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Historically, banks have been the primary source of credit for various sectors of the Indian

economy and their lending operations have evolved in response to the needs of the
economy. India's savings rate has remained in the range of 30-35%, and banks mobilize such
resources. Encouraging financial savings, which have the potential to enhance growth, has
been a key focus. Recent schemes for financial inclusion aim to tap savings from rural and
suburban areas, as well as convert unproductive physical savings into financial savings.
Credit cards and securitization have also emerged over time, which have had a positive
impact on credit growth.
Loans are the primary source of revenue for banks, as they lend money to businesses,
individuals, and farmers. Banks accept deposits from customers and lend them at a higher
rate in the form of loans. The difference between the lending rate and the deposit rate is
the primary source of income for banks. Additionally, banks continue to lend to loyal
customers as a way to strengthen customer relationships over time.

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