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1. What do you think about languages?

I think is better to be only one language/idiom.

2. How is your native language different from English?

The difference is the grammar.

3. Do you think one day there will be just one language in the world?

No, because all countries wants to have their own language and culture.

4. Does language make personalities different?Why?

No, because the language does not changes the personality.

5. What languages do you like or dislike the sound of?

I dislike the sound of the Chinese language.

I like the sound of French.

6. What are your feelings towards your own language?

I like my own language.

7. Do you think body language is universal? For sure

Yes, I think the body language is universal.


8. What three languages would you really like to speak, and why?

I like to speak Catalan, because it is my native language.

French, Spanish.

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