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Capstone Update #3

What I have accomplished so far

 Send my mentor my “about this book” part and ask for her feedback
 Buy the ingredients needed to make the first two recipes
 Write 5 recipes with ingredients and instructions
 Learned how to use the different lenses of the school’s camera for the cookbook

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

 Make the first recipe

 Take photos of the step by step of the first recipe
 Edit the recipe and add comments to the cookbook
 Edit the photos taken for the first recipe to create the “step by step” collage
 Brainstorm creative titles for the recipes

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

 Materials:
Blue and Yellow Corn Flour

 Time:
2 hours to make the recipe and take photos
2 hours to add comment to the recipe and design the pages in the book
1 hour to fix the “about the book” part based on my mentor’s feedback

 Space:
Kitchen with basic appliances and utensils

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

 I didn’t know how to add my personal essence to the “about this book”. Therefore, I decided to
rewrite it and think about the intention I wanted to give to my project. Based on that, I was able
to complete such part of my cookbook and currently I am just waiting for feedback.

 I was struggling with recording the recipes and adding the videos to the cookbook. Therefore, I
decided to replace the videos with step-by-step photos of each recipe.

 I haven’t been able to find the chiles I need for the salsa recipes. However, I will go to multiple
grocery stores and try to find them. If I can’t find them, I´ll replace the salsa recipe with other
Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

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