Ins Kaam Ada Kilye

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Unit - Resources Themes: T10- Resource Management

 Resource management refers to the sustainable use of natural resources to meet the
needs of present and future generations.
 Resource management involves the efficient and effective allocation of resources to
achieve economic, social, and environmental objectives. T12- Sustainable
Management of natural environment, characteristics of human impacts on aquatic,
desert, forest, grassland, and tundra
 Sustainable management of natural resources involves using resources in a way that
does not deplete or damage them, and ensures their availability for future
 Human activities, such as deforestation, overfishing, and pollution, have negative
impacts on natural environments and biodiversity.
 Sustainable management of urban systems and the environment involves balancing
economic, social, and environmental needs to ensure the long-term viability of cities.

Unit - Changing Population Themes: T9- Changing population, natural increase,

structure, and migration

 Population change refers to the increase or decrease in the size, structure, and
distribution of a population over time.
 Factors that impact human population include birth rates, death rates, migration, and
demographic trends.
 Demographic analysis involves studying population data to understand population
characteristics and trends. T 11- Sustainable management of Urban systems and
 Sustainable management of urban systems and environments involves balancing
economic, social, and environmental needs to ensure the long-term viability of cities.
 Urbanization and population growth have significant impacts on natural resources
and the environment. T7- Growth and development Indicators
 Growth and development indicators measure the economic and social progress of a
country or region.
 Indicators such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Human Development Index (HDI),
and poverty rates are used to compare and analyze different countries and regions.
 Overpopulation and underpopulation can have significant impacts on economic
development and social well-being.

Unit – Social and Resistance Movement Themes: T2- Significant individuals

 Significant individuals have played important roles in social and resistance

movements throughout history.
 Leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther King Jr. are
examples of individuals who have inspired and led successful social movements. T 3-
Peace and Conflict
 Peace and conflict are important themes in social and resistance movements.
 Non-violence has been a key strategy in many successful social movements.
 Technology, such as social media and hashtag activism, can play a significant role in
mobilizing and organizing social movements. T 4- Rights and Social Protests
 Social protests are a form of collective action that seek to bring about social change.
 Social movements often focus on issues related to human rights, equality, and
democratic rights.
 Equity is an important consideration in social movements, as marginalized and
vulnerable populations often experience greater social and economic inequality.

Unit - Economic Agents Themes: T6- Economic Agents, their interest, and role in

 Economic agents are individuals, groups, or organizations that participate in

economic activity.
 Economic agents have different interests and incentives, which can impact economic
outcomes. T2: Significant Individuals
 Significant individuals have played important roles in shaping economic systems and
 Leaders such as Adam Smith and John Maynard Keynes have influenced economic
thought and practice. T8: Industrialization and Technological Development
 Industrialization and technological development have had significant impacts on
economic growth and development.
 Choices made by economic agents, such as investment decisions, can impact a
country's development trajectory.
 Inflation and its control are important considerations for economic agents and
 Corporate social responsibility by multinational corporations can contribute to
inclusive development and empower vulnerable populations.
 E-commerce can provide new economic opportunities and empower women.

Unit - Interdependence ThemeT 5- Globalization

T 1- Superpowers, empires and supra-national institutions and organizations • United
Nations- Historical Background: The UN was founded in 1945 after World War II to
promote international cooperation and prevent conflicts between countries. It
replaced the League of Nations which failed to prevent the outbreak of World War II.
The UN has 193 member states and aims to promote peace, human rights, and
sustainable development. The UN system includes various bodies such as the General
Assembly, Security Council, International Court of Justice, and specialized agencies. •
Global Interaction -System of Alliances: Superpowers often form alliances with other
countries to strengthen their military and economic power. Examples of such
alliances include NATO and the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War. • League Of
Nations- its strengths and weakness: The League of Nations was formed after World
War I to promote peace and security. Its strengths included promoting disarmament
and resolving conflicts peacefully, but it had weaknesses such as lack of enforcement
power and the absence of major powers such as the US. • UN Success and failure-
Kosovo War 1998-99: The UN successfully intervened in the Kosovo War to prevent
ethnic cleansing and establish peacekeeping operations. However, there were also
criticisms of the UN's intervention, including accusations of bias towards the
Albanian side. • UN Failure- Iraq war 2003: The UN failed to prevent the US-led
invasion of Iraq in 2003, which was criticized as a violation of international law and
the UN Charter.

• Bretton woods system- Role of IMF and World Bank in promoting interdependence:
The Bretton Woods system was a global economic system established after World
War II to promote international trade and prevent another economic crisis. The
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank were established to provide
financial assistance and promote economic development in member countries. •
International Aid and its types: International aid is provided by developed countries
to developing countries to promote economic development and reduce poverty.
Types of aid include humanitarian aid, development aid, and military aid. • Structural
adjustment Program- Impact of SAP – case studies: Structural adjustment programs
(SAPs) are economic policies imposed by international financial institutions such as
the IMF and World Bank on developing countries. SAPs often involve austerity
measures such as cutting government spending and privatizing state-owned
enterprises. Critics argue that SAPs have negative impacts on social welfare and
exacerbate poverty. • Role of Multinational Corporations (MNC) in promoting trade
and its impact: MNCs are companies that operate in multiple countries and have a
significant impact on global trade and economic development. MNCs often have a
significant influence on the policies of host countries and can have both positive and
negative impacts on local economies and communities.

Unit - Power, Peace and Conflict • Nature of Power; Classification of Power: Power
refers to the ability to influence or control others. Power can be classified into
different types such as economic power, military power, and political power. • Impact
of significant individuals in power, peace and conflict resolution: Significant
individuals such as political leaders and activists can have a significant impact on
shaping the course of history and resolving conflicts. • Role of International
Organizations in peace and conflict resolution: International organizations such as
the UN, NATO, and the International Criminal Court play a key role in promoting
peace and resolving conflicts between countries. • Causes and methods of resolving
conflicts: Conflicts can arise due to various factors such as territorial disputes,
ideological differences, and economic competition. Methods of resolving conflicts
include diplomatic negotiations, mediation, and military intervention. • Need for
Peace; Types of Peace; Significant efforts for Peace: Peace is essential for human
development and well-being. Types of peace include negative peace (absence of
violence) and positive peace (establishment of social justice and equality).

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