03 Test - Iteration

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Test: Iteration 2

Goal of test: Core Mechanic

Frequent action
The most frequent action in my game is (e.g. rolling a die, slashing, walking around, etc)

Rolling a dice, answer questions and drink alcohol.

How does my most frequent action support my player experience?

You don’t know what to expect, you’re either gonna rush drinking, or answer a difficult
question. It’s all thanks to pure luck.

How can I improve the most frequent action?

Not sure how rolling a dice can be improved?

Is the ultimate goal of my game clear to the player? If so, how is it communicated?

You’re gonna get drunk, and that’s why it’s called “ølstafet” Which I think is pretty clear to the
player. Only Danish people would understand the title, not so much foreigners.

Is there anything I can do to communicate the goal clearer?

Call it “the Drinking quizgame”? Perhaps write it in the rulebook as the first step.
What are the challenges in my game?

The challenge is to get drunk, but not too drunk. If you get too drunk, you might not know the
answer to the question, and you will fall behind.

How does the level of challenge increase as the player succeeds?

Eventually you will land on a black cup, so you will have to drink, and the drunker you get, the
harder it will be to answer the questions.

Is there enough variety on the challenge?

It’s quite a repetitive game, so theres not much variety, but the game is quite quick to finish -
it’s not supposed to be a time consuming game.

Problem Solving
What problems must the player solve to succeed at my game?

They must drink and answer a question to succeed. If you don’t know the answer to the
questions, or if you’re a slow drinker, then you will lose.

Any hidden problems to solve that arises as part of the gameplay?

The 2. Team shouldn’t roll the dice if the 1. Team land on a black cup, they should both start
drinking. The 2. Team can start drinking as soon as the 1. Team pick up the cup. If team 1.
Win the next round will go to the 2. Team. If the 2. Team finish before the 1. Team, the 1.
Team will have to wait a round for it to be their tour again.

How can my game generate new problems so players want to keep playing?

It’s always a new question you get, and hardcore HP fans want to be the best at answering
the questions, you can also change the questions to a knew topic, if you buy a new handbook.

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