backyard for a couple of hours. He actually surprised
me with a whole spread of food, all take out of course, but still. I just assumed
we go to a movie or something, but color me surprised. After eating some truffle
thing, we ended up laid out on the grass and have been starring at the sky ever
since. At first we were making crazy ideas about the shapes of the clouds, but then
we just laid in silence for a while.

I’ve never been so content in my life, than I am right now. And I have to wonder if
maybe this is what love feels like? I wouldn’t know I guess, but it sure feels like
it. I know Claire would probably shun me if I were to ask her opinion, because
she’s not exactly a fan of falling in love. Maybe I could ask Dan, he seems happy
enough with Maria. I can’t really ask him either though, if he’s not with Maria,
then he’s with his new best friend Gabriel. And no way am I asking about love in
front of him, he already gives me trouble as it am and would only embarrass me.

“What you thinking about beautiful?” Matt says softly, bringing me back to the

I smile and turn so that I am facing him, instead of the sky again and like before,
he’s already watching me.

“Just about how perfect today is, and how I never want it to end.”

This is true too, all month it has been raining and today of all days, it’s finally
sunny and warm. Or warm enough to be lying outside anyways. If I could freeze time,
this would be the perfect time to do it.

“I feel the same way.” He says as he moves his other arm behind his head to get
more comfortable.

I’m about to finally take the plunge and tell him that I might love him, when
something on his raised arm catches my eye. Just at the outside of his elbow, there
is a dripping line of something red that looks like blood. Sitting up, I wonder how
he got hurt, maybe a black fly bite?

But when have they ever drawn that much blood?

“Matt your arm is bleeding.” I tell him in alarm.

He doesn’t seem all that alarmed though, and just slides his hand from mine and it
joins the other behind his head. He won’t look at me now, and just glares up at the

“Your hurt Matt, let me see.”

I reach out for his arm, intending to inspect it since he couldn’t have a care.
Except he flinches from me, and turns his glare from the sky and onto me.

“Leave it alone Maggie, its fine. Nothing can be done about it now anyway.”

I stare at him in confusion for a moment.

Nothing can be done? How about cleaning it up for starters?

He can be such a weirdo sometimes. So ignoring him completely, I snag his arm and
pull it out from behind his head, so I can get a better look. I literally gasp out
loud ay what I see. There isn’t just a small dripping line of blood anymore, now
it’s a large bite. Just on the outside of his elbow and going up his forearm is a
chuck of his skin missing, and it’s so deep that I can almost see the hint of bone
poking through.

How he is even laying there and saying he’s fine, I have no idea.

“Matt, oh my God, we have to get you to the hospital!” I say as I am about to stand
up, but he sits up and stops me.

“Maggie, really it’s fine. It doesn’t even hurt anymore.”

He’s not glaring anymore, and now he just looks sad.

How he got hurt and how he could say he’s not hurt just doesn’t make any sense to
me. Feeling something wet warm touching my kneeling legs, I look down and away from
Matt. The blood from his arm is flowing from him now, and there is a pool of it on
the grass that is spreading onto me. The afternoon feels suddenly cold to me, as I
glance back up to Matt, and as I do I wish I didn’t.

He’s changed now and his face is pale and sunken in on itself.

His eyes are wide and so fully dilated that I can’t see the blue of them anymore.
His mouth is open slightly into a snarl, and blood slides out between his lips.
He’s making a low keening sound and moving towards me.

I start to get afraid.

“…Matt?” I say in a soft whisper.

His movements are slow, as if he can’t get his body to cooperate, but his arms
reach for me still.

Scooting back on the grass, I wonder if I should really be afraid of him, but
something deep down tells me that I should. He’s almost up on his knees now and
getting closer, when I notice something on his neck. Like the blood on his arm,
there is a circling line around his throat and is widening like his skin is
spreading apart. I’m so focused on the horror that is becoming of his body, that I
don’t see him tense as if preparing to spring, in time.

He lunges at me, and I scream as his body careens us onto the blood covered ground.

I manage to get my hands onto his shoulders, and keep his mouth from me as he snaps
his teeth. He’s too heavy for me though, and all too soon, is he getting closer and
closer to the flesh of my shoulder. I have to turn my head away as he gets closer,
and I scream as I feel his teeth almost grazing me. Then I see something that makes
me scream for a different reason.

Kneeling beside us is another Matt.

This one is clearly alive though, and maybe even a little older looking; but it’s
obvious from the unshed tears in his eyes, that he’s upset over something. His lips
are moving, but I can’t hear what he says and I want so badly to call for him to
help me; but then he disappears and I’m alone with the other Matt.

I know he’s going to kill me then, and I’m resigned to just let him.

But then, almost from far away I can hear someone calling out to me, but I’m too
busy screaming to answer them. The voice gets louder then and tells me to wake up.
Wake up? I’m not asleep, am I? Suddenly the weight of Matt is gone from me and I’m
left holding empty air.

The backyard of my house disappears and all I see is darkness as everything fades

Chapter Fifty Nine

The first thing I feel when I start to wake up is pain.

My head is pounding so profusely, that I don’t feel the screams building until they
are pouring out of my dry lips. The second thing I feel, are rough hands holding me
tightly and pulling me in close. I have the sense that I am laying down, and by the
cold hard surface, I’m guessing it’s not a bed I’m on. Beyond the pain in my head,
I try to remember how I might have fallen down. As hard as I try to think, my head
throbs even worse.

It makes me stop the screams so they can turn into a keening whining sound.

Sound is slowly forming in my deaf ears as a prickling static fills my head, and is
sending shock waves through my entire body. As the sound turns into voices, I open
my eyes and am afraid of what I’ll see. What I find though, is Gabe. Who is staring
down at me so intently, I have to wonder what could make him watch me like that. He
looks as if he is trying to tell me something, but his voice just sounds like
static and I can hear what it is. From all the time I’ve known him, he’s never
looked at me the way he is now, like he almost lost me or something.

But why would he?

All he’s ever done is teasing me and as far as I know I’m just his friend’s sister.
I notice then that he looks different that when we arrived at Austin’s party. For
one his hair is shorter, and his clothes are filthy. Wait a second is that blood on
his clothes?

Taking my eyes off of Gabe I glance around the room we’re in and try to ignore the
way my head throbs even more as I move. The room we are in isn’t a room exactly,
but more like a lobby of some sort and is in no way part of Austin’s house. How in
the world did we get here? We’re not alone either though, and the people around us
seem to be in worse condition than Gabe. There is a guy slightly older than me that
reminds me of Matt and looks worse for wear.

I wonder where Matt is and as I think about the dream I had, a memory tries to come
to the surface, but it fades away before I know what it was. The Matt look-a-like
is hovering near a pregnant girl, who looks like she could be his sister. There is
another guy standing close to her, and the way he keeps close, I guess that he is
involved with her.

Besides them, looking shell shocked and frightened, is Claire.

Her mother is standing behind her and looks just as frightened, and the both of
them appear slightly rumpled and in dirty clothes. Everyone in the room is watching
me, like I might sprout a second head or something. The thought of eyes on me
waiting, tickles a memory, but it fades before I can grasp onto it. None of this
makes sense to me, and I can feel hysteria building underneath all the pain. The
static filled voices are getting clearer to me now.

When Gabe speaks, I turn back to look up at him. “Maggie, are you alright?”

Am I alright?

I have no idea, mostly because I have no clue as to where I am or how I even got
here. And what is with the new people and the way they all look like it’s the end
of the world? I really hope Austin’s party didn’t get busted or that we were in an
accident or something. All I need is for my parents to find out and ground me for
the rest of the summer. Of course, the way I feel right now, I wouldn’t mind a
couple weeks in my bed. Gabe is still watching me his brows furrowing in worry.

Oh right, he’s probably waiting for me to reply.


I never get the chance to finish though, since I’m now coughing and shaking again.
My throat is burning and feels so scratchy like I spent to long screaming, and
maybe I have. Gabe looks even more worried as he lifts me up a little so that I can
catch my breath.

“What happened?” I say so softly, that my own voice doesn’t even sound like mine.

“You passed out and had us all worried too.” He says, as he lets a slight smile
slip through his clenched lips.

Some of the others around us come in closer, and it makes me feel kind of
smothered. But I ignore them as I try to stay focused on what Gabe said. I passed
out, that’s it? Then why do I feel like I got hit by an eighteen wheeler going full
throttle? Something tickles at the back of my mind, and I have the feeling I’m
missing something big but I just can’t remember what it is. I realize then, that
not only is Matt not with us, but neither is my brother Daniel.

Not knowing what is going on starts to make me nervous as to what happened.

“Gabe, where are the others and what is going on?” I ask, and I’m afraid of what
I’ll hear.

He looks confused for a moment, and shares a look with the Matt look-a-like guy,
who shrugs his shoulders.

“What do you mean? Everyone is outside waiting for us at the car.” He tells me in a
tone, like I should already know what he’s talking about.

“Dan and Matt are at the car? Why are we in here and where is here?” My voice rises
and I have to clear my throat as it does.

Gabe’s eyes go wide and he looks up at the others in alarm, while his arms that are
holding me begin to shake. Claire comes closer then, and kneels beside me. She
looks scared and very worried, and I can’t help to think about why. The others
merge closer together and are heatedly whispering so quietly that I can’t hear what
they are talking about.

“Maggie, what do you remember about what happened?”

Claire asks me so patiently, and I have the very blunt feeling I’ve missed a lot.

Claire isn’t the type to be calm, but rather dramatic about things. My head pounds
behind my temples as I try to remember the last time I was awake. And all that
comes to mind is the party at Austin’s we all went too. I know I’m missing
something, but the harder I think about it, the father it goes in my mind.

“What did happen? We were just at Austin’s house right?”

Her eyes go wide and she shares an intense look with Gabe, who is shaking far worse
than I am now. Having enough of getting no answers and feeling like a fool for not
knowing about what is going on, I pull free of Gabe and try to sit up on my own.
Shaky at first and feeling like I might fall over, I manage to sit on my own and I
try to ignore the way Gabe looks hurt from my leaving his arms.

“That’s not what just happened. And you’re missing almost two weeks of things.”
Claire tells me, and I can see the way she tenses, that she is afraid of my
reaction, as well she should be.

I’m about to yell at her that she has to be lying, and it’s not nice to play this
kind of trick on me. When the others of the group face us again, and I can’t help
but to notice the way they look slightly irritated now and less worried about me.

Well, screw them too.

“Gabe, we don’t have time for this. We need to get out of here as fast as we can.”
The blonde guy says as he steps further away from the pregnant girl.

“Don’t you think I know that Noah? What do you want me to do, huh?” Gabe says
intently as he stands up and glares at the other guy.

“I don’t know and I’m sorry. But we have the advantage of the soldiers shooting at
the dead as cover, and we should take it.”

Gabe sighs as he hunches over slight and rubs the back of his neck with his hands.
His shoulders are tense, and the other guy looks just as frustrated. And did he
just say the dead? Distantly an image of a car wrapped around a tree comes to mind
and so does the blood covered body that comes out of it.
“…The dead?” I say softly as I get to my feet on shaky legs.

All eyes turn to me, and the blonde guy actually has the decently to look guilty
before he looks away from me. Gabe and Claire both take a synchronized step towards
me, and I follow them as I back up and keep distance between us.

“You don’t have to be afraid.” Gabe says.

“Yeah, it’s not really as bad as you think.” Claire says, but the way she cringes I
know she is lying.

I scoff at them, and I continue my trek of backing up and putting as much distance
between us as I can.

From the way that guys said ‘the dead’ I have the feeling I’ve stepped into a
George Romero movie.

But that’s not possible is it?

Gabe tenses suddenly, and I get the impression that he is going to make a grab for
me. Instead of letting him take hold of me, I turn away from them before he can.
Behind me is a wide set of double doors, and I quickly rush at them before I change
my mind. Whatever is out there has to be better than in here. As I’m reaching the
doors and pushing them open, I can hear Gabe rushing at me.

I step out and away before he can get to me, and once outside I realize I’ve been
planted in my worst nightmare. There is chaos everywhere, and as I watch a man I
think is a soldier, shoot into another man missing half his body and still moving,
things start to come back to me.

And none too subtlety either.

Chapter Sixty

All the things that happened to me over the last few weeks came crashing into me in
a mass of jumbled images, and it leaves me breathless and hunched over on myself. I
relieve the first accident at Austin’s house that started it all, and I remember
being saved by Gabe as I lay on the ground with a dead girl over me. I see Matt all
over again turning and coming after me right after he bit into a dog’s throat, and
I remember having to kill him. I see Gabe and Dan being surrounded by the dead, and
I remember waking up with Gabe over me and how it felt when he turned away from me.

I remember the second accident, the way we got surrounded by a mass of the dead.

And the way Gabe watched me as I blacked out.

I see myself with Gabe, Claire, Sam and Noah as we leave the apartments and run
headfirst into a parking lot full of the dead. I remember seeing Sam getting bit as
he saved me from getting attacked, and I remember the pain I felt when he shot
himself before he could turn. I remember finally making it to the Collisee and
finally being somewhat safe, and meeting the weird Hunter.

I remember feeling desolate when others found family and I did not, and I remember
the way I felt when Gabe helped me to go in search at Bates. I remember fighting
the dead over and over, and the cold sticky way their blood coated my skin. I see
Gabe getting jumped and the way Hunter stood over him with a bloodied bat.

I remember the way Hunter attacked me and choked me until I thought I’d pass out
and never wake up. I see Gabe knocking Hunter from me, and watching them fight out
of a window. I remember standing in front of the window, and feeling an instinct so
strong that I couldn’t lose Gabe as the dead started at them. I see myself fighting
out into the raining night and keeping the dead from Gabe and Hunter, and I
remember turning just as Hunter got bit by a stray dead man. I see Gabe shoot the
dead man and hesitate over Hunter with the gun still raised. I see myself taking
the gun and shooting Hunter without a care, and I remember seeing my parent’s right
after from a distance.

I relive the way I felt seeing my parents again, and how I was more relieved than
any time before in my life. I remember fighting towards Noah’s car with my mother
close behind and worrying if Gabe and my father were alright while we were
separated. I remember driving to the Collisee with a second car behind me, and
finding the parking lot filled with the dead and the living as everyone fled. I see
again, running into the Collisee with Noah and Gabe, and finding the others safe
inside still. I remember the most, the news they gave us and what sent me over the

That the Country is going to be bombed in less than 48 hours.

Gasping, I stand up straight and hold my head in my hands, as the throbbing pain

I refuse to black out again.

Gritting my teeth, I realize the scene outside hasn’t changed much since I was out
of it, and still everyone is running around trying to leave. Across the way between
a broken down ambulance and an army jeep, is Noah’s car with my parents inside it.
They are in the front, and still there are the two girls and guy from Bates sitting
in the back. Lowering my hands, I stare at my mother and know I have to be stronger
than this. Too much has happened and is going to happen for my body and mind to
just cave like this, even if I don’t really have control.

My mother looks worried and she is sharing a look with my father, and I smile at
her trying to pretend everything is fine.

Even as the dead are still running around towards everyone, and the soldiers are
doing the best they can to keep them back with shooting at them. With the sound of
gun fire loud in my ears, I turn away from it all and intend to go back inside to
figure out what to do with the others. Except, I’m not outside alone and when I
turn to walk inside, I run into Gabe instead.

He must have been standing right behind me, because when I run into him, he wraps
me up in his arms and pulls me close. And gratefully, I sink into the warmth of him
and ignore everything else. I don’t even know I’m crying until he is consoling me
softly, and I can feel myself shaking again. Never before, have I felt so lost and
confused, and what’s worse, is that I forgot all about Gabe. I never want to feel
that way again, I just can’t lose him.

I know without a doubt, that this is what love really is.

The certainty, of never wanting to leave the one your with, because it will be a
hole inside me and I’d rather be one of those mindless dead, then be without him.
And so, I hang onto him like its life or death, and really, it kind of is.

Gabe loosens his hold on me and pulls back slightly so that he can look at me.
The expression on his face makes me even more grateful to have him back, because he
looks just as relived as I am. I start to say something, but I don’t really know
where to start. Everything feels like a fresh wound, and I have the need to want to
catch up and heal. But I also know that isn’t even the smallest option.

“We should get back to the others, before they plan world domination without us.”
Gabe says, as he steers us towards the doors.

“World domination would be funnier, if it wasn’t true.” I tell him softly as I wipe
tears from my eyes.

He shakes his head and pulls open the doors for us, but before we can even take a
step inside there is movement from behind us. I turn back to look, but move to fast
and wind up being dizzy and unfocused, but Gabe isn’t. He spins us around so that
he is in front of me, as a young dead girl with twin braids of red hair runs at us.
Right before she is within touching distance, Gabe pulls a wicked looking knife
from a hidden sheath on his ankle. He thrusts up his arm holding the knife and jams
it to the hilt into her jaw as she is almost on him. She struggles for a moment,
still trying to grab for him, but she jerks the knife deeper and she goes still.

He pulls the knife free, and her now dead body falls to a heap on the ground. I’m
staring at him wide eyed, still in the same spot as he turns back to me and puts
the knife away.

“Damn cowboy, any other tricks I don’t know about?” I say in a whisper.

Smirking, he makes a grab for my hand and tugs me back towards the doors. As soon
as they are open again and we are inside, the others are waiting close by and all
of them hold the same curious expressions.

And their all directed at me.

“Yes, I’m fine. I remember everything, and I know we have to leave now, right?” I
say in a rush before Noah can beat me to it.

He is practically animated with urgency, and honestly, I don’t blame him. Beside
me, Gabe gives me a gentle squeeze of my hand, as he too is watching Noah. Who is
nodding vigorously now, by the way.

“Good, I’m glad. We need to head out, and I’m going to drive with Logan and Hanna.
So you guys can have my car.” He says, as he nods to Logan now who is agreeing with

That will definitely be helpful, since we seem to have made more of our group

“Where are we heading exactly?” Gabe asks Noah, as we both watch the others
gathering their supplies already.

“The Canadian border is my best guess, a lot of the other cars seem to be heading
that way. That was the word right Claire?”

Noah is helping Claire lift a pack up into her arms, as he says this. I suddenly
have a very bad feeling, because surly we are going back to the apartments first
right? We couldn’t leave behind Dan and the rest, Noah knows this, doesn’t he? That
would be a no, as he doesn’t mention a pit stop, but rather urges Hanna and Logan
both to the doors already.
They are passing by us, when I stop him by touching his arm, making him pause.

“We have to stop back to the apartments. We have time right?” I say in a whisper.

“Are you out of your mind? No way in hell, am I letting you take my brother off
again on some rescue mission!” Hanna says from the arms of Logan’s they hover near
the half open doors.

Noah turns to her with haunted eyes, before turning back to me with regretful ones.
Gabe tenses beside me and he and Noah share a look I can’t read. I kind of
understand how Hanna must feel, I mean look at me, I just want to get my brother
back too. She’s lucky to have hers already, and I know it’s not fair to take him
away. Claire and her mother come up from behind me, and she places a hand on my

“Maggie, there isn’t enough time. I’m sorry, but we have to get out of here as fast
as we can, and we really shouldn’t make any stops…right?” Claire tells me.

Chapter Sixty One

She glances up at Noah, and now they share a look that I can’t read. And let me
tell you, I’m really getting tired of that. I’m not the pathetic sick girl who
needs protecting. Damn it, I’ve killed as much of the dead as they have, I know the
risks we’d take going back. But I also know when I’m in a losing battle, and
clearly Noah and Claire won’t go along with what I want. So I turn away from them
and stare up at Gabe, while I squeeze his hand like it’s my only lifeline.

“We can’t leave Dan to die, Gabe. Please, he’s your friend too and I can’t lose my
brother, not when I just found my parents.”

I can feel the others practically take in a collective breath, as we wait for Gabe
to respond.

He looks so sad for a moment, and I have to wonder what is running through his
mind. But then he looks serious and without looking or saying anything to the
others, he nods his head at me. Sighing, I rush into his arms again and thank God
for giving him to me. Who knows where I’d be without him?

Probably one of the dead still at Austin’s I’m sure.

“Right then, can we go now?” Hanna says impatiently from behind me still near the

Gabe releases me and I step back out of the protection of his arms, and face the
others knowing this might be the last time we ever see them. I can tell they are
thinking the same thing, or at least Noah and Claire are, and who knows what Hanna
and Logan think. Claire inches closer to me then, and her mother looks worried for
a second, like she is afraid Claire will change her mind and leave with me.

But I know she won’t though, and I can’t be mad at her for it either.

“Maggie, I’m so sorry. I’d go with you if I could, but….” Claire says softly while
looking down at her feet.

Stepping directly in front of her, I place my hands on her shoulders and she
finally looks up at me with haunted eyes.

“I know Claire, and don’t worry about it. If our roles were reversed, I’d make the
same decision as you. Just be careful alright? We’ll meet you guys at the border, I
promise.” I tell her, and hope I’m not lying just to make us feel better.

Nodding, she shrugs of the pack around her shoulder and holds it out to me. Only
then do I realize that it’s my messenger bag. It feels like a lifetime since I last
saw it, and when I take it from her and peer inside. I find that some of my clothes
and the pain pills I lost are packed within. Gripping it tightly to myself, I stare
in awe at Claire.

I left it here when we left for Bates, and never thought I’d see it again.

“I grabbed it for you, when things went crazy. Figured you might need it, am I

Giving her the first real smile I’ve ever made in a while, I pull her into a hug.
When she puts her arms around me, I feel my eyes fill with tears and we squeeze one
another like this is the final goodbye. I suppose it kind of is, if you think about
it. We pull apart, and I notice that she too has tears in her eyes and we’re both
trying our best not to let them fall.

With a heavy sigh, she lets her mother guide her away from me and towards Hanna and

When I turn back around to face the doors and watch her walk away, I notice that
Gabe and Noah aren’t there anymore. Quickly I spin around and search the lobby,
almost thinking they went outside already and didn’t wait. But they are still in
the room, just on the other side of towards the hallways entrances. They are
talking heatedly to one another, and I see something in Gabe’s arms.

It takes me a moment to realize what it is and when I do, I’m rushing over to them
to take it from him.

“I want you to hang onto the luggage in the trunk of my car, alright? You’ll need
it more than us, and it’s the least I can do.” Noah says.

Reaching their side, I figure out what they are talking about so intently. And by
luggage, he means all the guns and ammo we still have. He is right, we’ll need them
sooner rather than later. Who knows what state the apartment building will be in
when we get there, or how many of the dead returned?

I can see these thoughts practically forming behind Gabe’s eyes and he nods his
head at Noah.

“I owe you one Noah, and I pray that I get to return the favor one day.” Gabe says.

Noah takes a step back and holds out a hand to Gabe.

“I know we will, until we meet again brother.” Noah says.

They shake hands, and only then do I really comprehend how each of them has been
relying on one another. Like back up or wingmen of something, two people bonded by
all this crazy. It makes me see that Gabe doesn’t really have any family around
anymore. Knowing this, I vow to myself that I’ll make sure Gabe is never alone in
the future. No matter the cost. They turn at the same time and start to make way
for the doors again, and they see me there for the first time.
I smile sheepishly at them, like I wasn’t eves dropping or anything.

Noah grins and shakes his head, and as he goes to walk by me, he stops just at my
shoulder. I turn to look at him and we are eye to eye.

“Words can’t express how sorry I am, and I want you to be careful, alright?” He
tells me.

“You don’t have to be sorry Noah, you’ve done enough. It’s time for you to look
after your own family, and Gabe is right, we’ll see each other again.”

He nods his head, and I can see he doesn’t really believe me, but in the end he
walks away from me. He joins the others at the door, and as Hanna pushes the doors
open fully, only then does Gabe walk over to me finally. He holds up the weapon in
his arms, and with a sense of relief I take the ax from him. Having it in my hands
again, it feels like home, and I swear to myself we’ll get through this.

Juggling the ax in one hand, I take hold of one of Gabe’s and we quickly catch up
to the others, who are already stepping outside. As soon as we cross the threshold,
I find that nothing has changed out here and still everything in in an upheaval.
Clinging to Gabe, we pace right behind Noah’s group and we make our way across the
parking lot and to the cars that are still waiting, thank goodness. There is still
gunfire everywhere as the dead are still running about, and we constantly have to
dodge being hit ourselves. Just as we are reaching the cars, I see my mother and
father both getting out meeting us, and am already shouting at us.

“What is going on Maggie, where is everyone going? Is it not safe here anymore?” My
mother shouts in alarm.

Chapter Sixty Two

She takes me in her arms as soon as we are close enough to touch. And as I cling to
her, I’m at a loss as what to tell her. Luckily for me, Gabe and Noah both are not.
As Noah leans into the open door of his car, he tells the others inside to go for
the other car and that we are splitting up. My father looks even more alarmed than
my mother now, and grabs Gabe’s arm as he makes for the driver’s side.

“Where is everyone going Gabriel?” He asks.

“There isn’t enough time to explain, Sir. But, there are going to be bombs air
dropped in less than 48 hours and we need to get out of here before that happens.”

Gabe jerks his arm out of my father’s grip and ignores his shocked expression and
makes his way to the driver’s side door again. My parents share a look, and I can
see them thinking about what I did just a little while ago.

“What about Daniel, we can leave him.” My mother says in my hair and she now clings
to me.

Pulling away from her, I face both of my parents and try to think when I became the
parent and them the child. Somewhere between all the killing and rushing into the
rescue, our roles have been reversed.

Feeling older than I am suddenly, I tell them what is going to happen.

“That’s why we are splitting up Mom, Gabe and I have already decided to go back for
Dan and the rest. You should hurry to catch up to the others, or they’ll leave
without you.”

Hearing my mother’s gasp of surprise and feeling like a bully, I try to side step
my parents and head for the passenger side door, but my father now grabs ahold of
me and pulls me to a stop.

“Maggie, the two of you shouldn’t go alone.”

I open my mouth to tell him we’ll be fine, when my mother beats me to it.

“Your father is right, and we’ll go with you. It shouldn’t be left to you to find
your brother. We are a family after all, and we left you alone once and look how
that turned out.”

My father releases me and nods his head agreeably as he says, “That’s right we’re
not losing you or your brother.”

Stepping back, I stare at the both of them and think that maybe I was wrong and
that I can rely on them. Maybe it’s the headache talking, but I feel tears in my
eyes as I realize they really are the best parents ever. And even more so, when
they both walk up to me and take me in their arms. Over their shoulders, I find
Gabe watching me on the other side of the car.

Smiling sadly at me, he taps the hood of the car and slides inside away from my

“Thanks you guys, really. But we should go, now.” I say.

Pulling myself free from the clutches of my parents, I urge them to get into the
car and wiping their eyes they both climb in the backseat together and join Gabe
inside. Before I force myself to climb inside with them, I take hold of the car
door and lean on it while I search out for Claire. First though, I see that the
former occupants of Noah’s car are already safe inside the car we took from Bates.
They are already following the other cars that are leaving, and I notice there is a
long line of them. That’s a comforting sight, knowing a lot of the people are
making it out of here. The same can’t be said for the soldiers.

They are all back to back still shooting into the never ending mass of the dead.

All the activity our here must be drawing them in, and I’m grateful that most of
the dead seem to be taken out on the ground. If only the men doing the shooting
were able to leave with us, but I can tell they have their work cut out for them,
and who knows if they will make it. Across from their station and a ways on the
other side of the parking lot, I finally catch a glimpse of Noah. He is just
opening the door of a large blue ford pickup, that I deduct must be Logan’s.

As he climbs inside, a double image of him forms before my eyes and this one is
cleaner and running straight back to me. He has more urgency than he did earlier,
as if he is afraid of something worse than the dead around us. He is almost in
front of me now, and strangely he skids to a kneeling stop in slow motion; like he
sees something on the ground that I do not. I turn away to call to anyone to see if
they can see him to, but in a blink the image of Noah is gone.

Feeling shaky and confused, I lift my hands and rub at my throbbing temple.

I glance back over to the real Noah. He is closing the truck door after getting
inside; I realize that Claire and her mother are already safe inside. Glad that
they are alright still, I can’t help feeling sad as I watch the truck pulling out
of the parking lot. I’ll never get to see her again, and I feel a deep loss of
losing my best friend.

From inside the car, I can hear my parents and Gabe calling to me, but it is quiet
over the sounds of feet running and guns going off simultaneously. Only when I feel
Gabe brush his fingertips across my back, do I pull myself away from the chaos that
is now the Collisee. I’m just sliding down into the seat, when something catches my
attention from the corner of my eye. My mind does that funny thing again, where it
feels like time slows down when I know it really doesn’t. But I have just seconds
to turn myself around and see what is coming straight for me.

It’s a dead girl.

Getting to my feet with the others yelling in alarm, I take in her state of
appearance. She is a small girl, maybe around four or five and I know she must have
died a horrible death. There are large bites taken out of her all over, and she is
covered in dried old blood. As she runs to me, her arms are outstretched and I can
see that her fingers are all broken at unnatural angles. Even as she snaps her
teeth at me when she is almost within reach, I feel guilty for what I’m about to

Gripping the ax in my arms, I pull it back like you would a baseball bat before a

She about a yard from me I swing the ax at her.

I have to aim low because of how short she is, and I manage to catch the side of
her neck easily. She must have been dead a lot longer than I thought, because the
ax slides through her skin with no resistance. Her head comes free from her body
with a spray of cold blood and I have to close my eyes and turn my head away to
avoid it, it does manage to catch my arms and clothes though.

But what is one more drop to join the many others already littering me?

I can hear my parents disgusted reactions, and I open my eyes again just in time to
watch the girls now dead body fall to the ground in a heap. Ignoring the fact that
her head is at my feet, I shake dipping blood off the ax and resume getting inside
the car.

As soon as I’m seated and my legs are safe inside, I quickly slam the door behind
me. It’s quieter in here than outside, and I glace to my left and find Gabe
watching me with a smirk on his face.

“What is it?” I ask him.

He whistles and says, “Looks like I’m not the only cowboy at this rodeo.”

Snorting out a laugh, I shake my head.

“Damn straight, hot stuff. Let’s get out of here now, huh?”

“You got it boss.” He says as he starts up the car.

My parents are quiet in the backseat and I can only imagine what they are thinking.

Who is this girl that used to be their daughter?

To be honest I don’t even know who she is. But really, I love her. I lay my head
back on the rest of the seat, and as the adrenaline fades from my body, I start to
feel awful again. My body is shaky and my head feels fuzzy, and when the throbbing
pounding returns like an old friend, I can’t wait to take some pain pills. If only
I had water.

Here’s hoping they haven’t run out of it at the apartments, and that I don’t keel
over before I get it.

Chapter Sixty Three

As Gabe steers the car out of the parking lot of the Collisee, and onto the road
behind the line of others, I have the awful thought of wishing we could drive to
safety. Rather than heading straight into the heart of the state and back into the
waiting arms of the ravenous dead. I know I shouldn’t feel that way, but really I
wouldn’t be alive and human if I didn’t think that just a little. That’s what
separates us from the dead I think. Thought of wanting to change one’s mind even if
you know you can’t.

But then what do I know, certainly not the reason behind the dead’s needs.

Turning my head, I watch the Collisee and everything still in the parking lot get
smaller and smaller from the side mirror, as we pull away. We are only just getting
on the main road behind everyone else, when I see the dead gaining ground over the
soldiers behind us. The sound of gunfire fades the farther we go, and I hope it’s
the distance and not the men getting killed that cause’s it. None of us say
anything as we drive, and it’s just as well, there is nothing we can do to save
anyone else right now.

It’s every man for himself and all that.

It’s almost dusk out now, and I turn away to stare out into the road to where we
are going now. Still behind the rest of the cars, the drive is a slow one. I think
the dead are starting to realize that all the living are leaving, because a group
of them are following the cars now and leaving the parking lot behind us. Nearing
the end of the street and coming into a neighborhood, I can see the dead rushing
out from between the houses and it makes me feel sick to my stomach.

With this many of the dead around, I can’t see clearly what condition they are in,
being grouped together so closely. They are all so overwhelming, that I really hope
Dan and the rest are still alive and that they haven’t gotten overwhelmed like
this. But most of all I really, really hope that we don’t all get trapped in here
when the bombs go off.

Gabe turns us right onto Bartlett Street now and the number of the houses and the
dead around them increase, and I can hear the gasps of my parents at the sight of
them. The dead are getting braver the farther we go, and keep bumping into the car.

“Drive steady Gabriel, keep your focus.” My dad says quietly as he leans between
mine and Gabe’s seat and places a hand on Gabe’s shoulder.

I notice the way Gabe clenches the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles are
bone white, but he doesn’t slow down one bit and if anything he speeds up. My dad
sits back, and when he doesn’t say anything, I hope he is pleased with Gabe. But
why should that bother me if he didn’t? If there weren’t so many of the dead I
might use a gun like I did in a past car ride, but there are too many now and I’d
only get bitten. Gabe must think the same sort of thing, since he doesn’t even ask
for anyone to open the windows.

Gabe turns us onto Ash Street to the left, and we get deeper into the neighborhood
of homes here in the city. It chills my insides at the large amount of the dead,
and I have to believe that there are no their living people left here anymore. The
only thing keeping us on the road now is that the car is going faster than the dead
can run, and the fact that all the rest of the cars are sticking close to one

Otherwise the dead would bombard us to the point of forcing us off the road.

“Oh my…” My mother says softly.

I don’t even have to ask what has her so shocked, because when we’re turning to the
right onto Lisbon Street all the homes are replaced by a few small business, and it
still shocks me to see how they all look now. This part of the city is a little
worse for wear, as most of the building halfway burnt to the ground. Burning the
dead might’ve been a good idea, but clearly no one realized you have to put the
fire out eventually or it’ll destroy everything in its path.

A lot of good it did around here, I see, since there are still too many of the dead

Soon enough, we’re turning to the left and onto Main Street. The road branches off
up ahead, going either left or right and it comes back to me that we’re not going
to behind the rest of the cars very soon. They all have to go right to the highway,
and we have to go to the left, so as to head to the apartments in Auburn.

When we come to the end of the road and Gabe turns us to the left, we all watch
behind us as the other cars get smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror. It’s a
small comfort to, to find that the dead fading in numbers too. All that stands
between us getting to Dan is just a small stretch of Court Street until we come to
the notorious bridge I know and hate. There is a visible ease of tension between us
in the car so strong, that it makes me want to break out into giggles.

I don’t of course, that would be weird and slightly off putting.

“Maggie, what happened earlier today, when you came running out of the Collisee?”
My mom asks suddenly and breaking the silence.

I turn around in my seat to look at her, and I can feel an inner confliction of
wondering if I should tell her about my injury. I can feel Gabe watching me and
sense his insistence of being honest, even more so.

“I told you that we had a car accident that brought us to the apartments where Dan
is right?” I tell her before I can change my mind.

She and my father share a look, and she nods at me almost not certain she wants to
know where I could be going with this.

“Well, I was a little more hurt than I originally told you.”

Eyes going wide, she leans up so that there is only a short distance between us and
the seats.

“What do you mean, how hurt were you?” She asks, as her eyes rake my body
inspecting for some overlooked injury.
My father places a hand on her shoulder and eases her back beside him, all the
while giving me a stern look. One I haven’t seen in a while. “Karen, let her
finish.” He tells my mother.

Flickering a glance to Gabe I see him watching me out of the corner of his eye and
it helps me to continue.

“I sustained a severe concussion, one so bad that I might have, um, died for a few
minutes. But obviously it didn’t take, since I’m still alive and kicking.”

“That doesn’t tell us why you ran out of the Collisee, like there were Hell Hounds
on your tail.” My dad says.

“No it doesn’t, but the after affects I’ve been feeling since I’m not fully
recovered, kind of does. I may have blacked out and woke up with no memory.”

“What?” My mother shouts and physically removes my father’s arms from around her so
that she can sit forward again and place her hands on my cheeks.

“Again, obviously it didn’t take. I remember everything again and it didn’t last
long anyway, it’s no big deal, really.”

“Maggie, be serious.” Gabe says softly.

Sighing, I try to turn to look at him, but my mother keeps me in place and forces
me to look at her.

“Magdalena Cooper, don’t you dare lie to me and try to downplay how hurt you are.
Will this, going after your brother affect your health?” She tells me as her voices
sounds like steel.

“Mom, it doesn’t matter if it does or doesn’t at this point. Nothing is going to

stop me from getting us all back together.”

I reach up and place my hands on hers so that I can gently pull them from my
cheeks. Letting go of her and feeling determined, I turn away and sit back in the
passenger seat. When my mother finally sits back herself, everyone in the car is
silent again. I know they all mean well, but it’s not the time to worry about one
person, me, when there are others that have no idea about what is going on and need
our help.

“I am scared you know, I’m not stupid, but I won’t let it stop us.” I say softly.

I can actually here both of my parents let out a sigh at the same time, but I
notice they don’t try to change my mind. Gabe clears his throat suddenly and
reaches out his hand and places it on my leg and gives me a squeeze. Smiling
slightly, I take his hand in both of mine and pull it into my lap, with no
intention of letting him go.

When he clears his throat again, I glance at him and find him smirking at me “So
Magdalena, huh, didn’t know that.”

“Just shut up and drive Gabriel.” I tell him irritatingly, even as I feel my cheeks
burn in a blush.

As I try to think what went through my parent’s minds when they came up with my
name, I notice that the bridge we need is coming up ahead and I can see the top of
the apartment building looming ahead.
It’s now or never now.

Chapter Sixty Four

Gabe pulls us across the bridge with all the broken down cars, and he has to swerve
here and there to just keep us moving. We pass the side rail and my head actually
starts to throb when I see that it’s all bent from where we hit it a couple weeks
ago. The difference this time though, is that I notice that the woods on our right
are silent now. There aren’t any hidden shadows running within and waiting to rush
us. That should make me feel a little better, but it doesn’t.

It doesn’t help either.

I lean over Gabe to pear over the side of the bridge and look down to the expanse
of land where the apartments are. There isn’t even as many of the dead here like
when we were here the last time. I know we killed most of them when we left, but
surly more would come. If only to try to find the living that are inside.

My attention gets brought back to the present when Gabe is driving us to the end of
the bridge where a turn off is, that leads to the apartments below. It’s darker out
now and the first thing I notice, is that there aren’t any lights on in any of the
windows. That could mean anything though, right?

Like the generator they had might be out of gas. But, he closer we get to the
building the better my view of it is, and I thank all and any who watch out for us,
that it’s still standing in the same condition. Having been inside it once, I find
the whole place kind of an illusion with its size, since it looks smaller than it
is. It’s a three story building and is more tall than wide, and would seem almost
intimidating like a big city sky scraper, but I know it’s not.

As Gabe drives us off the side road and onto the wide expanse of land down here,
I’m not the only one to notice that there aren’t that many of the dead here. Gabe
is gripping the steering wheel again, and I really should talk to him about that.
He could hurt his gun firing hand, and then I’d have to be the one to protect him.

I bet he’d get a kick out of that though.

“Wow, this is where all the people you mentioned are hiding out?” My mother
whispers as she leans over my father to get a better look out the window.

Before I can tell her yes and that it’s sturdier than it looks, Gabe steers us
around and into the back parking lot. What I see makes me gasp in surprise, right
after Gabe does. And that’s because most of the cars are now gone from it. When we
left before, there were at least ten or more cars, and now there is like two. Gabe
pulls the car to a stop a couple feet from the door, the closest he could get
without driving up on those ridiculous speed bump cement blocks. And as we idle in
silence, I can see the dead from the front of the building already rushing around
to the back, and to us.

I know we can’t sit here forever, but I’m not alone with the feeling like we just
made a wasted trip. No cars might mean that there are no people. What will we do if
they aren’t here, where will we look next?

Feeling my stomach churn at the thought, I turn to look at a white faced Gabe, and
he turns to me the same moment I do. We share the same haunted look and I can see
the hesitation in his eyes as to whether should we get out of the car. Then there
are my parents, who have no idea about the inner turmoil Gabe and I are feeling.
They wait in patient silence, and are content for me and Gabe to take point in this

I sure don’t want to have to tell them the possibility that Dan may or may not be

Clearly though, Gabe and I don’t hide our trepidation very well, because my father
pushes up between the seats and fixes us with a stern look.

“Is there something wrong that you’re not saying? To be honest you both look like
someone stepped on your cat.”

I turn to him with a smirk, who says things like that? Really, he is such an old
man sometimes.

“Dad, it’s just, um…” I start to say, but not sure how to continue and instead turn
to Gabe for help.

He returns my look and stares at me intently for a few heartbeats, before he turns
to my father and waves his hands in the direction of the trunk.

“No problem, just I need you to open the hatch for the trunk. There are some guns
and ammo in there for you, we might need them.”

As he turns around he flicks on the overhead light. As the car is floods with light
that blinds me, my mother shifts closest to the car door, so that my dad can open
the back and reach inside. When he pulls out a heavy pack and begins digging
through it, I return my attention back outside. There are about ten of the dead
shuffling out around the car now, but no more are coming around the front of the
building. So it seems this is all we’ll have to fight through to get inside, thank
goodness. My dad is handing my mom a handgun and a box of ammo now, and I can’t
help to notice how she takes it from him with shaking hands.

I glance away again, when he gets a gun and ammo for himself and I try to tune out
the sound of the both of them loading the cartridge. This is definitely not
something a daughter like to see her parents do, it might be worse than knowing
they do the nasty some times. Or maybe not, it might be the same type of thing I
really don’t want to know about.

Picking up the ax off the floor and ignoring the way the hilt is still sticky with
wet blood, that didn’t have time to dry, I look over as Gabe reloads his handguns,
yes plural. He peaks at me as he works, and I notice the way his hands clench the
gun, as his eyes drift to my bloody ax. He sighs to himself when he looks away, and
I force myself not to remind him that he doesn’t have to worry about me.

But I know that isn’t true, I can’t exactly prove that I can today.

“Mark, pass me the other pack that is in the trunk, if you could please.” Gabe says
softly, as he clicks the cartridge together in the gun causing me to jump from the

I watch as my dad nods, and reaches back into the trunk for another pack. He
doesn’t stop to investigate it or anything and he just hands it over to Gabe. Who
takes it without looking up and quickly straps it over his shoulder, before taking
both his guns in each hand. He looks fully at me now, and his eyes get dark with
intensity, but then he turns and gives the same look to my parents.
“Here’s the deal, we only have one chance to get to the door in one peace. We’re
lucky that there isn’t that many of the dead here now, so we should make it if we
stick together and are precise.”

Gabe flicks a glance to me, before fixing a look with my father, who turns serious
all of a sudden.

“You and I Mark are going to take point. After Bates, I know you’re a good shot.
Maggie and Karen, I want you both to stick close to us and be careful.”

Both of my parents nod in agreement to him, but I’m too much in awe of him to
really do anything of the sort. When did he become the de facto leader? This makes
me remember the boy who saved me that first time at Austin’s and it makes me so
proud of who he becoming. He turns back in his seat and after rolling his shoulders
a bit, he turns off the car and starts to reach for the door handle, but I stop him
before he can.

I snag his arm and force him to look at me, and he does so with wide eyes.

“You be careful to Gabriel. I mean it.” I whisper to him and ignore the fact that
my parents are listening in.

Gabe’s face softens then, and he gives me a slight smile.

“This cowboy has experience remember? You don’t have to worry.”

Knowing he’s right doesn’t change the fact that I don’t want to lose him any less.
But I let go of his arm, and quickly grip my ax in both of my hands again. When he
turns back to open his door, I now reach for mine and can hear my parents shifting
in the backseat as they do the same.

Here’s hoping we’re not going to fight our way inside for nothing.

I push open the car door and get out.

Chapter Sixty Five

As soon as I’m standing I have to hold onto the door for support, since my head
spins a little from moving too fast. That can’t be a good sign. I ignore it though
as I notice that Gabe and my dad are already out and don’t waste any time at all as
they immediately begin firing into the dead. The dead here look as bad as I
remembered, as they are all burnt husks of people. The flesh is seared away almost
completely and I can’t even figure out what gender some of them were. But it
doesn’t matter as my mother gets out of the car too and as she inches closer to me,
some of the dead approach us. With Gabe and my dad both, I know we’ll have to take
care of them, and I’ve done it before. For some reason though, I can’t seem to get
my body to move like I want it too.

I just watch as two of the dead get closer to us.

My mother is at my side now, and with one hand she grips my arm, while the other
limply holds her handgun at her side. She is saying something to me, but I can’t
hear her as my ears fill with static and all I seem to hear in the distance are the
guns being fired. I shake my head to clear it, but nothing changes and the dead get
closer still as my mom grips my arm tighter.
I know I should do something and that the dead will be on us in seconds, but my
head feels like syrup and my body like lead. When one of the two dead people are
close enough for me to smell it’s charred flesh, that’s when I come back to myself.
Everything is loud for a second and I feel like I’ve just been pumped full of
adrenaline. When my mother yells and tries to push me away from the car, I just
shrug her off and lift the ax up in front of me.

The dead is only a short space from me and before its broken fingers can touch me,
I spin away from it with a yell and draw it to me and away from my mother. It turns
with me, on instinct I think, and in the short time it takes to be within reach
again, I pull the ax out and back. It is almost to me, and I let the ax swing out
and I catch it easily in its neck. Like most of them that have been dead for a
while, its flesh is soft and the ax slides right through its neck and I spin with
the ax as it goes through. By the time I get my balance again and reposition the
ax, I realize that I forgot about the second dead person that was coming for us.

I search for it quickly, expecting it to jump me from behind, but I don’t have to
worry about that.

As I turn, I see my mother lifting her gun and shooting the dead that was going for
her instead of me. I watch as she hits it right in the head and it falls back to
the ground. It’s not completely dead though, and still it struggles to get to her.
I’m about to step forward and help her finish it off, but she walks over to its
quivering body. Raising the gun in her shaking arms, she points it to the center of
his forehead, and before I can even let out a breath she pulls the trigger. The
body lay still now, and she looks right up at me, and I can see how it destroys
something inside her to kill it.

I know how she feels though, since that part of me died a long time ago with Matt.

I don’t get the chance to tell her any of this though, because my dad and Gabe are
trying to finish off the rest that are still standing. My mother turns away from me
then, and joins them with the shooting. Knowing it’ll be over soon, I let my guard
down as I slowly pace behind them as they inch closer toward the door of the

Later, I’ll be kicking myself for being so stupid and not paying attention.

But honestly, I blame it on the headache that is forming behind my eyes as the
adrenaline fades from me. The reason I’ll want to kick myself, is because the
others aren’t shooting the only dead left standing, and I’ve left my back as an
open target. I don’t know this of course, until one of the dead is already on me
and knocking me to the ground.

It hits me from behind, and as we fall to the ground in a heap, I can feel its
bloody fingers getting tangled in my hair as it tries to pull me to its mouth.
Yelling, I hit back with my elbow and try to dislodge it, but its fingers are
tightly woven in my hair now and I only succeed in rolling us. Now on top I push
myself up, and it comes up me as I can feel its teeth getting closer to the flesh
of my neck. Remembering that I have the ax still in my hands, I use the hilt of it
to hit behind me at the thing. This doesn’t do anything other than keep its mouth
from me, and while I have it almost pinned with the ax, I pull myself forward with
a cry of pain. Ignoring the way my scalp burns from the hair stays in the dead’s
fingers, as it’s pulled free, I quickly bring the ax up.

The dead snaps its teeth at, and when it places my hair covered fingers on the
ground, I know it’s going to rush me. The roaring in my ears is back, and this time
everything slows down to just the dead person in front of me. I can hear my parents
and Gabe still shooting and I hope they are having better luck than I am, because
seriously, I could really sit down for a while.

But instead, as the dead practically leaps at me, I swing the ax around at it at
the same time.

The circumstance of this one is different though, and I’m starting to get shaky now
and so I don’t have the as aimed high enough to slice it’s neck and instead I get
its shoulder. Even though this dead is burned as bad as the other one, its flesh
isn’t as soft, and when I hit its shoulders the ax gets lodge inside.

The hit even off center, still sends it falling to the ground, and with the ax
still inside it, I fall to the ground right with it. The fall makes my head spin,
and I’m not sure of what is up and down. The roaring of my ears hasn’t left me, and
now I’m beginning to see spots dancing in front of my eyes. I shake my head to
clear it, knowing this isn’t the time to pass out. Instead, I focus on the ax in my
hands and gripping it tightly I try to get to my feet. That’s easier said than done
though, as the ax is lodged inside its flesh. It’s still trying to get to me, and I
can feel its nails break through the flesh on my arms as it claws at me.

I don’t leave it to run away even though I know I should, rather I quickly get to
my wobbly feet and struggle to pull the ax free. It doesn’t come out like I
anticipated it would, and when I hear a grinding sound distantly in my near deaf
ears, I have the feeling it might have got caught on its bone or something.

That would just be my luck right about now, wouldn’t it?

I still don’t leave the ax stuck inside it though, and I struggle even harder with
the hilt as I yank it from side to side. With still no effect, the dead is almost
sitting up now and I know it’s a matter of time it’ll be on me again while I no
longer have the weapon. It sits up suddenly and I jump back before it can reach for
me. I wish that I hadn’t though, because my head spins and I lose my balance. The
black spots in front of my eyes turn into grey blobs now, and are slowly taking
away my sight. I have the sense that I’m falling onto my knees, but I don’t feel
anything as I hit the ground, and all I feel is the pounding in my head that takes
my breath away.

I can see the dead coming for me again, but it seems so distant that I don’t care
about it, and its body tilts as I sense myself falling over onto my side. Its bare
charred and bloody feet are in my line of little sight, and I can only feel as my
body goes numb and I don’t even care as I know I’m probably going to die soon. I’m
about to close my eyes, when a popping sound rings inside my head so loud, that it
causes my body to jerk and I open my eyes. I watch as the dead that was about to
eat me, falls to the ground in a lifeless heap right beside me. I don’t have any
time to think that’s strange, because another set of feet are walking into my line
of sight and instead of coming for me it goes for the dead on the ground. They walk
right up to where my ax is still sticking out of it, and grip it with both hands.

Placing a booted foot on its chest, they pull the ax out with no resistance.

It’s only when he is kneeling beside my head that I realize that it’s Gabe. And
when I see the gun in his other hand, I know why I hear the loud popping, he shot

“Oh come on, you just made that look easy.” I say in a barely audible whisper.

Gabe hears me though and while he chuckles at me he puts his arms around me.

He helps me to stand, and it’s not easy either. I swear at one point, I made him
hold me still while I dry heaved up nothing. By this point both of my parents have
joined us, and even though my ears are ringing now instead of all static filled, I
can hear them yelling at me. I know they mean well, but really, do they have to
yell so loud? Gabe guides me to the door of the apartment building finally with my
parents hovering, and I realize that all the dead are finally just that, dead. I
start to feel a little like myself again the closer we get to the door.

When my father pulls it open, I notice that it wasn’t even locked.

Chapter Sixty Six

Gabe and I share a look, as my father pulls the door open with no resistance, and I
know we both think it’s not a good at all. How can it be, if anyone was still here,
the doors wouldn’t have been locked. But neither of us says anything though, and we
follow in behind after my parents. Once we are all are inside, Gabe pushes the door
closed behind us and I immediately wish he hadn’t.

The stairwell that we walked into is plunged into darkness, that makes my parents
and I gasp in alarm.

Not Gabe though, and while I ponder his braveness, he shifts me to the side and
uses his arm to dig into the pack on his opposite shoulder. He pulls something out,
but it’s too dark for me to see clearly, and with a quick scratching sound the hall
is filled with light.

Blinking against the bright light, I find that Gabe has one of the flares we found
at the army base so long ago. I completely forgot about those, and thank the stars
that Gabe did not. The flickering light now allows us to see in the small space we
are in, and as Gabe lifts the flare up higher we can see up the through the three
flights of stairs. Straight ahead of us is an open door that leads to the first
floor apartments, and the way it’s so quiet in here, I have to wonder if we really
are alone.

“I thought you said they had a working generator?” My dad asks me, as he takes hold
of the stair railing and starts to pull himself up.

He and my mother both are watching me, and I’m grateful for the harsh light, since
they probably can’t see the blush that is forming on my cheeks. I glance at Gabe,
pretty much asking him if we should be straight with them. Of course my subtle look
doesn’t go unnoticed, and my father is glaring at me when I turn back to him.

“Maggie, what is going on here?”

Gabe’s arm around me gives me a gentle squeeze, and I sigh into him.

“They did have a generator, yes. With it not being on, and the lack of cars
outside, I’m guessing they might have moved on.”

“What?” My mother screeches as she lifts her hands to her mouth.

My father and I hold an intense look, and I know he’s angry at me for not telling
him right away. But when his face softens, he shares a haunted look with my mother
who is still pretty upset. He pulls her into his arms, and her body quivers in
unshed tears and I hate myself for saying anything. I know I would have only put
off the inevitable, because we would know as soon as we go upstairs, but it doesn’t
hurt any less.

“It doesn’t mean that there is no one here though. Someone might have stayed behind
or something and we won’t know unless we check things out.” Gabe says, breaking the

My parents give Gabe a hopeful look, and I really hope we do find someone still
here, and we could really use the moral boost. Besides, the clock is still ticking
and we’re running out of time to just be scouring the city for the others.

“If anyone is here, where do you think they would be hiding out?” My dad asks Gabe.

“My guess would be Randy and Kelli’s apartment. It’s on the third floor and at the
end of the hall.”

Nodding, my dad releases his hold on my mother so that he can take her hand in his
and he turns to go up the stairs without a second look behind him. Readjusting his
hold on me, Gabe passes the ax to my free hand so that he can just hold out the
flare. And when he starts for the stairs, I force him to come to a stop instead. He
turns to me questioningly, and I fix him with what I hope is a stern look.

“I can walk on my own Gabe you don’t have to help me anymore.”

Now he is the one to fix ME with a stern look, but I hold my ground.

“Maggie, you almost passed out again outside, and we have two flights of stairs to
climb. You’re lucky I’m not throwing you over my shoulders.”

“Even so, I have to do it myself, and I can’t be weak like this.”

His face softens then, and he gently touches my cheek with his fingertips.

“It’s not being weak to accept help, it’s called being smart. Let me help you
please, it would make me feel better.”

Sighing, I glance up to where my parents have paused on the stairs right before the
light fades from the flare and are watching me. Knowing we don’t have time for me
to argue here over something stupid, I look back to Gabe with a reserved look.

“Fine you win, but only because I don’t want you to break your back over lugging my
fat butt up the stairs. We might still need you to fight.”

Smirking at me, Gabe takes hold of my left arm again and positions it over his
shoulder, while wrapping his right arm around my waist. Lifting up the flare in his
left hand, he guides us up the stairs so that we are right behind me parents now.
From the first step we climbed, I’m ever so glad I decided to let Gabe help me,
because my head throbs at all the movement.

I try not to let it show how moving hurts, and when we are nearing the first
landing, Gabe glances at me.

“You don’t have a fat butt it’s more scrawny than anything, and I should know.” He
says under his breath, so that I would be the only one to hear him.

I snort out a laugh, which I try to turn into a cough but it doesn’t work as my
parents glare at us, when we finally step up onto the small landing. Gabe is
chuckling now two, and I can feel my cheeks flaming. Leave it to him to break an
uncomfortable silence with a crude comment. Well, maybe not crude, but certainly
embarrassing, for me anyways. And for the record, my butt isn’t scrawny it’s more
of a bubble butt in my opinion.

On this landing there is a door to the right and stairs still going up to the third
floor on our left. The door is pushed opened just like the one downstairs, and this
floor is equally as quiet as the first one. We quickly make our way up the set of
stairs until we are at the third floor landing, and find that this door is wide
open like the others. My parents step aside and let Gabe and I with the flare walk
through the doorway first. The flickering light shines through the hallway, and
again I’m filled with despair as I see that it really is empty up here.

When we are fully inside, my parents come in behind us and together we start down
the hall and towards the open door at the end of it. I have the sense of that
really long never ending hallway from the shinning, and I’m almost expecting those
creepy twin girls to come riding down the hall with bloody tricycles. Thankfully
they do not, and before we know it, we’re standing in front of Randy and Kelli’s

“Are you steady enough to stand on your own?” Gabe asks me while staring into the
dark apartment.

Nodding, I remove my arm from around his shoulder and take a slightly shaky step
away from him. Not looking at me, Gabe uses his free hand and pulls out his hand
gun, and clicks the safety off. Without waiting any further, he raises the gun and
the flare both, and takes a step into the apartment. I walk in right behind him on
unsteady legs, and hear my parents follow behind me.

From the light of the flare, I see that Gabe has stopped walking and is standing in
the middle of the room that was once the living room. Now though, I see that the
place is in shambles and the supplies that littered the floor before are all gone.
There is an echoing silence as I take in the emptiness of the apartment, and I
can’t help to notice that no one jumps out and says ‘surprise we’re still here’.

I have to finally be honest with myself, with the fact that we might not ever find
my brother in time, and it’s my entire fault. As the others spread out in the room
and search for what isn’t there, I walk backwards until I hit the back wall. I can
feel my back shudder from the hit.

I’ll probably have a bruise, but I don’t care. Not about anything anymore. Feeling
numb all over, I slid down the wall until I sit in a heap on the floor. I hear the
ax bang against the carpet. I distantly realize that I’m still holding it, but
oddly enough my fingers don’t relinquish it.

Chapter Sixty Seven

My arms and legs are limp, and all I can do is staring out at the empty apartment.
My parents have too, come to a stop and stare wide eyed around the room, but not
Gabe. He is looking through some paper’s that are littering a coffee table in the
middle of the room.

“We never should have left.” I say so softly I’m not sure I even spoke out loud.
But my mother turns to me with tears in her eyes, and I know that I have. She comes
over to me then, and sits beside me on the floor.

“Maggie, you guys did what you had to do. And we don’t know for sure if anything
bad happened to them, maybe they just left for someplace else.”

I glance at her, but I don’t feel anything inside as I do. She might be right, but
what can we do about it now anyways?

“Besides, your father and I would still be stuck at Bates, if you guys thought our
empty house meant the worst.”

I just stare at her in silence, because really what can I possibly say to that. I
know she is trying to make me feel better, but it just feels like I was forced to
choose between them without even knowing about it. Even if the others are hiding
some place, we can’t do anything about it now. All we can do now is try to get to
the border before the bombs go off. But as I sit here feeling as empty as the
building, I have to wonder if we should all just stay here and give up. Not wanting
my mother to see this on my face, I force myself to look away from her, and back to
the room instead.

My dad is now helping Gabe search through all the papers on the coffee table and I
wonder for a moment what they could be looking for. I don’t have to wonder long
though, because Gabe holds up a manila envelope to my dad, and they are both
grinning like banshees. Gabe turns to me then, and he looks the happiest he’s been
in a while, and all I can feel is confusion.

Obviously I’ve missed something, and have no idea what is so good about a freaking

My mother gets to her feet suddenly, and rushes over to Gabe and my father. The
three of them gaze at the envelope, and now I’m feeling something else, irritation.

“It’s addressed to us Maggie, all of us that left here a couple weeks ago.” Gabe
says too loud for my ears.

But when it registers what he said, the fog in my mind clears and I stare up at the
three of them dumbly.


Still grinning, Gabe nods at me and I finally feel the giddiness that they are all
feeling. Maybe they all did leave for some place better after all, and even better
it seems they left something for us. Getting to my feet by pushing up along the
way, I wave my free that isn’t still clutching the ax, towards the letter.

“Well open it already.”

With shaking fingers, Gabe pries the crease of the envelope apart and pulls until
the top is completely open. Holding it up and gazing inside, his grin gets even
wider, if that’s possible. He then pulls out two sheets of paper, and the rest of
us wait in anticipation to find out what it says. He quickly skims it before
finally looking back up at us.

“They did leave for someplace else. Apparently someone that lived here used to work
for the county record office, and found out there were tunnels running under the
city from the sixties.”

“And?” My dad says, with an annoyed look.

My mother shushes him and smacks him lightly on the arm, whereas I can’t help to
think, so what.

“And, that isn’t the only thing under the city. There was a bomb shelter built and
then boarded up after the city realized no one needed it. Randy says that they
found out where the old entrance of it is, and after sending a scout, they decided
to hide out there.”

Taking a deep breath, Gabe pauses, he holds up the other piece of paper that was in
the envelope.

“This is a map to where the entrance is, and Maggie, it’s down the street a ways at
City Hall.”

I’m grinning now along with them, and I just can’t believe it.

Of all the places for them to flee to, it’s a freaking bomb shelter.

A bomb shelter!

It’s perfect that they are so close, and the entire better to get out of the line
of fire when the actual bombs hit. My parents embrace one another, and I can see
the tears of happiness in their eyes. Gabe turns and saunters over to me, and when
he’s almost within touching distance he stops just shy of me. I gaze up at him,
actually feel a twinge of hope that we’ll find Dan and everything will be okay.

“We should get out of here, no?” I whisper to him.

Everything that happens next is like a blur to me, and before I know it, we’re back
in the car and leaving the apartments. Lucky for us too, that there wasn’t any more
of the dead for us to have to fight with. So the trip to the car was a fast one,
and I may not have missed anything, all I know is I didn’t even argue when Gabe
offered to help me down the stairs. With a newly lit flare in his one hand and the
ax in mine, we quickly followed my parents outside.

I noticed that it was getting lighter when we went through the doors to the parking
lot, and it’s getting closer to the end of the clock we’re ticking away on. Back in
the car though, Gabe and I are up front again with my parents in the back, by the
time I actually feel like myself again. I worry slightly that my headache is
causing me to lose time, but I dismiss it, I just think I’m excited that things
might be going our way for once. None of says anything, too worked up to know what
to say I’m sure, and I just stare out the window and watch the closer we get to
seeing my brother.

Gabe is pulling the car back onto the bridge now, and is already speeding through
all the debris and heading in the opposite way we came in. The City Hall building
is just a mile or so down the road and at the heart of the city. The closer we get,
the slower Gabe has to drive, because the road gets more and more littered with
things. About halfway there, I notice that there is something in the middle of the
road up ahead. No scratch that, nothing something, someone’s and yes, plural.

“Gabe, what is that?” I say in a rushed whisper.

The damn moose we got hit by the last time we were hear flashes in my mind and I
squint my eyes and lean forward to get a better look. Gabe slows the car to a slow
crawl the closer we get, and I finally have a very clear look for what is blocking
our path into Auburn. Standing single file, are a group of men dressed in army
But from the way they point their shotguns at us, and have ski masks on?

I don’t really think that they are affiliated with the military.

Chapter Sixty Eight

“Shit.” Gabe says under his breath as he brings the car to a stop.

The men in front of the car don’t even flinch when we come to a stop right in front
of them.

It makes me a little afraid of who they might be.

“Why do you suppose they stopped us?” My father asks.

Gabe only shakes his head, while he stares straight ahead out at the unknown men.
His tense posture, don’t exactly make me feel any better either.

“Mark, I don’t think those are army men, not with the way they are just standing
there like that.” My mother says in a quiet voice.

Gabe bows his head then, and finally takes his eyes off the men in front of us. No
sooner does he, and the men are already breaking formation and approaching the car.

“I think this might be the new law enforcement. Everyone stay calm, we don’t know
what they want yet. So do whatever they say, alright?” Gabe tells us quietly.

I remember then that the last time we were here, I thought that some of the
destruction outside couldn’t have been done by the dead alone. And from the way
these guys are being all ninja assassin, I’m guessing we’re having a run in with
our very own marauders. Who would have thought, that after everything people are
still going to act like jack-holes. Men, I tell you they REALLY need to get over
the whole domination thing, save it for the bedroom for goodness sake.

The men are splitting up and going for each of our doors now, and still there are
two at the front and at the back pointing guns at us. I have to hand it to them
though they sure are organized for thugs. The men at Gabe’s and my father’s doors,
open them with one hand while still pointing their guns with the other. The man at
Gabe’s door leans on it when it opens and leers inside at us, or I think he l does,
can’t really tell with just his eyes through the mask.

“Get out pretty boy, and don’t try anything stupid. Nobody likes a hero.” The man
says at Gabe’s door.

Only nodding his head and not even looking at the rest of us, Gabe eases out of the
car door. He keeps his hands out in front of him and his head down. For all
appearances he seems calm, but I know better. From the way his muscles bulge just
under his shirt at his shoulders, I can tell right away how afraid he is. Not that
I blame him, it would be extremely stupid to not be wary of the men with the guns.

As Gabe is getting out, the man at my father’s open door waves his gun at him,
signaling for my dad to get out I guess. My dad follows suit, and like Gabe he
keeps his hands in sight and his head down. I share a quick look to my mother, but
her eyes are all for the man at her door, who is pointing him gun right at her.
Turning back around, I peak around my hair and look out my window. Sure enough, the
other man is stationed there and aiming his 9mm right at me.

I don’t even flinch though, because really? Did these guys not get the memo?

You know, the one where there are large amounts of bombs coming to blow us to bits,
apparently not.

“Turn around and place your hands on the hood of the car, both of you. Place your
feet apart too.” The man with Gabe says.

Turning back to Gabe, I watch at as he faces me and does what the man says. His
eyes lock with mine, and I know right away that he wants to resist. But he doesn’t.
And so the men pat down he and my father, and they collect the handguns and the
knives they were carrying. When no other weapons can be found, the men force Gabe
and my dad to turn back around by taking hold of the back of their necks.

It doesn’t appear to be gentle either and they don’t seem to be in a hurry to

release them. The men guide them off to the side, and force them to stay where they
are with guns pointed at their heads. The man with Gabe nods his head in my
direction, and at first I think he is trying to get me to do something, though I
have no idea what.

Then I remember the other two men.

My door gets yanked open, and now I flinch and face the man that is reaching inside
for me. He doesn’t ask me to get out slow like Gabe, no this one is very hands-y.
His large hands latch onto my forearm and he physically removes me from the safety
of the car. I stumble out, and would have fallen if the man still didn’t have a
hold on me.

He steady’s me for a moment, and I glance to my right to see my mother getting the
same treatment.

Almost at the same time, the men force us to face the direction of the car and push
us up against it. We both gasp at the abrupt change of position, and at the moment
I’m thinking the worst. From the sudden movement, my head is spinning and I can
already feel the dull throbbing pulse behind my eyes. It doesn’t help matters, when
they lean into the both of us and literally move our hands and force them on the
hood of the car.

My whole body is shaking, and I know I don’t have the strength to fight anyone off.
Still watching my mother, I can see that she is struggling, and the man holding her
isn’t going to let her go anytime soon. In an attempt to, I know, bust us all free?
I also struggle and squirm trying to keep this large man with his fat hands away
from me. He laughs then, and leans in closer to me, and makes me stop my movements.

“I wouldn’t do that princess; your prince over there is already losing control. If
you try anything, he’ll be forced to make a move, and we’ll have to kill him. No
one has to get hurt, just relax and it’ll be over soon.” The man at my ear whispers
so that only I can hear him.

His hold on me loosens some, and he moves back half an inch from me. As his hands
lightly begin to search my body for the zero weapons it has on it, I have a feeling
he was trying to help me. He isn’t being forceful now, and I swear from the way he
pulled back but still stayed close, it was like he was playing on the allusion of
force. Maybe not all these thugs are bad, and maybe we’ll make it out of this
alright then. Of course that thought evaporates, when the man searching my mother
actually smacks her on the back of the head when she tries to move away from him.
To her credit though, he was trying to cop a feel and around her bottom region.

Where I know for a fact are no weapons.

When my mom slams against the car with a cry from the hit, I can hear my father
roaring across the street. Turning to him, I find that he and Gabe are both
struggling against the restraints holding them, i.e. the men. Needless to say, the
men stay true to their word about any funny business. I can only watch helplessly
as both the men holding them, use the butts of their guns and drive them up into
their stomachs with such force, it leave Gabe and my father both hunched over and

My body tenses, and I grit my teeth in an attempt to stay still and not run to
them. I can hear my mother crying now, and I know these men won’t just let us go
after taking our stuff. If only we could get them to listen to us, so that we can
explain. For some reason though, I don’t think they’ll even give us the chance to

Go figure.

“Alright Missy Miss, let’s get you over to your lover, hmm?” The man holding me
says, as he lightly takes ahold of my forearm and pulls me away from the car.

The other man mimics us and pulls me mother away from the car, though more
violently and I can her intake of breathe from the movement. They guide us across
the road now over to where Gabe and my father are waiting, and I notice my steps
become a struggle of their own. My head is spinning so strongly, that I have the
feeling of being in a large toy top stuck in a never ending cycle. My world tilts
as black spots dance before my eyes, and I would have fallen over if not for the
man tightening his hold on me.

“Easy there Missy.” He whispers in my ear.

His words sound very faint, but when he comes to a stop and steady’s me further, I
shake my head and clear it. Blinking my eyes and taking a deep breath, I look up
and find Gabe watching me intently across the way. His face tells me he wants to
rush to me, but I shake my head again.

He would only get hurt, and besides, the spinning is already slowing.

Chapter Sixty Nine

As I come back to myself, a weak version of myself, I notice that the man with my
mother is already with the others. The men with them seem to be glaring at the one
with me, who coughs and shakes himself to stand up straighter.

“Alright princess, get a move on we haven’t got all night. Bip, bip, bip.” The man
holding me says loud enough for the others to hear.

He gets me moving again, and before I know it we’re standing beside Gabe and my
mother. I watch as the other four men with guns go about searching the car now. I
can’t help to feel anger, as I see them taking out my ax and one of them flings it
over his shoulder. The men dig through our belongings, and even scavenge around the
items in the trunk, which sends Gabe over the edge.
Turning to the man holding him, he says, “Listen you guys can take whatever you
want we don’t care. You have to know though, that there are bombs coming in less
than a day to wipe out the dead. It’s not safe here anymore.”

The man laughs at him, and it sends the other men chuckling as well.

“Is that so? Well, that is a new one. Forgive me, if I don’t believe you son. And
yes thank you, we plan on taking all you have regardless.”

Gabe forces the man back a step, as he turns in his hold and he stare at him

“Listen me, you ingrate, this isn’t a joke! It doesn’t matter what you take from
us, because we’ll all be dead tomorrow night after the bombs it. If you want a
chance, you have to let us go so we can all get out of here.”

The man just shakes his head, and signals to the other men at the car for
something. When the car lights go out, and we’re left standing in the dark, I know
we don’t have a chance in hell in getting away. We’re all going to die and there is
nothing we can do to stop it. The men regroup then, and they begin walking to the
right of the car and towards an entrance of an alley between two buildings.

As we make our way after them and are crossing through the mouth of the alley, I
see that there is a school back behind here. I’ve never been to this part of town,
but clearly it’s not the best part, as the windows all have bars on them and a
chain link fence surround the entire perimeter. Though, in retrospect, it’s the
perfect hideout, if you’re a gangster thug, who likes to rough house little girls.
So yeah, perfect for these ass hats.

When we finally walk out of the alley and are in a small courtyard, I realize we
aren’t the only ones out here anymore. All around us are a handful of the dead, who
were rushing the fence. As we get closer though, their attention turns to us, and
as they start for us the men immediately fire into them. The dead didn’t even stand
a chance, and before I can even take in another breath, our path is cleared and we
make our way for a door in the fence.

It seems to be locked with a chain.

But one of the men produces a wicked looking key and opens it up with no problem.

We are guided through the opening, and walk towards the wide steps of the small
school building. The fence is relocked behind us, and as we take a step onto the
steps and are already going up them, I notice that the sky is already lightning,
and it’ll be daylight soon. Knowing we’re running out of time, Gabe takes another
chance at getting the men to see reason.

Or so I think, anyways.

“Man, you really need to believe me that the shit is going to hit the fan. I want
to see whoever is in charge here, give me a chance to explain.” Gabe pleads.

The man holding him, to his credit, actually comes to a stop and stares intently at
Gabe, and for a split second I think he is finally listening to him. But he laughs
again, and the other men follow suit.

“Don’t worry pretty boy, you’ll get your chance to see the boss. We got some
bargaining to do.”
Not being stupid, I really don’t like the sound of that, what kind of an operation
do they have here anyways? I soon find out though, as we approach the school doors
and they open the closer we get, I get a good look at its residence. There are a
lot of men here similarly dressed to the ones holding us, but these ones don’t have
masks on, and I can see how the weeks have been treating them.

Unlike some of the places I’ve been, this one obviously doesn’t have a generator or
a supply of food. Everyone looks grungy and ravenous like they haven’t eaten in
days. From the hollow looks on their faces, I’m guessing it’s been a while since
they ate anything at all.

Once we are inside and walking down the wide corridor, I notice that the place
isn’t all men. Standing at the back and hidden amongst them are varying ages of
women, who look in worse shape than the men. This doesn’t exactly sit well with me,
and I have a really bad feeling, as we’re lead down the hall and I can feel all the
eyes of the silent people on me. We come to a stop at a set of double doors, and I
know it’s the gym before the doors are even swung open and we’re forced inside.

In the middle of the empty room, is an exact copy of the actor Vin Diesel, I’m not
eve kidding. Think about him being in the movie Fast and Furious, how he’s all
bulging muscles and a dark attitude and complexion. Yeah, that’s the look the dude
in here is giving off, and I almost wish Paul Walker would come moseying into the
room with us.

That would be better than what is waiting for us.

The Vin look-a-like just watches us, as we are forced to a stop in the middle of
the gym and right in front of him. He doesn’t say anything, just snaps his fingers,
and the men around us not holding us, begin to show Vin our booty they stole. He
doesn’t show any emotion still, but waves his hand. This must be a signal that he
approves of our stuff, and the men take them over to a large rectangular table at
the back of the room, that is already fully covered, by the by. When the men come
back over to us, I notice they are holding those little plastic ties, you know the
ones you can never open without breaking your scissors. They pass them to the men
holding onto us, and I know then that we are going to be tied up.

Not good.

Vin smiles at us now, and paces the length of our little group and takes each of us
as he does. On the fourth trip, one of the men stops him and hands him over Noah’s
car keys. Wow, this day keeps getting better and better. This pleases the man
immensely, and he takes up his pacing again as he pockets them. He comes to a stop
in front of Gabe suddenly, and the man holding him forces him onto his knees. Gabe,
to his credit, remains calm but doesn’t bother to hide his loathing look.

“Let me guess, you’re the leader of your small group? You don’t seem very touch
little man, and we should get one thing straight right away. If you go against me,
my men will have your women killed. Understand?” He says in a voice that really
sounds like Vin Diesel.

Gabe glares up at him.

The men go about tying all of our hands now and one by one we all are on our knees.

“You want to be president, more power to you man. You should know, that your little
tyrannical reign is about to have a glitch. The country is being bombed in less
than a day, and if we stay here we’re all dead.”

Vin laughs, and looks to his men, who join in on his laughter. He leans over to
Gabe, so that their faces are a breath apart.

“Is that so?”

“Yeah it is. Did you not hear the caravan of cars going through here just
yesterday? What, you though some people were just grouping together in a vain
escape attempt? They. Were. Fleeing.” Gabe seethes as he says this, and I swear he
might have spat at Vin.

Vin stands back up straight, and gives Gabe a look of hatred. With a wave of his
hand, the man holding Gabe forces him to his feet and Vin steps close to him again.

“You should know, the faster you listen to me, the easier things will be. I don’t
tolerate lies, and thieves. Clearly all the items you had on you were all taken
from my territory.”

He steps back with a smile, and waves in my direction, and I realize too late that
he was motioning for the man holding me. I’m back on my feet now, and I notice the
man holding me hands shake. I guess not everybody follows so blindly. He doesn’t
let me go though, so maybe they do. Vin walks over to me, all the while giving a
scary looking smirk to Gabe.

“I told you before, if you refuse to listen to me, your women will pay the price.
Was I not clear?”

I watch as Gabe’s eyes go wide, and he and my parents struggle against their
restraints. It doesn’t do any good though; Vin approaches me now and finally gives
me the full effect of his seething. He takes me from the man holding me, and while
gripping my tied hands together behind my back with one hand, he pulls me close.

With his free hand, he caresses my cheek, and I cringe away from him.

I don’t bother to fight or to say anything, what could I possibly do?

This man looks like the hulk next to me. I hear a loud smacking sound, my head
swings to the side and only when my eyes begin to go grey, do I realize that he hit
me. My body hangs limply in his arms, and as my world goes dark I don’t even feel
any pain, I do hear the cries of the others though. It’s a comforting thought
knowing they care.

Then there is nothing…again.

Chapter Seventy

When I open my eyes again, I know I’m dreaming again.

Either it’s just a habit now. Or maybe it’s because I’m back at the Bates courtyard
behind the Library.

I’m standing just outside the window where Gabe and Hunter fell through and where I
jumped. Its night and raining again, except this time I’m alone or at least I think
I am. I’m walking around in the darkness, and already I can feel my skin, clothes,
and hair getting soaked from the rain. I’m nearing the middle of the courtyard when
I realize there is something or someone huddled on the ground. I can’t see what it
is or who even, just that there is a black cloak covering it from the rain. It must
not be working because it moves, as if shivering from the cold. Getting closer, I
reach my hand out to it in slow motion afraid of what I’ll find.

Just as my hand grazes the wet cloth, it sits up and I finally see who it is or
rather who it was.

It’s Hunter.

He looks like he did the last time I saw him, all bruised and bleeding from his
fight with Gabe. Under the cloak, his dark hair is only slightly damp and his dark
eyes shine in the moonlight. As he watches me intently, he shifts just a little and
I see the blood that is flowing down his right arm. Following the trail, I see the
big chunk of flesh that is missing from his collarbone again and I remember what
happened to him.

He was bitten while fighting with Gabe, knowing this I remember what came after and
I feel my bones quivering inside me. He moves closer to me, and it takes everything
in me to not flinch away as he does. He is on his knees now, and is so close I
could just reach out a little and touch him. He gazes up at me and looks so lost
and sad, and as I watch him I see a red dot forming and widening on his forehead
right between the eyes.

The spot gets so big it’s the size of a quarter and when it stops his red blood
oozes from its crevice.

I watch the trail slide down his cheeks and I notice he is now crying and that his
tears join in with the blood. Then a figure rises up behind him, and at first I
want to warn him to move, but the figure just stands there watching us; watching
me. A flash of lightning cuts through the night like a knife, and I catch the
barest of glimpses at the new figure.

I gasp at what I see, because it is another Hunter.

This one isn’t hurt and bleeding, no this one is as fresh as the first time I met
him. Except, rather than seeming menacing, he seems almost sad as he watches me. My
chest heaves and I can’t quiet catch my breath. Guilt rushes through me for what
became of him, even if he did deserve it. It makes me just the monster he was

“You did this to me.” Both of the Hunters say, one in sadness and the other in

His voices are like a ragged whisper that tears apart my soul, and makes me want to
beg for forgiveness.

I can only watch as the Hunter kneeling on the ground opens his mouth wide and
growls at me. I see the change I missed a second ago, his eyes are fully dilated
like one of the dead. I’m paralyzed though when he lunges for me, and we fall to
the ground with him on top of me. I’m already screaming when we hit the ground,
with the eyes of the other Hunter following our movements.

Just standing still and watching.

There is little I can do while he quickly lowers his mouth to my throat, and I’m
helpless to saving myself and don’t bother to fight back. Just as his sharp teeth
are just grazing me, I hear someone familiar call out to me. Out of nowhere, I can
feel my body like I’m in another place at the same time and it doesn’t feel all
that great.
My head is throbbing, and I have the sense that my limbs are convulsing. Hunter’s
teeth are piercing my skin now, and with a scream of pain and with the other voices
yelling to me, I wake up. Opening my eyes, the nightmare still hangs at the back of
my mind and I almost expect Hunter to be standing over me and not my mother.

My mother…wait…what…how is that possible?

Aren’t we being held captive by the cast of Fast and Furious?

But low and behold, there she is and I realize that her hands on me were what was
shaking me and making me feel like I was having a seizer. Seeing me, she looks so
relieved, and I have to say I am right there with her. I take notice that I am
laying on the floor of the gym, at the school we were taken too. I don’t hear any
yelling or gun fire, so what happened? I remember Vin being an ass hat to Gabe and
then he was yanking me to my feet. Oh yeah, I remember now. I have yet another
headache to join in the choir, Vin punched me.

Nice guy.

Turning my head slightly and doing my best to ignore the way my body seizes on
itself, I try to find where the others are. I see Gabe standing in the middle of
the room over a body. He is hunched over on himself and is shaking so badly, I
don’t know how he is even still standing. He has a split lip and I notice that his
hands are all banged up while slowly dripping blood. His eyes are all for the body
on the ground, and when he kneels onto the ground with a bang and rummages through
the man’s pockets; I follow his line of sight.

I feel a twinge of pleasure, when I see that it’s Vin. He seems to be in worse
shape than Gabe, and I’m definitely impressed if Gabe did that to him. He must have
though, since he is on his feet still and Vin is not. I am curious as to why Gabe
is picking the dudes pockets, I doubt he has money and I really think it’s useless
these days. But then he sits back on his heels, and holds up a set of car keys,
Noah’s car keys.

Moving past them, I search out for my father and sigh with relief when I find him.

He is just getting to his feet, and looks like he too got into a fight, and I
believe it as he is getting up over a prone form. Once on his feet, he moves to
where Gabe is now getting to his, and I notice for the first time that there are a
couple other bodies littering the ground. It makes me happy to find that they are
all the masked men that dragged us in here. Half a dozen of them with Vin, and my
dad and Gabe overwhelmed them?

Nice. I snort out a laugh, and instantly regret it.

My body sings with pain, and I tense up to try to ride out the rock song as it
rages through me.

Closing my eyes, I concentrate on breathing and not passing out.

Though for some reason I actually don’t feel like I’m going to pass out. No ringing
or roaring of my ears, no grey or black blobs, and definitely no spinning
dizziness. If I had to choose, I’d swap out that crap for the pain I am in now.
When I finally open my eyes after the song ends, I find that my dad and Gabe are
now kneeling down beside my mom and watching me. Okay, not acting creepy or

“…what happened in here?” I say in a raspy weak voice.

My mother gently moves my hair from my face that must have fallen from my
movements, not that I noticed. She looks impressed as a bright smile brightens up
her face. She shares a look with the guys, and they have the decency to look
embarrassed. It must be true then Gabe and my dad are badass, awesome.

“How…” I say in the same raspy voice, what I wouldn’t give for a nice glass of ice
cold water.

Don’t you just love the little things?

Gabe actually blushes now, and lowers his head so that I can’t look at him in the
face. My dad chuckles and claps him on the back once, before giving me a wide grin.

“Your boy here lost it when Captain Underpants hit you. After head butting the man
holding him, he then rushed at you and the other guy.”

Really dad, Captain Underpants, how old are you? This makes my mom join in with his
chuckling, and Gabe finally looks up at me with a smirk. I give him my best ‘are
you serious look’ and he only nods at me. Color me impressed.

“Then your dad and I fought with the ones holding us, while Gabe was busy with your
guy. It all happened so fast and even now I don’t know how we managed it.” My mom
says a little breathy.

My dad wraps his arms around her and pulls her close.

“It’s called determination hun; these guys didn’t know anything about really
working together.”

“I suppose your right.” She replies as she leans into him with a sigh.

Watching my parents lean on one another and have such faith, I wish I could have
that. When Gabe shifts a little and brings himself closer to me, I realize that I
do have that. He sits down so that he isn’t leaning over me, and I see that he is
worn from the fight. Well, you would be to if you just fought with Vin Diesel and

“I was so terrified that I’d lose you and I just snapped. I can’t lose you Maggie,
I just can’t.”

His voice is so soft, like a whisper and it wraps around me like a warm blanket in
the cold of winter.

As he moves closer to me still, I slowly lift my shaking hand and gently cup his
cheek. My body wages a war inside me, but it doesn’t matter. All I care about is
Gabe and that I love him more than life itself. I pull him to me then and my heart
swells, when his lips brush against mine. It’s a light brush of lips, and I yearn
for more, but I haven’t forgotten that my parents are just a yard from us, and
neither has Gabe.

“You really need to stop scaring me like that Magdalena.” He tells me as he pulls

I grin up at him, and don’t even care that he used me ridiculous name, and think
‘I’m right there with you’. My body aches from head to toe, and I know I’ll be
having a fresh bruise on my cheek where Vin hit me.

I’m in no hurry to get hurt again, trust me.

Gazing up at Gabe, I say the only thing I can with making promises I can’t keep.

“I’ll try.”

Chapter Seventy One

A few minutes later when I’m in slightly less pain, my mother helps me get to my
feet. I’m shaky and wobbly at best, but I don’t fall over convulsing. The day is
looking up. When my mother goes about freeing my hands, I watch Gabe and my dad
approach the weapons table at the back of the room. I know now that we still have a
lot to do today, and getting out of this school and back to the car in one piece is
only that start of it. I can feel the plastic give on the bracket, when my mom
finally cuts it free with a pair of plyers she found.

My wrists ache as I rub them, and I hope they don’t affect the accuracy of my

Speaking of that, I need my ax back.

Leaving me to my own defenses, my mother goes over to the table with the others and
begins digging through all the weapons. Feeling left out, I make my way over there,
and I actually don’t yell out when my back tighten up on me.

Yep, that’s me, girl with nerves of steel.

At the table, I see what I need to feel better. Picking up the ax and having its
weight back in my hands, I feel oddly safer. Gabe is to my right and my dad on my
left, with my mom right beside him and we all continue to grab what we can, and not
being picky with getting stuff that wasn’t ours in the first place.

Gabe glances at me briefly, when he straps on a shoulder holster that is already

loaded with two new looking glocks. I don’t think he had those yesterday, oh well,
finders keepers and all that.

“We are going to have to fight through all the people out in the hallway you know.”
Gabe says quietly.

The three of us still our movements, and we stare at him dumbly. Or I do anyway.

“There are over thirty people out there. How can we go through them all?” My father

I know what we have to do, and so does Gabe, which is why he keeps his head lowered
as he avoids looking at my dad. I don’t avoid such things though, and I give him my
best severe glare.

“What else can we do dad? It’s them or us, and I for one choose us. We don’t really
have the time to sit down for tea, and have a chat about letting us leave.”

He does his best to not glare back at me, and I have to give him props when he
doesn’t yell at me either. It’s a red letter day when a girl yells at her dad and
he lets her do it. My mom however, doesn’t have such qualms and gives me the look
of death. It would be a lot scarier if I didn’t know what was waiting for us
outside the school.
“Your both right, it just doesn’t make it any easier.” My dad says, cutting off my
mother’s Darth Raider glare.

Glancing away from them, I find that Gabe is rubbing the back of his neck with his
hands and too hard too as his knuckles are bone white. He’s thinking about
something though, so I don’t interrupt his own attacks on himself. Dropping his
hands, he gives us a very guilty and sad look at the same time. Before he even
picks up his stolen satchel that he got from Noah’s car, I know what he is
intending to do. I have to admit, it’s smart. He pulls out a grenade and holds it
out to us.

My mother and father both gasp at about the same time, and give Gabe a disgusted

“We can’t do that Gabriel, that’s murder.” My father says adamantly.

Gabe’s face goes red and I can see his anger form behind his eyes. When he opens
his mouth, in what I know to be a verbal attack on my dad, I cut him off.

“Dad, you have to know that it’s the only way. We tried to tell these men what is
coming and they refused to listen. They’re followers aren’t going to listen either,
and we don’t have the luxury of time on our side.”

I can see my words sinking into my dad, but he still doesn’t like the idea and
neither does my mom for that matter.

“Mark, it’s a crummy situation I know, but Maggie is right about running out of
time. We need to get out of here as fast as we can and get to Daniel. It has to be
no stops until go, or we’re screwed.” Gabe offers up quickly.

With a sigh, my dad nods and my mother follows suit, though I do notice she won’t
meet my eyes.

We all then gather what we can to stock up, me with my trusty ax and a pretty new
little gun, that I’m sure has a name but I don’t know it. I also get a new ankle
holster for two wicked looking knives, and I must admit, I feel pretty badass
myself. I only hope I can stay standing to use any of this stuff. Gabe has the two
guns in the holster as well as his own ankle holsters for some knives, and he now
has a shotgun thrown over his shoulder next to the satchel he is already carrying.
My dad has his own holsters with guns, and knives and so does my mother.

Fully armed, we all make our way to the double doors of the gym and I am so glad no
one has come in to check on the guys. Speaking of the guys, I think I notice Vin
struggling to wake up. I pick up my step, and urge the others to do the same.
Seeing Vin nearly conscious makes them move quickly, and before I can say Paul
Walker, we’re at the doors. Not waiting another second, Gabe gets a grenade in his
hands from the satchel and we all hold our breath as Gabe yanks open one of the

There are a dozen men still out there, I guess guarding the doors?

Nice job dudes.

They yell in alarm when they see us and not they’re bosses. Gabe pulls out the clip
hastily with ease and tosses the armed grenade out the door and into the mass of
people. Ignore they’re cries of terror Gabe steps back quickly into the gym and
yanks the door shut with him. As soon as I hear the loud resounding boom, we all
fall to the ground, almost expecting the explosion to tear through the doors. It
doesn’t though. Instead the whole foundation of the school shutters and groans from
the explosion, and the door still stays in one piece.

Nice craftsmanship that.

Chapter Seventy Two

We all get to our feet, when the floor finally stops shaking, and I admit that my
ears are ringing again.

Gabe steadies me as I struggle to get my balance, and when he sees that I’m fine,
he leaves me for the gym doors. I watch him make his way over to them slowly, and
out of the corner of my eyes, I see my parent’s unease over what we will find.

“Are you all ready for this?” Gabe asks quietly.

When none of us says anything, Gabe opens the door and peers out into the hall,
with a heavy sigh, he leaves it open. He turns back to us and steps off to the
side, and I get a good look at what we did. There hallway is filled with smoke, and
at first I can’t see anything. Once my eyes adjust though, I notice the burnt
bodies lining the floor, and most of them are still on fire.

Bile rises up into my throat, and I force myself to not get sick, I mean I’ve seen
worse right?

But have I ever cause something like this?

The answer would be no.

I have to breathe through my mouth now too, since the smell of charred flesh is
pungent in the hall and it carries quickly towards us. There is no movement from
anyone out there, and I guess that would make sense, after all the damage is pretty
severe. The lockers are all bent at an awkward angle, and most of the doors were
blown open.

Looks like not all the doors were well built.

My parents both look like they are going to be sick, but thankfully neither one
does, I wouldn’t be able to take if they were either. Looking grave, Gabe faces the
open gym door again and this time he pulls out one of the guns.

“Let’s get out of here.”

He raises it up defensively and immediately heads for the opening. With nothing
else to do, my parents and I follow close behind him. I grip my ax tightly in my
hands, and pray that I don’t drop it because of my sweating palms. I’m directly
behind Gabe, with my parents behind me, and I’m glad that they too have drawn out
their guns. We can’t know for sure if everyone is down for the count, not that it’s
a good thing to hope that they are, we’re not complete monsters.

When I cross the threshold of the gym doors, I hold my breath and follow Gabe as he
weaves around the bodies. Staying close to him, I don’t glance behind me to see if
my parents are keeping up, I’m too busy looking down. As I don’t want to step on
anyone and I wish I didn’t have to, all it does is give me a better view of what
we’ve done and it’s not pretty by any means. The hallway seems longer this time,
and it feels like it takes forever just to go a couple steps. But eventually, Gabe
is reaching the exit doors, and my entire being gears up in relief and I let myself
relax a little. I watch as Gabe is reaching for the doors, and when he is just
pushing them open I hear the popping sound of gunfire.

It radiates through the silent hallway, and it makes Gabe and I spin around in
alarm to face behind us.

I am halfway turned around preparing to search out who shot at us, when I see
something that pulls me up short. It’s my mother. She is the only one of us, who
isn’t turning around, and instead her body is arched up and her eyes are wide in
surprise. I notice then that there is a red spot swelling through her shirt on her
right shoulder, and for a moment I don’t know who is more confused her or me.

Gabe and my father are both yelling and shooting back down the hall. And I realize
there is movement at the end of the hallway where we just came from, but I don’t
pay it any attention. Because my mother suddenly begins to wheeze and she jerks as
if she is just getting shot now, and she falls towards me.

I catch her to me and look up in time to see that one of Gabe or my dad’s bullets
took out the shooter, who happened to be Vin Diesel. They hurry back to my mother
and me, as he falls to the ground motionless.

“What was that? Karen, are you alright?” My dad says.

All she does in response is to groan in pain, and as I support her still, I can
start to feel her blood soaking through my hoody. I share a frightened look with my
dad, and I know he is just as worried as I am.

“She was shot.” Gabe says darkly. “How bad is it Maggie?”

He and my father get closer to my mother and I, and she is quivering in my arms

Feeling tears in my eyes, I let them help me ease her back so we can check the
damage. She cries out from the movement and I can’t stop the tears as they fall in
waves, when I see all the blood coating her shoulder. It is running down her arm,
and already is pooling at her feet, and it can’t be good that she is paling
quickly. Sharing a look with the guys, it pretty much goes unsaid that it is bad,
and we need to get the hell out of dodge and fast.

“I don’t feel very good.” My mom whispers, oh so quietly.

She is leaning on my dad now, and he and Gabe are just standing there is shock, so
I rip off my hoody and gently press it to her bleeding shoulder. She cries out
again, but doesn’t pull away, her eyes droop a little though and I know it’s a
matter of time before she passes out. Gabe wakes up all of a sudden and heads for
the exit door again.

“We have to get to the car before she passes out. I’ll take point, just everyone
stay close. Mark can you take the back?” Gabe says over his shoulder, as he doesn’t
slow down to wait.

As gently as he can, my dad supports her, while I position myself on her left side
and put her arm over my shoulder. She is limp in my arms, but manages to stay
standing while I hold on to her tightly. Gabe pushes open the exit door then, and
the dark hallway is filled with late afternoon sunlight. My dad wraps my hoody
around moms shoulder, and she jerks in pain as he makes sure it’s tight enough to
stay on. He then gets behind us, and raises his gun high and waits for Gabe to
move. Who is out the door quickly then with his gun raised, and making sure my
mother is secure in my arms, we follow close behind him.

I don’t bother wiping away the tears that are still falling.

Just like I try to not let it bother me that my own mother’s blood is soaking
through my clothes already.

Chapter Seventy Three

I walk out of the school, while holding onto my mother and force myself to keep it
together, as she grows limp in my arms. We follow Gabe down steps and I thank any
who watch over us, that there aren’t any other people alive out here, at least in
the courtyard. I keep thinking over and over what happened and I can’t help beating
myself up for not making sure Vin was knocked out for good. I remember seeing him
stir a bit before we even let loose the grenade and we should have done something,
and now my mom is shot.

I know one thing for sure, I can’t even think about her not being alright. It has
to be right?

All of THIS can’t be for nothing, life isn’t that cruel. Or maybe I’m just being
naive, and this is what life really is like. Just one hump after another, and we’re
nothing but games pieces that get moved around without a care.

Every step I take into the courtyard and closer to the fence, my arms and legs get
weaker. It gets to the point where I’m not sure who is shaking worse, me or my mom.
I can’t stop moving though, and I can’t leave her, it’s not even an option. When my
head begins to throb like a bongo drum, I bite the inside of my cheek until I taste
the metallic tang of my blood.

The instant sting of my cheek takes my mind of my aching body, and securing a
better hold, I carry my mother and me after Gabe where he finally reached the
fence. Only, we have a new set of problems. Apparently, while we have been inside
fighting with the living, the dead have gathered at the fence.

Gabe stops right in front of the fence, and covers his face with his hands and
hunches over on himself. Just from being so close, the dead are already rushing at
the fence, and the whole thing quivers under their attacks. I don’t know what we
are going to do here, there has to be over twenty of them out there. My dad catches
up while hovering over my mother, and takes some of her weight off of me. When Gabe
turns back to us with worried eyes, my dad takes his own worry from my mother and
glares at Gabe.

“What are we waiting for, we have more grenades right?”

Gabe looks at him, like he just asked the most ridiculous question, and for the
life of me I don’t know why.

“That’s not the problem, it’s that there are a lot more dead here. The grenade will
only take out half, and we’d have to shoot the rest and move at the same time.
We’re not all at our best though, and I don’t know if we can make it.”
He finishes with his head lowered, and I know right away it kills him inside to
even have to admit defeat. My dad though seems to get furious now, and advances on

“You listen to me Gabriel, we can’t stay here. We only have this one chance, and we
need you to focus. Can you do that?”

Gabe looks up at him, and his eyes are wider than usual, and I have the feeling he
is trying not to let tears form in his eyes. Good luck with that, I’ve never had
the choice. But he nods his head, and my dad claps him on the shoulder. During
this, my mom had leaned onto a little more, so that her head is resting on my
shoulder. She lifts it up all of a sudden though, and tries to give me her best
resolve face.

“Maggie, I can’t go out there. Just let me lay down and I’ll stay.” Her voice is so
quiet, that I almost don’t hear her over the moans and groans of the dead.

When I do hear I turn to her the best I can while holding her and shake my head no
back and forth.

“Don’t even think like that mom, no one is staying behind. We’ll be at the car
soon, and you can rest then I swear it.”

She doesn’t seem to hear me though, and she begins crying and shaking more than
before. Her head lolls to the side, and she hangs heavy in my arms. We can’t stand
here talking about what we should do we should just freaking do it.

“Can we go now please?” I call out to Gabe and my dad.

Gabe nods and digs into his satchel again for another grenade, while my dad comes
back over to me and my mom. Once he has the grenade in his palm, he gives us all a
quick look.

“Once it goes off, we have to get by them all as fast as we can. This will be our
only chance, and we can use this as a cover. Stay close.”

He finishes while giving me a very intense look, like he in just telling me to stay

I’m okay with that, trust me. My dad takes a step to the side now, and raises his
gun to get ready, while I hold tighter to my mom and raise the ax as best I can.
Gabe, steps right up close to the fence and when he pulls the clip out with ease,
the dead are already trying to reach for him. Clip free now, Gabe swings his arm
back and around and lets the grenade fly over the fence and into the masses. I can
feel the explosion before I hear it, and the ground shakes with the booming shock
of it. Then it’s all arms and legs and other body pieces when it finally expands.

We do everything we can to not fall onto our buts from the pressure.

During the middle of it, Gabe swings open the fence.

Even while they burn and crash around one another, the ones still standing don’t
hesitate to rush at us. But we’re running now, and I can hear my dad and Gabe both
already firing their guns into them. I don’t stop to see if the dead are getting
close or not, I just keep moving and not let my mother fall from my arms. There are
body pieces all over the ground, and it takes us longer to reach the end of the
alley than I’d like. But eventually we do, and thank goodness that the car is still
sitting in the road in one piece. I’m so happy to see it that I let myself relax,
and I instantly regret it, as my mother gets heaver and I struggle to move.

Gritting my teeth I force my legs to carry us a little further.

We are full out running now, and I have no idea how I am manage that, but I don’t
stop to figure it out. I’m now in the front and I can’t see Gabe, but I do hear the
sound of two guns going off and it seems close. Praying they are both alright, I
finally reach the side of the car and I bring us to an abrupt stop that leaves me
gasping for breath along with my mother.

Quickly, I swing the ax up on the hood and when I have a free hand I open the
backseat door as fast as I can. The gunfire sounds are getting closer, and so are
the many sounds of pattering feet. Ignoring the fact that we might be getting
surrounded, I manage to get the door open while never letting go of my mom, who by
the way has gone very still. I take her in both of my arms now, and lower her into
the backseat.

She falls limply inside.

I’m about to maneuver her legs around so that she is sitting up, when I feel
something behind me.

Holding my breath, I start to reach for one of the knives in my ankle holster while
turning around at the same time. A heavy hand touches my shoulder before I turn the
whole way, and when I hear the sound of a gun right next to me, I know it’s my dad.

Sure enough, with a quick glance I see that it is him.

Finally lifting my mother’s legs into the car, I notice too that Gabe is on the
other side of the car firing his gun. Feeling relieved that we are all relatively
alright I slam the car door closed and reach for the ax at the same time. Turing
around with the ax in my arms raised high and I realize that there are still more
of the dead than I knew. How Gabe and my dad have kept them from attacking us I
have no idea. It doesn’t even seem that the grenade even put a dent into them or
maybe the sound of it drew others from around closer.

Whatever the cause may be, there are too many of them for us to be lollygagging

“Dad get in with mom, I’ll cover you. Hurry!”

He nods rapidly and after shooting the gun one more time into an older woman with
rollers still him her charred hair, he opens the car door and climbs in over my
mother. I slam the door after him, and with the feel of Gabe’s bullets whooshing
past me, I rush to the passenger door. Surprisingly, I don’t have to use the ax
once and before I know it I’m sliding into the seat and slamming the door behind
me. In a fast move, Gabe opens his door and jumps inside in the driver’s seat. He
is just slamming the door, when he is already trying to start the car.

I can see the dead getting closer out of the window.

It’s a matter of time before we are surrounded and have no chance of driving

In the backseat I can hear my mother crying in pain, and my father joins her in her
tears. Gabe is struggling to get the keys into the keyhole with his shaking
fingers. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see something on the floorboard next to my
feet. Gabe must have swung it inside when he got it, because it is his satchel.
Before I think about it being a bad idea, I reach into the bag and pull out a
grenade. No one pays me any attention as I roll down the window, and when I finally
hear Gabe start the car, I pull out the clip. Gabe turns to me with wide eyes when
I toss it out of the window. He instantly slams on the accelerator and we all get
thrown back into our seats as we rush forward at breakneck speed.

That’s when the explosion hits.

Chapter Seventy Four

With the feel of the earth quaking for the third time that day, we drive away from
the open alley of the school and from the dead that are now exploded into tiny body
parts. I sit back in the seat, and for the life of me, I don’t feel anything at
all. My clothes are drenched in sweat and my mother’s blood, but that is the only
thing I feel. I don’t know why, maybe I’m just numb or something.

All I know for certain is that we better find what we are looking for.

The sky is already getting darker by the time Gabe pulls up in front of the City
Hall building that is just down the road, and I can’t help to see that there are
more dead wandering the streets here. More importantly, the dead seem to be
stationed at the front steps of the entrance, almost like there were people outside
not that long ago. This makes me thrilled that maybe they are all safe here. The
street is full of empty cars, and I really hope some of them belong from the people
at the apartments.

When Gabe turns off the car and just sits there quietly gazing out the window, I
follow his gaze and stare at the City Hall that I’ve never really been to before.
It’s a good sizes building I suppose, sitting on maybe two acres or more, and it
has that old time feel to it. Like maybe it would look more normal if it were
sitting in the early 1900’s and not right now, though it was probably first built
at that time. Why I am so set on figuring out the building I have no clue, but I do
notice that no one else in the car makes a move to get out.

I for one am grateful for the reprieve though, but, it can’t last forever.

We lost an entire day over being captured and having to get away. Now my mom is
hurt, and we have very little time to get out of here before the bombs finally
come. Are they coming tomorrow? Damn, things are going too fast for my liking. When
I hear my mom cry out, I get brought out of my reverie. Gabe and I turn in our
seats at the same time and look to the backseat. My mom is now stretched out across
the entire backseat with her head in my dad’s lap. He is taking off his outer shirt
and balling it up, by the time I realize what he is doing, I notice then that my
hoody is now soaked with blood on her shoulder.

With tears in my eyes again, I watch as he removes my hoody from her, and he has a
hard time to, since it seems to be heavy with blood. It’s finally off, and my mom
is gasping for breath when he finally presses his shirt to her. I realize I’m
practically sobbing when Gabe pulls close, and I finally take a deep breath.

I cling to him and wish there was some way to fix this and for my mom to be

“It’s going to get better, it has to.” Gabe whispers to me, and I want it to be
true so badly.
He gives me a final squeeze before he lets me go so that he can sit back in his own
seat. He does give me a reassuring look though, and it’s one that makes me wonder
what is going through his mind. I don’t have to wonder about it for long though.

“Maggie, if we can get inside we can find Kelli and she can help your mom.”

My eyes go wide, and my face breaks out into a grin. Holy crow Batman, I forgot
about that. Kelli is the one that stitched up my forehead, and he’s right, she’d be
the one to be able to help my mom if anyone could. This make my body rush with
adrenaline, and it takes everything in me to just stay seated inside the car and
not to get out and run for the building. Gabe nods his head at me, and joins me in
the excitement, but of course his is more reserved and not as mad looking.

“Mark, do you think you have enough room to get the trunk open?” Gabe says as he
turns to face my dad.

He raises his head and gives Gabe a blank stare, his eyes are filled with unshed
tears and he seems confused as to what Gabe even said to him. The fog clears I
think and he finally focuses though.

“For ammo you mean?”

Gabe nods in reply, and my dad shifts a little and when my mom cries out he stops
moving. He looks so guilty that he doesn’t try to do it again and Gabe doesn’t ask
him to. Looking out the window at the handful of the dead, I just hope they have
enough to get us inside the building, but maybe we will. I do cross my fingers just
in case though. I lay the ax across my lap while fiddling with the hilt of it, and
think that if they run out of ammo then it’ll be up to me to defend us. No pressure
or anything. Here’s seriously hoping I don’t pass out or something stupid like
that. A hand stills my own, and I look over to see Gabe watching me intently.

He is about to say something I think, but my mother’s quiet voice interrupts him.
“Are we waiting for Christmas, or can we go now please?”

I turn in my seat, and find her half awake and smirking slightly. Leave it to my
mom to be on deaths door and still be able to pull off a funny. Go mom, you rock.

“There aren’t as many of the dead as before, so as long as we stick close together,
we should be fine.” Gabe says as he takes out a handgun for each hand, not even
bothering to check how many bullets he has and swings the satchel over his shoulder

“Sounds good to me, lets blow this pop stand.” I say back to him with a smile.

Gabe looks at me funny and shakes his head before reaching for his door.

He doesn’t have to say anything, I know I’m weird, but that’s why he loves me. My
mom is sitting up with the help of my dad now, and her face pales for the position
change. But she stays sitting, like the trooper she is. I know where I get my
strength from finally, her. I force my head to clear, as Gabe pushes open his door
and the sound alerts the dead by the building steps about a couple feet away from
us. They are all in better condition than the ones we’ve seen lately, almost
appearing alive. When they all growl as one and rush the car, all the illusion of
life disappears.

I have to wonder though if it wasn’t the sound of the car door that alerted them.

But maybe my mother’s blood instead?

Gabe is already out and shooting by the time my father jumps out to help, they seem
to be doing alright too. I get out and am careful to stay out of the firing range,
as I race to the backseat door my dad left open for mom. Who, by the way is already
half out by the time I get there, see, she’s a trooper. With the ax held tightly in
one sweaty hand, I use the other to help my mom get to her feet and by the time we
are steady the sound of gunfire fades away. I find that like we thought, all the
ammo is now gone, and dad is stuck using a knife, while Gabe swings around a
shotgun he stole from the school.

I wait with my mom, and hold her tightly to me and already I can feel her blood
socking into my shirt again. She is shaking uncontrollably now, and I know it’s a
matter of time before she blacks out. While Gabe and my dad finish off the dead,
since there are only two of them left now. When Gabe shoots a middle aged man in
the head and causes it to explode, the path to the steps is finally cleared. He
doesn’t wait for the rest of us as he rushes the steps and heads for the closed
door, and I don’t have to ask what the problem is.

He’s afraid the door is locked, him and me both.

My dad is on my mom’s other side now, and takes her weight from me. Being stronger
than me, he has a better hold on her and she doesn’t have to do as much. It reads
on her face that she can relax a little, and I feel bad that I’m not strong enough
to help. Relinquishing custody I turn around and race towards the steps and to
Gabe, who is just reaching for the handle to open it. I’m beside him in a flash,
and I don’t even remember running up the steps, when he turns the knob and pulls it
open with no resistance. He sighs in relief, and I pretty much do the same only
second after. It’s almost completely dark outside now, and with no street or car
lights, and it’s difficult to see anything inside.

When my parents make it up the steps and are right behind us, Gabe finally takes
the first step inside.

Chapter Seventy Five

Not caring that I can’t see Gabe as he goes into the darkness of the City Hall, I
literally follow him blindly. I can sense my parents following behind and I only
walk a couple steps inside, when my dad shuts the door closed after him which
plunges us into complete darkness. It’s silent in here except for the shuffling of
what I hope is Gabe’s feet and not some unexpected visitor. The shuffling stops and
it turns into a ruffling and then the sound of a match being lit. That is pretty
accurate assumption because the room is filled with a bright flickering light, and
I see Gabe in front of me holding onto a flare.

Huh, I totally forgot we had those, good thing he didn’t.

With the light, I can see where we are now and I notice that it’s a wide room that
resembles that of a lobby. There is a large desk at the back wall, and a staircase
to the left. To the right are a closed door and a long hallway right next to one
another. I’m just thinking where we should go from here, when Gabe pulls something
out of his jeans pocket. It’s a folded manila envelope, and I realize it’s the
letter we got from Randy. Sure enough, Gabe opens it up and pulls out the map. He
holds it up so my parents and I can check it out too. My dad I lean over him to get
a better look, and my mom closes her eyes, just happy to not be moving yet. The map
shows the layout of the City Hall and it has arrows indicating where to go from
here. It tells us to go down the hall and take the second door on the left.

This should lead us to the basement stairs.

“It’s quiet in here so I don’t think the dead have breached it, but don’t put away
the weapons just in case.” Gabe tells us as he puts the map back in his pocket with
the envelope.

Gabe leads the way then, and we all stick close to one another as we make our way
to the hallway entrance. I am so close to him, that I reach out and latch onto his
arm and he doesn’t make me let him go. My parents shuffle along behind us, and I’m
grateful that my mom is still awake. Gabe approaches it cautiously with me in tow
and lifts the flare high. I have the feeling of being stuck in The Shinning again
and I really expect to see those creepy twins coming towards us in the never ending

But in reality, it’s just a long empty hallway filled with closed and open doors.

Together, we all start down the hall and before we know it we are right in front of
door number two on the left. Gabe reaches the door with his free hand not in my
grasp, and twists the knob. It rattles like it might be locked and I hold my
breath, and pray that it’s not. Thankfully, the door pushes open with a great skin
crawling squeak. We peer into the darkness, and even though he lifts up the flare
again, we don’t see that far down the steps that are there. Not seeing anything
malicious like movement as we peer down into the darkness, I know we can’t stand
here forever for the light to move by itself so that we won’t be surprised.

With nothing else to do, Gabe guides me down the steps and each one creaks under
the pressure of our feet. The steps are the old style, where the back is completely
open so that you can see behind the stairs and down below. When I have the flash of
hands grabbing me, I know I’ve seen to many scary movies, but it doesn’t stop me
from tightening my hold onto Gabe. Above us, dad is taking his time so that mom
isn’t jostled too much, but I can see the wear it’s taking on her no matter how
slow they go. We reach the bottom finally, and with the light of the flare
expanding to give us a better view I see what the basement looks like in the most
import building in our city.

And you know what?

It kind of looks like a dustier version of the one we have at home, so much for our
tax dollars being put to good use. The only difference between my own is that this
one’s walls are completely surrounded with cement. There are also some file boxes
littering around everywhere and some things that I think might have been clothes at
some point, but now just resemble torn rags.

We huddle together in the middle of the basement, and Gabe spins in a circle waving
the flare around the room, so that we can find where to go next. He goes almost in
a complete circle, when I stop his movements. Besides being dizzy, I point towards
the back of the room where a door is slowly opening as we all just stand there is
shock staring at it.

I swear my heart stops for half a beat, and I refrain myself from jumping into
Gabe’s arms.

I do however, I raise the ax up in my hand in preparation for whatever is about to

come through. Gabe pulls away from me then, and I’m about to yell at him, but I
don’t, because he is pulling the shotgun around and aims it at the door. He steps
in front of me and I back up so that my mom is between my dad and me. It feels like
forever while we wait for the door to fully open, and I want in the worst way to
just run over and slam it shut. I don’t think I could handle any more of the crazy
today. I’m so mentally and physically tired, that it’s not even funny, not that it
ever was of course.

But you know what I mean.

When the door finally opens all we can see is darkness from within at first, and
then a light shines and blinds us. Or it does me anyway. The light lowers from our
eyes, and when it does, whoever is holding it steps forward. Now my heart really
does skip a beat.

Because it’s the guy Randy we met from the apartments.

Looks like there really IS underground tunnels, and they really ARE all hiding in
them. Go figure. Randy still looks about the same as I remember him being, with his
light eyes and shaggy brown hair. Though I don’t remember him being so large,
meaning he seems very intimidating standing in a small doorway. It doesn’t help
that he is still pointing a wicked looking gun at us.

Gabe lowers the shotgun, and turns to me with a wide grin, but my eyes are all for
Randy and his gun. Does he not remember us? I guess he didn’t really know us all
that well, and Noah isn’t even with us now. But he smirks suddenly, and lowers his
gun to his side.

“It’s about fucking time you guys got here. And with different company I see.” His
posture relaxes visibly, even though I can tell it must bother him that we’re not
with Noah or even Claire and Sam anymore.

Looks like we all need to have a nice little pow-wow and catch up?

Chapter Seventy Six

Randy begins to back up, and when he turns to walk away, I realize he means for us
to follow him already. And why do I suddenly feel like Alice getting ready to fall
down the rabbit hole? Well, at least I know what to kind of expect, and I know
Alice certainly didn’t, point for me. Gabe doesn’t hesitate to follow after him,
and I don’t want to be that far from Gabe, so I follow them too. I hear my parents
coming after me, and we all get led down the dim narrow corridor, which turns into
another set of stairs. The door at our backs slams shut, making me jump a good foot
in the air, and I would have fallen headfirst down the steps if Gabe did grab my

“Latch the hook on the door there, if you don’t mind will you.” Randy calls over
his shoulder, as he is already reaching the bottom of the stairs.

From behind me, my dad latches the hook around the lock at the top of the door.

I don’t know if it’s good or bad that it’s secured. But that isn’t that big as
Gabe’s flare is dimming more now, and pretty soon all the light we will have is
Randy’s flashlight. This doesn’t sit well with me, and my skin crawls with the fear
of being in the dark. Randy is at the bottom of the stairs now and as we get
closer, I can see that there is another door made out of a heavy looking stele.
When all of us are squeezed into the small landing at the bottom and directly in
front of the door, Randy raises his hand and bangs on it.
The sound radiates in the small space, and I don’t even have time to wonder why we
are waiting, when the door opens inward and I see another familiar face. It’s
Randy’s partner Brady from the apartments. He looks about the same as before too,
with his dark eyes and brown hair. He seems to hold himself a little more with
assurance, something he didn’t have the last time we met. Or maybe I’m just
overthinking and he is just in bad mood.

He doesn’t notice the rest of us at first, as his eyes are all for Randy.

“Did you find what was making all that noise up there?”

Randy doesn’t say anything, rather he steps aside as the space allows, and reveals
us to him. If it’s possible, his eyes go so wide I swear they are going to fall of
his face.

“Well I’ll be. Dan is going to shit a brick.”

Did he just say Dan?

So that means my brother is here and he is well enough to complain. I seriously

have to stop myself from charging past them and screaming for him. Instead I cling
to Gabe’s side as Randy chuckles at Brady, and steps up beside him so that they are
both in the small door way.

He reaches up and squeezes the back of his neck with a smirk on his face. “Yeah, I
know he is.”

He immediately walks into the room without saying another word or even looking back
to make sure we follow. So, we do the only thing we can do, we follow into a new
room. The first thing I notice as I walk inside is that it’s brighter in here and
not from a flashlight or candles. Looking up I notice that there are strings of
Christmas lights circling all along the walls, and they are all on and blinking.
This brings me to the second thing I notice, which is a vibrating generator across
the room, that is obviously giving them power. The third thing I notice is that
there is actual furniture in the room.

And I mean home goods furniture, like a sofa, loveseat, recliner and even a coffee

“Nice digs.” Gabe says under his breath.

I have to agree with him, the entire room is pretty good sized, and with its low
ceilings and cement walls, it actually feels kind of nice. Good to know they are
all living in comfort.

We don’t stay in here for long though, and before I have time to take it all in,
Randy is already heading for an open doorway that looks like it leads into another
room like this one.

“We haven’t been here for very long, but we have managed to swipe some stuff from
the place upstairs.” Randy says over his shoulder as he hurries into the other

Still sticking close to one another, we pace after Randy, but when Gabe tenses in
my arms I know we can’t keep playing show and tell. We have to tell Randy about the
bombs coming and sooner rather than later too. Randy crosses into the new room with
Gabe and I right on his heels, and Gabe clears his throat and I have the feeling he
is about to take the plunge in confessing.
“We have something that needs to be discussed, it’s kind of important.” Gabe

Randy turns around and faces us with an uncomfortable expression on his face, and
Brady is right beside him now looking about the same. They are both blocking the
opening of the room, but it really doesn’t matter since we are about to tell them
that the world is ending as we know it. I give Gabe’s arm a comforting squeeze,
like trying to tell him to go ahead and that it’ll be alright. I don’t know if that
is even true though, because my parents are right next to me now and my mom looks
worse than she did before. But we all wait patiently for Gabe to explain, and I
think the guys sense that it’s a difficult situation, because they don’t rush him.

“We ended up making it to the Collisee, and they got word that air bombs are flying
in sometime tomorrow to eradicate the dead.”

He finishes by taking a deep breath, and all I can do is hold mine, as we wait for
their reaction to the whole thing. Brady starts right in by swearing and shaking
his head like his disbelief will make it not true, but Randy remains calm. It’s
almost creepy how calm he is, and all he does is just stares down Gabe, like he too
is testing the truth in the matter.

He must believe it though, because he just nods his head once.

“Well, it’s a good thing we’re in a bomb shelter then isn’t it?”

Then he just turns around and makes his way into the room, with Brady following
after him still in shock. We finally get a good view of the room now, and it pretty
much looks identical to the one we just left, minus the generator though. Another
thing that is different is that there are two sets off hallways that lead to the
left and the right of the room and there are other people in here. They are all
staring at us with wide eyes as soon as Randy walked away. A familiar figure
amongst them sticks out to me and my heart swells at the sight of him. No it’s not
an ex-boyfriend or anything, it’s my brother.

And if you have been through all that I have just to see him again, your heart
would swell like the Grinch seeing the Who’s in Whoville singing at Christmas


Chapter Seventy Seven

When we are revealed to the room, I see my brother before he even notices me, but
when our eyes meet we share the same cat ate the canary grin. The world slow down
to me then, but finally in a good way, and it’s like I can feel every fiber of my
skin as Goosebumps break out along my entire body. I’m not exactly sure who moves
first him or me, but somehow we are in the middle of the room hugging one another
and laughing like hyenas. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to see my twin
brother in my entire life, not even the time so long ago when we left Austin’s
house in the first place, can compare to this feeling.

“Jesus Maggie, I was so worried about you.” He whispers into my hair.

I nod my head against him and just can’t find the right words to say, so I just
hold him closer to me and think I never want to lose him again. Over his shoulder,
I can see the other people watching us all with their own happy expressions. I
notice who they are then, and if it’s at all possible, I get even more alighted. I
see Kelli, the amazingly beautiful nurse who is married to Randy, and think to
myself that her brown hair seems longer, but maybe it’s only because it’s the first
time I saw it down.

Then I find Maria, the petite blonde shy girl that has been my brother’s girlfriend
for as long as I’ve known her, and that’s a very long time. She looks more reserved
now, than the last time I saw her, but it makes her stronger somehow. And then I
see Lauren, the sweet looking brunet that I believe is Brady’s girlfriend. She
looks happy enough I suppose, but she doesn’t really know any of us that well, so
it’s normal that she isn’t jumping up and down screaming I guess.

I can feel Gabe behind me and when he places a hand at the small of my back, I know
he wants his turn to greet Dan. But hey, color me slightly spoiled, because this is
my brother here. Who by the way, I hold even tighter to me and I can feel tears
sliding down my cheeks. Dan chuckles and tries to pull away a little.

“Easy there little sister, you’re going to break me. When did you get so strong?”

Stepping away from him, I snort out a laugh and rub the tears from my eyes.

“Who you calling little, we’re the same age you goof. And I have always been this
strong, where have you been.”

He shakes his head at me, and is about to say something in reference to us not
being the same age, since he was born a whole two minutes before me. But then he
and Gabe share a look, one that is uncomfortable to watch. It’s like seeing all the
events of the past weeks playing over their faces and how much they owe one
another. I remember Gabe vowing to Dan to watch out for me and I guess in a way he
definitely kept it.

They reach out at the same time and clasp each other’s hand in a tight grip and
instantly smirks the same knowing look too. Men. They can be so weird around one
another sometimes. But I can’t hide the fact that it makes my heart feel light
seeing them reunited, they’ve been friends for a long time and I love them both so

Coming up behind Dan now, are our parents, and I can’t help feeling guilty that I
sort of stole their thunder and with my mom being hurt for goodness sakes. So I got
a little excited, just take it up with my lawyer, if I had one that is, never-mind.
My dad places a hand on Dan’s shoulder at about the same time he and Gabe let go of
each other, and now they are the ones to share an intense look. I can see how
relieved they both are to know that the other is safe and more importantly I notice
how proud my dad is of him and so am I.

They crash into one another then, and that’s when the unthinkable happens.

Because see, my mom was still leaning into my dad when Dan ran to him, he
coincidently also ran into her. Being just shot recently and still bleeding pretty
well, it doesn’t surprise me when she cries out in pain from being jostled like

Dad and Dan both jump apart quickly, my dad looking guilty and Dan looking
confused. But then he sees the blood and I can practically feel the horror pass
through him as he wonders what happened to her.

“MOM, what happened to you?” He cries.

Before anyone can even explain, or my mom can even have the chance to embrace her
son no matter the state she is in, Randy pulls out his gun and aims it at my
mother. To say that the entire room went into chaos then is really a BIG
understatement. Everyone that was seated immediately jumps to their feet, and all
of us already on our feet kind of flock around either my mom or Randy, depending on
whose side we’re on. And yes, there is always a side in this type of situation.

Though, my group is bigger, since Randy just has Brady as backup, so HA.

“Tell me now, was she bitten or not?” Randy says through gritted teeth, while
steadily aiming his handgun directly at my mother still.

Instead of doing the logical thing and saying no, she was not bitten only shot by
an actor look-a-like, my dad does the opposite thing. He steps out in front of my
mom, not even knowing or caring if she can stand on her own two feet, and draws his
own handgun. I don’t even have the heart to tell him he doesn’t have any bullets,
not that it’s the point I guess, since Randy doesn’t know that.

Gabe leaves my side when I gasp, and he runs to get in the middle of Randy and my
father, not that it does any good, they are too busy glaring at one another and
grandstanding to notice Gabe. Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see my mom is
unsteady on her feet and looks like she is about to fall over. I’m about to go to
her when Dan beats me to it, and he catches her to him.

I can almost feel the tension in the room now, and I know it’s a matter of time
before Randy or my dad makes the first move. Knowing they will never cave since
they are too proud of men to do it, I can’t take it anymore. My body seizes with
anger and adrenaline at the same time, that it leaves me gasping for a breath I
can’t find.

Out of nowhere there is a sharp throbbing pain behind my right eye and I have to
close my eyes from bright flash of light that no one else see’s. It only last for a
moment, and when I open my eyes again nothing the room has changed and I’m only
left feeling dizzy and off balance. Not letting it stop me on my quest, I charge
over to Randy and my father while yelling the whole two yards it takes me to reach

“Dammit, she wasn’t bit! She got shot for Christ Sake!”

All eyes turn to me in shock, and they give a look that makes me believe that I’ve
grown another head.

But let’s admit it I really wouldn’t be all that surprised at this point, if I had.
They all then turn to watch how my mother is limply hanging onto Dan and how she
has bled through my dad shirt and is dripping onto the floor. My dad lowers his gun
first, but the weird looks return back to me, and I wonder what their problem was.
Shouldn’t they all rush to the wounded woman and offer help, and not ogle her
stubborn daughter?

These people, so strange sometimes, honestly.

Gabe is facing me now and the way he walk over to me so slowly while giving me his
best worried face, I admit I’m getting worried myself. There isn’t an ax murderer
behind me is there? I’m seriously considering glancing behind myself to check, when
Gabe finally reaches me and snags my arms in his hands. He holds onto me so tight,
it hurts, and I’m getting a little irritated now, what’s with the manhandling?

His grip softens though as he pulls me close abruptly, but his eyes narrow into me.
“Maggie, what happened to you?”
His voice is so quiet and full of despair, I have a blank moment where I don’t know
what he is talking about. I’ve been standing here this whole time when they all
acted like idiots. But he lets go of my right arm and raises his hand to cup my

His face knots up in worry.

“You’re really scaring me, what wrong with me?” I beg for him to explain.

He doesn’t though, instead my brother does. “Dude, your right eye is red in the
white area.”

Gasping, I pull away from Gabe and lightly touch my eye.

When it doesn’t feel any different, I really think they have all lost their minds.

That’s when my mom cries out again and seizes in Dan’s arms, and my dad rushes to
them and takes her from him and lifts her in his arms like she weighs nothing at
all. At this point Kelli is beside Randy now, and she places her hands on his arms
and helps him to lower the gun that isn’t even pointed at my mom anymore. Once he
submits and looks alarmed, she walks over to my mom in my dad’s arms, and eyes the
blood soaked shirt of her shoulder.

“We need to get her into a bed so that I can take a look at her wound.” She turns
and heads for a hallway I didn’t notice before, and says over her shoulder, “Maggie
you better come with us to sit down, you’ve popped a blood vessel in your eye.”

My dad carrying my mom follows her into the hallway and they make a fast turn into
a doorway I can’t see into. Dan is right on their heels and as Gabe guides me to go
with them and all the while I can’t stop thinking about the doctor Becky I met back
at the Collisee. I remember her telling me to take it easy and to avoid stress and
any further head trauma, well so much for that little bit of help.

Turns out I’m a magnet for stress and trauma.

Chapter Seventy Eight

Following close behind Kelli leading my parents into an open doorway, I finally get
a good look at to where we are heading. The corridor we are in travel another dozen
feet straight ahead, and every so often there will be either an open doorway or a
closed door. How big are the tunnels under the city? I’d say it’s less of a bomb
shelter and more of an underground city, a dusty, slightly moldy at spots, but a
city none the less, so strange.

Dan was in front of me a moment before, but when he disappears into the room after
our parents, Gabe is lightly touching my arm and bringing me back to myself. I’m
feeling suddenly very spacey and I’m not sure why. But for some reason, when Gabe
is guiding me into the room after my brother, I feel hollow and almost outside of
me not really aware of what is going on. And when I see Kelli and my dad placing my
now unconscious mother onto a small cot, I know it should bother me to see her this
way, but I feel nothing.

I realize then, that I’ve felt this way before and long before my ‘severe’
I remember seeing Matt’s broken and still body on the floor of a garage and even
while I held the ax that ended his un-life, I didn’t feel anything then either. I
also remember later that day, standing in front of bathroom mirror and seeing
myself covered in his blood, and still I couldn’t muster up any feeling.

I wonder if my I am the one who is broken, and everything around me is fine.

Maybe I’ve never been in a car accident that left my head jumbled; maybe I’ve
always been this way. And another thing, maybe ‘all this crazy’ is all just a
figment of my broken mind; it would actually make sense if it was. It would be
better if it was, for everyone I think. So many people I care about are gone now,
and some might be alive, but who knows if I’ll ever see them again. Then again,
knowing that I would rather be crazy than have everyone around me in so much pain,
kind of makes me believe that it’s all real and not just in my head.

In reality, I’m just a lost girl who keeps losing those she cares for.

What worse?

I’m still afraid of losing my mother.

I’m standing at the foot of the small cot my mom is on and all I can do is stare
down at her, as Kelli hooks up an iv drip and begins going through a small pile of
surgical supplies on a table by the bed. My dad is on the other side, holding my
mother’s unmoving hand in his, while Dan hovers near him and insure of what to do
with himself. I would be just like him, if I could feel anything. Gabe is on my
right side, and I think he might have his arms around me, but I’m not a hundred
percent sure at the moment. Just having him near me is comfort enough though I
might be a sobbing mess otherwise. I think half of a thought, that maybe sobbing
would be the better alternative, but no, it really wouldn’t.

If I started that, I know if never be able to stop.

So I guess, in a way, being numb as I am is almost protecting me.

Kelli stops what she is doing all of a sudden, and glances up at me. I can’t really
tell you what the look on her face said maybe how afraid she is to, or maybe that
she is sorry for something. But then she glances back to the needle in her hands,
and the moment is gone. She clears her throat, and calls out something. It takes my
ears a while to send the message to my mind, and so I hear what she said at a half
a second delay.

“Someone get Maria, I could use her help right now.”

By the time I hear this, Kelli is already doing something with a small blade to my
mother’s now bare shoulder. Out of the corner of my eyes, see Dan rushing from the
room, and I don’t even remember him walking by me. I guess it doesn’t matter, at
least the view of my mom wasn’t blocked and I can’t take my eyes off of her. She’s
a lot paler now than she was earlier, and she is just so still. I really have to
squint just to see the barest hint of movement from her chest making her breathe. I
feel Gabe shift closer to me on my right and I think me might be holding my hand
now, but the touch is so light that I really can’t feel it.

I see Dan coming back into the room now on my left, with a limping Maria right
behind him.

I have the vaguest memory of her legs being trapped under the hood of a truck, and
one of her legs bent at an unnatural angle later on. That explains the limp, I
guess. Dan comes to a stop beside me now and not next to dad and mom by the bed. I
would feel grateful for him right now if I could, but I just watch as Mara places a
delicate hand on his arm as she passes by us. She gives me the barest hint of a
smile, telling me it’ll be alright, but I don’t know what to believe anymore.

Maria goes over and immediately begins helping Kelli sort through all the surgical
supplies and together they get things they would need to scoop out a bullet, or
that’s what I think they are for. No one exactly explains what they are going to
do, and then again I don’t ask either. When both of them are ready and sliding on
matching pairs of plastic gloves, Kelli looks over at us.

She seems very serious all of a sudden, and I have the worst thought that she is
going to tell us that there is no point is trying to operate, that mom is already
gone. But then she gives us a ghost of a weak smile. She opens her mouth and begins
saying something, and I can see Gabe and Dan both nodding in agreement over what
she says. But like before her words take my mind a while to process it and when I
do, I’m already being guided out of the room between Dan and Gabe.

“I’ll need you all to leave if that’s all right? The less distraction’s we have.
The better the results will be. But don’t worry; your mother is in good hands.”

There is a loud voice in the back of my mind that wants to run back into the room
and demand that I stay by my mother’s side. But it stays there in the back of my
mind with all of my body’s feelings, and instead I let myself be led out of the
room. I do allow my eyes to stay on my mom as long as they can, and the last thing
I see is my dad bending over her crying while Kelli and Maria cut into her. Just as
the Gabe is closing the door behind him, Kelli calls out to me, or I hope it’s to
me, and I barely catch what she says. But again, we’re all already at the end of
the hall and going back into the main room, when I hear that she told me to not
worry about my eye.

She says it’ll be fine and clear up in two weeks.

I find that rather funny, as I walk sandwiched between my brother and my boyfriend
heading for an empty sofa in the middle of the room. Numbly, I follow them to the
front of the couch, and sit down when they do only out of reflex. I can’t stop
thinking about Kelli’s comment though, and why I think it is so funny to me. The
whole idea of still being alive in two weeks is slipping away and who really knows
if I’ll live for my eye to clear up.

But do I really care anyway?

Honestly, I didn’t even think about it until she mentioned it, so I guess I don’t
in a way. On my right, Dan turns to face me and gently places a hand on mine that
are clenched together in my lap. They relax though when he touches me, which is
good because I didn’t even know they were to begin with. His lips are moving and I
know he’s telling me something, but like before it takes me a moment to catch what
it is.

When I do, he is just waiting patiently for a response from me.

“Kelli was right you know mom really is in good hands. She and Maria are a great
team, and are the best medical staff we could have around here as of late. Don’t
worry, she’ll be fine.”

I only watch Dan for moment before something in what he says, breaks the shell that
is covering my mind, and oh so slowly do my feelings come crashing into me. My eyes
fill with tears until they fall over the edge of my lashes, and cascade down my
cheeks in an endless flow. My body is shaking now, and for some reason I’m freezing
inside and out.

Every little cut, bruise, hit, and ache comes throbbing into me and I want to cry
out from the pain of it, but I don’t. Instead, I gratefully allow Gabe to take me
into his warm strong arms. He holds me just at the right amount of pressure, that
keeps my shaking body still and I’m able to take in a deep gasping breath as the
sobs come pouring out of me.

I’m not sure how long we sit this way, me hiding in the protection of Gabe’s arms
and Dan silently sitting beside us as he tries to stay strong. But eventually there
is movement across the room, and I raise my swollen and wet eyes to see who or what
it is. Even upset and I still have a self-preserving instinct, who knew? What I see
is a very annoyed and maybe a little bit guilty, Randy.

He is leaning against the far wall right across from us, and he is really giving
off an intense vibe towards Gabe. “So tell me, what is all this bombing business?
And where the hell is Noah?”

It makes sense as to why he’s giving Gabe the evil eye now, he wants answers.

Well I say get in line.

We all do.

Chapter Seventy Nine

Not even waiting for me to pull my crap together, Randy gets right to business by
getting the tight nit group of the ‘it’ people here together. With us in the main
room is now us, with Brady and Lauren. For some strange reason sitting here on the
couch sandwiched between Dan and Gabe still, I’m reminded of the Collisee. And only
because now that the initial freak out over getting here and getting my mom help
has subdued somewhat, I can now hear the other people down here. There aren’t loud
or anything like that, it’s more like a comforting background hum, like at the
Collisee. You can’t see the people, but by just hearing them in the distance, you
know they are there. And it gives me a sense of solace that we aren’t alone in all

Heavy, right?

Anyways, Randy has been deposited in a recliner for the last couple of minutes
while Brady and Lauren got comfortable on the loveseat. They’ve all been staring at
us, waiting. Waiting for us to tell how everything happened the way it did over the
last week, and where the rest of our party is and how we got my parents back and
found out about the bombs. I know we should jump right in and get it over with so
we can get down to the bombs explanation, but for the life of me, I don’t know
where to start.

Luckily for me, I wasn’t the only one there, Gabe was too.

With little help from me, he goes into the tale of how we got to the army base with
Noah, and how we found a jackpot of weapons, ammo, and grenades. He tells how we
finally made it to the Collisee, and how Sam got bit saving me and then killed
himself before he turned. Hearing that again makes me feel guilt so strongly, that
I feel sick to my stomach. It is my fault he’s gone now after all. But I try to not
let it get to me, as Gabe continues none the wiser to my thoughts.
He tells how Claire and Noah found her mom, and his pregnant sister and boyfriend.
He also mentions that we, meaning him and me both, couldn’t deal with the fact that
my parents weren’t there. I notice that Dan now is the one to look guilty even
though he doesn’t have a reason too. Alright so maybe does, not going with me in
the first place, but it’s really not his fault.

And I definitely don’t blame him.

When Gabe goes on to tell about us getting together with just Noah, and heading for
Bates, I’m grateful that he doesn’t mention Hunter. That is certainly something I
don’t want to have to explain, least of all to my brother. Even if he understood, I
still don’t really condone killing him. I’m not a monster after all.

Dan is sitting at the edge of his seat, when Gabe tells them about how we were only
just searching the library when Noah found my parents and a small group of others.
He mentions that we stayed the night, and had to find another car in the morning
since we all wouldn’t fit in his and thankfully we all were back on the road to the
Collisee. When Gabe tells of how we found the place scattered and in chaos, Randy
is the one to move to the edge of his seat. He tells them how we found Claire with
Hanna and the others, and that they inform us that the military there found out
that the Country will be bombed in 48 hours.

Everyone is still quiet as Gabe continues, but I can tell that Randy really wants
to interrupt about what the military said word for word. But instead, they wait and
let Gabe go on to tell them that most people, Noah and Claire included, are heading
for the nearest border for evacuation before the bombs hit. When Gabe is finally
done, they are all still quiet and for a moment I think something is wrong, but I
know nothing other than the obvious is, it was just a long story and it’s seems’
weird that this is the end. I know exactly how they feel.

Randy sighs and leans back into the recliner making it groan in response.

He raises his hands and buries his face in them, and then he is the one to groan,
before he lowers them.

“You said the bombs are arriving sometime tomorrow didn’t you?”

Gabe tenses beside me, and he twines his fingers with mine.

I ignore the fact that his hands are sweaty and I cling to him.

“That’s right.”

Randy narrows his eyes at Gabe now, and leans forward so that his elbows are
resting somewhat awkwardly on his knees.

“But you just said you were told the bombs were coming in forty eight hours. So
what happened the other thirty or so hours?”

Gabe clears his throat and looks away so that he and I share our own little awkward

“On the way here we got stopped by a band of wannabe renegades, and they took us to
the old Auburn High School down the road. When we escaped, that is when Karen was

They all make their own admonishments, and Randy just nods his head, like he
figured something like that had happened. He doesn’t explain why he would think it,
but we don’t ask either. Randy leans back in the recliner again with a pensive look
on his face and I know he’s going over everything Gabe had said again in his head.

Everyone else is quiet still though, I included, and I’m not entirely sure where we
go from here.

“Why did you come here instead of running for safety? It’s not like you guys knew
we’d found better shelter. And what if you were to run out of time?” Dan asks in a
soft frightened voice, breaking the silence.

I share a brief glace with Gabe, before searching out my brother. This question
needs to be answered by me and no one else, since I am the reason for coming here
after all. Dan is staring at his hands that are in his lap, and all I want in the
world is to make him feel better. I don’t like seeing him so subdued and not his
usual punk kid self.

“Daniel, I couldn’t just leave you and the others. It wouldn’t be the right thing
to do. Besides, if we’re going to die wouldn’t it be better to do it with those you
care about?”

He looks up at me then, and I see that he is smirking at me, and then is shifts to
the grin I’ve come to hate and love from him over the years.

“Your and idiot, you know.”

I can’t help my own grin from forming and I think back to all the times I’ve jumped
into a fight without thinking and how Gabe would always get mad at me. He too would
call me an idiot, looks like its catching.

“I know.”

Dan just shakes his head for a moment and then he reaches out and pulls me close to

I latch onto him like he’s my lifeline, and feel so blessed to have him as my
brother. When he tightens his hold on me, I remember the hug we shared before I
ever left the apartments so long ago and I wonder if we can ever get to a place we
were before all this. It’s nice to think so, but I won’t hold anyone to it that’s
for sure. We pull apart at about the same time chuckling, and I swear I see Dan
swiping at his eyes, must be dust.


I lean back in the seat of the couch and let out a deep breath that I really think
I’ve been holding for a week since we left. Gabe shifts closer to me and drapes his
arm over the back of the couch and my shoulder at the same time. Randy, finally
have enough time to process everything, gets to his feet suddenly.

“We should get everyone together, because it seems we all have a decision to make.”

He walks right out of the room then and down the hallway to the left and
disappearing from our sight. I wonder for half a second what he could mean by
‘decision’, and then I realize he means for us leaving for the border with the rest
of the population. Why would he want that though? Are the tunnels not safe?

I guess there is only one way to find out.

Chapter Eighty

Twenty minutes later found us in the room with over a hundred new people.

It would seem that there were more people down here in the tunnels than I
originally thought. There are so many in here, that it’s only standing room
available now. Which leaves my little group having to lean against the far wall,
closest to the entrance, and from here I can see the line of people traveling down
the two narrow hallways. Seeing them I am definitely sure they weren’t all at the
apartments, but Dan filled me in that on the way here they ended picking up some
stranglers. Quite a bit of them I would say.

They are all in various stages of undress, since most of them had to be woken up to
come out here. I’m glad to see that there are a lot of families with small children
here, and in a way it kind of gives me hope that all this isn’t the end. I remember
the single woman with the two small girls at the Collisee, and I like to think they
are safe and sound already.

I’m still between Gabe and Dan, but we now have a new buddy with us. Maria’s little
brother Michael, though ‘little’ isn’t a very good description of him since he
could pass for her older brother. Like Dan and I, you can see the family
resemblance in them, with their light hair and eyes. The only difference between
them is that she is open and sweet by nature, and he is more quiet and reserved.
Not much has changed about Michael, and I can never forget the way we found him
weeks ago hiding out in his house. Having to kill your own parent does something to
you inside, and I don’t think he’ll ever be the same video gaming comic loving
teen. Right now, he just leans against the wall beside Dan and gazes out at the
masses with a look of indifference.

But I really can’t say anything about that, since the rest of us are just staring
out at everyone waiting.

We don’t have to for long though, since I can see Randy weaving through the bodies
and making his way to the front of the room. Closest to us, oddly enough. What is
odder, is the fact that he doesn’t have to say or motion for everyone to stop their
quiet chatter, they all just stop as soon as he is up front. He stoically stares
out at everyone, almost waiting to make sure they hang on to his every word. From
the way he had that as soon as he walked up here, I don’t think he really NEEDS to
get their attention, he already has it.

“As you can see, we have some new people here with us tonight. And in fact they are
the ones that left us a week ago.”

He turns and points to us, and while Gabe waves to them all, I can feel my cheeks
warming up to a deep blush. Every face to watching me, and I can see that they
heard of us. Apparently we are popular for leaving? Who knew?

“They come back with news, and I’m afraid that it isn’t good.”

He pauses and takes a deep breath, and man is I glad I’m not the one having to tell
everyone there are bombs coming. I’ve never been one to like doing presentations.
I’m rather comfortable standing to the sidelines.

“They got word from the military that they are planning on dropping air bombs to
wipe out the dead. And they are coming our way sometime tomorrow.”

To say that everyone in the room didn’t take the news well is a very big
understatement. AT first there is shocked silence, almost like they are waiting for
Randy to yell out ‘sike’ and start laughing. When he doesn’t though, that is when
the yelling starts. It feels like every single one of them are shouting and
screaming at the same time, and it makes my temple throb with a pulsating beat that
matches them. They are all demanding as one, why Randy is even telling them this
and why the military would do such a thing in the first place. Whereas no one can
answer the latter, I’m thinking Randy has his own reason for the prior.

A sharp whistle cuts through the room like a knife, and brings everyone a startling
silence, that leaves my ears ringing. Beside Randy now, is Brady and when he lowers
his hand from his lips, I’m thinking he is the source of the whistle.

“I’m only telling you all this, because it’s entirely this shelter might not hold
up against actual bombs.”

There are admonishments from the crowd, but Randy silence’s them with one look
before he continues.

“This place was built in the sixties, during war time and fear of nuclear fallout.
And we all know nothing really happened, so the structure was never properly
tested. And I’m not a hundred percent sure it’ll stand up against the real thing.”

There is more silence now, as everyone ponders over what he is saying.

This is taking longer than I thought it would, and rather worrying over needing to
leave, all I want to do is sit down. I’m so physically and mentally tired, that I’m
to the point of not really noticing now that I have a constant headache and the
body aches of an old woman. Dan and Michael rotate on watching Randy and the way
the crowd reacts to what he tells them. Gabe just watches me, and he doesn’t even
try to hide it either.

Not that I mind.

“It’s possible that the tunnels might hold up against the bombs, but what is above
ground definitely won’t. It would be a lot of work to get back to the surface, if
anyone stayed. So I want you to choose if you want either stay or leave for the

Randy lowers his head to his chest and lets out a heavy sigh. The crowd is silent,
waiting to see if he’ll continue, and he doesn’t let them down. Slowly he raises
his head and stares them all down.

“You must all decide quickly, for anyone who wishes to leave has to do it as soon
as possible. The group that is going leaves in an hour, after that we’re sealing
the doors.”

This sends everyone into an instant uproar, one so loud I can’t even hear Brady
whistle again. He doesn’t have any effect of the crowd this time, and Randy just
shakes his head at him to stop. I guess there wouldn’t be a point in trying to stop
the crowd now, since all the rest is up to them and what they want to do. Randy
turns to us and shrugs, almost saying ‘well I’ve done my part’, but he does turn
back around when some of the other people approach him with questions. I have to
hand it to him; he is a lot better under this kind of pressure than I would be.

I would be a jumbled mess and probably make matters worse.

I’m about to ask the guys, what we’re planning on doing, staying or going, when I
see Maria weaving through the crowd towards us. Her eyes are already locked onto
Dan’s, and from the way she can’t hide her anguish like it’s a cloud around her, I
know she has something bad to tell us.

About my mom.

Chapter Eighty One

As I walk behind Dan and Maria, with Gabe right beside me, I’m terrified of walking
back into the room where my mom is. I know I should be stronger than this, but I
can’t face what I might find. Even with all this killing and non-stop crazy, I
still can’t deal when someone I love is hurt, especially my own mother. As I walk
behind Dan and Maria, with Gabe right beside me, I’m terrified of walking back into
the room where my mom is.

I know I should be stronger than this, but I can’t face what I might find.

Even with all this killing and non-stop crazy, I still can’t deal when someone I
love is hurt, especially my own mother. I can still hear the loud voices of all the
people yelling behind us, but as my ears start roaring with a static that fills my
head with numbness, everything begins to fade away.

I can feel myself slipping away again, and I find myself reaching out and latching
onto Gabe’s hand like he is the only thing that can anchor me. He glances at me out
of the corner of his eyes, but I can’t look at him, only what is ahead of me,
because I’ll crumble if I do. He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze, and I use his
strength to keep me moving. Dan and Maria are at the entrance of the room my mom is
in, too fast for my liking. And when they disappear inside, I pause at the doorway
and just stare at what is inside waiting for me.

What I find is my mom half sitting up on the small cot with a pillow behind her
head, and she is awake now. She is wearing a loose fitted collared shirt and has a
fresh bandage wrapped around her right shoulder that is peaking out. She looks
deathly pale still, and has and IV attached to her hand that my dad is holding on
her left. They are talking quietly to one another, and look up when Dan walks over
to them. Kelli is rinsing her hands in a bowl of water on the other side of the
room, and she too looks up as Maria goes over to her.

They are all pleased to see one another, and yet, I can’t bring myself to step into
the room.

I know it seems weird, since moments ago I was worried about whether my mom was
alive. But seeing her now, like she is on the bed, all weak looking, I don’t know
what to do with myself. Don’t get me wrong, I am so grateful she is alright, it’s
just I’m afraid to run to her and hold on to her, because what if I hurt her?

She seems so frail, and it scares me more than the thought of losing her.

She smiles at us though, as if she can sense our worries and fears, and maybe she
can. She always seemed to know what Dan and I were planning on doing as kids before
we actually did it. She called it mother’s instinct, I call it very perceptive. Dan
saunters over to the side where my dad is and stands close to him and just stares
down at our mother in awe.

I watch silently as she let’s go of my father’s hand and reaches out to Dan
instead. He only hesitates for a second, and then he moves closer to her and grasps
her frail hand in his. Smiling, she turns to me then and for the life of me I just
want to turn tail and run the other way, but I don’t. Instead, I squeeze Gabe’s
hand in mine and I cross through the threshold into the room. As I do, I feel a
tension in my body ease and I don’t feel as afraid anymore.

And so, with a spring in my step I hurry to my mother and can feel the tears
cascade down my cheeks at every step I take. By the time I reach her, she is crying
too and I grab onto her hand with the feeling that I never want to let her go.
Smiling at me and then at Dan, she leans back and gets more comfortable on the bed,
before giving me one of her worried mom looks.

“How are you feeling Maggie?”

Her voice is so soft and scratchy, that she immediately begins coughing, so much
so, that my dad grabs for a bottle of water and begins to help her bring it to her
lips. I have to laugh a little to myself, here she is fresh from just getting shot,
and she is asking about me? Mother’s seriously.

“I could ask you the same thing, you know.”

She urges me to sit beside her by pulling on my hand and gently, I sit down beside
her on the small cot not wanting to hurt her. When I move, I subsequently pull Gabe
right along with me and he doesn’t let me go thankfully. My mom does let go of my
hand though, but only so she can reach up to my cheek and tenderly touch the area
around my right eye.

“It seems we scared each other Magdalena.”

I nod into her open palm, and can feel the tears still spilling out of my eyes. She
brushes them away for me and I sigh into her. When she lowers her hand and picks up
my fallen one, she turns to Dan and my dad then. She gives Dan the saddest and
sweetest smile a mother could give her child she hasn’t seen in a while.

“I thought we’d never see you again Daniel, and I am so glad I was wrong.”

He grins at her and I can see his eyes get bright with unshed tears.

“I was pretty much thinking the same thing. It’s lucky we have a hound dog in the
form of Maggie here.”

She and my dad chuckle at this, but I don’t find myself being compared to a dog all
that funny. I try to glare at Dan, but it’s no use since they are all grinning over
being together again. I’ll just scold him later. Dan does turn serious after a
moment though, and I know what he is going to ask before he does.

“So, how are you mom?”

He asks her, but my dad turns to us and is going to answer for her. Before he can
though, Kelli walks over to us then and interrupts him. Behind her, Maria is now
going about cleaning some of the surgical tools in a bowl of water and it gives me
chills seeing those all covered in blood.

“I managed to get the bullet out, but your mom lost a lot of blood. Under normal
circumstances, I’d suggest an immediate transfusion, but we don’t have the tools
for that.

The only remedy is complete bed rest until she recovers, which could be longer than

I notice then, that the hand that holds mine is ghostly pale and shaking.
Her sitting up and awake is just an illusion; she is using all her strength just to
appear well. This makes me feel so guilty suddenly, that I feel sick to my stomach.
I’m about to ask Kelli if there isn’t anything more that she can do, but Randy
comes into the doorway then. She turns at the sound of him, and when he motions her
over she gives us a brief nod before leaving the room with him and closing the door
behind her.

Chapter Eighty Two

We’re all silent and still thinking about what Kelli just told us. I know what it
means to me, and it’s not good at all. If my mom can’t get out of bed, then how can
she leave with us when we go to the border? And for that matter, should we even
take the chance in going and leaving her here?

I’m about to go on a tangent, when my dad breaks the silence.

“What was all the commotion about out in the hall?”

Me, Gabe and Dan share a look, almost trying to decide if we should tell them.
They’ll find out soon enough though. Gabe and I have done enough sharing and we
both stay quiet and let Dan have this one.

“Randy got everyone together to tell them about the bombs that are going off

Both of my parents nod, since it’s kind of a given that we told the others and that
they wouldn’t exactly take it all that well. From behind us on the other side of
the room, I hear a gasp, and that’s when I remember that Maria is still in the room
with us. Dan does to, and gives her an apologetic expression as he continues.

“He’s not sure how safe the tunnels are down here, during an attack, so he gave
everyone the option of staying or leaving.”

The room is plunged into silence again, as my dad and mom share a look that I can’t
read, before she sighs and closes her eyes. When she opens them again, she looks
between Dan and I, while seeming sad and mournful at the same time. She gives my
hand a squeeze, and I already have an argument at the ready for what I know she is
about to tell us.

“You and your brother need to leave with those that choose to go.”

I’m shaking my head by the time she is done, and so is Dan.

“Mom, no it’s alright. We can stay here with you and dad.”

She sighs again, and gives me her famous resolve face. This would be the time that
I’d try to convince dad to make her see reason, but I know they agree on this

“Listen to me Maggie, your brother just said it might not be safe here and I want
you both to leave.”

“Well, you listen to me, if you can’t get out of bed to come with us, then we’re
not going. That’s final.”
I can feel the tension in the room like a bad taste in my mouth, and I know I
shouldn’t argue with her, but I can’t lose her again. It’s just not happening. But
the way she looks from me to Dan, I know she’s not going to cave and I really know
she won’t stop until we are convinced about leaving.

“Maggie, I don’t want you and your brother to risk it by staying here. You’ve
already risked too much by coming for your father and I. Your father and I already
agreed that we want what is best for you, and that is for you to have a future.”

I’m practically sobbing now, and when she pulls me and Dan both closer to her, I
know we don’t have a choice anymore and that we have to listen to her. Even if I
don’t want to listen, I know she is right and so does Dan, but it doesn’t make it
any easier though.

Almost an hour later, I still regret my decision to listen to my mom, which has
been the case for years I suppose. And even as I lay beside her on the cot while
she rests and plays with my hair at the same time, my heart feels like it’s
breaking. I could change my mind and refuse to leave, but I know her and my dad
both would never forgive me. Plus I think Dan caved sooner than I did, and would do
whatever they told him too.

Gabe went to help Maria and Michael with getting their belongings, while Dan and I
stay with my parents. Kelli came back in the room shortly after they left, and is
now hovering near my mom and checking her stats. She told us when she first came in
that Randy is distributing weapons and supplies for those who are leaving. She also
told us that more than half are staying.

Everyone is in a hushed sense of despair over it all and is hiding out in their
rooms. Everyone knows that life won’t be the same after this, and that the dead
were one thing, but bombs can destroy everything on the surface. Who knows what
life will be like when all is said and done.

Dan and my dad have been discussing something on the other side of the room, while
my mom and I just lay here. I can’t hear what they say, but from the way Dan keeps
getting more and grimmer, I know dad is giving him the whole ‘you’re the man of the
family now and you have to take care of your sister’, which isn’t very fair. I’ve
don’t my own share of protecting haven’t I? I mean sure, I’ve also needed saving a
time or two, but I’ve proven that I’m somewhat of a survivor in more ways than one.
I know I’m mentally going on a tangent over something ridiculous, but it keeps my
mind off of what is coming.

After I was finally convinced to leave with everyone, I couldn’t stop crying and
that is when I got into bed with my mom. Since then, we’ve just been quietly lying
here, and when she began to play with my hair I almost lost it again. I had to
force myself to stay calm though, I wouldn’t be able to stop a second time. There
are too many memories in which my mom holds me and plays with my hair to make me
calm, and I pray this won’t be the last.

Sighing, I pull away and sit up making her hand fall from me. Now she sighs, and
starts to look irritated that I might argue again, so I stop her with a raised hand
before she can even utter a word. “After the bombs stop, I want you to know that I
am coming back for you. I don’t care how long it takes me, I’m doing it.”

I give her my own resolve face now, and she smiles up at me.

“I know how stubborn you are Magdalena, and I also know it won’t do me any good to
try a counter attack on this, so I won’t.”
I’m speechless suddenly, because she agrees with me? I must look really confused,
and she laughs softly and tries to stay as still as she can.

“I just want you and your brother safe during all this. I know you’ll find us again
and everything will be fine. I just don’t want you to worry about me, alright?”

I get interrupted when Dan and our dad come back over to the bed and join us again.
Dad takes a seat in a chair on the side of the bed, while Dan sits on her other
side on the bed and they both look rather subdued.

“We’re still going to worry about you guys no matter what mom, we love you too much
not too.” Dan says in a small voice.

Kelli had been digging through a drawer looking for something and must have found
it when she too joins us now. She has a small vile of liquid in one hand and a
syringe in the other. When we look at her in alarm, she tells us it’s just a
sedative, and that my mom needs her rest, aka. Get a move on and say your goodbyes.
My mom reaches up then with a strength I didn’t think she had right now, and pull
Dan and I in for a tight hug.

“You two take care of each other, do you hear me? And be safe and strong.”

She pulls back with tears in her eyes, and I have to turn away and bite my lip so I
didn’t have to see her. I would be so done for. Dan doesn’t have as much luck
though, and I can hear him crying, or maybe it’s my dad I hear because he is crying
too. I take deep breathes and ignore it all and try to do what she says and be

Where is Gabe when I need him?

Kelli steps close to my mom then, and sticks the now filled syringe into the IV
clip already in her hand and releases the liquid into her. By the time Kelli is
already backing up looking apologetic, my mom is already drooping her eyes. With a
heavy heart, I lean forward and place a soft kiss on my mom’s temple and when I
lean back she is sound asleep. Dan and I stand up at the same time, and our dad
walks us to the door.

He hugs us both quickly before going back to sit with mom.

With one last look at my parents, I have a moment where my head throbs to the point
where I stumble to a stop. Watching my parents together, I can almost see another
image over them, like a double image of them. Instead of lying down or sitting,
they are standing up and clinging to one another. They seem sad, and are sobbing
over something I can’t see or don’t want to see.

Then they look up at me, and their lips move, but I can’t hear what is being said.

I feel myself moving to the double image, when there is a popping sound in my head,
and the image is gone. Breathing heavy, I glance away from them, who seem oblivious
for my mental moment; not Dan though. He is giving me a strange look that only a
brother can give to a sister he cares for, but I shake my head; I have no clue how
to explain what I just saw. So, I walk from the room with Dan by my side, and can’t
stop the unsettling feeling that this will be the last time I ever see them.

I have to force my legs to move as my entire body goes numb of feeling.

Chapter Eighty Three

It’s almost dawn by the time the groups of us that are leaving are all gathered
upstairs in the lobby of the City Hall. Luckily, Dan and I ran into the others
while leaving my parents room and Gabe caught me in him arms before I freaked out.
He’s a life saver that one. While Gabe held me in reassurance, Maria did the same
for my brother. We didn’t have to suffer for long though, because Randy came to get
us and to let us know it was time to go. The entire walk upstairs, I regretted my
decision to leave and each step felt like lead. I have to believe I am doing the
right thing, even though I know deep down that there is a chance no left here will
survive. But I can’t start thinking like that, I have to believe that they will all
survive and we’ll come back for them.

A quiet voice in the back of my mind keeps screaming ‘liar’ to me and it takes all
that I am just to tell it to shut up.

Randy had managed to score quite the arsenal for us to take with us, and that means
more than just ammo. Along with my trusty ax, I now have my very own back sheath
for it to be strapped into. I almost kissed him when he gave it to me, but he
didn’t want thanks, he just told me to stay alive. Now that I have two free hands,
my odds just went up so I think I can keep that promise. Gabe has all new ammo for
his two handguns and the shotgun. Dan, Maria, and Michael all have guns and knives
too, though I notice that Dan has more than the latter. None of us were all that
chatty while we loaded up, and it’s not that I minded by no means, this isn’t
exactly a search and rescue mission.

Besides us, there are a few couples with children that are all going with us. One
of them is a young couple with two small boys, and one of them stands out to me
with his short spiky red hair. He must only be about five or six, and even with the
tension on the room, he sits quietly by his anxiety ridden parents and brother, as
calm as an adult. Another is an older couple maybe in their forties if I had to
guess. Then there is a middle aged couple with two girls my age.

We should probably socialize or something, but I just don’t have it in me to do it.

When we leave here soon, we’ll all work together, but once we are all in our own
cars and heading out, it’s every man for him. Or that is what I keep telling
myself. I can’t get attached any more than I have; it’s just going to hurt more
when we lose another person.

I’ve had the ax strapped in and have been ready for the last couple of minutes and
have been waiting on the others to finish up. I’m currently sitting on top of the
big desk that is at the back of the room in the lobby, with Gabe standing in front
of me. I wrapped my arms from behind him and linked my hands over his chest, the
moment he put away the guns. Maria and Dan are on my right and Michael is on my
left and we’re all just waiting, on Randy for now.

He’s been standing at the front door the whole time we all have been getting ready.
Brady is beside him, but he too has been pretty stotic. I haven’t looked outside
myself yet, and I can only imagine how many of the dead are out there. From the way
he’s all tensed up, I have a feeling it’s a lot more than when we first got here.
But is that always the case?

I know it’s time to go when Randy finally turns around and faces us with a look,
which I can only describe as determination.

“Alright, here’s the deal. Brady and I are going to have to cover you as you head
to your vehicles.”
The other people in the room look worriedly around one another while me and mine
just sit there and know why he is doing this. There are too many of the dead, for
us to handle alone. Marvelous, sounds like a grand old time. I’m about to have Gabe
move aside so that I can get down, but then he moves on his own and steps over to

“How many are out there?”

Randy looks down at his feet, and then back up with a sigh. “There are too many for
you all to face them alone; which is why we’re helping.”

He indicated himself and Brady, and then looks back to Gabe like he’s an idiot.
Gabe just stands there though for a second, and then he glances at me with a smile.
When he turns back to Randy, I have to be honest; I think he’s lost his mind. What
is he getting at? When he spins the satchel he’s had since the military base,
around to his front and reaches inside, I finally know. He means to use another
grenade, but here’s hoping we have enough to use. We’ve gone through a lot of them
already. But he pulls out one anyway, and I’m already grinning like a moron when he
holds it up for Randy to see.

“Is this good for a head start?” Gabe says in a snarky tone to his voice.

Randy smirks though, and immediately starts to shake his head, like he didn’t
really believe we all had a chance of getting out of here.

“Yeah, that’ll do it.”

“Alright then, let’s do this.” Gabe says.

Randy turns around then and while pulling out his gun, he walks over to the door
and doesn’t wait for Gabe to follow him. I jump down from the desk while everyone
gets their weapons ready and quickly head over to Gabe, who is now right beside
randy at the door. I’m only just getting to them, when Randy pulls open the door
and charges outside firing his gun with Brady right behind him doing the same. Gabe
grabs my hand and pulls me after him out the door, and that is when I get a good
luck at what we are running into. There are about a hundred of the dead in the
street. They are all hungry and ravenously charging towards us. The bullets from
the guy’s guns only stop so many of them.

There are more already coming.

My heart almost stops at the sight of them, and I would have turned around if Gabe
didn’t have a hold on me. I can feel the others at my back and I can hear the rest
shouting over what we are running into. We’re only halfway down the steps when I
think it’s a good idea to get my ax in my hands, and then Randy and Brady are both
at the bottom of the steps. They flank out to the right and the left and clear a
path for Gabe. Or that’s what I’m guessing since he is the man with the grenade. He
knows this too, because he pulls me faster and before I know it we are at the
bottom with the dead moving fast for us.

It feels like time slows down again, when really I think it’s happening to fast and
my brain registers it as mush. But Gabe releases my hand and pulls the clip free of
the grenade then he is tossing it into the bodies and grabbing my hand again all in
the span of a minute. He pulls me again and we’re running now in the direction of
the car to the right with the others close behind when the explosion makes the
ground shake. I can feel the head at my back and I swear I can even feel something
wet hitting my back, but I don’t stop to think what it is. All around me there is
running and the sound of gunfire, all the while the dead are still coming for us.
Gabe now to has his gun out and is firing out in front of us as we move.

Like a beacon of salvation, Gabe and I see Noah’s junker of a car up ahead and it
makes us pick up our speed. We reach it at the same time as Dan, and Michael do,
with a limping Maria being held between them. We don’t stop and check to make sure
anyone else is safe, we just get right into the car with Gabe and I up front and
the rest in the back. I’m just sliding in and closing the door, when a dead woman
with red hair throws herself at the door. I scream and jump back across the seat,
while she thrashes at the window and tries to get to me. Gabe hasn’t gotten
completely in yet, so he just stands up and leans over the hood and fires his gun
into her head, and knocks her back from the car.

And then he is just climbing into the car and slamming the door, while I and the
others stare at him in shock. He starts the car and looks questioningly at us all.

“What? Maggie knows I’m a cowboy; this isn’t really anything new to me. It’s a cake

I snort out a cross between a laugh and a cough, while my brother and the others in
the back think we’ve both lost our minds. Maybe we have, it certainly would make
sense if we had now wouldn’t it?

Gabe is just pulling Noah’s car out onto the dead packed street, when I notice with
excitement that there are three other cars on the road with us. This makes me turn
in my seat and look back to the City Hall. On the stoop of the building are Randy
and Brady still shooting into the dead, then just like with Noah and my parents, a
double image of Randy rises in my mind.

This one is weaponless and dressed in a uniform that I can’t really see all that

He is reaching out to me, and before I can even say anything about him, the image
evaporates, and then there is only the real one. He and Brady don’t stay outside
after that, and while they head back inside, Randy looks up and waves in our
direction. I don’t bother to wave back since he can’t really see us, but I hope one
day I do get to thank him for all that he has done for us and my family; and
wouldn’t it be nice to know why I’m seeing things like I am.

I do the only thing that helps.

This is to rub at my throbbing temples, but it only offers a slight relief.

Chapter Eighty Four

I turn back around in my seat, and continue to massage my temple, as Gabe steers us
down the crowded street after the other cars. I know it’s going to be a long drive
we have ahead of ourselves, and I’m really not looking forward to it.

“That was some good throwing Gabe. I thought you hated sports.” Dan says from the
back seat.

Gabe chuckles and glances up at Dan in the rearview mirror.

“Not when it counts my man.”

Dan is the one to chuckle now, and he leans forward enough so that he can smack
Gabe lightly on his shoulder, but hard enough to make a ‘whack’ sound.

“True that.” He says as he sits back.

No one says anything for what feels like forever, and I welcome the silence. It’s
almost fully light out already and I can see clearly out of the window at
everything as we drive past. Usual as of late, there isn’t any sign of life, as we
breeze through our old patch of town. I almost wish we had time to run home and I
could get some of the stuff I left behind.

Deep down, I know it really doesn’t matter to have that, but it doesn’t stop me
from feeling like I do.

The traffic that came from the Collisee must have come through here, because it
seems like some of the debris and abandoned cars are all pushed to the side, like
something barreled through them. Nothing is like a speeding caravan of vehicles to
clear a path for you.

We are just driving past where we would take the turn for our housing development,
when Maria breaks the silence.

“Do you really think everyone back at the tunnels will be alright?”

Her voice is so quiet and full of longing that I know her question is meant for
Dan, but the car is too quiet and we all pick up on it.

“I’m sure they will be, but it won’t do us any good to worry about it alright.” Dan
tells her gently, but also a little too intently.

Not that I blame him, he and I left our parents there so I can see him being
irritated at her, even though I know she is just being typical sweet Maria.

“Dan is right Ria, we wouldn’t leave everyone behind if they weren’t safe. We’ll
see them again.” Michael says to his sister after a moment.

In my passenger side mirror, I can see Michael behind me, and for the first time
since we found him hiding in his room, he is reminding me of the boy he once was.
By reassuring Maria, he’s acting like the older of the two again, and it makes me
feel slightly less upset for some reason. I watch as Maria turns away from Dan and
leans on her brother, and when he wraps his arms around her just as her tears fall,
I have to look away.

I go back to staring out of the window, and find that we are now on the highway
leading out of Maine. Normally I would be exhilarated to be on yet another road
trip, but leaving the state is bothering me more this time. Maybe it’s the fact
that I’ve never traveled more than an hour away from my house.

Don’t judge, I like my town, it’s nice and safe.

Or it used to be, that is.

“You guys should get some sleep, we’ll be on the road for a while, and who knows
what we’re driving into.”

I know Gabe is right and that we should sleep while we can, and who the heck knows
the last time I actually slept. But I’m too jittery and wired to even think about
closing my eyes. Apparently the others don’t feel this way though, because I can
hear them shifting around to get comfortable.
Lucky them.

I can feel eyes on me as I continue to view the vast scenery of the trees outside,
and I turn to see why Gabe would be taking his eyes off the road to watch me. He
gives me a quick grin, when he is caught Maggie gazing, and I shrug my shoulders at

This gets me an eye roll. “Go to sleep Maggie. Please, you of all people need it.”

Sighing, I know he’s a little right and I am just closing my eyes as we pass
through into New Hampshire and out of Maine. I try to make my body relax, and the
more I try it, the more I can feel every ache and pain I got the past couple of
days. That’s when my head begins to pound again and I try to ignore it and just let
everything go. It doesn’t work, even though I know I’ve been sitting here closing
my eyes for the last half hour like a moron. When my right eye begins to itch
really bad and then start to water, I finally have had enough.

Opening my eyes and blinking against the sunlight that is pouring into the car, I
sit up a little straighter.

“That lasted longer than I thought.”

I turn to Gabe annoyed, and find him smirking at me. “What lasted longer than you

“You trying to sleep, I could tell how tense you were, and it only got worse as the
minutes wore on.” Gabe says as he laughs quietly.

Nice to know he didn’t let me suffer through that, and he’s the one that told me to
sleep. I’m about to yell at him or lightly scold I guess, when I see where we are
out of the window. Apparently I tried to sleep longer than I thought, because we
are almost to Vermont already.

Damn, the boy can really drive.

“I’m sorry Maggie.” He says quietly all of a sudden.

At first I look at him and am about to say it doesn’t matter, but then I realize he
means about my parents. I’ve been trying not to think about them, but it’s useless
not to, especially since just him saying sorry brings tears to my eyes.

“It’s not your fault, it’s mine.”

He takes his eyes off the road and gives me a shocked expression.

“Maggie, it’s not your fault either. It was their decision to make, not yours.”

He means the decision to stay, and I mean something else.

“Not for that, I couldn’t control that even if I wanted to. I meant that she got
shot in the first place.”

Now he looks pinched like he swallowed something sour, and if we were talking about
anything else I might have picked on him for it.
“Maggie, come on, you didn’t have anything to do with that. Tell me what you’re

Sighing, I turn sideways so that I can lean on the seat and face him while we talk.

“Before you threw out the grenade into the hall, I saw Vin moving around like he
might wake up. And he is the one that came after us and shot her, so tell me whose
fault is it then?”

“Technically it’s the person that does the shooting that gets the fault put on
them, and that wasn’t you. What’s all this Vin business anyway?”

I don’t agree with him and I’ll always blame myself, but he is like my mom in the
way that they never give up. So I laugh softly over his name confusion.

“He looked like the actor Vin Diesel, so I’ve been calling him Vin.”

Gabe nods his head like it makes sense to him, and he’s probably thinking I’ve lost
my mind, and really maybe I have. We’re silent for a moment, and I think maybe he
has let the topic drop enough for me to wallow. Then he sighs, and it’s a sound I
can almost feel all the way to my bones and his eyes flicker to me. He has the look
of the boy that saved me so long ago on Austin’s front yard, like his heart is
breaking because I’m in pain.

“You know, I really hope we make past the border and outrun the bombs, because…….
I’d really like to spend the rest of my life with you Magdalena. No matter how long
that may be.”

I look at him so fast, that my head spins and leaves me feeling dizzy and nauseas
at the same time. All I can think is wow, for a second, and I know I have this
goofy grin on my face as I watch him. I lean towards him without thinking, and
place a soft kiss onto his warm cheek, and pull away to sit back in the next

“I love you Gabriel.” I say softly.

He is smiling now and trying his best to keep his eyes on the road before us, when
Dan sits up awake with a yawn.

“You guys are rather cheesy, did you that?”

Embarrassed, I turn away and stare out the window again with my cheeks on fire. Dan
is chuckling and yawning at the same time, which makes him sound like a hyena, yeah
that’s him alright. Gabe doesn’t say anything and just snatches my hand in his.

I’m okay with that.

That is until we reach Vermont, and have to pass through a City before the borders
of Canada.

I sit up tense, when the number of cars picks up, and it’s difficult to not miss
the amount of the dead in the area getting larger too. They all shuffle along in
the background stiffly and I notice that they sense us even in the car. That’s when
I hear the planes begin to pass above in the sky. The sound chills the blood inside
me, and I pray to anyone listening that we make it out of here before the
explosions hit.

Traffic slows down now, the farther we get out of the small city street we go down
and then it comes to a stop all together. We are at the back of a long line leading
to what I believe is the border of Canada; and it doesn’t sit well with me knowing
it’s still about a mile away. There are hundreds of the dead here all around us,
and they all shuffle closely to one another so that they appear almost as one body.
The only thing I think to describe them is that they look like what I would call a
horde; for that is what they are. They are close enough that they push against the
car, but they don’t try to get in, almost like they know we aren’t a threat to
their numbers.

That thought alone makes me think that they really can sense that there is more of
the living in this area, or at the very least that they just followed everyone
here? I guess it doesn’t really matter either way, because they are still out there
and we still have to get out eventually. A deep ruble passes along the ground below
us, and shakes the car, like an earthquake.

It’s not one though, because through the side mirror of the car I can see a bright
light filter from the ground and rise into the sky in the distance. I gasp in alarm
then, as we all hear the bombs going off, they sound so close even though I see
that they are far off still.

Gabe pulls the car to a stop with the other vehicles in front of us do the same,
and Dan quickly wakes up Maria and Michael, as all I can do is stare out of the
window. I’m completely speechless and absolutely afraid for our lives when I see
the stretch of land between the border is mostly grassland and tree’s except for
the occasional house, but the dead fill in the empty space completely and push
still into the space where all the living are; which isn’t as many as I would like.

Then there is the thing that makes me hold my breath, at the end of the road to the
border there is a twenty foot high wall blocking any entrance. For some reason, I
really don’t think the wall has always been there, but the question is how did it
get their so fast.

A throbbing pain forms behind my eyes then.

I have the feeling it’s not going to go away any time soon.

Chapter Eighty Five

All around us there are people jumping out of their cars and braving it into the
mass of the dead that are everywhere. They all fall to the ground before my eyes,
and I swear that I can almost feel the teeth of the dead as they bite into the
flesh of all the living they catch. The sky is filled with planes as they pass
overhead, and I have a sense of urgency; that we’re running out of time.

It doesn’t feel very real though suddenly or maybe it’s just the throbbing of my
temple as if it’s a living breathing thing, which makes me feel this way. As I look
over the mass of bodies the dead and to the gigantic wall that is before us, I
honestly can’t see an entrance anywhere in sight. That doesn’t seem very logical
though, there has to be a door or something, right? We can’t just have a warning to
flee, and then when we make it to the end, we get trapped.

The ones that sent us here, wouldn’t be trapping us would they?

My head is throbbing, so profusely now. It’s hard for me to really concentrate on

anything. I’m about to ask the others in the car if they can see anything that I
can’t. A rush of dizziness gives me a breathless pause. Feeling distant and almost
outside myself, I hear Gabe tell my brother Dan to open the back hatch to the
trunk, because they are going to need ammo. I want to tell them to stop, and to not
get something we won’t need.

They have to see that there is no way out, don’t they?

I can’t be the only one so see we’re trapped here like animals sent to the
slaughter. Even if there was a way through the wall, I really don’t see how we can
make it through the dead. It seems like they are almost waiting for us to get out,
and it’s not only our car they wait at. They are like frozen things, until one of
the living jump out to run for the wall; then they come alive and hunt them down.

My ears begin to ring now, and I have the sensation of spinning even though I am
sitting as still as I can possibly be. I wonder if maybe I’ll pass out and not even
have to get out of the car. My prayers are almost answered as my vision narrows
down on me. The voices of the others in car are dimming, and all I see are the dead
that are waiting for us outside. As Dan passes ammo across the seat and into Gabe’s
outstretched hands, there is movement out my window.

I quickly turn my head to it, which makes me instantly nauseas, but what I see
makes me to not look away.

It’s a dark haired dead girl; and she looks almost like me.

She has long dark limp hair that flows down her back, and her eyes are lifeless
hollow pits so dark, I can’t tell if they were once maybe brown. I can’t see a
wound of any kind on her, she is close for me to spot one, but there isn’t a
scratch on her. The only indication that she is one of the walking dead is that she
shuffles along just like them; a ravenous shell left behind. I can feel goose bumps
break out along my skin, at the sight of her, and it only gets worse when she lifts
her head enough for our eyes to meet.

I feel like my stomach is bottoming out and I can’t quite catch my breath; because
the girl at my window, is me. Right down to the angling of her nose and pursing of
her lips; it’s me or me if I was one of the dead. She stares at me, as if she has a
great secret that she wants to share, and I can almost see the corner of her lips
quirking up into a smirk.

I’m literally moving to the car door, when in a blink, the girl that is me

Left behind is just another dead girl that just is similar to me. My hands are
outstretched to the door, and my entire is shaking like a leaf now. I sit back in
my seat, and glance away from the dead girl, and back to the rest in the car. They
are still obliviously going about loading up, as if they didn’t even notice my
little mini freak out.

Even Gabe isn’t aware that I just about climbed out of the car on my own without a
weapon. That seems weird to me. Shouldn’t they notice everything that is going on?
It’s like they aren’t though, and even worse, they don’t see the living getting
bombarded by those that are dead. I know we are outnumbered, but they act like it’s
no big deal and that scares me more that the dead waiting.

The throbbing in my temple takes my breath away, and it leaves me feeling so

nauseas and dizzy. I’m not entirely sure of what is up or down. I have to stop them
before they get out, we aren’t going to make it, and they don’t it. I turn in my
seat so that I’m facing Gabe completely, but he doesn’t even acknowledge me.
Alright, now I’m really getting pissed off, what is with them being all non-talky?

“Something doesn’t feel right, there are too many of the dead out there. You guys
do see that there isn’t a way through the wall right?”

They continue packing up as if I didn’t even say anything to them, they heard me
right? It’s not like I just thought it, I said it out loud; didn’t I? I’m about to
scream at them to freaking listen to me and stop acting like the jackasses they all
are, when a sharp pain through my head makes me cry out and close my eyes.

I lean back into the seat of the car, and bite my lip as waves and waves of pain
course through my temple. It takes everything I have, which isn’t much at the
moment, to open my eyes and glance at Gabe. It brings tears to my eyes to see him
not even noticing what is happening to me. They must have heard me cry out?

My own ears are ringing from the sound echoing through the small space of the car.

That’s when my vision takes the opportunity to start going cloudy on me, and I have
to struggle to keep breathing in and out. Which is harder than it looks, especially
when nausea has come back for the party with the pain and dizziness; hell it’s one
big shindig all in my head and body. All I want to do in this moment is to close my
eyes and ride out the pain until it passes, but Gabe and the others have a change
of plans.

They are reaching for the door handles now, as if there aren’t hundreds of the dead
just centimeters away from the doors. I feel like I’m caught in a bad dream, Gabe
was just telling me moments ago how much he wanted to live through this with me, is
now ignoring me.

Maybe they are just working together to get me to stay in the car, since they can
see how sick I’m feeling?

That seems like a logical solution, but wouldn’t they clue me in on it? I’d like to
believe that they aren’t purposely ignoring me, but for the life of me, it feels
like it’s something worse. Ever since I woke up at the Collisee in Gabe’s arms,
something has felt off to me, and it’s just getting worse. Maybe it’s not them that
is wrong, what if it’s me?

I don’t have time to ponder this though, because they are all climbing out without

Chapter Eighty Six

With not even a last look at anyone, they all climb out of the car and leave me
sitting inside alone and stunned. Like all the times in the past, they all begin to
shoot into the horde, even the once skittish little brother of Maria; Michael.
Somehow they actually manage to push the dead out of the way, so that they can
start to make a path for themselves. As they head for the wall, I really believe
that they are going to just leave me here. With a cry for them to wait, I quickly
climb over Gabe’s seat and for the open door, all the while ignoring the way the
world tilts on me as I move.

I’m just reaching the door and using it to pull myself out, when the voices start.

It’s a strange feeling having the sounds around you dim and turns to static. Even
stranger, are having that static fill up with voices of people that aren’t even
anywhere around you. Deftly, I rise to my feet and lean onto the swaying car door.
I notice right off that Gabe and Dan are doing most of the shooting a couple feet
in front of me. Then quickly find out that Maria and Michael huddle close to them,
like they are afraid to lose them in the crowed.

What about me?

Shouldn’t they want to stick close to me too? I mean, yeah sure I’m a little
incapacitated at the moment, but I’ve done my fair share of ax swinging in the
past. I want to shout at them to stop and wait, but I can’t. A feeling of wrongness
weighs on me. It’s so overwhelmingly strong, that I go stock still and quiet. Then
I know like a shock to my system, that whatever I’m feeling and now hearing in not
remotely close to being normal. Something is seriously wrong with me. I know it.
Because the voices I’m hearing?

It’s Gabe and the others.

But that can’t be right can it? I hear them as if they were right beside me, when I
know for a fact that they are not. Obviously I can see them running in front of me.
So why can I hear them now? I try to force myself to focus, but it doesn’t happen.
If anything, my mind goes mushy with confusion. A throbbing ache that pulses with
my rapid heart rate pierces inside my head forcing my eyes to squeeze shut. You’d
think this new wave of pain would dim the voices, but the voices get louder

I can hear Gabe the loudest, almost like he’s standing right in front of me yelling
in my face. He’s telling me to hang on and not to leave him. The wavering pain in
his words makes me want to ease his suffering, but I can’t find my voice around all
the pain in my head. Distantly, as if a whisper, I can hear Dan repeating about
hanging on. He practically urges me to snap out of it, and I can’t help thinking
that it would make sense in my falling apart mind, to try to get myself to fight
and keep going. Because obviously the voices are my subconscious talking…right?

Yeah that’s sane.

Of course the other alternative doesn’t exactly make me feel any better. What
alternative you ask? Well, given the circumstances, I’m starting to think maybe I’m
either dead or dying. Not exactly something fun to think about. At least this way
is almost peaceful if I factor out the pain in my head and its way better than
being eaten by hundreds of the dead. So really, my day isn’t going too bad…in

The voices fade enough that I become aware as the others are shooting into the dead
and just barely clearing a path around them enough to begin to run. I stand frozen
by the car, not sure what the best attack plan is. I can’t just run after them can
I? It would seem that I’m finally cracking under the pressure of it all. They act
like they know it too and are fine with just leaving me to die. Deep down I know
that can’t be true. Not after everything we have all been together, I mean really
it’s not like we were strangers before this. Dan is my brother for goodness sakes,
and Gabe, well he’s the love of my life now.

I’m so confused.

I’m all alone.

And worse of all, I feel so out of control.

For once though the dead are leaving me alone, this in itself is strange. Usually
they charge for the weak and vulnerable…meaning me, basically. And yet they leave
me alone? That can’t be right. I will take my pass though, even if I could very
well be dying at the moment or going completely mental. Actually, you know what?
Freak that, I’m not staying here to be dead people meat. I’m getting the hell out
of dodge.

Before I can even flex my muscles to take a step forward, I have the sensation that
I’m in two places at once. Complete with vertigo and I need to know why. So, biting
the inside of my cheek and tasting the salty sweetness of blood, I push away from
the car. My legs shake enough that I wonder if I’m about to fall flat on my face.
My entire body just wants to buckle to the ground in defeat. But grinding my teeth
together allows for me to find some semblance of balance to remain upright. My head
does throb from the sudden change from movement to stillness.

It’s like an old friend at this point though, I must be getting used to it.

The feeling of being in two places at once overrides the pain. I suddenly feel like
I’m sitting back inside the car again. The clarity of the sensation makes me go
numb…well no that’s not true. I can feel my head throbbing like it is now but at
the same time stronger somehow. My body feels so weak and tired in both scenarios
that it makes me want to just lie down and give up altogether. Then something
happens that makes me gasp. Warm strong hands press into my cheeks and hold me
protectively. I physically sigh into them. A peace that I haven’t felt in a while
wraps around me like a security blanket that I never want to lose track of.

The voices become clear. Gabe’s voice becomes clear and I can’t avoid it.

“Maggie please hear me, I can’t lose you. Not now and maybe not ever.” His hands
tighten, urging me to listen. “Just hang on a little longer, all we need is time.
We’re so close to being safe. It can’t end here. Not like this.”

His voice fades before I can try to respond or even think if his voice is real. It
makes me feel like everything is spinning out of my control. I’m seriously
contemplating climbing back into the car, and just letting this crazy trip ride me
like a roller coaster ride, when the sound of a bomb blazes through my senses.

My eyes go wide, and I go back to just hearing what is all around me and not in my
own head.

The early dawn lights up as the ground quakes, bodies of the living and the dead
are running around now. While trapped in my head, I lost sight of the others and
quickly search out for them. It doesn’t take long until I find them, and I see them
in the distance much closer to the wall than they were moments ago.

Screaming for Gabe and Dan, I force myself up off the road. I rush farther forward
on rubbery legs, but neither of them turns around. I feel like I’m wearing lead
shoes suddenly and I know it’s going to either take forever to reach them, or I’m
going to black out. My head throbs harshly now, and my vision narrows down to Gabe
a few feet before me.

There is chaos all around, people running and screaming, while rushing to the wall.

Guns are going off, with the bombs still falling from the sky and shaking the
ground I run on. The sky is filled with smoke that burns my eyes. I have to force
them to stay open, and they water from the strain of it. All the while, I feel like
I’m running in slow motion and it feels like the closer I get to Gabe, he just gets
farther and farther away. He and the rest are getting closer to the wall now, and
aren’t alone. There is hundreds of the living with them, along with the never
ceasing bodies of the walking dead. They still firing into the dead, as if they
even have a chance, but then again maybe they do.

When the other voices come back into my head again, they cause me to stumble to a
stop. I shut my eyes against their voices. A keening whine rises in the background,
I think just might belong to me.

“…please, hang on just a little longer.” His words send a throbbing urgency through

All I want in this moment is to comply. But I can’t. My limbs are heavy and feel as
if they aren’t even mine. This rings a little close to home since I can still feel
my other body lying on the cold hard road. I feel nothing in this one, except for
Gabe’s hands that hold me immobile. Each of his strong fingers press into my cheeks
with enough pressure that they keep me focused. I cling to the sensation.

Then other sounds beside Gabe rise up around me.

“Gabe…we can’t…stay here…it’s not…” My brother’s voice comes through my mind

muddled, less clear than Gabe’s.

This could be from the constant gunfire all around me now. It’s not alone either.
The sound of flesh striking flesh is a constant echo in the air and so are the
growls. I wish I could avoid hearing those ever again, but in a way it’s kind of a
comfort. If the growls are the dead and the dead are where this other version of me
is, and then is that me the real one?

I don’t get the chance to debate the logistics of my mental stability for long,
because I suddenly feel something other than Gabe’s hands on the other version of
me sitting down. It’s a wetness sliding down my cheeks. Call it experience or
female instinct, but I doubt this is contributed to tears. For one, the wetness is
practically hot and secondly it oozes in a slow going thickness.

Gabe’s hands slide in the wetness. “No Maggie, not yet…please. Damn it.”

“Gabe, what is that?” Dan’s voice is closer now, but still fuzzy sounding. “Is
that…blood? Shit. Enough of this, we have to move NOW!”

“Shut it Daniel, just keep them away from us, can you do that please?” Gabe’s hands
tighten on me, it’s a little terrifying. “I don’t want to move her and make it
worse. Damn it, why is this happening. Maggie? Can you move? Please talk to me...”

A though rips through me then. I think I might be dying.

My whimper becomes louder and it’s not long before I hear myself struggle with the
words I want so badly to scream.


Gabe gasps and moves in so close to me that I can feel the warmth of his breath on
my face.

“Maggie? I’m not leaving you. Never.” He pauses. “Dan is right though, we have to
move. Can you move you think?”


“No, you’re not going to die, not today, not any time soon. We just have to get out
of here. I know your tired, just stay awake long enough for me to get you safe.”
More whimpers slide past my lips as I try to tell him about the wall. He takes this
as confirmation because his hands slide down my cheeks and move like he is going to
pick me up. He doesn’t get the chance though. He’s gone is a blink and then so am

I feel my body in two places at once for a moment before I’m slammed fully back
into the body of me on the road. This causes me to stumble to the ground roughly on
my knees. I don’t feel any pain as the blow sends vibrations up my legs. I see the
same rushing chaos all around, which still seems to be ignoring me, before my eyes
close. My body quivers, then falls face first onto the road slamming my cheeks to
the pavement. It should cause immense pain to rise up in my already pain filled
head, but it doesn’t.

I sigh, too exhausted to wonder if I’m really losing my mind. Instead, I allow
myself to really believe that I might be truly dying. Why else would I be seeing
whatever it is that I’m seeing and feeling? I should be terrified, I should sad, I
should be…

…back in the in the car again.

A struggle of wet mushy sounds of blade cutting through soft flesh and meat joins
in on the constant stream of gunshots everywhere. It makes me want to gag or go
back to being alone maybe. I’m still sitting in the car from before, but now my
body is turned so that I’m half in and half out, there are hands on me. They are
soft and hesitant, and not Gabe’s.

I start to slip off the seat, but the hands straighten me out. “Crap, sorry Maggie.
Gabe will be right back; he’s helping Dan right quick.”


My whimpering picks up where it left off or maybe just gets louder to me, as I try
to thank her for helping me. She seems to understand because she leans in for a
hug, but then she stiffens. Her hands tighten on me, enlisting pain where she
touches. Her scream makes me jump. Then she is gone. I worry for a whole minute if
whatever make her leave will come back to finish me off. Soon there are hands on me
again, this time I know its Gabe, and he lifts me easily up in his arms.

I’m gone before my head rest against his chest.

Things get a little wonky at this point. I’m neither here nor there, meaning the
car or the road. It’s like I’m hovering in limbo between the two. Glimpses from
both realities play before my eyes like a bad cable connection. The only thing that
remains strong and constant is the pain in my head. The pounding is so severe that
I wouldn’t be surprised if it just suddenly exploded. Heck, it might stop hurting
if it did.

I slip from Gabe’s arms and am placed on the cold quivering ground. The air is
filled with explosions and heavy smoke, while gunfire and screams rise up to meet
it all. Movement is all around, but my body won’t cooperate with the need to NOT
get eaten to death. Before I can worry too much, limbo pulls me back. I do feel a
hesitant touch on my limp arms trying to drag me as I go through. For a brief
moment I really hope it’s someone living.

Lying alone on the road again, the bomb that turned into a bright light is getting
closer and closer to me. I’m having a hard time keeping up with what is going on
two both of my bodies. The light from above my body on the road surrounds me now,
and is so bright that I have to close my eyes from the glare of it. When I finally
open my eyes again, I find that I am no longer on the road surrounded by all the
dead. They seem to remain apart from the bubble of the stillness around me though.
That’s when a flash of a memory forms behind my open eyes.

It plays before me like something I should have known all along.

I have the sensations of movements and muddled sounds again. Nothing makes sense,
beside the fact that I am being carried, but I’m not sure by whom. As I fade away
this time, I can hear Gabe yelling for me to come back to him. I really want to, I
do, but I haven’t the strength anymore.

I feel my eyes fill with tears, as the pain in my body begins to fade and all that
I’m left with is numbness. This doesn’t seem real, as say the other me who is a
vicious zombie killing warrior. I’d almost give anything to go back to that. I get
my wish when my vision goes grey and fills up with a light that seems to be coming
from everywhere and nowhere at once.

Everything around me starts to disappear.

Light rises all around filling my vision. The brightness of it is so severe that my
eyes close without even having to try. Giant vibrations beneath me causes an
echoing ripple through my body, it takes my breath away. Light filters through my
closed eyelids and I worry that this is finally it. I’m going to die. It hits me
like a blow to the gut, but oddly enough, I’m not afraid. There is comfort where
fear should be, numbness where pain should be. A sigh as soft as a feathers tough
slips though my lips, then there is only the mind numbing darkness of nothing.

I’m gone.

Chapter Eighty Seven

I’m a drift and have been for what feels like forever, lost in the dark abyss of
the uncertainty of life and death. I have no feeling of pain, touch, or even fear
and oddly I’m okay with that. It’s safe here in the dark. I’m alone in it yes, but
at least I’m not afraid of dying. After being suspended this way for a while, the
feeling of anything is a shock to my system. My mind and body is pulled back to
itself, I cling to the dark not ready to leave. But don’t really have a choice, I
never did.

My eyes open with a gasp. Shudders ripple down the length of me. Pain ruptures
through my skull causing my eyes to water. Blurrily, I wait for my eyes to adjust
to the dimly lit room. As I do, little things pick at me about where I could
possibly be. For one thing, it’s painfully noisy. How I was sleeping I have no
clue. For another, I’m clearly not alone. At first this makes me terrified, but
when I realize I’m not being eaten, I begin to relax as much as I can.

It seems that I’m in a medical ward or something. I lean towards the or something
because it’s clearly outside and not in a hospital, but definitely medically
related. I blame this theory on the fact that I’m lying down in a clean bed with
needles hooked in both my arms, and the air supplying mask that is a little too
snug over my nose and mouth. Unless of course dead things became smatter over my
nap, yeah, I don’t think so either. Mine isn’t the only bed in here either, there
are at least a dozen or more occupied ones, and even more empty. Each bed appears
to be separated by thick clear plastic curtains, with only a little breathing room
in between.
The reason I’m guessing this place is outside rather than in? Well, there are no
walls to speak off, at all. Okay that’s not completely true, there are tent like
walls. The sound everywhere is ridiculous. I wonder if it’s what woke me up, but I
know it’s not. The people that are obviously with me, given that they are sitting
close to my bed within my curtain space, are still asleep. All four of them if you
can believe it, and I’m starting to think maybe my pounding headache is what woke

I wonder what a girl has to do to get some pain pills around here, if they’re
available anyways.

As much as I want to sit up and call out to the cutie on my right, I feel so
exhausted still. A sigh fogs up my oxygen mask causing me to cough. The noise
startles my visitors enough that they start to stir into waking. One by one they
sit up straighter and open their eyes. And one by one they notice that I too am
awake. Shocked silence plays over all of their expressions. It almost makes me want
to laugh at the sight. The tears in their eyes are what stop me from saying or
doing anything.

The image of them is eerily too familiar and with me waking after being hurt again.
My eyes were starting to clear up a little, but now are overrun with free flowing
tears. Gabe rushes even closer to the side of my bed. His chair scratches across
the ground in his hurry. The sound of it snaps the others out of their shock and
they too get closer to me. My tears flow faster and seep into my face mask. It fogs
up even worse than before. This time a coughing fit over takes me. The tears flow

I see a helpless pattern forming.

Taking pity on me, Gabe reaches out for my mask. “May I?”

I nod. He gently removes it. I can breathe easily again. Of course without the
distraction, my headache comes back, but really I couldn’t really care. Not when
I’m surrounded by everyone that I thought I’d never see again. Gabe reaches out a
hand to cup my free cheek and I lean into him before he gets close. I breathe him
in. Not just the freshly clean scent of him either, just him by himself, here with
me. Worry knots up wrinkles between his eyes, but it makes him even more beautiful
to me. I watch as his eyes water, making mine flow faster.

“Wow, I wondered if I’d ever see the two of you this way again.” Dan’s voice turns
my head to find him on the other side of the bed, he’s smiling. “It’s as sickening
and disturbing as I remember.”

He’s as clean as Gabe is and just as openly worried about me. It makes me afraid of
what happened after I passed out. Obviously it’s not good, if their faces are any
indication. Plus, there is the fact that my head hurts and that I’m so weak I can’t
even form words. I can see though and what I see are my other two visitors. Maria
and Michael cling to their chairs near the foot of my bed, both quiet in their
observations of me. It’s clear they are equally worried, but I also see relief. It
makes me feel relieved too.

Dan leans in close, “How are you feeling kiddo? That was some nap you took, I’m so

As if in response, the pain in my head reaches my pressure point, making me cringe

and cry out.

Moving as one entity, they all flock closer like worried mothers. My eyes slam
shut. Gabe’s hand slips from my face, a whimper escapes my lips.
The curtain moves, making my eyes travel to Gabe holding it. “Hey! Can we get some
freaking help over here please? She’s finally up and in pain.”

Dan laughs quietly, he doesn’t look up though. His eyes tap mine in a pain filled

A soft admonishing voice calls out to Gabe, who simply shrugs back at them. The
voice comes again. It must appease him, because Gabe comes back to my side. Not
long after he gets comfortable and takes my hand in his, someone pushes into the
tight space of my “room”. It’s a woman, a cute and young one. Too young a clearly
be a doctor. I must make a face because she smiles brightly at me, making tension
in the others ease up.

“Your awake I see, that’s good, makes my job better when patients survive.” She
pauses to look at the clipboard in her hands, and then glances back at me. “I hear
you’re in some pain then? I think I can help you out with that, but could you tell
me how bad it is first?”

I nod, open my mouth, and…nothing. I seem to be outdone by dry mouth. A cough

escapes me again. The woman waves at Dan, who actually blushes by the way, and he
reaches for something behind my line of sight. He comes back with a cup of water.
Grateful, I sip from it when he lifts it to my lips. It soothes the scratchiness of
my throat and even eases some of the pain in my head. The woman watches me intently
as I make a mess of myself with the water. No one says anything about it.

“What…” I start, but pause when my voice sounds like someone took a shredder to it.

The woman pushes Gabe out of the way so she can be beside me. I notice there is
something that looks like a syringe in her hands now and I hope it’s for me. “You
want to know what happened. I was hoping you knew already, but I have no problem
clearing the cobwebs for you. Do you remember anything before passing out?”

I nod. The others flinch at her words; apparently they were supposed to confess all
to me.

She continues. “Okay good, that makes this easier. Well, from what I was told, you
had quite the hit to your head a while back. That hit led to some problems for you
I imagine. The reason for that was a blood clot that formed at the point of
contact. Which eventually lead to a bleed when it went and ruptured on you. That is
why you passed out; it was killing you so to speak.”

The pain in everyone’s expression brings tears to my eyes again. Not Gabe though,
he’s seriously glaring daggers at the woman. I kind of want to too, but I don’t,
the drug she has to offer makes me want to be nice.

“So how is it that I’m not dead, so to speak?” I ask.

Yes I know I’m being rude, I can’t help it, my heard hurts.

She smiles warmly. “I operated on you and stopped the bleed.”

Operated? I stare around the third world conditions of my “hospital room” in alarm.

“Wait what?” I squeak. Oh good, my voice is back.

She shrugs. “I did what I had to and worked with what we had available. You’re
alive aren’t you? Stop complaining.” There is a nervous jitter to her voice. “So
how about some of that pain medication you needed? It’ll make the pain less severe
so you can rest up to heal.”

I nod. She injects the syringe in one of the tubes in my arms and quickly makes her
exit when she is finished. Obviously her brain surgery skills are new; otherwise
she wouldn’t be so nervous around me. Whatever. She is right. At least I’m alive,
so that’s something. I guess. Depends on what infections I’ve acquired over my
little siesta. Preferably none, I’m just saying.

“What the heck happened to me you guys? No half assed answers either, so spill.” My
voice is stronger; some of my pain is already ebbing away.

“You really want to know?” Dan asks warily.

I nod. He starts like he’s going to spill the beans, but stops at a look from Gabe.
He takes over for my brother. I nearly pass out when he’s finished. Turns out I’ve
been in a coma for over two weeks that explains why my body doesn’t really feel
like my own and the doctor lady’s problem. She really was nervous and with good
reason. I almost died, a couple times. She told them that I might never wake up
because of all the physical and mental trauma I suffered. The healing process is a
long one she said. No wonder my head hurts. I had freaking brain surgery.

What are the odds of that during a zombie apocalypse?

While I was asleep, they all got used to taking up shop here with me and ’m
grateful for that. Gabe also told me the good news too. We all made it over the
border and into safe territory, thank goodness. Not that the problem of all the
dead out and about has been solved. The little bastards are resilient I’ll give
them that. No one knew what’s going to happen next other than just basically
surviving to the next day. When I asked them about the giant wall I’d seen, it got
a laugh from all of them. That part must have been from the brain bleed, go figure.
They did tell me that there are some sturdy fences up though, so that makes me feel
relatively safe.

By the time all the air is cleared and I’m fading in and out of consciousness from
those miracle drugs, I can’t help thinking about what’s going to happen now. This
can’t be the end can it? After everything we’ve been through, that I’ve been
through, this can’t end with just me in a makeshift hospital bed. I mean I hope not
anyway. How sucky would that be? Me, no longer being a zombie killing warrior
princess, but an invalid instead.


I close my eyes with a sigh. “So what happens now?”

“I was thinking we should try to go back for mom and dad.” Dan pauses until I
glance at him with wide eyes. “That is…when you’re up for it.”

Gabe shocks me by laughing hysterically. It’s not long before Maria and Michael
join in on it with him. The irony of this similar situation isn’t lost on me, but I
can’t laugh with them. I’m seriously thinking about it. So is Dan. We hold each
other’s stare. He knows what I want to do, the question wasn’t needed. Maybe it’s a
twin thing, or maybe just a sibling thing, but we’re so similar it’s scary. We
smile at the same time. My heart fills full and warm.

“Yes Dan, when I’m up for it, I think that would be a wonderful idea.”

The laughter stops. My gaze shifts to Gabe as if magnetically drawn. As he sits on

the bed beside me, I see Maria moving to Dan with tears in her eyes. They are
scared, of going back, me too if I’m being honest here. What if there is nothing or
no one left?

Gabe cups my cheeks in his hands again. “You just get some rest you hear me? Worry
about running off later. We have some time to figure out our next move. Don’t think
you’re going alone either.”

Alone? No chance of that. I so need my little team of warriors or no deal.

I smile and nod. He relaxes, and so do the others. Soon I’m drifting off to sleep
again. The last thought I have is that I really hope I can start having normal
sleeping patterns. All this irregular interval crap is totally for the birds, or
however that weird saying goes. A giggle bubbles inside and just barely slips out
when I’m down for the count.


I stare out into the horde of all the people waiting in line before us and I try
not to be afraid. Gabe is standing beside me. He seems to think this part will be a
breeze, I beg to differ, not that I’d admit that to him. It took a lot of
convincing on my part to even get here as it is, I can’t blow it on doubt. Then he
glances at me, a small confident smile playing across his beautiful lips. My body
eases into relaxation.

He gives me courage. Or comfort. Take your pick, I like both.

The line moves up a body or two, bringing us closer to the heavily armed security
at the border. Anticipation rushes through me. A bouncing starts at the soles of my
feet and gets swept away by my entire body. I wouldn’t be surprised if I shot off
like a rocket at this point, but a firm hand on my shoulder stills me. It’s my
brother Dan, who’s standing right behind me. Clearly my eager bouncing is hindering
his view. I stop and bite my lip instead.

It’s been almost a year since I woke up in that pitiful excuse of a hospital room.
Even before I was “released” Gabe and I talked about leaving to go back home,
wherever that might be now. Surprisingly, we weren’t the only ones. Obviously Dan
wanted to go. He’s do just about anything to get back together with our parents.
Being here now with me, proves that. Peeking over the hand still on my shoulder, I
search out his for his eyes. Oddly enough he’s not watching the way too long line.
No, he’s watching me. Surprising us both, I reach up my smaller hand and cover his
still on my shoulder. I hang on to him. We both squeeze as if our lives depended on

In a way…they still kind of do.

Things are more different these days than anyone ever thought possible a year ago.
Half of the once thriving United States is now either dead and obliterated or alive
and trying to start over. Luckily we qualify in the latter. It took a long time for
the survivors to gain some semblance of a life again, I know because I’m one of
them. I wish I could say that all of the walking dead were destroyed in the bombs
last year, but that would be a lie. Sure, most of them were flayed into ash and
dust, but most of them are still walking about searching for something living to
munch on.

That alone makes going back kind of tricky, not to mention uber difficult and
On a plus though, our remade joint government is kind of kickass. They know all the
dead can’t be destroyed in one swoop, heck they kind of know the dead might not be
able to be destroyed at all. This is why they came up with this super system. It’s
like a lottery and a death sentence at the same time. Anyone who wants to stay in
the clear zones can and anyone who wants to leave also can, but it comes with a
price. Once you choose, it’s final. No going back, no do-overs, no game changing.

Scary yes, but needed. It’s even recorded, so no tricky is allowed.

I even understand the reasoning. We, the people that survived, need to feel that we
are still a free nation. So it makes sense for this first law, so to speak, to be
passed and ordered. I even understand the reason behind the simple logistics of it.
If someone were to leave and come back the virus could spread into the safe zone.
It would be a disaster all over again. I don’t want that, they don’t want that, no
one wants that. Surprisingly though, I’m not the only one hoping to find survivors
among the ashes back home. Makes since for the long line huh? Oh yeah, people are
just crazy and I’m one of them.

Besides Gabe and Dan, a few others are accompanying us on this semi-suicidal thrill
ride. Okay, I should really just say two others are coming with us and its Maria
and Michael. Personally I’m just shocked that they wanted to go with us, especially
after all the close calls we had last year. But then again, maybe it should be such
a surprise. I mean Maria loves Dan, she always has. It’s clear she would walk to
the end of the earth for him. I know for a fact that he would’ve stayed for her if
she asked, but she didn’t. That’s why she rocks basically. The same can be said for
her brother Michael. Since he goes where she goes, he is coming too.

He can be jumpy at times, but when it counts he comes through in the end. This I
know for a fact and only because he very nearly saved my life once upon a time. I
still can’t believe that I thought Gabe was the one carrying me so long ago. I feel
like I should know the difference between the arms of my boyfriend and those of a
goofball. The mistake won’t be happening anytime soon. The arms of Gabe is
something I’ve come intimately involved in and would recognize them if they were my

Speaking of which, there are two someone’s that have the same kind of closeness,
Claire and Noah. Weird right? I thought so too when we ran into them a couple of
months ago. It would seem that they have been pretty much involved with one another
since they meant, even though they tried to deny it. The reason on her going with
him instead of with me makes sense now in a way that it didn’t before. It also
makes sense that they decided to stay in the safe zone, even if I wish they could
come with us. I’d like to think that this won’t be the last time we see one
another, but I know the truth, and it sucks.

However lame the rules might be, it definitely makes room for possibilities. Like
maybe seeing my mom and dad again, if they are still alive. The last time I saw
them, they were in the ground with my mom healing from a gunshot wound. The odd
aren’t really in their favor, but I’m hopeful and so are the others. They keep me
going. I really don’t know what I’d do without them, die probably. In fact I nearly
did huh? Well, there is still time for that. The dead love to play with our waning
strengths and weaknesses so I’m sure there will come a time when I’m in a pickle
that won’t have a solution. I prefer not, but we’ll see.

It’s a good thing we’re allowed to take some precautions with us. Among the obvious
choice of weapons we also get food, water, clothes and even some form of
transportation. All of these are earned on a sliding scale though. So for someone
who is an unemployed homeless orphan such, as me and mine, the options are severely
limited. All we were allotted was a simple change of clothes and a single weapon

Together we were able to scrounge up some food and water to take, thankfully. And
at the last minute we even came up with enough points to afford public transport as
far as Vermont. Or I should say Noah did. Gabe won’t admit that we had some help
with transportation, but how else could we afford it? I can accept help and there
is no problem admitting that. Oh well, I guess it doesn’t matter now, at least we
have it.

The line we are in takes forever to bring us to the front of it. It’s positively
sweltering in this late June heat. For once I’m grateful for it though. Walking
back to Maine in the snow is not my idea of a good time. It might be an issue when
we reach the state as it is. Who knows how long it’ll take to walk there and fight
off any surviving dead? It’s a gamble for sure. Soon enough it’s our turn to go
through the check point. This is a series of lists to be sure we have what we
afforded ourselves and that we know for a fact that there is no coming back after
crossing the border.

The wall that I once imagined has been built to a fault all around the north,
south, west, and eastern points on the United States. Each checkpoint is set up in
four different layers of locked cages within the wall. This makes for a long
struggle of passage, but it keeps the clear zone safe from contamination. By the
time we make it to the last step, I’m close to passing out from equal amounts of
excitement and terror. And so is everyone else.

Standing at the last thing separating us from safety and the possible walking dead,
I know we’re going to need all the luck we can get. I grip the ax in my right hand,
and shifting the pack of clothes over my shoulder, I try to be brave. Beside me,
Maria has a bow in her arms, with a pack of arrows over her shoulders. We both have
pretty awesome leg sheaths with knives in them (secretly of course – only one
weapon per person and all that). Michael has a new handgun in his belt, his hands
twitch with the need to take it out. This took a lot of reminders for him to keep
the safety on. He’s also holding a pack of food for us over his shoulder.

Next to me Gabe has the freshly loaded rifle over his shoulder. In his other hand
he’s holding two gallons of water. Beside him is Dan, who has another handgun. He
too has a gallon of fuel in his other hand. We are all just staring out the gate at
what waits us when we step through, and wondering how the hell we’re going to get
the many busses that are sitting out there in time.

Dan steps toward the armed guards at the gate then, and reaches for the handle
before anyone else. He stops just shy of having it completely open. He pauses and
glances over his shoulder at us.

“You guys ready for this?” He asks.

My mouth goes dry, but I swallow and try to be calm.

Maria gives my hand a squeeze, and I let her anchor me. I glance away from the door
and find Gabe watching me. He offers me a small smile. Not taking my eyes off his,
I take a deep breath. I can see Michael’s hand tightening on his handgun on the
other side of Maria and I know we’re as ready as we’re ever going to be.

Dan pushes past the open gate then, and the summer heat washes over us.

The dead in the distance turn at the sound and begin to make their way over to us.

“Here we go.” I say, as I raise the ax in my arms and follow outside.


My name is Maggie Cooper. I used to be your average seventeen year old girl with a
whole bright future ahead of me. When I was little, I loved running in the rain.
There was something almost freeing about it. The exhilaration of your blood
pumping, the quick shallow breaths, and the way the wind brushes past your body.
Want to know my most favorite part?

That unstoppable feeling from pushing myself to the breaking point gets me every

Now though? Well…it’s complicated.

Get back to me later maybe?

The End

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About the Author:

Amy Lunderman is a stay at home mom, with a passion to write paranormal romantic
thriller's whether they be adult or young adult. She lives in Rhode Island with her
fiancé and their beautiful daughter. She enjoys writing, reading, being a mom,
watching movies and television, having dance party, YouTube, and status updates on

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Connect with Me Online:

My Blog:


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Cover Art by:

Razzle Dazzle Design

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