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Student: Zhansaya Aliaskar, Foreign philology the 3rd grade.

№ Word Part of Transcription Definition Translation

speech (IPA)
1 Flustered adj ˈflʌs.tɚd Nervous and смущенный,
confused, смятенный
because you have
been given a lot
do or are in a
2 Flapping verb flæp Moving sth махать (крыльями)
quickly up and
down, e.g. wings
3 Demanding adj dɪˈmɑːndɪŋ Needing a lot of требующий усилий
effort and skills
4 Approach noun əˈprəʊtʃ A way of doing or подход
thinking about
5 Easy-going adj iːziˈɡəʊɪŋ relaxed and not с легким
easily upset or характером
6 Tight-fisted adj taɪtˈfɪs.tɪd unwilling to Скупой, жадный
spend money
7 Strong- adj strɒŋˈwɪld very determined волевой,
willed to do what you решительный
want to do
8 Bad- adj ˌbædˈtempəd a bad-tempered раздражительный,
tempered person gets angry вздорный
or annoyed easily
9 Laid-back adj ˌleɪdˈbæk very relaxed and непринужденный,
not seeming спокойный
worried about
10 Open- adj ˌəʊpən willing to широких взглядов,
minded ˈmaɪndɪd consider ideas непредубежденный
and opinions that
are new or
different to your
11 Dizzy adj ˈdɪzi feeling like чувствующий
everything is головокружение
turning round, so
that you feel sick
Student: Zhansaya Aliaskar, Foreign philology the 3rd grade.

or as if you might
12 Unconscious adj ʌnˈkɒnʃəs in a state as потерявший
though you are сознание
sleeping, for
example because
you have been hit
on the head
13 Diarrhoea noun daɪəˈrɪə an illness in понос
which your solid
waste is more
liquid than usual,
and comes out of
your body more
14 Ulcer noun ˈʌlsə a painful, infected язва
area on your skin
or inside your
15 life- adj ˈlaɪfθretənɪŋ likely to cause опасный для жизни
threatening death
16 Tumour ˈtjuːmər a group of cells in опухоль
someone's body
that are not
growing normally
17 Suede noun sweɪd leather that has a замша
slightly rough

18 Leather noun ˈleðə the skin of кожа (выделанная)

animals that is
used to make
things such as
shoes and bags
19 Fur noun fɜːr the thick hair that шерсть, шкура
covers the bodies
of some animals
like cats and
20 Scruffy adj ˈskrʌfi dirty and untidy неряшливый
21 Aisle noun aɪl a passage проход
between rows of
Student: Zhansaya Aliaskar, Foreign philology the 3rd grade.

seats in a building
such as a church
or theatre, an
aircraft, or train.
22 jet lag noun ˈdʒɛt laɡ extreme tiredness расстройство
and other physical суточного
effects felt by a биоритма в связи с
person after a дальним перелетом
long flight across
different time
23 Reclaim noun rɪˈkleɪm the action or исправление
process of
reclaiming or
being reclaimed
24 Runway noun ˈrʌnweɪ a strip of hard взлетная полоса,
ground along дорожка
which aircraft
take off and land
25 Turbulence noun ˈtəːbjʊləns violent or турбулентность
movement of air
or water, or of
some other fluid

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